OMG THAT'S CRAZY! I'm Jewish and in Judaism we have MANY different cultures with Jews from everywhere. I've been to a lot of Jewish weddings with many different cultures. At the Syrian or Mizrahit weddings or in Mizrahi synagogues all I hear is "LELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELE HABIBI MAZAL TOV AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAAAA"
When he said « khkhkh » i started laughing and found myself laughing in « khkhkh » which made me laugh even more in « khkhkh » that made me fart and mom told me « Where are your manners?! I’m gonna BI’ !! »
ظز اجت من ملح بالتركي لانو بايام حرب العاليمة الاولى الاتراك ما كانو يحطو ضرائب عل الملح فكانو التجار يهربو البضايع على انها ملح. فكانو يقولو لتبعات التفتيش على اي بضاعة انها طز يعني ملح (شغلة مالها قيمة لفرض ضريبة عليها) و بعدها صارت لاي شي مالو اي قيمة فعلية
The turkish etymology is bullshit.. The real etymology is the next: Tuz=fart in lebnon and morocco.. Tuz=teez(butt in Arabic)... Teez=deez(it means "unworthy" in classical Arabic)... "Deeza" is a word mentioned in the Quran (chapter 53 surat Al-najm, verse 22) and it means unfair or unworthy... So it is Arabic word not turkish.
Ahahaha omg you are awesome, Mark, I've never seen anybody capturing these cultural sounds so well. I laughed my ass off watching it 😂😂😂👏 I'm in love with your accents and personifications. عملك ممتاز ❤💜
Toz actually made it into Dutch slang. Cool to kinda get a feeling for what it means now! I am on a bit of a binge through your videos tonight and I'm having a blast!
This was great and you explain very well! It is helping me understand the things my relatives used to say better. Also, your little contextual examples of use in a conversation with the translations are really good to learn common conversational colloquial phrases. Thanks!
Bahaha your videos have enlightened me on some things I didn't know, but using comedy to approach the situations has had me laughing all night. So much so I should've been in bed hours ago lol. I would love to learn Arabic as a second language. I just personally don't know anyone who speaks it, nor is there a school near me that teaches it. But damn, if I could speak arabic and understand the culture more clearly... Omg I bet you would be the one of funniest people to hang out with lol
My husband is from Baghdad and most of these I hear on a daily basis! But some are slightly different, like the “-ij” words...He says “gij”. it comes more from the throat. 😁❤️
About "Toz" there is even the single "A Toz" which charted on the French Top 200 Singles Chart... It is by Farid and Oussama featuring Aymane Serhani. So a trio of esteemed artists entertaining the French
Hilarious ! I like very much your videos Mark... Btw I am historian & here's a historic note for you about "toz": it comes from the Ottoman Turkish "tüz" which was one of the cheapest staples that was free from taxes and safe from requisitioning by Jamal Pasha troops during WW1 in modern Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Jordan. So people used to reply "tüz" to soldiers who asked them "what's in there you're carrying (on your mule or dromedary)?"
Well said Mark, thanks for the nice video, The same words and expressions we use in Jordan and Palestine, almost all identical, بلاد الشام تقريبا نسخة عن بعض بالحكي
طز The Story of Once I heard that it means salt in Turkish. During the rule of the Ottomans in Greater Syria, traders had to pay taxes for goods except salt because it was cheap. So at Turkish toll gates, traders would say طز and would be allowed to pass without having to wait and pay, and hence the contemporary meaning, especially in the Levant.
كلمة طز تعني الفساء في لبنان والمغرب.. وأصلها من كلمة (ضيز) أي بمعنى الشيء الغير عادل أو الذي لا قيمة له... وهي مذكورة بالقرآن (سورة النجم، آية ٢٢) فلقد سُميّت المؤخرة بالطيز لأنها مكان غير ذا قيمة أو ذو مرتبة متدنية مقارنة مع باقي أعضاء جسم الإنسان... والفسوة تخرج من المؤخرة(الطيز) فسُمّيَت أيضا بالطز في لبنان... ومن ثم شاعت كلمة طز عند العرب بمعنى الشيء الغير المهم لأن الفسوة شيء غير ذا أهمية وهذا أصل كلمة (طز)... فهي عربية أصيلة وليست تركية أبداً.... The word (TOZ) is Arabic not turkish... The turkish etymology is bullshit.. The real etymology is the next: Tuz=fart in lebnon and morocco.. Tuz=teez(butt in Arabic)... Teez=deez(it means "unworthy" in classical Arabic)... "Deeza" is a word mentioned in the Quran (chapter 53 surat Al-najm, verse 22) and it means unfair or unworthy... So it is Arabic word not turkish.
