My Skinner gravity devices from Italy

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 48

  • @NathanCoppedgeVideos
    @NathanCoppedgeVideos Год назад +1

    Nice demonstration. One of the best I have seen with William Skinner's design. It is running nearly perfectly by Skinner's standards, unless there is a design component missing. I would guess the key problem with Skinner is you need a vertical component to gain energy. The efficiency between the vertical and horizontal by reducing resistance on the horizontal is what must be used to create energy. Skinner's device does not have a vertical component, and I am not sure if it uses the horizontal efficiently enough since there is no vertical being used as an input.

  • @buensomeritano1755
    @buensomeritano1755 2 года назад +5

    Watts in / watts out ??? PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION

  • @gettuff2
    @gettuff2 2 года назад +2

    Armando. There seems to be a lot of energy waste in the output sector. You could try direct coupling a generator, like the Fisher and Pykel washing machine motor, to the bottom of the out put swivel, doing away with the CV joint. In my opinion the problem you experience with the top sector dropping out, is due to trying to extract too much energy which drives the weight over the swashplates high point. The best angle between the the drive and driven plate is 90 degrees on the swash plate in other words the steepest angle on the plate, the swashplate being the theoretical path the weight takes as it turns. This exact angle can only be maintained by drawing the exact amount of energy from the system and that could be done by adjusting the charge rate for the batteries. Otherwise what you have built is correct. Well done. More weight and more speed.

  • @m.j.r.technologyreveiws1075
    @m.j.r.technologyreveiws1075 2 года назад +5

    Few understand the principal at work here. The device will work best as a multilevel device (about 10 levels) where each level up is reduced in size. Rotating the top level will take little effort but create a cascading chain reaction twist on the successive levels below as they attempt to align with the levels above. Like knocking over a gigantic domino using smaller and smaller dominos.

  • @rmendes2mendes915
    @rmendes2mendes915 Год назад

    In analyzing the best I can from watching the original Skinner video and experimenting myself you have to think about what is actually happening. there are four key facts that are happening and have to function together for this device to harvest gravity. You must have a weight, a mass, then you must have a lever in order to use leverage to manipulate the mass
    into a position where gravity can act on it. then you must have an oscillation created by the falling mass. I believe you can come up with other methods of harvesting gravity if you keep those same principles in the design. I'm not a believer in the elliptical theory of the lever. Yes the weights have to be lifted in order to fall and that is what the lever does to the first weight, it lifts it but also tilt's it. Once the weight is lifted by leverage and tilted, gravity can now act on it pulling it back down but it never reaches the bottom because the lever is continually lifting and tilting the weight, it's like surfing on an ocean wave, The wave lifts the surfboard and gravity causes the surfboard to fall but it never reaches the bottom because the wave continually lifts the surfboard. There is no jerking motions here which would be present in a elliptical orbit
    speeding up and slowing down. This machine has a smooth even continual rotation. The lever is lifting the weight but it's also kind of pushing the weight at the same time, just like the wave is doing to the surfboard. The second stage is exactly the same as the first stage only the second stage is being driven by a more powerful force. The second stage has its lever but it’s lever is driven by the first heavy mass instead of a small motor. The more leverage you use By increasing the length of the lever, the less power you will need to lift the mass and so you could increase the size of the mass. However increasing the lever length will also require a larger diameter circular path for the lever to make in order to lift the mass to a good height for gravity to act on it. The length of the lever and how far it protrudes out of the gimbal at the bottom will determine along with the Circular path the lever makes, how high the mass will be lifted. Also consider how the mass is falling, You are creating a incline a ramp and the higher you lift the mass the steeper the ramp or incline becomes. The steeper the ramp the higher the falling force of the mass.
    Another issue will be in balancing the weights, The first stage only has so much power and can only lift a certain amount of mass in the second stage, if you use too heavy of weight in the second stage the first stage wont be able to lift it. And if you don’t use enough weight in the second stage your power Amplification factor will be low. I would build the top section first, The motor size, the lengths of the lever arms and the size of the mass are all relative, consider them in relation and proportion to each other in order to tune the machine. You can make the levers longer or shorter you can increase the drive motor size you just have to adjust the size of the mass so the motor can drive it without overheating but remember to size your secondary mass large enough to create the maximum amplification.

