Still Here | Season 2024 Cinematic - League of Legends (ft. Forts, Tiffany Aris, and 2WEI) REACTION

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024

Комментарии • 59

  • @coldflamebluedragon196
    @coldflamebluedragon196 9 месяцев назад +145

    I think we reached a cinematic level that could make us cry from its beauty

    • @lNetinhol
      @lNetinhol 9 месяцев назад +1

      The call is way better.

    • @dragonkiin
      @dragonkiin 9 месяцев назад +16

      @@lNetinhol the lore the music the quality and emotions behind still here is better , but the call was beautifull in it's own way.

    • @lincelink
      @lincelink 9 месяцев назад

      @@lNetinholI think "the call" is way better done, it's rythm is amazing (and there were 5 or 6 of my favourite characters so yeah, it is personal haha) but, this one have this 3 or 4 "WOOOOOW" moments the first didn't have, not like these at least.
      Anyways, I love them both. Thx Riot, music and cynematics company

    • @Onezmhu
      @Onezmhu 9 месяцев назад

      @@lNetinhol The Call is slightly worse

    • @leevimasalin2301
      @leevimasalin2301 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@lNetinhol The Call is slightly worse, to a people who play LoL and knows about lore (just watch Necrits videos), this cinematics hard clears the Call. This literally is a masterpiece and the numbers also prove that, The Call had about 6mil groving views every hour on its release, Still here has 22mil every hour so. The Call ofc is Goated for all time its so good also, but i think this is a little better, the Trynda Kindred scene alone clears every Riot cinematics alone its a masterpiece. And trust me, it gets even better when you know a little about the lore, alot better.

  • @SIRafael98
    @SIRafael98 9 месяцев назад +14

    The three stories are all tied to Kindred (wolf and Lamb. They are like the embodiment of death in league, Lamb (the character with the bow and mask) represents the acceptance of death and Wolf represents the violent struggle against it. The song is Kindred reminding you that they are still there, death is never far away. (and they will always be there, in the past, the present and the future as you can see is also a theme in this video)
    In the scene with Kayle and Morgana (Daughters to the aspect of justice, kinda celestial beeings) fighting Aatrox (a darkin) you can see Kindred in the fire at the end of the scene. (They are probably there for the army behind Aatrox close to the end, since we know that the three main characters are still alive since this is an event from the past)
    The scene with Yasuo (in a future vision) You can in the tree line see Wolf's eyes, but since Yasuo accepted his death Lamb's arrow is the one that took him out.
    And lastly Tryndamere at the end defies both Wolf and Lamb, fighting against death, with Lamb then lowering her bow at the end as he is saved by Ashe (his wife).
    And also see how it implied that he's the only one seeing wolf and lamb as this fight happens since he is on the brink of death, litterally staring death into it's eyes, and he's acctually in another fight against other humans that you can see Ashe shoot at the end to save him, and you see Kindred dissapear since he is no longer "supposed to die". (Tryndameres ultimate in game is that he kinda gets too angry to die, which is basically whats shown here, but this is how he sees it.)
    "Tomorrow is a hope, never a promise" - Kindred

  • @Necrum_
    @Necrum_ 9 месяцев назад +9

    (scene one) The Kayle/Morgana scene is where Morgana lets go of her sword, apparently using a non-heavenly force to bind Aatrox. Kayle looks down on her because she considers such powers to be inferior and falls into his eyes, but continues to finishes the job. Aatrox, who is actually the "sword", is seen falling. So the boat can be killed by kayle. You can see a shadow of Kindred(Lamb) briefly in Kayle's flames.
    (second scene) Yasuo's scene, is he fighting these mercenaries? I don't know what it is, protecting those who are left, at the end with the many arrows we see a form of a Wolf who is the kindred and then among the arrows we also see the arrow from kindred which means yas died and this was the last battle
    (third scene)Tryndamere's scene is fighting to the death with unknown enemies and then literally fighting death itself. The fight with Kindred is a metaphysical representation of what happens during Tryndamere's ultimate which can't die for several seconds. In the end, it seemed that Tryndamere's time was running out and the enemies would kill him (so he was ready to drop the arrow and kindred), since the ult would not protect him but his wife ashe appeared and saved him, if she is still his wife, I have no idea haha
    we see his role as an incarnation or aspect of death since he appears 4 times:

  • @modzojojo
    @modzojojo 9 месяцев назад +23

    The quote "Tomorrow is a hope, never a promise" is said by the champion Kindred, that lamb with a mask that had bow and arrow and the wolf. Kindred is a spirit of Death, like a grim reaper, she decides peoples fate. So when she was fighting the man with sword his name is Tryndamere, he can become invinvincible with rage(when his eyes turned red), seeing him fighting for his life Kindred was ready to shoot her arrow but didn't, cause she decided that it is not his fate yet.

