Albanian DNA History 🧬

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 971

  • @edisberisha433
    @edisberisha433 Год назад +30

    Please do more from Albanian and longer videos 🙏🙏

  • @lostinillyria5827
    @lostinillyria5827 27 дней назад

    I did the 23andme test and got back a lot of highlight from Peloponnese, Greece. I am Albanian from Montenegro by the way, and I have J2b-l283 haplogroup.

  • @utoobia6872
    @utoobia6872 6 месяцев назад +1

    Would you be able to do my analysis with Ancestry data if I upload it to your link? Not sure what I am supposed to get from Ancestry.
    Anyways, in 2020 during Covid lockdown, I got bored and did a test with Ancestry, because they kept emailing me half-off offers.. I am Geg Albanian from Kosova and my results are:
    63% "Greece & Albania"
    23% "The Balkans" (due to my Bosnian paternal grandmother)
    12% "Eastern Europe & Russia" (no idea why)
    2% "Baltics" (again no idea why, but pleasantly surprised by this because I was always fascinated by these 3 countries).

  • @dr.nelly88
    @dr.nelly88 Год назад +6

    Albania languageFrom the Albanian language we say "Nefilim" from where "Në_Fillim" is translated "In the Beginning", this is the first DNA and it is Albanian

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Год назад

      Albania language is old as coca cola.. 😂 😂
      Latin alphabet
      40 %latin words
      20.000 greek words special in high level speaking education
      😂 😂

  • @albarmy1
    @albarmy1 10 месяцев назад +7

    Real history:
    🇬🇷 Greeks are sons of Turks arrived in Europe from Turkmenistan in 1300AD.
    🇷🇸 Serbs are slav(e)s of Romans and they arrive in Europe from Mother Russia in Siberia=Serbia in 600 AD.
    In Balkans only Albanians & Romanians are native people. Thank you for your attention!😗

    • @ΕυαγγελοςΑγγελος-ρ6ζ
      @ΕυαγγελοςΑγγελος-ρ6ζ 9 месяцев назад +5

      Albanian Propaganda Is The Best 😂🤣🤣

    • @albarmy1
      @albarmy1 9 месяцев назад

      @@ΕυαγγελοςΑγγελος-ρ6ζ because it is true, greeks were expelled by ottomans in 1300s and again right before the Ottoman empire fell in 1900s. The majority of todays greeks come from Anatolia & the middle east.

    • @ΕυαγγελοςΑγγελος-ρ6ζ
      @ΕυαγγελοςΑγγελος-ρ6ζ 9 месяцев назад

      @@albarmy1 So You Say That Greeks Are Turks And Serbs Are Slavs

    • @albarmy1
      @albarmy1 7 месяцев назад

      @@superman13-un6fm Haplo EV-13 has been in Europe for at least 8000 years 🤣

    • @albarmy1
      @albarmy1 7 месяцев назад

      @@superman13-un6fm no

  • @eleftherios2588
    @eleftherios2588 Год назад +12

    Sorry but the Claim of the Huge Albanian Inpact on Greek Genes is poor and if you reasrch the demograpics of the Arvaintes you would understand.
    The Ottoman-Venetian war resulted in significant impact on the Albanian population. During this period, many Albanians of Greece (Arvanites) either died in battle with the Ottomans or migrated with their families to Italy, particularly Sicily. In 1879, research indicated that around 10 to 16% of Greece's population were Arvanites, Albanian descendants. However, as the Kingdom of Greece expanded its territories (Epirus ,Makedonia Thrakie , the ionnian and eagean Island Crete, and Cyprus ) , with the Nummber of Ethnical Greeks Rose and the Number of Albanian state the same and the percent decreased to about 2% by 1950.
    The 1460-1463 Ottoman taxation cadastre revealed that the Peloponnese had 58.37% Greek households and 41.63% Albanian households, with Greeks mainly residing in larger settlements and Albanians in smaller villages. The Venetians estimated about 30,000 Albanians in the Peloponnese during the mid-15th century. Throughout the Ottoman-Venetian wars, many Albanians served the Venetians and lost their lives, while others migrated. At the end of the conflict, numerous Albanians had fled the Peloponnese for Sicily wth there Families .
    In the mid-19th century, estimates varied regarding the Albanian population in Greece. Alfred Philippson recorded 12.3% Arvanites in the Peloponnese and neighboring islands, but Christos Koryllos contested this with a lower figure of 6.9%. Johann Georg von Hahn estimated the Albanian population throughout Greece to be between 173,000 and 200,000 during the mid-19th century.
    Ancestralbrew i hope you fix your Mistake and the Source i used was

    • @eleftherios2588
      @eleftherios2588 Год назад +4

      @Ancestralbrew Look at my Comment

    • @eleftherios2588
      @eleftherios2588 Год назад +7

      The DNA similarity between Greeks and Albanians could be attributed to their shared geographic proximity, historical interactions, and mostly common ancient ancestry in the Balkans. This is further strengthened by the fact that they have lived together in the region for over 5000 years. It's probable that they shared the same ancestors before the linguistic split. Another theory of mine could be that the Greeks had a significant genetic impact on the Albanians, especially since the region was occupied by the Greeks and Italians for more than 1800 years.

    • @eleftherios2588
      @eleftherios2588 Год назад +4

      Plus And from all those hundreds of villages on the Pelloponiso only 4 Mixed

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 Год назад

      Φιλε , δεν ειναι ξεκαθαρο τι ειναι 'αρβανιτες' .Για παραδειγμα καποιος λεει 'αρβανιτη' καποιον που μιλαει βλαχικα .Τα βλαχικα ειναι μαλλον λατινικα οχι αλβανικα .Αλλος λεει 'αρβανιτη' καποιον που μιλαει σλαβικα .Τα σλαβικα δεν ειναι αλβανικα .Στη βορεια ελλαδα , υπαρχουν μαλλον οι γκαγκαουζ
      που μιλανε τουρκικα .Καποιοι λενε αυτους αρβανιτες
      Για να το καταλαβεις στο youtube υπαρχει καποιος που τον λενε 'βλαχογιαννη' , γιατι ετσι τον φωναζαν οι αλλοι , αλλα τα τραγουδια που ανεβαζει ειναι ολα σλαβικα. Δευτερο παραδειγμα
      ειχα μια συζητηση εδω στο youtube , με αλβανους που ζουν εδω , για τους 'αρβανιτες'
      Πεταγεται που λες αδελφε ενας στη συζητηση και μου λεει ' φιλε μου ειμαι αρβανιτης και σου
      ορκιζομαι οτι για να καταλαβω τους αλβανους θελω μεταφραστη'
      Καταλαβες αδελφε; Δεν σημαινει οτι οποιος αυτοχαρακτηριζεται 'αρβανιτης' ή οποιον αποκαλουμαι εμεις 'αρβανιτη' , μιλαει και αλβανικα . Ασε τους 'ιστορικους' , η ιστορια δεν ειναι επιστημη
      Μεταφρασε αυτα που σου εγραψα στα αγγλικα και κανε αυτα paste.Ασε τους ιστορικους
      Αυτοι που μιλανε αλβανικα στην ελλαδα και ειναι αρβανιτες δεν πρεπει να ειναι παμω απο 100000
      Αρβανιτης το εγραψε αυτο

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 Год назад +3

      @@eleftherios2588 Και κατι αλλο σημαντικο αδελφε . Στην αλβανια που λες , στην νοτια αλβανια,
      οι τραγουδιστες τα τραγουδια τα λενε , στα ελληνικα , στα βλαχικα , στα σλαβικα και στα αλβανικα . Οταν λοιπον σου λεει καποιος 'ειμαι αλβανος' , δεν σημαινει αδελφε οτι μιλαει και

  • @bfairifudare1964
    @bfairifudare1964 7 месяцев назад

    There mist be some connection between the rootname of Albanians (“alba”), which comes from proto-Indi-European “albho”, meaning ‘white (which also gave Latin “albus”, meaning “white”), on the ine hand, and the fact that white is a dominant colour in Albanian traditional clothing and a very present word in Albanian phraseology….

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад

      and Caucasian Albania (the same clothes of Lesgians woriors and lokal people)

    • @bfairifudare1964
      @bfairifudare1964 6 месяцев назад

      it’s “local” not “lokal”. Anyhow, what exactly are you trying to say?

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад

      @@bfairifudare1964 LOCAL,sorry.

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад

      @@bfairifudare1964 In northern today's Albania (until 1043 the population of the then Principality of Duklja, today's Montenegro) lived. Albanians (previously Caucasian Albania 300-826, 826-836 Arab Emirate (Sultanate)-Syria, 836-1043 Sicily, Calabria (ITALY), then DUKLja ( MONTENEGRO), they MIXED with the local population, the result is that they have 30% genes from Montenegro, and 70% genes from the Caucasus, Anatolia, Southern Italy and Greece.

    • @bfairifudare1964
      @bfairifudare1964 6 месяцев назад

      @@drazantodoric6040 Ipak ti je vidim lakse da se izrazavas na svom jeziku pa se evo i ja prebacujem na taj jezik. Vidi, ja znam da je medju pojedincima popularna ta teorija da balkanski Albanci imaju veze sa narodom ili narpdima iz regije na kavkazu (tacnije danasnjem Azerbejdzanu) koja je nosila eksonim Albania, koji su u drevna vremena imale i mnoge druge regije i zemlje ukljucujuci Skotsku i Albaniju na Balkanu. Alba jednostavno na starogrckom i latisnkom znaci bijelo, sjajno visoko i nije za odbaciti teorija po kojoj su na drevnom grckom i latinskom tako nazivao svaki kraj kojeg karakterisu visoki planinski masivi pokriveni snijegom. Otud i naziv Alpe ili Alpi.
      Narod nekadasnje kavkaske Albanije nema vese sa Albancima Balkana. Prvo, jezici im cak i ne pripadaju istoj jezickoj grupi (albanski je indo-evropski, bas kao i svi evropski kesici osim finskog i madjarskog). Drugo jezik Albanaca Balkana ima preko 60% latinske i stargrcke tj.dorskogrcke leksike. To nisu nikako mogli stefi na Kavkazu vec samo na Balkanu, gdje je njihov etnos i nastao.
      Trece, Albanci najvecim dijelom izgledom najvise lice na Grke i juzne Talijans, a ne na kavkaske Albance tj azerbejdzance, cemu u prilog ide i cinjenica da kod balkanskih Albanaca dominir ista haplogrupa koja dominira i kod Grka i juznih Talijana, a to je haplogrupa EV13. Cetvrto, narodne nosnej balkanskih albanaca su one poznate dominantno bijele sa tabkim crnim dekorativnim linijama, dakle iste one boje i desena kakve jasno vidimo na materijalnim ostacima iz starog vijeka i antike ( npr. Odisej:; Justinian u dugoj bijeloj eklektickoj suknji koja se i zvanicno sove Alba a preteca joj je tunika dalmatica) ……
      I na kraju, i zvanicna svjetska i lokalna balkanska istorija balkanskih Albanaca nemaju veze sa kavkaskom Albanijom.
      Evo i malo izvora koji sve navedeno potvrdjuju:
      The Caucasian theory was first proposed by Renaissance humanists who were familiar with the works of classical geographers, and later developed by early 19th-century French consul and writer François Pouqueville. It was soon rendered obsolete in the 19th century when linguists proved Albanian as being an Indo-European, rather than Caucasian language. (izvor:

  • @poemandres
    @poemandres Год назад +8

    So Albanians are Greek?

    • @ind.gj21
      @ind.gj21 Год назад +3

      Greeks are Albanians

    • @yllbardh
      @yllbardh Год назад +9

      or greeks are albanian.... lol

    • @mimorisenpai8540
      @mimorisenpai8540 Год назад +2

      Related population

    • @mimorisenpai8540
      @mimorisenpai8540 Год назад +1

      @@illyrian.Lezha27 both are Paleobalkanic

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 Год назад

      @@nikostheofanidis9970 Ποντιος εισαι αδελφε ; Δεν θα το πιστεψεις , αλλα νομιζω οτι οι αλβανοι ειναι πιο γεωργιανοι απο σενα.Απο την γεωργια πηγαν στην ιταλια το 800 μετα χριστον και απο κει ενας στρατηγος τους εφερε στην καπου στην κροατια. Εκει βεβαια βρηκαν αλλους
      Και οι ποντιοι δεν ειναι βεβαια ολοι ιδιοι Υπαρχουν παρα πολλοι που εχουν ελληνικη καταγωγη
      και εχω την εντυπωση οτι πολλοι ειναι στην μακεδονια απο την αρχαιοτητα
      Το λεει και η επιστημη HELLENISTIC_PONTUS_GREEKS , λεει.Το λεει για τους 'αλβανους'
      8% λεει δεν ειναι και λιγο. Εμεις δεν ειμαστε τοσο οσο οι 'αλβανοι'видео.html

  • @skylinelover9276
    @skylinelover9276 Год назад +9

    About the Illyrians topic
    The romans classified two Illyrians for not ethnicity but group of people's north of Hellenistic kingdoms
    North Illyrians are Dinarics peoples i2 DNA haplo group (modern day serbs, Bosnia and Herzegovina etc)
    Southern Illyrians are Albanoi peoples E-v13 DNA haplo group (modern day Albanian, Kosovo)
    The north Illyrians is the one who fought the Romans hardly not the southern

    • @shqiptariidukagjinit5650
      @shqiptariidukagjinit5650 Год назад +3

      The north didn’t fight hardly lol. They were the weakest of the Illyrians. Some of them even got replaced by Celts. The strongest tribes were in the south, including Ardiaei and Dardani.

