10 Advantages KLINGON IMPERIAL FLEET (Star Trek)

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 427

  • @hydrogenone6866
    @hydrogenone6866 5 лет назад +114

    *"Victory is not achieved if an Empire is destroyed in order to win a war, and it is not failure if a battle is backed away from in order to preserve an Empire"*
    ~ Klingon proverb

    • @BrotherDerrick3X
      @BrotherDerrick3X 5 лет назад +12

      Or in modern English: Destroying an Empire to win a war is no victory, and ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat.

    • @artembentsionov
      @artembentsionov 5 лет назад +11

      Reminds me of a book where Enterprise-D visits a planet settled by Chinese, which has since carved out a small empire in a remote nebula. They’re as obsessed with honor as Klingons. Riker teaches their nobles how to play poker but finds it too easy to beat them. Then he realizes that they never fold. When he asks why, they claim that a true warrior never backs down from a fight. Eventually, he switched tactics and gets them to think of the game from the viewpoint of a general. A general WOULD pull forces from an unwinnable battle in order to fight another day. They accept that analogy. Another noble challenges Worf to a duel. Neither wants to back down, but killing either would result in a diplomatic incident. In the end, they choose their weapons - cards.

    • @imback3200
      @imback3200 5 лет назад

      whoooaaaa there bro/broette. lighten up, it's only a tv show/movie, not a real species. Qapla'

    • @samuelbarber4154
      @samuelbarber4154 4 года назад

      As Patton said: No poor dumb bastard ever won a war, by dying for his country, he won it, by making the other poor dumb bastard, die for his.

  • @eldorados_lost_searcher
    @eldorados_lost_searcher 5 лет назад +92

    Odo: How did you get in here?
    Koloth: I am Koloth.
    Odo: That doesn't answer my question!
    Koloth: Yes. It. Does.

    • @roadkillz78
      @roadkillz78 5 лет назад +5

      That's one of my favorite lines in Star Trek.

    • @imback3200
      @imback3200 5 лет назад +2

      I'm Batman

    • @richardlahan7068
      @richardlahan7068 5 лет назад +3

      He's a Dahar Master. Enough said!

  • @maxsmodels
    @maxsmodels 5 лет назад +66

    The Garek-Quark scene is one of the best ever.

    • @imback3200
      @imback3200 5 лет назад +1

      Garek and Quark. that's like Sadam Hussein leading Hillary Clinton

    • @steve2275
      @steve2275 5 лет назад

      mmmm root beer

    • @scottphillips5901
      @scottphillips5901 5 лет назад +1

      Ya, that series had some of the best characters, acting, and stories.

    • @steevieeray3062
      @steevieeray3062 4 года назад

      Just like the Federation.

  • @kaneo1
    @kaneo1 5 лет назад +41

    6:20 Worf's shortcut was better than the Enterprise explanation. "We do NOT discuss it with outsiders."

    • @DrewLSsix
      @DrewLSsix 5 лет назад

      Yeah, instead of it just being a history book away, unless the whole thing was somehow classified and successfully kept secret for nearly two centuries 🤷‍♂️

    • @perezfinichames
      @perezfinichames 5 лет назад

      I agree Richard! Enterprise made a lot of mistakes and that was definitely one of them.

  • @MrChupacabra555
    @MrChupacabra555 5 лет назад +26

    At about 6:25 : Yeah, I know that there are some fans who dislike this 'explanation' for why the klingons look different from The Original Series, but I for one liked it.
    It worked within the pre-established canon (using Khan's people, the Augments). Also, it was kind of a call back to "The Voyage Home", where John Schuck (the actor who plays the klingon doctor in that episode) had also played the Klingon Ambassador who wanted to execute Kirk.
    Hell, at least they tried to keep as close to canon as possible, more than can be said for some other Star Trek so-called 'prequels'.

    • @roadkillz78
      @roadkillz78 5 лет назад +3

      As long as CBS and Paramount have joint ownership of Star Trek, we may never see a Trek series true to canon. If you haven't already, look up RUclips creator Midnight's Edge. He made a documentary covering the issues of why we are not getting canon Trek. It makes a lot of sense as to why CBS is doing what they have done with STD and why Paramount is doing a Kelvin timeline.

    • @perezfinichames
      @perezfinichames 5 лет назад +5

      It worked ok Chup, but sometimes less is more. Worf's explanation in DS9 was so perfect, and they should have just left it at that. That was the problem with Enterprise. Instead of creating their own unique Stories, they kept trying to recreate the various later series in the 22nd century. Enterprise became the "we did everything first" series. Even the Borg managed to appear. All while completely ignoring stories that fit them perfectly, such as the Earth-Romulan war, or Gary 7.

