Reaction To What Polish People Think About Poland?

  • Опубликовано: 21 мар 2024
  • Reaction To What Polish People Think About Poland?
    This is my reaction to What Polish People Think About Poland
    In this video I react to Polish people being interviewed on the streets of Poland being asked what they think about Poland.
    Original Video - • What Do Poles Think Ab...

Комментарии • 86

  • @justynazielinska9665
    @justynazielinska9665 4 месяца назад +30

    POLSKA, najpęknejszy kraj. Trzeba kochać to co mamy, bo za chwilę okaże się , że nie mamy gdzie mieszkać .

    • @rado654
      @rado654 4 месяца назад +1

      Jeden wielki syf, oby Rosja zmiotła ją z mapy świata.

    • @fonfel7538
      @fonfel7538 3 месяца назад

      @@rado654 znalazł się kolejny, który nie umie docenić tego co ma. Nie mówię że trzeba przestać chcieć by było lepiej, ale trzeba umieć docenić tu i teraz bo zaraz możesz nawet tego co masz już nie mieć.

  • @nikodemdyzma6061
    @nikodemdyzma6061 4 месяца назад +22

    Polska była historycznie i obecnie jest jednym z najbardziej tolerancyjnych państw . Ale również pielęgnuje wartości do których się odnosi i o które dba. Powstaje konflikt czy mamy tolerować idee i ich przedstawicieli którzy nas nie szanują ? Którzy nie chcą z nami integracji i współpracy, żerujących na naszej słabości i zaufaniu do nich ?

    • @marcinsmierzynski9383
      @marcinsmierzynski9383 4 месяца назад

      była i teraz od października powrotem jest po ośmiu latach przerwy.

    • @jacekwidor3306
      @jacekwidor3306 4 месяца назад +1

      @@marcinsmierzynski9383 Tolerowanie wszystkiego zawsze i wszędzie jest nie tylko bezsensowne, ale i niewykonalne. W przypadku postaw dokładnie sprzecznych trzeba się opowiedzieć przeciw jednej z nich, albo przeciw obydwu, wysuwając własną koncepcję, czyli stać się nietolerancyjnym.
      "nie ma wolności dla wrogów wolności" powiedział Sain-Just, tak samo postępują zaprzysięgli wielbiciele tolerancji.

    • @silesianbeer
      @silesianbeer 4 месяца назад

      Skończ gadać głupoty, bo z powodu właśnie braku tej tolerancji ja jestem zmuszony szukać swojego miejsca gdzie indziej i już za pare tygodni wyprowadzam się z tego kurwidołka na zawsze. O Polsce można wiele rzeczy powiedzieć dobrych i tych mniej dobrych, ale jak ktoś pierdoli mi że to super tolerancyjne państwo podczas gdy ja jako osoba ktora podrózuje dużo po świecie mam porównanie i wiem że to nieprawda, to krew dosłownie mnie zalewa.

  • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
    @MayaTheDecemberGirl 4 месяца назад +18

    9:13 I'm Polish and I live in Poland (in the region where this video was actually taken). And I completely don't agree with that woman, calling her nation to be "very narrow minded, intolerant and racists". She must be living on a different planet/in a different country/in a different region than I do. Unfortunately there will always be individuals who feel so better, so sophisticated, so "European", so cosmopolitan if they say bad things about their own country and people, if they just perpetuate negative, harmful stereotypes. In fact, in Poland there is a lot of foreigners, from different countries, continents, races, living, studying, getting married here etc. There are even many RUclips channels of such foreigners living in Poland, for instance Korean or Japanese, and others as well, that are very popular among Polish, have many viewers and so many, many very positive, absolutely not racists, comments. And these are only few examples. So I don't know such Poland as she is talking about.

