Mase Extraordinary


Комментарии • 74

  • @OldAcc.
    @OldAcc. 4 года назад +8

    Still fire in 2020.

  • @ryannelson6451
    @ryannelson6451 6 лет назад +8

    Why no one else remembers this song? I tell people about this song and there's...???? 🤔 why? Lol

    • @jerodtabb8092
      @jerodtabb8092 6 лет назад +1

      ikr. cuz diz shyt was fire... this was 06 too.

  • @leslieginya87
    @leslieginya87 5 лет назад +6

    Mr Bertha birthed half this industry

  • @Drgroomes
    @Drgroomes 4 года назад +5

    i used love this damn

  • @iknyce7320
    @iknyce7320 Месяц назад

    2024 🔥 ...Ma$e always been and always will be top 10 Hip-Hop artist

  • @enzigenes
    @enzigenes 16 лет назад +6

    this is the mase i remember.

  • @prophecy9521
    @prophecy9521 6 лет назад +4

    This reminds me of Lookin at Me.

  • @funkyspice
    @funkyspice 17 лет назад +1

    mase is still one of my all time favourite rappers. tupac, mase, ja rule, mystikal, jay z, nelly, and ludacris. yeeeeeeahhhh booo urns on the 50. eminem is alright i just dont like him enough to buy his albums. :P

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад +1

    Mas is a good artist I love dude I love his laid back back style look how many cats try and copy jis rhyme style and his look!! I just really wish he would use his talent for God I really didn't listen to him in the 90's I started listening when he came back and the Welcome Back album was fire!!!!! He should stick to clean rap its suits him better. Hopefully he's sees the light before he goes back too far.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    You're right God's does rain on the just as well as the unjust, and does hate and abhor wickedness, but not the ppl. If God hated sinners don't you think his blessing would only reach out to Christians, but no they wake up everyday, blessed with jobs etc. just as Christians the difference is our glory goes to God and theirs to themselves. You are in judgement to say I am not saved though because you don't know me and cannot judge me by my "channels" I love the Lord with all my heart.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    God does love his own and sinners alike God loves everyone. He doesn't love their sin, bit God loves humans thats why he sent his son to die. Now that doesn't mean everyone is going to Heaven, but because of his love and Grace we all have a "right" to tree of life, but not all exercise that right. Read 1 John 4 9-10 Matthew 11:19 Luke 19:7 John 8:11 and 1 Timothy 1:15

  • @sanshine72
    @sanshine72 13 лет назад

    if someone get saved he is not a a saint right away.
    keep on groing bro

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад +1

    Man you are telling the truth

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    She a real piece of work, Mark, that's all I gotta say about glynisbethel.

  • @its2bad
    @its2bad 15 лет назад

    He said how much "reader's can digest" putting a spin on the magazine of the same name. I'm with you on the "moist in her seat" line though.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    Thats right you tell her LOL!!!!!!!!

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    2 Timothy 3:7 says, "Ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
    Glynisbethel, since you refuse to see what Mark and I are talking about, the above Scripture applies to you.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    So you're telling me you don't love everyone, you don't love me? I don't know you, but I love you. If a sinner comes to you for help, would you help them or turn them away? I would help them because thats what God requires us to do he wants us to help our fellow man and also love your fellow man your neighbor!!!! EVERYONE around you!!

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    Got her again!!!!!

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    You cannot call 01bigmark a fool either because it says in Matthew chapter 5 that if you call him a fool, you are in danger of hell fire.

  • @sarsman55
    @sarsman55 16 лет назад


  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    Actually, there is such a thing as righteous judgment, that if you're living according to God's word, you can use that to discern whether other people are living like they should. Just make sure that you are living according to God's word before you use it because if you're not living correctly, then Matthew 7:1-2 applies to you.

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    I'd be very interested to know exactly what doctrine this other person glynisbethel belongs to because we know that God is love and I do believe John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." Now not only do Christians have to believe in God but they have to accept his Son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and be baptized in his name, and also live by the word of God.

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    If she believes in a particular denomination, that's not even in the Bible. You don't necessarily have to be raised in the church. I didn't start attending church until 12 years of age (28 years ago) and I got saved then, too. But I really didn't have an understanding of God's word through 3 different churches I was attending from age 12 to 18. I got my understanding of God's word at age 25 in a non-denominational church, which I attended until about a year ago. I go to a different church now.

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    Oh and I forgot to say still doesn't give ANY Christian who labors in God's word as you say license to refer to ANYONE as the "b" word, even if you mean a female dog. Why condescend to calling names when Jesus himself didn't call anyone names?

