His system is pretty solid, but he applied it horribly this election. He gave Kamala the "Charismatic" key LOL, Trump was on TV for decades and he can come up with funny remarks on the spot. Example like his "you'd be in jail" to Hillary, "only Rosy O'Donnel" against the sexism allegations, he high-fiving Jeb Bush making him look like a loser, and "I don't know what he said, and I don't think he knows either" to Joe was all funny and charismatic as hell. He said Kamala wasn't the incumbent, technically true but no matter how hard she tries she cannot separate herself from Biden's administration. Also, the "No Scandal" key: border wide open, wars in Ukraine and Israel - just to list a few that comes immediately to mind
He did it on purpose, he's a partisan hack and a low brow conman. Lichtman is a small minded man, who has his hands on a toy he doesn't understand and doesn't know how to actually use.
I agree completely. He did not give Trump credit for being a "generational personality", which would have reversed one key, and his interpretation of the the Ukraine War is also wrong, which reverses a second. The system is pretty solid. His interpretation was wrong.
The $ is worth 68% today what it was back when Joe Biden took office. Meaning if you could buy 100 widgets with a single dollar when Rapey Joe was inaugurated, today you can only buy 68 widgets with that same dollar. This is why the economy is in the toilet. Not because markets are up or unemployment is down, it's because the Democrats debased our currency and you can't buy as much anymore today. In turn, that causes whole industries that rely on discretionary spending such as TOURISM to collapse. Thus the economy sinks even deeper.
The fact that he's so emotionally invested in Harris winning explains exactly what went wrong with his "model". He took a pocket full of wishful thinking and wrote "scientific conclusion" across the top of it with crayon.
Well, to be fair to him, it's kind of hard to figure out what happened just looking at the raw vote totals. Once you dive deeper and look at exit polls you see that every demographic across the board shifted red. That means it was probably an issue that affects everyone that drove turnout - i.e. "it's the economy, stupid".
Wrong reasoning, just that conservative America could never allow a liberal woman in office. Sexism in action here, since all the Republican old white men that grew up under household stereotypes would boil it down to "crazy rambling", or that "women didn't belong in politics anyway". Analysts all across America predict, however, that a Republican female candidate is more likely to achieve presidency
He wanted Kamala to win so badly, he changed the meaning of his own keys. Also, right for 40 years straight? This man's ego prevents him from remembering the last time he failed
Exactly, his bias got in his way. And when it was indisputable that Trump was going to win he says bitterly, "he could barely make it through his campaign." Sour grapes much?
Half of those elections could have been predicted by a child. Reagan 84? Bush 88? Those were obvious landslides. Perot divied the conservative vote both in 92 and 96, so it was obvious that Big Bill would win. Obama had a mortal lock on his two elections. So that leaves 2000, which he got wrong, 2004, which he got right, 2016, which anyone paying attention to the rust belt could have guessed. (I lived in Michigan for 12 years and I was certain that Trump would win in 2016). 2020 was a strange election because of covid. We'll never really know if that one was stolen or not. Then 2024, which he blew in epic style. So of the harder to guess elections he missed 2 and got 3 right. 3 for 5 is a D, or 60%. No Nostradamus here. Just an idiot with a God complex.
He gets so much praise for getting 10 out of the last 11 elections (now 10 out of the last 12) predicted right, but if you go back to Presidential elections where he started calling them (starting them with Reagan I believe) most of these elections where landside victories for whomever won, with the exception of a few. SO calling this guy some kind of sage is a joke. I'm conservative and even I knew Obama would blow McCain and Romney out of the water.
@@billolsen4360 Not necessarily. I believe the US voters saw through all the lies the dems were putting forward. And that Harris was just a puppet for the donor class. The donor class that bought all them celebrities to twerk on stage, promising all that woke bull crap while keeping up the fund for foreign wars so the military industrial complex could get richer, and the tax cuts Trump mentioned Hillary's friends all enjoy. And still do. And not do a damn thing for the people. While also paying loads of influencers to push the woke. Also notice how the paid actors all pushed the woke, but the ones on the ballot didn't they that is Harris and her running mate just spread word salad. Orange man bad. Yeah because they wanted to abuse power to make the donors richer
They dont know what a woman mean, why it should be different with a word democracy, racist, fascist and homophonic. Biden mumbling and Kamala word salad just show what such ideology can do to your speaking ability. It dont matter what ideas you have when you cant communicate them.
Reputation. Years to build, seconds to ruin. The lady behind the infamous Iowa poll recently had an interview where she was all huffed up and offended at people accusing her of being paid to release a bogus poll, going on and on about her professionalism and integrity. Lady, the past eight years, we've seen nothing but "professionals" sacrifice their integrity if it meant undermining Trump. It's pretty clear that you and Alan are both in that camp now.
That's why hes really shocked. His entire career and reputation just went right down the crapper. I'm not even convinced his 13 keys are an invalid model. The issue is the bias in the person judging which keys were a pass/fail. He is extremely biased towards the democratic party and his bias seeped into the model.
I keep hearing that a lot. But the 13 keys are actually good predictors, based on its success rate. Being 'subjective' isn't the problem. All predictions are more or less opinions, and opinions are always subjective. For example, I can say that Gal Gadot is beautiful. Someone else can disagree and say that Gal Gadot is ugly. These are both opinions (subjective), but most people would agree that Gal Gadot being beautiful is closer to objective reality than her being ugly. Now, the problem with Lichtman (who has severe TDS) in this election is that his subjective interpretations of the 13 keys is horribly further from reality than they are closer to it. For example, he gave the "charismatic" key to Kamala -- a subjective opinion that has very little relation with reality. He also gave the "No Scandals" key to Kamala (as part of the Biden Admin) -- another horribly unrealistic opinion (there's Hunter Biden's laptop, the Afghan withdrawal, the Border Crisis, Biden's mental health coverup, etc).
Just one of his own keys he got wrong: He didn't count Kamala as being involved in scandal after she lied to us for years about Biden's cognative decline and the way she got nominated.
the problem is that his keys just didn't work this cycle and he can't even fathom that. Two reasons he has to think is why: Trump is an anomaly of a candidate, very hard to replicate him Or Political landscape is changing, people are worried less of character and more policy/state of country If it is option 2, his keys are going to need a whole new key or a major reform
Also forgot one thing, probably the most obvious: Dems legit ran a candidate with only like 3 months to the election Poor, unqualified candidate as well
nah they keys were right he just labeled them wrong, go through his list of keys and label them for trump or kamala and youll actually probably end up with them saying trump wins instead. He let his bias influence the keys.
