I’ve been using Logic Pro Drummer as a scratch track while I write. Once I have the basic structure, I program drums over the whole track, refining them bit by bit until the song flows exactly how I want. Then I learn to play that programmed part on my acoustic set. I’m not a good drummer, so it takes a little while to get a good take down, but the end result sounds way more natural than programmed drums, so I definitely prefer it.
I would think unless you go to a recording studio and get your set tuned etc and the fact you said you struggle to play, are you sure the real kit is the best way to go?
That's the way I might have to go. Being just a bedroom composer for personal projects in just can't allow myself to pay 399 Euros for Superior Drummer haha.
Trying to program the drums first for an idea that I have is definitely the biggest downfall for me. Attempting to program everything perfectly to the riffs I have in mind and either forgetting the original ideas and/or getting frustrated and losing all inspiration. But I think that was the point of your video, thanks man.🤘
I'm a pretty good keyboard drummer, so I tended to just play parts with no programming. BUT, being a "good" drummer doesn't mean you're a creative drummer. I realized that I'm limited by the fact that drums are not my main instrument. That's where MIDI drum grooves are extremely useful. I had to get over the idea that using grooves is cheating to actually improve my writing. Now, I look at more as getting help from a studio musician than cheating. It allows me to spend more time on keyboards (my main instrument) and actually writing the song. Great channel, BTW. Just subbed.
I dont know why no one talks about the rimshot feature on the toontrack libraries. In the piano roll, if you use the key D1, is going to be a Center hit, but the key E1 is an actual rimshot. It Sounds way more powerful and its easier to mix a punchy snare. I don't know if it's the same with the library presented on this video, but the progressive SDX and EZX Rimshots sound extremely similar to the snare used on Select Difficulty by Periphery. Sorry for my english and Cheers from Puerto Rico.
I usually program VERY basic drums to the riffs to catch the genreal feel (kick on the 1 and 2 snare on 3 and 4 for example) and when the song structure is finished I refine the drums
That's how I used to do it until I started doing this, pretty much the same idea though, placeholder drums. I like this better just because they feel more complete and less loopy, but I did it the way you're describing for years
@@treyxaviermusic Sometimes I'll know exactly what I want ahead of time, even complicated beats. I've also looked thru existing beats to find something different. I came up with some interesting new song parts that way.
@@treyxaviermusic I'm pretty impressed with this. It definitely sound less loopy. I play guitar and bass, and suck very much at drums so..... i program nothing creative.
I start off with EZ Drummer2, EZ Keys, and EZ Bass-all opened in my DAW. I pick a groove from each (say Blues) and I dive in with a guitar, an idea and a feel. And presto-I don't have to haul an entire drum kit in my vehicle. Great video. Many Thanks.
That's exactly how I do it too. I'm not as knowledgeable about drums as I am Bass and Guitar. Thanks for the video. I learned a couple new tricks. i'm looking forward to your songwriting course. That's definitely my weakness.
My actual songwriting process, circa 1986: Day One: spend 12 to 18 hours programming drums. Day Two: spend at least 8 hours fixing mistakes from day one... This is better. I really hate most modern music because far too much of it has stillborn drum tracks from groove boxes program kind of as an afterthought. I like actual drums and actual drummers because I actually play drums. But, to get that live feel requires an investment. This thing here is amazing, that you can get there as fast as you did. Thanks for the video. Now who do I see about getting all those hours of my life back?
Really helpful tutorial info and explanation of your programming workflow, thanks for this. I've used Addictive Drums 2 for a lot of years and only now switched to Superior Drummer 3. The sound quality of AD2 is really good, but the leap in program capability, variety of drum grooves available and sonic variety and quality available with SD3 is staggering. Really looking forward to diving into this new workflow--very helpful to have found your video Trey, cheers brother! Subscribed.
I bought an Electric Kit so I could learn to play drums and I could play at all hours. Best decision I ever made musically besides picking up the guitar.
I did the same. I thought I was gonna suck but I picked it up fast and I'm having a blast with it. I also use samples that I made myself with my friend's high end kit, so the samples are all original.
I find the closest most BASIC boom, tat, boom, tat beat. The least bass drum variation type. I run it for 5 minutes or so. Unless the beat is plain wrong, you should be able to play over the beat. Playing accents that you feel on your instrument of choice (me, guitar). when you play it back your brain will feel the accents with the beat. I've forgotten cool ideas dicking with drums when I should have been documenting. After your initial documentation, you program the real deal. It's faster, you don't lose that potential hit song from distraction. Or at least in my opinion. Never lose the moment, consider these words. Protect your creative process.
I just make them by hand cause i’m acostumed and i make them so the arrangements fit the instruments. I’ve tryed this drum libraries and such but i have to edit so much stuff that it’s slower xd
Also let's mention you can add hits on the kick or snare by turning the dial that will change the groove a lot so you can have different ones based on the original... and also dragging into the song creator... so 👌
I've struggled for a long time with programming realistic drums into my DAW As you commented by the time you program drums your song ideas have gone. I had no issues years ago when drum machines were the thing because it was already loaded with drum patterns. What I was doing is to program a basic beat to play the song parts too. Once I've created the basis of the song I then write the drums by playing along using a keyboard on midi tracks with quantize off. I then go in to tidy up anything thats out of time by pulling it closer to where it ought to be. I then make sure that bass drums are louder on the second of double hits and modify velocities on snares and hi hats finally I go in and delete hi hats when toms snares and cymbal hits mean that you'd need an octopus to play it rather than a drummer. Even doing all that I'm never happy. I guess I just need to keep working on perfecting the imperfections
Thanks for showing the tap2find feature. I usually just go though the grooves provided and just grab one that i think works. It's a cruder version of what you're doing because I know nothing about drums but I'm learning.
Regarding fills, the thing I never understood was they had a singular purpose that dictates where they should be. They're the signal to the rest of the band (and listener) that you're moving into another section. So a change of tempo, time sig, key etc should all be precended by a fill. And it shouldn't be needlessly crazy. Just something that, if a guitarist or vocalist loses what bar you're on at any moment the fill is that signal to get back in sync. Once that was explained to me I became much better at programming drums. And just understanding band shit (since I've never been in a band...I'm so lonely. Also very drunk)
I don’t think that’s completely true. Fills fulfil multiple purposes. And signalling to band members is the least important of them. The first is telling the listener they’re about to hear something new. The second is to create rhythmic interest. The third is to create syncopation. What you described would really only apply if you have band members with horrible memories. They should be paying attention to where they’re at.
@@crescendo5594 Well I heard it from a professional drummer on Drumeo so I think I'll take their advice for now. It is also for the listeners, though, that's true. But then why can't the same be true for the band. The drummer is what keeps a band in rhythm. I just watched Count Me In on Netflix last night and Topper Headen (The Clash) said the band used to lose their place because they'd get so into showing off and they'd always just turn to the him for a cue to get back in place.