    • @kingkang18
      @kingkang18 9 месяцев назад +5

      Correction. they are Death. and they cant "collect" someone who isnt about to die. thats why Lamb lowered her bow. she realised Tryndamere wasnt dying due Ashe was saving him in time.

  • @adriankuban2904
    @adriankuban2904 9 месяцев назад +8

    Canon with Arcane show
    The whole theme is "StillHere", referencing Kindred who is DeathIncarnate. Whether it's the Past (Morgana &Kayle), Present (Tryndamere), and Future (OldMan Yasuo). Death is "Still Here" no matter whattime it is. You can see Kindred in the Fires of thePast destroying Aatrox, Facing Tryndamere, andShooting a Fatal Arrow at Old Man Yasuo in thehead.

  • @shaytheswift_4327
    @shaytheswift_4327 9 месяцев назад +9

    After the success of arcane I really feel like they should make either a movie or series about Morgana and Kayle or even a movie about Sylas and modern demacia.

  • @P8H5
    @P8H5 9 месяцев назад +1

    the best LOL animation to date. the animation is so life like and the rendering also. LOL animation has come a long way

  • @SIRafael98
    @SIRafael98 9 месяцев назад +2

    Hey Magy, Necrit (a youtuber) made a video about that cinematic, search a second and you will find it. He explains everything

  • @jonathan_simon
    @jonathan_simon 8 месяцев назад

    Magyyyyyyyyyyyyy 😍
    I've discovered you with react on your friends channel a long time ago, i'm really happy to see you again 🥰
    You are amazing to watch, lot of empathy, emotions, it's a pleasure to see you enjoy these cinematics ❤

  • @Maratonkata
    @Maratonkata 9 месяцев назад +1

    The cinematic is about The Past, The Present and The Future.
    The Past is of Kayle and Morgana, before they decided to go their separate ways of dealing with justice. It also explains how Aatrox already knows them despite not knowing Demacia itself, simply cuz at the time this happened Demacia wasn't Demacia yet.
    The Future is of Yasuo, fighting one last time when Ionia got invaded again and at the end Kindred kills him while Yasuo accepting the arrow of the Lamb.
    The Present is of Tryndamere, and his non acceptance of death, both by the Wolf and the Lamb, due to his partial "anger fueled blood magic''. Everytime he ults he sees the actual death - Kindred , instead of his enemies. The girl at the end coming is Ashe which is his wife. She technically showed Kindred that Tryndamere is still alive and he's not going anywhere. xD

  • @curtiswellington4335
    @curtiswellington4335 9 месяцев назад

    🎼Clutching with my cold hands
    The shapes I once took
    Empty like a scarecrow
    But it's easier to eliminate them
    'Cause this could be the end
    With a strange daylight in our eyes
    And my shadow stretching
    For everything I left behind. 🎼
    (Referring to a reflection on Morgana's PAST)
    🎼It's in my blood, in my veins
    Ah, it's in my blood, in my... veins. 🎼
    (This chorus is a symbol of power, of origin, of identity,
    of everything that considers its true existence)
    🎼My heel crushed the serpent
    There's nothing for you to take
    It's in my blood, in my veins
    I'm still here. 🎼
    (Referring to Kayle, and the being she becomes. The aspect of justice that PURIFIES all darkness)