The bookmakers had Uncle Trump as the odds on favourite for months. Plus, they've also only been wrong twice in the the last forty elections. Of course, they're not biased like this fake know it all.
The dynamic between them clearly revealed the son to be Lichtman’s emotional support animal. It’s why the father couldn’t speak when he was left alone for a few minutes. The reality of this situation is just too much for Lichtman to deal with alone.
The old guy reveals himself as an adoring Kamalist, betrayed by his own words. One or two of the old guy's "Keys" were the personal charisma of the candidate and he attributing that quality to Kamala! instead of where it belongs.
@@billolsen4360 No, he did not give that 'key' of personal charisma to Harris. He only mentioned that a number of times in his videos on what keys were against her (incumbent party), only 4 against. Should have been the 6 (with the 2 econ keys) that he said were on her side, instead of against; that would have made it 6, the magic number to throw out the incumbent (D) party, and her then a loser. Which she was!
The bookmakers had Uncle Trump as the odds on favourite for months. Plus, they've also only been wrong twice in the the last forty elections. Of course, they're not biased like this fake know it all.
If you actually look at his Keys it is painfully obvious he gave at least 6 or 7 keys that VERY OBVIOUSLY favored Trump to Kamala Harris. Trump had at least 10 or 11 keys in reality and lichtman only gave him 4. He REALLY stretched to give her the keys. So the keys weren’t wrong; this fool was. 😂🎉
Some of those keys could have been said to have been of zero impact or significance and not at all applicable to the current (2024) election year whatsoever(?).
@@gregpaspatis9425 Looking them up there were maybe two keys that were a draw, maybe two. That's about it. Looking back now I think Trump had 10-11 keys and Kamala had 2-3. That's it.
As the Great C.S. Lewis once said (this is in the Narnia books but it pertains to predictive models, so it's a little different) "The Stars do not lie, but men and beasts do."
"THE KEYS!!!!", Mr. Lichtman cried. "MINEEEEEE, ALLL MINEEEEE!!!!" "That's nice, sir. Now would you please take your medication - you're holding up the other patients."
That is actually what his keys predict. What is funny is that his keys work. He just got the wrong result because he used garbage data. The keys predict 12 fails out of 13. Where one is indifferent or false. His model predicted a massive Trump win. He should have seen it if he didn't have TDS.
Yes that. But there is a fundamental truth that none of her voters would be able to point out. Kamala Harris was invisible regarding what she would do, who she was or was she any different than the person we saw in 2019 when she was spitting out those far left promises.
He ignored the fact that the sitting POTUS was no longer a candidate due to his bias. He also ignored the horrible economy and foreign policy disasters because of his hatred of Trump. Add those three to his keys and Trump would win by his own system.
I think it is hard to recover once lost, it was almost lost, now it's saved. People might not like Trump, hate his entire demeanor and what he says or stands for. But the Dems with their superpac donor money all those celebs being bought and influencers sprouting lies who they were paid to spread. That was democracy lost. It is the hope that the dems change their ways and actually fight for the issues instead of the military industrial complex and big pharma.
@@海斗君のファン The democrats destroyed themselves. Trump is the scapecoat I guess. Throughout history, there's always that one man to blame, I guess in this era its Trump.
@@海斗君のファン Trump has encouraged extremism and expressed his desire for increasingly authoritarian actions in the US government, such as suppressment of checks and balances, obstruction of Congressional oversight as well as an attempt to overturn results of a previous election. He's also trying to make 'friends' with dictators around the world that cannot at all be trusted
Looking at his methodology (the 'keys') it seems the obvious mistake he made is not putting Trump down as a 'charismatic candidate'. Clearly Trump is *very* charismatic.
The two obviously wrong keys with his observation, were the 2 econ keys: short-term (no recession), and long-term (GDP growth). Short-term was persistent higher inflation, and long-term was low-growth, instead of negative growth, so both should have been rated negative for the incumbent Dem party, making 6 to throw-out the incumbent; instead of his believing only 4 keeping the incumbent party. Another flashing warning indicator were the polls saying 70% of the people thought the country was on the wrong track. Nobody paid attention to that important poll result, neither the pollsters measuring the support for each, and Lichtman's 13 Keys.
@@freeguy77 If you have common sense you realized if more then half the population is not satisficed with current leadership they wont vote for it again. But since according to them people are just wrong they chug along not changing a thing. Also its so entertaining them looking at the sea of red with islands of blue and still think that she can win.
That first lesson in my C.S. class is also frequently ignored! Thank you for bringing up GIGO, as it is too often ignored in computer modeling--that includes the ridiculous scare-mongering over "man-made climate change" when it is nature that does it (Sun, Oceans, Volcanoes etc.), not puny man.
He was so giddy and happy when announcing his prediction for Kamala, any sort of professional could have easily recognized their own bias by that point.
I heard about them registering to vote, to vote against Harris because of the government's interfering with their raw milk production, in trying to make them pasteurize it. If they want to sell it, and people want to buy it, that should be the decision of the buyer, not government.
He’s one of the only people to actually do his own research 😂. Did you even watch the beginning of the video, he never pays attention to polls or news and he’s gotten it right since before you were born.
@@pdonz510 he got 2016 wrong, and changed his little popular vote win prediction for Trump to an electoral vote win, he got 2020 "right" when Biden "won" by 40,000 votes out of 55 MILLION, all in the middle of the night, and then he got 2024 wrong in catastrophically hilarious fashion. That makes him 0/3 in the last three elections, and 3/7
@ He didn’t get 2016 wrong. From the very beginning he predicted Trump. I see you’re an election denier of 2020, so it’s not worth arguing with an imbecile.
@@pdonz510 wow, when there's no social unrest, the economy is doing great, etc. the incumbant wins. WOW WOW WOW!!! Who would have known. When he lies about his own keys due to his terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome, he predicts the wrong candidate will win. Such strong political "science".
Admitting that you are biased will ruin your credibility even more. Maybe it will win some back. But being biased to the point you are wrong simply means you can't be trusted regardless.