    • @bloomxx.
      @bloomxx. 4 месяца назад +1

      Real, real. The only racists i've observed were some 12yo boys who hate everything around them and think they're cool because of it. I grew up in tolerant Poland, in my class i've even had two girls, one of them was half Senegalese and the other one came from Vietnam. The only thing I have noticed were frequent asking questions like "how to say _ in your language" both girls were treated like everyone else and had many friends. The only thing I remember is that one day a new boy came and started calling the Vietnamese girl a Chinese , the whole class immediately stood behind her

    • @piotrnowak8725
      @piotrnowak8725 4 месяца назад

      A lot of foreigners in Poland? Only in big cities where generally life is good in comparison to poorer regions.

    • @avgpiece
      @avgpiece 4 месяца назад

      saying poland has a lot of foreigners living here is completely wrong. its a lot in comparison to poland 5 or 10 years ago but its nothing in comparison to the multikulti countries in the west like france or the uk. i know thats like saying waters wet but still.

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 4 месяца назад

      @@piotrnowak8725 Of course, there's more foreigners in places where there are jobs, companies and universities. But it's not only in the biggest cities, like Warsaw or Cracow or Wrocław. In smaller also. And I myself had guests from different countries in my home, and I was taking them, during holiday, also to small towns. And never no one looked at them bad, or said any bad word. People behave just completely normally, like towards others.

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 4 месяца назад

      @@avgpiece It's true that it's definitely not like in Western European countries. We don't have this whole "multi-kulti" ideology. And our society looks different, e.g. there are not many black people, because we never had any overseas colonies in our history, unlike these countries (we have no colonial past). But there is a number of foreigners, from different countries, not only Europe, who live here (I myself watch some RUclips channels for instance of Koreans or Japanese who got married and live here peacefully since years).

  • @katarzynkaww
    @katarzynkaww 4 месяца назад +3

    I am Polish who has lived in France for 6 years now and I miss Poland so much! There is so much more burocracy in France than in Poland,believe me! And I less freedom especially when it comes to raising children. In France the system doesn't care for their good and parents can do little about it:( and I moss of course my family and friends. All those great concerts all the time,culture,proximity of everything(especially in Silesia,the interview took place in Katowice,my place!❤) I miss a lot more things,the list is long...cheets man! I have been watching your channel for some time now. Can I ask you why are you so interested in Poland?:)

  • @pantarei.
    @pantarei. 4 месяца назад +15

    For a long time, tattoos in Poland were associated mainly with people corelated in some way with crime - popular in prisons.
    In addition, earrings in various places on the face and hair dyed in different colors - all this could make it difficult or even impossible, to find a job in contact with customers - in a bank, in a store, but also in office positions (especially for men).

    • @Guzikow666
      @Guzikow666 4 месяца назад +4

      this was true 10 years ago ;)

    • @pantarei.
      @pantarei. 4 месяца назад

      It is still true in some places. Also I used the word "could".@@Guzikow666

    • @pantarei.
      @pantarei. 4 месяца назад

      It is still true in some places.@@Guzikow666

    • @pantarei.
      @pantarei. 4 месяца назад

      @@Guzikow666 still true in some parts of Poland.

    • @Guzikow666
      @Guzikow666 4 месяца назад

      ​@@pantarei. idk :D but I'm forgotten about Poland's Triangle XD

  • @malwinawitkowska2995
    @malwinawitkowska2995 4 месяца назад +1

    I could tell you hunded reasons why I returned to Poland after 11 years in the UK. And it's not because I dislike the UK but because how much I have grown to to love my own country.