  • @aldrainmorhissei9187
    @aldrainmorhissei9187 5 месяцев назад

    Hello Magic!
    My English is very bad, but I know the lore well through the channels I follow.
    If you can somehow translate from PT/BR, follow what happens in the video.
    Well, let's go!
    Este vídeo conta algumas partes das histórias destes personagens, algumas em um passado distante e outras em futuros distantes.
    Mas, todas sobre como eles encaram a morte, no caso do League of Legends, representada pelos "Kindred" (O lobo e a cabra arqueira).
    Na primeira cena, Tryndamere (o homem na neve) está no aparente final de uma longa batalha, e a beira da morte. E enquanto isso, seus inimigos se aproximam cercando-o ele vê ao fundo o vulto da cabra.
    Quando ele fecha os olhos, passamos para a cena de uma batalha antiga nos portões de um assentamento que no futuro se tornará uma das cidades de do Reino de Demácia, um dos maiores reinos deste universo. Os dois arcanjos que aparecem agora, são os dois aspectos da justiça, avatares que defendem a forma e significados da justiça. Ambas recebem a espada e as correntes como símbolos deste poder, porém dividem (neste momento) igualmente a espada, enquanto se recusam a usar as correntes (longa história). A Morena é Morgana e a loira é Kayle e juntas enfrentam Aatrox, um tipo de "aspecto" que se corrompeu e vive pelo mundo buscando batalhas gigantescas e inimigos capazes de dar fim a sua vida arruinada (outra longa história). Ao ver que não tem chances de vencerem somente com a espada, Morgana opta por usar as correntes e prendê-lo pelo tempo que puder. Kayle, mesmo acreditando que isso seja abominável, concorda e pega a espada, assim usando seu poder ao máximo e exterminando aquela vida de Aatrox.
    (Porém ele é um monstro preso em sua espada que possui o usuário, portanto Aatrox ainda vive na espada dele).
    Nas chamas, os Kindred apenas espreitam.
    Enquanto abrimos uma cena no futuro distante de uma cidade que parece Ionia (meio que uma sociedade ocidental mais feudal e mística deste mundo), onde uma gangue de mistiços ionianos e Noxianos (provavelmente, pois na lore atual estavam em guarra de artito) atacam uma familia, e em defesa de uma sobrevivente surge um velho mestre andarilho. É Yasuo, que percorreu o mundo ao longo de muitas décadas e se prepara para cumprir mais uma vez seus votos de proteger quem puder com sua tenacidade. Mas se vê cercado e subestimado, e ainda assim ele avança em busca de eliminá-los. Contudo, durante a fuga do lider da facção atacante, uma chuva de flechas é usada da retaguarda para cobri-lo e matar Yasuo. Por sua vez, Yasuo é um guerreiro que não teme a morte, mas é muito tenaz e abate o líder mesmo custando sua própria vida.
    (detalhe: a flecha que tira sua vida é a da ovelha).
    Retornamos à cena inicial.
    Tryndamere está exausto, porém assim como seus antepassados e seus falecidos familiares de tribo, ele se levanta e se prepara pra lutar novamente. O que ele não demora a perceber é que sua consciência não está mais no âmbito da batalha contra estes inimigos, mas sim no interlúdio da vida e da morte.
    Pois quando Tryndamere perdeu sua família e sua tribo natal, mortos por uma outra ressurreição de Aatrox, ele foi deixado para viver por ser julgado indigno de morrer pelas mãos do monstro. Assim ele (Tryndamere) não se permite morrer enquanto não conseguir sua vingança contra Aatrox.
    E sendo assim , toda vez que está entre a vida e a morte ele perde o controle e ataca seus inimigos brutalmente, enquanto sua consciência enfrenta a morte, neste caso os Kindred, pessoalmente.
    Mas, antes de ser executado pela Cabra enquanto se distrai com o Lobo, duas flechas acertam seus inimigos no plano real que o cercavam prestes a matá-lo.
    E em seu socorro, surge a lider da aldeia que o abrigou e também é sua esposa, Ashe. Os kindred o poupam (desta vez) e ele, ao ver sua amada, se acalma e recobra a consciência. Ambos se preparam para o recomeço da batalha enquanto Ashe atira uma flecha para o alto, chamando reforços e revelando outros inimigos ao redor.
    Ufa!! É isso!
    A lore do League of Legends é muito vasta e viciante!
    Eu recomento fortemente dar uma olhada e talvez fazer uns conteúdos com ela.
    É um conteúdo muito bom pra se explorar!!
    Muito obrigado se leu até aqui, e perdão pelo texto ENORME! Me empolguei!!!
    Bom trabalho!!

  • @firecat4529
    @firecat4529 9 месяцев назад +1

    1:22 The newest Blizzard announcement trailer for the "the war within" expansion also has really realistic graphics. I recommend you Check that one out, too.

  • @adriankuban2904
    @adriankuban2904 9 месяцев назад +1

    The gray man/pale man, as Lamb herself says, is the first death. He was alone since the end of existence, and since he was the one who transfers people to the other world when they take their last breath, no one liked him.
    Because he, as a separate death, represented the loss of a loved one.
    So that he wouldn't use the ax {"sword blades"} himself, with one cut he divided his entity into two Aspects of death, a direct and almost painless death of a Sheep & a slow & bloody death of a Wolf.

