Elite Dangerous Odyssey: Exploration | Features Review, Breakdown & Analysis

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 199

  • @Rigel_Chiokis
    @Rigel_Chiokis 3 года назад +25

    When collecting my three samples, I look up the type in the Codex and that tells you how far apart they need to be. It's called Colony Range. Then I taget my ship and use that to measure how far I'm driving. So if I find my first sample at 100 metres and they need to be 500 metres apart, I drive by all samples until I'm 600 metres plus from my ship. Works like a charm. Also, driving on external camera set above the SRV looking down slightly is your best way to spot the bacterium, which are flat to the surface.

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад +1

      I've only just found out about the codex telling you how far apart they have to be .. like your methods as well, thanks for putting those here

    • @TheBuurPit
      @TheBuurPit  3 года назад +1

      Great tips, thanks for that! o7

    • @TheGranicd
      @TheGranicd 3 года назад

      I just jump around in SRV for better surveying.

    • @folcotook3049
      @folcotook3049 3 года назад +1

      today I learned...

    • @logicme847
      @logicme847 3 года назад

      When you have a nimble ship you're even faster just jumping in and out without retracting the landing gear 😉

  • @CruelViper88
    @CruelViper88 3 года назад +10

    For the Armstrong moment...the animation leaving/entering the ship...they could just do like 1 ship at the time?
    Like...start a community poll for which ship they want first/next. and have 1 ship animated once every....2~3 months? (just some random time).
    And just make it a option in the game menus to disable the animated entry/exit of a ship...so for example if you know your on a dicey mission you can enter/leave your ship quickly.

    • @TheBuurPit
      @TheBuurPit  3 года назад +5

      I'd vote for that.

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад +3

      Love this idea!

    • @Fedaygin
      @Fedaygin 3 года назад

      @DutchDuke: Please write this as a whole copy to FDev crew ^^

  • @kemokems
    @kemokems 3 года назад +34

    “Missed opportunity” - the Odyssey strap line. It really did come across as a minimal viable product release. Which is a massive shame 🙁

    • @snowstalker36
      @snowstalker36 3 года назад +6

      It was minimal for sure, and wasn't even viable at "launch". (Update 6 is the real launch.)

    • @ruthless4645
      @ruthless4645 3 года назад

      But, but it was a totally finished DLC!, they told us it was..... Right?

  • @ToCoSo
    @ToCoSo 3 года назад +21

    This is where launch should have been, 3 months from alpha to launch seems fair on the devs to change and polish things. I feel like Odyssey is now a good baseline, it needs those extra touches to make it great, a little more science for the collecting and some links to the notable phenomena would have been great, showing guardian or thargoid parts of the dna or origins also would have been cool. It feels like Thargoid and Guardian stories have been dropped by development and they have only returned in Galnet and CG's. Some unification would make the game feel amazing again, put mystery an excitement into our own on foot exploration. Great video too guys!

    • @milo13200
      @milo13200 3 года назад +2

      Hope Frontier will give an overhaul on Guardian and Thargoids in the future, let's say some more on story and structures to explore/collect/use.

    • @Fedaygin
      @Fedaygin 3 года назад +1

      @@milo13200 Indeed & to increase chances for the 'Hope' happens via feedback & suggestions to Official Forum & or directly via email.

  • @Rigel_Chiokis
    @Rigel_Chiokis 3 года назад +4

    About the lack of reentry effects: I think it comes down to our ships are making controlled entries in atmospheres much thinner than Earth's. Whereas space capsule and shuttles were in complete free fall and coming down at much higher speeds than we do. It was essential to their survival to burn on reentry as it did bleed off the tremendous speed they were moving at. So it's not entirely unrealistic that our ships don't burn on atmospheric entry. But it would have been pretty! Probably have to repaint the ship more frequently too.

    • @joshuahyatt9465
      @joshuahyatt9465 3 года назад +1

      This. E:D ships in glide move much slower than anything you'd see with a comet trail in such a thin atmosphere. Most space games get this wrong, so I'm happy to see no reentry effects for now, and I suspect they'll come later

  • @intergalacticGM
    @intergalacticGM 3 года назад +5

    As of now, exploration may benefit if we can do more than cash in for the genetic samples, for example it would be cool if we can synthesize something from them, or from chunks of "materials" extracted from them (more or less like with rovers or in ship materials), maybe making use of those settlements equipped with a lab. Imagine if among those you have to steal or take with use of force from settlements, you can get materials for engineers by exploring those planets with certain biological life forms. It would incentive exploration AND make settlements useful also for non FPS players.

  • @redthorne2836
    @redthorne2836 3 года назад +5

    Good video Burr, but I have to disagree. The new method of finding POIs on planets is a tedious, frustrating grind. They completely changed a game mode that has been in place for *years* and worked fine. Am I really to believe that with the "technology" available in-game that I suddenly cannot find exact, pinpoint locations *especially* of planetary geological features? Heck, even with today's technology I can look from a satellite and find volcanos. As an explorer, the new methodology has completely ruined my favorite playmode and experience. Completely. It is an example of a game developer implementing change for the sake of change.

  • @alecturner07
    @alecturner07 3 года назад +4

    Bravo - brilliant review imho. Really looking forward to the next video in this series.