  • @arkadiuszkrasicki5478
    @arkadiuszkrasicki5478 14 дней назад +1

    Life in Poland is a bit like life in the Army, Napoleon Bonaparte used to say; *_"You need three things to wage war; Money, Money and Money"_* and it's the same in Poland, if you can't afford something, I'm sorry! but you have to figure out how to get a cheaper substitute, if in Poland you don't earn more than PLN 5,000, everything you buy with such a reduced budget is a total guerrilla, for example, let's say you need a kilogram of cheese for some pizza or other casseroles, you go to store and there you find out that cheese costs PLN 48 per 1 kg, and you have at most PLN 20, so after the casseroles... or you need fuel for your car because you arrived at the station on leftovers and you won't go very far with it, you need more fuel, you find out that fuel at the station costs PLN 7.80 per liter, you need at least ¼ of the tank's capacity, let's say 20 liters, it will cost PLN 256.35, and you don't have more than PLN 50 with you, that's too bad!, or you buy 3 liters and you go begging for more money on the way, or you go home on foot for more money, even the bank is far away and most Poles still keep their savings, even though modest, at home, because it is the easiest way to avoid paying unnecessary contributions to the bank, and so I live in this Poland, in order to have this, I have to save money on this or that, this pinching of money is very typical for Poles...

  • @agatakawa3586
    @agatakawa3586 3 месяца назад

    I am so proud Poland has changed for better...

  • @Kriis997
    @Kriis997 4 месяца назад +31

    Zawsze się znajdzie jakaś Dźesika, dla której Polska to samo zło.

    • @goldmajor74
      @goldmajor74 4 месяца назад +8

      albo dzesiki ktore chca upokorzyć i sponiewierać normalnych ludzi dla swoich korzyści :* a szczególnie to widać w gównianych pracach / hajsie +
      brak akceptacji i zrozumienia osób które sie czasem ocenia z dupy z góry :) miłego .

    • @tawernapodtrolimbem8293
      @tawernapodtrolimbem8293 4 месяца назад

      Bo to samo zło ( mówię o urzędach ) w 2015 brakowało i. 20 zł bym zdechł z głodu . W 2018 policja nie potrafi ścigać bandyty , prokuratura obala sobie na podstawie własnego widzi mi się obdukcję biegłego sądowego byle nie ścigać sprawy z urzędu a sądy z powództwa cywilnego nie ścigają bo nie wiedzą gdzie wysłać bandycie wezwanie na sprawę i oczekują od ludzi podania im Na tacy nazwiska bandyty oraz jego miejsca zamieszkania, straty materialne -30 000 zł i zero rekompensaty za stracone zdrowie i czas . Pierdolić taki kraj

    • @tawernapodtrolimbem8293
      @tawernapodtrolimbem8293 4 месяца назад

      Zobacz sobie jak się ma zgwałcona białorusinka która może z powództwa cywilnego ścigać gwałciciela ... A no tak nie może bo ją zabił. I tu jest pies pogrzebany jak ktoś cię napadnie to albo nie warto policji ścigać nic nie mogą i tzre5ba z powództwa cywilnego o ile znasz adres bo sądy nie wiedzą gdzie wysyłać wezwania albo prokuratura umozy bo wezwie własnego biegłego który obali obdukcję biegłego sądowego wskazywanego przez sąd .

    • @tawernapodtrolimbem8293
      @tawernapodtrolimbem8293 4 месяца назад +1

      Zawsze się znajdzie ktoś kto skasuje komentarz

  • @angiepiercing
    @angiepiercing 4 месяца назад +30

    Poland is the most tolerant country in the world. I love about Poland, that we have huge heart to help others, we see others what is not so common in those times. Of course we pay for it huge amount of hate, money, untruth about us and so on. History shows how it goes and negative thing is: we (especially our politician) do not learn and do not fight with those allegations. We are hard working people, we love to be in bigger group of people, we love family time, we cherish those moments. I love also polish music, polish cuisine, beautiful land, cities, forest, lakes and so on:)you have to come visit asap.

    • @theRAV4000
      @theRAV4000 4 месяца назад +4

      your first sentence is pure bullshit

    • @angiepiercing
      @angiepiercing 4 месяца назад +4

      Well i can have my opiniom. I work and live i. Warsaw from 20 years and there is so many cultures, i do not see this Łąck of toleramce sorry!

    • @onomatopejaB
      @onomatopejaB 4 месяца назад +3

      @@theRAV4000 proof it wrong ;) compared to which country?