@@LukeWatts85 It’s just a very basic explanation. There are a lot of professional drummers who haven’t got a creative bone in their body. If you want good percussive advice, throw the articles in the trash and listen to what the best drummers are doing and when they’re doing it. Here’s an example: Chicago’s “Make Me Smile” Completely breaks that guideline. It’s nice to have guidelines, as the standard, if you’re learning. But nothing is set in stone in music, including percussion. Drums serve different purposes for different types of music, for different emotions, and for different play styles. Drums are an instrument just like the guitar, vocal, or orchestral arrangement. You have dynamics, accents, groove, leading, etc. Don’t do percussion an injustice by following a basic guideline just because a professional said it on Drumeo. Let the song determine the beat.
@@crescendo5594 Yes, but drums have a core purpose in a band. Rhythm and to move a song through different parts. This video is talking geared towards beginners most likely. And I just thought I'd share what helped me understand that a bit better. I listen to a lot of drummers talking over on drumeo and they all say similar things about remembering the drummers purpose. And usually that means not going all fancy and flashy until your very comfortable with a band, and them with you. But here we are debating what a real drummer does on a video all about programmed drum grooves. This is silly
@@LukeWatts85 Programmed drums are no different than live recorded drums when it comes to the philosophy of their purpose. I think it’s important for people to remember that drums are a musical instrument, and not just your metronome and an alarm clock for the hook. Of course drums play a role, but it’s not always the same role song to song or group to group. Some music is much more percussive driven than other music. Knowing what makes the song better is everyone in a group’s role, or if it’s a single composer, he’s filling however many individual roles.
Because they say it's royalty free but there's fine print. Any loops from midi packs used can't be used in songs to go on spotify, itunes, youtube etc. The songs will be limited for distribution.
I’ve always done it basically the exact same way you show here, but I’ve learned a lot about drum programming so I’ve been programming more of them myself with decent enough results.
There is no need to drag the midi into Pro Tools. Start your track and then click the relevant midi file in Superior Drummer and you can still preview with your track playing. This works in Logic so I assume it is the same in Pro Tools.
I was a pro drummer for about a decade before getting into producing music. Creating drum parts is not a problem for me but this video still gave me inspiration! I can create drum part templates then just write in the fills.
If I'm programming from scratch, like to input the KICK and SNARE first to create a rudimentary beat. I feel like 90% of all drum grooves essentially reduce to We Will Rock You, the famous break from Amen Brother, or a "Four On The Floor" beat.
I'm a guitarist in my band but I program the drums for our own recordings. I can play the drums somewhat decent but nowhere near the level my drummer is. Although I can't replicate what my drummer does physically on the set as good as him, I have an understanding of what he's doing. So I just study videos we take during practice and map it out as close as I can. Very tedious process... 😅 but while I'm writing song ideas I usually program plain beats that fit the rhythm till I get a backbone of the song and I put the bells and whistles on afterwards. I'll have to give this a try, thanks for the knowledge. 🤙🤙🤙
I use SSD5 and a lot of Ugritone MIDI grooves, because that's what I can afford, but I've been doing this for a couple years, all because of your "Random Drum Grooves" videos! I'll generally even do drums first, and then write my other instruments around that, because that's just easier for me for my workflow
Logic's Drummer track is pretty incredible really. It sounds pretty natural and is quite flexible. The only issue is for faster stuff and more hard metal genres they don't really have any 'drummers' for. So if you want blast beats or any kind of double bass you'd have to program that by hand. For most other stuff though it works pretty well.
This is SO accurate. Drummer is amazing, but there are glaring weaknesses that Apple doesn't bother addressing and won't let third parties address. I use Drummer almost always, but when it doesn't work, it doesn't work at ALL and you have to go elsewhere.
This is just an advert for midi drum packs. I don't need midi drum packs to write a song, i'm perfectly capable of writing my own drum patterns, and using a basic beat to start off, it's easy to to learn drum programming, save yourself some money and learn.
Nobody NEEDS anything to write a song really, I'm also capable of programming drums, and I do it all the time. I just don't need to stop and do it in the middle of writing a song when I should be writing instead. These are mostly just placeholders until you hand your song off to a real drummer anyway.
I used to really do all the programming by hand. I'd like to think I'm Okay at programming drums. It's a lot of work, though. I've been playing with EzDrummer 2's version of the stuff you're showing off, and it's opening my mind. I actually have been using Logic Pro X's drummer plugin as well since it came out. It's kind of stylistically limited, and the direct controls you get for changing the sound are sometimes just what you don't want... and yet you can comp up an entire song with it. It feels weird sometimes, yet there's a dice roll quality to it that lets you make surprisingly intricate grooves.
I love the stock drumming feature! Its cool how, like you said, its more of a dice roll and you have to get kind of lucky to get something good. Good news is you can always right click and convert it to midi and that way you can customize it perfectly to how you want. That made me start using it again simply for a fast starting point
this was fantastic, thank you. as someone who plays instruments and sings but sucks at drums, this gave me some confidence about how to find a workflow for this in my songwriting process.
Same man. I'm just a guitarist/songwriter who lives around NOONE ELSE lol. I feel so hindered by my inability to program drums quickly with a good riff. I have heard some ppl can actually sync midi drums (like the bass drum) with their guitar, though I haven't seen it yet.
@@JamesHall937 I'm definitely in the same boat as both you guys, but I'd be lying if I said this gave me confidence..not because of the information given at all, but all because of my lack of understanding of drums/recording/mixing. Everyone says this day and age you don't need to go to a studio, yet once I got the proper gear and finally set it up I'm thinking I dunno wtf I am doing lol I put so much time into creation and songwriting/learning instruments and I have a lot to show.. but once I mix with technology my brain is like cya you're on your own lol. I've been trying to get a system down where I can just crank out all the tunes I've written over the years but I still feel far away from understanding the recording world. My first album I went to a studio and recorded vocals/guitar/bass and the sound engineer added drums for me on the spot and I feel that really hurt my recordings and the overall vision I had for the album.
Totally agree. For me, Tonntrack's products are vital to keep my inspirational flow going when it counts. A song idea hits you in the shower and you just need to get a nice beat laid down quickly, just find a nice groove in Ezdrums and off you go! Programming drums is fine afterwards, some touch-ups and stuff, but my creative flow would instantly stop if I had to program from scratch. That's crazy! :)
I like to build drum track in SD3 I think it gives you more options Like switching power hand on any midi file Or crash at beginning of midi file, or just taking the bass drum pattern out of a midi file just by click and drag.
I just bounce back and forth from an electronic kit recording a MIDI track to recording guitar. IMO it kicks the shit out of programming because it's quicker and super flexible
Trey I always refer back to this video, you have such a solid and streamlined way of writing music, super admire that. Thank you so much for these videos!
