@@therojall8846 Klopt. en dat is erg genoeg. Nederlanders zijn over het algemeen best associale mensen. Maar zoals deze meneer hierboven zich gedraagd is 0,0 erger. Overigens moest ik 4x kijken om te ontcijferen wat hij typte. Zijn IQ zal ook wel niet al te hoog zijb.
@@therojall8846 Dat snap ik haha, Maar dialect typ je niet als je normaal wilt communiceren. Ik kan nu ook brabants gaan typen maar een normaal en net persoon typt niet in dialect
I have eaten paper mate and my nails and a bit of my hand near my nails and my lip xd and I know millions of other people have too I have not swallowed paper in years though can't say the same about my body...
@@danlynkz look man, thank you for being the bigger man and editing your comment to something else. But please don't copy anyone's comments, it's just being dishonest, and also, it's really childish of you to not admit you've done something wrong. It really isn't hard :/
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahHHHHhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahHhHHHHhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahauhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhaHhahHHhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahah not funny
Zoro. I can't wait to see you kick some ass because your captain is a disappointment. I will call bullshit if luffy defeats kaido when he wasn't even able to land a punch on fatty mum.
It’s really Sad after the least vid he drop Looking behind Deji u see a happy family That’s actually Sad this World Don’t need to die just end it already
Belgium has so much good food, half of th shit she chose was from Holland. 'klene' is a dutch company and 'albert Heijn also. She does not know her own country.
Petition for Deji to change his name back to ComedyShortsGamer
lol growtopia
He protec
He attac
But most importantly he wear
The same t-shirt in the disstrac
Odd looking T-Shirt though, I was thinking it was a baseball cap.
@@mysteryman9641 the shit cost a lot but i guess when you have that much money you don't care about taking care of your clothes anymore lol
It’s two C’s gosh...
Well it does cost £500 so not like he’s going to throw it away
mini boy - EY
10 million play button:
Deji: why are u ronnin? Why are u ronnin?
wEt SpOnGe 9.977.000*
@@robloxgamer0254 *9,986,254*
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool I’m dead
Congratulations on 9.8 million been here since 9.9 million
@@bib224 thats the best thing abt it
Original 100%
Girl: Gives Deji candy
ha .ha. ha. ha. ha.
I was going to say that xd
... straight up forced humour
Overused not funny
Dog food
Deji: "your tryna kill me"
Dunjaah: "wow, was it that obvious"
@@connedenn1422 okay Miss
Okay OriginalLegendz
@@theembodimentofpurechaos9756 fs
OriginalLegendz imagine not knowing the difference
She literally ate kfc for the first time today
SUSLord69 thats why he posted that
Dounja mukbang
Belgium candy mukbacg😂
mukbangs are shit why would you want to watch someone eat
" If I die in this video you know who the culprit is, it's my mom" 🤣🤣🤣
Dunja : This is not bad! it’s really Popular
Deji: *chews for 2 seconds*
Deji : 🤮🤮
comedy is good
Your face expressions in this video are just pure gold 👌🏽😂
Exactly 😂😂😂
7:49 😂😂😂😂😂
Thomas yea I know 😂😂
He is over reacting
@@tiagodasilva8056 thats your opinion and....
no ones else.
Deji: it’s shit flavor
Dunja: then it has flavor
Me: 😂😂
U gay
@@landonkillz8367 no u
@@davidadeyemi6337 no u kid
@@landonkillz8367 no u u
He Protec
He attac
but most importantly
he take his career bac
For now lol.
F you,
Stop that meme is dead
So old 🤦🏿♂️
@@dev1lreapermc887 u have no sense of humour
Out of all the girls you've ever featured on your channel I like Dunja the most
She's very entertaining
Same, even though I hardly remember other girls on his channel.
Am from Belgium and basically she gave you the shittest candy of Belgium, there are better candy i swear
Not even from belgium. It's dutch.
@@23Cartier Aan je taalgebruik e
te zien ben je belgisch.