@@Cloud_Seeker He has some merit in general to his keys, but the trouble is since most election hinge on the economy, his 2 econ keys (short-term, long-term) ignore high inflation and low-growth. His mention only if there is a recession, and if the average GDP is higher now than the past two election years average, therefore, it bypasses the high inflation, low-growth economy that he had both on the incumbent side, instead of failing their side. That would have boosted the number of keys against the incumbent D party from 4 to 6, the minimum to throw out the incumbent party!
@@freeguy77 To be honest. I don't fully agree with that. The keys do not say anything about what metric you use to value the economy. It just say strong short and long term. If you decide to only to look if there is a recession and GDP, you have limited yourself. You should factor in inflation and growth. Just looking at GDP is faulty regardless. Here is an example of why. If a farmer teach me a skill, and in return I repair the farmers car. That will brought value to society. However in terms of GDP no value has been created as no money was exchanged. In GDP terms, more value was created when I bought a piece of candy. GDP only cares when money is exchanged. Which means it gives a faulty view since everything isn't money being exchanged. The fault in the economy keys is a faulty data input. This guy uses bad data because he has TDS, which gives a bad result.
@@Cloud_Seeker Your point emphasized my points on his Short-term, Long-term keys ignoring inflation and low-growth. I've known GDP is another mistaken Keynesian invention almost all the economists raged about during the 1930s, while ignoring the more accurate Austrian School.
@@freeguy77 It does, but I disagree that the keys state to ignore things like inflation. I think that is more the views of the interpreter rather than the model itself that set that limitation. I think it should be more accurate to also factor in peoples perspective on the economy. Few people actually go into real numbers when they vote, so real numbers are somewhat useless. If people think the economy is weak, it is weak for the keys regardless if it is true or not.
He was counting on the additional 12 million votes that were in the last election, but for strange reasons they stayed home and chose not to vote in this election.
I just replace "our democracy" with "our power" when someone like Alan "THE KEYS" Lichtman talk about how democracy is being attacked and is dying, and it make prefect sense.
The media and left were so egregiously arrogant about their predictions that it makes these videos essentially watchable forever. They had a 4+ year echo chamber and truly got deeply stuck in it. That shows how off-reality they were.
The bookmakers had Uncle Trump as the odds on favourite for months. Plus, they've also only been wrong twice in the the last forty elections. Of course, they're not biased like this fake know it all.
To be fair, he is known to the public for predicting elections. So it's important for him if got it right or wrong. Probably more than if she wins or loses
same it was great, there was maybe a handful of pro-dem comments everything else was just trolling. It's great to show them just how out numbered they are and just how much of a laughing stock the rest of the world sees these "gurus" but the downside is they just close up shop early, it's like showing a crazy person he is indeed crazy, the response is never good.
@@blakeslide6919 lol keep thinking that your the majority. At the end of the day only 3 out of 10 people registered to vote in this country actually voted for trump. A large portion of this country doesn't even vote In the first place
@@MegaChallanger Sorry to inform you, but "outnumbered" means the other guy has more numbers than you. Now, who outnumbered Trump? Simply delusional, keep it up, so we will win the next election hands down.
@@Ginterliveit’s not optimism when the poll is flatly wrong from the get go. I can take a poll and find the bears are an excellent football team. Doesn’t mean anyone should buy into it
@@bryantsteury8910 Yeah, people were buying way to much into it just because it was like the only poll showing Harris up in a sea of polls that showed Trump winning IA. All the poll did was make it Democrats more optimistic about election night which had them thoroughly disappointed.
Yeah I came across at least 2 RUclips people who immediately dismissed all polls that showed Trump had a comfortable lead in Iowa. While praising the selzer poll
I feel sorry for his son. He obviously looks up to his father and sees him as a role model. As you should. Unfortunately for him Allan Lichtman is totally insane. What a shame.
These people have a very different definition of democracy than what it's actually supposed to be. In their minds, democracy only exists when their chosen candidate wins. Nothing else matters if it gets in the way of this result, even actual democracy.
@@MegaChallanger I remember it very well. People rightfully demanded an investigation into suspicious voting numbers. Peaceful protest. FBI invited them into the capital building, then turned around and arrested them, calling them 'insurgents'. (Very typical FBI behavior if you know anything about them) Most of the 'fear' acted out by democrats was fake. They even admitted it themselves later. Maybe actually learn what happened instead of just throwing up a single date as a talking point. I can think of 'somewhat fiery but mostly peaceful' protests that deserved a lot more attention.
Him saying he doesn't think Trump's health will hold out the next 4 years is laughable considering the current president's health......and everybody was quiet about it 😂. Mentally Donald Trumps health is 50 times better than biden's, and I didn't even vote Trump.
Never gets old. I watched the elections live through his channel and have rewatched it through several different channels. He deserves a tall glass of shut up juice
These two are clueless. Examples of two people who have zero life experience, zero experience with hardship. Two people who have been sheltered and coddled their entire lives.
And regarding him, by the time the next election comes, he will have posted “evidence” of him predicting Trump won so he can keep his predictions at a 100% clip.
DDHQ and NYT were calling things because they relied on the universal language, MATH. Lichtman devloped a system that corellates things that are subjective and so could later be claimed to have predicted something they didnt actually predict.
It's not that the keys failed, it's that he assigned too many keys to Kamala.
His system is pretty solid, but he applied it horribly this election. He gave Kamala the "Charismatic" key LOL, Trump was on TV for decades and he can come up with funny remarks on the spot. Example like his "you'd be in jail" to Hillary, "only Rosy O'Donnel" against the sexism allegations, he high-fiving Jeb Bush making him look like a loser, and "I don't know what he said, and I don't think he knows either" to Joe was all funny and charismatic as hell.
He said Kamala wasn't the incumbent, technically true but no matter how hard she tries she cannot separate herself from Biden's administration.
Also, the "No Scandal" key: border wide open, wars in Ukraine and Israel - just to list a few that comes immediately to mind
@@Rayden440the biggest scandal was the Afghanistan withdrawal
He didn't count Kamala as having a scandal after she lied about Biden's cagnative decline for years and the way she got nominated.
He did it on purpose, he's a partisan hack and a low brow conman. Lichtman is a small minded man, who has his hands on a toy he doesn't understand and doesn't know how to actually use.
I agree completely. He did not give Trump credit for being a "generational personality", which would have reversed one key, and his interpretation of the the Ukraine War is also wrong, which reverses a second. The system is pretty solid. His interpretation was wrong.
He should start every interview with
“Full disclosure I hate Trump”
Also "and I'm a cheerleader for the Democrats."
Trump's a rapist. That said, fun to see Lichtman finally STFU.