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    Wow you're on here to

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    I am also living the way I'm supposed to because I have not fornicated with anyone nor lost my virginity as of yet and I'm not some young person either. I'm actually almost 7 years older than the person you are talking about. But I agree with 01bigmark that you shouldn't say that God doesn't love him. That's not true. God loved the world according to John 3:16. It's us as Christians that he doesn't want to love the world. The world meaning this social system we live in.

  • @OurLipsCanTouchHere
    @OurLipsCanTouchHere 16 лет назад

    where can i found the lyrics of this song ??

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    You know, like I said up above, you can only sit in righteous judgment of other people if you are living the way you're supposed to...according to God's word. Otherwise, you need to go back and reread Matthew 7:1-2 and apply that to yourself, glynisbethel.

  • @TheMrMysta
    @TheMrMysta 14 лет назад

    @illnene83 C'mon mase is dope But old school mase
    And THERES doper Rappers out their Ludacriss is better
    c'mon but then again thats totally diff style, BUT the KING of the TALKING rap style (thats what i call it anyone you know how he just talks but is rapping) the Crown goes To TOO SHORT

  • @6irondriver
    @6irondriver 14 лет назад

    No wonder Mase jumped outta the game. It's apparent that he was used, like 50 and the rest of 'em. on and on.. It's a pimp game..Women, drugs and rap. That's cracka' slang for sex, drugs and rock and roll in case u don't know... We started it and they continued it. Or as they say, originators and imitators. Whatever the case y'all in jail, because you didn't imitate very well. You can use that line since it's a rhyme.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    Regarless if i was raised in the Church or not I came to find God for myself and his word. I know Mase isn't right, but it's also Ludacris to say that God doesn'r love him. For you to say that seems cultish thats why I ask what doctrine you belong too, so again is there a certain denomination you believe in?

    @ACCORDING2KEEMDIDDY 16 лет назад +1

    mase is a terrible person and he's prolly goin to hell. but this song is hot as shit. vintage mase. the 1 i miss.

    @ACCORDING2KEEMDIDDY 15 лет назад

    the game is fucked up rite now. but whoa. this man dedicated himself to the lord after running from harlem. it aint work when he aint curse. so he hooked up with 50 cuz he was broke and he's gangsta again??? come on now. dat is pretty much hell worthy. not many have done that.

    • @mikelavishton5926
      @mikelavishton5926 5 лет назад

      This just makes no sense. Being a preacher then becoming a rapper is horrific. But people killing, stealing, taking advantage of and be violent towards people for no reason is ok. Because that’s what a lot rapper talk about then talk about god and momma in the next versus.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    By the way you're calling me all kinds of names I can tell were not serving the same God. God would not be a just God if he only loved Christians. He said love thy NEIGHBOR!!! That means everyone!!! Why do think Christ supped with sinners?

  • @TwistYourDreams
    @TwistYourDreams 2 месяца назад +1

    Slept on song

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    Glynisbethel, you said:
    Omar967, I don't believe that you are a virgin and NEVER fornicated. Are you saved and filled with the HOLY GHOST with speaking with tongues. Yes or no?
    Yes, I am.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    7th day adventist? Technically I really wasn't "raised" in the Church my mom took me, but I didn't really go that often. When I got older I started attending again, but eventually left to worship with ppl who were former adventist, but i came to find out their doctrine was wrong. I attend a Baptist church, but not that often I read the bible all the time and I study scriptures on the internet. God actually has a calling on my life. Yes Mase is wrong, only God can judge. But that doesn't justify

  • @fe6ruary
    @fe6ruary 15 лет назад

    3 rd account

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    Maybe so, but the way you come off is that you think you're holier than even me and Mark and I believe the Bible also says that we ought not to think more highly of ourselves than others.

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    Oh yes, and one more cannot pray for things to God like putting plagues upon other people because that's just as bad as telling God to damn someone.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    Oh yea what doctrine do you belong to?

  • @youngguido58
    @youngguido58 15 лет назад

    Ma$e your new shit is fucken hot, keep it up aight stay making new rhymes, im out. collesium..

