Leencoo Lata wrote Ethiopia at cross road how many years ago? Is she at cross road still after all these years? I heard a certain General Yohanes invites for book signing titled አዙሪት in one of these days.
I am sorry but have very low understanding and interpretation of PM Abiy's speech. If I were you I will try to understand the entire content of speech not only isolated parts of it.
Ethiopia is stable from north,south,west etc..The ethnic federal governing entity are in control ?% Ethiopian lands and the farming, exporting is well,the economy is progressing in postive decimal unit ~10 , the obvious aid NGO,IMF rations are yet to continue. Ethiopia is member of the BRCS + Wedding ceremony . What else Ethiopia should get sea access via Uganda and Rwanda according to the Doll of Belarus's Shrak as he advised little Aby/ Farqad/Bambino ልጅ Aby..
please refrain from hair spiting and focus on analyzing the existing economic and social development data. based on this, make rational decision regarding Ethiopian revival
@But, that would assume that 1 ኩንታል gold weighs the same as 1 ኩንታል charcoal. Wouldn't it? Obviously, 1 kg of gold or iron weighs a lot more than say a 1kg charcoal.
ባጠቃላይ ወደ ውይይት ለመምጣት አጀንዳ ሲኖር ነው የውጪ አስፈፃሚ አካል መልክተኛ ካልሆንን ወደሰላም ስምምነት ለመምጣት ቀላል ነው አሻንጉልት መንግስት ለመመስረት የሚደረግ የኤሮፖውያን መርህ ነው ለዚህ ነው የሰላም ጥያቄው መፍትሄ እያጣ ያለው የኔ አስተሳሰብ ነው እግዚአብሔር ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ይሁን
ዶክተር አብይ ባለራእይ መሪ ነው ራእዮን በወሬ ከማፍረስ አግዙት የሚሰራው ለሀገር ነው ቢሳሳትም እንኳን ስለሚሰራ ነው ሲጀመር በፈተና ውስጥ እያለፈ መሪ ነው የተቀመመ ሼራ ከባድ ነው ተማከሩ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነን የምትሉ ቢቻል በሀሳብ ቢቻል በጉልበት እርዱት የጋራ ሀገር ስላለችን
ኤርምያስ ኢትዮጵያ በምግብና በምግባር ላይ ጠንክራ ከሠራች ጠንካራ እንደምትሆን አትጠራጠር ።
Bravo Antena🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
at the Recovery point of economic and have future bright expectations of a positive outcome.
Yes we are Ethiopian oromo
Bravo antene
ኤርሚ አንቱ የሚለው መጠሪያ አብዘሀኛውን እኛ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ሰው አክባሪነታችን ካሉን መልካም ነገሮች አንዱ መሆኑን ሌላው ጋር የለለ ግን እኛ ጋር ያለ ጥሩ የመከባበራችን አንዱ መልካም ጎናችን ነው በሚል እለፉት።
ኤርሚ 1 ኩንታል 100 ኪሉ ነው ትክክል ነው
ብራቮ አንተነህ❤
Bravo erml
ማንሰራራት:- Rivival/Renaissance
ኤሪሚያስ አቶ ልደቱን ስም ባትጠራብን ሚድያን የበለጠ ተከታይ ታገኛለህ
Leencoo Lata wrote Ethiopia at cross road how many years ago? Is she at cross road still after all these years? I heard a certain General Yohanes invites for book signing titled አዙሪት in one of these days.
ማንሰራራት ልክ የህንፃ መሠረቱ አልቆ ወደላይ በቁመትና በወርድ ማደግ መጀመር ማለት ነው
Is there any indication??
Revival manseraarat
አንተ ልክ ነህ
ተንሰራራ ማለት ካልተሠራ ተመልሶ አይወድቅም ማለት አይደለም ።ቀጣይሥራ ያስፈልጋል
I am sorry but have very low understanding and interpretation of PM Abiy's speech. If I were you I will try to understand the entire content of speech not only isolated parts of it.
ማንሰራራት ማለት በእግር መቆምና መረጋጋት ነው
Ethiopia is stable from north,south,west etc..The ethnic federal governing entity are in control ?% Ethiopian lands and the farming, exporting is well,the economy is progressing in postive decimal unit ~10 , the obvious aid NGO,IMF rations are yet to continue. Ethiopia is member of the BRCS + Wedding ceremony . What else Ethiopia should get sea access via Uganda and Rwanda according to the Doll of Belarus's Shrak as he advised little Aby/ Farqad/Bambino ልጅ Aby..
ብልፅግና ሲተች ዝም ማለት አለበት ያልከው ምን ማለት ነው? እየቀሰቀሰ ሰውን እያስታተቀ እየገደለ ያለውን ሀይል ትችት ብቻ ነው ማለትህ አልገቢቶም
What is the firm of Anteneh and he is not combatable for this discussion ohhhh Pp
please refrain from hair spiting and focus on analyzing the existing economic and social development data. based on this, make rational decision regarding Ethiopian revival
እየተሻለው መጣ ማለት ነው
ማንሰራራት=take off
4 quintal
400 ኪሎ ግራም
400 ኪግ=4 ኩንታል ነው
@But, that would assume that 1 ኩንታል gold weighs the same as 1 ኩንታል charcoal. Wouldn't it? Obviously, 1 kg of gold or iron weighs a lot more than say a 1kg charcoal.
ኢርሚ ሰውየው አልገባውም
This guy is lunatic just like his boss Aby
ይህ ሰው ባይ ቀጥል ይመረጣል የለለ ቱልቱላ ከየት ነው የጋበዝከው?
ለምን እሱን ሳይሆን ሀሳቡን ብትቃወም ጥላቻ ያለህ ይመስላል