Didnt even made any effort to hide it.
He doesn't seem very intelligent, does he?
He didn't take one factor into account: $6 bacon and $8 eggs
The $ is worth 68% today what it was back when Joe Biden took office. Meaning if you could buy 100 widgets with a single dollar when Rapey Joe was inaugurated, today you can only buy 68 widgets with that same dollar. This is why the economy is in the toilet. Not because markets are up or unemployment is down, it's because the Democrats debased our currency and you can't buy as much anymore today. In turn, that causes whole industries that rely on discretionary spending such as TOURISM to collapse. Thus the economy sinks even deeper.
They couldn't care less about our struggles. They practically mocked us for the past four years. Yet they act shocked that we responded. 😂
This man buying that discount bacon
@@YharnamOfLordran amen
and $20 per tylenol tablet
The fact that he's so emotionally invested in Harris winning explains exactly what went wrong with his "model". He took a pocket full of wishful thinking and wrote "scientific conclusion" across the top of it with crayon.
Exactly, a man of science wouldn’t show he has a dog in the race.
Coming from somebody with a plankton profile picture, this is amusing to read
@@bobby-faredarell plankton holds more historical relevance that Lichtman, or his thirteen keys.
Now, and forever.
@@browserboy1984 That's a crazy thing to say, considering his past predictions and general relevance in politics
@@bobby-faredarell profile shaming
4:55 "too many White voters" lmao, their contempt is amazing
they're jewish, what do you expect?
Every Jew I know supported trump ironically
@@maxsteiner7591 you're ngmi bro.
@@maxsteiner7591kamala got the jew vote, but deep down, jews reap in the benefits of a trump admin
His later pathetic excuse was, "I assumed voters were rational". In other words---- I assumed voters would vote like me.
Wow, so scientific.
Yeah. My brother in Christ your job is to predict the rationale of the voters at the polls.
voters WERE rational. most people didn't want to have a dimwit fraud hyena as their next president.
Arguably his ‘keys’ were right, or indicative that Trump would win. He ignored his own system.
He is ill. Democracy is lost... He never got the Memo that America is a Republic
His 'keys' are complete BS.
“What do you think happened in Georgia?”
“No idea.”
Damn, hard hitting analysis, I see why you’re the expert.
Well, to be fair to him, it's kind of hard to figure out what happened just looking at the raw vote totals. Once you dive deeper and look at exit polls you see that every demographic across the board shifted red. That means it was probably an issue that affects everyone that drove turnout - i.e. "it's the economy, stupid".
It's better to say you dont know than pretending you do.
I was thinking the same thing!!! So called expert .
"What do you think happened in Georgia". I'm no expert but let me give it a shot: more people voted for Trump then Harris.
How could Kamala become a woman president when we don't know what a woman is?
Quit trolling eh, I’m an old school liberal lol
Wrong reasoning, just that conservative America could never allow a liberal woman in office. Sexism in action here, since all the Republican old white men that grew up under household stereotypes would boil it down to "crazy rambling", or that "women didn't belong in politics anyway". Analysts all across America predict, however, that a Republican female candidate is more likely to achieve presidency
@@ktillsgood for you moron, liberals nowadays don’t know what a woman is
How do we know we haven't already had a woman president...
Your party no longer exists. Conservatives are now the old school liberals.
Never gets old...still doing Victory laps 6 weeks later after election
Me too!
He wanted Kamala to win so badly, he changed the meaning of his own keys.
Also, right for 40 years straight? This man's ego prevents him from remembering the last time he failed
Exactly, his bias got in his way. And when it was indisputable that Trump was going to win he says bitterly, "he could barely make it through his campaign." Sour grapes much?
It's been right for 40 years straight, except for the two times I was completely and utterly wrong, but those clearly don't count.
Half of those elections could have been predicted by a child. Reagan 84? Bush 88? Those were obvious landslides.
Perot divied the conservative vote both in 92 and 96, so it was obvious that Big Bill would win.
Obama had a mortal lock on his two elections.
So that leaves 2000, which he got wrong, 2004, which he got right, 2016, which anyone paying attention to the rust belt could have guessed. (I lived in Michigan for 12 years and I was certain that Trump would win in 2016). 2020 was a strange election because of covid. We'll never really know if that one was stolen or not. Then 2024, which he blew in epic style. So of the harder to guess elections he missed 2 and got 3 right. 3 for 5 is a D, or 60%. No Nostradamus here. Just an idiot with a God complex.
@@pittland44the last time he got it wrong was in 2000 but that was because of the Florida situation
The keys are good but not magical
basically boil down to are people angry at the incumbent and is the challenger an attractive alternative
Amish of PA came in for Trump
tens of thousands of our Amish friends. They had Trump/Vance signs on their buggys.
Not only that, but Native Americans came out to vote Trump at a 65% rate! It's insane!!!
The Democrats messing with the milk and wellbeing of the Amish community screwed the DNC.
Like the ents in LOTR
PA was irrelevant.
"Democracy is destroyed because my candidate lost."
No... that's literally just democracy.
A candidate that no one elected to run in this race might I add.
@@michellewilliams9772 The fact that all democrats simply turn a blind eye to that fact while screeching about democracy is astounding.
We are not a Democracy ( a tyranny of the majority ), we are a Constitutional Republic!
You’re Putting words in Allan’s mouth
Thank God America has woke up !!!
We believe in Democracy. That's why we voted for Trump
LOL that is funny!!!! You voted for endless grift
@FactbasedReality0421 you don't learn, when the whole country rejects your deviant ideas. Continue, and you will keep losing elections in landslide.
@@FactbasedReality0421 He always gave his entire presidential salary back to the government. Would you do that? I bet not!
@@FactbasedReality0421 how is it a grift?he wants to end MIC corruption lol...hardly a profitable grift
@@freeguy77 Presidential salary is 300k a year, a billionaire makes 300k a day. You fell for the grift, sorry.
Lichtman is such a loser. So glad he got exposed as a fraud.
he's a fraud if he's wrong once? no. He just miscalculated or something. I mean he predicted republicans too
how? he predicted trump in 2016
He gets so much praise for getting 10 out of the last 11 elections (now 10 out of the last 12) predicted right, but if you go back to Presidential elections where he started calling them (starting them with Reagan I believe) most of these elections where landside victories for whomever won, with the exception of a few. SO calling this guy some kind of sage is a joke. I'm conservative and even I knew Obama would blow McCain and Romney out of the water.