  • @thelionsam
    @thelionsam 3 года назад +5

    The technical challenge of searching inship/SRV or n foot using scope or scanner or turret or just looking out the window is pretty engaging and challenging in certain topographies...
    Agree with pretty much everything Buur said 👍

  • @CMDRExorcist
    @CMDRExorcist 3 года назад +10

    Well spoken! There have been major improvements overall with still much room to grow. Exploration is so "open" that one size never fits all. I like how you said that collectively, the exploration elements work. That's because it's true. Some things by themselves are just...weird...and don't work, but overall...the mechanics are solid. Great stuff! o7

  • @Jan_von_Gratschoff
    @Jan_von_Gratschoff 3 года назад +10

    The ridiculous blue flashing teleport cone is still so goddamn jarring to see, it honestly feels like a bad joke. To think that a game studio having banged the immersion drum since forever can't be bothered to design disembarking any better than fade to black flashing teleport cones, is honestly highlighting the quality standards that FDev has slipped into.

  • @varthelm
    @varthelm 3 года назад +7

    I've spent most of my time in Elite doing exploration and I'm just not down with how they've implemented Exobiology. Basically, they have a dozen or so different life types that have have different names and color schemes (much like running into ice crystals in space). Effectively same item, different paint job, scan and watch Exo rank go up (barely and for no other purpose). I was 15k out returning from a galaxy spanning trip when Odyssey dropped. I dropped to planets, took dozens of screenies of this life, I feel like I've pretty much seen what there is to see. Its just all too "samey".
    That and they glassed over all my previous planetary based bookmarks, glorious mountains, etc, that I had all over the galaxy. But that is another discussion.

    • @Shadowkey392
      @Shadowkey392 3 года назад

      And how do you think Exobiology would go in real life? Because I’m guessing it would be just like it is in the game.

  • @jygamer2151
    @jygamer2151 3 года назад +4

    I only do exploration and salvage and absolutely love Odyssey! I also love the blue circle! After climbing the ladder or riding the lift in SC a few 100 times I really hope they would come up with some option like X4 where you can at least choose to rather press a button to get into the pilot seat. I'm loving every second in Odyssey

  • @TheGranicd
    @TheGranicd 3 года назад +6

    Reentry could have been done easy. Just fireball encompassing ship shield. Different ship just affects effect size.

    • @Shadowkey392
      @Shadowkey392 3 года назад

      It would only happen with planets with thick atmospheres, though. Thin atmospheres wouldn’t get that kind of heating.

  • @rogerwilcojr
    @rogerwilcojr 3 года назад +3

    I swear, during the early days of Odyssey, there was one time when I disembarked on a planet and it faded to black, and then faded to me walking down the ramp, and when I got to the bottom, I stepped of onto the planet surface (all animated - I wasn't using controls). I've never heard anyone else have this happen to them. I wish I was recording, but I haven't done that in 5 years. Anyway, it definitely happened that one time, so they do have something, but they just aren't letting us see it. Instead all we get are the sound effects of boots stepping. Hopefully we will all get our real Armstrong moments in some future patch.

  • @cmdrvernondingo1540
    @cmdrvernondingo1540 3 года назад +12

    " it would be nice to see some meaningfull game play " - that about sums it up .

  • @CMDREagle131
    @CMDREagle131 3 года назад +5

    After being on the verge of quitting and uninstalling at launch, I'm glad you fine people saved me from doing something dumb :D
    I pretty much mirror your views there (don't let it get to your head).
    It's a dang shame about hooning, and it was one of the original reasons why I was so mad. I understand that it's an emergent gameplay and at complete mercy of the game, but we were lead to believe that FDev had our backs. I have indeed forgiven them on that, but I won't forget that. Have hopes we may find a new place to hoon one day, but until then I have retired that pasttime. Much appreciated from me, and i am sure the rest of the hooning community for the shoutout :)
    That being said, Odyssey post patch 6 has some of the most breathtaking visuals and vistas I have ever seen in Elite. Planet surfaces are no longer as flat as they once were at launch either!! It has also become a lot more stable since. Still really enjoying my time playing and seeing the sights.

  • @mertar3608
    @mertar3608 3 года назад +4

    I would love to see more in-space dangerous stuff when out exploring, active black holes and Magnetar stars for example.
    And for the plant sampler, maybe getting samples based on conditions such as 1 from a young plant another from an older planet, maybe even get a sample from a withered plant.

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад +1

      totally with you on this!

    • @Fedaygin
      @Fedaygin 3 года назад

      Hope you send / have sent these to FDev crew via official forum or directly via email. *Fingers crossed for posit. reply from them* :)

  • @larkshadow5317
    @larkshadow5317 3 года назад +1

    Great update Mr and Mrs Burrs. Love your videos.

  • @saltyscot078
    @saltyscot078 3 года назад +2

    Fantastic video as always, Thank you Buur Pit

  • @Challenger160
    @Challenger160 3 года назад +4

    Ahh man can't wait to touch down on an atmospheric world on my exploration trips. Oh wait, I'm on console...

  • @edt6290
    @edt6290 3 года назад +6

    Too little, too late for me. I'm now playing another game now. Maybe I'll pop back in next year, see if FDev has made adjustments that will peak my intrest.

    • @CMDRExorcist
      @CMDRExorcist 3 года назад +4

      Nobody is going to judge you for playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure instead of Elite, but for God sakes, you don't have to constantly remind us.

    • @edt6290
      @edt6290 3 года назад +2

      @@CMDRExorcist cool. Thanks for your opinion. Just so you know. I just CXL'ed the pateron pledge to the Pit and Unsubed. Since my opinion doesn't matter...

    • @Apophes
      @Apophes 3 года назад +1

      @@edt6290 Well that good thing that your opinion doesnt matter, I bet all you can day is "I want interiors"

    • @edt6290
      @edt6290 3 года назад

      @@Apophes wrong. but thanks for guessing. I want better FPS game play. cover, concealment and leaning from cover. I want ship boarding and EVA. I want LESS grind and more fun, intresting gameplay. Above all I wanted to FIND stuff while out in the black. Other races and full earth like planets WITH life and greenery. Yes interiors would be a nice thing to have. But what FDev has given us is half baked and lazy. The only way we the player base will get the game we ALL want is to hold the devlopers to a standard and quite "Fan Boying" for them.

