What I'm taking away from this is that there's a large lack of accountability and by proxy, an even larger lack of self reflection from both sides. We can blame each other but the saying is "When you point a finger, there's also 3 fingers pointing back."
Women have been supporting, creating, running households since the beginning of time, even when the men leave and the women have no one or nothing to depend on. Not even law or socail aid. You guys have lost your minds in the victim mentality, gaslighting women. Women are on OF because of MEN !! WOMEN ARE IN KORN BECAUSE of men. Like get a god damn life. Take some responsibility. Im sick of ya'll violins
Too many parallel "conversations" online. Women talk to women about men, men talk to men about women, and no one is making any sense. In the real world, everything is much more nuanced and much less confusing.
Women and men should spend less time on social medias or dating apps consuming BS fake lies and more time to connect in real life. Thanks for the video Connor
Delusional is wanting something in another, that you don’t bring to the table (looks, intelligence, wealth etc.) Delusional is wanting a frictionless fairy tale. This goes for men and women…. That is why you should value teamwork, growth, communication, compatibility over cheerleading, status quo/peace, mind reading and chemistry. It is important to ask… is this a good person I am proud of.
I've been doing everything that Man Talks says...and I'm not getting anywhere...just never ending rejections, shaming, and being referred to as "That Guy" for putting myself out there and getting rejected. How much more resilient can one get without being compared to a robot? At what point do these never ending rejections not start taking a toll on you?
You might be too local in your efforts. If you've developed a bad reputation it could mean you tried too much in the same county. While you embrace the suck it is better if you spread the witnesses out geographically.
Granted, more resilience among men wouldn't hurt, but is it fair to criticize their reluctance to enter the dating market to this degree? Previous generations of men didn't have to deal with the consequences of MeToo, they didn't have to tolerate as much open misandry, they didn't have to worry about losing everything (including children) in predatory divorce/child custody courts and they (as men) didn't have to worry about being denied a positive identity. Today's risks are so much higher than just getting your feelings hurt from rejection. Self reflection and internal locus of control have limits. We can't keep poisoning our social environment and then just expect men to “man up” harder to compensate for the poison. Something has to give. Facing adversity with resilience is necessary, but lets stop pretending things are fair for men right now.
There's only two logical choices left. Men leave with their passport and form new families/communities outside the USA, or we swing the pendulum hard in the other direction, and America transforms from 1970s Iran to current day Iran when it comes to womens rights. Which do you choose Connor? Because both seem inevitable at this point
Yeah I'm sick of the influencers just saying man up and deal with it. In my opinion the conversation should be one thing: men need to ruthlessly advocate for their own interests as an individual and as a group. We should have standards and accountability for anyone who is a long term prospect. And anyone who doesn't meet those should only get used for short term pleasure and discarded. With no apologies. Women play this game, men can play it, and win it.
@@benjaminolsen2381 Advocating for men’s needs/interests as a group, necessary (especially for dealing with the misandry in our laws and our culture). Having standards and accountability for long-term prospects, definitely need that. Using people (who don’t meet the standards) for short-term pleasure and then discarding them, no way. That last suggestion is something I would expect from the Female Dating Strategy (FDS) forums if the genders were reversed. Absorbing bad behavior from sources like that will make things worse. We can call out bad behavior without adopting it.
@@benjaminolsen2381 Advocating for men’s needs/interests as a group, necessary (especially for dealing with the anti-male attitudes in our laws and our culture). Having standards and accountability for long-term prospects, definitely need that. Using people (who don’t meet the standards) for short-term pleasure and then discarding them, no way. That last suggestion is something I would expect from the Female Dating Strategy (FDS) forums if the genders were reversed. Absorbing bad behavior from sources like that will make things worse. We can call out bad behavior without adopting it.
I promise one thing: I will NEVER date again. This topic is done and over as far as I'm concerned. What women want or don't want is not my problem anymore.
Thank you Conor. I know i am definitely the 'problem'. I simpmy was not prepared to take on that responsibility and truthfully, i brought very little to the relationship... in terms of conversation and leadership. Learning how to communicate and being more self reliant... accountability and reality 🤙
Very cool video A month ago, I ended a five-year relationship. My soulmate made the decision to walk away from me, and even though I've done everything in my power to get him back, I can't help but feel disappointed because I can't see my life with anyone else. I want to say that I've tried everything to stop thinking about him, but I simply can't. I miss him so much and I don't know why I'm saying this here.
I learnt the hard way that saying goodbye to someone you love is difficult when a 12-year relationship ends. But I was unable to let him go, so I made every effort to get him back. I eventually sought aid from a spiritual counsellor, and he was able to assist me in getting him back.
I appreciate you providing this important information; I've just checked him up online. striking I just checked Father Obah Eze online, and wow, he's really genuine. Thank you so much again ❤
Not your fault, but your responsibility. My message is to stop whining about women, thats the real beta move. So many men out here bitching about women non -stop. Sound like a bunch of children.