    • @MrChupacabra555
      @MrChupacabra555 5 лет назад +2

      @@perezfinichames And that's one of the things that makes me mad: In the 4th season, they were actually working towards the Earth-Romulan war, while sticking to canon by having the Romulans not show their faces, or even let it be known who they were (and then Moonves "I confuse Star Trek With Star Wars" cancelled it out fo the blue). I do agree with you about the Borg episode, though (while at the same time getting a chuckle out of it being a shout out to "The Thing" ^_^).

    • @perezfinichames
      @perezfinichames 5 лет назад +1

      If there was an area of canon they SHOULD have broken, it was the "no human, Romulan or Ally has even seen the other" nonsense. There is NO WAY you fight a war without ever seeing your opponent. Even in space. Yet they kept that inexplicable nonsense but gave the Romulans cloaking tech, which they shouldn't have had.
      Enterprise had so much potential, but they were like that clutzy friend who always trips over their own shoelaces. At least they aren't the black sheep anymore. That honor falls squarely on STD. Hell, the issues I have with Enterprise are very minor compared to that abomination

    • @whatthe3382
      @whatthe3382 4 года назад

      The Borg already made themselves apart of the events on enterprise. Remember the movie first contact? Even Seven of Nine makes a reference of the Borg being there at the launch of the Phoenix.

  • @darwinxavier3516
    @darwinxavier3516 5 лет назад +7

    The K'tang was an instance showing that ship uniformity isn't always beneficial. In fact, having variety in your fleet helps to counter certain unforeseen conditions. Kinda like how the older ships in newBSG were at an advantage over more advanced ships that were susceptible to the Cylon virus.

  • @jeffgalef121
    @jeffgalef121 5 лет назад +6

    By the time the NCC-1701 faced off with the bird of prey, she was an absolute mess, being old, damaged from the Reliant and run by a skeleton crew. The bird of prey simply knocked out her automation, which was controlling nearly all the systems. Even Kruge wondered why they hadn't finished them, as he stated they outgunned them 10 to 1.

    • @Euripides_Panz
      @Euripides_Panz 5 лет назад +1

      On the one hand Kirk stated most of the battle damage had been repaired and on the other, the Commander Starfleet thought Enterprise couldn't take the pounding of another trip. Maybe he knew more about the Klingon threat after Genesis than had been revealed.

    • @rueceless7580
      @rueceless7580 4 года назад

      @@Euripides_Panz I mean by battle damage repaired it was more "We patched the holes and put out that fire in the torpedo launcher area."

    • @Euripides_Panz
      @Euripides_Panz 4 года назад

      @@rueceless7580 The torpedo room was one of the first things taken care of. They used it for Spock's burial ceremony. It would appear damage to circuitry, breakers, and computer systems required a major overhaul. Scott said something like two weeks of refitting. It wouldn't be long until elements within the Empire would conspire to kill peace talks.

    • @rueceless7580
      @rueceless7580 4 года назад

      @@Euripides_Panz I was joking about the fire. : P

    • @Euripides_Panz
      @Euripides_Panz 4 года назад

      @@rueceless7580 And have you also noticed they put out the fires on the bridge?

  • @mattrmsf
    @mattrmsf 5 лет назад +45

    Klingon physiology would've been an advantage too, I think, considering their robustness, redundant organs, and longevity. Klingon lifespans seem to be twice that of humans, which gives them a lot experience to pull on.

    • @nicolaiveliki1409
      @nicolaiveliki1409 5 лет назад +8

      By the time of DS9, Klingon natural life expectance was around 150 years, and that of humans around 100. it's funny how almost all aliens lived longer than humans...

    • @casbot71
      @casbot71 5 лет назад +10

      I posted this elsewhere before I saw your comment. ⬇️
      You forgot a big advantage, a *spare set* of internal organs.
      Called *brak'lul,* it was a series of redundancies throughout the body. This allowed Klingons to survive severe injuries in battle.
      They had twenty-three ribs, two livers, an eight-chambered heart, three lungs, two urinary tracts, and even redundant neural function as well as multiple stomachs. The extra lung also gave them greater stamina
      And they were the only known species *immune* to the Vidian _phage._ Another testament to their "remarkable" physiology.
      That is probably why Martok preferred human doctors, they had to be more skilled because they delt with more delicate patients.
      Oh, and by age 1 they were equal to a human 4 year old and by 8 were equal to a human 16 year old, even though their lifespan was up to 150 years.
      No wonder that when they devolved, they didn't turn into small primates, they became armour plated killing machines strong enough to break through a ships door unaided and able to spit venom.
      Really their resilience should have been point #10. Other races have mind probes, but Klingon anatomy is unique to…well Klingons.

    • @christiandauz3742
      @christiandauz3742 5 лет назад +3

      Yet they lose more battles against the Federation in space and close-combat
      These kilgone children would be chewtoys for the Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy!