Aside from piano lessons, drums were my real first performance instrument. So, rather than program drums? I opt to use a cheap e-kit to write the midi. Although, re-triggering and wonky hits are a very real trade off doing it that way. I usually approach drum projects recorded via software with more of a DEMO mentality, but it is always possible to go in and do a deep dive to seriously clean up an E-Kit performance into a "keeper".
Notice you use MIDI editing in your daw vs the MIDI editor in SD3 in most of your videos. I find the SD3 editor is way easier with how it labels out the drums. Do you ever use the the built in editor?
Love it! I pretty much do the same except I edit the midi notes on the actual SD3 program. I like labeling the parts and seeing the midi patterns /blocks at the bottom and it makes it easier to rearrange the parts if I change up the song I'm writing. Good stuff!
I pretty much do exactly what you did in your video. Biggest difference is that I don't do many tweaks to the patterns until I get to the hook. I always want my hook to "open up" and have the most movement and/or emotion. I'll tend to work there first and have the verse patterns help float the melody and accompaniment toward that lift in the hook/chorus.
For me music is about being creative and learning what I can and implementing it. Nothing feels as smooth as making your own song and having no help from anyone, rather than using a bunch of dif people's ideas and claiming some right to it. I tried to do drag and drop music and it just didn't work but when I just fiddle around with stuff use effects and try stuff out I'm usually satisfied. But to each is own
Late to the party here, but my 2 bits: I have a load of midi files and audio loops (Loop Loft) and almost none of them fit the groove that I want, so yes, for my "original" songs I have to settle for something incompatible or slog through programming my own drums. BUT, I find it much more satisfying to "collaborate" with whoever programmed the MIDI tracks and audio loops, and come up with something that locks in with those. Neither approach is as good as having a good drummer at hand and working the groove out in person, but we live life where we are.
I write all the instruments, including drums, in guitar pro. the other members in my band use guitar pro and I’m the only one who has a daw and audio interface, like it’s 2005. And then I get to do all the demos myself.
No most people cant track a good drum track in that time. This video is for mere mortals like the rest of us. I honestly think its cool that you were able to learn to do that though. Especially in a reasonable amount of time that didn’t take away too much from your other creative work. Nice job and good luck!
@@judgegroovyman It's literally no different than recording a chord progression. Of course you get better at it with time, but it takes next to no effort to get a basic drum pattern down without any drum experience.
programming drums is especially pain in the butt when you're trying to "emulate the drummer" and getting the groove, as oftentimes it doesn't feel as spicy.
I generally TAB out my Drums in Guitar Pro along with everything else, then Mute all the other Instrument Tracks & Highlight then "Export As MIDI" just the Drum Track to then Drag & Drop in my DAW (Reaper). Or, I'll play my Alesis Crimson II SE eKit & record my performance then edit what I need to to fix any messy parts up or add a fill I am unable to actually play myself, or maybe replace a fill I dislike with a better fitting MIDI Fill Sample, etc...
I'm coming back to music and wanting to start recording my own stuff again. I used to use Nuendo with Addictive Drums, Amplitube and other software. What's the new thing now? Nuendo is still relevant? Cubase?
I pretty much write with the sd3 the same way, but I always use the grid editor in the sd3 instead. Send much easier to edit and use the more hours function. How come you don’t use the grid editor in sd3?
Hi , great video 👏🏻i have a question , When I program drums with a keyboard I usually play a basic beat , Kick , Snare & Hi-hat. Then I play (on keyboard too) my open hihats , ghost notes & drum rolls, cymbals etc on a separate midi track, quantize later & bounce both tracks together into a wav, Is there a way to record the extra midi rolls etc all on the same track without wiping my basic beat ? Also what does the quantize swing button do ? Thanks
Wouldnt it be more practical to just play the desired groove on a midi kit? You always get the perfect groove doing it this way in my opinion. And theres not much work needed to adjust the midi. Nick broomhall did it and now i got my own midi drum kit and its been the best 400$ ive ever invested. So fun bro! And a big upgrade workflow wise
I mean, if you play drums well enough then that’s always preferable. I’m okay at the drums and I do it like that sometimes, it really depends, but pretty often I’d rather use a groove from a real drummer (who is groovy, whereas I am not lol) and modify it to fit the part
I don't know about others but I can't use loops because they're always wrong for what I intend. I'm not a drummer but a guitarist, although I've thought on more than one occasions that I'm probably a frustrated drummer deep inside haha. I love drums, percussion and groove and swing!!! I write songs on guitar and record a guide track then use a Akai MPD218 which is just a 4x4 drum pad thingie with GREAT pads. I use the finger drumming technique I learned from XpressPads which has a RUclips channel and on top of that I cheat as hard as I can and it's all much faster and fits my music much better than any MIDI library could even get close to. And yeah, Superior Drummer 3.0 is da bomb hehe! I use that for all my real kit needs !!!
I usually begin with Guitar Pro, just to get down the basic idea, mainly because I'm often not able to play what I envision in my head properly on the guitar at first. Many ideas seem really great at first but after some time just feel generic or lame, but if the idea seems good after some time I start making a full song out of it, learning it on guitar and how to sing it. It's not until I make the final version I'm programming drums in Logic with Superior drummer, and I usually do it by using a drum groove from the library but usually change it a bit to how I envision it in my mind. It's sometimes time consuming to find the right groove so to use the Tap2find feature seems like a great idea, thanks for the tip.
I use basically the same flow except once I find the groove I want, I use song creator which puts together entire song variations with options to swap out sections like chorus and bridge, etc.
I wish there were portable triggers that you could play finger drums on. Imagine an external hard drive, plugged into a tiny module (powered by 12 v car plug or ac outlet). Your phone would control pad assignments through an app (like Positive Grid's Spark). The app would not contain all the extra data of Superior Drummer 3 so it would be a fast & light program. This would be a drummer's version of a practice amp. Best yet, once you get back to the studio, you could export the beats into a DAW as MIDI and use normal Superior drummer 3 to use its full capacity.
@@treyxaviermusic I had forgotten to say that the pads were all separate and Bluetooth so you could form them into different set shapes and such. When I read it back I laughed at how it sounded just like an MPC. Isolated buttons with a slight tackiness to stick on any surface would be crazy. Problem is they will lose the stick, so it's better to use softer rubber to at least hold any or most placements.
impressive tech specially few years back buuuuut, really: if you know what you want, you can program it playing it yourself way faster than having to go through all those building a beat process. The shoulder dance though ....... thaaat's groove! 😀
cool advice. I'll have to try this. I've been programming by hand for decades, but I always try to put myself mentally behind a kit, and I've picked up a few things from drummers over the years. It's still nowhere near as good as a real drummer but I usually get really good sounding demos out of it.