1489? Really? You’re not fooling anybody.
@@torb1trick415back in 2016 I predicted trumps win, it wasn’t a big stretch
He is right,
It was a precedent-breaking, ass whooping victory 😂
Allan really showed his true colors "he's gonna be a terrible president" "his age wont hold up" what a clown
That's the only way this jokers prediction was gonna succeed.
And still it didn't.🤣
The democracy destroyers complaining about democracy dying...
Yup, when the winner gets the Electorals and he Popular Vote, that's the democratic process in a republic.
Federal elections were never democratic (popular vote wins)
@@billolsen4360 Not necessarily. I believe the US voters saw through all the lies the dems were putting forward. And that Harris was just a puppet for the donor class. The donor class that bought all them celebrities to twerk on stage, promising all that woke bull crap while keeping up the fund for foreign wars so the military industrial complex could get richer, and the tax cuts Trump mentioned Hillary's friends all enjoy. And still do. And not do a damn thing for the people. While also paying loads of influencers to push the woke.
Also notice how the paid actors all pushed the woke, but the ones on the ballot didn't they that is Harris and her running mate just spread word salad. Orange man bad. Yeah because they wanted to abuse power to make the donors richer
They didn't try to overturn an elect ion
Says he’s not bias, then proceeds to call Trump a dictator. 😂
Legal immigrant here. I cant wrap my mind around how these two are so out of touch with the majority or middle class American voters.
Simple: they despise us.
Says the foreigner.
@@EIfric They're legal. They're American.
Welcome to your new home @agesolo6914 . Don't let the democrats abuse you.
He's a legal immigrant he has the right to be here
@@FishwicksREAL the right to be here depends entirely on what country and cultural background he's from
The people voted and somehow that ended democracy…
One could only hope and dream of such a day.
They dont know what a woman mean, why it should be different with a word democracy, racist, fascist and homophonic. Biden mumbling and Kamala word salad just show what such ideology can do to your speaking ability. It dont matter what ideas you have when you cant communicate them.
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It’s funny, that’s exactly what was said the last presidential election.
I mean.. that can happen. Last elections are a thing. The people can vote to end democracy and establish autocratic or dictatorial rule
This is so much more satisfying than the MSM meltdowns because you see a so-called expert realizing in real time that his reputation is shot.
Reputation. Years to build, seconds to ruin. The lady behind the infamous Iowa poll recently had an interview where she was all huffed up and offended at people accusing her of being paid to release a bogus poll, going on and on about her professionalism and integrity. Lady, the past eight years, we've seen nothing but "professionals" sacrifice their integrity if it meant undermining Trump. It's pretty clear that you and Alan are both in that camp now.
That's why hes really shocked. His entire career and reputation just went right down the crapper. I'm not even convinced his 13 keys are an invalid model. The issue is the bias in the person judging which keys were a pass/fail. He is extremely biased towards the democratic party and his bias seeped into the model.
The problem with the 13 keys is the subjective way they are interpreted.
I keep hearing that a lot. But the 13 keys are actually good predictors, based on its success rate. Being 'subjective' isn't the problem. All predictions are more or less opinions, and opinions are always subjective.
For example, I can say that Gal Gadot is beautiful. Someone else can disagree and say that Gal Gadot is ugly. These are both opinions (subjective), but most people would agree that Gal Gadot being beautiful is closer to objective reality than her being ugly.
Now, the problem with Lichtman (who has severe TDS) in this election is that his subjective interpretations of the 13 keys is horribly further from reality than they are closer to it. For example, he gave the "charismatic" key to Kamala -- a subjective opinion that has very little relation with reality. He also gave the "No Scandals" key to Kamala (as part of the Biden Admin) -- another horribly unrealistic opinion (there's Hunter Biden's laptop, the Afghan withdrawal, the Border Crisis, Biden's mental health coverup, etc).
Just one of his own keys he got wrong: He didn't count Kamala as being involved in scandal after she lied to us for years about Biden's cognative decline and the way she got nominated.
@@RafaelBenedicto he didnt give the cahrsimatic key to kamala, you didnt read them right lmao
@@RafaelBenedicto Just the fact that Kamala was the candidate after a practically coup de etat was the most major politcal scandal in decades.
The saddest thing is his extraordinary pride and arrogance and unwillingness to understand where he went wrong when it's obvious to the entire world.
the problem is that his keys just didn't work this cycle and he can't even fathom that.
Two reasons he has to think is why:
Trump is an anomaly of a candidate, very hard to replicate him
Political landscape is changing, people are worried less of character and more policy/state of country
If it is option 2, his keys are going to need a whole new key or a major reform
Also forgot one thing, probably the most obvious:
Dems legit ran a candidate with only like 3 months to the election
Poor, unqualified candidate as well
nah they keys were right he just labeled them wrong, go through his list of keys and label them for trump or kamala and youll actually probably end up with them saying trump wins instead. He let his bias influence the keys.
"anomaly of a candidate" Is what they said in 2016
He has TDS.
Watching these people loose their minds during election night had a smile on my face all night long.
The son kept that candle burning and delusion strong for Allan.
So true
It's his father and he loves him. It's so hard for a son to see a father failed so miserably.
You've seen Allan's meltdown on TV. His son likely doesn't want to deal with that upfront and just says what he wants to hear.
The bookmakers had Uncle Trump as the odds on favourite for months. Plus, they've also only been wrong twice in the the last forty elections. Of course, they're not biased like this fake know it all.
His son is just is as annoying as dad.
His son is way worse. has no idea what he's talking about and won't stop chirping the same crap
@@LoserONxbox Seriously. He has nothing to say, nothing with purpose or value. Just reiterating the same three things that were nothing.
The way he is like “yeah dad” to everything or “I agree dad” to everything
His son is worse
The dynamic between them clearly revealed the son to be Lichtman’s emotional support animal. It’s why the father couldn’t speak when he was left alone for a few minutes. The reality of this situation is just too much for Lichtman to deal with alone.
“He’s been called the Nostradamus of elections.”
I immediately burst out laughing
"He predicted the last 9/10 elections correctly."
Like that's impressive or something😂😂
I have a better recent track-record than this clown now. Guess I'm the new election nostradamus
He calls himself Nostradamus????🤣🤣🤣 He’s a JOKE!!!!
The Nosferatu of elections
More like Quasimodo.🤣
That was fun. He was right about the keys, but trump changed the locks.