  • @rmendes2
    @rmendes2 2 года назад +1

    Everyone keeps saying that the upper levers are rotating in a elliptical pattern yours are obviously going in a circular pattern and to me I think the circular pattern is correct there are too many problems with an elliptical pattern . It would be nice if you could respond to some of our questions so we can learn more about how your system works

  • @adrianaganencei2595
    @adrianaganencei2595 3 года назад +2

    Frumos bravo este rentabila inventia si eu am aceasta pasiune am construit si eu in Rominia ceva de 5kw 3 faze te apreciez

  • @2rleif1
    @2rleif1 4 года назад +6

    Most people on earth have a lot to learn, there is a lot of information online. Also, everything that is unknown is really simple and logical. Eg. technologies like the Zero Energy that come from the gravitational force. The earth can be made completely free of pollution. What Newton has written the laws is incomplete really. Nothing that is confusing really.
    It is important to maintain its analytical ability, obviously many who have lost and that is because the brain is shrinking. It is important to maintain the brain.

    • @valveman12
      @valveman12 3 года назад

      Most people on earth have a lot to learn? I'd say everyone has a lot to learn. Especially those who think free energy devices are real...

  • @alexmanzanero
    @alexmanzanero 4 года назад +1

    This is really nice setup, Armando

  • @beforebefore
    @beforebefore 5 лет назад +5

    Very nice!!! Power in versus Power out?

  • @gettuff2
    @gettuff2 2 года назад

    Armandos reply in English...Unfortunately, I didn't have time to run the tests I wanted. However, I noticed that under load it tends to disengage from the coupling of the first stage of the movement, as it is not a drag with an integral part but due to the eccentricity of the grip. I am not satisfied with my test

  • @buensomeritano1755
    @buensomeritano1755 2 года назад +2

    Sono curioso della differenza di efficienza tra il modello a colonna singola e il modello a 4 colonne. Ho costruito 3 modelli a colonna singola che non hanno mostrato alcun guadagno. Ho trovato un modello a 2 colonne che ha dimostrato l'effetto di controbilanciamento e annullamento delle perdite tra 2 colonne, fuori fase a 90 gradi. È logico che, se due coppie di colonne fossero fuori fase di 90 o 180 gradi dall'altra coppia, il controbilanciamento e la cancellazione della perdita, l'effetto sarebbe osservato nell'intero ciclo di 360 gradi e spiegherebbe perché Skinner ha utilizzato 4 colonne . Ciò suggerisce anche che non si possono semplicemente aggiungere colonne singole aggiuntive, né coppie, e si dovrebbe raddoppiare il numero di colonne ad ogni scala in su..... 2, 4, 8, 16, ecc. Numero totale di colonne divisibile per 4 e tutti in fasi a 90 gradi, da colonna a colonna, da coppia a coppia, da set a set e da gruppo a gruppo. Se il principio è funzionale, allora ogni colonna dovrebbe produrre una coppia sufficiente per funzionare da sola, ma non può farlo, continuamente, senza il controbilanciamento e l'inerzia della sua coppia di accoppiamento e l'inerzia dell'insieme del suo accoppiamento di serie.

  • @bendere1488
    @bendere1488 2 года назад

    The pattern of motion at the top it looks to be incorrect. Skinner's top weights seem to be 90 degrees out of phase with the motion of the top bars. So perhaps they are not really turning the top weights, they are "running away" or "falling away" from the top weights, making it effortless to turn them. If you looks closely at the Historic Images photo of the Skinner machine, there are what appears to be rollers on the right side of the top pulleys.

  • @rmendes2mendes915
    @rmendes2mendes915 2 года назад

    Awesome now please speak and tell us how it works and give us the input energy versus the output energy. Remember this is not about getting rich it’s about teaching the public you can harvest gravity and get a source of cheap energy other than paying through the nose for it share your knowledge as I will share mine

  • @natashad8551
    @natashad8551 3 года назад +1

    It is increasingly being confirmed that many practical devices can be produced and new export products can be created on the basis of Milković's inventions, which can certainly improve the overall economic situation and thus improve the general social situation.
    Large world-famous companies from India and China and America, which have their offices around the world, already produce devices based on the two-stage mechanical oscillator. These companies operate in Russia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Indonesia, etc. The mentioned companies are leaders in the production of machines for crushing ores and stones, and Milković's pendulum crusher patent is widely used within the new technology projects, where foreign companies recognized and realised the importance of Milkovic's invention.
    These companies used Milković's two-stage mechanical oscillator as a working mechanism with the lowest possible maintenance costs and maximum efficiency, applied it in the design of a new generation of industrial machines and are selling it worldwide.
    These are some of the forementioned companies:
    ALI BABA - multiple search results on industrial machines based on the technologies of Veljko Milković

  • @martinmyteberi3834
    @martinmyteberi3834 2 года назад

    Bravo 👏👏👏👏👏

  • @eugenbezgubov6435
    @eugenbezgubov6435 2 года назад

    Salve. Suo lavoro è impressionante! Non ho ben capito la funzione del peso superiore. Secondo lei, potrebbe funzionare senza lui? In proporzione, quanta potenza si può avere in uscita rispetto a quella in entrata? Grazie! Auguri per il lavoro!