Well said. I think all of it comes down to just a lack of accountability and self reflection. Looking inward and asking if what you’re asking for in a partner is realistic not only that but also asking yourself if you are the partner that you would wanna be with because I feel like a lot of people want their particular person which it’s OK to have standards unless they’re unrealistic or they simply don’t live up to the standards that they want because if you don’t live up to those standards then how can you expect another person to?
How will that combat the female hive mind, economic dispersion by class and generation, and laws (legal and inherently social) that are punitive to men and don’t allow for nuance and investigation?
@SilèneJakobsen Feminist dream right?! 😂 I mean, shit, fucking genius. Don't blame women for being the ultimate predators and abusers of other people! The mental health of the people they destroy will heal. Maybe. Eventually. Time heals all wounds, no? Plus, It's a dog eat dog world out there! If women weren't cut throat in exploiting every advantage, then they themselves would be exploited, they say. 😂
There isn’t a decades long epidemic of women leaving their children and baby daddies that have been damaging swathes of people even going so far os creating a stereotype of a damaged woman as having “daddy issues” because of an absentee father
Extremely balanced and poignant assessment of the situation here. Well done! The main problem, in my opinion, is that the majority of men and women do not seek to embody the characteristics of the divine archetypes of masculine and feminine. I suppose the problem one layer deeper than this is the lack of adequate divine archetypes in society. They have been removed and replaced with synthetic ‘cultural’ icons (I say that in quotes because I wouldn’t consider what we have in the west as a true culture). The entire cultural model is inherently consumerism-based, and that will never produce meaningful examples to follow. When everything is a product to be bought and sold, stories like those of ancient mythologies don’t sell as well as cheap, flashy, algorithm-driven narratives do. The consumer products masquerading as culture are purposefully made to induce states of dependence and addiction, targeting the inner primal regions of the brain to induce a positive feedback loop of neurotransmitter mediated stimulus addiction. Without an organic model of divinity, ultimately the majority, if not nobody at all, can truly embody the masculine or feminine. Without divinity, they both always fall short. Humans evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to require the sense of meaning, awe, mystery, and most importantly accountability that is thrust into our hearts when we have a conception and experience of ultimate reality itself. Until we correct this deliberate, manmade mistake, we will always collectively fail to achieve stability, longevity, and peace.
I totally agree with what you had to say in this video. As a woman, I have created a perfect man in my head, that anytime I meet a man who contradicts one of my requirements, I immediately lose interest in him. I want to keep my standards, as I have been severely mistreated in the past, but I also know if I continue this mindset I will stay single forever. I would love guidance as to how to open my preferences up again, any other women relate or have overcome this themselves?
Orion Taraband from psychacks has a good series in how to hunt for the man you want. He basically gives you pointers finding what you want. Because women are flush with optionality they have to be more proactive in their dating, passively waiting for the right guy will make you sure you loose to those who are more proactive.
@edenlass9062 I think one's content is better observed on its merits rather than association. I've seen tons of red pill content and his doesn't have the same message of one sided blame. I will say he is pretty blunt so what he says can be harsh, but it's necessary if you want to take more agency within the market of dating. So many of us are operating on old rules that don't work, so shining a light on how those things work can be painful but I find it important if you want to understand what's going on and how you can make it work.
I am a Sigma Female, not delusional, because I am old School with morals, self respect, integrity and I have a clear understanding of both men and women. I actually stand with MEN under attack by the jezebel demon in women.
Years ago, I was somebody who used not to face conflict very well and would often seek the easy way out. However, only the violent conquer. If you take no risks and your passive, the world does, in fact, devour weak men like foot on a rug. The concept of emotional resilience is new to me. When it comes to relationships and how do I start to develop this relational resilience if I start from scratch or from a place where I have atrophied in this area? How do I have to take those first steps, especially after years of being on autopilot? Any advice helps. Thanks
Id still say the blame is pretty one sided since we dont really have an enforced standard for what being a "good women" entails yet most have no problems defining what a 'real' man is. I'm not sure when the expressed standards for women dropped off but I believe it does contribute to having fantastical standards when it comes to dating men. Men obviously have vastly different issues because they have to be the perceived best option or get passed over. However these standards to be the best attractive option for women however do not Foster or prioritize goodness, so the immoral are to be favored in the dating market.
Guess what. Women feel exactly the same way about men, themselves as prospective partners, and the dating and relationship scene, as men do. As a man you simply aren't aware of the bombardment young women are getting to be 'the best option'. They are extremely insecure and feel pretty hopeless about their prospects of finding a good man who will faithfully love them. The whole men vs women has been completely fabricated by the media and the government.
