@@lilyoliver174 wtf do u mean by that its the top comment so it shows even if i dont look at the comments and im pretty sure its basically impossible to ignore
hey bro give me good impressions and good public you are sending my videos in different different countries my content is on another topic and you are sending my videos on music movies
Chunkz calling both spins back to back was absolutely wild! The chemistry between these three is unmatched, always bringing the laughs. Keep up the great content, Darkest!
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
Harry's imitation of Chunkz's intro followed by "couldn't put that in words could ya..." Fucking broke me. Haven't belly laughed like that in a long time Edit* Also play it again in 0.25 speed
The most wholesome thing in this whole video was Darkest saying “you don’t know that, you can only say In’Sha’Allah” to Chunkz saying he’s 100% getting spin again re te te
Bruh the fact that actually happened is CRAZY !!! That day was chunkz day for sure !! shouldve hit the lottery that day too guess the spins like that !!!
Personally my favourite trio pause. Can’t lie chemistry and friendship and somalianship apart from hp got an influence 👀😂 joke. On a serious note May god Bless up everyone who likes or reads this message🙏. Peace, love n tranquility in this world is needed 🌍
Finally set up a Twitch - Streams coming soon 👀
first darkest man your my drilla AY do prank calls again
Reply pls man do prank calls
Finallyy been waiting!!!
Am fifthhhh
Chunkz predicting the spins BACK TO BACK WAS CRAZY
Will be there
Thanks for the spoiler
The odds for that are wild
@@Carrot_mandon’t look near the comments next time then
@@lilyoliver174 wtf do u mean by that its the top comment so it shows even if i dont look at the comments and im pretty sure its basically impossible to ignore
Chunkz is wild for callin both out 😂
there was no cuts ?@@tylerbriggs7114
@@tylerbriggs7114 how
Pls explain🤨@@tylerbriggs7114
chunkz calling both spins is wild 🤣🤣
Copying the top comment because you didn't even watch the video is wild 🤣🤣 Why is youtube trying to hard to be cool
@@bird9455 haha
hey bro give me good impressions and good public you are sending my videos in different different countries my content is on another topic and you are sending my videos on music movies
@@bird9455😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 got it
Chunkz calling both spins back to back was absolutely wild! The chemistry between these three is unmatched, always bringing the laughs. Keep up the great content, Darkest!
CHUNKS calling both spins at the end is gonna be a coldest moment for him this year for sure !!!
Man said ‘ayyy yaaaah eeeyaaah, couldn’t put that in words could ya’ 🤣🤣
yk its a banger when hp darkest and chunkz r in one vid
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
5:27 "You've witnessed every war" killed me 🤣🤣
Harry's imitation of Chunkz's "Amen" intro was hilarious ... you could clearly see even darkest taking a while to recover from the laughter @ 17:57
“Couldn’t put that in words could ya” killed me💀💀
I always thought he was saying ay man lolol
It is Ey man
he is@@sqfiyax
Chunkz pulling Harry's shirt while laughing has to be the funniest thing ever😭😭😭
I hope you stay consistent your content is gold. You always entertain us, thank you bro.
appreciate that man, gonna try my best to stay consistent now
@@darkestman2128See you in 4 months
@@darkestman2128brudda needs the money for the fam😂😂May Allah swt grant you all the rizq you need
@@darkestman2128youv say this every time 😭
"we are winning, youre losing right now" has me in tears😭😭🤣
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
anyone else miss
"darkest man in the bloodclot dunya"
5 likes and I'll bring it back
@@darkestman2128BRING IT BACKKKKK
@@darkestman2128 u got 17
@@darkestman2128ez 5 likes akh BRING IT BACK
The way this entire vid was straight laughs plsssss Darkest keep uploading 😭🤣 this was such a good game too
Nah this trio is too funny together, too many times I laughed 🤣
Yes Darkest Man is back. The funniest guy on RUclips. Love the content and i know its gonna be a bangin vid
love you
@@darkestman2128 no I Love you!
