I remember when Geo Exe used some of the songs in this soundtrack. For years I searched for this game's soundtrack but no a avail. It was only an Aboveup video (you should check the channel out btw) where did a review on this game and then I heard this song and others that Geo Exe used. I jumped on this OST as fast as I could. Can't believe it took me years to find this...
go to 1:20 for feels if you've seen an animated show that has an episode takes place in a desert where the protagonist makes a major sacrifice (Possibly supermaning a train) for the greater good/a love interest.
Probably my fave in the OST or at least in Top 5
Same man
I remember when Geo Exe used some of the songs in this soundtrack. For years I searched for this game's soundtrack but no a avail. It was only an Aboveup video (you should check the channel out btw) where did a review on this game and then I heard this song and others that Geo Exe used. I jumped on this OST as fast as I could. Can't believe it took me years to find this...
go to 1:20 for feels if you've seen an animated show that has an episode takes place in a desert where the protagonist makes a major sacrifice (Possibly supermaning a train) for the greater good/a love interest.
also at 3:10!
I abused the hell outta the Grenade power... omg was it OP...