actually in the days of the Ottoman caliphate merchants had to stop for inspections in check points so they say to the officer when they have salt they say toz toz meaning it’s only salt .. salt was cheap .. so anything that doesn’t matter Arabs they say toz
This guy is hilarious. I can’t stop laughing. Spanish speaking Arabs type jejejejej to say LoL when texting! Man keep doing what’s you’re doing, you’re going places!!!
I love your videos about Arabic. Would you consider doing a couple about grammar, or the differences between high standard Arabic and the various dialects? Šukran, anta mumtaz ❤
Kristina Kumpfhuber it’s totally different, you will be lost if you tried , for example The word Enter In standard arabic : udkhul In iraq : tob . in gulf countries: dish , In levant countries : foot in egypt : khush In morocco , tunisia, algeria: I don’t really know , but im sure they have their own version of the word . So stick with the standard arabic 😬
'toz' comes from Turkish meaning salt. During the Ottoman occupation, Arabs used to trade salt for wheat. At Ottoman checkpoints, soldiers used to allow those having salt to pass and used to say " toz,toz.." meaning that the person has salt and isn't holding anything dangerous/banned. And now we use it as "who cares/whatever"
Fun fact about toz: When the turks entered lebanon they didn't let any food enter mount lebanon unless they investigate except if it was salt. Salt in Turkish is toz. So when someone want to smuggle or just enter something to mount lebanon they would say . "Bro it's toz. Come on no need to investigate it's toz bruh" Eventually toz started to translate as nothing and to other meanings. Every lebanese whos been told that toz is swear word you have been mistaken.
Really awesome video!:D I have no idea why, but I also laugh like that at times, despite having 0 Arabic knowledge or relations😅 Also, "de" in Hungarian means "but", so dededede is something I sometimes say when I am about to launch into telling a string of (terrible) excuses😶😅
Hey Mark! This video was so funny! I really enjoyed it!! Greetings from Mexico!! Ps. I couldn't believe I'm going to ask you this but could you teach us some bad words in Arabic, please? I think that might be interesting, funny but also helpful!
And you could teach us bad words in Spanish 😄. Btw he said a couple of the most common bad words in other videos, which Id rather not mention. And I dont think he would make a video exclusively for bad words. Arabs wouldnt take to it kindly.
obviously it's not just lebanon, lebanon is a tiny country, literally every single one of these are used around the middle east, varying by country, some of the ones you mentioned are especially shami too but i've heard it everywhere :)
Omg! You made me laugh a lot... nice vid. Actually the sound "toz" is inspired from one of the sounds that comes of the butt when you fart... so we imitate the sound as "toooozzzz" it always made me laugh so hard! 😂😂😂
I used to see my uncle laugh like this. The same laugh sound you made. I also noticed 80-90% of our language is Arabi. Or whenever I see old words in Somali khamuus(dictionary). We share a lot in common akhi.
My husband is from Yemen and he uses aaow aaow for a dog barking and he also uses tee tee for when microwave goes off. So we have this around our house. Listen for it to tee tee and tell me. Or I not hear tee tee yet. Lol.... I think its cute and laugh.
Laetitia Bailey-Mortimer did you know that Arabic has a word to describe anything? For example there’s a word to describe the sound of ants! Crazy isn’t it?
