For the priest legendary and deck trackers, wouldn't the interaction be the same as with Prince malchazar, with the added cards not appearing on the deck tracker until drawn
I had no idea how much to make it cost, specifically because it would hit your minions as well. Think Poison Seeds. And I was thinking epic, though that hardly slowed the rampancy of Meteor in Arena.
+ForGlory Scrubs It's a Lord Marrowgar meme from way back during Wrath of the Lich King. Except of course he says "BONESTORM!" You can't say that word quietly. If you try, it will still come out as a yell.
The animated berserker could maybe work very well with my enrage warrior deck. The deck consists mostly of minions that have the enrage effect, so being able to activate the enrage effect on those minions when you play them could be pretty good
Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think decktracker do not track your deck, instead they look at the original deck you use to play, and add stuff depending on the contents added to it, based on the cards played. So if you Gang Up a Coldlight Oracle as a rogue, you will see three additional Coldlights added on the tracker, but I don't think you are able to see the random legendaries added by the Malchezaar effect.
I'm confused on how Archbishop Benedictus works specifically. Does it copy and shuffle what remains of your opponents deck in to yours? Or does it shuffle the entire opponents deck, as it is before drawing a single card, in to your deck?
Frothing Berserker(on one turn) + animated berserker x2 + necrotic geist(on the following turn) swing with frothing, when the effects get roped out the frothing would be powered up to the gills. do you think that might work? its a bit of a late game play, but could actually be a case of a deck going infinite without much input.
I just got an idea from when kripp was talking about gnomeferatu. A new legendary minion that has an effect of, "whenever you discard a card (s), discard that many in your opponentd hand. Imagine that combo'd with deathwing.
25:10 they obviously can't track the cards because if you put prince malchzare it can't show what legendary cards it put in your deck I think the same in archbishop benedictus
~ 5:00 ish... Shadowblade can be nice with Envenom in the late game. Big minion removal, taking no dmg (that turn). Defile can actually be a board clear and insane card draw: 1/1 dr; 1/1, Acolyte of Pain, Defile. That's at least 4 board dmg, and potentially more, for 6 mana. Moorabi can be used as a 'copy cards from your opponent, pay 3 cards and 8 mana (Moorabi and 2x Frost Shock)' as well as all the freeze potential the expansion provides. Copying battlecry cards can swing the game, or 2x Tirion or Frost Jaina.
What if you Blood to Ichor the Valk'kyr Soulclaimer? You get a 1/3 (damaged) and two 2/2s with the potential for more for 4 mana. Or a 1/2 and four 2/2s for five mana if you have the second Ichor.
Wait, dead man's hand when activated only shuffles your hand and not itself, isn't it? So that means even if you have 2 copy of the card in your hand, you only shuffle one card back, when you play the other one, right? Meaning you can't go infinite with this?
That is not how deck trackers work, they don't actually know what's in your deck, they just see what's the original, what was played and was put in, in the case of archbishop benedictus it obviously doesn't know the enemies deck
Since I am lazy and don't want to look anything up, can anyone inform me about these "if x, cast this again" effects. If you are casting the card again fully, then wouldn't it cast itself a third time if conditions are met?
I'm pretty sure deck trackers do not know which cards go into your deck. It only know your deck because you can see it before the game. It also adds cards to the list when you know the card that went into your deck. For example, when you play Prince Malchezar the tracker doesn't know which 5 random legendaries were added iirc. In the case those show then it will mean you will be able too see what your opponent has, although I really doubt it.
Archbishop could be used in a priest that burns through all its cards really fast then refuels with Archbishop. Also on deck trackers i think it depends on how it works because I know mine doesn't show cards in deck for the tavern brawls so it will probably work like that since you need to add the cards to the tracker for it to work.
Does anyone know how will the Dead Man's Hand's interaction work? I mean if its shuffles the copy of your hand before u play this card then u can go infinite but if shuffles the hand after u play this then u will have max one DMH in your deck wich isn't infinite.