    • @theRAV4000
      @theRAV4000 4 месяца назад +2

      @@angiepiercing Poland is not just Warsaw sorry

    • @piotrnowak8725
      @piotrnowak8725 4 месяца назад +3

      Warsaw is one the most multi-cultural cities in Poland. The attitude of people who live and work in Warsaw doesn't apply to the whole country. There are many places where you have no opportunity to meet people of different nationalities, cultures, political views, sexual minorities etc. and usually when there is no opportunity there is some mistrust and intolerance.

  • @hegemon8
    @hegemon8 4 месяца назад +36

    That young redhead girl is living too much on the internet.

  • @krzysztofkrupa4755
    @krzysztofkrupa4755 4 месяца назад +3

    Polska jest Najlepsza.

  • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
    @MayaTheDecemberGirl 4 месяца назад +3

    Nowadays a lot of people have tatoos. It's completely normal for everyone, since years. Quite a number of people have even whole arms covered with tatoos and it doesn't surprise anyone at all anymore. So just like in other European countries (it's completely different for instance in Japan, where tatoos are generally not accepted and one has to cover it even up, in some places, like in onsens, so public baths).

  • @handyhistorian
    @handyhistorian 4 месяца назад +3

    Poland is a great country. I've lived most of my life in the US but also close to 10 years in Poland. I appreciate the differences and don't want it to become more like the US. It was mentioned once but weather is a big one for me. From what I'm used to it's basically winter for 6 month. The snow, cold, slush rain etc. is less than that but essentially you can't really enjoy the outdoors very much for half the year. Shorter days also can make you more depressed than in a warmer climate.
    As for tolerance and openness, I think Poles are too tolerant of a lot of things. They have their own opinions but they don't express them much to people they don't know. There's a vocal political minority that claims these kinds of things but they're never happy. Whether its gay couples, extreme tattoos, ethnic diversity etc., i've seen more of that in Warsaw than in San Francisco and I can't say its a positive sign for where Poland is going. A lot of this comes from Western online media influence. Because Poland was a poor country for so long many Poles automatically think whatever is non-Polish, especially fromAmerica, is better and accept it uncritically.

    • @publicminx
      @publicminx 4 месяца назад

      reality: most depressed countries in Europe 1. Greece 2. Turkey 3. Portugal 4. Malta 5 Cypress... 80% of ppl in the US live btw. on the right side/east side. in Europe most live in the 4 season climate zone (which is also global the more prosperous climate zone, most interesting one - and most wealthy) and so on. stupid stereotypes like 'warm/hot' (in reality boring-static with thin green) weather is the best are usually from idiots without any knowledge. its vacation stereotypes or from some retirees combined with stupid "ok, poor but happy' nonsense ...

  • @robertkukuczka9469
    @robertkukuczka9469 4 месяца назад +3

    When I left Poland 20 years ago to serve for ever in Hungary I was missing my language, Polish language. Nowdays Hungarian, English are my second languages. We people can overcome anythink.

    • @avgpiece
      @avgpiece 4 месяца назад

      except the world anything xd jk

  • @user-bt7my8tx4m
    @user-bt7my8tx4m 4 месяца назад

    Thanks for nice words about Poland.
    Why are you not comming here?
    I think that confronting reality here on the spot with everything you learned from abroad would be fascinating.
    Ok, winter in Poland is sort of a weak spot, but now spring is comming and you will run out of excuses.

  • @tszabon
    @tszabon 4 месяца назад

    The bureaucracy in Poland is crazy. I lived and worked in Ireland for 5 years and during my first visit to a local office in Poland I had to sign more documents than during my 5-year stay in Ireland. Office workers are very detached from the person they deal with. An invisible wall separates the customer from the office workers. Many times I have had the impression that I am treated as a person who wants to hide or steal something.