    • @skylinelover9276
      @skylinelover9276 Год назад +2

      @@shqiptariidukagjinit5650 the albanoi tribes modern day Albania is the firsts land that the Romans conquered in the Balkan campaigns

    • @shqiptariidukagjinit5650
      @shqiptariidukagjinit5650 Год назад

      @@skylinelover9276 it’s not about who got conquered first. Of course the south got conquered first, they got invaded first, because who cares about the north? The south put up a far greater fight though than the north.

    • @Dukgjin
      @Dukgjin Год назад

      @@skylinelover9276 hahaha 100% you are a jealous qetnik who can not accept his Russian gyosi blood

    • @mimorisenpai8540
      @mimorisenpai8540 Год назад +3

      I2 is brought by slavs
      Northern Illyrian is mostly R1b and J2+E similar with northern Italy.

  • @matthewmann8969
    @matthewmann8969 Месяц назад +1

    Southern Slavs have more Mediterannean admixture to them this was noted by the ancient Persians, Greeks, Romans, And Arabs yeah.

  • @nikostheofanidis9970
    @nikostheofanidis9970 Год назад

    0:17 you forget Greeks

  • @Asdfhjkl998
    @Asdfhjkl998 Год назад

    My family Macedonian Albanian my genetic is 45 percent Sirbian , 30 percent Greeck , 10 percent Askinasy Jew , rest is 3 percent Chinise,2 percent Viyetnamis, rest Is Anatolian……….and last 2 generation Muslim thanks god ❤❤❤❤not a fake human god JC

    • @PaioniaSoldier
      @PaioniaSoldier Год назад +1

      Na rrofsh topat rrenacak

    • @Estelleeeeee
      @Estelleeeeee Год назад +3

      So you are actually SerboGreek? :O

    • @PaioniaSoldier
      @PaioniaSoldier Год назад

      @@Estelleeeeee he doesn't speak Albanian , he's is a faker

    • @Literallysatan-t5u
      @Literallysatan-t5u Год назад

      im slavic and i got 60 mongol tatar 20% turk and 15% indian gypsy and 5% jew proud christian :)😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @Asdfhjkl998
      @Asdfhjkl998 Год назад

      @@Estelleeeeee yes I am ❤️☪️

  • @silversun7830
    @silversun7830 Год назад +41

    I'm Greek girl i say Greeks and Albanians need peace and friendship like all Balkans we are all genetically same

    • @Dukgjin
      @Dukgjin Год назад +14

      Not with the Serbs they came from today Ukraine

    • @AquariumRuss
      @AquariumRuss Год назад

      The Serbs came from Ukraine, and the Albanians came from Ethiopia.видео.html

    • @fkyouezekiel
      @fkyouezekiel 11 месяцев назад +9

      Greeks who did genocide to Chams and now trying to claim southern Albania are calling for peace, seek it within yourself if u can.

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 10 месяцев назад +8

      I'm Albanian and I have made "peace" with a Greek girl 😂

    • @vanmars5718
      @vanmars5718 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@fkyouezekielGreeks have also a whole book of massacres conducted by albanians pal. Literally massacres of whole cities and villages, especially during the ottoman Empire amd in the era of Ali Pasha. So, don't play always the victims when you are not familiar with the other side. And nobody is claiming any land, you are the ones who always have accounts speaking of greater albania which you always threaten all your neighbors. Open your eyes.

  • @stefanosbrilakis5065
    @stefanosbrilakis5065 Год назад +79

    A recent very big genetic study by Greek scientists showed that Albanians have mostly Pakeobalkan DNA ( from Bronze age)with some Balto Slavic admixture . So they are mainly Paleobalkan indigenous people.

    • @johnsinger1887
      @johnsinger1887 Год назад +8

      @@jackiechad5752 ''Ancient DNA reveals the origins of the Albanians'' by Leonidas-Romanos Davranoglou et al.

    • @johnsinger1887
      @johnsinger1887 Год назад +4

      @@jackiechad5752 I guess bc you are a geneticist , you are able to dispute this study , not.

    • @grandmastersreaction1267
      @grandmastersreaction1267 Год назад

      No dude, Paleolithic farmers are not indigenous to the Balkans, the Proto Europeans like the hunter gathers are.

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 Год назад

      you are greek cretan bro.

    • @claudiaxander
      @claudiaxander Год назад +2

      @@grandmastersreaction1267 Yes, but the key thing is they ae not turks from the ottoman invasions, as that annoys alot of racist idiots. Anyway you are wrong , as the neanderthals were indigenous population of europe.

  • @eurech
    @eurech Год назад +18

    I am Albanian and I did the 23andme test and one of the haplogroups I got was J-L283. Very interesting stuff!

    • @silversun7830
      @silversun7830 Год назад +10

      Im Greek i have seen you being angry over Greeks but don't Greeks and Albanians are same and similar peace!

    • @razzy1476
      @razzy1476 Год назад

      what’s J-L283 reveal! ? I’m thinking of doing the test myself!

    • @christianv6894
      @christianv6894 Год назад +9

      We come from the balls of the same man... I'm J2B-L283 too!

    • @JokeNoMore
      @JokeNoMore Год назад +2

      @@christianv6894hey me too lmao

    • @eurech
      @eurech Год назад

      @@silversun7830 Me? Not true, I have two very good Greek friends.

  • @nikostheofanidis9970
    @nikostheofanidis9970 Год назад +3

    1:25 yes Arvanites come to grecee but today's are not even a half million, Arvanites today are 150.000 in Greece, and when they come to grecee they live to Peloponnese like today they live in Peloponnese and Athens. As you can see Greek central Macedonia and Greek Macedonia are closest to albanians than Peloponnese Greeks (there is the place Arvanites go), Greeks we don't mixed with Arvanites (btw if you ask then they say we are Greeks) as u can see Greeks macedonian are closest to Albanians than Greeks Peloponnese (Arvanites) so we are close to Albanians but not cause of Arvanites, 😂Arvanites are not even the 0.5/10 of Greece 😂

    • @Mulmgott
      @Mulmgott 10 месяцев назад +3

      Those are the arvanites that retained their identity though. The majority was probably assimilated. You may have a lot of Albanian blood in you without even knowing.

  • @srijansarkar9202
    @srijansarkar9202 Год назад +5

    Please make a video about native American.

  • @albertobilinica3394
    @albertobilinica3394 11 месяцев назад +17

    Thank you for the great work! DNA 🧬 never lies. Let the world know the truth about the Albanian origin and i hope the world will give them back their history some day! 🇦🇱🫶🏼

  • @drangue9017
    @drangue9017 Год назад +28

    The most illyrian DNA samples are from Croatia and Slovenia. But it has started also samples from Montenegro and Albania. My Y-DNA is I-M253. I uploaded my DNA Sample to "yourtrueancestry" and it says it's "hellenic roman, roman, mycenean greek, byzantin and illyrian". By the roman samples you can compare them to other ancient samples and funny a lot of roman samples are relatives to illyrian samples. I would go so far and say that the illyrians are not a homogenous group but various tribes that the greeks later calls illyrian. And taulantian illyrian would be geneticly nearer by the greeks than to a liburnian illyrian. The most albanian today has no link to dalmatian or liburnian illyrians, but to the "arber/abrer" illyrians in today northern albania and south albania. the albanians call themselves (and the albanians of italy do it today) Arber/Arberesh/Arben and i believe they where descendants of the illyrian tribe of the Arber/Abrer. For examples northern albanians (who are called Gheg) are tribal people subordinate in tribes like Berisha, Krasniqi, Hoti, Gruda, Bytiqy, Thaqi and so fare and all of those tribes came from Northern Albania udn South Montenegro. I would say the arber/abrer survived from the slavic immigrations in the mountains of montenegro and north albania and later on emmigrated to the south till the Peleponnes because of war the lands has no or just few people living in and mixed with the greeks and romans (today called aroumunian/vlachs) and later when serbia or bulgaria conquered today albania with the slavs. Later in the ottoman empire, the turks settled the muslim albanians (or cryptochristian albanian) to today kosovo after the serbs leaved and move to the habsburg empire. my forfathers where cryptochristians who moved from north albania to kosovo and where in public muslims, but at home catholic... later after the ottoman empire fell, they then don't hide their faith. I will say the most albanians in Kosovo where cryptochristians. But because catholic priest wheren't allowed and persicuted, with time the cryptochristian because of illeteracy forgot about their old faith. Kosovo was attractiv because it wasn't very mountainous like albania or montenegro and the soil was fertile. With the time, the albanians in Kosovo intermarried with muslim slavic people, the christian albanian with christians slavic people (because religion was more important then ethnic). Albanians today are not illyrians perse... the culture and language i will think will be... illyrian or thracian... because albanians can for example unterstand a few nonlatin/nonslavic words in today romanian language.... like flutur, bukur and others. Interessing also is, that in the albanian language i will say 30% of the words are from latin... and a lote from the Augustus era... whats means that the albanian language was in a region that was occupied by rome in the era of Julius Cesar, or Augustus.
    Short version: Albanians are descentent maybe of the illyrian tribe of the Arber/Abrer but in the centuries mixed with greeks and slavs.

    • @blackratinn
      @blackratinn Год назад +2

      This is not what he said. He said the Croats are mostly Slavic. In fact, only the Albanians have high Illyro-thracian DNA. If i am going to believe you, a random Internet guy, or the maker of the video, i will go with the video maker...

    • @mimorisenpai8540
      @mimorisenpai8540 Год назад +4

      Well Illyrian is board term made by roman and Greek to refer all diverse inhabitants of western balkans.

    • @nikostheofanidis9970
      @nikostheofanidis9970 Год назад +2

      No in Greece we don't calls the Arvanites vlach, we call them Arvanites but they aren't many people, they are 150.000 Arvanites and 50.000 of them are speakers of Arvanitika. Vlachs are Vlachs, different people

    • @paulinmargariti8365
      @paulinmargariti8365 Год назад +4

      name ALBANIA come from the ancient city ILLYRIAN ALBANOPOLI from the tribe ALBAN ALBANOI sory friend its the history what to do ok 🙂you are CROAT and speak SLAVIC LANGUAGES and you are a SLAV 🙂Albanians speak ILLYRIAN lnguage and they are ILLYRIANS it's history 🙃sory friend

    • @nikostheofanidis9970
      @nikostheofanidis9970 Год назад

      @@paulinmargariti8365 btw albanopoli is Greek word, poli means city and Alban nothing is just the city of Alban. I dont think modern albanian language have any connection with the ancient Illyrian language, but u still illyrian people

  • @edisondinaric4374
    @edisondinaric4374 9 месяцев назад +1

    the only thing i disagree with this video is when someone say illyrian dna, dacian, slavic, russian dna etc it called Haplogroups which might be affiliated with a country example albanian kosovo and greek in pelopeoneese have E3B-V13 , J2b and R1b which has been in the balkans during the roman time i2a arrived during the Slavic migration with R1a

  • @Biblical_DNA
    @Biblical_DNA Год назад +5

    What were the YDNA and mtDNA for these breakdowns?

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад

      YDna father Mtdna mother

    • @Biblical_DNA
      @Biblical_DNA Год назад

      @@vigisisisi Look at my username. Did you really think I don't know what YDNA and mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) represented? I'm asking what were the specific YDNA and mtDNA for the samples that were used.

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад

      @@Biblical_DNA I dont know i think from
      ydna you share something from
      father line mtdna from mother line

    • @bewolf_z
      @bewolf_z 3 месяца назад

      ​@@Biblical_DNAthey are mostly E1b1b and J2 i think then R1a i have no knowledge about their mtDNA

    • @ill-albanoi
      @ill-albanoi 3 месяца назад

      @@bewolf_z r1b ev 13 j2 not ria

  • @ill-albanoi
    @ill-albanoi 2 месяца назад +1

    illyrians werent in italy so this study makes 0 sense

    • @ORIGJIN
      @ORIGJIN 24 дня назад

      Ça flet? Albanians or Ilirians have founded the Roman Empire (huge number of the emperors were from Dardania, Iliria) and more than that, so of course it makes total sens that italiens that are originally pellazgo-ilirians have conserved a huge pourcentage since Albanians were the one fighting Ottoman and Slavic invasions and did protect the whole rest of Europe in a way. Pellazgo-ilirians were all over the continent until Afghanistan and Middle East and North Africa.
      We also have data now more and more and we can see that people from the Andes in South America that are in Mexique and other places now share commun Antic DNA as Albanians (all over the world, not juste Albanians from Albania) have conserved everywhere. Because Albanian diaspora is one of the oldest and the biggest ever.
      Same with Iranian and North African DNA, they all are Europeans in a way because they originally come from the pellazgo-ilirians population that was one and had one language that lucky for us Albanians have kept alive.

  • @Johnkari-ix9jo
    @Johnkari-ix9jo 9 месяцев назад +7

    This is correct when I did my dna test I got 100% Balkan with highly densely area being the border of Montenegro who are Albanian, Albania and also the Peloponnese where the Arvanites were. Essentially I am 100% Albanian and Illyrian. We are not Turk or anything else mixed. However the rest of the balkans are for sure mixed.

    • @London-LM
      @London-LM 6 месяцев назад +2

      Albanians are def mixed, up to 30 % of their genome is derived maternally via slavs during the migration period.

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад

      In northern today's Albania (until 1043 the population of the then Principality of Duklja, today's Montenegro) lived. Albanians (previously Caucasian Albania 300-826, 826-836 Arab Emirate (Sultanate)-Syria, 836-1043 Sicily, Calabria (ITALY), then DUKLja ( MONTENEGRO), they MIXED with the local population, the result is that they have 30% genes from Montenegro, and 70% genes from the Caucasus, Anatolia, Southern Italy and Greece.

    • @Kolaalok
      @Kolaalok Месяц назад

      ​@@London-LM I've seen more middle eastern looking albanians than slavic looking albanians. There is no way we have 30% slavic DNA.

