Dustin Bates' Vocal Range


Комментарии • 127

  • @n.a.r4959
    @n.a.r4959 7 лет назад +135

    I can hear the outer space by hearing his voice😂😂
    That's why Starset is soo interesting.

    • @usercanalviejo2
      @usercanalviejo2 5 лет назад +7

      Yes. This is what makes Starset so special and I can't explain it otherwise if somebody asks.

  • @ShinsouGaming
    @ShinsouGaming 6 лет назад +87

    Jesus, i didnt know he's the same lead from Downplay. Explains why i love both these bands so much :'D

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  6 лет назад +10

      Versatile voice ;]

    • @somethingfishy8285
      @somethingfishy8285 4 года назад +3

      Mood man his entrancing 😩

    • @bcmiller1100
      @bcmiller1100 Год назад +1

      ron dechant was the bassist in both bands too.
      my demons, carnivore(label renamed it to "everything i am"), dark on me, waiting on the sky to change, let it die were all downplay songs originally. a few other songs from the transmissions album were rumored to be put out by downplay but they ended up splitting up with their label

  • @somesortacatperson5492
    @somesortacatperson5492 3 года назад +15

    His vocal range is fucking insane!!!
    I would not stop loving him for the world!
    I need I mean NEED! To see him live like

  • @gamevideosforlife1201
    @gamevideosforlife1201 7 лет назад +71

    That Bringing It Down scream is just

    • @DarklightNamari
      @DarklightNamari 5 лет назад +1

      I SO AGREE! Gives me effin chills every time! That belting scream is just.. man it floors me.

  • @sagisdoodleverse9696
    @sagisdoodleverse9696 7 лет назад +47

    Starset is one of my favorite bands...

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  7 лет назад +2

      sub me then for more cool stuff in the future

    • @omaryanezzavala3776
      @omaryanezzavala3776 6 лет назад +1

      are mine 3th before Three Days Grace and Ashes Remains.

  • @seisialily
    @seisialily 7 лет назад +178

    Dustin definitely has a ridiculous vocal range, he just needs to hone it better in live performances

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  7 лет назад +49

      he needs to work on the technical level and he would easily be one of the greatest

    • @disrupt94
      @disrupt94 6 лет назад +13

      3 octaves is pretty standard for a vocalist who's been singing for some time.
      I would like for him to use proper compression and distortion, He never quite seems to reach the power his voice has in the studie version of say, my demons. That said, It's been a while since I've seen them live so he could have improved.

    • @55codyharris11
      @55codyharris11 5 лет назад +17

      You seen him perform recently? It's fantastic now.

    • @mikael1852
      @mikael1852 4 года назад +9

      I'm no pro, but 2020 live he was really impressive :)

    • @fireship3007
      @fireship3007 3 года назад

      He's been doing phenomenal in horizons tours

  • @farahanani1802
    @farahanani1802 6 лет назад +21

    Who love Dustin Bates like here!😍

    • @prefernoto8836
      @prefernoto8836 5 лет назад +2

      I think he responded to one of the Comments in this vid

  • @Glxsshouses
    @Glxsshouses 7 лет назад +36

    And omg everglow is such an amazing song :’)

  • @flamehaze59
    @flamehaze59 2 года назад +6

    Ah, I love Dustin's voice so much! 😍🔥 He's range is amazing!

  • @angiet7380
    @angiet7380 5 лет назад +16

    2:36 I agree, I obsessively listened to Everglow for weeks because of how his voice sounds in it, so addicting

  • @bk5765
    @bk5765 6 лет назад +7

    Dustin bates have so beatufull voice

  • @AgentLayla526
    @AgentLayla526 5 лет назад +15

    I know this video is two years old, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on Dustin's voice in the new DIVISIONS singles!

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  5 лет назад +10

      It seems like he's using less autotune to an extent and showing more his 'true color'. kinda reminds me his Downplay era. he's belting some clean Bb4 in the singles which is pretty good. hope to see more in the upcoming album

  • @ImSoLament
    @ImSoLament 7 лет назад +36

    Bless you for making this. His voice truly does deserve recognition with how much better it continues to get and how people keep judging him based on past performances when he has improved so much. Thanks!