Disagree with you take on men partially. The main issue is lack of any effort from womens side. You say that if youre a man, you should take the risk of approaching her. I agree with you that if you are a human being, you should take calvulayed risk to attain somthing/someone what/who is ACTIALLY WORTH IT. Now answer me this: if something wrong is happpening to women on a societal level, do good men not do everything in thier power to help out the women? Even at thier own risk and expense? In todays world everyone knows the SOCIETAL level issues men are facing, the courts and law, academia, etc. The problems men face are not on an individual level, but on a societal level. Where are the good women who are fighting for making things fair? Where are they? When its a womans problem the women are found on the streets on a candle march protest, but the same good women try to tone down the problems men face. Where is the goodness in them?? What actially defines a person is not what they say, but what they do. For decades now, the so called good women with thier silence on societal level discrimination against men have shown how good they really are. Thier actions have shown that. If i as a man ever got married to a woman, these are the things i would want to do for her: 1. Will try as hard as i can to protect and provide for her both physically and emotionally with my life. 2. If it ever comes to that, i would give up my life to protect her and the children. 3. I would try my best to make things exciting for her, make sure that she is not sad. 4. So on... Whatever is her NEED, i will try to get that for her. I'm just 27, but i have already been on some 30+ dates till now, but i do not find a woman who seems to be capable of loving a man, just for him. The unconditional kind of love which i bring. Then is it worth it? That is why i think tour take on men is wrong on this one. It only applies to some men. You seem to think here, that the symptom is the cause.
If those 30 something dates were with women you met online then there is a reason neither of you felt like investing. Before the internet men and women would see and interact with their person of interest several times, if not months or years before they dated. They most likely knew other people who knew their person of interest and could get more information on them. They were already emotionally invested and knew they were interested in that person before they got involved romantically. These days people are expected to rock up to some stranger on the street or online and take it from there. There is no trust, no context, no emotional investment. Women don't rate men they don't know very highly at all - and yet he is supposed to be able to impress her in this circumstance? And everyone has got the attention span of squirrels - the new 'better option' is potentially just a click away. It's awful for everyone! If you are looking for a meaningful relationship the long way round is to be sociable and have hobbies that enable you to get to know women, and them you, organically before dating them.
@edenlass9062 You are absolutely right on that one. To be frank, I know that whenever I face a situation where it's me vs a woman, I'll lose. That fear in me might have caused me to never give a few women the chance to get to know them more.
Its an increase in narcissism on both sides that allows for a one sided relationship. Women end up delusional thinking they are some perfect 10 because of unrealistic expectations. That they deserve not only the world served to them on a silver platter. But to have a partner that worships the ground they walk on. This creates a one sided relationship dynamic which is the opposite of relating. Which in turn causes men to feel frustrated and unappreciated. They stop trying as hard or at all. As if they are d*mned if the do, d*mned if they dont. So they become more bitter and cold towards women as a result. Its creates blame and lack of accountability/ responsibility on both sides manifesting this problem.
Same said you what you said about women applies to men as well, lets be honest, we as men we aslo have things we can fix about ourselves to make our relationship better
So what if you build so much resilience that you cannot relate to the emotional needs of women? Due to a mix of skills, mentality, intelligence and resilience, life is so easy that I cannot understand why people have difficult moments in day to day life. I have very few fears and I'm achieving my goals pretty well to the point where my hopes and dreams is a reality. How can I relate to someone who is perpetually unhappy and insecure?
I wouldn't be afraid of the risk if I felt like there was anything worthwhile on a success, but it really doesn't feel like there is. What the hell would having a girlfriend get me that I wouldn't get from having her as a friend instead? Sex? I don't need it.
I see where you are coming from about women being delusional. We are spoon fed "chick-flicks" like Cinderella. However, not all women expect the "perfect prince" or to be treated like the "dainty fragile princess" every day. Don't get me wrong, when it happens it is nice. When I am feeling a bit neglected by my partner and when I want to be treated like a princess I dress up all girly and "make" him treat me that way. (By which I mean I refuse to open doors, ex. the car door, I will stand there waiting for him even if he is already in the car. Usually it only takes the first time for him to get what I want the rest of the day.) Before everyone goes jumping on my back the last time I did that was mid June so it is not even a monthly thing with us.
Grab your passports men. It's like the movie Wargames. The only winning move is not to play. Anyone interested in moving out of the USA can send me a dm
And then you do find someone great. He approachs you, puts a lot of effort into pursuing you, the chemistry is amazing, and you fall hard for him. Then he starts pulling away after moments of closeness and intimacy because of his own fears and attachment issues. You try to be patient, but you feel helpless because the more effort and affection you give the more he pulls away. Then he breaks up with you, but keeps returning every few weeks and you're confused and heartbroken about how to get things to work with him. It's the most frustrating and heartbreaking situation because he is everything you wanted and you know you both have feelings for each other, but the inconsistency makes it so hard to have a stable healthy relationship 😢
@@gonnacry4513 What I described is emotionally unavailable and avoidant attachment. I wouldn't call this guy a player. In fact, I don't think he's a bad guy at all, but he does have trauma from childhood that makes it hard for him to sustain a healthy relationship even though he genuinely wants the connection. Unfortunately, there is an epidemic of emotional unavailability (both men and women are impacted). For me, emotional unavailability is the biggest challenge in dating. Yes, not all men are like this, but there are a lot
Solo men wandering around flirting is a problem for women getting offended? Problem solved...dont walk around solo and flirting, be a guy firting with women, with another buddy tagging along, how is she gonna accuse him of inappropriate flirting with a witness? Im so tired of this accusation against women, when men dont EVER ask why am i always out and about flirting as a solo guy, and not with a buddy.😮 #menmaketheirownproblems
I'll start off by saying I agree pretty much with what you've said. I'd like to add something from a feminine perspective: when some men stop putting in effort after they've gotten the girl..or worse, made themselves appear different just to get the girl..from my experience and other women I've talked to, it felt like a bait and switch manipulation. I want to encourage men..women want to know the real you. You're authentic self is refreshing and super lovable. It hard for women to be vulnerable too, but it's a risk with a potentially high ROI. And it doesn't risk wasting time and hurting feelings.