    • @London-LM
      @London-LM Месяц назад +1

      @@Kolaalok what??!! i am an anthropologist with a focus on south eastern european genetics. Albanians ALL have 30% eastern european admixture. they have no middle eastern dna. the odd percentage that we do see is less. than 2% that is over 5000 years old that is from first farmers that arrived in that region 5000-9000 years ago.

    • @Kolaalok
      @Kolaalok Месяц назад

      @@London-LM buddy if you claim that you've never seen albanians who look middle eastern, I dont know what to tell you. I am albanian myself and have seen countless of them. I'm pretty sure I know what albanians look like better than some american who "studied genetics of southern Europe". It's rare that I see albanians who look slavic! If they have slavic DNA its a very long time ago!

    @XTRADERXNYC 6 месяцев назад +2

    😂😂😂 most educated people laugh at this 😂😂😂😂

    • @СлаваССС-м4с
      @СлаваССС-м4с 25 дней назад

      @@XTRADERXNYC yep. But all these albanian trolls and bots who spend 24/7 being keyboard warriors need to understand.

  • @christianv6894
    @christianv6894 Год назад +8

    26% balto-slavic? 😂 yeah, trash calculator.
    Better try the default one.

  • @tonyjaa9503
    @tonyjaa9503 Год назад +3

    Albania=georgia…. Greece=armenia. :) mixed with anatolian, kurds and levantine.

  • @blagicakrstevska2977
    @blagicakrstevska2977 3 месяца назад

    Albanian people come to balkan in lorestan

  • @dimitrismpriskou9334
    @dimitrismpriskou9334 Год назад +20

    There is no Illyrian DNA, like there is no Albanian, Serbian, Greek, Russian or US-American DNA. That’s not how genetics work. Y-DNA Haplogroups can roughly indicate the area of ethnogenesis of a people, and not much else. All Europeans are essentially a mix of the same 3/4 prehistoric groups of people.
    I2a, or, more specifically, the South-Slavic subclade of I2a, I2a-L621, is not ‘Illyrian’. There are some dubious websites claiming it, but it’s wrong. There is not a single genetical anthropologist out there who would support such a connection, it’s all pseudoscience mainly. I2a, according to researchers like Battaglia et al., or the famous source of hobby geneticists, ‘Eupedia’, originates as a subclade of I2a in Western Ukraine, roughly 1800-2100 years ago. From there, it spread to the Balkans with the Slavic migration, via founder effect, leading to todays high frequencies among Croats, Bosniaks, Serbs etc. It’s highest variance is in Ukraine, meaning that’s where it originates from, as a rather young subclade of an old Haplogroup. There has never been any proof of ancient Paleobalkanics carrying that Haplogroup - ever. Not a body, not a sample, nothing. That’s the simple truth. Beginning with ‘I’ doesn’t mean it is ‘Illyrian’. As I said - that’s not how genetic anthropology works.
    Meanwhile, E-V13, R1b and J2b, the three most common y-DNA Haplogroups of Albanians, are Paleobalkanic beyond doubt, and have been connected to Bronze Age remains of humans from Dalmatia to Crete, all across the ancient Balkans. E-V13 came to Europe with the pre-Indoeuropean Neolithic settlers, starting roughly 9000 years ago, and R1b and J2b came with the Proto-Illyrian, -Thracian and -Greek Indoeuropean people that mixed with the Neolithic farmers to form the Paleobalkanic Illyrians, Thracians, Greeks, Phrygians etc. This is also why these three Haplogroups make up large parts of all modern Balkan peoples ancestry, including Slavs like Serbs. That is the Paleobalkanic, Pre-Slavic ancestry many people talk about, not I2a-L621.
    So to conclude; No, South-Slavs don’t carry higher frequencies of Paleobalkanic y-DNA Haplogroups than Albanians (or Greeks), but in fact clearly less of it. And yet the truth is, all Balkan people are pretty closely related to each other and descend in large parts from Paleobalkanic peoples, while only Albanians and Greeks still retain Paleobalkanic languages today.

    • @RedStefan
      @RedStefan Год назад

      What about i2 in Sardinia?

    • @mimorisenpai8540
      @mimorisenpai8540 Год назад

      @@RedStefan is another variation different from I2 in balkans who mostly from Ukraine

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад +1

      @@RedStefan Sardian is I2a M26 different from that in Balkans which is I2a M423

    • @rebelaris
      @rebelaris 8 месяцев назад +1

      Correct but also genomes can give us accurate chronology of migration , such as we know in Slavic dna it appeared in the Balkan Peninsula on the 6 century AD

    • @dimitrismpriskou9334
      @dimitrismpriskou9334 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@rebelaris true bt way later than the already existing paleobalkanic tribes/ppl like u said 6 century the south slavic tribes are the "newest" immigrations to the Balkan peninsula

  • @rgfhjfghjk.
    @rgfhjfghjk. Год назад +2

    me Albanian boy your family compliet

  • @tinitoni12
    @tinitoni12 8 месяцев назад +2

    Tank you for that Video. Could you explain in more detail who you mean by "the Albanians"? Do you mean the population in Albania, Tosk-Albanians, Gheg&Tosk-Albanians, or all people who identify ethnically as Albanians (e.g. in Macedonia, Kosovo, Greece, Italy, etc.)? The "results" should vary noticeably depending on the categorization

    • @London-LM
      @London-LM 6 месяцев назад

      all the genetic studies that were conducted through Harvard. took albanain samples from north & south, & from Kosovo, also from Albanian populations from north macedonia and alb pop from Montenegro , Bosnia and Croatia. very thorough research study that was used in Reichs indo european "southern Arc" hypothesis. there was a treasure trove of ancient genetic samples from paleo balkan peoples.. I remember that Albanian patrilineal lineage of J2b2 was found in all Illyrian samples. same paternal lineage for over 3500 years.Therefore: all Albanian populations are genetically identical. as for the 2 subgroups of Arbereshe and Arvanites I believe I read they come from the same paleo balkan source as other Albanians but they have alot of admixture from their respective host countries, where they do not plot with the people of their genetic origins anymore.

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад

      In northern today's Albania (until 1043 the population of the then Principality of Duklja, today's Montenegro) lived. Albanians (previously Caucasian Albania 300-826, 826-836 Arab Emirate (Sultanate)-Syria, 836-1043 Sicily, Calabria (ITALY), then DUKLja ( MONTENEGRO), they MIXED with the local population, the result is that they have 30% genes from Montenegro, and 70% genes from the Caucasus, Anatolia, Southern Italy and Greece.

    • @London-LM
      @London-LM 6 месяцев назад

      it would be better to read the genetic publications online from Harvard. same people have been living there for the last 3500 years it has been proven. Caucasian Albania theory that slavic people peddle is just a FALSE claim. it's funny when the invader pretends to be the indigenous inhabitants .

    • @giwrgosn8413
      @giwrgosn8413 2 месяца назад

      @@London-LM The idea that modern Albanians are exclusively descendants of the Illyrians is a topic that has caused much debate and controversy. Opinions on the origin of Albanians are varied and complex, due to the long and multifaceted history of the Balkan Peninsula.
      Historical and Genetic Background
      Ancient History:
      The Illyrians were one of the ancient ethnic groups that inhabited the Balkan Peninsula. This area was also inhabited by other groups, such as the Thracians, the Dacians and the Greeks.
      Over the centuries, the Romans conquered the region and the Illyrians were gradually assimilated by Roman and then Byzantine civilization.
      Medieval and Modern History:
      During the medieval period, the area of ​​present-day Albania was a multi-ethnic mosaic, with Slavs, Byzantines, and other groups settling there.
      Albanians formed their own language, Albanian, which belongs to the Indo-European language family, but its origin is still disputed.
      Genetic Studies:
      Modern genetic studies show that the Balkan populations have a mixture of genetic characteristics from various ancient and medieval population groups.
      Albanians have genetic influences linked to ancient Illyrians, but also to other groups that inhabited the region.
      National identity
      The national identity of Albanians, like that of any other ethnic group, is a complex issue that includes cultural, linguistic, and historical dimensions. Albanians consider the Illyrians as their ancestors, which plays an important role in their national identity and historical narrative. However, the reality is that modern populations are the result of long processes of mixing and assimilation.
      Diversity in the Balkans
      Ethnic Diversity: The Balkan region has always been a crossroads of cultures and peoples. This means that no modern population can be considered the exclusive descendant of a single ancient group.
      Influences and Movements: Mass population movements, invasions and changes in political boundaries have shaped the region's genetic and cultural diversity.
      The view that modern Albanians are exclusively descendants of the Illyrians cannot be considered completely accurate due to the complexity of the historical and genetic reality of the region. Albanians, like other populations of the Balkans, are descendants of a mixture of ancient and medieval population groups. This complexity is characteristic of the historical evolution of ethnicities in the region.

  • @annai6393
    @annai6393 Год назад +6

    What is Illyrian DNA? How are they Italian? I want some academic links to this? Are you saying Greeks are Albanian?

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Год назад

      Illyrian dna.. Nothing was found.. 😂 😂 Illyrian was Bigest zero in humanity as civilization
      Nothing left to the next generations in order to remember them
      All archeological places in Albania are from Greeks
      There is not writing documents..
      Which illyrian..???
      Even Teuta king.. In coins wtote clear Greek.. 😂 😂

    • @wankawanka3053
      @wankawanka3053 Год назад


    • @annai6393
      @annai6393 Год назад

      @@wankawanka3053 Back at you for imagining some divine origin od Albanians! Oh, wait, they are Pelasgians! With wings!

    • @denis3208
      @denis3208 Год назад +2

      All findings from Illyrian graves were so far J1 y chromosome, and Romans conquered than early in the history and there were probably many migrations towards Italy and over thousands of years it spread. One interesting fact is that Montenegrians still kept their tribe identity and one tribe that is known as being of non Slavic origin is Cuce and they have J1a y chromosome. So they are descendants of Illyrians.

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Год назад +1

      @@annai6393 who are Pelasgian... Illyrian.. 😂 😂 Albanian.. 😂 😂

  • @nrDefarioBLF
    @nrDefarioBLF 7 месяцев назад +2

    Albanians are serbo-greeks

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 7 месяцев назад

      There was no such thing as ancient "Greek". The Greeks are a false creation of British imperialists so there are no such thing as Greek since Greeks didn't exist in antiquity. Albania is an autochthonous people that has been fighting for its freedom and independence for centuries against enemies and oppressors of all kinds: the Albanians: Through all the struggles and all the historical upheavals, this people has retained its originality; Neither the migration of peoples nor the battles with Greeks, Serbs, Turks and other conquerors and oppressors were able to prevent the Albanians from maintaining their uniqueness pure and unadulterated in race and language, in customs and manners.
      Historian - Hanslörg Frommer
      Today only the Albanians, with their independent language, see themselves as descendants of the Illyrians.
      Historian -Theodor Mommsen
      was a German historian and is considered one of the most important antiquarians of the 19th century. The only Nobel Prize winner for literature. The brave ones from Epirus are the Albanians from antiquity, loyal, courageous traditional people whose flag has always been their eagle.
      Karl Kaser - historian
      Sees today's Albanians as the descendants of the remaining non-romanized Illyrian population. To support his view, he cites results from Albanian archeology and linguistics
      Johann Georg von Hahn
      Josef ritter von xylander historian
      These two represent the thesis of the autochthonous nature of today's Albanians, which is linked to the Pelasgians
      The Albanians have a language completely different from that of the Latins, Greeks and Slavs, so they cannot communicate in any way with other peoples". Whereas Greek is a fake language mixed with Albanian, Turkish, Slavic and Latin words. That's why it's placed on a separate branch because it is a Bastardized language.
      Historian - Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer
      There is a people on the Illyrian Peninsula whose language, in its structure and core, bears not the slightest resemblance to either Greek, Turkish or the Slavic dialects spoken today in most of south east europe.

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 3 месяца назад

      Greeks are BulgaroAlbanians.