Knave of Dogs the sound of ants is called: حفق HHafaq Harsh h and harsh k pronounced at the back of the throat. For birds there are words to describe numerous types of birds not just one. For example there’s a bird species called Hoopoes. The name of the sound is called: qarqara. The Q signifies a k pronounced at the back of the throat. In Arabic: قرقرة Most Arabs don’t even know these words because the Arabic language is unimaginably huge. People argue over just how big this language is. There are words to describe things you can’t even explain in other languages. There’s a word called: فرزدق Farazdaq You believe what it means. Farazdaq means: A man who is short, has a round, and mean looking/hateble face. There’s a word called: Armaa. Which means a man with too many fingers. There’s a word called Khansa’. This one is still used to this day as a name. It means: a woman who’s nose has a delayed rise which ends in a high tip. Believe it or not this is not a joke. Most Arabs don’t even know the extent of their languages power. What I gave you today is but a tiny glimpse of what this language has to offer. There are 300 words for lions, 150 for camels. 150 for swords. Hundreds upon hundreds of words to describe the same things but in specific ways. And don’t get me started on the colors. Arabs knew the color blue before any civilization in the world named it. For example in medieval Europe the sky and sea were said to be “green” because the color blue wasn’t in their dictionary yet. There are words to describe colors in a way that can make you imagine the image of the color in your head. For example they used to describe black people in a different way from what we use today. They used words that mean: pitch black green to describe certain black camels. I forgot the color names of original Arabic because they’re so complex but if you really wanna know I can do some research for you. The Arabic language of the Quran(origins Arabic) is almost inhuman. It seems to descriptive to be a human language. But it is human language and people can learn it and delve into its arcane mysteries. Everything I told you has proof and you can look it up. Now for some mysticism in case you’re into that sort of stuff. Warning: what you’re about to read is a description of my beliefs and does not represent the mainstream Islamic view. Most Muslims don’t even know about this so take it with a grain of salt. It could be true and it could be false. The biggest mystery in Islam that not many people know about is called: “God’s greatest name”. God has many names. Such as God(Allah in Arabic), the most merciful, the greatest, the most forgiving, peace, and so on. These names can be used when you’re praying to God for a certain thing. For example if you need money and you want God to help you, you say: Please God help me improve my financial status oh God the most generous of them all. And hopefully your prayers will be answered if you deserve it among other things. But there is a name of God that only prophets know about. That name is so great that if you ask God for anything and say that name he will do it for you no matter what you asked of him. You can even revive the dead with that name, Jesus used it when he revived people. That name is hidden from normal people like you and I but if you decide the Quran you might find it though this will never happen because it is very well hidden. That word has so much power it is said to have enough power to destroy the whole world and smash open dimensional gateways. One of the most terrifying things I heard is when I heard of the story of an evil sorcerer. That sorcerer was extremely powerful and had many extradimensional beings under his command. He lived in the time of one of the prophets. I’m not sure which ones but possibly David or Solomon. Again, don’t take my word for it, it could be a different prophet. But the story did happen and it happened a very long time ago. The sorcerer managed to find a way to decode the holy books and found God’s greatest name! He’s the only person in human history to achieve this(other than prophets.) He used it to break dimensional barriers between us and the Djinn(entities living in a higher dimension). This started a full scale war between humanity and the Djinn/demons of the other world. They started possessing and killing people. And people couldn’t hurt them because we live in a Lower dimension. The prophet then told the people that these things cannot hurt you if you have strong faith in God and not be afraid. And that’s how the humans beat these things and then the dimensional gate was closed. To help you understand the theory behind what I’m saying here: Draw a stick man on a piece of paper. Imagine if that stick man was a real person. That man can look to the right, left, up, down and that’s it. He can only see and touch what is in the Y and X axes because he lives in the 2nd dimension. You live in the 3rd dimension. You can see him and even sort of touch him but he can’t see you no matter how much he tries he can’t look outside the paper into you. This is an overly simplified version of how we are to the beings in the higher dimensions. But there are differences. For example our body is 3 dimensional but our soul is 4 dimensional. Our soul is bound to the 3rd dimension always. When the connection is severed we die or vice versa. If you ever have a nightmare where you see something scary and very vivid try very hard not to be scared. When you get scared they can hurt you and scare you even more. If you don’t get scared they can’t hurt you. God put a barrier between us and them to protect us. This barrier is unbreakable. Unless you start messing around with this stuff. Witches do that. They summon these things by doing horrible things that upset God and then they start witnessing glimpses of the otherworldly creatures that I told you about. Basically: if you don’t try to you won’t see these things. You might see them in your dreams though especially if someone cast a spell on you in which case you’d have to read some Quran and prayers to protect yourself. While the stories and things I told you can have flaws and mistakes consider it a bunch of stories rather than facts. Hope you’ve enjoyed these. Have a good day.