What do you think of a mill rogue with the new dagger so you can oneshot your opponent with brann and coldlight's :o would be an interesint deck i guess
Hey Kripp so I was thinking couldn't the meat wagon be a trap card? Like with doomsayers??? You're opponent would kill this card on their turn then not be able to kill doomsayer and you would have board control plus tempo.
No. I am almost positive that deck trackers do not work like that. Do they let you see the cards in your deck in the Randomonium Tavern Brawl? They don't. I think they only have access to the deck you made (the player knows this) and any changes your opponent may make (these are shown in the game; again, the player knows this). Similarly, deck trackers do not allow you to see what Prince Malchezaar has given you. Therefore, Blizzard will not make any moves on deck trackers. Good thought, though; I wouldn't have even considered it. Besides that, great video. Keep up the amazing work. :)
In the review of Defile they said they saw the endless loop that happend with dreadsteand and defile and now changing the dreadsteed so that the new dreadsteed comes only at the end of the turn on the board.
As someone who plays renounce warlock, Kripp really ought to know that deck trackers can't actually see changes to your deck mid-game (unless they can deduce them, like obviously there's a pack in your deck if you played Elise).
I'm surprised Kripp didn't mention the synergy with frost lich Jaina has with Sindragosa (sorry if spelt wrong} if you get late game you can ping ping those frozen champions, summon a 3/6 add a legendary minion to your hand
What I want to know is what happens if you play Defile onto a board with a 1 health minion a 2 health Dark Patron and a 3 health Dark Patron, how long will it take Defile to finish casting? Also this thing would be hilarious to play against Jade decks that still have only summoned Jade tokens since turn 1....
Benedictus will not show what cards are added your deck with a deck tracker. You don't see the legendaries off Malchezaar so I don't see why you would see what Benedictus adds to your deck
Hey just a question Shouldn't the Howling Commander have Divine Shield the way the card is written ? Based on the fact that Toundra Rhino has Charge ...
Luke Peterson There was a video Kripp made demonstrating this. Freeze basically blocks the next available action that your minion would be able to make. That includes an attack from windfury.
You think it might be possible that "Embrace Darkness" has this hidden charge effect like shadow madness and potion. Otherwise its as you say, pretty heavy investment for a 2 turn delay effect
I like Archbishop Benedictus because it gives Priests a chance against other decks that can go infinite. Not that it in itself can give infinite cards, but if you happen to steal a jade idol, or two Dead Man's Hands, you'll be in business. Not to mention all of the broken synergies that can occur when mixing classes.
weird why blizzard keeps printing -at the start of your turn- minion control transfer effects if it was on the end of your opponent's turn, card like embrace darkness would be nice, cause you could attack with it (presumably as it is now, you wont be able to atk with the stolen minion cause its stolen at start of your turn)
As someone who understands statistics, gnomeferatu is not good. If we get into a tutor heavy meta or if the Warlock hero card helps play into a fatigue game somehow, then it could be ok. As it stands, you are essentially giving up a slot for a powerful card in order to play a river crock with a small upside against priest, some weird hunters, goya decks, and meat wagon decks (note there are probably a few other decks that I missed with tutors). Some of you are probably curious as to why though. Burning the top card of a deck is actually the same as removing the bottom card from a deck when you have no information about where cards are. The next card in your opponent's deck is just as likely to have been at the very bottom as it does being burned. In this way, unless you get to the bottom of the deck, you have statistically done nothing by playing this card. Also, burning one of their lesser cards brings them closer to getting the cards you are trying to burn, so there's that too. The fringe benefits of the burn just aren't worth it. If the card sees play, it will be as a tool for finding information or in a deck designed to get to fatigue. Archpriest Benedisctus also doesn't auto win against most control. I'd even go as far as to say that it worsens your matchup against some control decks. Fatigue is quite rare in this day and age and priest has much faster card generation tools. I'm also fairly certain that deck trackers just use your decklist and read what pops up in your hand. I don't think they can tell you what you shuffle in from Benedictus.