    • @nicolaiveliki1409
      @nicolaiveliki1409 5 лет назад +3

      @@christiandauz3742 The Imperial Guard wins because of numbers, and a Lasgun that can disintegrate a car. An imperial Guardsman (not counting Astartes here) is just a human.
      The Federation wins most battles against the Klingons in the 24th century because of their better tech, but in the 23rd century, this was not the case. Even the Enterprise lost and had to retreat several time though they were the star of the show. The Klingons were supposed to be an existential threat to the Federation up until the Praxis incident.
      While STD isn't really canon, the strategies and advantages of the Klingon Empire Fleet are quite accurate there. And the victory over the Klingons was not a military victory, which would have been impossible at that time

    • @KnightsWithoutATable
      @KnightsWithoutATable 5 лет назад +2

      @@casbot71 Think of how long they would live if they had better medicine.

  • @kurisu7885
    @kurisu7885 5 лет назад +5

    That little grin as Garak calls root beer "insidious" is one of my favorite parts in all of Star Trek.

  • @jasontoddman7265
    @jasontoddman7265 5 лет назад +14

    7:00 - You make it sound like John Caicos (Kor) was the only Klingon from TOS to reprise his role. Michael Ansara (Kang) and William Campbell (Koloth) did the same, all three even appearing together in the same DS9 episode.

  • @sidrad
    @sidrad 5 лет назад +86

    Kor, Kang, and Koloth were all reprised by their original actors.

    • @Niiiiith
      @Niiiiith 5 лет назад +11

      The reason std isn’t doing as well. No loyalty

    • @85Funkadelic
      @85Funkadelic 5 лет назад +5

      @@Niiiiith When we can raise people from the dead, and reverse the effects of aging maybe that will change?

    • @Grubnar
      @Grubnar 5 лет назад +8


    • @artembentsionov
      @artembentsionov 5 лет назад

      Well, most original actors are either dead or it doesn’t make sense to put them into a show preceding TOS by 10 years. Only some actors from ENT maybe, like T’Pol, who would still be alive.

    • @perezfinichames
      @perezfinichames 5 лет назад +6

      STD's issues are MUCH deeper than that.

  • @BinaTremblay
    @BinaTremblay 5 лет назад +7

    it was a nice details in some episodes of DS9 where the more the war progress, the federation moral got lower while the klingon moral keep raising

  • @hyrinshratu
    @hyrinshratu 5 лет назад +78

    10:48 To be fair, you showed them fighting The Sisko. That's like showing ants attacking a lawn mower.

    • @kamenwaticlients
      @kamenwaticlients 5 лет назад +12

      Precisely! Hey by the end of that fight the only ones left standing was the greatest Klingon Warrior aka Worf, Dax a bat'leth master, and The Sisko. So yeah the Klingons still are tough. They just met the lawn mower as you say.

    • @KnightsWithoutATable
      @KnightsWithoutATable 5 лет назад +6

      Punched hard enough that Q couldn't even dodge!

    • @imback3200
      @imback3200 5 лет назад +3

      intrusive..., aggresive....., advesarial.

    • @teeprice7499
      @teeprice7499 5 лет назад +1

      Don't you love plot armour? *Insert eye-roll here.

  • @supsup335
    @supsup335 5 лет назад +33

    @BBEn, stop drinking only tea and stop at a pub from time to time. Cider and Stout don't drink themselves

    • @KnightsWithoutATable
      @KnightsWithoutATable 5 лет назад +1

      What about a nice, basement temperature bitter ale? It can't be all Stout all the time!

    • @arekpetrosian4965
      @arekpetrosian4965 5 лет назад

      @@KnightsWithoutATable Challenge accepted!!

  • @martinhanke1670
    @martinhanke1670 5 лет назад +5

    Number one advantage, no rules, win anyway you can, winning is everything, crush your enemies.

  • @StNicholasBrown
    @StNicholasBrown 5 лет назад +44

    Please do the Romulan fleet next

    • @artembentsionov
      @artembentsionov 5 лет назад +1

      Not much is known... which is probably an advantage.

    • @plummet3860
      @plummet3860 5 лет назад +1

      They never really did anything lol

    • @nagash303
      @nagash303 5 лет назад

      D'Deridex is my favourite ship design.

    • @windhelmguard5295
      @windhelmguard5295 5 лет назад +1

      the entire line up of warbirds are my favourites, i love it when a fleet has a consistent theme and the warbrids are awesome in that regard

  • @PandoraKin564
    @PandoraKin564 5 лет назад +8

    Remember, while weaker physically Humans adapt faster. Quicker to aggression and love huge weapons. If given the chance we could crush them. Feringnar agrees in this assessment as do the Romulans.

  • @hartsfang
    @hartsfang 5 лет назад +11

    From someone who's family has owned a tea house. You really shouldn't steep tea in boiling water all you get is bitter tannins and bury the actual tea flavor.
    The water should be a few degrees off boiling. Steep longer and lower people.