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 3 месяца назад +1

      Johann Georg von Hahn 1811-1869: "The modern Greeks are, in the greater part, nothing more than Christianized Albanians."
      Jacob Philipp Fallmerayer 1790-1861: "The Greek War of Independence was a "purely Shqiptarian (Albanian), not a Hellenic Revolution."
      James Henry Skene 1812-1886: "The Albanians of Greece are called Arvaniti by the Greeks, and Arnaout by the Turks, but they call themselves Shqiptar."
      Edmond About 1828-1885: "The Greeks are not Greeks; they are Albanians who have forgotten their mother tongue."
      François Pouqueville 1770-1838: "The Souliotes, an Albanian race distinguished for their bravery and love of freedom."
      Edward Lear 1812-1888: "The Greeks of the Peloponnese often use the term 'Arvanites' to refer to Albanian-speaking communities in their region, acknowledging their distinct cultural and linguistic heritage."
      Lord Byron 1788-1824: "The Albanians in their dresses the most magnificent in the world."
      William Martin Leake 1777-1860: "The population of Greece is composed of a great variety of races, among which the Albanian has furnished a large proportion."
      William Martin Leake 1777-1860: "Throughout Greek history, the term 'Arvanites' has been used to identify Albanian settlers and communities in Greece, highlighting their cultural and linguistic connections to Albania."
      Johann Thunmann 1746-1778: "The Greeks are made up of various races, among which the Albanian is not the least numerous."
      Edward Daniel Clarke 1769-1822: "The Greeks of the present day are only the Albanians speaking a dialect of the ancient Greek."
      Konstantin Jirecek 1854-1918: "The ethnic composition of the Greek population is more diverse than commonly believed, with significant contributions from Albanians."
      Louis-Félicien de Saulcy 1807-1880: "The ancient Greeks were not a homogeneous population but rather a blend of various ethnic groups, including Albanians."
      Johann Jacob Reiske 1716-1774: "The modern Greeks are descended from a mixture of indigenous peoples and newcomers, including Albanians and Slavs."
      Richard Pococke 1704-1765: "The Souliotes, a tribe of Albanian descent, maintained their independence in the mountainous regions of Epirus, resisting both Ottoman and local Greek authority."
      Thomas Smart Hughes 1786-1847: "The Souliotes, a clan of Albanian descent, fiercely resisted Ottoman authority in the rugged mountains of Epirus."
      Jacob Philipp Fallmerayer 1790-1861: "The Greeks are not direct descendants of the ancient Greeks but rather of Slavic and Albanian origin."
      Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel 1772-1829: "The Greeks of his time were a mixture of various ethnic groups, including Albanians, who had contributed to the formation of Greek culture and civilization."
      Karl Otfried Müller 1797-1840: "The ancient Greeks were not a homogeneous ethnic group but rather a blend of various peoples, including Albanians."
      Pierre-Joseph Amédée Jaubert 1779-1847: "The modern Greeks are descended from a mixture of ancient Greeks, Albanians, and other Balkan peoples."
      François Pouqueville 1770-1838: "The modern Greek population has diverse ethnic origins, including significant contributions from Albanians."
      Edward Daniel Clarke 1769-1822: "The Souliotes, a fierce and indomitable race of Albanians."
      Richard Chandler 1738-1810: "The inhabitants of Suli are Albanians, whose ancestors for several centuries have inhabited these mountains."
      Lord Byron 1788-1824: The Souliotes are "Albanian giants, of the mountain-land, they were the foes of tyrants."
      William Martin Leake 1777-1860: "The Souliotes, an Albanian tribe inhabiting the mountains of Epirus."
      Sir John Hobhouse 1786-1869: "The Souliotes, a clan of Albanian origin, fiercely resisted Ottoman authority."
      Henry Holland 1788-1873: "The Souliotes, a hardy and warlike race of Albanians, inhabited the rugged mountains of Epirus."
      Frederick William Hasluck 1878-1920: "The Souliotes, a community of Albanian origin, fiercely defended their mountain stronghold against the Ottoman forces."
      Edward Dodwell 1767-1832: "The Souliotes, a tribe of Albanians, have been long distinguished for their bravery and love of freedom. They inhabit a mountainous district in the north of Greece."
      Johann Georg von Hahn 1811-1869: "The Greeks commonly refer to Albanians as 'Arvanites,' a term that has been used for centuries to describe the Albanian-speaking population residing in various parts of Greece."
      John L. Comstock 1787-1858: "The Souliotes, a tribe of Albanian origin, have maintained their independence amidst the mountains of Epirus."
      George Finlay 1799-1875: "The Souliotes, a hardy and independent race of Albanian mountaineers, inhabited the rugged region of Souli in Epirus."
      James Emerson Tennent 1804-1869: "The Souliotes, a bold and warlike race of Albanians, defended their mountain fastnesses against the Ottoman forces for centuries."
      George Gordon 1788-1824: "The Souliotes, an Albanian tribe renowned for their bravery and martial spirit, held out against overwhelming odds in their mountain strongholds."
      Lewis Sergeant 1841-1902: "The Souliotes, an Albanian community, displayed remarkable courage and tenacity in their struggle against Ottoman domination."
      Helen F. Glykatzi-Ahrweiler 1926-….: "The Souliotes, an Albanian-speaking people, were known for their fierce resistance against the Ottoman Empire."
      William Martin Leake 1777-1860: "The Souliotes, believed to be of Albanian origin, were renowned for their courage and tenacity in defending their mountain strongholds against all adversaries."
      John Cartwright 1740-1824: "The Souliotes, an Albanian-speaking community, fiercely defended their freedom and identity against the Ottoman Empire and neighboring Greek clans."
      Thomas Allom 1804-1872: "The Souliotes, descended from Albanian stock, were known for their martial prowess and resistance against foreign invaders."
      William Kelly 1811-1888: "The Souliotes, a tribe of Albanian lineage, held onto their independence in the mountains of Epirus, forging a distinct identity amidst the turbulent history of the region."
      Sir Richard Church 1784-1873: "In Greek folklore and literature, the term 'Arvanites' has been employed to denote Albanians, reflecting the historical presence of Albanian-speaking populations in Greece."
      Edward Everett 1794-1865: "The Albanians, renowned for their martial spirit and fierce independence, played a significant role in the Greek War of Independence, contributing both fighters and leaders to the cause."
      Sir Richard Church 1784-1873: "In the tumult of the Greek War of Independence, Albanians emerged as key actors, their bravery and military prowess contributing greatly to the struggle against Ottoman rule."
      Alexander Mavrocordatos 1791-1865: "Albanians, long oppressed under Ottoman rule, seized the opportunity presented by the Greek War of Independence to assert their own aspirations for self-determination, fighting for liberty."
      Edward Bulwer-Lytton 1803-1873: "The Greek War of Independence was a testament to the unity of purpose among diverse ethnic groups, including Albanians, who banded together in pursuit of a common goal: liberation from Ottoman tyranny."
      James Emerson Tennent 1804-1869: "The so called Greek struggle for independence witnessed the participation of Albanians, demonstrating a shared desire for freedom from Ottoman rule."
      Lewis Sergeant 1841-1902: "The Greek War of Independence cannot be fully understood without considering the impact of Ali Pasha's rule in the region.
      Edward Gibbon 1737-1794: "The Greeks often refer to the Albanians as 'Arvanites,' a term derived from the Albanian word 'Arber' or 'Arberesh,' signifying their Albanian origin."
      Richard Chandler 1738-1810: "In Greek folklore and historical accounts, the term 'Arvanites' is frequently used to denote Albanians living in Greece, reflecting their presence and influence in the region."
      Edward Daniel Clarke 1769-1822: "The designation 'Arvanites' has long been employed by Greeks to refer to Albanian-speaking populations in Greece, underscoring the enduring presence of Albanian communities in the region."

  • @N.a.t.t
    @N.a.t.t 7 месяцев назад +1

    I did a genetic test on myHiertage and got this:
    60% Balkan with the Albanian subgroup in Albania (Shkoder) & Serbia.
    40 % Greek/ South Italian.
    Can someone tell me the difference between this groups? How can both be Albanian ? Are the Balkan part more mixed with Slavic genes?

    • @ΧρίστοςΠαπαδόπουλος-η5υ
      @ΧρίστοςΠαπαδόπουλος-η5υ 7 месяцев назад

      They is no Albanian dna yes the balkan is mixed with slavic part' are just greek accent it and become loyal to Greece forget about Albania a fake country fake everything

    • @shinkirou3026
      @shinkirou3026 7 месяцев назад

      Yes most probably. Plus don't forget the two albanian groups northern dialect(gheg) and southern dialect(tosk), being the first basically the Doric culture of Sparta and Peloponnese while the second the Ionian culture who spread till Attica
      Yeah buddy, may seem confusing a lot but if one look beside stupid modern day nationalism, there were always migration and fusion of people and languages. And in that case, be proud of your ancestry because many great person spoke same language. In 40 years, people will lie to claim your same ancestry, give time to time ;)

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 7 месяцев назад

      @@ΧρίστοςΠαπαδόπουλος-η5υ There was no such thing as ancient "Greek". The Greeks are a false creation of British imperialists so there are no such thing as Greek since Greeks didn't exist in antiquity. Albania is an autochthonous people that has been fighting for its freedom and independence for centuries against enemies and oppressors of all kinds: the Albanians: Through all the struggles and all the historical upheavals, this people has retained its originality; Neither the migration of peoples nor the battles with Greeks, Serbs, Turks and other conquerors and oppressors were able to prevent the Albanians from maintaining their uniqueness pure and unadulterated in race and language, in customs and manners.
      Historian - Hanslörg Frommer
      Today only the Albanians, with their independent language, see themselves as descendants of the Illyrians.
      Historian -Theodor Mommsen
      was a German historian and is considered one of the most important antiquarians of the 19th century. The only Nobel Prize winner for literature. The brave ones from Epirus are the Albanians from antiquity, loyal, courageous traditional people whose flag has always been their eagle.
      Karl Kaser - historian
      Sees today's Albanians as the descendants of the remaining non-romanized Illyrian population. To support his view, he cites results from Albanian archeology and linguistics
      Johann Georg von Hahn
      Josef ritter von xylander historian
      These two represent the thesis of the autochthonous nature of today's Albanians, which is linked to the Pelasgians
      The Albanians have a language completely different from that of the Latins, Greeks and Slavs, so they cannot communicate in any way with other peoples". Whereas Greek is a fake language mixed with Albanian, Turkish, Slavic and Latin words. That's why it's placed on a separate branch because it is a Bastardized language.
      Historian - Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer
      There is a people on the Illyrian Peninsula whose language, in its structure and core, bears not the slightest resemblance to either Greek, Turkish or the Slavic dialects spoken today in most of south east europe.

    • @Trontotario
      @Trontotario 7 месяцев назад +1

      Greek/south Italian is also paleo balkan DNA with different name

  • @Dani2kGaming_GEIR
    @Dani2kGaming_GEIR Год назад +9

    as an Iranian thats interesting that albanians are the only 1 people the descendants of Illyrians

    • @ΕυαγγελοςΑγγελος-ρ6ζ
      @ΕυαγγελοςΑγγελος-ρ6ζ 9 месяцев назад

      There Is No Albanian Nation It Is Mix Of Turks And Slavs

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад

      In northern today's Albania (until 1043 the population of the then Principality of Duklja, today's Montenegro) lived. Albanians (previously Caucasian Albania 300-826, 826-836 Arab Emirate (Sultanate)-Syria, 836-1043 Sicily, Calabria (ITALY), then DUKLja ( MONTENEGRO), they MIXED with the local population, the result is that they have 30% genes from Montenegro, and 70% genes from the Caucasus, Anatolia, Southern Italy and Greece.

    • @lostinillyria5827
      @lostinillyria5827 27 дней назад

      @@drazantodoric6040 Incorrect evidence, Montenegro is 40-45% E1b, R1b, and J2 combined, both of which are common among Albanians and Greeks, and is found in the Bronze age period. Montenegro also has 30% of I2a, which is mostly Dinaric Slav. As you can see Greeks have J2 and E1b haplogroups mostly, just like Albanians (E1b, R1b, and J2b) but the more north and west you go in the Balkans you will see more prevalence of I2a due to Slavic influences in the Paternal lines.
      Haplogroup J2b-l283, this haplogroup was found in the western Balkans (Illyrians) around 1000 BCE, and this haplogroup originated in the Zagros Mountains long ago (Iran, 8000 years ago) but as they migrated into where the indo-european population were (Yamnaya) "The ancient sample I10206, being J2b-L283 and, according to authors, Yamnaya, confirms the prior consensus theory of an association with migrating Indo-European groups that may have been the vector of J2b-L283 migration from the North Caucasus to Europe." (Implications of I10206, a 2700 BCE Ancient Yamnaya J2b-L283 from Crihana-Veche, Moldova). In reality Illyrians are indo-european and share some roots to these regions too (Paternal line) before their initial phase into the Balkans. But overall, J2b-l283 is often associated with a bronze-age western Balkan pre-roman haplogroup that is over 3,000 years old in the region (Where the Illyrians lived).
      "Current population genetics suggests, that E1b1b1a evolved some 22,500 years ago in the Middle East. A subset, E-V13 (E1b1b1a1b*) individuals migrated from the Middle East and Western Asia into the Balkans around 4500 years ago (Balkan Bronze Age)." (E-V13 (E1b1b1a1b1a) Balkan/Swiss/UK).

  • @milan1646
    @milan1646 4 месяца назад

    A lot of it has been invested in media propaganda that Albanians are from the Balkans, a little bit in Arabic and Vatican books so you will see that you are from azia genetically and linguistically, it says how you came to Sicily and why there have you been moved by Arabs who had Sicily at that time

  • @Aupm-1
    @Aupm-1 Год назад +2

    Can you do one DNA test with video for Macedonians

    • @PaioniaSoldier
      @PaioniaSoldier Год назад +12

      There is already made by your government , u have the same DNA as Serbs and Bulgarians

    • @sarak6083
      @sarak6083 Год назад +1


    • @xmanxxx2000
      @xmanxxx2000 2 месяца назад

      How many Albanians was in Macedonia 100 year ago and still remain half with Albanians. Tell us where Macedonia people was from.

  • @jetonbalidemaj
    @jetonbalidemaj 2 месяца назад

    Please do a follow up with Gheg (North Albanian) and Tosk (South & Central) great work.

  • @anthonychristy4074
    @anthonychristy4074 10 месяцев назад

    I’m sorry but this is pure nonsense about Albanian and mainland Greek genetic proximity. The reason mainland Greeks and Albanians Custer is because their genetic profile is similar it’s not because Arvanites settled in mass and left a huge genetic imprint.

  • @Therandeon
    @Therandeon 9 месяцев назад

    It seems like you don't know how to read the G25 results and take their answers for granted. The Albanians are not more "Daco-Thracian" than Illyrian, it's just how the algorithm tries to calculate and map modern results based on ancient ones and picks whatever component it needs to make it's calculation "precise". But that precision is wrong and misleading.

  • @Srbendatribali
    @Srbendatribali Год назад +5

    What you talk about...The comes from Caucasus and come with a Araps on Sicilia after than Georgios Maniakes take tha Albaniens with him on the Balkan Georgios loose the Battle vs Byzanz and and the Albaniens stay on the Balkan .......PLINIUS ILYRIKUM SERBORUM

    • @Dukgjin
      @Dukgjin Год назад

      Hshahaha in Kosovo the Albanians have 48% EV13 Haplogoup, even more than in Greece. you Russisn gypsis came from Ukraine after 6bc.

    • @albarmy1
      @albarmy1 10 месяцев назад

      Mother Russia is calling you. Go back to Siberia.