Agreed on Gnomeferatu, though I might argue it's worse than River Croc. It's a random effect, even against "favorable" match ups, meaning you might be helping them draw into their combo rather than discarding their combo. The fact that no warlock decks plays the fatigue game also means that even if you do get the "upside", it's still worthless. Vanilla card with a beast tag is better.
I'm pretty sure the deck tracker won't be able to tell you what your opponents deck contains when you shuffle it into yours. You don't know what legendaries you get when Prince Malchezar shuffles them in.
I know it's a bit of a specialised scenario but that Spreading Plague is perfect against Swamp King Dred. 5 mana to kill that AND THEN get 1/5s to match your opponent :)
yeah with dead man's hand I get that you can go infinite but what other cards would you copy? with two you're only copying 8 and what 8 cards would it be with a deck full of draw as krip says.
Doesn't dead man's hand only work twice? Even with both in your hand, you USE the first one so you only shuffle the second one back in, giving you only one more to use, which you then USE before shuffling your hand again... Not quite infinite, still powerful but... Someone correct me if I'm wrong
from my experience, deck trackers can't see cards that were put into your deck during the game. Cards like roaring torch, entomb, and gang up work because the card in itself lets you know that a certain card is being put into your deck. I believe unknown card shuffling is one of the things that Blizzard puts behind a clientside wall.
1:04 Animated Berserker (Warrior)
1:59 Sanguine Reveler (Warlock)
2:43 Howling Commander (Paladin)
3:56 Venomstrike trap (Hunter secret)
4:31 Snowflipper penguin (Neutral Beast)
4:35 Shadowblade (Rogue weapon)
5:19 Defile (Warlock spell)
6:27 Cryostasis (Shaman spell)
7:09 Moorabi (Shaman legendary)
8:16 Eternal Servitude (Priest spell)
9:37 Doomed Apprentice (Mage)
10:14 Prince Valanar (Neutral legendary)
10:53 Dead Man´s Hand (Warrior spell)
12:33 Spreading Plague (Druid spell)
13:28 Frost Lich Jaina (Hero card Mage)
14:57 Ice Walker (Mage)
15:50 Meat Wagon (Neutral Mech)
16:32 Necrotic Geist (Neutral)
17:03 Cobalt Scalebane (Neutral Dragon)
17:52 Gnomeferatu (Warlock)
20:17 Valkyr Soulclaimer (Warrior)
21:22 Stiched Tracker (Hunter)
22:14 Sunborne Valkyr (Neutral)
23:21 Archbishop Benedictus (Priest Legendary)
25:37 Embrace Darkness (Priest Spell)
27:25 Phantom Freebooter (Neutral pirate)
28:01 Mindbreaker (Neutral)
28:49 Crypt Lord (Druid)
Facundo B
Ma man
What would we do without you, thanks my dude
nice work man
Thanks man , I appreciate that
You mean revealer
Frost Lich Jaina is already making me frozen solid.
Orgasmrino Kripperino you inspire me
Orgasmrino Kripperino frost lich jaina and pyros o.o
Matzehhhhh not if our hero power is disabled
*summons mind breaker*
Hands down my favorite kripperino, never fails to disappoint.
When these card review videos are more entertaining than the gameplay clips.
You know you have a dead man's hand
when you have a dead mans hand
in your hand
headbite alien gud mim
Cheers fam
meh, not a really good joke
Thats why i said mim, not joke
A deck tracker wouldn't be able to show what cards you get from archbishop since it can't show you what cards you get from prince malchezaar
But it always show your deck in brawls! (Not really, kripp is noob)
I'm surprised Kripp really thought that would work
2:00 "Sanguine Revealer" lel
headbite alien glad I'm not the only one that noticed the mispronunciation lol
Lel we smug
Vegan IQ
I knew I'd find it down here. I joked on my orange juice when he said it. Who knew his Engrish was so gerd.
30 minutes without any Topdecks. I'm sad :(.
If you never saw any of these cards before, in a way every one of them is a topdeck. Think about it!
I'm not gonna write down every card that Kripp talked about in this video.