    • @arekpetrosian4965
      @arekpetrosian4965 5 лет назад +1

      I'm a coffee drinker, and yet I know this. What is the world coming to, when people don't even know how to make a proper cup of tea?

    • @smalliesmalls9601
      @smalliesmalls9601 4 года назад

      How is it even possible to steep in full boiling doesn’t it start to cool as soon as you pour the water into the cup?

  • @needparalegal
    @needparalegal 5 лет назад +14

    Stovokor and Grethor look exactly the same, except there is no blood wine in Grethor?

  • @georgewritten6903
    @georgewritten6903 5 лет назад +2

    Thumbs up! Not just for the Klingon portion, but definitely for Professor McGonagall explaining the magic of tea. Thank you.

  • @louis-karlrichard342
    @louis-karlrichard342 5 лет назад +68

    Remember the movie 300? It would take only 30 klingons instead of 300 spartans to do the same job.

    • @artonline01
      @artonline01 5 лет назад +15

      Unless they are fighting star fleet officers.

    • @youtoob4life
      @youtoob4life 5 лет назад +15

      And it would take 3 Starfleet officers to do the same against an army of Klingons.

    • @scottmurphy4946
      @scottmurphy4946 5 лет назад +10

      1 old captain vs 30 young Klingon bois

    • @youtoob4life
      @youtoob4life 5 лет назад +6

      @@scottmurphy4946 That's just cruel, no Klingon deserves that.

    • @addisonchow9798
      @addisonchow9798 5 лет назад +8

      Orbital bombardment, those Persians are particles now.

  • @attilathehun5067
    @attilathehun5067 5 лет назад +14

    100% of people chose 3.
    Oh wait, i'm the only one.
    Such power!

  • @meetoo594
    @meetoo594 5 лет назад +13

    The actor who played the original klingon played baltar in the 1970`s battlestar galactica as well didn't he?

    • @robgyanisu312
      @robgyanisu312 4 года назад

      Also played the villian, Mikkos Cassadine, on the American soap opera _General Hospital,_ back in the early '80s.

    • @meetoo594
      @meetoo594 4 года назад

      @joe bloggs I actually like both, the modern Baltar was a really well thought out complex character whereas the old one was more a traditional baddie.
      Weird they changed the Cylons backstory in the modern one although I think I prefer the fact humans engineered them rather than them being alien war drones.

    • @meetoo594
      @meetoo594 4 года назад

      @joe bloggs I think NUBSG had a lot of good ideas and the fact the weapons were nukes and missiles rather than lasers made it more realistic but yeah, it dragged on far too long and was way to much like a soap with spaceships.

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 5 лет назад +3

    You forgot a big advantage, a *spare set* of internal organs.
    Called *brak'lul,* it was a series of redundancies throughout the body. This allowed Klingons to survive severe injuries in battle.
    They had twenty-three ribs, two livers, an eight-chambered heart, three lungs, two urinary tracts, and even redundant neural function as well as multiple stomachs. The extra lung also gave them greater stamina
    And they were the only known species *immune* to the Vidian _phage._ Another testament to their "remarkable" physiology.
    That is probably why Martok preferred human doctors, they had to be more skilled because they delt with more delicate patients.
    Oh, and by age 1 they were equal to a human 4 year old and by 8 were equal to a human 16 year old, even though their lifespan was up to 150 years.
    No wonder that when they devolved, they didn't turn into small primates, they became armour plated killing machines strong enough to break through a ships door unaided and able to spit venom.
    Really their resilience should have been point #10. Other races have mind probes, but Klingon anatomy is unique to…well Klingons.

  • @EksaStelmere
    @EksaStelmere 5 лет назад +2

    Not gonna lie, the cavalry tactics and the defense of their worlds makes them by far my favourite race in the list.

  • @jameskennedy8030
    @jameskennedy8030 5 лет назад +2

    On the subject of the original ENTERPRISE, when she died she was only crewed by 5 officers and mostly run on automation.....

  • @jasonnewsham7724
    @jasonnewsham7724 5 лет назад +6

    In ST 3 the enterprise was still beat up from the Wrath of Khan

  • @Deredeo
    @Deredeo 4 года назад

    @11:02...K'Ehleyr...yes indeed Worf was a LUCKY fellow...giggiddy!!

  • @railfansteam7716
    @railfansteam7716 3 года назад +1

    I am so glad you did not include anything from the 'crud' of STD.

  • @Edd25164605
    @Edd25164605 5 лет назад +3

    Ben, I'm pretty sure it is Canon that the klingons obtained cloaking tech from the Romulans.
    During their brief Alliance the Romulans gave the Klingons cloaking tech in exchange for the latest klingon starship designs of the time
    We do see Romulans utilising D7 starships in 'The Enterprise Incident'.