    • @Apophes
      @Apophes 3 года назад +1

      @@edt6290 fdev gives you foundation just like horizon. Dont know why they decided to Rush release but anyway. Where is grind? I can without any problem upgrade my ship. If you mean grind for guns, then yes, 1 model per spot is bad.

  • @LokiZemy
    @LokiZemy 3 года назад +1

    Well said sir. Very insightful and fair analysis. I hope frontier are listening. Video shots are amazing! thank you 👍✌

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад +1

      Thank you, glad you enjoyed the videography too ❤

  • @ivanputignef2418
    @ivanputignef2418 3 года назад +8

    This is my favourite channel about ED. Logical and well argumented, whether one agrees or not, it's always worth a listen.
    In addition, while most YT channels can be listened to without watching the footage, the Buur Pit's video content MUST be seen!

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад

      That's a lovely thing to say, thank you ❤

  • @24393813
    @24393813 3 года назад +2

    Fantastic video and well presented. It will be interesting to see where the Odyssey expansion is in a years time.

  • @cmdrsaigon6453
    @cmdrsaigon6453 3 года назад +2

    Pretty much spot on! Only two things I would add is 1. existing explored stellar phenomenons etc. should be kept intact otherwise all those explorers' time under Horizons would have been wasted and not right by the Community. 2. the "auto" Neutron Star FSD route is a fantastic addition in EDO.

  • @imushavem7504
    @imushavem7504 3 года назад +8

    "Lacking in depth" is the common theme I'm having. I don't want to go negative as I've loved my time with the game. Thanks for keeping us informed about the game. Fly safe commanders. o7

  • @FrendlyM
    @FrendlyM 3 года назад +1

    I've heard this argument about "animations of leaving the ships would be too expensive" but when your ship is in the startup menu or in the outfitting screen you can see on almost every ship a "ramp" with stairs that drops down from somewhere slightly behind the cockpit. I think it is there even for all the small ships, so the entering/exiting animation would be just a walk down/up a ramp for all ships. There doesn't need to be a special animation for every ship. Maybe some of the ramps are steeper than others but that would most likely mean tweaking the animation for small, medium and large ships as groups.

  • @cmdrwaylander1213
    @cmdrwaylander1213 3 года назад +5

    Another great video, well balanced. But I'm sorry this whole 'great starting point' doesn't hold any water. Wings/teams still just a very basic placeholder same for bgs, for powerplay, for squadrons, for carriers!! Weve been waiting all this time for Odyssey and well there's a fine line between love and hate and that line gets thinner every month that goes by where there is no roadmap, no new features, after the underwhelming launch of odyssey you would think Fdev would address this. They also really need a new marketing team..."Armstrong" moment my arse, more beam me up scotty.. they could have at the very least had you leave the chair walk to the lift, enter THEN fade to black at least we could look around the cockpit. Eagles could have had the cockpit open up with the camera showing you in the cockpit, you get up and then fade to black. Maybe that's no better I don't know.
    That said keep up the good work, you are one of the few creators still putting out Elite content..

    • @ruthless4645
      @ruthless4645 3 года назад +1

      So basically the whole Odyssey DLC is just a placeholder for a game..

    • @cmdrwaylander1213
      @cmdrwaylander1213 3 года назад

      @@ruthless4645 yes

  • @MusicForHourss
    @MusicForHourss 3 года назад +3

    Here from ObsidianAnt

  • @VerticalBlank
    @VerticalBlank 3 года назад +1

    I can't agree that the blue circle/cylinder is in any way necessary or acceptable.
    *Every* ship already has a fully modelled cockput/bridge with an exit door, plus some form of exit hatch on the hull, with or without a staircase or ladder. All they had to do was connect the two with the same sort of turbolift used in the stations, and implement extendable ladders for the hulls that use them -- which is very much a solved problem in both flatscreen and VT gaming.

    @MR.MACH1NE 3 года назад +8

    Thanks for the great video and your insight into the Odyssey update. For me the Odyssey launch ruined my love for Elite, I keep dipping my toe into it once a month to see how it's going and top up my carrier balance. Until more is added to the game I'll carry on playing all those games I've been putting off for the last few years.

    • @wendake215
      @wendake215 3 года назад +4

      Same here, Odyssey drove me away from Elite...jumping in a few hours each updates to see what is going on but I'm clearly not sepnding as much time as I was before. Good way to discover new games though.

    • @VerticalBlank
      @VerticalBlank 3 года назад +2

      Same here Commander, Odyssey killed my love for Elite too, and I too am working through my game backlog.

    • @MR.MACH1NE
      @MR.MACH1NE 3 года назад

      @@VerticalBlank every cloud has a silver lining!

    • @VerticalBlank
      @VerticalBlank 3 года назад +1

      @@MR.MACH1NE I still think that Elite is a wonderful game that has a wonderful galaxy to show to its players. The 1:1 scale model of the Milky Way galaxy is awe-inspiring for anyone who has ever looked at a real-life star and wished to go there.
      Plus flying in VR is just awesome.
      It is sad that FDev have lost their way recently, and I can trace it directly to the TenCent sell-out.

    • @Apophes
      @Apophes 3 года назад

      @@VerticalBlank dunno why, odyssey is like horizon, foundation without content (dunt know why for odyssey fdevdecide to Rush release). So im sure they will add New content. Atleast I hope they stopped with making new games and start to hire new people. 600 employers is not enough for making new game and updating mmo.
      And problem for me, why I stopped playing odyssey is performance, after seenig new graphic, planets, and etc Icant play horizon.

