Jesus Christ is our full armor of God, because of what the word of God says in Colossians chapter 2 verses nine and 10 says he is theFullness of the GODHEAD bodily and ye are. Complete in Him glory to God.
Who is head of all principalities and powers because he is God Almighty el SHADDAI Jehovah Jireh, ELGIBHOR mighty God mighty provider. Awesome God.ELHANNORA He will never fail you, nor for sake, you isn’t that sweet, awesome assurance of our hope, and whom we stand in Christ Jesus, our Lord, our brother, our friend, our family that has made of family, but in manual in the body that perfected a body, Israel, the new church by the perfection of the godhead bodily not a system of the world but a life eternal life Jesus Christ for whom has the son has eternal life grace God bless you I love you pray for me as I will pray for you. I love you God bless you.
Only the father can make sons and daughters as he became a son for us, and sat on his glory seat of mercy as he watched his handiwork be done says it in Joel chapter 2 verse 28. He said in the end times I will pour out my spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy. Your young man will see vision your old man will dream dreams. Revelations revealed in the word of God made flesh and dwell among us, and we be held his glory of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and Truth. The word poured out on all flesh as he has always been able to do and sit on his throne and watch himself, save humanity as he said he would do. There is no way that God would leave himself behind to come and save humanity if he left his DEITY in heaven,then LOVE didn’t come with him. People want to take God out of God and that anti Christ spirit that denies the Deity of God and his glory. Why would Jesus Christ have to wait to be baptized by a man in order to receive himself that he brought to us that we need from him think about it read first John, chapter 4 and five, and say it again, or even the book of Colossians and the book of Romans, no wait a minute the whole entire logos will tell you who God is in us in his body Israel think about that prayerfully and FASTING so that your mind doesn’t get in the way of God plan for your life. Amen. Just trying to help you family. I love you.
Trust in the Lord, with all my heart and lean, not on my own mind, acknowledge him in everything you do, and he will direct your pass, especially when you’re reading the word of God, you need to Holy Spirit to teach you the world of God, that no man will teach any man, FAITH come by hearing, and by hearing the word of God John, six verse 63 says the spirit quickness. The flesh prophet is nothing. The words are on you are spirit and LIFE Jesus Christ said IAm the way the truth and LIFE And no man comes to the door but by me Therefore boldly enter the throne of grace to obtain mercy, and to find Grace to help in time of need. We are in need as long as we are in this body we are in need of the most high savior Jesus Christ. ELYON
Rejoice in the Lord, and again, I say rejoice with Thanksgiving
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is our full armor of God, because of what the word of God says in Colossians chapter 2 verses nine and 10 says he is theFullness of the GODHEAD bodily and ye are. Complete in Him glory to God.
Who is head of all principalities and powers because he is God Almighty el SHADDAI Jehovah Jireh, ELGIBHOR mighty God mighty provider. Awesome God.ELHANNORA He will never fail you, nor for sake, you isn’t that sweet, awesome assurance of our hope, and whom we stand in Christ Jesus, our Lord, our brother, our friend, our family that has made of family, but in manual in the body that perfected a body, Israel, the new church by the perfection of the godhead bodily not a system of the world but a life eternal life Jesus Christ for whom has the son has eternal life grace God bless you I love you pray for me as I will pray for you. I love you God bless you.
Only the father can make sons and daughters as he became a son for us, and sat on his glory seat of mercy as he watched his handiwork be done says it in Joel chapter 2 verse 28. He said in the end times I will pour out my spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy. Your young man will see vision your old man will dream dreams. Revelations revealed in the word of God made flesh and dwell among us, and we be held his glory of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and Truth. The word poured out on all flesh as he has always been able to do and sit on his throne and watch himself, save humanity as he said he would do. There is no way that God would leave himself behind to come and save humanity if he left his DEITY in heaven,then LOVE didn’t come with him. People want to take God out of God and that anti Christ spirit that denies the Deity of God and his glory. Why would Jesus Christ have to wait to be baptized by a man in order to receive himself that he brought to us that we need from him think about it read first John, chapter 4 and five, and say it again, or even the book of Colossians and the book of Romans, no wait a minute the whole entire logos will tell you who God is in us in his body Israel think about that prayerfully and FASTING so that your mind doesn’t get in the way of God plan for your life. Amen. Just trying to help you family. I love you.
Trust in the Lord, with all my heart and lean, not on my own mind, acknowledge him in everything you do, and he will direct your pass, especially when you’re reading the word of God, you need to Holy Spirit to teach you the world of God, that no man will teach any man, FAITH come by hearing, and by hearing the word of God John, six verse 63 says the spirit quickness. The flesh prophet is nothing. The words are on you are spirit and LIFE Jesus Christ said IAm the way the truth and LIFE And no man comes to the door but by me Therefore boldly enter the throne of grace to obtain mercy, and to find Grace to help in time of need. We are in need as long as we are in this body we are in need of the most high savior Jesus Christ. ELYON