  • @BumWatcher
    @BumWatcher 8 месяцев назад

    When you wake up trying to read like: lol Still here, huh, me. ok. Night.

  • @adriankuban2904
    @adriankuban2904 9 месяцев назад +2

    Yasuo in Future as new old suma "master sword wind wealder.
    Morgana and Kayle vs Aatrox Past
    Tryndamere near death so he was able see Kindred. But Ashe safe.
    The Awaken, Warriors, The Call, Still Here Cinematic are canon to Arcane Universe. Just like Riot Forge Games: Song of Nunu;....

  • @v.s.3196
    @v.s.3196 9 месяцев назад +1

    The motif is Death / Kindred. Kindred is made up of Lamb the peaceful death, and Wolf the hunter for those who defy it.
    The angry red demonic character known as Aatrox (who is actually the Sword, evidenced by the beating 'heart' in it, making this just a feeble host body of the true Aatrox), is the past, and as Kayle and Morgana manage to strike him down we see Kindred in the flames of the transition. He is unable to die, therefore Lamb and Wolf can only watch despite Aatrox yearning for death to claim him. This is also what is key to why Kayle and Morgana are enemies, as Morgana believes using that dark power was justified, and Kayle believes she vanquished Aatrox by wielding both the swords without doubt in her heart like Morgana, making it certain she deserved to be justice.
    We then move to the future, where the samurai Yasuo fights one last time as an old man. Having many regrets, but learning to live with them, he decides to take up the fight one more time in a no name village in the middle of who knows. After reaching a difficult position, and seeing the rain of arrows, he accepts death that we see as Lamb's arrow in the transition.
    Back to the present, we are left with Tryndamere, the barbarian that was at the beginning who saw the silhoutte of Lamb as he neared death's door. Surrounded by soldiers, he believes somewhere that he should die, but his responsibility urges him to fight, and he does; hence why he fights Lamb and Wolf both long enough for Ashe the archer to save him from the soldiers that would have caused his demise. (This also added the in game implication that his ultimate ability, which allows him to defy death for 7 seconds, is actually him fighting Kindred off long enough to be saved.)
    No matter where or who you are, Death is still here, and tomorrow will always be a hope. That should never stop you, however.

  • @petercormack2859
    @petercormack2859 9 месяцев назад +1

    Cool reactions.
    If you really want to know about the lore of this cinematic theres a 30 minute video by a channel called Necrit that breaks it down in good detail

  • @bluescorp7866
    @bluescorp7866 3 месяца назад

    Basicly Kindred and Tryndamere fight all the time and she watch if she can take his life or not this time each time he is close to death. Also this guy litteraly use his rage to stay alive ingame and the lamb and the wolf are litteraly death itself

  • @adriankuban2904
    @adriankuban2904 9 месяцев назад +2

    Necrit have lore explaination video on it Leagueoflegendscinematic StillHere. #The Awaken, Warriors, The Call, Still Here Cinematic and Riot Forge games like Song of Nunu are canon to Arcane show.

  • @RodriUlQI
    @RodriUlQI 9 месяцев назад

    Kindred /the goat with the wolf/ represents death in the Lol universe.
    If you accept your death gently, the goat will put an arrow in your heart. On the other hand, if you refuse to die, the wolf will consume your soul.
    In the first part of the short, we can see how he appears among the fire claiming the soul of Aatrox /the demon/.
    In the second you can see how Yasuo accepts his destiny of dying and Kindred shoots him an arrow, you can also see the wolf lurking in the forest from which the arrows come. Yasuo chooses to kill the leader of the bad guys instead of saving himself, so he accepts his death graciously.
    And in the last section you can see Tryndamer /the Viking/ who is clearly dying but his special ability is to recover all his wounds when he is at death's door. Kindred tries to give him a dignified death, but since he refuses to die, he has to fight the wolf.
    The first part is in the past, the second is a possible future and the third is almost in the present.
    The cut is about the Kindreds who basically were and will always be to claim the souls of the dead.