  • @horseteeth6139
    @horseteeth6139 3 года назад +1

    Well done Cmdrs. Thanks again to everyone at the Pit. o7

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад

      Thank you for watching and enjoying our stuff :) o7

  • @harryunderhill5041
    @harryunderhill5041 3 года назад +3

    Frontier didn't have to spend loads on animation and modeling for the thirty odd ships to get the Armstrong moment. For a lot of ships they just had to spawn at the top of the existing stairs rather than the bottom. They already did a bunch of work refining the models for Odyssey so it's a shame this wasn't thought of. It's just another swing and a miss. Also, the blue column itself doesn't help. Just tone it down. First footfall and the view isn't helped by getting a blue tint that you have to take a few steps to clear before seeing at atmospheric colours. Some players say first footfall is better from the SRV because there's no blue column mucking up your view.

    • @rogerwilcojr
      @rogerwilcojr 3 года назад

      FYI, it was thought of, because I was spawned halfway down the landing ramp of my Krait and they animated me walking down the rest of the way and stepping/jumping off at the bottom. I think this was the first time I heard the stepping sound effects as well. It only happened once, but it did happen. So here's to hoping they will release this simple feature in a patch. It would be even easier if they just spawned us at the top of the ramp as you suggested (no animation necessary). I think one problem is the scale of some of the stairs, like on the Cutter. They may need to fix all of those problems first.

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад

      @@rogerwilcojr you can walk up and down a few of the stairs to about half way still .. Mamba, Cobra, Krait ... it's soooo tantalizingly close to that door as well!

  • @ForkOperator
    @ForkOperator 3 года назад

    The Buur Pitt. When everyone else bails on this game and moves to Star Citizen, under understandable circumstances, you remain here and never leave or change. Always looking for more news and information from this channel because you’re the one who stayed. Thank you

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 3 года назад +1

    Oooo or mix samples to make a new strain. You replant and it can grow, and create weeds

  • @JorgeEscobarMX
    @JorgeEscobarMX 9 месяцев назад

    This video is 2 years old! is so relevant today.

  • @emgee44
    @emgee44 3 года назад +1

    First foot fall! From what I’ve seen so far your feet never actually touch the ground, you just float a couple of inches above the ground. Still more work to do

    • @frankshailes3205
      @frankshailes3205 3 года назад

      Check your graphics drivers. There should be footprints and everything.

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 3 года назад +4

    Everytime I see yamiks's Armstrong moment it makes me smile.

  • @SeaDogJak
    @SeaDogJak 3 года назад +1

    I am an Explorer, I have played all the Elite games since 1984, After completeing the 'training' gameplay to Odyssey I uninstalled ED. I have no interest in a FPS game. This is the first video I have seen that makes me want to play again. Well done Cmdr o7

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад +1

      I have absolutely no interest in FPS either .. ultimately all the things that were my game in Horizons are all still there, but now just much better. All I do is explore and film/photo the galaxy. That's my whole game and Odyssey has totally enhanced that for me.

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 3 года назад +1

    One day we will enter that door thing on foot at some of the guardian sites

  • @ElvisKremmen
    @ElvisKremmen 3 года назад +1

    Great vid as always you two, this might have actually tempted me to go out exploring since I havent tried it yet in EDO. It takes me back to Horizons launch and how much that was broken and what we ended up with in the end. I think there are lots of things still to come and I can only hope Fdev can pull this one out of the bad launch and bring some of those old players back coz from seeing a lot of screenshots and videos its a stunning game out there.

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад +1

      Thanks and yeah, hopefully more stuffs to come and then people will come back, it might be a trickle but I think a it will end up being a relatively small percentage that walk away for ever. It's still a stunningly beautiful game!

  • @Shadowkey392
    @Shadowkey392 3 года назад

    Good to see Frontier is improving things. Odyssey still has a way to go, but it’s getting there. Slowly but steadily.

  • @johnhooton8299
    @johnhooton8299 3 года назад +1

    I have had a few first foot on planets and enjoy the exploration side of the game, but after while, it does get a bit samey one ice planet starts to look like the last, it would have been nice to do a bit of on foot mining or even ships you could scavenge from not just the odd SRV to cut open, and small crash site with drones. But it's getting better each update, and looking forwards to any good changes, maybe even a ship you never know?

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад

      For sure will be interesting to see what content is coming, FDev have said it's there and will arrive... just not sure what or when now. Here's hoping for some cool stuffs! :)

  • @wendake215
    @wendake215 3 года назад +1

    Well I couldn't agree more with every point you mentionned. As it happens too many time with Elite, it feels like barebone and could become great with some fleshing out. I really hope they address all the problems you spoke of.

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад

      They always just need to kind of cross the T's and dot the i's ... and it would flesh it out just that little bit better, agreed

  • @armanuki38911
    @armanuki38911 3 года назад +1

    The "easy" idea for scientific exploration: Plants should be procedural and the "seeds" of species should be considered DNA. Then explorers could find relationships between the plants on different planets, tracing back the path of panspermia.

  • @KOS762
    @KOS762 3 года назад

    Things that might help get the scanners right. Or ideas for other "Tools", explorers should have. or even a "multi" Scanner that does it all. Here are my suggestions of REAL life Tools all ready to go.
    Portable chemistry lab: for testing soil samples
    Biosignature Gas detection Device: For finding life forms on planets or moons.
    Small space telescopes: for direct imaging of small areas on planets from Orbit
    Handheld X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer : For scanning rock chemistry
    The laser-induced breakdown spectrometer: finding light elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen

  • @nozefian
    @nozefian 3 года назад +2

    I found this video very informative guys - thanks for this. And I liked that it didn't focus on bugs and fixes and more just the "game" (aka way of life haha) itself.