The old guy reveals himself as an adoring Kamalist, betrayed by his own words. One or two of the old guy's "Keys" were the personal charisma of the candidate and he attributing that quality to Kamala! instead of where it belongs.
@billolsen4360 yeah se stopped being non biased. His viewers are mainly left wing, that's probably why. Eco chamber
@@filipevieira6042 😂 I love it! Very well said
Oh, snap! 😂
@@billolsen4360 No, he did not give that 'key' of personal charisma to Harris. He only mentioned that a number of times in his videos on what keys were against her (incumbent party), only 4 against. Should have been the 6 (with the 2 econ keys) that he said were on her side, instead of against; that would have made it 6, the magic number to throw out the incumbent (D) party, and her then a loser. Which she was!
Cringe ass father and son.
There's not much worse than a liberal father/son duo
They can both retire now
It's almost as bad as Soros and his little Commie son.
That's blasphemy against him! /s
So sorry lord keysus.
I guess these two were so disappointed with Kamala's loss that they had to look at Biden's election results 4 years ago to cheer up. 😂😂😂
These election night coping streams are the best.
h3h3 cope stream of that night is pretty good lol
And they never learn.
I agree. Such fun.
@@kudjo24 I need to check that one out haha
Same haha
I like how he said harris was gonna win by a lot, than instantly said this was a nailbiter
"I dont get it."
"There's no math!"
So many great moments. Beautiful to witness. 🙌
Lichtman, the guru. "I have no idea", well, at least he got one thing right.
The bookmakers had Uncle Trump as the odds on favourite for months. Plus, they've also only been wrong twice in the the last forty elections. Of course, they're not biased like this fake know it all.
This is gold. I’d pick a class with this professor just to laugh at him
If you actually look at his Keys it is painfully obvious he gave at least 6 or 7 keys that VERY OBVIOUSLY favored Trump to Kamala Harris.
Trump had at least 10 or 11 keys in reality and lichtman only gave him 4. He REALLY stretched to give her the keys.
So the keys weren’t wrong; this fool was. 😂🎉
I agree
Maybe he was having a psychological love affair with our V.P?
Some of those keys could have been said to have been of zero impact or significance and not at all applicable to the current (2024) election year whatsoever(?).
@@gregpaspatis9425 Looking them up there were maybe two keys that were a draw, maybe two. That's about it. Looking back now I think Trump had 10-11 keys and Kamala had 2-3. That's it.
As the Great C.S. Lewis once said (this is in the Narnia books but it pertains to predictive models, so it's a little different) "The Stars do not lie, but men and beasts do."
I love how every time she loses a swing state, they just go "oh it doesn't matter, she didnt need it anyway" 😂
“Trump still has to win one of these three states!!!!”
It's nice to see a father and son spending time together. 😂😂😂
How cruel .. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
they weren't even in the same house, just virtually
"THE KEYS!!!!", Mr. Lichtman cried. "MINEEEEEE, ALLL MINEEEEE!!!!"
"That's nice, sir. Now would you please take your medication - you're holding up the other patients."
*He forgot one important key: People getting tired by current administration.*
That is actually what his keys predict. What is funny is that his keys work. He just got the wrong result because he used garbage data. The keys predict 12 fails out of 13. Where one is indifferent or false. His model predicted a massive Trump win. He should have seen it if he didn't have TDS.
Yes that. But there is a fundamental truth that none of her voters would be able to point out. Kamala Harris was invisible regarding what she would do, who she was or was she any different than the person we saw in 2019 when she was spitting out those far left promises.
He ignored the fact that the sitting POTUS was no longer a candidate due to his bias. He also ignored the horrible economy and foreign policy disasters because of his hatred of Trump. Add those three to his keys and Trump would win by his own system.
The people are also tired of those who write in all bold, or all caps.
@@sandgrownun66 cope
This is like watching a train crash in slow motion.
"once democracy is lost it's hard to recover" This is not true. We JUST RECOVERED!
….and unburdened by hotmessHarris.humanwindsockkk
I think it is hard to recover once lost, it was almost lost, now it's saved. People might not like Trump, hate his entire demeanor and what he says or stands for. But the Dems with their superpac donor money all those celebs being bought and influencers sprouting lies who they were paid to spread. That was democracy lost. It is the hope that the dems change their ways and actually fight for the issues instead of the military industrial complex and big pharma.
Agreed. Trump saved America from ruin.
precisely, the only thing we're losing in 2025 is the communist hell we've been living in and frankly, we can all live without it.
I hope his version of democracy goes away and never recovers
I agree
I still don't understand what the Democrats mean when they say, "Trump is the enemy of democracy."😂😂
@@海斗君のファン The democrats destroyed themselves. Trump is the scapecoat I guess. Throughout history, there's always that one man to blame, I guess in this era its Trump.
What are you referring to?
@@海斗君のファン Trump has encouraged extremism and expressed his desire for increasingly authoritarian actions in the US government, such as suppressment of checks and balances, obstruction of Congressional oversight as well as an attempt to overturn results of a previous election. He's also trying to make 'friends' with dictators around the world that cannot at all be trusted
I can not stand how they keep talking about Democracy. America has never been a Democracy. That word is nowhere to be found in the constiution.
Exactly considering their candidate wasn't chosen by the voters she was installed.
Being called the Nostradamus of elections isn't much a compliment.
He's not the nostradamus he's the nostradumbass
No, Nostradamus has never truly predicted anything. His prophesies were very vague and mysterious.
@@michaelharrington75 It's all in the interpretation! Sound familiar? LOL
Democracy spoke but because his candidate didn’t win, it’s now in danger and we have to fight for it. Obviously he doesn’t believe in democracy.
this guy has the WORST hair piece
Indeed lol
Do not blaspheme his wig
Phony system phony hair.
His wig would have done a better job picking such an obvious winner as Uncle Trump.
We don't live in a democracy! We never had! " And to the Republic, for which it stands!"
Looking at his methodology (the 'keys') it seems the obvious mistake he made is not putting Trump down as a 'charismatic candidate'. Clearly Trump is *very* charismatic.