Agree it isn’t like the man we want doesn’t exist it’s that they always pretend to be that man which shows they know the qualities we are searching for as women….and they withhold them later on….on purpose…women require higher maintaining then what men nowadays are ready to give… If a woman is in an empty relationship with you other men are still viewing her as available you aren’t maintaining anyone….so she naturally will disappear
Interesting. This is similar to common concern I hear from the masculine perspective: when some women stop putting in the effort after they got their husbands (namely by withholding sex and affection), it felt like a bait and switch manipulation. As if the woman who was once enthusiastic about sex and intimacy disappears after the marriage agreement is sealed and becomes someone else. Not the common ground I was expecting. Unfortunately, lost time and hurt feelings are the least of men's worries in the today's dating market. I'm open to suggestions for making the dating scene better but even with a potential high return on investment, the risks look unreasonably high for men right now.
The real problem in feminism. Feminism claims that men and women are equal, but this is a lie. Furthermore the divorce courts are completely stacked against men, and men have effectively become second-class citizens, basically slaves.
@EdwinRichard-e9m this is interesting common ground. I do understand that most people try to make good impressions and after the high of the honeymoon phase real life sets in ..I guess. Like I said, I understand that vulnerability can be scary. I personally have had relationships where he started using things I shared against me. I'm kind of guarded about sharing my fears and desires. But I think that's the solution. Both men and women need to be honest about fears and desires. Assuming they been introspective with getting to know themselves. People will grow and change but if both people had similar life goals and honest compassionate conversations and genuinely enjoy their company, I think that might go a long way. Idk..I'm still learning about this stuff. I know I'm not the only one. I think everyone wants to feel loved and appreciated. I think it's sad that in modern times there is such a divide between men and women. I think there's been a lot of trauma on both sides 😔
@EdwinRichard-e9m just want to add something else I thought about. You mentioned about the risks for men. I think there's risks on both ends. Maybe you haven't thought about the women's risks..I want to say this without it coming off as a competition on who has it worse Cuz it's not about that. Women have been left in poverty with children to raise alone after being mentally and physically abused. Plus the social judgment. I do understand that some men have been abused financially, emotionally and in some cases physically. This is good dialog I think that needs to be talked about.
This is crazy..... the lack of your knowledge about women is insane. Women have had zero expectations for eternity, it is in our dna. But God forbid that some of us achieved a little in life and wanted a partner echoing that. Suddenly we are delusional. Men are disenfranchised because they watch korn all day and night and are looking for hooookers instead of partners and women. MEN ARE THE ONES WHO ARE DELUSIONAL AND WOMEN ARE DISENFRANCHISED.........
What I'm taking away from this is that there's a large lack of accountability and by proxy, an even larger lack of self reflection from both sides. We can blame each other but the saying is "When you point a finger, there's also 3 fingers pointing back."
Absolutely. Good summary
Women have been supporting, creating, running households since the beginning of time, even when the men leave and the women have no one or nothing to depend on. Not even law or socail aid. You guys have lost your minds in the victim mentality, gaslighting women. Women are on OF because of MEN !! WOMEN ARE IN KORN BECAUSE of men. Like get a god damn life. Take some responsibility. Im sick of ya'll violins
Too many parallel "conversations" online. Women talk to women about men, men talk to men about women, and no one is making any sense. In the real world, everything is much more nuanced and much less confusing.
Women and men should spend less time on social medias or dating apps consuming BS fake lies and more time to connect in real life.
Thanks for the video Connor
Well said!
Delusional is wanting something in another, that you don’t bring to the table (looks, intelligence, wealth etc.) Delusional is wanting a frictionless fairy tale. This goes for men and women…. That is why you should value teamwork, growth, communication, compatibility over cheerleading, status quo/peace, mind reading and chemistry. It is important to ask… is this a good person I am proud of.
I've been doing everything that Man Talks says...and I'm not getting anywhere...just never ending rejections, shaming, and being referred to as "That Guy" for putting myself out there and getting rejected.
How much more resilient can one get without being compared to a robot?
At what point do these never ending rejections not start taking a toll on you?