Did you ever know that the word طز comes from the Turkish word : Tuz ( which means salt) and it was used by traders after the salt lost its place in the market (it used to be as precious as gold) to insult or to make fun of the former rich salt tradesmen. This is the story that I heard about this strange but beautiful and precise expression . I am not sure whether it is right or no but I believe this story is so interesting so I wanted to share it ;)
Nah you forgot lelelelelelel which is the sound used in weddings 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
That's....another thing
OMG THAT'S CRAZY! I'm Jewish and in Judaism we have MANY different cultures with Jews from everywhere. I've been to a lot of Jewish weddings with many different cultures. At the Syrian or Mizrahit weddings or in Mizrahi synagogues all I hear is "LELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELE HABIBI MAZAL TOV AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAAAA"
Yeahhh.. im freaking out first time heard that sound in eygpt..kkkkkk.
Lmao with the hand covering their mouth LELELELELELELELELE
Bayonetta 2 yea to make it echo louder than it's already gonna be 😂😂😂😂
2:34 I think GRGRGRGRGR is also the (sound effect) of tickling
Yes also be2 can be when you are surprised
True true 😂
ودب اليلة دب اليلة يا كركركر
I was laughing khkhkhkhkhkh while he was explaining the khkhkhkh part lol
Me too, Although i havent ever laugh like that 🤔
Captain Gen littirally laughing like that becuase of it and I was going on for like a minute straight xD
Khkhkh I actually laugh like this 🤣🤣
We Greeks do the same lmfao.
Same lol
When he said « khkhkh » i started laughing and found myself laughing in « khkhkh » which made me laugh even more in « khkhkh » that made me fart and mom told me « Where are your manners?! I’m gonna BI’ !! »
hahahahaha same here (exept lal fart)
طزاً وطزيزاً 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Omg this is hilarious
I Have Never Said or Heared That Lol
مبدع مارك خخخخخخخخخ
This is actually the only thing I didn't find funny in the video lol😂
The "khkhkhkhkh" one reminded me of baba 😂 I laughed way too hard
Safae_22 OMG YeS
"Tozzan wa Tazizan" is where i died 😂😂😂
I’m in love with your language and you are so awesome 😂❤
In Moroccan when u say TOUZ it means a fart lol
@heyjeySigma In Lebanon it means the same thing
tuz means salt in turkish xD
In egypr Touz Means i don't care 😂
@@GemanDugz XD 🤣
@@GemanDugz yeah it originated from Turkish
It's a long story
Mark,you do these with a straight face,which only makes them funnier.
"Arabic sasquach"...i just flatlined 😭😭😭💀💀💀
ظز اجت من ملح بالتركي لانو بايام حرب العاليمة الاولى الاتراك ما كانو يحطو ضرائب عل الملح فكانو التجار يهربو البضايع على انها ملح. فكانو يقولو لتبعات التفتيش على اي بضاعة انها طز يعني ملح (شغلة مالها قيمة لفرض ضريبة عليها) و بعدها صارت لاي شي مالو اي قيمة فعلية
😂😂😂😂😂اول مرة بعرف
What a story 🤣🤣🤣
واو معلومة جديدة، شكرا الك
شكرا عدرس التاريخ
The turkish etymology is bullshit..
The real etymology is the next:
Tuz=fart in lebnon and morocco..
Tuz=teez(butt in Arabic)...
Teez=deez(it means "unworthy" in classical Arabic)...
"Deeza" is a word mentioned in the Quran (chapter 53 surat Al-najm, verse 22) and it means unfair or unworthy...
So it is Arabic word not turkish.
Ahahaha omg you are awesome, Mark, I've never seen anybody capturing these cultural sounds so well. I laughed my ass off watching it 😂😂😂👏 I'm in love with your accents and personifications. عملك ممتاز ❤💜
That sounded faker than people with plastic surgery…
Toz actually made it into Dutch slang. Cool to kinda get a feeling for what it means now! I am on a bit of a binge through your videos tonight and I'm having a blast!
This was great and you explain very well! It is helping me understand the things my relatives used to say better. Also, your little contextual examples of use in a conversation with the translations are really good to learn common conversational colloquial phrases. Thanks!
another great video from Mark keep it up you are awesome
Bahaha your videos have enlightened me on some things I didn't know, but using comedy to approach the situations has had me laughing all night. So much so I should've been in bed hours ago lol.