  • @57thorns
    @57thorns 3 года назад

    The pulse wave is really useful when you land your ship and are not sure in what direction that bacteria colony really is. Especially when you have landed on top of it the green light cover your ship as well. The sound is also a great indication.

  • @NielsC68
    @NielsC68 3 года назад +1

    Regarding the Artemis suit for people out in the black.... well.... I got a pistol or whatever for whatever reason without anything what so ever to shoot at. Not that I'd want that.

  • @TheActualJae
    @TheActualJae 3 года назад

    They can get around the blue circle by doing what X4 does. Just have one egress/ingress and have an elevator at the back of the cockpit that goes straight to the stairway. I would, of course, prefer a full interior. But a nice staircase would be great...

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 3 года назад

    I only wish you could scan upto three different samples at once. At the moment you need to complete one before doing the next type. And the expansion is well worth the money, the settlements and planets are stunning

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад

      Yeah agree Lee, it's frustrating to have to run past other plants just cos you can only get one sample at a time, I really though that'd be an engineering upgrade or mod. Expansion is so worth the money like you say though, I'm loving exploring again

  • @valorin5762
    @valorin5762 3 года назад

    Excellent review. Nothing to add!

  • @dc7365
    @dc7365 3 года назад +1

    Just waiting for it to drop on console so I can see what all the fuss is about.

  • @joshuahyatt9465
    @joshuahyatt9465 3 года назад +1

    @Buur Pit Going too slow for reentry plasma. Star Citizen shows reentry flames at ridiculously low speeds. For context, space shuttle travels at 7,000 m/s on reentry, where cruise drops you into glide at 2,500. X-15 traveled at close to that in thin atmosphere, no visible flames (heating yes, plasma no). I hate when games add reentry plasma where it doesn't make sense, so I was relieved to see none in E:D. On larger planets with thicker atmospheres, it'll be a sight to see, though

    • @TheBuurPit
      @TheBuurPit  3 года назад +2

      Ok that's fascinating!
      I honestly didn't realize that... Thanks for the tip! O7

    • @stevethompson5265
      @stevethompson5265 3 года назад

      Now the question you have to ask is, can you actually enter the atmosphere at the low speeds seen in ED, what is your orbital speed and how do you get rid of all that speed so fast. How do you get from orbit to low atmo that fast without producing massive amounts of heat?

  • @andreasplosky8516
    @andreasplosky8516 3 года назад

    FDev definitely needs to add atmospheric entry effects: visual heating of the hull, sound effects, shaking of the ship.
    That would really enhance the experience so much.
    The fact that FDev did not even try is extremely disappointing. I think it is a downright blunder.

  • @texnorthman
    @texnorthman 3 года назад

    I'm really surprised that FDev didn't at least allow us to walk around the cockpit, go to a door at the back, fade to black, then we appear on top of a ramp or similar. That would mean adding a ramp or a platform+ladder to each ship, an animation for getting into the pilot seat, and maybe polishing up the cockpits a bit. That blue circle is incredibly jarring after playing Star Citizen.

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 3 года назад

    Have you noticed the wind noise when approaching a planet. Unfortunately is not just those with atmosphere

  • @monohive
    @monohive 3 года назад +1

    This is all great and all but where’s that 90 minute mixtape set to cmdr Rheeny’s footage that we were never promised ?

  • @tiberiusdave252
    @tiberiusdave252 3 года назад +1

    Great video and as per usual a very thoughtful and balanced run down. I do think , as your truly magnificent footage shows (your filming gets better and better each time btw) the graphics are just getting better and better. I am even more optimistic that FD will continue to build on this/ optimisations/ lighting etc and along with that add in more gameplay (especially some of the things you mention like comets etc). They do need to look at the Dyson. Dare I say it I was one of the few who enjoyed the mini-game and was sad to see it go! Which just goes to show that with a game like Elite people just have different ideas/needs/wants from and opinions about the game. Which kind of brings me back to my opening point- the balance that you strike in your videos is excellent: honest; thoughtful; critical; optimistic.
    Plus… I can also highly recommend cmdr exorcists video. That was helpful in understand the scanner!!!

    • @TheBuurPit
      @TheBuurPit  3 года назад +1

      Thanks, Dave. Appreciate your thoughts. Glad you like our stuff :) o7

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад

      Thank you so much! ❤

  • @HeinerS
    @HeinerS 3 года назад

    I am an explorer and your review is pretty much spot on (as always). Personally I am taking a break from ED (though I did buy into the Alpha), but not the least because I have spent about 1500 hours playing it over the last two years and I am just a bit fatigued by it. It is still my favourite game though and I am sure in a few weeks I'll fire up my Krait again which is patiently waiting on a planet in a system not too far away from the the Galactic core.

  • @sigurdrr1015
    @sigurdrr1015 3 года назад

    Definently waiting for a lot more on the exploration end. They did a good start there. Hope for more soon

  • @yannmaenden7236
    @yannmaenden7236 3 года назад

    Surely the problem with the Armstrong moment is that you can't walk around your ship to get to a stairwell ?
    If you're talking about investing time and money in the game I, personally, would have liked to see more investment in scenery, re-entry etc etc and less in the gunfight at the OK scenario with which Frontier seemed obsessed.

