Massive Attack vs. Burial - Paradise Circus [digital]

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 81

  • @ninopwns
    @ninopwns 3 года назад +113

    One of the best Burial tracks. Ever.

    • @willb1405
      @willb1405 3 года назад +11

      i'm inclined to agree

    • @jillianpatnaude4213
      @jillianpatnaude4213 3 года назад +8

      Agreed! It’s so hauntingly beautiful.

    • @FerroDGmng
      @FerroDGmng 2 года назад +9

      For me In McDonalds and Rival dealer, followed closely by Paradise Circus

    • @jordancurrier3077
      @jordancurrier3077 Год назад +2

      A G R E E D

    • @automat3000
      @automat3000 Год назад +2

      ​@@FerroDGmngI think Come Down to Us just edges Rival Dealer for me, but Rough Sleeper, Ashtray Wasp, and the title track from Untrue (straight after In McDonalds) are up there as well.

  • @MrMusk911
    @MrMusk911 2 года назад +27

    One of the greatest remixes to ever exist

  • @LNS103
    @LNS103 5 лет назад +67

    I want to live in these sounds.

    • @veljko6333
      @veljko6333 11 месяцев назад +3

      you live in these sounds

  • @moonpirate
    @moonpirate 5 лет назад +31

    it is absolutely stunning

  • @DripNoodle
    @DripNoodle 2 года назад +35

    I just found this on vinyl at a thrift store. Listening to it here first. Will get a turn later today.

    • @hastypasty
      @hastypasty 2 года назад +17

      You might want to preserve that record. Its worth well over $1000 USD depending on the condition. You are very lucky congrats!!

    • @beep9864
      @beep9864 2 года назад +9

      no way? how was the condition on it? thats the ultimate come up.

    • @jacook22
      @jacook22 2 года назад +1


    • @jameslinden4730
      @jameslinden4730 Год назад +4

      Frame it and never play it again... It's too special

    • @neverenoughgames72
      @neverenoughgames72 9 месяцев назад +11

      ​@@jameslinden4730 Or just play it. Not evrything is about money.

  • @Unleashed1988
    @Unleashed1988 9 дней назад +2

    Got my copy number 109/1000.

  • @thecolorblue1635
    @thecolorblue1635 Год назад +9

    to anyone wondering, the wav files are available for download for free. The sound quality is quite a bit better

  • @TheSection59
    @TheSection59 Год назад +3

    Thank you for this version. Its hypnotising.

  • @aarnmtc
    @aarnmtc 4 года назад +18

    Let love flower, let love flower.

  • @Lugalurtur
    @Lugalurtur 4 года назад +15

    A great remix for an equally great song. Love Massive Attack

  • @tinseltwn5231
    @tinseltwn5231 2 месяца назад +1

    Timeless classic. One of the best remix of all time

  • @NextSound170
    @NextSound170 2 года назад +9

    Sounds like ohhhhhhh i’m dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Melting with Burial Juice!!!!! Jeeeeeeeeeesus Chrriiiiiiiiiiiiiist

  • @andynpoet
    @andynpoet 4 года назад +8

    Incredible. Simply incredible

  • @TetraVaalBioSecurity
    @TetraVaalBioSecurity 4 года назад +51

    I want the last three minutes of this song played at my funeral.

    • @ggoty
      @ggoty Год назад

      It’s the last 5 for me

  • @rolf2825
    @rolf2825 Год назад +3

    So beautiful...

  • @rossssd4969
    @rossssd4969 2 года назад +6

    How have I just found this...

  • @OdeTilNattensFlugt
    @OdeTilNattensFlugt Месяц назад

    Это полностью в моём вкусе.. Идеально.

  • @hankhillsdisappointedsigh
    @hankhillsdisappointedsigh 6 месяцев назад +22

    why is this not on spotify? Absolute gold these tracks

    • @blackjrm
      @blackjrm 17 дней назад

      because they're remixes and unlicensed

  • @Wilsonminshall
    @Wilsonminshall 4 года назад +9

    7:55 🥺🥺🥺

  • @FloraMacDonald111
    @FloraMacDonald111 2 года назад +6

    Oh my pineapple and vitalite stick. FUCK YES.