    • @Notme17111
      @Notme17111 10 месяцев назад

      Least diabolical delusional serbian:

  • @izokm3575
    @izokm3575 Год назад +1

    @Ancestralbrew will you please write me this link, as I asked you before about DNA test. I don't find the link

    • @izokm3575
      @izokm3575 Год назад


    • @AncestralBrew
      @AncestralBrew  Год назад

      Hi I fixed it

    • @izokm3575
      @izokm3575 Год назад

      @@AncestralBrew this wasnt my question actually. Can you tell me the link, or?

  • @PaioniaSoldier
    @PaioniaSoldier Год назад +10

    Balto slavic yeah right 😅😂 ,albanians score over 90% ancient greek on Dna tests , and dna tests have been made by less then 0.1 % of rhe population

    • @syrenaxhaferi7278
      @syrenaxhaferi7278 Год назад +1


    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад

      Paionia soldier per nje anetar te familjes vetem 1 anetar duhet ta bej testin

    • @nikostheofanidis9970
      @nikostheofanidis9970 Год назад

      False, the dna test myheritage can't show you where your ancestors lived in ancient times. It can show you where your ancestors lived 500 or max 600 years ago. So the dna Greece can mean you are Greek or turk or jews or Italian or albanian or Bulgarian or gypsy roma or many other ethnicities who lived in Greece 500 600 years ago.

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад

      @@nikostheofanidis9970 The My heritage dont show your Haplogroups you can try in FTDNA ( Family Tree DNA)

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад

      @@nikostheofanidis9970 What is your YDNA Haplogroup EV13 or J2a or R1b or R1a or J2a or I1a or I2a or J2b 205 or J2b L283 or G2a etc

  • @KNJpd
    @KNJpd Год назад +2

    Question that id appreciate an answer for if you have any data, northern albanians were extremely isolated due to the geographical terrain in comparison to southern albanians. Watching a lot of videos i've seen a lot of similarities and a higher frequency in shared haplogroups from southern albanians with neighboring ehtnicities whereas northerners seemed to have a haplogroup prevalence quite distinct from the southerners and the other neighbors considering how long they were in proximity to each other (it seemed so at first glance, im not an anthropologist however). What can you tell us about this case, does this data apply to northerners too or are there any significant differences?

    • @KNJpd
      @KNJpd Год назад +1

      In addition: Id rather not want to have this question answered by any random with a nationalist bias or personal agenda, if thats the case id prefer my question unanswered.

    • @theunknownfragment5473
      @theunknownfragment5473 Год назад +1

      Based on my studies and personal opinion, I relate the Northern Albanians more with Doric not just because of their preserved DNA but also the archaic language which is based on the Gheg dialect. I focused my studies mainly on the language ( not on DNA ) and I wish there was more in depth international studies on it too because it's fascinating. But then it might not fit so perfectly on the Indo European tree ( like Basque ) if the focus was on Gheg.

    • @KNJpd
      @KNJpd Год назад +1

      @@theunknownfragment5473 Thats interesting to hear, thanks!

    • @theunknownfragment5473
      @theunknownfragment5473 Год назад

      @@KNJpd to me the DNA was sort of like a puzzle piece falling into place because where the Gheg is spoken we also see the DNA cluster that has less admixtures with their neighbors

    • @arrabona916
      @arrabona916 Год назад

      Its a process known as genetic bottleneck and founder effects as well as exogamy.

  • @eh8706
    @eh8706 Год назад +10

    Only 11% Illyrian...There you go Albanians and your myths

    • @stefanspasic3316
      @stefanspasic3316 Год назад

      The Austrian propaganda from 19 century. Illyrians are Serbs, Croats and Bosnians.

    • @PaioniaSoldier
      @PaioniaSoldier Год назад

      Unfortunately for you , the Word Illyrian has many meaning in Modern Albanian Language . And since we have so many haters we must be , now go cry

    • @sduka1909
      @sduka1909 Год назад +2

      Read the study i posted in the other comment. It is a scientific study done by 3 greeks, not a youtube video.

    • @PaioniaSoldier
      @PaioniaSoldier Год назад +2

      @@sduka1909 by 3 Greeks , now I believe the study 😂🤣😂😅😅😅.

    • @sduka1909
      @sduka1909 Год назад +2

      @@PaioniaSoldier open-mindedness includes reading things even if you do not like the title or source. Read it first and draw your conclusions from their detailed analysis.

  • @petrospetromixos6962
    @petrospetromixos6962 3 месяца назад

    Albanians have been turkifieds in our times

  • @cgbearded3701
    @cgbearded3701 Год назад +1

    Please more videos about persians

  • @skylinelover9276
    @skylinelover9276 Год назад +8

    Its funny how Albanians nationalist were being overproud and overclaiming that they are the source of all humanity, they are Master race etc...yet they are the worst performing economy in the Balkan, no Olympic medal, poor military etc

    • @arianitonline8748
      @arianitonline8748 Год назад

      that's some level 9000 stupidity. what does economics have to do with race? or military?

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Год назад +1

      ​@@arianitonline8748show something from illyrians.. I want to be educated as you
      Shownus one archeological place in Albania that belongs to illyrian
      Show us ome ancient written documents from illyrians.. Only one..
      Hotzas is died.. No more fare tale about illyrian.. 80 years you are closed from all civilization countries and you learn one poem of ethnicity..

    • @arianitonline8748
      @arianitonline8748 Год назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq why should I show you anything?! I owe you nothing! there are plenty of archeological places in albania, more than enough. but I am not here to educate a swine, I can't do miracles

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Год назад +1

      @@arianitonline8748 there plenty of course but not from illyrians..
      To write history need archeological places
      To write history need ancient written documents..
      All archeological places in Albania are from Greeks
      And others..
      Even in Billys which one period some few years Teuta king the coins are in clear Greek.
      No need to show me anything m. Thank yiu

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Год назад

      Otherwise is utopia.. And stay in parallel universe of hotzas fare tale..

  • @issith7340
    @issith7340 10 месяцев назад

    My ancestors came from alfa of kendabr , then. Cause i say so….

  • @albarmy1
    @albarmy1 10 месяцев назад +5

    ❤🇦🇱Love to see turkish boys (greeks) and sons of Russia (serbs) cope on the comments 😂😂😂 seethe!!!

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq 10 месяцев назад +1

      Better to look in yiur country all archeological places that you have
      Better to see your language.. 😂 😂
      Better to go in Tirana museum to see what have feom. Albania.. 😂 😂

    • @albarmy1
      @albarmy1 10 месяцев назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq cope greeks are sons of turks, dna proves it. Hihihi

    • @serboturkautokton
      @serboturkautokton 10 месяцев назад

      @@Johnny-pk3iq ne brate we come from siberia mongols be proud!!!!

    • @nrDefarioBLF
      @nrDefarioBLF 6 месяцев назад +1

      There is no any albanian monument tho😂😂

    • @russianinvader3207
      @russianinvader3207 4 месяца назад

      Kosovo is Serbia.

  • @edmond1314
    @edmond1314 6 месяцев назад

    They are not italians they are arberesh albanian people that live in italy

  • @papazataklaattiranimam
    @papazataklaattiranimam Год назад +39

    There is a common misinformation about Albanians are Illyrians, but this is not widely accepted in the academic community.

    • @nothing-yo4bn
      @nothing-yo4bn Год назад +45

      the Illyrians are related to the Albanians of today, they are only one of several elements of the ethnogenesis of this people. You can deny it all you want. The truth remains in their language, heritage and genome.

    • @John-eg7pr
      @John-eg7pr Год назад +8

      @@nothing-yo4bn the illyrians are a part of the southern slavs genetics aswell.

    • @nothing-yo4bn
      @nothing-yo4bn Год назад +17

      @@John-eg7pr If anything thats because they intermarried Illyrians which are albanian. Before the Slavic migration and the invasion of turks of former byzantine empire there were only Illyrians, Romans and greek. One can argue that ancient greece are albanians but Greece was almost wiped out of the authoctnous Greeks in the 6-7 centuries and in North-western Greece settled a Slavic tribe called the Bayneta (Vegenetia), which were later probably chased away by the Albanian incursions in the 14th century.

    • @John-eg7pr
      @John-eg7pr Год назад +11

      @@nothing-yo4bn yes of course they did, just look at the physical anthropology of the balkan slavs, a lot darker and taller (dinaric alps). Illyrians were also described as tall people, how come the albanians are pretty short? Also the mDNA shows that about half of the bosniaks dna for example are of paleo-balkanuc origin which is logical considering majority of bosnians (all ethnicities) are of vlach origin. Vlachs in the western balkans were romanized illyrians. Vlachs closer to romania were romanized dacians.

    • @John-eg7pr
      @John-eg7pr Год назад +8

      @@nothing-yo4bnnot to mention the montenegrins who are apmost identical to albanians in Y-dna. Very high percentage of e-v13.

  • @musakomoni6510
    @musakomoni6510 Год назад

    You’re close but still wrong. Albanian DNA is 50% from taqinanen - 10% moshamut 10% hamamutin - 10% tithejdhumt 10% boletezotit and last but not least …..10% kukunanajam (from southern papuqe). You’re welcome.

    • @albarmy1
      @albarmy1 10 месяцев назад

      Your DNA is 100% from rrotakarrit people.

  • @Dukgjin
    @Dukgjin Год назад +4

    Serbs left the Chat

    • @serboturkautokton
      @serboturkautokton 10 месяцев назад

      we left to south asia Dravidian we are them and of their ppls

  • @oresteskolokouris3425
    @oresteskolokouris3425 10 месяцев назад

    Nice video!. I read a lot of comments and I beg you people, do nt mix genetics with nations. Genetics are the result of human relations (and very intimate ones). Nation are a creation of human societies, just like money and war... Isnt it that simple to understant that populations that lived in southern balkans where contiously mixed with eachother for thousant years? If for instance both greeks and albanian have around 60% anatolian farmers as ancestors that means that the have common ancestors well before illyrian- greek etc. civilasation. Does the biblical story of Cain and Abel means something to you?

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад

      In northern today's Albania (until 1043 the population of the then Principality of Duklja, today's Montenegro) lived. Albanians (previously Caucasian Albania 300-826, 826-836 Arab Emirate (Sultanate)-Syria, 836-1043 Sicily, Calabria (ITALY), then DUKLja ( MONTENEGRO), they MIXED with the local population, the result is that they have 30% genes from Montenegro, and 70% genes from the Caucasus, Anatolia, Southern Italy and Greece.

  • @southepirote7676
    @southepirote7676 7 месяцев назад +1

    Greeks are TurkoSerboBulgaroAlbanians.

    • @russianinvader3207
      @russianinvader3207 4 месяца назад

      Albanians are Greeks.

    • @thanosmagman9014
      @thanosmagman9014 3 месяца назад

      Yeah bro
      Greece existed 4500 years ago
      But let’s talk about ur mindset

    • @Illyrianluftëtar
      @Illyrianluftëtar 2 месяца назад

      ​@@thanosmagman9014Greece wasn't United entity lol

  • @denkodel6516
    @denkodel6516 Год назад +5

    WRONG - Croats especially from Dalmatia & Herzegovina have significant ancient Illyrian & ancient Liburnian DNA and much less “Slavic”. For instance a typical Hungarian & Romanian person have more “Slavic DNA” than coastal & Herzegovian Croats even thou those people are not considered Slavic.

    • @Literallysatan-t5u
      @Literallysatan-t5u Год назад +1

      thats just it you don t have illyrian dna haplogroup I2 what is that ?? germanic scandaniavian?

    • @shadowxlink123
      @shadowxlink123 Год назад +2

      Nope, the average Romanian especially in southern Romania has less Slavic admixture than any Croat. That’s why Romanians cluster with Bulgarians who also have less Slavic admixture while Croats cluster north of both

    • @mimorisenpai8540
      @mimorisenpai8540 Год назад

      Bulgarian still more balkans than croats

    • @mimorisenpai8540
      @mimorisenpai8540 Год назад

      @@shadowxlink123 balkan typically have northern and southern genetics line like ancient Northern Illyrian, Dacian and moesian(northern thracian) have more steppe ancestry than southern Illyrian, Thracian and Greeks but all of them have more steppe ancestry than Anatolian kinda similar with modern times
      Bulgarian, Albanian, and Northern mainland greeks still have more slavic ancestry than Cretan Greek.
      Northern part of Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia aka Pannonian land have larger slavs ancestry than Southern one like Dalmatia, Herzegovina, Raska, and Montenegro.

    • @shadowxlink123
      @shadowxlink123 Год назад

      @@mimorisenpai8540 I know but he said Croats have less Slavic admixture than Romanians and that’s just not true. Look at a genetic pca chart, Romanians overlap with Bulgarians while Croats plot north of both because of the higher Slavic and Germanic admixture they posses, even southern Croats still have more Slavic admixture than the Romanian average

  • @ΕλλάςΦως
    @ΕλλάςΦως 9 месяцев назад +1

    The North are Illyrian.
    The south was Greeks.

  • @pontiacpaul1
    @pontiacpaul1 9 месяцев назад +4

    Well back then most of albanian was greek .

    • @hoti47
      @hoti47 8 месяцев назад +1

      How were these greeks turned into albanians?

    • @pontiacpaul1
      @pontiacpaul1 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@hoti47 well still 500k greeks there probly invasion

    • @pontiacpaul1
      @pontiacpaul1 8 месяцев назад

      @@hoti47 plus albanians came from serbia not native to land no trace of them till last 1000 years

    • @hoti47
      @hoti47 8 месяцев назад +1

      @pontiacpaul1 if you actually look at the video, you obviously see this claim is false. Albanians are ditect descendants of Illyrians and speak a separate branch of an indo european language, which traces back to several millenians.
      Serbia was formed by slavic migrants that came later after the 7th century. Serbs are more closely related to russians and ukrainans than albanians. So your claim is false.

    • @pontiacpaul1
      @pontiacpaul1 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@hoti47 i didnt say they were serbs but land they came from being pudhed out by slavs.the people in albania at that time were all greek speakers.