Wait until the AI girlfriends are here. That's what I'm doing. Social media and dating apps have obliterated dating and relationships.
Ask a woman in real life.
@Sheyshel That's what I've been doing by "putting myself out there"
You might be too local in your efforts. If you've developed a bad reputation it could mean you tried too much in the same county. While you embrace the suck it is better if you spread the witnesses out geographically.
Give up. MGTOW Stop caring and it will no longer be an issue.
Granted, more resilience among men wouldn't hurt, but is it fair to criticize their reluctance to enter the dating market to this degree? Previous generations of men didn't have to deal with the consequences of MeToo, they didn't have to tolerate as much open misandry, they didn't have to worry about losing everything (including children) in predatory divorce/child custody courts and they (as men) didn't have to worry about being denied a positive identity. Today's risks are so much higher than just getting your feelings hurt from rejection. Self reflection and internal locus of control have limits. We can't keep poisoning our social environment and then just expect men to “man up” harder to compensate for the poison. Something has to give. Facing adversity with resilience is necessary, but lets stop pretending things are fair for men right now.
There's only two logical choices left. Men leave with their passport and form new families/communities outside the USA, or we swing the pendulum hard in the other direction, and America transforms from 1970s Iran to current day Iran when it comes to womens rights. Which do you choose Connor? Because both seem inevitable at this point
@@Sataneal42069 enjoy the imminent decline
Yeah I'm sick of the influencers just saying man up and deal with it. In my opinion the conversation should be one thing: men need to ruthlessly advocate for their own interests as an individual and as a group. We should have standards and accountability for anyone who is a long term prospect. And anyone who doesn't meet those should only get used for short term pleasure and discarded. With no apologies. Women play this game, men can play it, and win it.
@@benjaminolsen2381 Advocating for men’s needs/interests as a group, necessary (especially for dealing with the misandry in our laws and our culture). Having standards and accountability for long-term prospects, definitely need that. Using people (who don’t meet the standards) for short-term pleasure and then discarding them, no way. That last suggestion is something I would expect from the Female Dating Strategy (FDS) forums if the genders were reversed. Absorbing bad behavior from sources like that will make things worse. We can call out bad behavior without adopting it.
@@benjaminolsen2381 Advocating for men’s needs/interests as a group, necessary (especially for dealing with the anti-male attitudes in our laws and our culture). Having standards and accountability for long-term prospects, definitely need that. Using people (who don’t meet the standards) for short-term pleasure and then discarding them, no way. That last suggestion is something I would expect from the Female Dating Strategy (FDS) forums if the genders were reversed. Absorbing bad behavior from sources like that will make things worse. We can call out bad behavior without adopting it.
I promise one thing: I will NEVER date again. This topic is done and over as far as I'm concerned. What women want or don't want is not my problem anymore.
Thank you Conor. I know i am definitely the 'problem'. I simpmy was not prepared to take on that responsibility and truthfully, i brought very little to the relationship... in terms of conversation and leadership. Learning how to communicate and being more self reliant... accountability and reality 🤙
Very cool video A month ago, I ended a five-year relationship. My soulmate made the decision to walk away from me, and even though I've done everything in my power to get him back, I can't help but feel disappointed because I can't see my life with anyone else. I want to say that I've tried everything to stop thinking about him, but I simply can't. I miss him so much and I don't know why I'm saying this here.
I learnt the hard way that saying goodbye to someone you love is difficult when a 12-year relationship ends. But I was unable to let him go, so I made every effort to get him back. I eventually sought aid from a spiritual counsellor, and he was able to assist me in getting him back.
Interesting-sounding! How can I most efficiently get in contact with a spiritual counsellor that you recommended?
His name is Father Obah Eze, and he is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex.
he is father obah eze, he has great powers, he can help you.
I appreciate you providing this important information; I've just checked him up online. striking I just checked Father Obah Eze online, and wow, he's really genuine. Thank you so much again ❤
As a man, I invite you to step into, cultivate and nurture divorce court.
oh wow, now it is my fault
not them fucking around and treating me as their plan B?
Not your fault, but your responsibility. My message is to stop whining about women, thats the real beta move. So many men out here bitching about women non -stop. Sound like a bunch of children.
Well said. I think all of it comes down to just a lack of accountability and self reflection. Looking inward and asking if what you’re asking for in a partner is realistic not only that but also asking yourself if you are the partner that you would wanna be with because I feel like a lot of people want their particular person which it’s OK to have standards unless they’re unrealistic or they simply don’t live up to the standards that they want because if you don’t live up to those standards then how can you expect another person to?
men need to stop watching porn, and women need to stop Instagram.
How will that combat the female hive mind, economic dispersion by class and generation, and laws (legal and inherently social) that are punitive to men and don’t allow for nuance and investigation?
The last few women I've dated , they had incredibly poor communication skills.
Men sacrifice their happiness for their families, women sacrifice their families for their happiness.