    • @sheilaolfieway1885
      @sheilaolfieway1885 3 года назад +1

      And in the orginal series there were both romulan and Klingon D7's

  • @richardcrosby6682
    @richardcrosby6682 5 лет назад +1

    Can't wait to see the one for the Romulans.

  • @enoughothis
    @enoughothis 5 лет назад +5

    Do the Romulans! For Romulus and Remus!

  • @sashali6666
    @sashali6666 5 лет назад +71

    Allen dose Star Wars
    British Ben dose Star Trek
    American Ben dose Halo

  • @splo1nger909
    @splo1nger909 5 лет назад +6

    those new klingons are without honour

  • @Herowebcomics
    @Herowebcomics Год назад

    Klingons are amazing!
    Especially their martial arts!

  • @Karagianis
    @Karagianis 5 лет назад +1

    Well, it should be noted that ever time the timeline has been altered and the Klingons and Federation end up at war the Klingons always seem to be winning. Good job for starfleet someone always manages to reset the timeline at the last minute. :)

  • @MoonjumperReviews
    @MoonjumperReviews 3 года назад

    The Klingon mindsifter is something I’ve always thought needed to be revisited. As far as I recall, it’s never been mentioned again.

  • @michaelmutranowski123
    @michaelmutranowski123 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for using my 2 favorite Star Trek clips!!!!!!!

    • @GenerationFilms
      @GenerationFilms  5 лет назад +2

      Quark talking about the federation?

    • @edlippincott6205
      @edlippincott6205 5 лет назад +1

      you should add the gould and SGC from the stargate franchise to this faction comparison series

  • @katofdarkcrest
    @katofdarkcrest 5 лет назад +14

    Please don't use STD or JJTrek in your videos:they're not canon, nor are they Star Trek.

  • @Cramblit
    @Cramblit 5 лет назад

    One thing I'd love to see you talk about, is the fact that Klingons are ALWAYS about heading into battle head on, fearless, and brave. Yet at the same time they have no qualms, or problems using cloaking devices to hide.
    You'd think that'd go against both their religion, and beliefs in general about how a battle should be fought. I find it funny that they even show Klingons several times on the screen saying "I will not hide like a coward" yet.. here they are abusing cloaking every chance they get...

  • @torpedo8384
    @torpedo8384 5 лет назад +3

    Can't electronically scramble a blade. Plus Worf's Mek'leth was effective against the Borg.

  • @markfreeman4727
    @markfreeman4727 5 лет назад +24

    I always thought Starfleet were idiots, two of your greatest enemies have cloaking devices but you yourself don't develop them cause you signed a treaty with the Romulans that you know their going to circumvent or flat out ignore if they wanted to, your practically giving your enemies an advantage over you

    • @RichO1701e
      @RichO1701e 5 лет назад +4

      You sound just like former Admiral, Eric Pressman

    • @markfreeman4727
      @markfreeman4727 5 лет назад

      Rich O who?

    • @danielyeshe
      @danielyeshe 5 лет назад +1

      Mark Freeman From “The Pegasus”

    • @markfreeman4727
      @markfreeman4727 5 лет назад +1

      Daniel O'Donovan oh well he was right except the part where he got people killed

    • @danielyeshe
      @danielyeshe 5 лет назад +1

      @@markfreeman4727 I don't think we have enough data to make that determination. We don't know what the Romulans gave up.

  • @masterhypnos6783
    @masterhypnos6783 5 лет назад +1

    It should also be noted that Klingon ships are built with several redundant systems. For example, they have 2 warp cores that normally function in unison, but each are capable of powering the entire ship should 1 be damaged and go offline.

  • @alluringming
    @alluringming 4 года назад

    Warrior races are awesome. We need a warrior show down. ^^ klingons, sagheliie, mandelorians, krogans, the clans (battletech) and whatever else is out their, one from each series lol

  • @randyranderson690
    @randyranderson690 5 лет назад

    Years ago I read a novel called The Final Reflection. It's a story that pre-dates TOS. It's about a klingon captain that goes to be an envoy of the Klingons to earth and meet with the federation and other diplomats. The entire story is from the klingon point of view and one of my favorites. Look it up, it's very enjoyable

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 5 лет назад +1

    *Advice: Ads.* a modern *vice.*
    Put break points _between_ the number points so that youtube ads are inserted there, instead of in the middle of a # dialogue.
    *Lore Reloaded* does that, except he has actual "network promos", you would just need to designate spots that are appropriate for breaks. Right now they appear in the middle of sentences.
    Not everyone (or anyone) has RUclips RED.