I would love to learn Arabic as a second language. I just personally don't know anyone who speaks it, nor is there a school near me that teaches it. But damn, if I could speak arabic and understand the culture more clearly... Omg I bet you would be the one of funniest people to hang out with lol
Bro you're the absolute best hahaha keep em coming ya bro 🇱🇧🇱🇧❤️
I just love your work. Comedy,get your shit ensemble. Yalla
3:55 when you stop and realize you are doing it right now
He's so hilarious, his voice sounds like Batman when he lowers it lol hooked on these videos as of today lol
Mark: "...the khkhkh sound when laughing"
Me: khkhkh
😂😂😂you just gotta love Arabs ❤️❤️
Jamaican-canadian here! I use DIJ and BOV to express impact. But the BOV sounds more like "boeuf." 😎
I'm so happy that as an Arab I understand this fully, because its fucking hilarious. Non-Arabic speakers are missing out
My husband is from Baghdad and most of these I hear on a daily basis! But some are slightly different, like the “-ij” words...He says “gij”. it comes more from the throat. 😁❤️
About "Toz" there is even the single "A Toz" which charted on the French Top 200 Singles Chart... It is by Farid and Oussama featuring Aymane Serhani. So a trio of esteemed artists entertaining the French
Here is the linkвидео.html
Toz I won't see
Thats a real use😂
I felt like you were calling me out when you mentioned the laugh 😂😭😂 these are too accurate
Hilarious ! I like very much your videos Mark... Btw I am historian & here's a historic note for you about "toz": it comes from the Ottoman Turkish "tüz" which was one of the cheapest staples that was free from taxes and safe from requisitioning by Jamal Pasha troops during WW1 in modern Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Jordan. So people used to reply "tüz" to soldiers who asked them "what's in there you're carrying (on your mule or dromedary)?"
Your episodes are getting better and better every time
You made my day
From lebanon
Well said Mark, thanks for the nice video, The same words and expressions we use in Jordan and Palestine, almost all identical, بلاد الشام تقريبا نسخة عن بعض بالحكي
طز The Story of
Once I heard that it means salt in Turkish. During the rule of the Ottomans in Greater Syria, traders had to pay taxes for goods except salt because it was cheap. So at Turkish toll gates, traders would say طز and would be allowed to pass without having to wait and pay, and hence the contemporary meaning, especially in the Levant.
What an intresting story. 😂😂😂
كلمة طز تعني الفساء في لبنان والمغرب..
وأصلها من كلمة (ضيز) أي بمعنى الشيء الغير عادل أو الذي لا قيمة له...
وهي مذكورة بالقرآن (سورة النجم، آية ٢٢)
فلقد سُميّت المؤخرة بالطيز لأنها مكان غير ذا قيمة أو ذو مرتبة متدنية مقارنة مع باقي أعضاء جسم الإنسان...
والفسوة تخرج من المؤخرة(الطيز) فسُمّيَت أيضا بالطز في لبنان...
ومن ثم شاعت كلمة طز عند العرب بمعنى الشيء الغير المهم لأن الفسوة شيء غير ذا أهمية وهذا أصل كلمة (طز)...
فهي عربية أصيلة وليست تركية أبداً....
The word (TOZ) is Arabic not turkish...
The turkish etymology is bullshit..
The real etymology is the next:
Tuz=fart in lebnon and morocco..
Tuz=teez(butt in Arabic)...
Teez=deez(it means "unworthy" in classical Arabic)...
"Deeza" is a word mentioned in the Quran (chapter 53 surat Al-najm, verse 22) and it means unfair or unworthy...
So it is Arabic word not turkish.
That one i hear from anyone insecure about their voice when laughing......INCLUDING MYSELF LOL
الاخلاق يسطااا😂😂
Omg, you are freakin hilarious and educational at the same time! Thanks! 😅
I laugh with khkhkhkh now I feel attacked 😂😂
Markk please do a QnA♥️♥️ I’ve been asking for soo lonngg.
@@MarkHachem woah tell us when u do i have a lot of questions my guy
When u say the names I be like...wait whaaatt I am lebanese and with is dat
And when I hear it I am like owwwww yeeeee
U ARE MY potatoe
Man your super funny! Really appreciate your hummer (:
actually in the days of the Ottoman caliphate merchants had to stop for inspections in check points so they say to the officer when they have salt they say toz toz meaning it’s only salt .. salt was cheap .. so anything that doesn’t matter Arabs they say toz
I'm the khkhkhkhkh... it's just a really satisfying way to laugh ok! plus, coupled with a smile, you really feel like an evil mastermind o_o
You make me laugh everyday :) thanks mark
I literally laughed like "khkhkhkh" at the "khkhkhkh" joke. Made me laugh even harder.
