  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @nicoks70
    @nicoks70 Год назад +12

    Great series with such a weird ending on the novels, thx for the chap.

    • @NailKizatov
      @NailKizatov 2 месяца назад

      Can you spoil me the ending on the novels

    • @nicoks70
      @nicoks70 2 месяца назад

      This was a long time ago sorry i kinda erased this series from memory. I remember that Maou ended with Chiho and a weird situationship with Emi (all the progress was dumped). Maou becomes just a normal human and talks about future marriage with Chiho when she graduates (she was still a minor, i guess), other plot gets resolved and other weird stuff. Honestly? It was dissapointing for me and I can't just lie to recommend this one. A lot of people had the perception of wasting their time, and I agree

    • @NailKizatov
      @NailKizatov 2 месяца назад +1

      @@nicoks70 wow thank for quick response. After all I’m glad that the Mao ended up with Chiho . Im only watch anime so i don’t think that i have to read the novell. Thanks for your answer

    • @nicoks70
      @nicoks70 2 месяца назад +1

      No problem! Sticking to the anime sounds good, this series has things and characters that are actually entertaining and worth watching, have fun with it :))

  • @musicasincopyrightmusic5
    @musicasincopyrightmusic5 2 месяца назад +1

    primer comentario en español

  • @DarkL0rd4
    @DarkL0rd4 Год назад +7

    15:33 I thought he was going to erase him from existence

    • @neobee602
      @neobee602 Год назад +11

      Fun fact: those circles actually to reduce the strength of his punch, he didn't want to kill Lucifer but at the same time he didn't want to hold back hin punch either, so he use those circles

    • @DarkL0rd4
      @DarkL0rd4 Год назад

      @@neobee602 ah that's quite a twist, is it said in the novel?

    • @juneirarnab2006
      @juneirarnab2006 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @diornoda
    @diornoda Год назад +8


  • @Kuralsizsiniz
    @Kuralsizsiniz Месяц назад

    wtf sound :D

  • @sharwinraj27
    @sharwinraj27 Год назад

    Pls do mashle next

  • @guilherme-jp5uo
    @guilherme-jp5uo 7 месяцев назад +1

    kkkkkk the number of likes is at 666

  • @johnwhats142
    @johnwhats142 Год назад +1

    this is ep5