@SilèneJakobsen Feminist dream right?! 😂 I mean, shit, fucking genius. Don't blame women for being the ultimate predators and abusers of other people! The mental health of the people they destroy will heal. Maybe. Eventually. Time heals all wounds, no?
Plus, It's a dog eat dog world out there! If women weren't cut throat in exploiting every advantage, then they themselves would be exploited, they say. 😂
There isn’t a decades long epidemic of women leaving their children and baby daddies that have been damaging swathes of people even going so far os creating a stereotype of a damaged woman as having “daddy issues” because of an absentee father
Oh please women also make many sacrifices. We are tired of serving a cheating lying man child and being drained
Thank you for saying the intrusive but truthful and caring things that we need to hear
IT should be spread another adequate constatation. Women wants MEN they don't deserved.
Men also are the same
Extremely balanced and poignant assessment of the situation here. Well done!
The main problem, in my opinion, is that the majority of men and women do not seek to embody the characteristics of the divine archetypes of masculine and feminine. I suppose the problem one layer deeper than this is the lack of adequate divine archetypes in society. They have been removed and replaced with synthetic ‘cultural’ icons (I say that in quotes because I wouldn’t consider what we have in the west as a true culture). The entire cultural model is inherently consumerism-based, and that will never produce meaningful examples to follow. When everything is a product to be bought and sold, stories like those of ancient mythologies don’t sell as well as cheap, flashy, algorithm-driven narratives do. The consumer products masquerading as culture are purposefully made to induce states of dependence and addiction, targeting the inner primal regions of the brain to induce a positive feedback loop of neurotransmitter mediated stimulus addiction.
Without an organic model of divinity, ultimately the majority, if not nobody at all, can truly embody the masculine or feminine. Without divinity, they both always fall short. Humans evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to require the sense of meaning, awe, mystery, and most importantly accountability that is thrust into our hearts when we have a conception and experience of ultimate reality itself.
Until we correct this deliberate, manmade mistake, we will always collectively fail to achieve stability, longevity, and peace.
I totally agree with what you had to say in this video. As a woman, I have created a perfect man in my head, that anytime I meet a man who contradicts one of my requirements, I immediately lose interest in him. I want to keep my standards, as I have been severely mistreated in the past, but I also know if I continue this mindset I will stay single forever. I would love guidance as to how to open my preferences up again, any other women relate or have overcome this themselves?
After years of being told that you're a princess, you probably actually believe that you deserve a perfect man.
Orion Taraband from psychacks has a good series in how to hunt for the man you want. He basically gives you pointers finding what you want. Because women are flush with optionality they have to be more proactive in their dating, passively waiting for the right guy will make you sure you loose to those who are more proactive.
@@MrPlaylistManisn't Orion Taraband red pill though? Given how toxic that psychology is for men I'd be wary of taking his advice for women too.
@edenlass9062 I think one's content is better observed on its merits rather than association. I've seen tons of red pill content and his doesn't have the same message of one sided blame. I will say he is pretty blunt so what he says can be harsh, but it's necessary if you want to take more agency within the market of dating.
So many of us are operating on old rules that don't work, so shining a light on how those things work can be painful but I find it important if you want to understand what's going on and how you can make it work.
I am a Sigma Female, not delusional, because I am old School with morals, self respect, integrity and I have a clear understanding of both men and women. I actually stand with MEN under attack by the jezebel demon in women.
Sweet pick me energy
Are you petitioning to take away women's right to vote?
Hail Lilith!
Appreciate it boss 👍🏾👍🏾
Thank you! Can you please bifurcate, multiply yourself exponentially? Greetings from Canada.
You speaking facts bro, for both sides of the coin 💯💯💯
Wild how many people just want to point fingers at the other side and talking about both sides makes you the enemy of many. Appreciate you tuning in
Years ago, I was somebody who used not to face conflict very well and would often seek the easy way out. However, only the violent conquer. If you take no risks and your passive, the world does, in fact, devour weak men like foot on a rug.
The concept of emotional resilience is new to me. When it comes to relationships and how do I start to develop this relational resilience if I start from scratch or from a place where I have atrophied in this area? How do I have to take those first steps, especially after years of being on autopilot?
Any advice helps. Thanks
“The Courage to be Disliked” by Ichiro Kishimi. Followed by “The Courage to be Happy”, same author.
Id still say the blame is pretty one sided since we dont really have an enforced standard for what being a "good women" entails yet most have no problems defining what a 'real' man is.
I'm not sure when the expressed standards for women dropped off but I believe it does contribute to having fantastical standards when it comes to dating men.
Men obviously have vastly different issues because they have to be the perceived best option or get passed over.
However these standards to be the best attractive option for women however do not Foster or prioritize goodness, so the immoral are to be favored in the dating market.
@@MrPlaylistMan Amazing post that describes the untold nuances of the issue
Guess what. Women feel exactly the same way about men, themselves as prospective partners, and the dating and relationship scene, as men do. As a man you simply aren't aware of the bombardment young women are getting to be 'the best option'. They are extremely insecure and feel pretty hopeless about their prospects of finding a good man who will faithfully love them. The whole men vs women has been completely fabricated by the media and the government.