Rather than random parts that might not go with the music I'm writing, I'd like a Tap2Find with ezdrummer kind of thing that's actually a riff composer and not for finding. just quick taps to get the rhythm I want completely and not try to match
Actually, although i have SD3 (since SD2) as a Logic user, i usually just kick off with a logic drummer track. This gives me a basic groove, most of the time, and then replace with (usually edited) SD3 grooves. Logic Drummer is so simple to use within Logic, which is why it's my first port of call. Until it isn't. There are some fine patterns in Drummer, but the scope of them is somewhat limited, and this is a bugbear for me with Logic. Such a useful tool, but Apple have done little to add to it since the percussion updates some time back. Shame they haven't continued to add to the available drummers, such as Reggae, Jazz, World, etc. Would have been nice if they could have published the API for it, so that 3rd party developers could add via some kind of plug-in packs. So, yes, when my basic song structure is worked out then out comes SD3 for the great performances that have been captured. And again, it would have been nice if Toontrack could have opened up their MIDI to 3rd party developers. And yes. I know that ANY MIDI drum part can be loaded into an SD3 track (and can be used in Logic with its own drum kits, but it does have to be said that getting great drum MIDI grooves does require some good engineering/playing, which so far, Toontrack have excelled at. Are there any non-toontrack MIDI drum groove packages out there? Would be good to know, especially for the more esoteric styles, i.e.other than rock drums? PS thanks for the sorting tips... didn't realise that you could search on tapped grooves, or multiple parameters at once. Great timesaving ideas!
This is exactly how i do it.. It helps you stay inspired and keeps you creating rather than programming.. Leave the drums to the professionals.. Unless youre a drummer and can just do it on an ekit...
I just do what you do, but I bus out the mixer in superior drummer to separate tracks in the DAW so I can mix and use plugins like regular drum tracks.
Is it better to drag the grooves to the daw track or use the editor within SD3 while its already on a track and just have SD3 follow the session? This how ive been using SD3.
I use Easy Drummer 2 (I have several expansion packs) and EZ Bass - love both of them. I also have Addictive Drums which is very similar to EZD but I like EZD better so that's my go-to.
I love Super Drummer 3. I use "out of the can" midi loops for writing sometimes, and also record my own with my Alesis Strike Pro2 electronic kit. I personally use a modded version the 1980s Gretsch Square Badge Death kit, from the Death and Darkness pack. With cymbals from the "Made Of Metal" EZ Drummer pack, which were recorded in the same studio. I love it, and it sounds amazing. Especially when I record my own midi parts It is way better than the stock "brain" of my eKit. Which is actually a good module, but SD3 just has so many fine tuning features.
Actually different songs I have have different methods, a couple are drummer on acoustic drums, 1 is a highly modified with FX drum groove, 1 is me on midi drum set. Like I already mentioned most of the grooves don't match the beat of the song as I want it and I get a headache trying to find one that fits. My vst doesn't have a search as far as I know and since I already paid for it, I'm not going to go out and buy another.
great info. can you help me please. i use alesis crimson 2 with splitter so i could have 2 cymbals. but everytimes i run superior drummer i need to go to MIDI and remake the sound from the beginning. is there any way i could save it without the needing of locating my pads everytime thank you
Yeah did the programming thing for years, then I bought superior drums (now on 3) and 16 ez libraries and a Alesis kit and I found the song in my head comes out closer when I play physical drums (regardless of how poor I play) then the grooves search or the finger drum approach on my midi controller Maybe it’s just me but when I find a close groove the I alter my my song to fit the midi groove than the other way around
I still program them the ol' fashioned way but I will say I love using Hi-Hat midi packs. A closed 8th/16th pattern is surprisingly hard to program from scratch. Just doing that sped up my workflow by a ton.
Hey guys. I'm new to the computer recording, been using older recording gear. Does all the drum software have the grooves and tap to find? I'm shopping for a drum software right now, it looks like this may be what I need. Thanks
I have a similar approach. I do stop and program fills etc when the part(s)needs it for sure. I'll go back and refine and sometimes as I go of course. Typically i'm not in a hurry to do the programming so i don't mind taking my time if need be. I usually have a majority of the structure ready to progam before hand or program in sections over time .. Then put it all together. Velocities, nuance and structure over time. I use GGD's and i like the sounds they offer with ther OKW Metal pack. I've always wanted the SD3 but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. The GGD's are really great for what I'm doing. Doing a song right now that I may submit to you to see what you think. Not interested in winning a contest but I do like your opinion and know how when it comes to songwritting.. Cheers!
I do the same thing but with logic. Im a noob on logic and waste to much time trying to figure out how to get the mid and tracks to work...and with tempo changes
This is the longest Toontrack commercial ever.
I’ve been using Logic Pro Drummer as a scratch track while I write. Once I have the basic structure, I program drums over the whole track, refining them bit by bit until the song flows exactly how I want. Then I learn to play that programmed part on my acoustic set. I’m not a good drummer, so it takes a little while to get a good take down, but the end result sounds way more natural than programmed drums, so I definitely prefer it.
I would think unless you go to a recording studio and get your set tuned etc and the fact you said you struggle to play, are you sure the real kit is the best way to go?
@@rldays9179 It's probably not for everyone, but it works for me.
This was basically how I was going to do it. I really need a drummer :).
That's the way I might have to go. Being just a bedroom composer for personal projects in just can't allow myself to pay 399 Euros for Superior Drummer haha.
Trying to program the drums first for an idea that I have is definitely the biggest downfall for me. Attempting to program everything perfectly to the riffs I have in mind and either forgetting the original ideas and/or getting frustrated and losing all inspiration.
But I think that was the point of your video, thanks man.🤘
write stuff down in guitar pro if you're forgetting stuff you make
I'm a pretty good keyboard drummer, so I tended to just play parts with no programming. BUT, being a "good" drummer doesn't mean you're a creative drummer. I realized that I'm limited by the fact that drums are not my main instrument. That's where MIDI drum grooves are extremely useful. I had to get over the idea that using grooves is cheating to actually improve my writing. Now, I look at more as getting help from a studio musician than cheating. It allows me to spend more time on keyboards (my main instrument) and actually writing the song. Great channel, BTW. Just subbed.
I dont know why no one talks about the rimshot feature on the toontrack libraries. In the piano roll, if you use the key D1, is going to be a Center hit, but the key E1 is an actual rimshot. It Sounds way more powerful and its easier to mix a punchy snare. I don't know if it's the same with the library presented on this video, but the progressive SDX and EZX Rimshots sound extremely similar to the snare used on Select Difficulty by Periphery. Sorry for my english and Cheers from Puerto Rico.
in superior drummer 2, rimshot samples sound like ass
On Steven Slate Drums, there's a "rim shot only" button you can press that turns all shots into rim shots lol
Should be able to turn snares off all snares not just a select few
You can do just the snare, just the rimshot or combine the 2.