Love your videos. Disney should get you on board for some of their have a voice and palette of expression that is one in a billion.
Greg07623 thank you for your kind words. I’m being blessed with great opportunities. So these things are very possible.
This guy is hilarious. I can’t stop laughing. Spanish speaking Arabs type jejejejej to say LoL when texting! Man keep doing what’s you’re doing, you’re going places!!!
In Brazil the dog sounds very similar: Au Au Au... 😆
I think grgrgrgrgr works there too!
Mesmerizing. Damn, this is good.
Im fan #1 salam habibi.
I automatically turn into a Jagal watching these videos 💪🏾
Abbu 😍
للعهد القوي
You are a jagal
As a Lebanese fan I agree 100% love your videos, always share our culture with the world 🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧❤❤❤
Hahaha so funny bro.. Keep those videos coming.
The part when he said “خ خ خ " i was so dead🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ههههه
Thank you for your videoes. I learn and laught so much!! 😂😂
I swear I just finished Aladdin, and the first thing I notice when Jafar showed up was like “ wait... isn’t that Mark!????”
I love your videos about Arabic. Would you consider doing a couple about grammar, or the differences between high standard Arabic and the various dialects? Šukran, anta mumtaz ❤
Kristina Kumpfhuber it’s totally different, you will be lost if you tried , for example
The word Enter
In standard arabic : udkhul
In iraq : tob .
in gulf countries: dish ,
In levant countries : foot
in egypt : khush
In morocco , tunisia, algeria: I don’t really know , but im sure they have their own version of the word .
So stick with the standard arabic 😬
@@MuhannadGhazal in Algeria we say udkhoul and sometimes pronounced dkhoul
Awww These Arabic sounds are like baby language aow aow toz toz bi bi 😂💖
It seems like this for the languges who haven't the ع letter
Me throughout the whole video: Khkhkhkhkhkhkhkh
كلامك كله صح حتى اني ضحكت وما حسّيت بنفسي الا وانا اقول خخخ😂😭
Awesome stuff, hahaaha! :D
Excellent comme toujours ! Méch 3éjbak ? Ehhhh TOZZZZZZZZZZZZ lol
Mark we love you ❤️
Your content is so awesome 💯
We also use ‘to5’ to describe a loud crash and ‘to7’ for a heavy fall.
Freaking love your videos!!!First generation CANADIAN Lebanese!🇨🇦🇱🇧🙌🏼
i need more of these being lebanese is suddenly a lot more interesting 😂
Nice video keep it up ya kbeer
I can’t stop watching this video & LMAO each time 🤣🤣🤣
Congratz 100k subs
I have no idea if any of this is true ...but Mark is certainly entertaining enough for me to want it to be.
it is soo true
Mark you are the best🤩💖💖🇱🇧🇱🇧
We use all those sounds in Egypt. These sounds add a bit of spice to our daily lives in an insignificant way :)
Looool the formal tozz made me go khikhikhi 😂😂
I love these ..... the laughter sound is used in Israel . I Have seen it written in comment boxes and I'd inquired
“Tozan wa tazeezan” I died 😂😂
'toz' comes from Turkish meaning salt. During the Ottoman occupation, Arabs used to trade salt for wheat. At Ottoman checkpoints, soldiers used to allow those having salt to pass and used to say " toz,toz.." meaning that the person has salt and isn't holding anything dangerous/banned. And now we use it as "who cares/whatever"
Akh ya zalameh😂😂😂 ij family🙋🏻♀️ khkhkhkh nehna hon HahahahahaHAHAHAHAH bet arret dehek ya zalameh..🤣🤣
Fun fact about toz:
When the turks entered lebanon they didn't let any food enter mount lebanon unless they investigate except if it was salt.
Salt in Turkish is toz.
So when someone want to smuggle or just enter something to mount lebanon they would say . "Bro it's toz. Come on no need to investigate it's toz bruh"
Eventually toz started to translate as nothing and to other meanings.
Every lebanese whos been told that toz is swear word you have been mistaken.