  • @maryjusz8599
    @maryjusz8599 4 месяца назад

    Jeśli mówimy o średnio zarabiającej klasie to wszystko jest dobrze. Teraz zobaczmy na ludzi żyjących biednie. Moja mama 10 lat się starała o mieszkanie socjalne. Wszystko było by w porządku gdyby nie to to że mieszkania dostają osoby które nic nie robią. Jest ojciec i matka którzy nie pracują i mają 2 dzieci no i mieszkanie dostają od tak. Kiedy jest jeden rodzic i łapie się jakiejkolwiek pracy, czasami nawet dwóch prac to dla niego jest ciężej znaleźć mieszkanie. Dostaliśmy mieszkanie na osiedlu socjalnym i mieszkało się strasznie. Sąsiedzi bez pracy puszczający głośną muzykę od rana do wieczora, nie płacący za rachunki które i tak są zmniejszone, bo za mieszkanie płacą o wiele mniej niż muszą dzięki dopłatą. Wszyscy śmieją się z rodzin które chcą coś w życiu osiągnąć i starają się ciągnąć takie rodziny w dół ciągłymi komentarzami czy uprzykrzaniem życia. Wszystkie osoby wypowiadające się w filmie są w klasie średniej i wypowiadają się z tej perspektywy. Gdyby reporterka pytała w klasie niższej to wypowiedzi byłyby inne. Ja osobiście nienawidzę Polski dla tego że ma gdzieś ludzi. Jest to piękny kraj i każdemu polecam go zobaczyć, ale nie skupiajmy się tylko na osobach które mieszkają w większych miastach

  • @arkadiuszkrasicki5478
    @arkadiuszkrasicki5478 14 дней назад +1

    3:00 this guy meant that he left Warsaw after the war when it was completely destroyed, so let's agree that this city was not there, and when he arrived, everything returned to the way it looked before the war, no one talks about it, but in 1939 if it weren't for war, an underground subway would have been built in Warsaw just like in London, the standard of living in these cities would have been almost equal, and we are talking about such backwardness that in 1863, when the subway and cars already operated in London, and in Poland (that is, Poland then there was only a "congress kingdom"), at that time in our country we were fighting scythes with the Russians...

  • @NocnaGlizda
    @NocnaGlizda Месяц назад

    02:48 - He either came with a lot of money from that country or returned from Bangladesh or Nigeria since he thinks it's so awesome here.

  • @matyy_.
    @matyy_. 4 месяца назад +4

    tbh the girl who said about tattos idk what she meant becaus ei live like 50 minute drive from Katowice for example int he same region at the end and its first time i hear that kind of thing ofc it may be subjective but at the end a lot and i mean a lot of eople younger adn older has tattos. When it comes to other matters i mean i would like if Poland would never try and cosplay California :D
    But intolerance i dont think its as big of an issue as that woman was talking she has clear political views i dont judge that but i know few people from asia or africa and at least when i asked them about that they said its not an issue so yeah they might've lied but what for when ti comes to intolerancy for other religions i personally dont care but we see how governments in western europe aproach things about that they created gettos which is bad go if you ask me. We dont have gettos and a lot of muslims live in Poland ofc its not in milions but a lot. Homophobia problem is it there i would say it is a kind of problem but more people aproach it in the way they dont want kids to learn about that in early age because lets be real 8yo or 11yo in 99% of the time doesnt understand that.
    But i never saw someone publicly shamed or bullied because they are omosexual and i know people who would many people call homophobic but at the end they never bullied anyone its more talking than doing at the end
    When it comes to bureaucracy in my humble opinion its pain in the ass most of the time not always but most of the time

  • @onomatopejaB
    @onomatopejaB 4 месяца назад +2

    9:26 „mamy 2022 rok” - stwierdzenie-mem, tego się nie spodziewałem aka „current year” 😂 ehhh

  • @arkadiuszkrasicki5478
    @arkadiuszkrasicki5478 14 дней назад +1

    5:44 I don't agree... they wanted to put me in jail because I went out into the street with something that looked like a gun...