I usually program VERY basic drums to the riffs to catch the genreal feel (kick on the 1 and 2 snare on 3 and 4 for example) and when the song structure is finished I refine the drums
Much easier to play with vibe than playing along with a metronome
That's how I used to do it until I started doing this, pretty much the same idea though, placeholder drums. I like this better just because they feel more complete and less loopy, but I did it the way you're describing for years
@@treyxaviermusic He could also drag his basic loop into SD3 and use that to find good loops
@@treyxaviermusic Sometimes I'll know exactly what I want ahead of time, even complicated beats. I've also looked thru existing beats to find something different. I came up with some interesting new song parts that way.
@@treyxaviermusic I'm pretty impressed with this. It definitely sound less loopy. I play guitar and bass, and suck very much at drums so..... i program nothing creative.
I start off with EZ Drummer2, EZ Keys, and EZ Bass-all opened in my DAW. I pick a groove from each (say Blues) and I dive in with a guitar, an idea and a feel. And presto-I don't have to haul an entire drum kit in my vehicle. Great video. Many Thanks.
Awesome video and great channel. I use EZ DRUMMER 2 but now I have EZ 3. I love it sounds great.
Do you know what’s different between ezdrummer and superior drummer?
What’s funny is this video popped up in my notifications while I was programming drums for a song. 🤣
I would like to add…it really helps to pull the velocity down on the snare. A lot of times it’s at 127 and just chocking. Nice stuff.
That's exactly how I do it too. I'm not as knowledgeable about drums as I am Bass and Guitar. Thanks for the video. I learned a couple new tricks. i'm looking forward to your songwriting course. That's definitely my weakness.
Knowing your weaknesses is very important so you can know what you need to outsource hahaha
My actual songwriting process, circa 1986: Day One: spend 12 to 18 hours programming drums. Day Two: spend at least 8 hours fixing mistakes from day one...
This is better.
I really hate most modern music because far too much of it has stillborn drum tracks from groove boxes program kind of as an afterthought. I like actual drums and actual drummers because I actually play drums. But, to get that live feel requires an investment.
This thing here is amazing, that you can get there as fast as you did. Thanks for the video. Now who do I see about getting all those hours of my life back?
Really helpful tutorial info and explanation of your programming workflow, thanks for this. I've used Addictive Drums 2 for a lot of years and only now switched to Superior Drummer 3. The sound quality of AD2 is really good, but the leap in program capability, variety of drum grooves available and sonic variety and quality available with SD3 is staggering. Really looking forward to diving into this new workflow--very helpful to have found your video Trey, cheers brother! Subscribed.
I bought an Electric Kit so I could learn to play drums and I could play at all hours. Best decision I ever made musically besides picking up the guitar.
I just got some V drums and it's the best shit. So much fun, and learning to play drums is a boss move for getting better at writing songs
Which kit did you get im looking at the td 17kvx
which one you got , been wanting one myself for a while now
They're so good. Drummer first, and I guess I still hit too hard - VDrums are still too loud for where I live - I sold mine for now. But so good.
I did the same. I thought I was gonna suck but I picked it up fast and I'm having a blast with it. I also use samples that I made myself with my friend's high end kit, so the samples are all original.
I find the closest most BASIC boom, tat, boom, tat beat. The least bass drum variation type. I run it for 5 minutes or so. Unless the beat is plain wrong, you should be able to play over the beat. Playing accents that you feel on your instrument of choice (me, guitar). when you play it back your brain will feel the accents with the beat. I've forgotten cool ideas dicking with drums when I should have been documenting. After your initial documentation, you program the real deal. It's faster, you don't lose that potential hit song from distraction. Or at least in my opinion. Never lose the moment, consider these words. Protect your creative process.
I just make them by hand cause i’m acostumed and i make them so the arrangements fit the instruments. I’ve tryed this drum libraries and such but i have to edit so much stuff that it’s slower xd
Also let's mention you can add hits on the kick or snare by turning the dial that will change the groove a lot so you can have different ones based on the original... and also dragging into the song creator... so 👌
I've struggled for a long time with programming realistic drums into my DAW
As you commented by the time you program drums your song ideas have gone.
I had no issues years ago when drum machines were the thing because it was already loaded with drum patterns. What I was doing is to program a basic beat to play the song parts too.
Once I've created the basis of the song I then write the drums by playing along using a keyboard on midi tracks with quantize off. I then go in to tidy up anything thats out of time by pulling it closer to where it ought to be. I then make sure that bass drums are louder on the second of double hits and modify velocities on snares and hi hats finally I go in and delete hi hats when toms snares and cymbal hits mean that you'd need an octopus to play it rather than a drummer.
Even doing all that I'm never happy. I guess I just need to keep working on perfecting the imperfections
Thanks for showing the tap2find feature. I usually just go though the grooves provided and just grab one that i think works. It's a cruder version of what you're doing because I know nothing about drums but I'm learning.
Regarding fills, the thing I never understood was they had a singular purpose that dictates where they should be. They're the signal to the rest of the band (and listener) that you're moving into another section. So a change of tempo, time sig, key etc should all be precended by a fill. And it shouldn't be needlessly crazy. Just something that, if a guitarist or vocalist loses what bar you're on at any moment the fill is that signal to get back in sync.
Once that was explained to me I became much better at programming drums. And just understanding band shit (since I've never been in a band...I'm so lonely. Also very drunk)
I don’t think that’s completely true. Fills fulfil multiple purposes. And signalling to band members is the least important of them.
The first is telling the listener they’re about to hear something new.
The second is to create rhythmic interest.
The third is to create syncopation.
What you described would really only apply if you have band members with horrible memories. They should be paying attention to where they’re at.
@@crescendo5594 Well I heard it from a professional drummer on Drumeo so I think I'll take their advice for now.
It is also for the listeners, though, that's true. But then why can't the same be true for the band. The drummer is what keeps a band in rhythm.
I just watched Count Me In on Netflix last night and Topper Headen (The Clash) said the band used to lose their place because they'd get so into showing off and they'd always just turn to the him for a cue to get back in place.
@@LukeWatts85 It’s just a very basic explanation.
There are a lot of professional drummers who haven’t got a creative bone in their body.
If you want good percussive advice, throw the articles in the trash and listen to what the best drummers are doing and when they’re doing it.
Here’s an example: Chicago’s “Make Me Smile”
Completely breaks that guideline.
It’s nice to have guidelines, as the standard, if you’re learning. But nothing is set in stone in music, including percussion.
Drums serve different purposes for different types of music, for different emotions, and for different play styles.
Drums are an instrument just like the guitar, vocal, or orchestral arrangement.
You have dynamics, accents, groove, leading, etc. Don’t do percussion an injustice by following a basic guideline just because a professional said it on Drumeo. Let the song determine the beat.