  • @JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701
    @JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 5 лет назад

    Ha great Episode!
    Finally this channel shows that Klingons are above humans!
    It is like Nitsche said..: "Man is something to overcome"

  • @steve2275
    @steve2275 5 лет назад

    3:06 6 i think 3:38 is their best advantage thanks ben

  • @Elthenar
    @Elthenar 5 лет назад

    Kor was awesome. Both as the young, polite but menacing officer and the aged, boisterous Dahar Master.

  • @JaelaOrdo
    @JaelaOrdo 5 лет назад +2

    Now I want some tea

  • @mb2000
    @mb2000 5 лет назад +1

    Kahless also said “Today is a good day to remodulate your shields”. To be fair though, when has Worf ever faced an enemy that would require changing shield frequencies!?

  • @kurisu7885
    @kurisu7885 5 лет назад +1

    I imagine a big reason the Klingons used melee weapons was one for the "shock and awe" effect and two to humiliate their ranged weapon using enemies.

  • @commanderkruge
    @commanderkruge 3 года назад

    The "old Klingon look": It's not just lack of budget, but also a lot of the makeup techniques that today are standard (foam rubber face prosthetics that are flexible and allow an actor to mimic through them, but can take hot stage lights at the same time without desintegrating) simply weren't available yet at that time. One could almost say: Thank god they decided to simply paint the Klingon's faces. I mean - look at the TOS Tellarites (in the episode "Journey to Babel") - That's what their face prosthetics looked like back then. :D

  • @ajrtorres
    @ajrtorres 5 лет назад +1

    Romulans or the cardassian nxt please

  • @jerryricks8389
    @jerryricks8389 5 лет назад

    That is a brilliant essay. Nobody but me even caress about this trivia.

  • @prismaticbeetle3194
    @prismaticbeetle3194 5 лет назад +1

    omg quark describes the federation perfectly

  • @rake483
    @rake483 5 лет назад

    Pretty good video. Much better reasoning than in the Star Fleet videos.

  • @ServantOfOdin
    @ServantOfOdin 5 лет назад +4

    Cavalry-style? It sounds more like guerilla-style tactics, rattling the enemy with a small force and then lie in wait to do a second, more devastating attack once the enemy tries to repair the damage...

    • @PlatinumDragon2003
      @PlatinumDragon2003 4 года назад

      Native Americans were also masters of this tactic. The significant difference was that the Native Americans one upped the rest by leading their enemies into ambushes instead of relying solely on the success of an initial attack followed by a more devastating one a couple of hours later. To keep one's enemies off balance at all times is better than to trust in luck because luck is fickle.

  • @nightstrikessds9027
    @nightstrikessds9027 3 года назад

    Dude the most famous battle or operation should be "The Great Tribble Hunt".

  • @rumblerider89
    @rumblerider89 5 лет назад +16

    Borg next plz

    • @MB-xo2lx
      @MB-xo2lx 5 лет назад +1

      Ha! I was about to write the same, when I saw your comment.

  • @johnq.public3815
    @johnq.public3815 5 лет назад +1

    Number 4's example was a bad one. The Enterprise was already severely damaged and was crewed by five people. The fact that Klingons almost lost the battle at the start is just sad. But I guess it does reinforce the notion that they are lucky though.

  • @djsharky3822
    @djsharky3822 5 лет назад +1

    10:30 KILL WARF, KILL WARF, KILL WARF!!!- LT. Warf's Bachelor party & Wedding(DS9)

  • @tommiegunn2043
    @tommiegunn2043 5 лет назад +6

    Klingon Sto-Vo-Kor and Vikings Valhalla are similar concepts

    • @texasabbott
      @texasabbott 5 лет назад

      tommie gunn Klingon Gre’thor and Vikings’ Ikea are similar concepts

    • @Skyfire_The_Goth
      @Skyfire_The_Goth 4 года назад

      I think they used the Norse myths and architecture as a basis for the Klingon culture, Klingon myths are similar to Norse myths, Klingon architecture is similar to what we know of ancient Norse architecture, even their warrior lifestyle is reminiscent of what many people think of when they think of Norse or Viking. Several alien species in star trek seem to have their basis in ancient Earth civilizations.

  • @bladerunner4583
    @bladerunner4583 4 года назад


  • @shanegraham2500
    @shanegraham2500 4 года назад

    I'd vote 5. Love me some Klingons - Space biker-vikings.

  • @jimhouse3081
    @jimhouse3081 5 лет назад +1

    1:46 just an FYI the USS defiant has on the head of the ship, a antimatter nuke, which was designed at a last ditch effort to take the Borg out.

    • @DrewLSsix
      @DrewLSsix 5 лет назад

      That makes the least amount of sense anything is capable of making.

    • @jimhouse3081
      @jimhouse3081 5 лет назад

      @@DrewLSsix you must have not watch DS9 than. They talk about it when the first get her

  • @danball45
    @danball45 5 лет назад

    The Romulans did give the Klingons cloaking tech in the TOS. The Klingons gave them D-7 ships in trade, of course they were stripped hulls, just like the cloaks would work once then blow up. In one episode Kang, (one of the Klingons reappearing in DS9) tore one apart, and repaired it just so that he knew how.