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    glynisbethel, do you not know that Proverbs 6:16-17 says that you insisting that you are better than Mark and me because you claim to know God's word is an abomination to Him? Yes...and I quote: "These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination to him: a proud seems you don't read the whole Bible and you pick and choose what you want to believe, and that's not how God intended it to be.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    Im a Christian and I hate sin as much as the next but you my friend are taking this a little to far. God doesn't HATE anything except sin. The bible says how can you say you love God when you HATE!! Your neighbor? God does not hate Mase he loves Mase which is why he continues to give him time to repent!! Its called GRACE!! Now God does hate the sin that Mase does. God can never Hate, so it seems that the only one who is blaspheming is you. Now you repent and stop taking scriptures out of context

  • @mikelavishton5926
    @mikelavishton5926 5 лет назад

    You can’t be too godly because if you are and do anything that regular people do now you are a hypocrite for life. Funny because people allow “killers”, thieves,m and violent people into their circles and not tell them much as a word about the fucked up shit they do. But this guy is going to hell and is a fake because he was a “rapper gone preacher gone rapper”? Like they are holding him to a higher level of importance.

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    Yes she has...and my Pastor says you cannot accept one part of the Bible and reject another because that means you don't have true understanding. Glynisbethel tries to take parts of the Bible and use them to her own liking and that is not of God. She needs to study further and refrain from calling other Christians profane names because it takes away from her credibility as a minister of the Gospel.

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    Not only that, letmebfrankwithu, but she needs to stop tearing people down with her words. That is not Christlike AT ALL! I don't hate anyone either and no one is excluding the word "bastard" from the Bible. That could actually be a mistranslation because in the Latin Vulgate Bible, it actually says "adulteri," which means "adulterers." I am not an adulterer (I'm still a virgin) and I haven't taken away or added to God's word, nor have I twisted the word of God for my own purpose unlike she has.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    Im not missing God I know Mase is wrong theres no denying, but you go on to call Mases wife a "B" word and you start makin all these accusations you attack his wife. Yeah hes wrong but youjust because you know the word doesn't make you better. The Bible is used for correction not bashing. If you wanna use it in that way then that makes you an even bigger sinner than Mase or any person thats unsaved. And this is the end of this because all you want to do is judge when your life probaly isn't 100%

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    So Christ came to die for Christians right? The bible says its not the well that need a doctor, but whom? The sick (sinners) which whom Christ came to die for. If God didn't love sinners whats the point of dying for them? I didn't ignore your scripts. I read them and they all talk about the thngs God hates. Anyway i'm done with this. Bottom line you're saved by grace i'm saved by grace or love. Theres a scripture that also says LOVE lifted me. While we were yet sinners he died thats love.

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    You're also not supposed to pick and choose what you believe in in the Bible and use it for your own purposes. I can see that is exactly what you are doing.

  • @mrflair919
    @mrflair919 14 лет назад

    type in benny fame

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    That's not very Christlike to refer to Mase's wife as the "b" word, even if you mean a female dog. You don't even know her. 01bigmark, I believe there is a hypocrite among us, and her name is glynisbethel.

  • @maclieberman
    @maclieberman 16 лет назад

    this is supposedly part of 50 has to ruin Mase by making him do club tracks..this song is so clubbish..

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    It's funny that glynisbethel makes reference to my "channels." There is nothing there when you go to look, so she has proven that she knows not what she talks about. People please take my advice and steer clear of her. She is not a true minister of the gospel. She lacks the knowledge and wisdom to be even remotely considered a minister of the gospel. Glynisbethel is the type of person that Jesus warns us about in Matthew chapter 25.

  • @omar967
    @omar967 16 лет назад

    Jesus never would have called any woman the "b" word and you shouldn't either. That makes you look like a hypocrite in the eyes of anyone else who would read all these rants you are posting on this page.

  • @patrickn3000
    @patrickn3000 10 лет назад

    There is no evidence that God exists so sit back & enjoy this song.Leave religion to the uninformed.

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    Im a Christian and I hate sin as much as the next but you my friend are taking this a little to far. God doesn't HATE anything except sin. The bible says how can you say you love God when you HATE!! Your neighbor? God does not hate Mase he loves Mase which is why he continues to give him time to repent!! Its called GRACE!! Now God does hate the sin that Mase does. God can never Hate, so it seems that the only one who is blaspheming is you. Now you repent and stop taking scriptures out of context

  • @01bigmark
    @01bigmark 16 лет назад

    Im not missing God I know Mase is wrong theres no denying, but you go on to call Mases wife a "B" word and you start makin all these accusations you attack his wife. Yeah hes wrong but youjust because you know the word doesn't make you better. The Bible is used for correction not bashing. If you wanna use it in that way then that makes you an even bigger sinner than Mase or any person thats unsaved. And this is the end of this because all you want to do is judge when your life probaly isn't 100%