  • @adriankuban2904
    @adriankuban2904 9 месяцев назад +1

    Riot Games Lore Universes
    1# Arcane_Legends of Runeterra_Riot Forge_League of legends Universe Site_Full Canon Skins.
    2# Non Canon lore Skins like: Project, Star Guardians,..
    3# Valorant

  • @gaspacho2
    @gaspacho2 9 месяцев назад

    the quote "tomorrow is a hope, never a promise" is kinderd's and it's embodyment of death and in league lore if you accept death lamb will kill you painlessly with arrow and if you resist it you will be hunted down by wolf so yasuos death moment he accepted it and got hunted by kindred's arrow while trynda resisted and wolf took action

    • @gaspacho2
      @gaspacho2 9 месяцев назад

      btw in last scene trynda fighting kindred and wolf, trynda has aatrox blood and he is too angry to die and he is unkillable for seconds and thats why he could fight them for that long and ashe coming with 2 arrow she couldn't see kindred becouse death wasn't there for her and arrow she threw upwards in last moment it's her "w" spell that could clear vision and let you see everything nearby

  • @adriankuban2904
    @adriankuban2904 9 месяцев назад +3

    #Dev update Lore and more / Necrit League changed entire lore
    Legends of Runeterra
    The Awaken, Warriors, The Call, Still Here Cinematic are canon to Arcane Universe.
    Just like Riot Forge Games: Song of Nunu;....

    • @mr.leanflakes-highlights1556
      @mr.leanflakes-highlights1556 9 месяцев назад +1

      Necrit has something wrong, tryndamere did see kindred and not ashe.

    • @adriankuban2904
      @adriankuban2904 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@mr.leanflakes-highlights1556 You didn't understand Tryndamere in bring of death see Kindred. But in reality he just fight warriors. And Ashe was some meters aways.

    • @mr.leanflakes-highlights1556
      @mr.leanflakes-highlights1556 9 месяцев назад

      No thats true, but in the beginning when we was surrounded and where close to die, he saw kindred and not ashe@@adriankuban2904

    • @mr.leanflakes-highlights1556
      @mr.leanflakes-highlights1556 9 месяцев назад

      How is this the figure of ashe, look closely@@adriankuban2904

  • @alex33785
    @alex33785 9 месяцев назад +1

    You want the lore of the video…watch Necrit’s video on it, he’s all caught up on lore stuff when it comes to league of legends…

  • @Creepoom
    @Creepoom 9 месяцев назад

    If you really want to find out what the story behind all this is, find the explanation from Necrit to this cinematic. Another easy react for you. :'D

  • @sadeghdark5985
    @sadeghdark5985 5 месяцев назад

    please react to other league of legends cinematics as well, i love your reactions

  • @zitens66
    @zitens66 9 месяцев назад

    Kindred(death) has been hunting them all for years...and they are still here.

  • @rhanvalencia6680
    @rhanvalencia6680 9 месяцев назад

    And thats how Yasou died. 😢 Even in his old age. He still hounted by his past. 😢

  • @CSM_Kobeni
    @CSM_Kobeni 9 месяцев назад

    0:40 Speaking of Arcane...get morgan to do arcane reaction since she hasn't seen it sometime Aug/September. Would love to see both you react to season 2.

  • @thatbeybladeguy
    @thatbeybladeguy 9 месяцев назад

    Finally to see you react to more league!

  • @Alexszander
    @Alexszander 9 месяцев назад

    Let's goooooooo!❤ OG Magy reaction!

  • @christaylor9929
    @christaylor9929 9 месяцев назад

    Amazing. Tomorrow is a hope, not a promise. Here's hoping.... ❤🐺

  • @Kothyn
    @Kothyn 9 месяцев назад +1

    Can you raise your mic volume we can barely hear you lol

  • @Puppadieschannel
    @Puppadieschannel 8 месяцев назад

    I watch you in old channel with a man. And honestly you pretty when ur hair short

  • @ryanbaran8765
    @ryanbaran8765 9 месяцев назад

    I wonder if Arcane Season 2 will look like that

  • @ronrontoledo2739
    @ronrontoledo2739 8 месяцев назад

    Your so pretty babe 😍🥰😘

  • @nachjimo85
    @nachjimo85 9 месяцев назад +1

    You jump a lot of cinemática

  • @kaeyse
    @kaeyse 9 месяцев назад

    To be fair, I think "The Call" is still more polished, if you compare them visually, some of the scenes in the new one feel a bit more flat.

  • @jmrlcbbs
    @jmrlcbbs 9 месяцев назад

    Hi Magy

  • @jayDjitri
    @jayDjitri 9 месяцев назад

    react RZD sing off stuck with you

  • @pjmedina386
    @pjmedina386 9 месяцев назад

    Imma say this again and again. "I dont like kayle".

    • @GerblerM
      @GerblerM 9 месяцев назад

      I don't like ur mom

  • @berkay9724
    @berkay9724 9 месяцев назад