  • @stevenewman1393
    @stevenewman1393 Год назад

    🖖😎👍Very cool and very nicely well done and informatively explained and executed in every way possible and provided indeed, Kapla👌.

  • @SamuelJamesNary
    @SamuelJamesNary 5 лет назад +2

    Cloaking technology is not necessarily that effective, primarily in the sense that in Star Trek, it consumes so much power that it cannot have its shields up nor fire while cloaked. And this flaw was applied to both the Romulans and Klingons, the two species that used the technology... and was largely consistent across TOS through to TNG. And Federation engineers would also exploit various limitations in the technology in order to either detect cloaked ships or give some reasonable guess as to where they are, killing the advantage of surprise. For example while Chang's Bird of Prey could fire while cloaked, the Klingons had not found a way to avoid releasing gas into space as a means of engine exhaust, which Spock and Uhara caught onto. And this lead into the destruction of Chang's ship...
    And at the same time, while the Klingons did develop a Bird of Prey that could fire while cloaked... it was never duplicated. Chang's ship was the only one, which would mean that either Chang and his crew were heavily involved in the development of the systems that allowed it, thus when his Bird of Prey was destroyed, there was no one that could duplicate the technology... or the Khitomer Accords also required the Klingons not to engage in such research... or Chang had actually gotten the idea from the Romulans... As the Romulan Ambassador was involved in the conspiracy to prevent peace between the Klingons and the Federation, combined with the fact that by "Nemesis" the Scimitar had managed to negate all of the vulnerabilities of cloaking technology while at no point in the same period did the Klingons ever seem to match it during the Dominion War.
    It should also be noted that the Dominion, who as far as we know from DS9 had never run into anyone that used cloaking devices in the Gamma Quadrant had also seemed to be able to see through even Romulan cloaking technology. Now... perhaps the Dominion had to deal with other sorts of anomalies in the Gamma Quadrant that would require advanced sensor ability that went beyond what the Federation had, and thus their ability to detect cloaked ships was merely a result of that development that was unexpected... but it would also mean that the Klingons and their use of cloaking technology by itself wouldn't be that huge of an advantage. In this, I'd put much of the Klingon's success in the Dominion War on Martok's tactical/strategic skill than on Klingon technology.

  • @goodknight5783
    @goodknight5783 5 лет назад +1

    Klingons had cloaking tech and Romulans were often shown in Klingon ships repainted. It is not a leap to infer trades between the 2 empires.
    Or maybe they had only a few models to use and cloaking devices on Klingon ships opened up plot lines for future use?

  • @markplott4820
    @markplott4820 5 лет назад

    the KDF or Klingon defence force is Quite effective because its Purely a Military Organization, and as such their Tactics of Deploying Klingon battle crusiers in a Wolfpack formation made them very effective in Patrolling their part of Space controlled my the Klingon KDF and the Nutral Zone. this is in Contrast to the Starfleet edict of having just ONE starship having to Patrol multiple Sectors alone. which can mean being Undermanned for Missions including Rescue, Relocation, Evacuations etc.

  • @bigvi
    @bigvi 5 лет назад +3

    I thought the Klingons never invented warp tech, they took it from a race that invaded.

    • @kingofthespazs
      @kingofthespazs 3 года назад

      That has been removed from canon for a while now the klingons fought off the hurq but they have no concrete proof of either stealing warp drive from them in canon.

  • @dparky1627
    @dparky1627 5 лет назад +1

    To be fair, Starfleet didn't have purpose-built warships until the Borg and the Dominion started kicking their collective teeth down their throat. True warships would have reactive armor, better shields, better weapons, and internal compartmentalization that Starfleet vessels lack. Oh, and let's not forget a command deck that's buried deep inside the hull under layers of battle steel.
    I'm not suggesting that the Klingon Defense Force (KDF) had any of this, but most KDF ships were warships. They were designed from the keel out to fight and win battles. Most Starfleet ships were explorer or science vessels that just happened to be armed, albeit minimally in my opinion.

  • @Potrimpo
    @Potrimpo 5 лет назад +1

    EXCEPT in 1947, it was the Ferengi that crashed in Roswell, and they escaped with their shuttle and returned to the 24th century.

  • @astrobot4017
    @astrobot4017 5 лет назад +11

    Ahhh, the game's "afoot", huh?

  • @cherubin7th
    @cherubin7th 4 года назад +1

    If they die in betrayal of the empire, they will have to work in the office for eternity. Worse than hell.

