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  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • Ignited in Christ is a ministry for believers in Jesus Christ in South Africa focusing on the truth that will set the Bride of Jesus Christ free (John 8:32).
    It has, after the recording of this teaching, been revealed to us that the spiritual root of the dualism in the Latter Rain Mission Int (as well as in many, if not all, charismatic churches) is the baptism of believers by full immersion in water. This came into the Apostolic Faith Mission from Alexander Dowie's Zionist Church and the American Evangelists (such as John G Lake) that came to South Africa and spread this false doctrine, first in the AFM and from there to the Latter Rain Mission.
    We suppose that the fact that the LRM under Ouma Fraser baptised by three (3) times immersion in water, once for each of the members of the false trinity, made the strong kabbalistic witchcraft inherent in the baptism by full immersion even stronger and bound the members of the LRM even more.
    A RENUNCIATION PRAYER for the Latter Rain Mission is to be found under "Prayers" on our web page at

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