Really awesome video!:D I have no idea why, but I also laugh like that at times, despite having 0 Arabic knowledge or relations😅 Also, "de" in Hungarian means "but", so dededede is something I sometimes say when I am about to launch into telling a string of (terrible) excuses😶😅
Nice video as always :)
Hey Mark! This video was so funny! I really enjoyed it!! Greetings from Mexico!!
Ps. I couldn't believe I'm going to ask you this but could you teach us some bad words in Arabic, please? I think that might be interesting, funny but also helpful!
And you could teach us bad words in Spanish 😄. Btw he said a couple of the most common bad words in other videos, which Id rather not mention. And I dont think he would make a video exclusively for bad words. Arabs wouldnt take to it kindly.
his video always make me smile😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂and its amazing..😆😆😆👍
Liked the video, subscribed and clicked on the bell ;)
obviously it's not just lebanon, lebanon is a tiny country, literally every single one of these are used around the middle east, varying by country, some of the ones you mentioned are especially shami too but i've heard it everywhere :)
Omg! You made me laugh a lot... nice vid.
Actually the sound "toz" is inspired from one of the sounds that comes of the butt when you fart... so we imitate the sound as "toooozzzz" it always made me laugh so hard! 😂😂😂
Inta nahfe 😘😘ana katir idhak 😘bravo Alek...ana Esma kulu hada min ordoni 😍😍😍😍
The dush hit so close to home
Man you're amazing!!!
Keep it up
I was laughing khkhkhkh the whole video😂😂
Make a compilation of the Lebanese accent. Baalback Beyrouth shmeil jnoub
W ma tensa jabal قققققققققق😂
Hahahaha! Mark, you never disappoint! Bravissimo!
„Arabic sasquach“ i‘m dying😂😂😂🤧
I used to see my uncle laugh like this. The same laugh sound you made. I also noticed 80-90% of our language is Arabi. Or whenever I see old words in Somali khamuus(dictionary). We share a lot in common akhi.
Wallah when I was like 5 and I didn’t want to go to sleep my mom used to say : العو رح يجيلك
My Tunisian friend resembles totally like you!
Really? Tunisians don't sound like this
@@ichigo9990 My friend does
As tunisians we do lol even the laugh
@@gh4738 netcharfou I'm a tunisian BTW and we don't sound like that
@@ichigo9990 w bik akther , the laugh with خ we do it all the time there is only tozz that we don't use right ?!
"What is that, some kind of Arabic sasquatch?" OMG, I'm dying...
My husband is from Yemen and he uses aaow aaow for a dog barking and he also uses tee tee for when microwave goes off. So we have this around our house. Listen for it to tee tee and tell me. Or I not hear tee tee yet. Lol.... I think its cute and laugh.
Je meurs 😂
On a aussi le "GRGRGRGRGR" chez moi... pour chatouiller les autres. 😂
GRRGRGRGRGRGRG is also used in tickling! Okay maby that's just syria-
He just relieved all our secrets
No. 10 sounds like Australian possums. :)
Laetitia Bailey-Mortimer did you know that Arabic has a word to describe anything? For example there’s a word to describe the sound of ants! Crazy isn’t it?
Arab world العالم العربي ...what is it???
Knave of Dogs the sound of ants is called: حفق HHafaq
Harsh h and harsh k pronounced at the back of the throat.
For birds there are words to describe numerous types of birds not just one.
For example there’s a bird species called Hoopoes.
The name of the sound is called: qarqara.
The Q signifies a k pronounced at the back of the throat.
In Arabic: قرقرة
Most Arabs don’t even know these words because the Arabic language is unimaginably huge.
People argue over just how big this language is.
There are words to describe things you can’t even explain in other languages.
There’s a word called: فرزدق Farazdaq
You believe what it means.
Farazdaq means: A man who is short, has a round, and mean looking/hateble face.
There’s a word called: Armaa. Which means a man with too many fingers.
There’s a word called Khansa’. This one is still used to this day as a name.
It means: a woman who’s nose has a delayed rise which ends in a high tip.
Believe it or not this is not a joke.
Most Arabs don’t even know the extent of their languages power.
What I gave you today is but a tiny glimpse of what this language has to offer.
There are 300 words for lions, 150 for camels. 150 for swords.
Hundreds upon hundreds of words to describe the same things but in specific ways.