  • @Deathpenalty66
    @Deathpenalty66 5 лет назад +1

    Y'all should throw some non imperial 40k factions in your next series. There's kind of a lot of them

    • @lukasperuzovic1429
      @lukasperuzovic1429 5 лет назад +1

      Anyone but the Tau. We don't need weeaboo blue/grey leathery communist sheep people who can't fight in CnC.

    • @Deathpenalty66
      @Deathpenalty66 5 лет назад

      @@lukasperuzovic1429 yeah, there a ton of non-space commie factions that aren't lame to use

  • @notaclerk1
    @notaclerk1 5 лет назад

    Klingons used Edged weapons for similar reasons the Japanese did in ww2 when many more destructive weapons were available. The discipline of handling the blades ..the tradition of learning and owning blades. They never run out of power of ammo... They can not ne shut down by power dampeners. And nothing is as glorious as gutting an enemy with a blade. Also the thought of the Bet'leth caused a deep seeded psychological fear just like the Katana that your death would be bloody slow and painful as apposed to a disruptor blowing you apart

  • @danerrickson311
    @danerrickson311 5 лет назад +1

    Do the romulan empire

  • @moman1701a
    @moman1701a 5 лет назад


  • @trek98597
    @trek98597 5 лет назад

    Good Job! I like the way you explain things.

  • @ericthom726
    @ericthom726 5 лет назад

    The fact that DS9 brought back the original Klingon actors was one of the reasons it was a good series

  • @loganskiwyse7823
    @loganskiwyse7823 4 года назад

    I've always thought that the Klingons had a weapon or device similar to a EMP that knocked out most beam based weapon technologies for a considerable period of time. This makes good sense for them for several reasons, not only would it force others to fight hand to hand but the Klingons themselves where physically superior to most other races in hand to hand combat. Add in their extensive training in hand to hand combat and this makes even more sense. Of course we never see this in any of the shows but I put that down to a failure of the writers to think of it before I did.

  • @Namelesswhirl
    @Namelesswhirl 5 лет назад +2

    Don't worry Ben... Independence Day is only around the corner.

  • @giovanorganis3653
    @giovanorganis3653 3 года назад

    3:29 perfect cut

  • @springtrapstarwar5557
    @springtrapstarwar5557 5 лет назад +1

    I love the Klingon Empire

  • @Battleship009
    @Battleship009 5 лет назад +7

    I laughed when I heard the conversation that started at 8:15 end.

    • @darwinxavier3516
      @darwinxavier3516 5 лет назад +1

      Make a man fear you, and he'll follow til he can kill you in a moment of weakness. Make a man respect and like you, and he'll defend you in your moment of weakness.

  • @JeanLucCaptain
    @JeanLucCaptain 5 лет назад +1

    romulans and dominion PLEASE

  • @Schlipperschlopper
    @Schlipperschlopper 5 лет назад

    Klingon D7 and K´tinga class were and still are bad ass, love them! Give me small fleet of them with a brave crew and we will stomp on Star Wars planet destroyers and death stars. Jesus I want Klingons fighting against Vader & the Imperator :-))

  • @dramspringfeald
    @dramspringfeald 2 года назад

    I do love the Klingon melee weapons were specifically chosen BECAUSE they were bad. It gave them a disadvantage in combat so it would be a more even fight with lesser races.

  • @bingobangoist
    @bingobangoist 3 года назад

    Klingons had a treaty with the romulans, Klingons gave them ship designs, romulans gave them cloaks. This has been in print in the star wars encyclopedia since the 90s. Is this been retconned?

  • @igbotimehopper64yearsago46
    @igbotimehopper64yearsago46 3 года назад +1

    @generation films what do you think about terra prime

  • @mrcoiganable2988
    @mrcoiganable2988 4 года назад +2

    I stood up when the national anthem came on

  • @dparky1627
    @dparky1627 5 лет назад

    The Bat'leth definitely falls under the Rule of Cool, but I'd probably still take a katana any day.

  • @robertmonroe6434
    @robertmonroe6434 5 лет назад +1

    Honor to You; and your House..... Q'Plah!

  • @kyleellis9177
    @kyleellis9177 5 лет назад

    Id say i want you to do the Cardassians but ya know they got wiped out in our last cannon appearance and have like 8 ships and had the culture rearranged so no real idea what they are actually like.

  • @blackconsevative
    @blackconsevative 5 лет назад +1

    Romulan Star Empire Advantages and Disadvantages

  • @jasonnewsham7724
    @jasonnewsham7724 5 лет назад

    Even the Klingon captain expected to loose

  • @Encaru
    @Encaru 5 лет назад +1

    Ok point of order that bop only killed the enterprise because it was old disabled and run by all of 4 people for a ship meant to be run by hundreds. Even with Scottys jury rigged system (which he even aknowladged was weak and "lit up like a Christmas tree.") there was never an intent to take it into battle.

  • @springtrapstarwar5557
    @springtrapstarwar5557 5 лет назад

    I love klingons.