@@therojall8846 Klopt. en dat is erg genoeg. Nederlanders zijn over het algemeen best associale mensen. Maar zoals deze meneer hierboven zich gedraagd is 0,0 erger. Overigens moest ik 4x kijken om te ontcijferen wat hij typte. Zijn IQ zal ook wel niet al te hoog zijb.
@@therojall8846 Dat snap ik haha, Maar dialect typ je niet als je normaal wilt communiceren. Ik kan nu ook brabants gaan typen maar een normaal en net persoon typt niet in dialect
Frank Suisse wa een bête type deze jongen
Deji: *Tries candy*
Deji again: *”YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!!!!”*
Sma7li imbraheem. But that was not funny
not funny
The A-Man nah fam it was funny in the video. His expression of confusion was amazing. But his comment wasn't funny agreed on that.
Set 8 Kids be like..
"Have you never tasted paper?.."
i'd say a majority of the populace has had some form of tongue on paper contact pal
@@ehuei8284 Fax
I have eaten paper mate and my nails and a bit of my hand near my nails and my lip xd and I know millions of other people have too I have not swallowed paper in years though can't say the same about my body...
I’m in set 5 lol
He protec
He attac
But most importantly
He eat dog snacc
he protec
he attac
stop this meme
it ain't coming bacc
@@herkkoofficial9642 boi I got 160 likes from this meme 😎
@@thatmannseb1505 IM DEAD FROM THIS COMMENT LMFAO!!!
@@youweeaboogamer9170 I really hope that your being serious because if you are being sarcastic that would really hurt my feelings.. 🙁
K1D ill be real with ur comment,i cringed so hard my eyeballs fell out
I’m from Belgium, but she actually took all the bad candy lmao
He’s gone back down to 9.8 million
PSN- Hext_Venom ooooooooooooooof
The Last Candy Deji Is Going To Be Eating Is...
Good one 😂
Joshua Morehead 🤣 I try lol
The eye candy
wow tv “eggzackly” 😂
Me: *Eating a banana with chocolate syrup*
Nutela bread with bits of banana on it is pang
Kaptainxd oof yeah
Deji never tried banana & chocolate milkshake????
you gay
Well I've been choosing the wrong toppings on my pancake
Deji: I'm not trying that...
Deji 2 seconds later: Eats and spits.
Tom Ryan it’s a figure of speech
No shit, really?!
Deji: steps on ant
Deji video title: how I got away with murder
Loool 😂😂😂
His title has to be in all capitals
LMAO first time I've actually laughed at a comment 😭😂
This joke is from another video,this isn't original
He Protecc
He Attacc
But Most Importantly...
He Ain't Eating That
he protect he attac but most importantly he don’t eat that snack
Woulda been better lad
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
F.B.I finally someone who remembers that all C's are double
He gets in her ass cracc
he protecc
he attacc
but most importantly he put his used candy bacc
"Ur tryin to kill me dunya"
Next video: 1 hour exposevideo about dunya
Man said Dunya.
@@Stacka11 hahahahahahaahah
Man said trying to kill me world
@@Adnan-jn2nk truss me "1 hour expose video about the world"
I’m so happy Deji is at 9.9 million now ❤️
Shaun Byron back to 9.8 lmfao!
dont nibble it, chew it she says.
DEJI: tiny nibble
ME: -_-
chew what?
Dounja: I’ll give you something good
Me: 👀
Kaptainxd I didn’t steal no comment you idiot
Kaptainxd Actually come hate me on my channel if your a real tuff guy or just pipe down
@@danlynkz look man, thank you for being the bigger man and editing your comment to something else. But please don't copy anyone's comments, it's just being dishonest, and also, it's really childish of you to not admit you've done something wrong. It really isn't hard :/
Kaptainxd I edited my comment because I didn’t realise I spelt the word wrong so you would’ve been like you stole this word or some shit like that
Deji actually seems really happy when he’s around Dunja aww☺️
IMAngeel There cute together
@@Jonin_Kazumi This aged well
“You know what happens on tables”
*Deji and dounja time 😈*
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahHHHHhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahHhHHHHhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahauhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhaHhahHHhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahah not funny
give it a slap LOL
Even I’m from Belgium and i never bough that shit!😂
There are better colored candy’s lmao poor Deji....