And what do you have to say about Gnomeferatu?
1:05 Animated Berseker into review of the card seems like a pretty good topdeck
is it pretty good or preeetty good?
And so the cutest Kripperino is born
Boogeymonsterino was first.
change ur name to Snowflipperino Penguirino Kripperino
I follow you my lord.
I will worship you
very detailed Snowflipper Penguin review
Animated beserker, magma rager cultist combo
Doesn't Yogg Saron already do that half the time?
Magma rager is meta now
This expansion gets more and more interesting...
Let's hope our hopes will come true
Distemper I hope our hope will come true....I hope.
You all want me to post Facts daily again?
Facterino Kripperino I'd love daily facts!
That's a fact.
That's not a fact. Unliked, unsubscribe, uncommented
SiftBlade fuck off
For the priest legendary and deck trackers, wouldn't the interaction be the same as with Prince malchazar, with the added cards not appearing on the deck tracker until drawn
Mage card:
WOOLSTORM!: Transform all minions into 1/1 sheep.
CallMeCactusSok Kazakus*
I had no idea how much to make it cost, specifically because it would hit your minions as well. Think Poison Seeds.
And I was thinking epic, though that hardly slowed the rampancy of Meteor in Arena.
+ForGlory Scrubs It's a Lord Marrowgar meme from way back during Wrath of the Lich King. Except of course he says "BONESTORM!" You can't say that word quietly. If you try, it will still come out as a yell.
Combo Druid Comeback:
Spreading Plague
mark of Lotus x2
Kidding, u wont see turn 10 LEL
The animated berserker could maybe work very well with my enrage warrior deck. The deck consists mostly of minions that have the enrage effect, so being able to activate the enrage effect on those minions when you play them could be pretty good
Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think decktracker do not track your deck, instead they look at the original deck you use to play, and add stuff depending on the contents added to it, based on the cards played. So if you Gang Up a Coldlight Oracle as a rogue, you will see three additional Coldlights added on the tracker, but I don't think you are able to see the random legendaries added by the Malchezaar effect.
I'm confused on how Archbishop Benedictus works specifically. Does it copy and shuffle what remains of your opponents deck in to yours? Or does it shuffle the entire opponents deck, as it is before drawing a single card, in to your deck?
Frothing Berserker(on one turn) + animated berserker x2 + necrotic geist(on the following turn) swing with frothing, when the effects get roped out the frothing would be powered up to the gills. do you think that might work? its a bit of a late game play, but could actually be a case of a deck going infinite without much input.
27:35 Doesnt it get attack for weapon attack and Health for its durability? wouldnt that make it a 4/5 in case of rogue?
I wonder how the sequencing works with defile. Dreadsteed + defile could be fun
I just got an idea from when kripp was talking about gnomeferatu. A new legendary minion that has an effect of, "whenever you discard a card (s), discard that many in your opponentd hand. Imagine that combo'd with deathwing.
25:10 they obviously can't track the cards because if you put prince malchzare it can't show what legendary cards it put in your deck I think the same in archbishop benedictus
BRANN BRONZEBEARD + Archbishop benedictus
Capped at 60 cards
Don't buff meat wagon, let deathrattle trigger at 1 attack so it summons a doomsayer.
~ 5:00 ish... Shadowblade can be nice with Envenom in the late game. Big minion removal, taking no dmg (that turn).
Defile can actually be a board clear and insane card draw: 1/1 dr; 1/1, Acolyte of Pain, Defile. That's at least 4 board dmg, and potentially more, for 6 mana.
Moorabi can be used as a 'copy cards from your opponent, pay 3 cards and 8 mana (Moorabi and 2x Frost Shock)' as well as all the freeze potential the expansion provides. Copying battlecry cards can swing the game, or 2x Tirion or Frost Jaina.
if you have an minion like antonidas does it trigrs more than one time with "cast this again" spells?
What if you Blood to Ichor the Valk'kyr Soulclaimer? You get a 1/3 (damaged) and two 2/2s with the potential for more for 4 mana. Or a 1/2 and four 2/2s for five mana if you have the second Ichor.