  • @BriannaBanana1
    @BriannaBanana1 7 лет назад +44

    I love how good with words you are in describing the different qualities of Dustin's voice! That "Bringing It Down," "in-SIIIIIIIIIIDDDE" scream freaking gives me life! And the falsetto in the bridge of "Monster" IS an eargasm. 👂❤️ Oddly enough, I can hear what you mean with the Katy Perry comparison. Dustin is so amazing at conveying emotion through his singing it amazes me sometimes. For example, the amount of defeated anguish in his voice as he sings, "I don't need you! I don't need another friend!" in "I'm Not Over You Yet." And his dark bitterness in "Revenge." Thanks for this video. Even though I don't understand your vocal notation (I get that there are notes, but then do the numbers represent an octave with 1 being some established baseline? And do higher numbers = higher or lower octaves? Am I even on the right path here? I'll have to watch your video again after finding answers to these questions.) I really enjoyed this musical journey of a video. Thanks for making it! 🙏

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  7 лет назад +5

      thank you very much for watching and reviewing it!
      the thing with the notes is, that basically everytime a singer sings a note, he hits a specific pitch, which can be measured on any musical instrument like the piano for example. and yes obviously the higher the "number" the higher the pitch would be. Dustin's lowest note is a D#2 from the backing vocals of Furious Again, whilst his highest is the scream from the Carnivore show which is a D#5. you can check how these notes sound on a piano or any virtual piano for that matter. I can give you another example with Dark on Me where Dustin hits a sustained G4 in the bridge right? then he goes up for a short A4. try to play it on the piano and you'll get it, I believe
      G4 is in the fourth octave and it's kinda between the middle to the end of the octave. the 4th octave is pretty high, but not THAT high

  • @enderpearls9496
    @enderpearls9496 6 лет назад +9

    Can't believe I got to meet this legend after a concert omg (my first ever concert was a Starset one~)

  • @Glxsshouses
    @Glxsshouses 7 лет назад +15

    I love Dustin wow omggggg

  • @idavvtt
    @idavvtt 4 года назад +5

    He’s definitely improved a lot in my opinion from the beginning of Starset’s debut until now😍👌🏻His voice is incredible, and I can’t find any other vocalist with the same distinctiveness, and it just keeps me locked to listing to Downplay, STARSET and MNQN🤩

  • @zookie3737
    @zookie3737 5 лет назад +5

    Also love the chorus in gravity of you! His screamy tone into a nice silky tone is just wonderful 😊 awesome video!

  • @kadenlemon495
    @kadenlemon495 3 года назад +2

    Oh this is pre divisions or horizons. His vocal range only got better. It is so diverse and just incredible to listen to. Dustin is one of the most talented singers.

  • @katherineperez8155
    @katherineperez8155 6 лет назад +8

    16:26 OMG I LOVE IT!!!

  • @hollywood19191
    @hollywood19191 7 лет назад +12

    This video gave me goosebumps... omg...

  • @ianryan2058
    @ianryan2058 6 лет назад +13

    Man I would love to see these guys and linkin park live its just a dam shame chester passed away id love to see chester and dustin do a duet both are amazing vocalist's rest in peace chester 😔

    • @DarklightNamari
      @DarklightNamari 5 лет назад +3

      I wanted this so much too since I discovered Starset! Dustin reminded me so much of Chester I just wish they could've toured together! Maybe someone will do a mashup one of these days!

  • @BubbaBearGames
    @BubbaBearGames 2 года назад +1

    I started listening to Starset in 2014, when I first heard "My Demons" on my local rock station, 93.3 The Planet on my way home from hauling off a load of scrap metal, and I've been listening to them ever since. 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

  • @helluvacrow
    @helluvacrow 5 лет назад +3

    WAIT I'VE NEVER HEARD THAT SCREAM FROM CARNIVORE LIVE I AM LITERALLY COVERED IN GOOSEBUMPS he looked so proud of himself after that ahhhhhhh!!!????!?!?! I know this was posted a long time ago but still it's killing me and I can't stop watching that part 😭😭

  • @ZomeH0RR0R
    @ZomeH0RR0R 2 года назад +2

    While i’m glad he’s improved, I do miss his lower range. Especially during the Transmissions & Vessels era.