  • @logicme847
    @logicme847 3 года назад

    I completely understand that Frontier is focusing their efforts on Warhammer.
    Still, it's a shame that they don't want to deliver the surprises everyone would like to see.
    1) An EVA suite. Finally real space legs 😉
    2) New SRV with 2 seats. Is it so difficult to increase the size of this vehicle using the SLF bay to drop them?
    3) New ships. It's most obvious that new gameplay generates new toys.
    4) Fleet Carrier Concourse. Honestly, this should have been there already...
    5) Giving the Thargoids a face. Maybe they forgot how to create things.
    6) Generating Emoji's. Starting with a simple o7 to greet other Cmdr's.
    7) New unseen missions combining on foot exploration - combat - mining and exobiology to be shared with "infinite" Cmdr's.
    If you read this Frontier, I can start creating a new division called "ED Opportunities" tomorrow 😉
    This aside, love the game and it has unmeasurable potential for millenniums to be.
    Unfortunately, it's like you explained. They lack the funding. But there are ways to generate them.
    Thanks for your awesome presentation and take care ✌️

  • @jacobside2656
    @jacobside2656 3 года назад

    Under designed and developed can be applied to the entire Odyssey release.

  • @TheYamiks
    @TheYamiks 3 года назад +2

    one thing i note about your "apologizing" rhetoricon "armstrong moment " : you perceive that it should be all ANIMATED, while completely dismissing that it could just as well be teleporting outside the chair in the cockpit with no animations and simply walking to the exit with existing walking animations and that be the "moment." On smaller ships maybe 1 or 2 needs an animation but considering how massive every ship is in ED this perceived notion of "but they would have to animate this" is bullshit!

    • @bitflipped
      @bitflipped 3 года назад

      It's a bit of a stretch to suggest that teleporting out of a chair and walking towards a door could be classified as an "Armstrong moment". I believe it was "it's one small step" not "it's one small door handle"

    • @TheYamiks
      @TheYamiks 3 года назад +1

      @@bitflipped Oh sure, what their PR guys thought this would be is that "being first on the planet with feet" but forgetting that the real part of that historical moment of "man on the moon" was NOT the landing so much as it was when Armstrong got out of the module and slowly stepped on the surface. The whole thing of disembarking was the "MOMENT"

    • @bitflipped
      @bitflipped 3 года назад

      @@TheYamiks I'd argue that there's no way to capture that with the way the game works at the moment anyway. Planets need to be a lot more meaningful before I'd feel anything special due to being the first to land on one. So the method of disembarkation doesn't really matter to me. As soon as planets are more than land, grab some biological scans, maybe take a few screenshots, and move on to the next I may care more about how I appear on the surface. I'm a big fan of immersion in games, but only where it has meaning.
      The thing I'm most concerned about is that Horizons (before my time) and Odyssey were both heavily connected to landing on planets, but fdev don't seem willing to innovate in that area, or even step up to the boundary of what modern tech can do. Give planets a "wow factor" and then I'll care about how I end up standing on one.

  • @peterjanbo657
    @peterjanbo657 3 года назад

    i only played elite dangerous a little bit. never got into it. is good for me to get into the game now? cheers!

  • @alp7178
    @alp7178 3 года назад

    Can I use the same horas xml file I have in horizons?

  • @b.delacroix7592
    @b.delacroix7592 3 года назад +2

    Super great. A review without the hyperbole.

  • @Bigalldone
    @Bigalldone 3 года назад +1

    Elite Dangerous = Same lemon in the FD juicer.

  • @GrahamIsOnTheTube
    @GrahamIsOnTheTube 3 года назад

    Odyssey should always be compared against the price point it was sold at - in this case a full price game. The cost of a product carries an expectation of quality, and paying full price, with the assurance that 100 people worked on ED should, in my opinion have delivered a fuller experience....and this includes at least some ship interiors with a promise of more. What was delivered at launch felt rushed and incomplete and what we have now still feels incomplete for the price that was asked.

  • @novatriio
    @novatriio 3 года назад +1

    Clicked STRAIGHT away! Nice!

  • @BlackStar250874
    @BlackStar250874 2 года назад

    For some reason I missed this video..
    Anyway.. Exploration possibilites are really narrow in Odyssey and sampling tool is a weird limited choice.
    And like you said about life, it is like finding pine trees, 200 light years away from Earth that are 100% identical with the ones in here.
    Universe and life does not work that way at all. Universe does not even have a predefined list for species types it needs to create, like insects or well, even cats.
    Maybe many explorers are not that deep into xenobiology (so they do not care about identical species in different planets), but certainly I am.
    If you ask me, then yes, they look nicely designed however, and there is some great thought behind many.
    But I think procedurally created things would have made more sense, and is certainly possible when carefully made.
    Sadly many planets contain far too different organic life, from Earth like green grasses of flowers (that funnily enough even sway) to pink weirdo mushrooms.
    Many planets just get a randomized selection from the list, and not something that is even vaguely based to science in that particular locale.
    It seems Frontier lost interest to real science somewhere along the way. This can be seen also how you walk (or even run) around normally in really low G, while SRV still partially obeys basic laws of physics.
    And about planet tech? That erased thousands of previous planetary feature finds that are gone now, including mine. That is enough for many explorers.
    It is now pretty much impossible to find interesting planetary features or details from planets or moons anymore. And I *again* mention central peak craters, which are also gone.
    All now we get is copy/paste details, which are all over the place.
    Maybe smaller detail on the ground is more realistic for that space legs experience, but larger scale planetary terrain is now only a pale version of previous one.
    o7, commander.

  • @misterd4663
    @misterd4663 3 года назад +1

    Where is the water and nutrients these bio plants need in order to exist where they are found. And the creatures that depend on them. These bio plants are the most unrealistic feature added to EDO.

  • @bh-2198
    @bh-2198 3 года назад

    They could have just made a spot light on the ground where the boarding point is. No stupid blue circles.