And don’t get me started on the colors.
Arabs knew the color blue before any civilization in the world named it.
For example in medieval Europe the sky and sea were said to be “green” because the color blue wasn’t in their dictionary yet.
There are words to describe colors in a way that can make you imagine the image of the color in your head.
For example they used to describe black people in a different way from what we use today.
They used words that mean: pitch black green to describe certain black camels.
I forgot the color names of original Arabic because they’re so complex but if you really wanna know I can do some research for you.
The Arabic language of the Quran(origins Arabic) is almost inhuman.
It seems to descriptive to be a human language.
But it is human language and people can learn it and delve into its arcane mysteries.
Everything I told you has proof and you can look it up.
Now for some mysticism in case you’re into that sort of stuff.
Warning: what you’re about to read is a description of my beliefs and does not represent the mainstream Islamic view.
Most Muslims don’t even know about this so take it with a grain of salt.
It could be true and it could be false.
The biggest mystery in Islam that not many people know about is called: “God’s greatest name”.
God has many names. Such as God(Allah in Arabic), the most merciful, the greatest, the most forgiving, peace, and so on.
These names can be used when you’re praying to God for a certain thing.
For example if you need money and you want God to help you, you say: Please God help me improve my financial status oh God the most generous of them all.
And hopefully your prayers will be answered if you deserve it among other things.
But there is a name of God that only prophets know about.
That name is so great that if you ask God for anything and say that name he will do it for you no matter what you asked of him.
You can even revive the dead with that name, Jesus used it when he revived people.
That name is hidden from normal people like you and I but if you decide the Quran you might find it though this will never happen because it is very well hidden.
That word has so much power it is said to have enough power to destroy the whole world and smash open dimensional gateways.
One of the most terrifying things I heard is when I heard of the story of an evil sorcerer.
That sorcerer was extremely powerful and had many extradimensional beings under his command.
He lived in the time of one of the prophets. I’m not sure which ones but possibly David or Solomon.
Again, don’t take my word for it, it could be a different prophet.
But the story did happen and it happened a very long time ago.
The sorcerer managed to find a way to decode the holy books and found God’s greatest name!
He’s the only person in human history to achieve this(other than prophets.)
He used it to break dimensional barriers between us and the Djinn(entities living in a higher dimension).
This started a full scale war between humanity and the Djinn/demons of the other world.
They started possessing and killing people.
And people couldn’t hurt them because we live in a Lower dimension.
The prophet then told the people that these things cannot hurt you if you have strong faith in God and not be afraid.
And that’s how the humans beat these things and then the dimensional gate was closed.
To help you understand the theory behind what I’m saying here:
Draw a stick man on a piece of paper. Imagine if that stick man was a real person.
That man can look to the right, left, up, down and that’s it.
He can only see and touch what is in the Y and X axes because he lives in the 2nd dimension.
You live in the 3rd dimension.
You can see him and even sort of touch him but he can’t see you no matter how much he tries he can’t look outside the paper into you.
This is an overly simplified version of how we are to the beings in the higher dimensions.
But there are differences.
For example our body is 3 dimensional but our soul is 4 dimensional.
Our soul is bound to the 3rd dimension always.
When the connection is severed we die or vice versa.
If you ever have a nightmare where you see something scary and very vivid try very hard not to be scared.
When you get scared they can hurt you and scare you even more.
If you don’t get scared they can’t hurt you.
God put a barrier between us and them to protect us. This barrier is unbreakable.
Unless you start messing around with this stuff.
Witches do that. They summon these things by doing horrible things that upset God and then they start witnessing glimpses of the otherworldly creatures that I told you about.
Basically: if you don’t try to you won’t see these things.
You might see them in your dreams though especially if someone cast a spell on you in which case you’d have to read some Quran and prayers to protect yourself.
While the stories and things I told you can have flaws and mistakes consider it a bunch of stories rather than facts.
Hope you’ve enjoyed these.
Have a good day.
So that's why I laugh like that 🤣
Did you ever know that the word طز comes from the Turkish word : Tuz ( which means salt) and it was used by traders after the salt lost its place in the market (it used to be as precious as gold) to insult or to make fun of the former rich salt tradesmen.
This is the story that I heard about this strange but beautiful and precise expression . I am not sure whether it is right or no but I believe this story is so interesting so I wanted to share it ;)