Trump doesn’t cackle
It was keys 2 & 6 that should've been false
After this election, that can be said
The two obviously wrong keys with his observation, were the 2 econ keys: short-term (no recession), and long-term (GDP growth). Short-term was persistent higher inflation, and long-term was low-growth, instead of negative growth, so both should have been rated negative for the incumbent Dem party, making 6 to throw-out the incumbent; instead of his believing only 4 keeping the incumbent party. Another flashing warning indicator were the polls saying 70% of the people thought the country was on the wrong track. Nobody paid attention to that important poll result, neither the pollsters measuring the support for each, and Lichtman's 13 Keys.
@@freeguy77 If you have common sense you realized if more then half the population is not satisficed with current leadership they wont vote for it again. But since according to them people are just wrong they chug along not changing a thing. Also its so entertaining them looking at the sea of red with islands of blue and still think that she can win.
As Gen X, I remember computer science class teaching us GIGO-garbage in, garbage out, if the input is wrong, the output will be wrong too.
Also, if your model is garbage, it doesn't matter how good your data are.
That first lesson in my C.S. class is also frequently ignored! Thank you for bringing up GIGO, as it is too often ignored in computer modeling--that includes the ridiculous scare-mongering over "man-made climate change" when it is nature that does it (Sun, Oceans, Volcanoes etc.), not puny man.
He was so giddy and happy when announcing his prediction for Kamala, any sort of professional could have easily recognized their own bias by that point.
Thank the Amish in PA
Out of all of the people who got the election wrong, this one is the sweetest.
The fact that he demands people still listen to him proves this 🤡 is washed up
Trump should never forget that it was the Amish who handed him Pennsylvania.
I heard about them registering to vote, to vote against Harris because of the government's interfering with their raw milk production, in trying to make them pasteurize it. If they want to sell it, and people want to buy it, that should be the decision of the buyer, not government.
This is what happens when you just watch CNN and Msnbc and not do your own research.
He’s a well acclaimed Professor.
He’s one of the only people to actually do his own research 😂. Did you even watch the beginning of the video, he never pays attention to polls or news and he’s gotten it right since before you were born.
@@pdonz510who won dude this is such a cope 😂
@@pdonz510 he got 2016 wrong, and changed his little popular vote win prediction for Trump to an electoral vote win, he got 2020 "right" when Biden "won" by 40,000 votes out of 55 MILLION, all in the middle of the night, and then he got 2024 wrong in catastrophically hilarious fashion.
That makes him 0/3 in the last three elections, and 3/7
@ He didn’t get 2016 wrong. From the very beginning he predicted Trump. I see you’re an election denier of 2020, so it’s not worth arguing with an imbecile.
He wasn’t willing to call Virginia, a dem stronghold for a long while but was ready to call Pennsylvania, a true swing state
Virginia isn't really a Dem stronghold they only have a small majority due to NOVA
These two guys are pathetic…two rocks in a box.
Two jews in a shoe.
That’s a pretty disrespectful thing to call someone who has predicted elections correctly since before you were 30
@@pdonz510 wow, when there's no social unrest, the economy is doing great, etc. the incumbant wins. WOW WOW WOW!!! Who would have known.
When he lies about his own keys due to his terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome, he predicts the wrong candidate will win.
Such strong political "science".
@@pdonz510 Then he was only 30 in 2001. He failed the country twice when he predicted Al Gore would win and Kamala, wtf are you talking about
While mommy’s upstairs cheering for Trump
If Lichtman admitted he was biased and wrong, he'd win a lot of credibility back, but he had to double down and lose a lot of respect.
Admitting that you are biased will ruin your credibility even more. Maybe it will win some back. But being biased to the point you are wrong simply means you can't be trusted regardless.
@@Cloud_Seeker He has some merit in general to his keys, but the trouble is since most election hinge on the economy, his 2 econ keys (short-term, long-term) ignore high inflation and low-growth. His mention only if there is a recession, and if the average GDP is higher now than the past two election years average, therefore, it bypasses the high inflation, low-growth economy that he had both on the incumbent side, instead of failing their side. That would have boosted the number of keys against the incumbent D party from 4 to 6, the minimum to throw out the incumbent party!
@@freeguy77 To be honest. I don't fully agree with that.
The keys do not say anything about what metric you use to value the economy. It just say strong short and long term. If you decide to only to look if there is a recession and GDP, you have limited yourself. You should factor in inflation and growth. Just looking at GDP is faulty regardless. Here is an example of why.
If a farmer teach me a skill, and in return I repair the farmers car. That will brought value to society. However in terms of GDP no value has been created as no money was exchanged. In GDP terms, more value was created when I bought a piece of candy. GDP only cares when money is exchanged. Which means it gives a faulty view since everything isn't money being exchanged.
The fault in the economy keys is a faulty data input. This guy uses bad data because he has TDS, which gives a bad result.
@@Cloud_Seeker Your point emphasized my points on his Short-term, Long-term keys ignoring inflation and low-growth. I've known GDP is another mistaken Keynesian invention almost all the economists raged about during the 1930s, while ignoring the more accurate Austrian School.
@@freeguy77 It does, but I disagree that the keys state to ignore things like inflation. I think that is more the views of the interpreter rather than the model itself that set that limitation.
I think it should be more accurate to also factor in peoples perspective on the economy. Few people actually go into real numbers when they vote, so real numbers are somewhat useless. If people think the economy is weak, it is weak for the keys regardless if it is true or not.
He was counting on the additional 12 million votes that were in the last election, but for strange reasons they stayed home and chose not to vote in this election.
Democracy is worth saving from these lunatics.
He didn't count on the amish. New voters
The fact that he thinks anyone believes that is his real hair tells you what you need to know.
His keys, are as good as a coin flip 😂
It was so funny, when he got destroyed on Piers Morgan Show 😂
I just replace "our democracy" with "our power" when someone like Alan "THE KEYS" Lichtman talk about how democracy is being attacked and is dying, and it make prefect sense.
It was very telling when they start using term OUR democracy instead of THE democracy.
At least he was able to spend some quality time with his dad. It seems they have a solid relationship
Cannot get enough of this fool! 😂
The liberal tears are delicious
Why do you think he is such a fool? He's a well researched historian who has correctly predicted all but one election prior to this one
@@bobby-faredarell bobby, we get it.
You're another one of Lichtman's burner accounts lololololololololol
@@browserboy1984 Not at all, I just came across this and became confused. Did you like your own comment?
@@bobby-faredarell This is the third time he's been wrong. He just claims he changed methodology (without telling anyone) whenever that happens.
