Looking back on it, the timing is a bit off sometimes and I'm really sorry about that, no it's not on purpose If you want a better listening experience (or at least something that makes it a bit better) put on some headphones, as it makes each instrument sound a bit louder
@@DontShootPianoMan I suspect it's because your different sources of instruments are all played at different tempos and therefore they go out of time after a few seconds. If you can try speeding up or slowing down some of the instruments in editing so they are all the same tempo that would work great. Love the concept of pulling the instruments from different covers and stuff, it's good to see new covers and remixes of The March Of The Black Queen every once in a while.
one time, freddie played the piano intro before bohemian rhapsody
Could you send me links or tell me the name(s) of the live instrumental recording(s) you used to mix with the studio acapella?
I put the links in the description, I should have done it sooner, I'm really sorry
Is the timing off on purpose? Love what I'm hearing here but I think it would be better if everything was in time.
Looking back on it, the timing is a bit off sometimes and I'm really sorry about that, no it's not on purpose
If you want a better listening experience (or at least something that makes it a bit better) put on some headphones, as it makes each instrument sound a bit louder
@@DontShootPianoMan I suspect it's because your different sources of instruments are all played at different tempos and therefore they go out of time after a few seconds. If you can try speeding up or slowing down some of the instruments in editing so they are all the same tempo that would work great. Love the concept of pulling the instruments from different covers and stuff, it's good to see new covers and remixes of The March Of The Black Queen every once in a while.
Yeah, maybe you're right, I'm planning to make a video compiling all of these live remixes, so I'll try to redo parts where the videos are wonky
you mind if i redo this?you'll get credit
or even give me the files and i can fix the timing and other stuff and send it back