  • @armandemsha1976
    @armandemsha1976 Год назад +3

    Albanians are descendants of the Danite people who migrated from what it’s known Syria 9000 or 8000 years ago in region of todays Kosovo
    Albanian language has both Natufa culture and Indo European examples
    NaTufa-Our Horde
    There are many examples
    The name of Kosovo is of Semetic origin
    Dar Dan meaning Place or House of Dan
    Macedonia is Semitic as well meaning Kingdom of lowland
    Byla Zora or BylZora meaning castle of rising sun
    Albanian dna hablogroup is E v13 this is our hablogroup all the other groups are not Albanian.
    There are mixtures but they are not of Albanian origin.

    • @NorthStar-pi2yx
      @NorthStar-pi2yx Год назад +2


    • @peekaboo12
      @peekaboo12 8 месяцев назад

      Educate yourself on the Amazigh or Imazigh (Berbers). After you are done, proceed to educate yourself on the history of Islam in southern Italy along with Norman-Arab-Byzantine culture.

  • @Orthosaur7532
    @Orthosaur7532 7 месяцев назад

    Song name?

  • @behzadparsa
    @behzadparsa Год назад +1


  • @wankawanka3053
    @wankawanka3053 Год назад +3

    damn even some greeks seemed to score higher ilyrian percentage than the albanians 💀 1:05

    • @papazataklaattiranimam
      @papazataklaattiranimam Год назад +1

      Because Greeks are everything but Hellenic

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад +3

      The results are not correct Paleo Balkan genome is around 77% Balto Slavic 15% Germanic 5% Roman with Ottoman 3%

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад +1

      Haplo groups of Albanians are Ev13 R1b and J2b2 L283

    • @mimorisenpai8540
      @mimorisenpai8540 Год назад

      Paleobalkan genetics
      Of course will got stronger in southern same with steppe and hunter gatherers ancestry got lesser when you got south.

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад

      @@mimorisenpai8540 Southern you mean south balkan include greece albania north macedonia etc

  • @SrdjanBasaric-w2s
    @SrdjanBasaric-w2s 10 месяцев назад +4

    What do the Albanians have to do with the Paleolithic when they came to the Balkans only in 1048?

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 10 месяцев назад +4

      You learned history from Balkan teachers 😂

    • @SrdjanBasaric-w2s
      @SrdjanBasaric-w2s 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@southepirote7676 No, I just stick to facts and experience.

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@SrdjanBasaric-w2s You stick to Yugoslavian propaganda.... I stick to Ptolemy. The one that mentioned of Albanoi since 150AD.

    • @peekaboo12
      @peekaboo12 10 месяцев назад +1

      Educate yourself on the BERBERS. After you are done, proceed to educate yourself on the history of Islam in southern Italy along with Norman-Arab-Byzantine culture.

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@peekaboo12 There is no such thing as Greek in antiquity. Greeks are a mix of Albanians, Italians, Slavs and Turks.

  • @dumbdictator9940
    @dumbdictator9940 10 месяцев назад +19

    albanian DNA is Turkish and Arabic.

    • @dios1ish868
      @dios1ish868 10 месяцев назад +25

      🤣🤣😂😂 troll

    • @Gigi-mc4uq
      @Gigi-mc4uq 10 месяцев назад +7


    • @serboturkautokton
      @serboturkautokton 10 месяцев назад +22

      serbian DNA is gypsy romani and turkish

    • @arberia8951
      @arberia8951 10 месяцев назад


    • @casamia995
      @casamia995 10 месяцев назад +1

      turkish dna is gipsy romani

  • @joelmillerurena7874
    @joelmillerurena7874 11 месяцев назад

    Not ethnically Albanian but adopted Albanian

  • @Dinosaur315
    @Dinosaur315 10 месяцев назад +4

    Greek dna wasnt heavily impacted by the arvanites, this is incorrect. Quite the opposite, the arvanites were heavily impacted by local greeks because they assimilated to the greeks and mixed heavily with them. Now that they could have left significant albanian marks, sure, but heavily is very incorrect.
    Also about the arvanite settlements, many also fled to italy because of ottoman invasions, reducing their numbers a lot.
    Besides, they mostly settled in Mainland Greece and specifically peloponnese, attica, Boetia and Euboia. Other greeks were living in Crete, Cyprus, Aegean region (Anatolian aegean and aegean islands) so you cant speak for every greek when in their regions there were little to none albanian settlements

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 10 месяцев назад

      There was no such thing as Greek in antiquity. The place called Greece never existed before as we know it today. The people who live in so called Greece today used to be called "Romej" during Byzantine Empire and "Raja" during Ottoman Empire times (except the Arvanitas who used to be called always by their name like "Albani", "Arbanoi", etc.) and the name "Greece" never existed during Byzantine times.
      The people who live in the so called Greece today are NOT the descendants of ancient Greece (as the world history knows it). That ancient culture and civilization, went extinct times ago, like many other ancient civilizations (like Latin civilization as well, language of which is spoken only in the certain official religious ceremonies in Vatican today and for international medical terminology).
      During Ottoman times in the Balkans, after the big powers pushed for an uprising in the place that today is called "Greece", an independent country was formed in 1821-1832. The majority of the population there was of Arvanitas (and Chameria) stock, they also were the backbone of the uprising for independence from the Ottoman Empire. The rest of the minority population was of Slav, Turks and Aromanian stock.
      After the gain of independence the place was so divided, and with a prolonged civil war that a real country could not be formed.
      Fearing the disintegration of the place after Ottomans left (and possibility of a return of the Ottomans), Prince Otto of Germany was brought in by European powers to clear the mess and do nation - building there. He was proclaimed King of the place by big powers and given plenipotentiary powers.
      The Price Otto royal family in Germany happen to be an admirer of the ancient civilizations, one of them being the extinct ancient Greek civilization, traces and archeological findings of which are also seen in that region called today
      "Greece" as well.
      Being an ancient history romantic and buff, Otto came up with the idea, that the only way to keep the place together and for a chance to build a country there, was to adopt/impose some kind of neutral/foreign ancient language and culture
      for all people living in that place, that will make possible for the people to stick together under one language and culture imposed on them.
      So with a special royal decree, he proclaimed a version of the ancient Greek (the easier one to be taught and learned by people there in those times) as an official language of the place, and also came up with the new name for the
      place, calling it with a special royal decree "Greece".
      Everything else was banned, and the new "country" formed, was ordered to be rebuild anew in resemblance of the old romantic view of the ancient Greek civilization, starting with the buildings, names of people, places, cities and villages, regions, mountains, fields and all were changed to made-up names loaned by the ancient literature of ancient Greek
      This of course was associated with money brought by European powers to rebuild. The more people in that place agreed with the change of their true national and ethnic identity and declare themselves artificially "Greeks/Helenes" and adopt to the new order, the more money was to be pouring in.
      Naturally, the strongest resistance to this artificial and made-up solution, was made by the Arvanitas (and Chameria), but at no avail.
      It is legendary, the loss by one vote in the Price Otto's Parliament of that time, of Arvanitas proposal to have the Albanian
      (Arvanite) language as an official language of the place called 'Greece" today, and to call the new country "Arvanoi" (instead of "Greece").
      There is plenty of scientific and factual evidence, archival and historical documents, as well as studies and publications by major authors and authorities in the field about as above.
      One interesting fact here, is that one of the earlier German/Austrian well known historians and scientists of that time, Fallmerayer, alerted Prince Otto and others to this nonsense, of declaring a whole people and place by a
      name not belonging to them, and injecting an extinct language, culture and civilization on people who had no idea about it and did not belong to it at all. Well, Fallmerayer may have proven to be right.
      By the way, Fallmerayer, is a banned figure and historian in what is called Greece today.
      Germany is still paying for the Otto's mistake, even today. It has gotten stuck with the country so called "Greece". It is now forced to pour free money, even today, out of Germany's pocket (through European Union as well) year after year to keep it alive and going, as this "Greece" cannot stand on its own. It is an artificial creation of Prince Otto's fantasy (a "zombie" country so to speak), and the new generations of the Germans and Europeans are continuing to pay the price for it.
      Moreover, what Prince Otto did back then, is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. He forced inhabitants of a whole region/place (called "Greece" today) to change by force their culture, language, national and ethnic identity to something
      else that those people were not, so they could artificially change in order to look modern and civilized (like ancient Greeks in Otto's personal view) and possibly be united. And of course, Arvanites and Chams (as the majority population in the region) suffered mostly from this ethnic cleansing.
      All this revelation, informs another major point: history taught about what today is called Greece, it appears to be taught wrong. People are wrongly taught in schools that today's Greece and its people are the direct descendants of ancient Greeks. Greece and Greeks of today, in some extend, also think they are superior to others just because they are called
      "Greeks" and their country "Greece" by decree (not by the virtue of the truth). They also seem to believe for some reason, they are entitled to the German and European money being handed out to them.
      The school textbooks and historiography should change, telling people the truth as it is. And with this, will come many other changes, in the way we see relations with the country called "Greece" today

    • @peekaboo12
      @peekaboo12 10 месяцев назад

      Albanian Academic Professor Dr. Kaplan Resuli-Burovich: "The Albanian professors consciously hide the truth about the origins of the Albanians and, instead truth, to their pupils and students they serve up the lies about their autochthony and Illyrian origin.This is not done accidentally, but with the aim to incite the Albanians against the neighbouring nations"
      In terms of historical theories, an outdated theory is the 19th century theory that Albanians specifically descend from the Pelasgians, a broad term used by classical authors to denote the autochthonous, pre-Indo-European inhabitants of Greece and the southern Balkans in general. There is no evidence about the possible language, customs and existence of the Pelasgians as a distinct and homogeneous people and thus any particular connection to this population is unfounded. This theory was developed by the Austrian Johann Georg von Hahn in his work Albanesische Studien in 1854. According to Hahn, the Pelasgians were the original proto-Albanians and the language spoken by the Pelasgians, Illyrians, Epirotes and ancient Macedonians were closely related. In Hahn's theory the term Pelasgians was mostly used as a synonym for Illyrians. This theory quickly attracted support in Albanian circles, as it established a claim of predecence over other Balkan nations, particularly the Greeks. In addition to establishing "historic right" to territory this theory also established that the ancient Greek civilization and its achievements had an "Albanian" origin. The theory gained staunch support among early 20th-century Albanian publicists. This theory is rejected by scholars today. In contemporary times with the Arvanite revival of the Pelasgian theory, it has also been recently borrowed by other Albanian speaking populations within and from Albania in Greece to counter the negative image of their communities. In addition, the meaning of Albania's Dardania comes from the same Austrian Johann Georg von Hahn, and he proposed that the names Dardanoi and Dardania were related to the Albanian word pear, pear-tree.
      Educate yourself on the BERBERS. After you are done, proceed to educate yourself on the history of Islam in southern Italy along with Norman-Arab-Byzantine culture.

    • @Dukgjin
      @Dukgjin 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@peekaboo12look at the DNA Studies of albanians 48%illyrian DNA

    • @peekaboo12
      @peekaboo12 10 месяцев назад

      Educate yourself on the Amazigh or Imazigh (Berbers). After you are done, proceed to educate yourself on the history of Islam in southern Italy along with Norman-Arab-Byzantine culture.

    • @Dukgjin
      @Dukgjin 10 месяцев назад

      @@peekaboo12 hahhahah ev13 came to neotholic Times on the Balkan via asia and not south italy. At First learn the haplogoup from WHERE and WHEN it came.
      Edit:all people came from africa even you russian gypsis

  • @mikligardur9104
    @mikligardur9104 Год назад

    Do a video about Egypt and Ethiopia.

  • @ncroc
    @ncroc Год назад +8

    So nearly half of Greeks are just Christianized Albanians. Considering the ones that came from Asia Minor were just Hellenized / Christianized Anatolians (Lydians, Phrygians,Luwians, Black Sea people, etc), I wonder if there is any relation with modern Greeks and ancient Greeks at all. If Albanian language was used in the Balkans or Anatolia before 1000 AD, ancient Greeks or Romans would have mentioned it.

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 Год назад

      The creator of the video is 'albanian' .He see 'arvanites' everywhere

    • @alexsinos2635
      @alexsinos2635 11 месяцев назад

      Look at how Mycenean and Minoan samples plot. 80%+ Anatolian Neolithic Farmer usually.
      All Balkan (and all European for that matter) have varying levels of ANF. All the populations are a continuum. Both Albanian and Greek modern populations plot close to ancient Greeks, with Southern Italians plotting even closer due to the lack of Slavic admixture.
      Good to remember that Albanians and Greeks are both neighboring Paleo-Balkan populations whose stock is essentially the same people.

    • @ncroc
      @ncroc 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@alexsinos2635 How come there is no mention of Albanians or Albanian language in ancient Greek or Eastern Roman sources then? Heredotus talks about Phrygians Lydians etc but there is no mention of Albanians or Albanian language. I think until 10th or 11th century, there is no mention of Albanians or Albanian language in Greek Roman sources. If Similar to Slavs, Albanians came after 7th century & modern Greeks are genetically very very similar to Albanians then what does this tell us?

    • @alexsinos2635
      @alexsinos2635 11 месяцев назад

      @@ncroc you've made a few mistakes here.
      To start, if that was the case then modern Albanians wouldn't cluster so close to ancient sample. They are clearly an indigenous people to the area.
      Albania as an ethnonym derives from an Illyrian tribe that was around since the Ptolemaic times. Although you are right that they aren't mentioned using that name until the middle ages. However, this does not mean much as the standing theory is that both the language and the people originally derive from either an Illyrian language or a Thracian language (or a precursor to either of these).
      The next problem is that both the modern Greek and modern Albanian populations have less Slavic admixture compared to other Balkan populations.
      The populations far too similar in both their origin and their modern genome to be able to claim that one wiped out the other. If anything the influx of Anatolian Greeks after the population exchange with turkey had a much more substantial footprint in the average genetics of a modern Greek.