This will never get old
No one watches mainstream TV anymore - no one likes Kamala - NEVER have. These people are totally delusional.😵💫
So... they did touch a bit on that missing 15 million votes, didn't they. 😂
he got paid for that prediction
Yes or pure hate caused him to ignore his own common sense
Whoever paid him should ask for a refund.
aka lying
17:05 "OMG he's expanded it" - Allan Lichtman after his wife comes back from a date with her boyfriend
That's iconic
The media and left were so egregiously arrogant about their predictions that it makes these videos essentially watchable forever.
They had a 4+ year echo chamber and truly got deeply stuck in it. That shows how off-reality they were.
The arrogance of these guys is unreal.
This dude is a walking delusion.
Self righteous boob
The bookmakers had Uncle Trump as the odds on favourite for months. Plus, they've also only been wrong twice in the the last forty elections. Of course, they're not biased like this fake know it all.
I like how Lichtman breaks down and cries at the end.
He’s more upset about getting it wrong than her losing lol
And Professor Not-stradamus chose to have a live feed displaying his buffoonery. Love it.
It's the narcissism
It's not crazy he would think that. Most of (If not all of) his public persona is based on "getting it right".
To be fair, he is known to the public for predicting elections. So it's important for him if got it right or wrong. Probably more than if she wins or loses
Love it. Talked about it on here already but homies whole reputation was at stake. Hes nothing without it@@LambertBowden56
I was in the general chat. I was one of the trolls. It was fun.
Thank you for your service
same it was great, there was maybe a handful of pro-dem comments everything else was just trolling. It's great to show them just how out numbered they are and just how much of a laughing stock the rest of the world sees these "gurus" but the downside is they just close up shop early, it's like showing a crazy person he is indeed crazy, the response is never good.
@@blakeslide6919 lol keep thinking that your the majority. At the end of the day only 3 out of 10 people registered to vote in this country actually voted for trump. A large portion of this country doesn't even vote In the first place
@@blakeslide6919funny how you say "outnumbered" when trump had a less than 50% popular vote winning margin.
@@MegaChallanger Sorry to inform you, but "outnumbered" means the other guy has more numbers than you. Now, who outnumbered Trump? Simply delusional, keep it up, so we will win the next election hands down.
Thanks for this video. I now have a clearer understanding of Lichtman's downfall.
I know a junkie when I see one. Allen is an addict 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤
The fact that people were actually grasping onto that one Iowa poll lmao
I mean it looked optimistic for Harris there because of that poll, but obviously it didn't mean shit in the end lol.
@@Ginterliveit’s not optimism when the poll is flatly wrong from the get go. I can take a poll and find the bears are an excellent football team. Doesn’t mean anyone should buy into it
@@bryantsteury8910 Yeah, people were buying way to much into it just because it was like the only poll showing Harris up in a sea of polls that showed Trump winning IA. All the poll did was make it Democrats more optimistic about election night which had them thoroughly disappointed.
Yeah I came across at least 2 RUclips people who immediately dismissed all polls that showed Trump had a comfortable lead in Iowa. While praising the selzer poll
he streamed his humiliation, priceless
I feel sorry for his son. He obviously looks up to his father and sees him as a role model. As you should.
Unfortunately for him Allan Lichtman is totally insane. What a shame.
Allan is so gullible!! OMG WOW 🤣
These people have a very different definition of democracy than what it's actually supposed to be. In their minds, democracy only exists when their chosen candidate wins. Nothing else matters if it gets in the way of this result, even actual democracy.
I think you ment to talk about trump voters. Remember jan 6th 2021? Exactly
@@MegaChallangerObvious fraud needs to be stopped. Whether it was 2000 or 2020 the corruption needs to end.
@@MegaChallanger I remember it very well. People rightfully demanded an investigation into suspicious voting numbers. Peaceful protest. FBI invited them into the capital building, then turned around and arrested them, calling them 'insurgents'. (Very typical FBI behavior if you know anything about them) Most of the 'fear' acted out by democrats was fake. They even admitted it themselves later. Maybe actually learn what happened instead of just throwing up a single date as a talking point. I can think of 'somewhat fiery but mostly peaceful' protests that deserved a lot more attention.
@@MegaChallanger January 6 was democracy in action. The people protesting the corrupt ones in power. Can't deny that.
When they say "our democracy", they mean it - THEIR democracy.
Him saying he doesn't think Trump's health will hold out the next 4 years is laughable considering the current president's health......and everybody was quiet about it 😂. Mentally Donald Trumps health is 50 times better than biden's, and I didn't even vote Trump.
Exactly and I think I heard him say that no one raised those concerns about Biden until recently. He must be living under a rock.
Watching This makes me feel good inside
Lol agree
His bias definitely blinded him.
These election compilation meltdowns are great, you deserve way more subs
Allan is the gift that keeps on giving. What a clown. lol!!!! When I need a good cheap laugh, I always watch his stuff. lol!!!!
No no, the keys assume a 'rational' electorate, so its all the fault of the voters
Right?!?! My formula only works on people who think like me
That was one of the worst mouth-emissions I've ever heard a professor emit from his pie-hole!
Too bad there's not a key for Blatant Bias, his system ain't even bad but he's too blinded by optimism and bias lol
Democracy holds true only when the party of my choice wins !!
Never gets old. I watched the elections live through his channel and have rewatched it through several different channels.
He deserves a tall glass of shut up juice
Where can I buy some of that shut-up juice for others that should also shut up?
@ At Cenk’s. He’s the one selling them.
never trust an old man who dyes his hair
Rudy Giuliani??
Like Trump?
Thats a wig
You know Trump dies his hair and skin too, right?
These two are clueless. Examples of two people who have zero life experience, zero experience with hardship. Two people who have been sheltered and coddled their entire lives.
That was an extremely satisfying 18 minutes and 12 seconds. Thank you.
One might wonder where Kamala's $1.5 billion campaign money disappeared? This Allen must be a very rich man by now. Good for him.
This country is a REPUBLIC
😂😂😂 the job of professors is to be unbiased in their sphere of work. The pride of the intellect demonstrated here. Reformulate the keys
And reformulate the bias behind the interpretation of the keys
His kids a snob
His son should do the right and tell his dad he lost his mind. They are both insane though.
And regarding him, by the time the next election comes, he will have posted “evidence” of him predicting Trump won so he can keep his predictions at a 100% clip.
DDHQ and NYT were calling things because they relied on the universal language, MATH. Lichtman devloped a system that corellates things that are subjective and so could later be claimed to have predicted something they didnt actually predict.