  • @onomatopejaB
    @onomatopejaB 4 месяца назад +14

    9:19 🧒 „limited” or „close minded” by insinuating that we need to have the same, homogeneous attitude to life and morality as those in the enlightened West? People confuse tolerance with affirmation ;)

  • @yovee5912
    @yovee5912 4 месяца назад +3

    To me, the intolerance issue is tricky and not so easily defined. In Wrocław we have some groups of extremists. They call themselves nationalists, but what they preach is far beyond healthy patriotism. Anyways, if you come to Wrocław on the 11th of November, it's our Independence Day, and nationalists organise big marches then, shouting how much they hate Jews, Ukrainians and Germans (interesting fact, never Russians) and you might think that the city is full of racists and xenophobes when in fact the opposite is true. Ordinary people pride themselves on loving the country, but at the same time, we have great appreciation for other cultures. I lived in the area that was a bit sketchy some years ago, and a friend from Britain came to stay for a few days. His wife is black. I was a little worried that we all might experience some unpleasant situation with all the bald shaved ever-present youth there, but literally nothing happened. There was curiosity but never animosity. My guess is that the intolerance level is not higher than in other European countries. We have been a pretty homogenous society for a long time, mostly white, mostly Catholic, so everything that 's different sticks out more, and people might stare, but rather out of curiosity than intolerance.

    • @bloomxx.
      @bloomxx. 4 месяца назад +3

      I will say this because I have a mulatto best friend, wouldn't say Poland is racist. I'd even say otherwise, according to research black people report facing least discrimination in Poland, I recommend reading about it. Many people stare on the streets however, this has to do with the fact that such people are rare on the street, you can observe the same in other countries of Central and Eastern Europe

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 4 месяца назад +1

      And the Independence March is so "intolerant and racists" that even the black people living in Poland take part in it - read for instance about Bawer Aondo-Akaa, who's half Polish half Nigerian, living in Poland for more than 35 years, he is also disabled (on a wheelchair) - and he takes part in the Independence March. As well as whole families with children do (they are also so racists and intolerant, taking part in celebration of independence - it's irony of course). By the way, on Polish lands, for centuries, people of different nationalities, religions, origins were living peacefully with each other (for sure not only Catholics, but also the Orthodox Church followers, Jewish, protestants, unlike in many other countries, were they were persecuted and exiled, even Tatars in one region).

    • @yovee5912
      @yovee5912 4 месяца назад +1

      @MayaTheDecemberGirl Two points. Firstly, we're living here now, not a hundred years ago. The war and its effects as well as communist activities post-war made sure that our earlier diverse society got much less diverse. Secondly, in Wroclaw, there are two marches being organised on Independence Day. In the afternoon, the city March where families come, where no hateful slogans are being shouted out, and the other one later in the afternoon, the one I described in my previous comment. Yes, there are families with kids attending that other march, too, but it doesn't make it a family event. It's just passing on racism and xenophobia. All in all, my point has been that we are not racist or xenophobic as a nation, but like everywhere in the world, those kinds of people exist.

    • @MayaTheDecemberGirl
      @MayaTheDecemberGirl 4 месяца назад

      ​​​​@@yovee5912 I agree with Your last sentence - of course, there are, like everywhere else, some individuals who hate the others (like in all the other countries as well; I think that in some countries it actually looks worse, e.g. there are reports about antisemitism, being much, much greater there than in Poland). However, it's a narrow margin of some primitives. There are also some marginal politicians, who try to play on such hate towards others (there are such parties also in other countries, even worse, like for instance in Germany Afd). But such hate refers not only to foreigners, but also to the other groups in a society, for instance to women - like Korwin-Mikke and his followers, saying that women should have no voting rights etc. They are just some freaks. And I myself more times had at my home guests from different countries and continents, for instance Jewish, people from India or Chinese. We took them everywhere, even to small towns. They even went to church with us (because they wanted to see how the prayings in a church look like, they've never seen it earlier). And no one ever sad a bad word towards them, or looked hatefully on them. All people always behaved just normal. Only once, out of many days spent with them, one person at a street was trying to mock Chinese language behind our backs (repeating "cing ciang", or sth like this - but it was only once, and this man actually himself looked like a bit retarded, so a primitive). And about religion, in my region there are also many protestants, so not only Catholics. And also in many cities there are Jewish communities, in particular in Cracow. There are even festivals of Jewish culture, of Jewish cuisine, Jewish theaters etc. And many people nowadays just don't care about religion of the others. It's only a different about islam - which for me personally is also controversial, but not actually because of someone having a different religion, but because of their attitude towards women or because of the terrorist attacks that did happen in the world, as well as because of their attitude towards European culture, traditions and values.