  • @camiloesteban2820
    @camiloesteban2820 3 года назад +3

    16:24 I hope to hear a guttural like that on the 5th album

  • @PierreLucThibaudeau101
    @PierreLucThibaudeau101 5 лет назад +2

    I saw a same type of video for Deuce ! Thats awesome!!

  • @khiemho1106
    @khiemho1106 10 месяцев назад

    Dustin is bless with such a unique voice, baritenor voice itself is too underrated

  • @markoheikkila6318
    @markoheikkila6318 3 года назад

    Amazing❤️ thank you😍

  • @gabriellockwood2780
    @gabriellockwood2780 5 лет назад +9

    I feel that Dustin has indeed come a LOOOOONG way, but could still work on the live performances lol
    Not bad in any way, but could be better for the audience, his voice, and his entire body lol
    Love that I now have more bands to look around for lol

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  5 лет назад +2

      hes not improving actually might getting worse :s check the live shows of the new album like worlds other than these or teleknetic he cant even hit the high notes and hes draining out too quickly

    • @SpagZombies
      @SpagZombies 4 года назад +4

      @@Crackz0r94 telekinetic is a ridiculous song to preform though, no? It is such a heavy song with such unrealistic notes out of studio. Mind you, from what I've seen of telekinetic live shows, he kills it, so we might be watching different things.

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  4 года назад +1

      @@SpagZombies check telekinetic manchester february live. hes pitchy all over the chorus. cant hit the high notes. goes for falsetto. im not saying its an easy song to sing but he chose to make it that high. if he sounds bad i can criticize his vocals and voice my opinion. he shouldve sang it lower. his voice is clearly not traiend enough for that live wise

    • @torunsmok5890
      @torunsmok5890 4 года назад +3

      @@Crackz0r94 that sounds like a one-off issue to me, given all the recordings and live shows for Divisions I've seen, he's been nailing it

  • @NbNgMOD
    @NbNgMOD 5 месяцев назад +1

    Im noticing a pattern, he loves Bb, Ab, and D when screaming
    P.S was about to say F# because thats what he's singing _if_ we were reading in concert Bb, decided to keep as Ab.

  • @collinsnow2203
    @collinsnow2203 4 года назад +1

    Um finally someone sane on this planet. 2:30. You deserve a nobel for recognizing his and starsets best.

  • @benpowell5348
    @benpowell5348 4 года назад +1

    I know it’s been two years, but this is a pretty nice video and I think you should do an update including those amazing high B’s in the divisions album!

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  4 года назад +1

      thanks, i hope my lazy ass will make another video some day

  • @Kitkat915e
    @Kitkat915e 5 лет назад +2

    I'd love to see an updated video including DIVISIONS, although I'm not sure if it'd be worth the work.

  • @MelNekoMan
    @MelNekoMan 5 лет назад +2

    Make a 2nd part showing Divisions with *Manifest* and *Other Worlds Than These* plz ♥♥♥

  • @kittan5927
    @kittan5927 3 года назад +5

    I just love that i have the same singing vocals as him. He has a deeper talking voice but i can match his vocal range effortlessly.
    And thats not just me saying that for attention. Id love just one opportunity to get on stage with them and harmonize with him.

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  3 года назад +3

      cover their songs and show what u got

    • @Brandon2940
      @Brandon2940 3 года назад +2

      It'd be awesome to hear ya cover a few Starset songs!!

  • @anonimz2244
    @anonimz2244 4 года назад +1

    I didn't knew there were so many Dustin Bates

  • @Donna777
    @Donna777 6 лет назад +1

    The Major Tom cover...WOW!!! On point!!!!