  • @night5124
    @night5124 3 года назад +1

    New ship content aka a new srv or two and a new ship or two that's all i want now
    I got Odessy for the promise of ship interiors down the line to then be told after i brought the dlc they are not coming.
    They need to keep to thier strengths and add space ship content to their space ship game.

    • @Apophes
      @Apophes 3 года назад

      They never promised interiors in odyssey, interiors will be in game, but than not gonna be dlc, because fdev said themselves, that elite will get 3 expansion, we got 2 already, and interiors and nothing that expands game.
      We just have to hope, fdev not gonna be making other games after jurassic Park eco 2, atlest for 3-5 years, because they simple dont have enough man power

  • @gt2038
    @gt2038 3 года назад

    I thought that uncovering 50 earth like planets all within 70 jumps from my FC would have sparked some interest with FD. Looking for new areas to colonise should be paramount for the continued existence of the species. Nobody seems interested. Maybe earth like planets are not high on the agenda?

  • @jasonck9635
    @jasonck9635 3 года назад

    I know odyssey will eventually get there ! They always do , just takes a bit of patience on our part I guess !

  • @michaelgerard7177
    @michaelgerard7177 3 года назад

    Nice vid Burr. How about more on foot gameplay systems? Ship interiors would be badass! At least put interiors in fleet carriers. Needs more guns. A few new ships. Needs on foot thargoid missions and some hand crafted story missions would be the icing on the cake. If all that is added and improved performance and then ED would be 10/10 fuggin awesome.

  • @ojassarup258
    @ojassarup258 3 года назад

    I honestly don't think entry/exit from 30 ships will require a star citizen level budget. Other games have vehicle entry/exit animations too, e.g. Arma 3. It is a time consuming and manual process of course, but should be doable without 400 million US dollars.

  • @ubermeg
    @ubermeg 3 года назад

    Good video with some excellent constructive criticism.

  • @tigerente5256
    @tigerente5256 3 года назад

    Well I actually don't have the Odyssey DLC and the thing always pretending me to buy it are the bad reviews (like on STEAM etc.)
    But I feel like most of the bad comments were taken at the release of Odyssey, because people were disappointed. So is it worth the 30$? Or will it maybe become worth it?

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад

      Most of the bad comments were absolutely at release, when the game was in a terrible state. There's still a way to go, but it is much much better since the last patch and they will keep on with the fixes. I certainly think it's worth the 30£ or so, I love Odyssey even with the bugs that still need fixing and since launch I've never felt the need to go back into Horizons, and that's a good enough benchmark for me.

  • @hubbleenjoyer800
    @hubbleenjoyer800 2 года назад

    4:20 am i the only one seeing that thing in the sky hovering over the star? is that a ship?

  • @intergalacticGM
    @intergalacticGM 3 года назад

    Anyhow, I'm not sure about how expensive would be for Frontier to develop animation for CMDRS getting out of their ships and SRVs, but it's really something I'd like to see... along with ship interiors, even if that would take another paid expansion.

  • @CofraPoulet64
    @CofraPoulet64 3 года назад

    Nice video, my point of view on Odyssey is this addition is great, of course suffered a bit for a buggy release but for myself was not much affected. But for me remain a big issue, specially considering that exploration is one the main focus of this extension (except the on foot pew-pew)
    Let pass the first big let down mentioned on the video about you need to go into a station to purchase one of the suits (or all), being a Beagle Point at the release, it was an unhappy 30 k LY down trip to Explorers Anchorage and the same distance to go back to the Abyss. Now what do FDev want us to do with all those exobiology scan if we have no way to cash them, FDev need to include a Vista Genomics office on Fleet Carriers, or at least on the ones from DSSA, please or we will loose interest on this feature

    • @cmdrrheeney
      @cmdrrheeney 3 года назад

      Hoping FDev put it on the DSSA carriers, it would give them that added purpose as well and would be an excellent solution

  • @XellithUS
    @XellithUS 2 года назад

    Maybe its time to make another video. Its been a year. I just picked up ody and would like to know what is actually improved from launch, if anything.

    • @TheBuurPit
      @TheBuurPit  2 года назад


  • @MrDanJB85
    @MrDanJB85 3 года назад

    I'll cut you a deal: I'll excuse the ground up pun, if you excuse my pedanticly pointing out that in most cases it will be 'atmospheric entry' since its only 're-entry' if you've visited the body in question before ;-)
    Thanks for another lovely video.

  • @Rbnjhl
    @Rbnjhl 3 года назад

    looks like the Anti-Aliasing system works much better now, no ?

  • @HCforLife1
    @HCforLife1 3 года назад +1

    Disagree that procedural generated biomes would end up cartoonish - you can at list implement extra texturing oppose to color variety only. I can't believe as well that studio have developed only that many flora designs. Don't get me wrong it is ok - but far from great or excellent. They should make at least 3 times more base models than is now.

  • @sirdee9607
    @sirdee9607 3 года назад

    thx for ur work

    • @sirdee9607
      @sirdee9607 3 года назад

      Its a shame that frontier allready ignore Explorers at all, we coulndt walk in our ships meanwhile we traval Weeks and weeks, and in stead we get more Shooterkids into the Game, that may be great for Shareholder but not for me as a exploration focused player, i get shoutetd down about 10 Times in the last weeks ( in my unarmed Passengerships) , i allways play open, this is more than the 5 times more that in Horizens in a year. I dont like the direktion the Game takes at all, and i play for years now

    • @TheBuurPit
      @TheBuurPit  3 года назад +1

      I hear you .. but that's kinda what open is for ... Plenty seem to enjoy the tension it brings. Solo or better still PG is all I can suggest mate.