  • @guewing9059
    @guewing9059 2 года назад

    please connect consumer and measure current Thank you

  • @2402dom
    @2402dom 3 года назад

    Is it a self running machine ?

    @RAFAEL_ANRIAL 5 лет назад +1

    The output energy is greater?

    • @unlicatese
      @unlicatese  5 лет назад

      Purtroppo non avuto il tempo di eseguire le prove che avrei voluto. Comunque ho notato che sotto carico tende a sganciarsi dall' accoppiamento del primo stadio del movimento non essendo un trascinamento con solidale ma per effetto della eccentricità della presa. Non mi ritengo soddisfatto della mia prova.

    • @igorkir
      @igorkir 5 лет назад

      quanto wat consuma e quanta produzione può essere ottenuta

    • @user-mf6ov9ys1t
      @user-mf6ov9ys1t 4 года назад

      это рабочая херня сто процентов))))давно искал подобное.)))это вертикальная и немного горизонтального.а можно полностью избавиться от горизонта,тоесть притяжения.но на горизонтально больше кпд.и из 4 валов 1 всегда работает на компенсацию)))

    • @andrewbell7122
      @andrewbell7122 4 года назад

      I’d like to read an English translation if it is possible please. Regards Andrew. Btw, excellent machine, Mr Skinner would be proud to see any working uptake of his invention. Well done Armando 👍

    • @buensomeritano1755
      @buensomeritano1755 3 года назад +1

      @@unlicatese Ho visto altri test che mostrano che c'è un carico massimo, relativo all'inerzia del peso finale di filatura. Finché il carico massimo supera l'ingresso, hai raggiunto l'overunity.

  • @rajmulay4062
    @rajmulay4062 2 года назад

    Dos it give over unity output?

  • @priyankaparhad6857
    @priyankaparhad6857 3 года назад

    hi sir his device is really in working

  • @buensomeritano1755
    @buensomeritano1755 3 года назад +1

    watts in / watts out?

    • @unlicatese
      @unlicatese  3 года назад +4

      I got encouraging results to be able to continue. I subsequently suffered a heart attack and it all stopped.

  • @shahjahan8
    @shahjahan8 3 года назад

    How you make this machine

    • @Torkx100
      @Torkx100 3 года назад

      Pesquise por Skinner device

  • @energiavadasz3328
    @energiavadasz3328 4 года назад

    I think the speed is to fast. Maximum60 rpm need.

  • @danonino2003
    @danonino2003 2 года назад

    Salve, funziona senza problemi?

  • @igorkir
    @igorkir 5 лет назад

    Ciao qual è il potere del consumo e dell'output

    • @unlicatese
      @unlicatese  5 лет назад

      Non ho ottenuto buoni risultati. Avrei dovuto effettuare nuovi test modificando il rapporto velocità secondario. Ma ho dovuto liberare il box e restituirlo al proprietario. Consegue? Smontare in una serata tutta la macchina . Oggi è a pezzi come il mio morale. Non dispongo di un sito idoneo per rimontato e sono costretto ad abbandonare il progetto.

    • @igorkir
      @igorkir 5 лет назад +1

      È un peccato che l'esperimento non sia stato ricevuto, ma grazie per aver provato comunque

  • @user-mf6ov9ys1t
    @user-mf6ov9ys1t 4 года назад +1

    это рабочая херня сто процентов))))давно искал подобное.)))это вертикальная и немного горизонтального.а можно полностью избавиться от горизонта,тоесть притяжения.но на горизонтально больше кпд.и из 4 валов 1 всегда работает на компенсацию)))
    Армандо супер!!!!!!)))))

    • @MrHalpak
      @MrHalpak 4 года назад

      вы сами пробовали собрать? Откуда уверенность на 100%?

    • @BioLog1985
      @BioLog1985 3 года назад

      я себе строю на подобии, но у меня изменена конструкция, более простой вариант, как сделаю выложу выложу!

  • @user-dv2ww2zp3b
    @user-dv2ww2zp3b 5 лет назад

    Пипеееец !