ur wifes watching@@darkestman2128
love you man but your hairlane is fucked @@darkestman2128
@@darkestman2128 it lands on 500 not 5000
6:08 Chunkz is trying to undress Harry 🤣
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
Chunkzy said he prays all his salahs and predicted the back to back is crazyyyyy, thats wild ❤️🔥
You just had to use all those genZ jargons. Fuckin cringe 😂😂
@@khabibmcgregor3592 ur parents must be so disappointed of you ig
@@huzaifalulat8565 you forgot "on god" "no cap" 🤣🤣
@@khabibmcgregor3592dont be a snowflake ❄️
Him forgetting the second ‘n’ was triggering me 😂
The E-E-E bit had me in stitches 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 i actually had to re watch it like 5 times 😭😅😅😅😅
Nah ong cuz the context with it is comedy asf😭
killed me
the three of them together is just so amazing
19:22 chunkz giving speech while hp and darkest going into depression 😂😂
"You've witnessed every war" was uncalled for not gonna lie😂😂
Chunkz jus called with in the last minute, CRAZY! COLDEST MOMENT OF ALL TIME!🔥🤯
Chunks always pops of at the end . Good video keep up the good work 😁
HP pullin out the second phone had me on the floor lmfaooo
You know when Darkest man uploads its gonna be a good sleep
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
Someone add this to the 'Chunks Coldest Moments' compilation
Ay Chunkz was too cold with it😭
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
10:43 ‘VAR…it’s my channel’💀😂😂😂
19:01 chunkz knows how life works lmao
Darkest you comedy and content is next level my bro keep the uploading consistent the fans and youtube need it
truly have been thoroughly enjoying every bit of the content you’ve been putting out, darkest. welcome back 💞
14:51 LET HP COOK THO 🔥🔥
5:32 'you've witnessed every war' 🤣🤣
chunkz imitating "we are winning" ended me 4:32😅
Notice chunkz winking when he said he didn't know the word ancient 14:00
This 3 together in a video is jokes all through😂😂😂
With filly just makes the perfect team
Chunkz used all his luck this year on a darkest man vid
Darkest on his consistent shiii now
trying my best
another day another chunkz coldest moment
These 3 together is gold😂
I do HAIR/ SCALP SCRATCHING ASMR VIDEOS for relaxation, anxiety, and better sleep. anyone would like to help my channel by subscribe I'll appreciate it alot , thanks in advance ❤❤
7:04 the fact that he spelled “ate flops” and they had 8 letters wrong there is so mad. They didn’t even clock it
Hp making fun of chunkz intro song catch phrase killed him inside lmfaooooo
Love you darkest, stay consistent man ❤️❤️
calling the spins was chunkz coldest moments frrr
beatbox sessions between this three go crazyyy
14:53 the beat is amazing 👏 😅
Harry said: Double and pass to the next 😂
“You’ve witness every war” is mental 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Chunkz saying "Spin My Ting" is the funniest shit on YT 😂😂😂 caught man off guard 😂😂😂😂
Darkest man back with another banger. Love the Consistency ❤
When Chunks called the spin, I paused a sec and then laughed myself to tears😂
officially chunkz is the coldest youtuber of all time hes doing these kind of stuff on a normal ting
watching so the wife can eat lmao 😂😭
i'll never get tired of watching hp and darkest
Darkest you need to bring back Solving Dilemmas and Prank Calling (restaurants). They were the best vids ever.
Imitating chunkz at 17:56 was funny af🤣🤣🤣
Nahh the "this video is sponsored by everyone" had me dead darkest is too funny
Lol Chunkz will never change. So sour when he loses.
Chunkz, you always hitting the craziest clips. Less than 1% chance that was . Calling it twice in a row is lie a 0.51% chance
Harry's imitation of Chunkz's intro followed by "couldn't put that in words could ya..." Fucking broke me. Haven't belly laughed like that in a long time
Also play it again in 0.25 speed
The most wholesome thing in this whole video was Darkest saying “you don’t know that, you can only say In’Sha’Allah” to Chunkz saying he’s 100% getting spin again re te te
I can't lie the ending was mental 😂😂😂 you can even make it up chunkz is to joke for predicting them spins 😂😂😂
7:41, its CRAZY how i was acc eating cumin and lemon crisp when the word CUMIN came on the screen loll
This was one of the coldest moments on a screen
Incredible resource! The videos are well-produced and engaging, and I always look forward to new content from this channel
YaaYaaayAAAyyAaa like you can put that in words😂😂
This is the best video ever it make me soo funny I can’t stop laughing
darkest becoming consistent… never thought i’d see the day
Best video in a very long time
He didnt put the second "N" in ancient and screwed chunkz over
One of the best video ever. My stomach hurts from laughing
When man like darkest uploads you know it entertains Frr
Ok but the camera quality is crazy good
Always a good day when darkest posts a new video 😂😂
18:40 coooooooold 🥶
Chunkz became a prophet for a second there at the end lmao
On another note, darkest man on the come up, his time is now. Keep it up brother 👏🏽
Bruh the fact that actually happened is CRAZY !!! That day was chunkz day for sure !! shouldve hit the lottery that day too guess the spins like that !!!
You’ve witnessed every war 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Darkest is UNDISPUTED.
darkest is genuinely the funniest guy man
Chunkz was cold
Personally my favourite trio pause. Can’t lie chemistry and friendship and somalianship apart from hp got an influence 👀😂 joke. On a serious note May god Bless up everyone who likes or reads this message🙏. Peace, love n tranquility in this world is needed 🌍
Man said “you witnessed every war” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
harry pinero is a true one for only wearing chunkz' merch,he isnt even wearing it
"You've witnessed every war" 🤣🤣💀
When man like darkest uploads you know it entertains frr
How didn't Chunkz and Harry clock the catchphrase early
Harrys mom telling him, its not how you start its how you finish... she sounds like a good time!!
Bro the beatbox's flow from darkest after harry ended his sentence is insanely on point😂
This is so dope chunks the goat 🐐
The fact that Chunkz winked at the Cameramen after he “ didnt “ know Ancient is class.
You witnessed every War had me rolling. Gold