    • @ncroc
      @ncroc 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@alexsinos2635 Let's put everything aside. We agree that modern Greeks and modern Albanians are genetically very similar, right?
      Then my question is how come there is no mention of Albanian language or Albanians in either Ancient Greek sources or Byzantium sources?
      We see many peoples and their languages like Lydian, Phrygian, Thracian, Persian, Armenian, etc mentioned in even Heredotus.
      How come there is no mention of Albanians or Albanian language until 10th century if they were living near ancient Greeks since at least 600 BCE?

  • @kivloli8385
    @kivloli8385 Год назад

    what's the music

  • @silviueugen4069
    @silviueugen4069 Год назад

    How in thw world is possible an itlian have more iliyrian dna than croats or bosniakcs and greeks have more daco-thracian dna than romanians and bulgarians themselfs ???

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 Год назад

      Simple. Ancient people are more illiryans than the fake 'illyrians' and more daco-thracians than the fake

    • @Literallysatan-t5u
      @Literallysatan-t5u 10 месяцев назад

      they dont have illyrian dna and roman genes means also illyiran

    • @blackpaint9093
      @blackpaint9093 6 месяцев назад

      Its about italians in Calabria region.
      Calabria region has the biggest arbereshe communities so that could be a factor

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад

      The most SLAVS from FORMER JUGOSLAVIA ( BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA 50-60%, SERBIA and MONTENEGRO 39.5%, CROATIA 35%...have I2aDinaric haplogroup. ,than Sardinia 35%, rest of Italy significantly smaller amount ...

  • @patspadd8243
    @patspadd8243 Год назад


  • @samuelfanning6598
    @samuelfanning6598 8 месяцев назад

    Which ethnic group has the highest Illyrian ancestry? Is it the albanians?

    • @London-LM
      @London-LM 6 месяцев назад +1

      It is ethnic Albanians. they have the largest % of paleo balkan dna, the first highest % comes from Illyrians the second largest % comes from thracians. by looking at the Albanian genome it almost appears as it was a combination of 2 ancient paleo balcan people coming together is what formed the modern day Albanian genome.

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад

      In northern today's Albania (until 1043 the population of the then Principality of Duklja, today's Montenegro) lived. Albanians (previously Caucasian Albania 300-826, 826-836 Arab Emirate (Sultanate)-Syria, 836-1043 Sicily, Calabria (ITALY), then DUKLja ( MONTENEGRO), they MIXED with the local population, the result is that they have 30% genes from Montenegro, and 70% genes from the Caucasus, Anatolia, Southern Italy and Greece.

    • @drazantodoric6040
      @drazantodoric6040 6 месяцев назад


  • @Albanian_crusader
    @Albanian_crusader 3 месяца назад +2

    0:50 The roman empire was albanian confirmed 👌

  • @tm2bow653
    @tm2bow653 10 месяцев назад

    according to the 19ty century German map I found the Albanian speaking christians were 20% in Southern Greece not 50%. Can you give your source please?

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 10 месяцев назад

      davidrumsey maps4541

    • @blackpaint9093
      @blackpaint9093 6 месяцев назад

      When greece first gained indipendence, 20-25% of its population was arvanite, and they played a major role in the independence war and the albanian typical dress became the symbol of the war(see Byron in albanian dresses).
      Albanian arvanites mainly lived in Attiki region and pelopponese(where large but sparsely inhabited areas were albanian majority)
      OP took the ottoman tax census to show how more than half of the settlements in pelopponese were listed as "arvanite" by the ottoman empire.
      Whats also interesting about the albanian demographics in modern day greece in medieval times shows a surprisingly large albanian population in the province of Aetolia, apparently in 1200 many albanians migrated there escaping slavic invasions and as soldiers withing the ranks of the despote of Epirus.
      We also have records of how at some point the local nobility was mainly albanian, as witnessed during the Serbian Empire, when the locally appointed rulers were both albanian

    • @tm2bow653
      @tm2bow653 6 месяцев назад

      @@blackpaint9093The Albanian speaking soldiers played a major role in Ottoman troops (who fought against the Greeks) too. This is something nobody speaks about. When Greece became independent it was only Peloponnese. Many people shared the same dress no matter what their language was.

    • @blackpaint9093
      @blackpaint9093 6 месяцев назад

      @@tm2bow653 thats right, in fact i like to call the greek indipendence war as albanian civil war, since the main fighters on both sides were albanians, either muslim or orthodox.
      The most famous painting of the greek independence war, the portrait of Lord Byron, litterally is "portrait of Byron in albanian dress" referring to the typical dress worn by greek warriors.
      Lets also not forget the pivotal role played by ali pasha tepeleni in creating the greek intelligentsia and the occupation of greek by Mohammad pascia of egypt

    • @tm2bow653
      @tm2bow653 6 месяцев назад

      @@blackpaint9093 It's quite exaggerated.

  • @russianinvader3207
    @russianinvader3207 4 месяца назад

    Arvanites aren't Christian "Albanians".

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 4 месяца назад +1

      Greeks are Albanian

    • @thanosmagman9014
      @thanosmagman9014 3 месяца назад

      @@southepirote7676bro why u hate Greece in every video
      We are brothers 🙂‍↔️🙁

  • @syrenaxhaferi7278
    @syrenaxhaferi7278 Год назад +1

    Greek was my dna result

    • @dios1ish868
      @dios1ish868 Год назад

      Greek means Albanian, since majority there are Albanian, anyway. lol

    • @nikostheofanidis9970
      @nikostheofanidis9970 Год назад

      ​@@dios1ish868hahahaahahahha what do you mean. If you mean Greeks we are Arvanites you don't know anything. Arvanites when come to Greece they come to Peloponnese and now Arvanites are not even half a million 😂😂 Arvanites today are 150.000 with 50.000 speakers, and all Greece are 10.000.000 so Arvanites are not even the 1/10 of Greeks 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 Год назад

      because you are greek
      google Antique Map Of Greece Lithograph Published In 1882
      you are going to see what you are
      It's a map before the albanization

    • @dios1ish868
      @dios1ish868 Год назад

      @@jimjim3474 We are greek google? lol
      You just pointed out the year, 1882, which shows this was after the Greek state was created and we know how the politics were at the time. Also, how did we Albanise anyone else, with what institutions, when church and commercial institutions were using Latin, Liturgical greek, medieval Italian or Church slvavonic? It was the other way around, that many Albanian speaking people were assimilated because of the institutions above using these languages.

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 Год назад

      @@dios1ish868 Yeah, this was after the
      FIRST independent greek state and BEFORTE THE balkans war
      There are maps from 1700 , 300 years ago
      They are very educational
      'Albanians' ? Where do you see them ?
      'albanians' is an imaginary ethnicity , mainly
      consist of albanized greeks and serbs
      You fogot that for 400 years the muslims of
      balkans spoke 'albanian' That's why you are almost 40% slav on average
      Many of them converted back to crhistians
      after the balkan independence

  • @BulgarianForever2
    @BulgarianForever2 Месяц назад +1

    Proof Albanians were the FIRST people in the Balkans, in spite of what the srbs say.

    • @СлаваССС-м4с
      @СлаваССС-м4с 28 дней назад


    • @BulgarianForever2
      @BulgarianForever2 25 дней назад +1

      @@СлаваССС-м4с Albanians are lllyrians, in the Balkans way before srbs.

    • @СлаваССС-м4с
      @СлаваССС-м4с 25 дней назад

      Ahaha...yeah ok. Illyria was a Roman outpost. Albanians fell out the ottams arse. Illyria ahahaha

    • @BulgarianForever2
      @BulgarianForever2 25 дней назад +1

      @@СлаваССС-м4с Romans took Illyria but the Illyrians stayed became Shqiptare. Kosova eshte Shqiperia.

  • @denis3208
    @denis3208 Год назад +1

    All findings from Illyrian graves were so far J1 y chromosome, and Romans conquered than early in the history and there were probably many migrations towards Italy and over thousands of years it spread. One interesting fact is that Montenegrians still kept their tribe identity and one tribe that is known as being of non Slavic origin is Cuce and they have J1a y chromosome. So they are descendants of Illyrians. And largest gene contribution of Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Bulgarians are from European hunter gatherers, first humans in Europe, other part of Europe where I2 and I1 y chromosome peaks is Scandinavia, and central and east Europe being in the middle with about 17-30%.

  • @Makedonce1989.
    @Makedonce1989. 10 месяцев назад +1

    Everything he say is truth Arvanites were albanian first greek President Koloktronis was albanian ,except for haplogroup J2b2 l283 is not neolithic acording to G25 calculator some has autosomal 30 percent from Serbia and Hungary and distance from real e1b1b whole albania nation biggest haplogroup is e1b1b yes they can call Illirian and thracianian by that haplogroup but bro e1b1b is most diversic still in Bulgaria and Macedonia thracianian were also r1a carrier and Arbereshe are more closer to Macedonians .

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 10 месяцев назад

      everything true , everything
      davidrumsey maps4541
      The first link

    • @Illyrianluftëtar
      @Illyrianluftëtar 2 месяца назад

      Serbia only 10 ev 13 non native ballkans

  • @unknownarchon8860
    @unknownarchon8860 6 месяцев назад +2

    The "Arvanites" or Rabanites from the Peloponnese you speak about in the video, spoke a Slavic language, and all those red dots are Slavic toponyms. That says enough that genetics is one thing, language is another, and nationality is something completely third and the most modern (from 1912.)

    • @London-LM
      @London-LM 6 месяцев назад +5

      no you are incorrect. Arbanites/arvanites all spoke the tosk dialect of Albanian language. They were genetically Albanian from looking at their genome. not sure where ou got that information? there is alot of slavic toponyms throughout Greece but it's only toponyms that appears to have made any sort of lasting im[act, b/c there is no genetic impact in the Peloponese. there is slavic character in the north eastern region of Greece, but nothing substantial.

    • @unknownarchon8860
      @unknownarchon8860 6 месяцев назад

      @@London-LM Don't be ridiculous, I wrote the most accurate most objective comment. There is no Albanian gene, period. The Greek Constantine Ikonomos recorded all the Slavonic toponyms in the Peloponnese (Morea-eng. Sealand) and gave their explanation. The Arvanites or Rabanites were named after the region where they lived Raban or Rubno from the Slavic word rub (Borderland) and that name has nothing to do with the Albanian tribes and the language of those multilingual and diverse tribes that united and created the Albanian nation in 1912 as a project of Austria-Hungary monarchy. Albanians are a mixture of Arabs, Turks, Greeks, Serbs and Italians, and that Albanian gene of yours that you talk about never existed except in your wild imagination.

    • @unknownarchon8860
      @unknownarchon8860 6 месяцев назад

      @@London-LM Don't be ridiculous, I wrote the most accurate most objective comment. There is no Albanian gene, period. The Greek Constantine Ikonomos recorded all the Slavonic toponyms in the Peloponnese (Morea-eng. Sealand) and gave their explanation. The Arvanites or Rabanites were named after the region where they lived Raban or Rubno from the Slavic word rub (Borderland) and that name has nothing to do with the Albanian tribes and the language of those multilingual and diverse tribes that united and created the Albanian nation in 1912 as a project of Austria-Hungary monarchy. Albanians are a mixture of Arabs, Turks, Greeks, Serbs and Italians, and that Albanian gene of yours that you talk about never existed except in your wild imagination.

    • @London-LM
      @London-LM 6 месяцев назад

      you are trying to tell a geneticist about population genetics of the balkans. oh my@@unknownarchon8860

    • @blackpaint9093
      @blackpaint9093 6 месяцев назад +2

      Slav toponyms are due to the fact that the towns were renamed by the slavs during their early expansion into pelopponese(and later again the serbian empire)
      Albanians swarmed southern greece and were found in epyrus and even aetolia.
      In aetolia at some point local albanian lords were appointed as governors during the serbian empire. After the fall of the despotate of epirus and the Orsini dinasty, albanian warlords defeated greek nobles in the battle of Acheloo and created the Despotate of Arta, which for 60 years ruled aetolia and most of epirus until the Bocco family claimed back the title of epirus despote

  • @dimspil64
    @dimspil64 10 месяцев назад

    During 1830 the 9% per cent of the Greek population (leaving in the new state of Greece) were Arvanites.

  • @TihomirStoianov3022
    @TihomirStoianov3022 Год назад

    Illyrians Yes,but Thracians are too well discribed as Bulgarians in roman archives.

  • @mccm6167
    @mccm6167 7 месяцев назад

    The ancient Greeks, the famous Epirus king Pyrrhus, were also on the territory of today's Albania, the Romans went to the Balkans through today's Albania, in the Middle Ages the coast of Albania was held by Venice and Italian traders and before that by the Greeks... And it is these haplogroups that are dominant E1b1 and J which are Mediterranean.. Albanians have a connection with the Illyrians as much as they have with the Serbs

  • @sp2558
    @sp2558 Год назад +2

    the assuption that arvanites are christian albanians is completely false... arvanites are descendens of the dorian greek epirotan tribes (Chaons, Thesprotans, Molossians). Arvanites are and were always greek... they were bilingual because of the close proximity to nowadays albania and their language has around 30% common linguistic chracteristics to tosk albanian but that doesnt make them albanian at all...

    • @wawaviva
      @wawaviva Год назад +1

      question if they spoke Albanian as their mother tongue and needed a dictionary to speak with Rum (Greek)speakers that means that Albanians speak ancient Greek and modern Greeks speak modern Greek.Dont be so naive there are evidence that they spoke Albanian sing in Albanian Cried for their dead in Albanian ..You should watch suli a Greek tv Documentary It shows exactly what's what..