Kinda bothers me the left side of his mustache is longer than the right side.
Albert A. Levi Why did you have to tell me that?!
I can never unsee this.....
It is the hispanic genes.
what happen's in the dead man's hand mirror if both people somehow remove all their opponent's minions?
Wait, dead man's hand when activated only shuffles your hand and not itself, isn't it?
So that means even if you have 2 copy of the card in your hand, you only shuffle one card back, when you play the other one, right?
Meaning you can't go infinite with this?
Are you in team solomid?
Wait guys, i have a question.
If a card like defile or spreading plague cast themselves multiple times do they count for yogg??
That is not how deck trackers work, they don't actually know what's in your deck, they just see what's the original, what was played and was put in, in the case of archbishop benedictus it obviously doesn't know the enemies deck
Since I am lazy and don't want to look anything up, can anyone inform me about these "if x, cast this again" effects. If you are casting the card again fully, then wouldn't it cast itself a third time if conditions are met?
I'm pretty sure deck trackers do not know which cards go into your deck. It only know your deck because you can see it before the game. It also adds cards to the list when you know the card that went into your deck.
For example, when you play Prince Malchezar the tracker doesn't know which 5 random legendaries were added iirc. In the case those show then it will mean you will be able too see what your opponent has, although I really doubt it.
So the defile card, does it physically recast the spell, e.g it effects lyra, gadgetzan abilitys etc?
Animated Berserker plus any enrage minion seems like a nice combo. Especially with grommash.
Archbishop could be used in a priest that burns through all its cards really fast then refuels with Archbishop. Also on deck trackers i think it depends on how it works because I know mine doesn't show cards in deck for the tavern brawls so it will probably work like that since you need to add the cards to the tracker for it to work.
Deck tracker won't know what cards you put in your deck through Benedictus until you draw them, similiar to how it works with tavern brawls.
Does anyone know how will the Dead Man's Hand's interaction work? I mean if its shuffles the copy of your hand before u play this card then u can go infinite but if shuffles the hand after u play this then u will have max one DMH in your deck wich isn't infinite.
do the new hero cards interact with justicar if you play them in wild?
What is the interaction with Defile and dreadsteed? Just curious.
Dreadsteed get's hit by the nerfbat.
Text changed to: "Deathrattle: Summon a dreadsteed at the end of your turn."
Howling commander is good for the play 10 divine shield quest, hoorah!
Omni Moose truuuuuuue
I'm ready to try that sick worgen + charge + animated berserker combo.
What do you think of a mill rogue with the new dagger so you can oneshot your opponent with brann and coldlight's :o would be an interesint deck i guess
10:53 is the most interessting card. Kripp says is a very good card, Kolento said its dust. I am very excited about this card
What happens if the opponent evolves the card that has been Embrace Darknessed? Do you no longer get the card as it has been transformed?
I wonder what they will do with Justicar Truehearth And deathknight classes
German here, Kripp actually pronounced Geist correctly. I am impressed. Now I will get some Orangensaft.
Hey Kripp so I was thinking couldn't the meat wagon be a trap card? Like with doomsayers??? You're opponent would kill this card on their turn then not be able to kill doomsayer and you would have board control plus tempo.
So if you played Frost Lich Jaina and then Blaze Elemantal, do you get 5 health from its Battlecry?
No. I am almost positive that deck trackers do not work like that. Do they let you see the cards in your deck in the Randomonium Tavern Brawl? They don't. I think they only have access to the deck you made (the player knows this) and any changes your opponent may make (these are shown in the game; again, the player knows this). Similarly, deck trackers do not allow you to see what Prince Malchezaar has given you. Therefore, Blizzard will not make any moves on deck trackers. Good thought, though; I wouldn't have even considered it.
Besides that, great video. Keep up the amazing work. :)
defile vs dreadsteed ????