@@edenlass9062 vvoman's standards are unrealistic. Men have extremely low standards.
Disagree with you take on men partially. The main issue is lack of any effort from womens side. You say that if youre a man, you should take the risk of approaching her.
I agree with you that if you are a human being, you should take calvulayed risk to attain somthing/someone what/who is ACTIALLY WORTH IT.
Now answer me this: if something wrong is happpening to women on a societal level, do good men not do everything in thier power to help out the women? Even at thier own risk and expense?
In todays world everyone knows the SOCIETAL level issues men are facing, the courts and law, academia, etc. The problems men face are not on an individual level, but on a societal level. Where are the good women who are fighting for making things fair? Where are they? When its a womans problem the women are found on the streets on a candle march protest, but the same good women try to tone down the problems men face. Where is the goodness in them??
What actially defines a person is not what they say, but what they do. For decades now, the so called good women with thier silence on societal level discrimination against men have shown how good they really are. Thier actions have shown that.
If i as a man ever got married to a woman, these are the things i would want to do for her:
1. Will try as hard as i can to protect and provide for her both physically and emotionally with my life.
2. If it ever comes to that, i would give up my life to protect her and the children.
3. I would try my best to make things exciting for her, make sure that she is not sad.
4. So on... Whatever is her NEED, i will try to get that for her.
I'm just 27, but i have already been on some 30+ dates till now, but i do not find a woman who seems to be capable of loving a man, just for him. The unconditional kind of love which i bring. Then is it worth it?
That is why i think tour take on men is wrong on this one. It only applies to some men. You seem to think here, that the symptom is the cause.
If those 30 something dates were with women you met online then there is a reason neither of you felt like investing. Before the internet men and women would see and interact with their person of interest several times, if not months or years before they dated. They most likely knew other people who knew their person of interest and could get more information on them. They were already emotionally invested and knew they were interested in that person before they got involved romantically. These days people are expected to rock up to some stranger on the street or online and take it from there. There is no trust, no context, no emotional investment. Women don't rate men they don't know very highly at all - and yet he is supposed to be able to impress her in this circumstance? And everyone has got the attention span of squirrels - the new 'better option' is potentially just a click away. It's awful for everyone! If you are looking for a meaningful relationship the long way round is to be sociable and have hobbies that enable you to get to know women, and them you, organically before dating them.
@edenlass9062 You are absolutely right on that one. To be frank, I know that whenever I face a situation where it's me vs a woman, I'll lose. That fear in me might have caused me to never give a few women the chance to get to know them more.
Sir, to many single mothers out there for half of what you said to be true.
Its an increase in narcissism on both sides that allows for a one sided relationship. Women end up delusional thinking they are some perfect 10 because of unrealistic expectations. That they deserve not only the world served to them on a silver platter. But to have a partner that worships the ground they walk on. This creates a one sided relationship dynamic which is the opposite of relating. Which in turn causes men to feel frustrated and unappreciated. They stop trying as hard or at all. As if they are d*mned if the do, d*mned if they dont. So they become more bitter and cold towards women as a result. Its creates blame and lack of accountability/ responsibility on both sides manifesting this problem.
Women seek out narcissists. They absolutely love them and want to make more of them. So no it's not two sides, it's one side.
Same said you what you said about women applies to men as well, lets be honest, we as men we aslo have things we can fix about ourselves to make our relationship better
So what if you build so much resilience that you cannot relate to the emotional needs of women? Due to a mix of skills, mentality, intelligence and resilience, life is so easy that I cannot understand why people have difficult moments in day to day life. I have very few fears and I'm achieving my goals pretty well to the point where my hopes and dreams is a reality. How can I relate to someone who is perpetually unhappy and insecure?
For sure bro. Because otherwise, we would then have to regress and go backwards - which will never happen on my watch.
I wouldn't be afraid of the risk if I felt like there was anything worthwhile on a success, but it really doesn't feel like there is. What the hell would having a girlfriend get me that I wouldn't get from having her as a friend instead? Sex? I don't need it.
Reuploads again? Whats going on?
Media whatever discourse self interest is undefeated.
So...a guy who follows up on what he says and doesn't cheat or have a string of women he's soft pursuing is delusional? Hm...
sounds like you pick winners to me
I see where you are coming from about women being delusional.
We are spoon fed "chick-flicks" like Cinderella. However, not all women expect the "perfect prince" or to be treated like the "dainty fragile princess" every day. Don't get me wrong, when it happens it is nice. When I am feeling a bit neglected by my partner and when I want to be treated like a princess I dress up all girly and "make" him treat me that way. (By which I mean I refuse to open doors, ex. the car door, I will stand there waiting for him even if he is already in the car. Usually it only takes the first time for him to get what I want the rest of the day.)
Before everyone goes jumping on my back the last time I did that was mid June so it is not even a monthly thing with us.