  • @supreme3376
    @supreme3376 4 месяца назад +4

    Well Tatooed People was Used identife as criminal

  • @dominosz2997
    @dominosz2997 4 месяца назад

    watch sqadron 303 it's a great film

  • @mateuszty
    @mateuszty 3 месяца назад

    Paperwork is absolutely terrible in Poland

  • @perunshogun7276
    @perunshogun7276 4 месяца назад +2

    tattoos were only showed by criminals
    When I was in Navy, tattoos were prohibited for soldiers, mariners, officers and policeman (it was in 90's)
    If you had long hair or tattoo it was difficult to get job even (all the people thought that you were criminal - but nobody was asking)
    Get pregnant before marriage, being homosexual or having long hairs, looks like punk or being skinhead makes you a lot of problems.
    Changes started about 2000 when my generation (opposition to communism) started to be managers etc - people were much more relaxed.
    Now, I suppose nobody cares - like it should be - as long as your behaviour do not interrupt peace and do not disturb good relations.
    In Poland , there is absolutely freedom of speech - not like here in UK, when Muslims has more freedom then other parts of the society.

  • @konradbronisawski6032
    @konradbronisawski6032 4 месяца назад +2

    Bureacracy - yep, commie heritage, then EU, but recently you can do almost everything online. I joke than PM Morawiecki took paper Poland, left digital one (it rhymes when said in Polish and I mention this 'cause it's used by that man who returned after 30 years - to recognize development during Casimir the Great we say that he started to reign in wooden Poland, ended in brick)
    Tolerance - nah, we're very tolerant... Until minorities try to force something. Well, it doesn't sound well. I mean like nobody cares what you do in your bed, until you try to convince quite conservative society that church should allow same sex marriages etc. And we're also the nation tought by foreign occupations to ignore stupid laws on one hand, on the other we're quite straight forward, so we often don't care about political corectness. But it's not intolerance

  • @angiepiercing
    @angiepiercing 4 месяца назад +21

    seriously this lack of tolerance is such a bulshit....

    • @onomatopejaB
      @onomatopejaB 4 месяца назад +6

      👆 People confuse tolerance with affirmation ;)

    • @piotrnowak8725
      @piotrnowak8725 4 месяца назад

      It is not. I've lived in Poland my entire life and I never felt welcome here. There are many people who believe there is only one way of life that is okay - their way - and make life difficult for everyone else.

  • @karolinaruszczak1580
    @karolinaruszczak1580 2 месяца назад

    to hot or to cold jobs are shit in small towns gov is even worse no Thanks

  • @tomaszczapiewski3359
    @tomaszczapiewski3359 4 месяца назад +1

    Ta ruda dziewczyna jest kompletnie odklejona. Jestem ciekaw czy nie spała na lekcjach historii.

  • @DjSharpey666
    @DjSharpey666 4 месяца назад +2

    Please record your reaction to the Polish song ILLUSION - NÓŻ -видео.html 🤘

  • @theRAV4000
    @theRAV4000 4 месяца назад +1

    100% agree with the red hair girl

  • @DanielDaniel-ef7yh
    @DanielDaniel-ef7yh 4 месяца назад

    super xd