I'll save you all some time. I'm a 5ft, 7in tall dude. My apartment put in one of the taller toilets to replace my old standard toilet. If I sat without shoes on the tall toilet, my heels just barely grazed the floor and the blood started cutting off to my legs after a couple minutes. My girlfriend is 5ft, 4in and only the balls of her feet and her toes touched the floor. The blood started cutting off to her legs almost immediately. After multiple complaints, my apartment is replacing all the tall toilets they installed with standard toilets. News flash: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If nothing else, the height of the average American woman is 5ft, 3in so CLEARLY these toilets aren't meant for home use (although apparently they're less bad for women in public restrooms because so many women wear heels).
I'll save you all some time. I'm a 5ft, 7in tall dude. My apartment put in one of the taller toilets to replace my old standard toilet. If I sat without shoes on the tall toilet, my heels just barely grazed the floor and the blood started cutting off to my legs after a couple minutes. My girlfriend is 5ft, 4in and only the balls of her feet and her toes touched the floor. The blood started cutting off to her legs almost immediately. After multiple complaints, my apartment is replacing all the tall toilets they installed with standard toilets. News flash: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If nothing else, the height of the average American woman is 5ft, 3in so CLEARLY these toilets aren't meant for home use (although apparently they're less bad for women in public restrooms because so many women wear heels).
16” Standard toilet are the best. 18” would be a nightmare to use!
Thank you.
Dont want no short people around here!
Don't want no short people using your toilet? 🤣🤣🤣