@@crescendo5594 Yes, but drums have a core purpose in a band. Rhythm and to move a song through different parts. This video is talking geared towards beginners most likely. And I just thought I'd share what helped me understand that a bit better.
I listen to a lot of drummers talking over on drumeo and they all say similar things about remembering the drummers purpose. And usually that means not going all fancy and flashy until your very comfortable with a band, and them with you. But here we are debating what a real drummer does on a video all about programmed drum grooves. This is silly
@@LukeWatts85 Programmed drums are no different than live recorded drums when it comes to the philosophy of their purpose.
I think it’s important for people to remember that drums are a musical instrument, and not just your metronome and an alarm clock for the hook.
Of course drums play a role, but it’s not always the same role song to song or group to group.
Some music is much more percussive driven than other music. Knowing what makes the song better is everyone in a group’s role, or if it’s a single composer, he’s filling however many individual roles.
Because they say it's royalty free but there's fine print. Any loops from midi packs used can't be used in songs to go on spotify, itunes, youtube etc. The songs will be limited for distribution.
Trey! That tip using tap to find 💥 thank u!
I am here to make your life easier hahaha
I’ve always done it basically the exact same way you show here, but I’ve learned a lot about drum programming so I’ve been programming more of them myself with decent enough results.
So that there’s no chance of someone going “hey I know that MIDI pack…”
I use it the same way you do all the time. SD3 is one awesome program. Love it.
There is no need to drag the midi into Pro Tools. Start your track and then click the relevant midi file in Superior Drummer and you can still preview with your track playing. This works in Logic so I assume it is the same in Pro Tools.
I was a pro drummer for about a decade before getting into producing music. Creating drum parts is not a problem for me but this video still gave me inspiration! I can create drum part templates then just write in the fills.
If I'm programming from scratch, like to input the KICK and SNARE first to create a rudimentary beat. I feel like 90% of all drum grooves essentially reduce to We Will Rock You, the famous break from Amen Brother, or a "Four On The Floor" beat.
I use this same process (now), just wish i did from in the beginning . . . 🤦♂
I'm a guitarist in my band but I program the drums for our own recordings. I can play the drums somewhat decent but nowhere near the level my drummer is. Although I can't replicate what my drummer does physically on the set as good as him, I have an understanding of what he's doing. So I just study videos we take during practice and map it out as close as I can. Very tedious process... 😅 but while I'm writing song ideas I usually program plain beats that fit the rhythm till I get a backbone of the song and I put the bells and whistles on afterwards. I'll have to give this a try, thanks for the knowledge. 🤙🤙🤙
I use SSD5 and a lot of Ugritone MIDI grooves, because that's what I can afford, but I've been doing this for a couple years, all because of your "Random Drum Grooves" videos!
I'll generally even do drums first, and then write my other instruments around that, because that's just easier for me for my workflow
Very good video!! thank you for sharing ...
Logic's Drummer track is pretty incredible really. It sounds pretty natural and is quite flexible. The only issue is for faster stuff and more hard metal genres they don't really have any 'drummers' for. So if you want blast beats or any kind of double bass you'd have to program that by hand. For most other stuff though it works pretty well.
This is SO accurate. Drummer is amazing, but there are glaring weaknesses that Apple doesn't bother addressing and won't let third parties address. I use Drummer almost always, but when it doesn't work, it doesn't work at ALL and you have to go elsewhere.
This is just an advert for midi drum packs. I don't need midi drum packs to write a song, i'm perfectly capable of writing my own drum patterns, and using a basic beat to start off, it's easy to to learn drum programming, save yourself some money and learn.
Well said
Nobody NEEDS anything to write a song really, I'm also capable of programming drums, and I do it all the time. I just don't need to stop and do it in the middle of writing a song when I should be writing instead. These are mostly just placeholders until you hand your song off to a real drummer anyway.
Drum programming is great if you can do it. Have a chat with a drummer to give you some tips if possible. If not then grooves are helpful.
I can't play or program drums and have been trying to use superior drummer with little success and this is super helpful!
This is badass Trey--Thanks.
You're welcome! Happy to help.
I used to really do all the programming by hand. I'd like to think I'm Okay at programming drums. It's a lot of work, though. I've been playing with EzDrummer 2's version of the stuff you're showing off, and it's opening my mind. I actually have been using Logic Pro X's drummer plugin as well since it came out. It's kind of stylistically limited, and the direct controls you get for changing the sound are sometimes just what you don't want... and yet you can comp up an entire song with it. It feels weird sometimes, yet there's a dice roll quality to it that lets you make surprisingly intricate grooves.
I love the stock drumming feature! Its cool how, like you said, its more of a dice roll and you have to get kind of lucky to get something good. Good news is you can always right click and convert it to midi and that way you can customize it perfectly to how you want. That made me start using it again simply for a fast starting point
It's really not that much work to do it by hand. And especially if you're serious about it, which, by your comment, is probably not the case with you.
Great job, man, nice selections.
I play simple version on a v-drum kit. Kinda works out the same way but I can do it completely customized and get the exact style I want in there.
Drums ARE the song and an amazing opportunity to carve out a unique sound.
this was fantastic, thank you. as someone who plays instruments and sings but sucks at drums, this gave me some confidence about how to find a workflow for this in my songwriting process.
Same man. I'm just a guitarist/songwriter who lives around NOONE ELSE lol. I feel so hindered by my inability to program drums quickly with a good riff. I have heard some ppl can actually sync midi drums (like the bass drum) with their guitar, though I haven't seen it yet.
@@JamesHall937 I'm definitely in the same boat as both you guys, but I'd be lying if I said this gave me confidence..not because of the information given at all, but all because of my lack of understanding of drums/recording/mixing. Everyone says this day and age you don't need to go to a studio, yet once I got the proper gear and finally set it up I'm thinking I dunno wtf I am doing lol I put so much time into creation and songwriting/learning instruments and I have a lot to show.. but once I mix with technology my brain is like cya you're on your own lol. I've been trying to get a system down where I can just crank out all the tunes I've written over the years but I still feel far away from understanding the recording world. My first album I went to a studio and recorded vocals/guitar/bass and the sound engineer added drums for me on the spot and I feel that really hurt my recordings and the overall vision I had for the album.
Totally agree. For me, Tonntrack's products are vital to keep my inspirational flow going when it counts. A song idea hits you in the shower and you just need to get a nice beat laid down quickly, just find a nice groove in Ezdrums and off you go! Programming drums is fine afterwards, some touch-ups and stuff, but my creative flow would instantly stop if I had to program from scratch. That's crazy! :)
I like to build drum track in SD3
I think it gives you more options
Like switching power hand on any midi file
Or crash at beginning of midi file, or just taking the bass drum pattern out of a midi file just by click and drag.