  • @Hardrockingamigo
    @Hardrockingamigo 4 года назад +1

    Can somebody make a full list of each of the songs in this vid? I just started listening to starset and im.really digging all these

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  4 года назад

      im pretty sure i put the title of every song on each note no? which songs do u need

    • @torunsmok5890
      @torunsmok5890 4 года назад +1

      Honestly the best way to experience Starset for your first time listening to a lot of their stuff is to find the time to sit down and do nothing but listen to an album from start to finish with full attention. Do this for each album in their proper order whenever you get a chance to do each one, and then go back through and selectively listen to things that really piqued your interest again a couple times maybe

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  4 года назад

      @@torunsmok5890 i love to sit on one song for a decent amount of time and then move to another one. if i listen to an album from start to finish without pausing anything i feel like im missing and skipping stuff

    • @Brandon2940
      @Brandon2940 3 года назад

      @@torunsmok5890 this is what I did

  • @katherineperez8155
    @katherineperez8155 5 лет назад +2

    I can't get over this 16:30

  • @fernandolemus5965
    @fernandolemus5965 7 месяцев назад +1

    Those new low growls in brave new world, are just making me think how crazy his range is 😂

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  7 месяцев назад +1

      he actually hits D2 near the end of the song

  • @somethingfishy8285
    @somethingfishy8285 4 года назад

    Everglow and diving bell are my fav songs

  • @alexbaribeault
    @alexbaribeault 6 лет назад +10

    6:58 Song?

  • @neo-g-essent
    @neo-g-essent Год назад

    As of recent developments courtesy of Rob Graves' session walkthroughs on Instagram: Dustin has beaten his 16-17 second scream from "Digging It Out" thanks to the fact that *the scream in the outro for "Everglow" is THIRTY SECONDS-*

  • @nathanwood868
    @nathanwood868 2 года назад +3

    Not sure if you're still responding to these but what your opinion of the Horizons album that dropped not too long ago? Has his singing noticably refined any more or what are your thoughts?

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  2 года назад +2

      hey man im still responding yes. someone asked that question a few months ago so ill just copy pase my answer
      i love the album but i think its their weakest cos theres too many mediocre songs and shit. but i really love ICarus, Something Wicked, and Disappear. vocal wise im happy hes belting high while pushing the limit of his voice and it looks like he even expanded his high range a tiny bit but im a bit disappointed by the lack of usage in the low range. he really could pull some boomy stuff in the low range if he wanted

    • @nathanwood868
      @nathanwood868 2 года назад +1

      @@Crackz0r94 Yeah I agree with that quite a bit, a lot of the songs felt too samey, Like I've heard them all before, certainly still some highlights, and if it didn't have three absolute awesome albums to compete against it would be great on it's own.

    @WHATSAHANDLEIDKIDK 29 дней назад

    dustin's vocal eange is bigger than an asteroid's now

  • @5evennn
    @5evennn 4 года назад

    make divisions vocal range please !

  • @victoriaalien5984
    @victoriaalien5984 Год назад +1

    I don't know how I lived when I didn't know Starset, but now it looks like his song is amphetamine 😂. So, I want to say that I am happy to meet such a performer, where not only the voice is beautiful, but also the most perfect melody! I love them!
    By the way, the last scene with his screaming is really good, if I had been there, I probably would have fainted (just kidding)

  • @crimsondemon2880
    @crimsondemon2880 4 года назад

    what about the scream in hated you from hello?

  • @batnberkcevik4406
    @batnberkcevik4406 6 лет назад +2

    Still waiting for gravity of you

  • @zoard3620
    @zoard3620 5 лет назад +2

    What's the song at 0:43 ?

  • @podrickfookinpayne2329
    @podrickfookinpayne2329 6 лет назад +5

    Nice video and description, but he honestly just sounds like a high baritone to me. His weight is in no way tenor like with those lows imo. Agility - he doesn't sound THAT agile that a baritone wouldn't be able to replicate him with the right training, and timbre doesn't say anything about voice type. There are plenty of bright baritones that sound light as hell naturally, not even counting stylistic choices that make them sound like that. I find the term 'baritenor' really overused in general. There are very few actual baritenors, as far as physiological constitution goes. Most are just really low tenors, or really high baritones(the latter being more likely, statistically).