Weasel Tunnelerino Kripperino They're nerfing Dreadsteed so that the interaction isn't a board clear and doesn't take forever
Weasel Tunnelerino Kripperino Blizzard is changing how dreadsteed works. Dreadsteed will now respawn at the END of the turn
they will change dreadsteed: Deathrattle At the end of the turn, summon a Dreadsteed.
Isaac Newton so they just ruined dreadsteed?
In the review of Defile they said they saw the endless loop that happend with dreadsteand and defile and now changing the dreadsteed so that the new dreadsteed comes only at the end of the turn on the board.
And shadow blade seems cool for Arena because it means you don't have to choose between playing a minion turn 2 or losing that turn to weapon up.
As someone who plays renounce warlock, Kripp really ought to know that deck trackers can't actually see changes to your deck mid-game (unless they can deduce them, like obviously there's a pack in your deck if you played Elise).
I'm surprised Kripp didn't mention the synergy with frost lich Jaina has with Sindragosa (sorry if spelt wrong} if you get late game you can ping ping those frozen champions, summon a 3/6 add a legendary minion to your hand
What I want to know is what happens if you play Defile onto a board with a 1 health minion a 2 health Dark Patron and a 3 health Dark Patron, how long will it take Defile to finish casting? Also this thing would be hilarious to play against Jade decks that still have only summoned Jade tokens since turn 1....
So are hero cards spells or minions or are they there own type my question is whether they get affected by mana debuffs or buffs
Does Mindbreaker disable Hero powers from Adventures?
15:01 sooooo, fireball can freeze it's target? doesn't seem logic to me tho xD
Decktrackers only track the deck that you started with. The first 30 cards. It doesnt track random cards or unknown cards that are put into your deck
Hold up. Would defile while a dread stead is on the board break the game...?
Benedictus will not show what cards are added your deck with a deck tracker. You don't see the legendaries off Malchezaar so I don't see why you would see what Benedictus adds to your deck
Hey just a question
Shouldn't the Howling Commander have Divine Shield the way the card is written ?
Based on the fact that Toundra Rhino has Charge ...
Thomas Metais it draws a divine shield minion not sure what that has to do with tundra rhino
+VarianBlitz Yeah i thought about it a bit later and you re right im making no sense ^^
Thanks for answering me tho
In what universe does playing archbishop benedictus make you automatically win control matchups?
How does freeze work with windfury? If you just attack once, you can still attack, but chose not to.
Luke Peterson There was a video Kripp made demonstrating this. Freeze basically blocks the next available action that your minion would be able to make. That includes an attack from windfury.
Your minion has windfury. You attack once then freeze it. Unfrozen the end of the turn?
1fgchamp yes
Does Defile have synergy with arcane giants or Yogg?
You think it might be possible that "Embrace Darkness" has this hidden charge effect like shadow madness and potion.
Otherwise its as you say, pretty heavy investment for a 2 turn delay effect
But what if you use Defile with Dreadsteed on board? o.o
Does it just go on, and on, and on, and on, and on...
Just an idea, would Meat wagon plus Doomsayer be viable?
what will be the upgraded version of this heropower?:D
I like Archbishop Benedictus because it gives Priests a chance against other decks that can go infinite. Not that it in itself can give infinite cards, but if you happen to steal a jade idol, or two Dead Man's Hands, you'll be in business. Not to mention all of the broken synergies that can occur when mixing classes.
Gnomeferatu triggers Warlock quest right? Since the quest never specifies that it has to be 'your' cards that you have to discard.
Kevin Knauff When the enemy mills it doesn't count for you.
It's remove, not discard
weird why blizzard keeps printing -at the start of your turn- minion control transfer effects
if it was on the end of your opponent's turn, card like embrace darkness would be nice, cause you could attack with it
(presumably as it is now, you wont be able to atk with the stolen minion cause its stolen at start of your turn)
Sick combo for cryostasis: buff your minion and then silence it to remove the freeze effect. Value!
whats with the skipperino at 17:13?