    • @sirdee9607
      @sirdee9607 3 года назад

      @@TheBuurPit i kind fo get u, but there is no glory in shooting a unarmed Person in the back, its like fishing in a fishtank, its cowardly. I have no Problem to get shooted down 2 Times a year in Open, but i enjoy to be in Open to meet other cMDRs in the wide open Black, why should i be forced to play solo, to help Cowarldy , childish Players to have there Chickenhunt Moment??? And 9i am not allone thinkiung that way. Exloperes and Spacetaxis and Spacetruckers like my seems to have no good stand in Frontiers eys, sadly

  • @allashama
    @allashama 3 года назад

    at 13:00 what Frontier could have do, is simple Leaving the cockpit chair, walking in the cockpit freely, and if you want to leave the ship, you go near the door, and then you press the UI : Leaving the ship! Then you have a blackscreen and pop out.
    Really they are not motivated at that.. they prefer doing the Mega Ship that no one asked for, and no one can afford.. 2 billions to get one.. what a waste of time they did!
    and when you VR around the cockpit, the amount of glitch you can see.. is the reason why we can't even walk in the cockpit..
    Frontier could be future proof if they work on Immersion and RP satisfaction. you want to play with a friend? right.. he's teleporting to your ship.. and then? boring and annoying. they missed a good opportunity to do something good.. Your partner controle a turret or can give you 1 more power/shield/weapon energy point. wow it's revolutionnary!
    all those reason are the why, a lots of Elite commanders have left to joint Star citizen Community.

  • @bootney66
    @bootney66 3 года назад

    Entry into an atmospheric planet should appear….dangerous 😀 Maybe it’ll be added later.

  • @Mwichael
    @Mwichael 3 года назад

    do you think we will ever get full atmospheres?

    • @TheBuurPit
      @TheBuurPit  3 года назад +1

      I definitely think it's still in the plan... How long frontier take to get round to it seems to be the real roadblock. They took 7 years to get to legs... They'll need to ramp up the development speed somewhat to get to ELWs before we're actually out in space ourselves.

  • @GodfrinFNP
    @GodfrinFNP 3 года назад

    What the heck are those space poop things seen at 0:20??

  • @dmaxcustom
    @dmaxcustom 3 года назад

    Could have used the resources of the FPS combat, that I have no idea who asked that for Elite, to make some extra things for the experience. More exploration, EVA, atmospheric entry, Stellar events. I get the whole blue circle, but most ships have airlocks and doors that could have a simple console or panel to enter get out the ship, walk in the already modeled cockpits. The SRV, yes the surface would have made the animation an issue, but is not unsurmountable.
    Point is, I dont know why the game has now first person shooter combat.
    Tried the latest update to see how things are:
    Frame rate is still odd.
    You can finally drive in planet surfaces again. No more bumping into invisible rocks.
    Did some walking and genetic collecting, it was ok. Bothered me that this is not the main focus of the DLC.
    Then went back to do space mining and been doing that since a couple days now. And is the same as it was in Horizons. Thus I wonder what was the point of spending money in Odyssey? Should have followed my own advice and wait or nay.

    • @Apophes
      @Apophes 3 года назад

      Atmospheric reentry is simply impossible with thinn atmosphere especially when you flying so slow 2.5 m/s. If im remember correctly, atlest for earth you need more than 10 km/s to have meteor effect (or 17 km/s accordint to shuttle). Some people say that in SC that effect impossible, because they are like in elite too slow for this

    • @Apophes
      @Apophes 3 года назад

      Obviously they will ad new conten to odyssey, just like in horizon. If im not mistaking, you perfectly described horizon, where all you can do is just land on planets without atmosphere,no engineers, milticrew and etc.
      I hope fdev not gonna work on another game for atlest 5 years, or atlest hire new employers, because they simply dont have enough man power to making updates for elite and making new game in same time, valve perfect example.

  • @josefwollersberger1552
    @josefwollersberger1552 3 года назад

    Provided fdev ever wants to move beyond the rare sprinkles of Life we see in the game today, I can't see them avoid procedurally generated lifeforms forever. Doing it all by hand would be barely fesible for a single Planet, much less for a whole galaxy, and even the mentioned no man's Sky is not really there yet with it's one biome from poles to equator planets.
    Whether they manage to pull off a procedural System that looks "right" and if they even have the money and Ambition to try is a different question of course.
    Generally speaking I like what they have added, and the main things holding me back from buying right now are the lack of VR on foot, and the still absurd GPU prices, given that my old 1070 is definately not up to the task.

  • @buhatkj
    @buhatkj 3 года назад

    gah I hope you're wrong and the blue circle isnt permanent. If theres one thing I just hate in Oddysey its that.

  • @Hangman1
    @Hangman1 3 года назад

    That means we got No Man Sky ver. 2016 just less cartoonish ... Great.

  • @bangyahead1
    @bangyahead1 3 года назад

    It looks like they're trying to make ED more like No Man's Sky, and aren't doing it as well as NMS.

  • @gort5583
    @gort5583 3 года назад +1

    Another great video! This for me is now the only part of Elite I enjoy. I respect your opinion on the Armstrong moment but call bullshit on Fdev not being able to do something far better than a blue circle of light and trying to illude to some confusion as to what an Armstrong moment meant. It is sad, but, you are trying to keep going with the game so I understand the need to find excuses for the deplorable blatant lies that fdev told us all. The problem is even after your wonderfully eloquent and optimistic commentary is that the tremendous dissappointment, and failed opportunities are hard to hide due to what seems to be a serious lack of interest or passion or committment by Fdev to their own product or player base.