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  6 лет назад

      nah he's the definiton of a pure baritenor. he has the position of a high baritone that's for sure, but along with the tenor timbre he's a baritenor. his voice is actually not really light but the opposite, it's pretty dark. he does squeeze his sound in Starset into that bright, rounded and silky tone but it's not really light. his lows are great and resonant because he has the baritone position, but he doesn't have the true, bulky weight of a baritone. baritenor is actually not overused at all and is an underrated and unrecognized term/voice type. a lot of singers in rock music like Adam Gontier, Benjamin Burnley, Justin Holman, Dave Grohl, John Falls, Jonathan Davis, Mark Chavez and more are all baritenors and they cannot be tenors or baritones for too many good reasons. that being said people tend to wrongly stick the term baritenor to singers who are just low tenors or high baritones like Freddie Mercury, Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles etc

    • @prefernoto8679
      @prefernoto8679 6 лет назад

      Crackz0r94 dramatic spinto tenor man thought youd know better

  • @Brandon2940
    @Brandon2940 3 года назад

    1:28 song?

  • @LuisMario2054
    @LuisMario2054 2 месяца назад

    The bro is tenor

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  2 месяца назад

      the bro is wrong

    • @LuisMario2054
      @LuisMario2054 2 месяца назад

      @Crackz0r94 yeah you right ✅️ 😅

    • @LuisMario2054
      @LuisMario2054 2 месяца назад

      @@Crackz0r94 you right bro 😅

  • @NMages20
    @NMages20 11 месяцев назад

    Those arent b2s that hes hitting lol that would put him lower than a bass and not a baritone or tenor.

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  11 месяцев назад

      pass the weed

    • @NMages20
      @NMages20 11 месяцев назад

      ​@Crackz0r94 just saying 🤷

  • @aaroncoby5508
    @aaroncoby5508 5 лет назад


    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  5 лет назад

      check the release date of the video bro

    • @aaroncoby5508
      @aaroncoby5508 5 лет назад

      @@Crackz0r94 i know, i was just messing around with ya (that's why i wrote it in all caps)

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  5 лет назад

      @@aaroncoby5508 theres so many retarded comments in youtube, its hard to believe at this point

    • @magicmanpreza1081
      @magicmanpreza1081 4 года назад +1

      Someone's gotta invent sarcasm text

  • @chrisgreen1762
    @chrisgreen1762 2 года назад

    His studio recordings are amazing and Starset is my everyday go to for daily listening but live is a totally different story…not sure what happens but Dustin just seems to lose it when performing live. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  2 года назад +1

      hes a studio singer :0

  • @boxofclonetrooperlot8229
    @boxofclonetrooperlot8229 5 лет назад

    He is gone...

  • @hewnootron2769
    @hewnootron2769 6 лет назад

    I think 5 octaves is an exaggeration. at most Dustin would have 3-4

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  6 лет назад

      who said he has 5 octaves???

    • @hewnootron2769
      @hewnootron2769 6 лет назад

      I read your description
      " he had fairly developed his voice to sing a little higher up to the end of the forth octave in chest voice while bouncing some beautiful falsetto in the 5th octave at times, plus gaining a dark tone" is what you wrote

    • @Crackz0r94
      @Crackz0r94  6 лет назад +1

      yes, and?

    • @Ghost0fLuna528
      @Ghost0fLuna528 5 лет назад +2

      Hew Nootron 5th octave is not the same as 5 octaves

  • @alfonsciaina5392
    @alfonsciaina5392 5 лет назад +1

    Dustin love songs sucks

  • @grandescantantes7055
    @grandescantantes7055 Год назад

    Es tenor , lejos de ser un baritono o baritenor

    • @gabrielcorrea8959
      @gabrielcorrea8959 13 дней назад

      Do you say that even though his bass notes are very good? and in addition he shows some discomfort when singing notes from G4 upwards.
      It is classified as a baritenor due to its clear tonality and versatility in the fourth octave, because in terms of comfort and brightness it is much closer to a baritone.