Grab your passports men. It's like the movie Wargames. The only winning move is not to play. Anyone interested in moving out of the USA can send me a dm
Is this a safe space?
It's a youtube commentary section... I don't think that classifies as a safe space. ;)
Based takes
And then you do find someone great. He approachs you, puts a lot of effort into pursuing you, the chemistry is amazing, and you fall hard for him. Then he starts pulling away after moments of closeness and intimacy because of his own fears and attachment issues. You try to be patient, but you feel helpless because the more effort and affection you give the more he pulls away. Then he breaks up with you, but keeps returning every few weeks and you're confused and heartbroken about how to get things to work with him. It's the most frustrating and heartbreaking situation because he is everything you wanted and you know you both have feelings for each other, but the inconsistency makes it so hard to have a stable healthy relationship 😢
What you've described is a player not a typical average man.
@@gonnacry4513 What I described is emotionally unavailable and avoidant attachment. I wouldn't call this guy a player. In fact, I don't think he's a bad guy at all, but he does have trauma from childhood that makes it hard for him to sustain a healthy relationship even though he genuinely wants the connection. Unfortunately, there is an epidemic of emotional unavailability (both men and women are impacted). For me, emotional unavailability is the biggest challenge in dating. Yes, not all men are like this, but there are a lot
So true
Solo men wandering around flirting is a problem for women getting offended? Problem solved...dont walk around solo and flirting, be a guy firting with women, with another buddy tagging along, how is she gonna accuse him of inappropriate flirting with a witness? Im so tired of this accusation against women, when men dont EVER ask why am i always out and about flirting as a solo guy, and not with a buddy.😮
That is the most nonsense approach I've ever heard
I'll start off by saying I agree pretty much with what you've said. I'd like to add something from a feminine perspective: when some men stop putting in effort after they've gotten the girl..or worse, made themselves appear different just to get the girl..from my experience and other women I've talked to, it felt like a bait and switch manipulation. I want to encourage men..women want to know the real you. You're authentic self is refreshing and super lovable. It hard for women to be vulnerable too, but it's a risk with a potentially high ROI. And it doesn't risk wasting time and hurting feelings.
Agree it isn’t like the man we want doesn’t exist it’s that they always pretend to be that man which shows they know the qualities we are searching for as women….and they withhold them later on….on purpose…women require higher maintaining then what men nowadays are ready to give…
If a woman is in an empty relationship with you other men are still viewing her as available you aren’t maintaining anyone….so she naturally will disappear
Interesting. This is similar to common concern I hear from the masculine perspective: when some women stop putting in the effort after they got their husbands (namely by withholding sex and affection), it felt like a bait and switch manipulation. As if the woman who was once enthusiastic about sex and intimacy disappears after the marriage agreement is sealed and becomes someone else. Not the common ground I was expecting. Unfortunately, lost time and hurt feelings are the least of men's worries in the today's dating market. I'm open to suggestions for making the dating scene better but even with a potential high return on investment, the risks look unreasonably high for men right now.
The real problem in feminism. Feminism claims that men and women are equal, but this is a lie. Furthermore the divorce courts are completely stacked against men, and men have effectively become second-class citizens, basically slaves.
@EdwinRichard-e9m this is interesting common ground. I do understand that most people try to make good impressions and after the high of the honeymoon phase real life sets in ..I guess.
Like I said, I understand that vulnerability can be scary. I personally have had relationships where he started using things I shared against me. I'm kind of guarded about sharing my fears and desires. But I think that's the solution. Both men and women need to be honest about fears and desires. Assuming they been introspective with getting to know themselves. People will grow and change but if both people had similar life goals and honest compassionate conversations and genuinely enjoy their company, I think that might go a long way.
Idk..I'm still learning about this stuff. I know I'm not the only one. I think everyone wants to feel loved and appreciated. I think it's sad that in modern times there is such a divide between men and women. I think there's been a lot of trauma on both sides 😔
@EdwinRichard-e9m just want to add something else I thought about. You mentioned about the risks for men. I think there's risks on both ends. Maybe you haven't thought about the women's risks..I want to say this without it coming off as a competition on who has it worse Cuz it's not about that. Women have been left in poverty with children to raise alone after being mentally and physically abused. Plus the social judgment. I do understand that some men have been abused financially, emotionally and in some cases physically. This is good dialog I think that needs to be talked about.
This guy spouts utter nonsense
@ he sits on the fence playing both sides
He speaks the truth. Relationships take 2 and he covers all aspects. If it doesn't apply, let it fly.
thanks Obama for creating this woke mess
😂😂😂blame the Elitists who run the show
well, he is married to a man, so...
This is crazy..... the lack of your knowledge about women is insane. Women have had zero expectations for eternity, it is in our dna. But God forbid that some of us achieved a little in life and wanted a partner echoing that. Suddenly we are delusional. Men are disenfranchised because they watch korn all day and night and are looking for hooookers instead of partners and women.
What makes you think women have had zero expectations?
I have to disagree 100%
And Korn is an excellent band