Como Lake, Lugano trip for one week - October 2016

  • Опубликовано: 24 янв 2017
  • Lake Como is known by many as one of the most romantic vacation spots. The nature is picturesque, the people are quiet and friendly, the lake is surrounded by beautiful little old towns, the lakeside is full of restaurants and cafes, everything is beautiful and clean. No wonder many celebrities and non-celebrities have bought real estate here to rest their eyes and minds in their old age or leisure time.
    Many friends have already explored the area, and these bee-sweet pictures made us very curious about what the place is like in Como. It was a good coincidence that a friend lived there that we decided to visit. So we took a long weekend, half a week, and flew there. This adventure is best summed up in this video here.
    Actually, we spent the night at Lake Lugano instead. Lake Lugano is considered another tourist destination along with Como. Some even prefer the Lugano area for its authenticity, as Como is already too typical for tourism. In any case, we liked both areas, but we chose to cruise Lake Como to see the beautiful towns around the lake, such as Bellagio and Varenna.
    It was also an exciting experience that our temporary home for this adventure was on Lake Lugano in Italy, which is only a small area on the map. And so we commuted between Italy and Switzerland every day, with two currencies in our pockets: the euro and the franc. If we quickly compare life, practically across the street in an Italian store the prices are reasonable for us, but in Switzerland the same things are 50-60% more expensive.
    Thanks to my local friend we were also able to drive around a lot. Thank you, Mari, for taking the time to show us around Lugano and Como. Especially memorable was a trip to one of the abandoned peaks of Lugano, Monte Bre, which is 925 meters high and to which you can go by boat.
    It was also nice to take a boat ride on Lake Como, which basically lasted all day. The boat basically stops at the port of several small towns. And these towns are all kind of cute and very beautiful. The most famous of them is Bellagio. I had read more about these towns before and this time we decided to dock in Varenna because it is one of the true gems of Lake Como. And that's exactly what it was.
    Would you go to Lugano and Como again? Absolutely! And next time even for at least a week and a rather warm summer. The advantage of October was that there were fewer tourists and you could feel the local life better, but after a little cooling it feels 15 degrees. From the map, these lakes seemed quite noticeable. But the reality surprised me. I could not have imagined that Lake Lugano and Lake Como would be so big and vast. And steep cliffs all around the lakes. This is exactly the place where you do not want to walk around, but to relax, read a book, dream about the future of your loved one, dine in various interesting restaurants, enjoy the narrow streets of the old town, enjoy the beauty of nature and life.
    Como järve teavad paljud kui ühte romantilist põgenemiskohta, kus loodus on maaliline, inimesed rahulikud ja sõbralikud, järve ümbritsevad kaunid pisikesed vanad linnakesed, järveäärne on täis restorane ja kohvikuid, kõik on ilus ja puhas. Pole ka ime, et mitmed kuulsused ja mittekuulsused siia kinnisvara soetanud on, et siin vanadusepõlves või muidu vabamal ajal silma ja vaimu puhata.
    Mitmed sõbrad juba seda piirkonda uudistanud ja need mesimagusad pildid tegid ka meid väga uudishimuliseks, et mis koht see Como siis selline on. Hea kokkusattumus oli see, et seal elas sõbranna, kellele otsustasimegi külla minna. Võtsime sellise pika nädalavahetuse ehk pool nädalat ja lendasimegi kohale. Meie seiklused võtabki kõige paremini kokku see video siin.
    Ööbisime tegelikult hoopis Lugano järve ääres. Lugano järve peetakse üheks teiseks sihtkohaks Como kõrval. Mõned isegi eelistavad Lugano piirkonda rohkem selle eheduse tõttu, kuna Como olevat juba liiga tüüpiline turistikas. Meile igaljuhul meeldisid mõlemad piirkonnad aga laevakruiisile otsustasime minna siiski Como järvel, et tutvuda järveäärsete armsate linnakestega nagu Bellagio ja Varenna.
    Põnev elamus oli ka see, et meie ajutine kodu selleks seikluseks asus Lugano järve ääres Itaalias, mis kaardil on lihtsalt väike piirkond. Ja nii iga päev pendeldasimegi Itaalia ja Šveitsi vahel, taskus kaks valuutat: eurod ja frangid. Kui elu kiirelt võrrelda, siis praktiiselt üle tee Itaalia poes on meie jaoks mõistlikud hinnad, Šveitsis samad asjad aga 50-60% kallimad.
    Tänu kohalikule sõbrannale saime ka autoga üsna palju ringi tiirutada. Aitäh, Mari, et viitsisid meile aega pühendada ja põhjalikult Luganot ja Comot tutvustasid. Eriti meeldejääv oli retk Lugano ühte kõrvemasse tippu Monte Bre mäele, mille kõrgus 925 meetrit ja kuhu sai kondliga.

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