7 mana 4/6 is also a nerf to evolve meta
As someone who understands statistics, gnomeferatu is not good. If we get into a tutor heavy meta or if the Warlock hero card helps play into a fatigue game somehow, then it could be ok. As it stands, you are essentially giving up a slot for a powerful card in order to play a river crock with a small upside against priest, some weird hunters, goya decks, and meat wagon decks (note there are probably a few other decks that I missed with tutors).
Some of you are probably curious as to why though. Burning the top card of a deck is actually the same as removing the bottom card from a deck when you have no information about where cards are. The next card in your opponent's deck is just as likely to have been at the very bottom as it does being burned. In this way, unless you get to the bottom of the deck, you have statistically done nothing by playing this card. Also, burning one of their lesser cards brings them closer to getting the cards you are trying to burn, so there's that too.
The fringe benefits of the burn just aren't worth it. If the card sees play, it will be as a tool for finding information or in a deck designed to get to fatigue.
Archpriest Benedisctus also doesn't auto win against most control. I'd even go as far as to say that it worsens your matchup against some control decks. Fatigue is quite rare in this day and age and priest has much faster card generation tools.
I'm also fairly certain that deck trackers just use your decklist and read what pops up in your hand. I don't think they can tell you what you shuffle in from Benedictus.
Agreed on Gnomeferatu, though I might argue it's worse than River Croc. It's a random effect, even against "favorable" match ups, meaning you might be helping them draw into their combo rather than discarding their combo. The fact that no warlock decks plays the fatigue game also means that even if you do get the "upside", it's still worthless. Vanilla card with a beast tag is better.
Jeez i love this Review, without ploding on every single card for 5 minutes.
When I watch Kripp revealing new cards, I have a feeling that dude's started playing Hearthstone like three days ago.
its impossible to predict what will be good or not
"If you open the other princes, you can feel bad" -Kripp 2017
Feels Bad Man
As far as deck trackers go, they don't show what cards you get when you play renounce, so I think it would operate the same with the archbishop
Crypt lord looks a lot like the anub arak in heroes of the storm?
Ghandies Son No shit, they're part of the same race, Anub'Arak is already a card in the gamr
Ghandies Son That's very racist
Animated Berserker: *Hey Everyone! Get in here!* intensifies
Necrotic Geist is insane with Unleash the Hounds. Also, I wonder how Defile interacts with Dreadsteed?
hey guys how's it going crane here
What is transform removal?
The kripperinos have taken over, our only hope is TC in the shadow of a kripperinos comment.
you might need to chill the fuck out
Skipperino Kripperino You're doing the Lord's work.
that's fun
Can you draft hero cards in arena?
Fel Orc Soulfiend + Sanguine Reveler seems pretty awesome and synergizes with any Void Terror based deck. Could be real.
I'm pretty sure the deck tracker won't be able to tell you what your opponents deck contains when you shuffle it into yours. You don't know what legendaries you get when Prince Malchezar shuffles them in.
I know it's a bit of a specialised scenario but that Spreading Plague is perfect against Swamp King Dred. 5 mana to kill that AND THEN get 1/5s to match your opponent :)
Any idea on a release date?
where do i get a deck-tracker?
yeah with dead man's hand I get that you can go infinite but what other cards would you copy? with two you're only copying 8 and what 8 cards would it be with a deck full of draw as krip says.
Doesn't dead man's hand only work twice? Even with both in your hand, you USE the first one so you only shuffle the second one back in, giving you only one more to use, which you then USE before shuffling your hand again... Not quite infinite, still powerful but... Someone correct me if I'm wrong
Ahhh, right. Drawing the copy of the one still in your hand. Got it, nevermind thanks
from my experience, deck trackers can't see cards that were put into your deck during the game. Cards like roaring torch, entomb, and gang up work because the card in itself lets you know that a certain card is being put into your deck. I believe unknown card shuffling is one of the things that Blizzard puts behind a clientside wall.
Defile even has play using your own minions in the recast ability which you failed to mention so it could be good even against mid-range decks.
Shouldn't the Spreading Plague card be called Insect Swarm? Like the druid ability in WoW.