I just bounce back and forth from an electronic kit recording a MIDI track to recording guitar. IMO it kicks the shit out of programming because it's quicker and super flexible
My writing process and workflow is pretty identical to yours. 🤘🏿🔥🤘🏿
Excellent. Very helpful.
Trey I always refer back to this video, you have such a solid and streamlined way of writing music, super admire that. Thank you so much for these videos!
Yeah, "Streamlined".
Aside from piano lessons, drums were my real first performance instrument.
So, rather than program drums? I opt to use a cheap e-kit to write the midi.
Although, re-triggering and wonky hits are a very real trade off doing it that way.
I usually approach drum projects recorded via software with more of a DEMO mentality, but it is always possible to go in and do a deep dive to seriously clean up an E-Kit performance into a "keeper".
Notice you use MIDI editing in your daw vs the MIDI editor in SD3 in most of your videos. I find the SD3 editor is way easier with how it labels out the drums. Do you ever use the the built in editor?
Love it! I pretty much do the same except I edit the midi notes on the actual SD3 program. I like labeling the parts and seeing the midi patterns /blocks at the bottom and it makes it easier to rearrange the parts if I change up the song I'm writing.
Good stuff!
Demo : ezx in action ruclips.net/video/d3cK4ktaNB8/видео.html
I pretty much do exactly what you did in your video. Biggest difference is that I don't do many tweaks to the patterns until I get to the hook. I always want my hook to "open up" and have the most movement and/or emotion. I'll tend to work there first and have the verse patterns help float the melody and accompaniment toward that lift in the hook/chorus.
I like using basic drum grooves to give me guitar ideas and then go back over with wayyy better grooves.
For me music is about being creative and learning what I can and implementing it. Nothing feels as smooth as making your own song and having no help from anyone, rather than using a bunch of dif people's ideas and claiming some right to it. I tried to do drag and drop music and it just didn't work but when I just fiddle around with stuff use effects and try stuff out I'm usually satisfied. But to each is own
Late to the party here, but my 2 bits: I have a load of midi files and audio loops (Loop Loft) and almost none of them fit the groove that I want, so yes, for my "original" songs I have to settle for something incompatible or slog through programming my own drums. BUT, I find it much more satisfying to "collaborate" with whoever programmed the MIDI tracks and audio loops, and come up with something that locks in with those. Neither approach is as good as having a good drummer at hand and working the groove out in person, but we live life where we are.
I write all the instruments, including drums, in guitar pro.
the other members in my band use guitar pro and I’m the only one who has a daw and audio interface, like it’s 2005.
And then I get to do all the demos myself.
This video was super helpful
in the time it took to find the right groove you could easily have programmed one. it takes a while to get to that level but it’s worth it.
Exactly. Then at least you're developing a skill rather than merely browsing.
No most people cant track a good drum track in that time. This video is for mere mortals like the rest of us.
I honestly think its cool that you were able to learn to do that though. Especially in a reasonable amount of time that didn’t take away too much from your other creative work. Nice job and good luck!
@@judgegroovyman It's literally no different than recording a chord progression. Of course you get better at it with time, but it takes next to no effort to get a basic drum pattern down without any drum experience.
@@undeadman7676it is LITERALLY different than recording a chord progression. Learn what that damn word means before you use it.
@theboofin literally still only means literally lmao.
I fully agree! I use both Toontrack and GGD drums to blend sounds together
Great video!
programming is what you do too ! Except if you are not a drummer
as a drummer and a guitarist, I only play what I want and not what Toontrack wants
programming drums is especially pain in the butt when you're trying to "emulate the drummer" and getting the groove, as oftentimes it doesn't feel as spicy.
5:40 real gamer moment
I generally TAB out my Drums in Guitar Pro along with everything else, then Mute all the other Instrument Tracks & Highlight then "Export As MIDI" just the Drum Track to then Drag & Drop in my DAW (Reaper).
Or, I'll play my Alesis Crimson II SE eKit & record my performance then edit what I need to to fix any messy parts up or add a fill I am unable to actually play myself, or maybe replace a fill I dislike with a better fitting MIDI Fill Sample, etc...
I'm coming back to music and wanting to start recording my own stuff again.
I used to use Nuendo with Addictive Drums, Amplitube and other software. What's the new thing now? Nuendo is still relevant? Cubase?
I pretty much write with the sd3 the same way, but I always use the grid editor in the sd3 instead. Send much easier to edit and use the more hours function.
How come you don’t use the grid editor in sd3?
Hi , great video 👏🏻i have a question ,
When I program drums with a keyboard I usually play a basic beat , Kick , Snare & Hi-hat. Then I play (on keyboard too) my open hihats , ghost notes & drum rolls, cymbals etc on a separate midi track, quantize later & bounce both tracks together into a wav, Is there a way to record the extra midi rolls etc all on the same track without wiping my basic beat ?
Also what does the quantize swing button do ? Thanks
Wouldnt it be more practical to just play the desired groove on a midi kit? You always get the perfect groove doing it this way in my opinion. And theres not much work needed to adjust the midi. Nick broomhall did it and now i got my own midi drum kit and its been the best 400$ ive ever invested. So fun bro! And a big upgrade workflow wise
I mean, if you play drums well enough then that’s always preferable. I’m okay at the drums and I do it like that sometimes, it really depends, but pretty often I’d rather use a groove from a real drummer (who is groovy, whereas I am not lol) and modify it to fit the part
@@treyxaviermusic haha 😂 gotcha man. Your approach is definitely more practical than putting in every single note by hand 👍
I don't know about others but I can't use loops because they're always wrong for what I intend. I'm not a drummer but a guitarist, although I've thought on more than one occasions that I'm probably a frustrated drummer deep inside haha. I love drums, percussion and groove and swing!!! I write songs on guitar and record a guide track then use a Akai MPD218 which is just a 4x4 drum pad thingie with GREAT pads. I use the finger drumming technique I learned from XpressPads which has a RUclips channel and on top of that I cheat as hard as I can and it's all much faster and fits my music much better than any MIDI library could even get close to. And yeah, Superior Drummer 3.0 is da bomb hehe! I use that for all my real kit needs !!!
I usually begin with Guitar Pro, just to get down the basic idea, mainly because I'm often not able to play what I envision in my head properly on the guitar at first. Many ideas seem really great at first but after some time just feel generic or lame, but if the idea seems good after some time I start making a full song out of it, learning it on guitar and how to sing it. It's not until I make the final version I'm programming drums in Logic with Superior drummer, and I usually do it by using a drum groove from the library but usually change it a bit to how I envision it in my mind. It's sometimes time consuming to find the right groove so to use the Tap2find feature seems like a great idea, thanks for the tip.
I use basically the same flow except once I find the groove I want, I use song creator which puts together entire song variations with options to swap out sections like chorus and bridge, etc.
