Excerpts from First Lady Betty Ford's Press Conference, 9/4/1974

  • Опубликовано: 1 мар 2018
  • First Lady Betty Ford held her first official press conference in the State Dining Room on September 4, 1974. This video contains excerpts from the second half of the press conference.
    Read the full transcript of the press conference (the video begins at the bottom of page 7 of the transcript): www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/lib...
    Excerpt from Naval Photographic Center Film 1211-128-75. This film does not contain footage of the entire press conference. Works created by government employees as part of their official duties are considered to be in the public domain.

Комментарии • 14

  • @jennydevallance306
    @jennydevallance306 2 года назад +11

    what a beautiful, wonderful first lady. she was always so loved!!!!

  • @sillywill72
    @sillywill72 2 года назад +9

    She is really very calm and well spoken. Serene almost.

    • @mrwhite77781
      @mrwhite77781 2 года назад

      Yea she is clam she was a pill popper 💊 and drunk founder of the Betty Ford clinic for drug addicts

    • @tbizzy2580
      @tbizzy2580 2 года назад +1

      Alcohol will do that! She was pill popping and drinking so that makes anyone calm. Wow! Nobody in these comments knows any history. Other First Ladies in THIS century have been ridiculed and destroyed for less. Betty deserves no applause 😫

    • @sillywill72
      @sillywill72 2 года назад +1

      @@tbizzy2580 And I can tell you are as classy as they come. 👍

  • @elgrigorio1
    @elgrigorio1 3 года назад +11

    This lady had class, style, a mind and was very well-spoken.

    • @tbizzy2580
      @tbizzy2580 2 года назад

      AND she was usually ALWAYS VERY DRUNK! How is that classy? A classy drunk? That doesn’t go together well. Typical ignorance from many about what is classy.

    • @elgrigorio1
      @elgrigorio1 2 года назад +2

      @@tbizzy2580 she was still better than Jill Biden and Cackling Kamel Harris.

  • @nycnyc9903
    @nycnyc9903 10 месяцев назад +1

    I like how she speaks through gritted teeth, like "you better not mess with me."

  • @gwp5066
    @gwp5066 2 года назад +8

    it's too bad she didn't get four more years in the White House.

  • @cme98
    @cme98 2 года назад +2

    I can't think of another woman who had such a profound effect upon the woman (& men) of our nation than Betty Ford. She represented middle America as far as politics was concerned & didn't care if she crossed party lines on opinions. She thought issues out very well & gave reasonable & acceptable explanations for every opinion she formed regardless of what either political party thought.
    I recall watching the CBS 60-minutes episode when the first controversy came from her mouth. She saw nothing wrong with pre-marital sex. She was a feminist, supported the ERA, & was pro choice. She was also a Republican.
    She represented the LAST of the great moderate Republicans who were America during that period.
    Any Republican today who took such a stand would receive death threats.
    What the fuck happened America? We have lost or moderate core.
    Nixon faked his way through as a moderate, but he caused no damage other than being caught. But being a moderate Republican was the only way to win the Presidency, because to return to the far right meant return to the pre-depression era. A period every American lived through -except Baby Boomers & the emerging Gen-X (under voting age still). Boomers, who loved Betty's independent thought, & conservative style were about to rock the nation by ushering in Ronald Reagan by voting against their parents.
    After Jimmy Carter, the ushering in of Ronald Reagan, who acted his role for the next 8 years, & held no remorse nor hid his hate for Democrats as Nixon had, began cutting everything liberal he could. He created the Reaganomics economy that slashed taxes for the rich, increased spending, and borrowed money to cover the deficit claiming the tax savings would immediately create industry ushering in new taxes to pay off the deficit. Like idiots we believed him. Democrats spent decades building & repairing the damage done from 72 years of exclusive Republican domination from 1860-1932 which left this nation literally crumbling in the Great Depression & at great risk of revolution where a 1-party only Soviet style regime was going to run Congress & the White House. Veterans denied benefits simply to survive from starvation marched with guns outside the White House 24-7 & President Hoover sent in the Army to disperse, arrest, or shoot. Army soldier against Veteran soldiers. The most disgraceful period since slavery which ushered in the Republicans. Now it was either the Democrats or revolution. FDR brought finally, sweeping changes to ensure another such devastating Great Depression could never happen again & it hasn't. It took decades for Republicans to regain trust. They did so by being "moderate". The Fords were the last of that breed. Reagan worked to destroy all that was accomplished by Democrats & even changes accomplished by previous Republicans Eisenhower, Nixon, & Ford. He had no problem showing his dislike for Betty Ford because of her support for abortion. Reagan forever divided this nation into LEFT or RIGHT which still exists to this day. Those in the middle like Betty Ford were shunned, forced to pick sides or be silent, because the extreme right was in power & still is in control of the Republican Party. Democrats have had to bow down to them & still have not been able to restore what they had, the things Ronald Reagan took from the American people.
    I was a teenager in Washington state when the Fords were in the White House. Our own moderate Republican Governor was the first to win 3 consecutive terms which expired the same time as Fords. We were a Red state in those days, we voted for Reagan in 1980 as well. We were the only state not voting for him in 1984, because we saw the evil he unleashed. Never again would this state vote for a Republican for governor or president, because the party cant produce a moderate. ANY Democrat is better than a far right ignorant hater & besides our standard of living has surpassed any Red state out there. We, along with California (another former Red state) provide more wealth & opportunity to America & the Blue has spread all over the west. But despite all that blue, if someone like Betty Ford should ever run for office anywhere in our state or any western state & do so as a Republican, this Blue region, painted blue only as a defense shield, the result of Ronald Reagan, would gladly vote Red for someone like Betty Ford. It would be most welcoming to finally see something else other than blue, & she would shine on her own accord proving you can be Republican & think on your own. You don't have to have this one thought only mentality which comes from extremism! God how we miss Betty Ford so much!

    • @tbizzy2580
      @tbizzy2580 2 года назад

      So you don’t believe her horrible addiction ruined her husband’s career and chances to become an elected president? Nor the neglect and abuse her children encountered because of her drunkenness? She was a sick, miserable and unhappy woman .

  • @anissarubio2291
    @anissarubio2291 Год назад

    Better call Betty w the good hair. Lol.

  • @MeerkatMoon
    @MeerkatMoon 8 месяцев назад

    Our first 100 proof lady