    • @jimjim3474
      @jimjim3474 Год назад

      @@wawaviva ah! 'albanians' as you can see are 25% 'rum' 25% slavs(on average)
      and sth else ..A! europe daco_thrasians ! Intresting! I'm sure that there are greeks who are over 50 % thracians

    • @wawaviva
      @wawaviva Год назад +2

      @@jimjim3474 That wasn't my question .If you are going to state a fact be honest and factual because now you sound a bit childish
      I know the Balkans are a big fuck fest we are all mixed .My DNA Says I am 85 Greek and 10 Balkan 5 Scottish Irish etc .Anyways my intention is not to offend anyone or disrespect anyone.Arvanites are orthodox Albanian that came there from mirdite region in Albania from the same region my Great grand parents are from and they came there from nis in Serbia they say 8 generations.Albanians are people of the mountains it is in our blood in our life in our manner .

    • @sp2558
      @sp2558 Год назад

      arvanitika is not albanian there are huge differences and dont tell me how my family did all things@@wawaviva greek documentarys are not always true or good investigated... history teaches the truth if you dig into it... its more that many albanians have common ancestry to the greeks and not the other way around... the illiterate ducumentary of the greek TV Skai doesnt prove shit...

    • @claudiiusmaximus652
      @claudiiusmaximus652 11 месяцев назад

      Tell that to the souliot who didnt speak greek and had to work on translation to understand your language..lmao so pathetic man

  • @EleutheriosKaralis-yq9vl
    @EleutheriosKaralis-yq9vl 10 месяцев назад

    Please do bulgaria.

  • @SRB3336
    @SRB3336 8 месяцев назад +2

    Interesting they have a lot Slavic DNK , and we have a 60% of Paleo Balkan. So it makes us closer than we thought !?

    • @Trontotario
      @Trontotario 7 месяцев назад +1

      Albanians with Slavic DNA only reaches as high as 28% and that's are from Tirana everything else is Illyrian

    • @user-ms6ue6bj4b
      @user-ms6ue6bj4b 6 месяцев назад


  • @tatatirac
    @tatatirac 7 месяцев назад

    This guy has Wikipedia PhD🤡
    Albanians come to Balkan 1856. BY ORDER of Sultan Abdulmejid I
    U have in arhive in instambul....

    • @rinorrexha8865
      @rinorrexha8865 7 месяцев назад +1

      The Serbian lie has come to an end, we are no longer in 1912 for you to propagate so easily now DNA proves everything we are the ancient people that the Balkan Slavs want to be but you will not be able to be anymore🤫🤫🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇽🇰 🇽🇰🇽🇰

    • @Illyrianluftëtar
      @Illyrianluftëtar 2 месяца назад

      Prove it parasite 🪱

  • @maxpott685
    @maxpott685 9 месяцев назад

    Nonsense.Albanians came in the Balcan in 1054.with Sicilian noble Giorgio Maniaco.
    Why you dont learn history first?

    • @hoti47
      @hoti47 8 месяцев назад +3

      First time hearing this, where are you from?

    • @maxpott685
      @maxpott685 8 месяцев назад

      @@hoti47 Albanians for the first time mentioned in history in 1034years
      Michael Ataliota "Corpus Scroptorum Historiae Byzantinae"about 1050 years.
      But i would agree more with Gustav Weigand "Sind dier Albaner".
      Gustav Weigand says that the Albanians in migration f(rom Asia-India)for a time lived with Lithuanians,with Romanian and that they like herdsman,following military expedition cames to the Balkan in 10-11th century.In Albanian language they are many Lithuanian and Romanian words.
      Centum languages Illirian,Celtcs,Latn.Greeks..
      Santum language Slavo-Baltic,Albanian,Germani
      At the assembly about Ilirian language,in Tirana 1972years,prof.Shaban Demiraj falied to defeat 12 Weigand 's theses which confirm that Albanians are not Ilirians.Prof .Aleks Buda declares that they only try to prove it..
      When Ptolomey talks about Albion,he talks about Celtic tribe ,English call themsellfs Albion,Proto -Celtic Albiyon.
      Dardania it is named after Dardanius,god of Dardanians!
      What kind of pears and peaches 😂😂
      Djuradj Skenderbeg was Serbian from all his acestors.

    • @Trontotario
      @Trontotario 7 месяцев назад

      Albanians came from Antarctica
      Albanians came from outer space
      Albanians came from Azerbaijan
      Albanians came from Italy
      Albanians came from Turkey
      Albanians came from Africa
      What Albanians? Where did they come from??
      To this last one:
      the Greeks say: “Did we miss them for thousands of years? They speak a different language? That can’t be. Perhaps, they’re Italian. Let’s send them from Morea to Italy. Or maybe, they’re Epirotes. But wait, many of them converted to Islam. So they’re Turks, then. But the Turks are a people, not a religion. Well let’s kick the Turks out back to Turkey and keep the Christians. The Christians certainly must be Greeks. They fought for Greek independence. Some of them even fought to keep their (Byzantine) orthodox Christian faith like Saint Thoma. (Well, he was Greek. He is a saint after all, he can’t possibly be Albanian.) Well, wait, these Greeks speak Albanian. They even made dictionaries so they can learn Greek. Eh, they’ll learn once they become true Greeks.
      Then, in the 1940s: “That’s it! These Albanians are Italian because they were invaded by the Italians. Then, the Italians wanted to invade Greece through the Albanian border. So, yes, the Albanians are Italian fascists! We got it, finally. Fight off the Italians, kick all the Albanian Italian fascists out of Epirus - keep the Christian ones, though. They must be Greek. Now, make peace with Italy, but declare war on Albania because Italy attacked us from the Albanian border. That makes perfect sense! Let’s make sure we keep them on their toes because the Albanians are pretty scared of war and violence especially when it’s threatened by us, the true Greeks. At the end of the day, they’re all Greek, they just don’t know it.”
      The Serbs say: “How did we miss them when we came over from Russia. We thought whomever-lived-here’s was moving out, that’s why we came. We signed a new lease and everything. Well, screw it, we're here now, so let’s just start evicting them and move into their lands and homes anyway. At least the ones we can get to. There certainly are an awful many of these people here though...
      Then, after the Ottomans invasion the Serbs are like: “How did these Ottoman Turks sneak into our lands and homes, right under our noses?? They live all over the cradle of our civilization too! WTH! But these Turks speak Albanian, so they must be Turks, because that makes perfect sense. Or even better, let’s say the Turks brought them here from Albania and landed them in Albania. What a coincidence! Brought them by train in the 1400s even before they invaded the region. Well, here we go again. We're going to have to evict them all over again. There are an awful many of them. Well, the least we can do is try. Let’s start with the eastern part. Nish is an ancient Serbian city after all. It’s so ancient it was here before the Serbs got here. So start in the North and East and make our way down South and West, just like we did when we first had to come over here to found the cradle of our civilization. Rome wasn’t built in one day after all. One ethnic cleansing after another, we’ll get there one day.”

    • @Illyrianluftëtar
      @Illyrianluftëtar 2 месяца назад

      ​@@maxpott685also known as illyrians

    • @maxpott685
      @maxpott685 2 месяца назад

      @@Illyrianluftëtar How did you connect the Illyrians,which are not mentioned anywhere after lll-lV century and Albanians which are mentioned for the first time in history in the 11th century?

  • @atreast.4331
    @atreast.4331 Год назад +6

    Arvanitai were not Albanians. Omg bro. They were epirotes and were getting butchered by Albanians. They leaved in the same area with them but were greeks

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад +7

      How they can be greek when Arnanites and Albanian understand each other

    • @atreast.4331
      @atreast.4331 Год назад +2

      @@vigisisisi it is very easy to answer. Arvanitika and albanian have the same relation as the pontic Greek and Turkish. Study history. Arvanitai and albanians have been killing each other for centuries. If you ask a modern arvanitis he will tell you

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад

      @@atreast.4331 Also serbs and croats kills each other but geneticly are same people and same leanguage

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад +2

      @@atreast.4331 I heard Albanian and Serbian conflict but never Albanian Arvanite conflict

    • @vigisisisi
      @vigisisisi Год назад +1

      @@atreast.4331 The reasion
      is religion as i know Arvanites dont what to relate to Albanians becasue Arvanites most Orthodox Albanians most Muslims like Serbs with Croats
      Serbs most Orthodox Croats most Catholic

  • @Johnny-pk3iq
    @Johnny-pk3iq Год назад +3

    Illyrian in north Italy.. Nice maybe in Egypt also
    . Pyramides made from Albanians.. 😂 😂 😂
    Ambulance is on road

    • @cllaudiusd521
      @cllaudiusd521 Год назад +1

      Naturally, if they are neighbors with the Italians, they have mixed over time. There were many Albanian migrations in the Italian peninsula. Even the south of Italy is full of Greek , Albanian or Arabic DNA.

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Год назад +1

      @@cllaudiusd521 full of Albanians in south Italy.. My friend 90l% of archeological places in south Italy are from Greeks.. Even in Albania there are not archeological places from illyrians.. All are from Greeks

    • @Energy_69
      @Energy_69 Год назад

      Because education was very high at that time,..why are you so stupid ?!
      I bet my comment in 5 thousand years will be labelled written by an Englishman 🤣🤣🤣

    • @Dukgjin
      @Dukgjin Год назад +2

      @@Johnny-pk3iq you mean hellens. Today Greeks have nothing to do with the ancient Hellens.

    • @Johnny-pk3iq
      @Johnny-pk3iq Год назад +1

      @@Dukgjin really... We speak tje same language asa ancient Greek.. Wr have 70% dna same as mycenean civilization.. 😂 😂

  • @gj5166
    @gj5166 6 месяцев назад


  • @skorraq
    @skorraq 10 месяцев назад


  • @SomaAkira-r5o
    @SomaAkira-r5o Год назад +8

    He got the history wrong but the dna data right.
    Ppl seam to mix up the notion of the modern state with ancient civilizations. There was no "Greece", Greece was invented by a bunch of Bavarian history buffs.
    Open say Homers Iliad, there is not one single mention of the word Greece or Hellas and Albanians are so similar to what you call now "Greeks" is because they are the OG Inhabiting those lands. Lets get this charade behind us, we as Albanians know we are the cornerstone, every Indo-European language speaks to us thats what makes it so easy for us to pick up other languages. I know 6 or 7 and I was a bad student.

    • @panayotisdamianakis3658
      @panayotisdamianakis3658 Год назад +1

      @Soma Akira | "Bavarian history buffs". That's your proof? lol
      Well, the rest of the world stands corrected in front of your great archeological evidence. What a 'smoking gun' you have offered, you say: "Bavarian history buffs"! 🤣
      It's no wonder, with unqualified, lacking and empirical or peer reviewed supporting comments, such as yours, - despite several millennia of well documented history and Europe, literally being littered by the ruins of ancient Greek civilisation. And, as noted by Plutarch, the Roman poet and historian, that the growing admiration for the Greeks, the Roman's chose to adopt, adapt, and expand upon many aspects of Greek culture leading to the saying “Rome may have conquered Greece, but the Greek culture has conquered the rustic latin barbarians”. Please, note. Plutarch did not mention the 'Albanians'. lol
      the World Health Organisation (WHO) has deemed Albania as have an epidemic of mental health disorders. Here's a recent article regarding this problem that Albanians face. You should take up the WHO's offer - clearly, you are delusional and are dealing with an identity crisis.
      This is of course is not an historical question or debate about the Greeks being Albanians and visa versa. There is however an interesting social question: why does a minority of Albanian or Slavs, (even Hungarians, Somalis and Uzbeks claim ancient Greek Macedonia) renounce their own culture and usurp the Greek one?
      This absurd notion is based on a combination of culture self-loathing and racism. This likely explains why as a rule such people (you) are arrogant, rude and as confessed by yourself, uneducated.
      PS: The Roman's waxed on lyrically about 'Magna Graecia' or did this little fact escape you and your band of "Bavarian history buffs"? 🤣
      FYI, in the book, 'Greece: Secrets of the Past' - Geology and Geography. A peer reviewed encyclopaedia, it's referred that the Greeks called their land Hellas and themselves Hellenes (as is the current reference to Greece being referred to as the Hellenic Republic, by Greeks). It was the Romans who called them Greeks- (Graeci) and that is the name by which we know them. 🤣
      Further, We call Iranian's Persians and their ancient culture Persian but their modern nation is Iran. The people from the Netherlands are Dutch and known to live in Holland, despite the nation being called 'the Netherlands'. The British or Britains live in England or the United Kingdom of England. The Roman empire sprang from what is now known as 'Italy' and Rome is only a city. And, laughingly, the Albanian Republic had three failed goes at becoming a republic until it became the nation of Albania in 1912 - so, sunshine get a grip of reality, you're a history pirate and a fraud - with a mental disorder. Seek some help. 🏴‍☠

    • @christianv6894
      @christianv6894 Год назад +2

      Dude what DNA data right? Do you understand how much of a lie the 26% balto-slavic is? That is not the average, that is the "worst case" let's say.
      An occurrence.
      Average is below 20%.
      I don't even know what samples he's using to make that calculator.
      I have a very reliable calculator 3 way that has distance < 1% and my balto-slavic is less than 20%.
      Video should be downvoted for me.

    • @wankawanka3053
      @wankawanka3053 Год назад +12

      😂 there was no ancient Albania ever Except from the Caucasus 😂

    • @SomaAkira-r5o
      @SomaAkira-r5o Год назад +1

      @@wankawanka3053 Oh Wanka Wanka Is talking about our colonies that we left behind through our Alexanders March.
      Check the genes, not the Bullshit.

    • @christianv6894
      @christianv6894 Год назад

      @@wankawanka3053 We will not become Greeks, all your attempts will be vain.

  • @Literallysatan-t5u
    @Literallysatan-t5u Год назад +1

    illyrians in northen italy wtf is this study 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