$400 nope I will keep on programming dem drums.
I wish there were portable triggers that you could play finger drums on. Imagine an external hard drive, plugged into a tiny module (powered by 12 v car plug or ac outlet).
Your phone would control pad assignments through an app (like Positive Grid's Spark). The app would not contain all the extra data of Superior Drummer 3 so it would be a fast & light program.
This would be a drummer's version of a practice amp. Best yet, once you get back to the studio, you could export the beats into a DAW as MIDI and use normal Superior drummer 3 to use its full capacity.
You're basically describing an MPC
@@treyxaviermusic I had forgotten to say that the pads were all separate and Bluetooth so you could form them into different set shapes and such. When I read it back I laughed at how it sounded just like an MPC. Isolated buttons with a slight tackiness to stick on any surface would be crazy. Problem is they will lose the stick, so it's better to use softer rubber to at least hold any or most placements.
impressive tech specially few years back buuuuut, really: if you know what you want, you can program it playing it yourself way faster than having to go through all those building a beat process. The shoulder dance though ....... thaaat's groove! 😀
The anup sastry midi pack is my go to. Love writing to a good drum performance
He's so damn good
cool advice. I'll have to try this. I've been programming by hand for decades, but I always try to put myself mentally behind a kit, and I've picked up a few things from drummers over the years. It's still nowhere near as good as a real drummer but I usually get really good sounding demos out of it.
Rather than random parts that might not go with the music I'm writing, I'd like a Tap2Find with ezdrummer kind of thing that's actually a riff composer and not for finding. just quick taps to get the rhythm I want completely and not try to match
Actually, although i have SD3 (since SD2) as a Logic user, i usually just kick off with a logic drummer track. This gives me a basic groove, most of the time, and then replace with (usually edited) SD3 grooves. Logic Drummer is so simple to use within Logic, which is why it's my first port of call. Until it isn't.
There are some fine patterns in Drummer, but the scope of them is somewhat limited, and this is a bugbear for me with Logic. Such a useful tool, but Apple have done little to add to it since the percussion updates some time back. Shame they haven't continued to add to the available drummers, such as Reggae, Jazz, World, etc. Would have been nice if they could have published the API for it, so that 3rd party developers could add via some kind of plug-in packs.
So, yes, when my basic song structure is worked out then out comes SD3 for the great performances that have been captured. And again, it would have been nice if Toontrack could have opened up their MIDI to 3rd party developers.
And yes. I know that ANY MIDI drum part can be loaded into an SD3 track (and can be used in Logic with its own drum kits, but it does have to be said that getting great drum MIDI grooves does require some good engineering/playing, which so far, Toontrack have excelled at.
Are there any non-toontrack MIDI drum groove packages out there? Would be good to know, especially for the more esoteric styles, i.e.other than rock drums?
PS thanks for the sorting tips... didn't realise that you could search on tapped grooves, or multiple parameters at once. Great timesaving ideas!
This is exactly how i do it.. It helps you stay inspired and keeps you creating rather than programming.. Leave the drums to the professionals.. Unless youre a drummer and can just do it on an ekit...
I just do what you do, but I bus out the mixer in superior drummer to separate tracks in the DAW so I can mix and use plugins like regular drum tracks.
Yeah I don’t mix basically at all so I just pick a preset I like and leave it hahaha
Is it better to drag the grooves to the daw track or use the editor within SD3 while its already on a track and just have SD3 follow the session? This how ive been using SD3.
I use EZ Drummer 3, following basically the same process you used.
I use Easy Drummer 2 (I have several expansion packs) and EZ Bass - love both of them. I also have Addictive Drums which is very similar to EZD but I like EZD better so that's my go-to.
Demo : ezx in action ruclips.net/video/d3cK4ktaNB8/видео.html
I love Super Drummer 3.
I use "out of the can" midi loops for writing sometimes, and also record my own with my Alesis Strike Pro2 electronic kit.
I personally use a modded version the 1980s Gretsch Square Badge Death kit, from the Death and Darkness pack.
With cymbals from the "Made Of Metal" EZ Drummer pack, which were recorded in the same studio.
I love it, and it sounds amazing.
Especially when I record my own midi parts
It is way better than the stock "brain" of my eKit.
Which is actually a good module, but SD3 just has so many fine tuning features.
I like to use the song creator feature also - variety of samples works well with in work flow
I use a simple step sequencer and a Moog DFAM to get the bpm and basic groove going.
Actually different songs I have have different methods, a couple are drummer on acoustic drums, 1 is a highly modified with FX drum groove, 1 is me on midi drum set. Like I already mentioned most of the grooves don't match the beat of the song as I want it and I get a headache trying to find one that fits. My vst doesn't have a search as far as I know and since I already paid for it, I'm not going to go out and buy another.
What if im a drummer that needs midi guitar parts?
great info. can you help me please. i use alesis crimson 2 with splitter so i could have 2 cymbals. but everytimes i run superior drummer i need to go to MIDI and remake the sound from the beginning. is there any way i could save it without the needing of locating my pads everytime thank you
Yeah did the programming thing for years, then I bought superior drums (now on 3) and 16 ez libraries and a Alesis kit and I found the song in my head comes out closer when I play physical drums
(regardless of how poor I play) then the grooves search or the finger drum approach on my midi controller
Maybe it’s just me but when I find a close groove the I alter my my song to fit the midi groove than the other way around
I still program them the ol' fashioned way but I will say I love using Hi-Hat midi packs. A closed 8th/16th pattern is surprisingly hard to program from scratch. Just doing that sped up my workflow by a ton.
i can literally hear grandma glenn screaming at you from across the border.
Hey guys. I'm new to the computer recording, been using older recording gear. Does all the drum software have the grooves and tap to find? I'm shopping for a drum software right now, it looks like this may be what I need. Thanks
I have a similar approach. I do stop and program fills etc when the part(s)needs it for sure. I'll go back and refine and sometimes as I go of course. Typically i'm not in a hurry to do the programming so i don't mind taking my time if need be. I usually have a majority of the structure ready to progam before hand or program in sections over time .. Then put it all together. Velocities, nuance and structure over time. I use GGD's and i like the sounds they offer with ther OKW Metal pack. I've always wanted the SD3 but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. The GGD's are really great for what I'm doing. Doing a song right now that I may submit to you to see what you think. Not interested in winning a contest but I do like your opinion and know how when it comes to songwritting.. Cheers!
this is instant gratification
Would this approach work with the free Logic Drummer. Or maybe Logic’s loops. Great tutorial btw.
I do the same thing but with logic. Im a noob on logic and waste to much time trying to figure out how to get the mid and tracks to work...and with tempo changes
What’s that bass up in the top right? Another Plugin or part of this?
yesss. thank you.
Thanks man! moving fill hits to different percussion hits was exactly what I needed to learn. You rule