Hmmmm that’s a good one! It’s so many times that I’ve admired someone else’s style, and quickly remembered the way my body was set up and those pieces were NOT for me 😂
Great points, a few times I forgot to check the fabric tags and found 2 polyester pants but they were new with tags at least I only spent 3 bucks ,lesson learned to remember to check the material and not get distracted.
Over embellishing is SUCH a giveaway. When I was in high school and my family could literally only afford Walmart, finding a blouse was so frustrating. The same top would have animal print, lace, puffed sleeves, cut outs, peplum. I would more often just grab one of their graphic tees.
These are not tips but evidence for me. So agree with everything you said. My tip would be to dress for your body type before fashion.
Hmmmm that’s a good one! It’s so many times that I’ve admired someone else’s style, and quickly remembered the way my body was set up and those pieces were NOT for me 😂
My mom, friend, and I are all binge watching your whole channel! Love you and your content!!!!!! Sooooooooo good. Life changing.
Yay! Thank you!
Finally someone who looks like me... chocolate🍫. Thank you for defining capsule wadrobe.. Will be using your fashion tips.
I’ve watched SO many videos on this topic and this is the BEST one. Thank you!
Love this! Request: can you do a video on undergarments for these looks?
Good idea
Great points, a few times I forgot to check the fabric tags and found 2 polyester pants but they were new with tags at least I only spent 3 bucks ,lesson learned to remember to check the material and not get distracted.
Love, love, love your content
Where is the necklace from that you are wearing? I really like your style, advice, and sense of humor.
Great vid! I learned so much. Thx
I thoroughly enjoyed this ! You were informative and funny- as usual !
Great video. I am bing watching your videos. Where is that necklace from that you are wearing. I didn’t see it listed.
Really great tips. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks for watching!
Such a great video!!
Hey gurl. I need this vid. I want to update my look really find a style.
Great Low priced items !!!
Over embellishing is SUCH a giveaway. When I was in high school and my family could literally only afford Walmart, finding a blouse was so frustrating. The same top would have animal print, lace, puffed sleeves, cut outs, peplum. I would more often just grab one of their graphic tees.
Yes you get me! 😂😂😂
Yass to all the tips but that tip # 2!!!
IKR!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Scapula 😘