  • @TM645
    @TM645 Год назад +2


  • @alanchriston6806
    @alanchriston6806 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @flandehuevo1234
    @flandehuevo1234 23 дня назад

    love it

  • @RustinChole
    @RustinChole 3 года назад +10

    If you can get the WAV files for this collab I highly recommend it. Glad I was able to snag them for the brief time they were available.

  • @crowcorvinus3173
    @crowcorvinus3173 3 года назад +5

    "u cant follow me "

  • @vasirons
    @vasirons 27 дней назад

    I love it

  • @matthewpowell9698
    @matthewpowell9698 4 года назад +13

    Why oh why have these songs never made it to streaming?

    • @kozmicflush980
      @kozmicflush980 3 года назад +27

      because there special & deserve to be hidden gems. for those to find, are very lucky ppl

  • @paperclip9558
    @paperclip9558 Год назад +10

    I need a creative collaboration between david lynch's weird art and burial's music.

    • @ripclaw238
      @ripclaw238 Год назад +6

      I can certainly imagine the last 3 minutes as a soundtrack to Twin Peaks

    • @paperclip9558
      @paperclip9558 Год назад +3

      ​@@ripclaw238DUDE, RIGHT?

  • @TrueGrit91
    @TrueGrit91 10 месяцев назад +9

    Nothing keeps the vibe going like the song getting interrupted by a Temu ad partway through...
    Great track though!

    • @movingpicturestudios
      @movingpicturestudios  Месяц назад

      Sorry about that, I don’t have control over the ads sadly 😔

  • @MayaBaudrand
    @MayaBaudrand 25 дней назад +1


  • @FirefliesLane
    @FirefliesLane 4 дня назад

    Burial is the Best

  • @martingriffis
    @martingriffis 4 года назад +11

    Checked Massive Attack's website and official online store but couldn't find it. Anyone know where the 24-bit WAV of this can be bought still?

    • @RustinChole
      @RustinChole 3 года назад +15

      Nowhere. They had the initial vinyl release, 2011, then in 2013 they put up the WAV files, but as of now you won’t be able to find them for purchase.
      The WAV files sound amazing. I’ve heard of this thing.... soulseek. Some anonymous person might totally have the WAV files uploaded.🤷‍♂️😉

  • @polako.fatiga
    @polako.fatiga 2 года назад +3

    something special...

  • @ezequielleiker2600
    @ezequielleiker2600 2 месяца назад


  • @crowcorvinus3173
    @crowcorvinus3173 3 года назад +5

    "The Devil makes us sin" .

  • @robbiedeanrhodes8757
    @robbiedeanrhodes8757 2 года назад +4


  • @ecco8
    @ecco8 2 года назад +2


  • @prxshansa
    @prxshansa Месяц назад


  • @adamnice7198
    @adamnice7198 9 месяцев назад


  • @numana7785
    @numana7785 2 года назад +6

    Is it just me, or does the singer sound a LOT like Lana Del Rey in this?

    • @GettJiggyWitIt1
      @GettJiggyWitIt1 2 года назад

      That's true

    • @djpangburn7505
      @djpangburn7505 Год назад +18

      The vocalist is Hope Sandoval from Mazzy Star, a frequent collaborator of Massive Attack. It's the other way around by 2 decades: Lana sounds like Hope.

    • @numana7785
      @numana7785 Год назад +2

      @@djpangburn7505 I know that much, it's just because it's slowed down like that, that makes it more reminicent of Lana

    • @CrowForLife
      @CrowForLife Год назад

      now it sounds more like Billie Elish

    • @JohnMcaulay-gp6nb
      @JohnMcaulay-gp6nb Год назад +2

      Numana I've got news for you you, the singer is Hope Sandoval who was doing this well before Lana Del Ray. Hope Sandoval vocal style has influenced many singers. Check out Mazzy Star albums & see for yourself.