Nice English
@seefo dz I was kinda sarcastic :/
Some of the candy is from Holland
@@gooz1999 yeah the ''spek'' shit right?
It was dog food
YO DEJI WHTS THE SITUATION WITH TANK!!!!!! We wanna know we all love him! Any success on you guys retrieving your dog ?
What's the story?
@@fofonablus7104 Police took him.
Dylan Turner well we know where you’re going
Deji: I’m not trying that!
Also Deji: (Tries it)
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
This is how many times Deji has banged Dounja-from the bacc!
Shut up with this comment
Thanks deji you always make me feel happy when I am depressed or sad thanks!
Dounja: "Tries to kill Deji"
Deji: She put me in a dark place.
Stop mocking him stfu he's depressed 🤬
Don’t bring her into this, comment something original you attention seeker
I love this type of Deji
Absolutely no one:
Trust me no one’s speaking:
People in the comments: James Charles kissed you
I'm from Belgium and she gave you the shittiest candy that we have
We are known for our chocolates
Beugelbekie you do know that the Candy is belgain and Dutch. But we have way better Candy
Anyone speak dutch here i just want to know
1 week later
Lewis12604 sarcasm is real
2015 Deji was the funniest and the best Deji. TRUST ME, go watch his 2015 video's.
Congrats on 9.8 million! Been here since 9.9
This is the 'Old Deji' that we want to see, especially his reactions 😂😂😂
“You’re trying to kill me!”
“Is it that obvious?”
He protec
He attacc
But most importantly
He blac
Ha hilarious
Deji: *when u see all that powder u think it's that sweet power.*
Me: *uuuuh u mean sugar*
She gave you the bad shit of belgium 😂😂
This is how many times deji said, "ur trying to kill me"
You commented this twice
Pedro Solis it’s just a common glitch on RUclips
If you're obviously lonely and about to be depressed and don't talk or communicate to people I can't help cuz I'm like you
Yesssss finally!!!! Deji is back with his og vids!
That jumper he’s wearing brings back memory😂😂
Waryaa Ali I can see from this video that Deji is very sensitive anyways
Now let’s just admire Dejis attire
Then we will all asking, was causing loads of drama and lying to your fans worth it deji 😂😂😂
How is that a congrats oh I get it 😁😂
Zoro. I can't wait to see you kick some ass because your captain is a disappointment. I will call bullshit if luffy defeats kaido when he wasn't even able to land a punch on fatty mum.
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
yeah that’s it
I bet u expected that to get loads of likes
@@yomom2027 😂😂
The Gordon Ramsey of Belgium
No one:
Literally no one:
Deji: 8:02
It’s really Sad after the least vid he drop
Looking behind Deji u see a happy family
That’s actually Sad this World Don’t need to die just end it already
This is how many times Deji said “there is no flavor”
Yeah about 10 times
Dounjah: You made me baaald!!!
Deji: You’re trying to kill me!!!
Deji got his brothers hairline
I read the title
Me: Dude cmon she must have handed you the candy.....
Deji: you tried to kill me
Junja: yes
Deji:I will have to take lawful action
@@funnyviralvideos7564 Junja lol
SREEMON BABU ay ur Mavericks
Junaid Khan
Deji 9.9, 9.9 deji. WE ARE NOW IN THE ENDGAME
Dej do a video where you piss off scammers.
love the family pic in the background. stay strong dej.
They arent there by coincidence
@@riadgaming1999 👀👀
@@riadgaming1999 so where he had to put them? In the toilet?
@@xomi_el r u dumb?
Or acting so?
@@riadgaming1999 nope. Are you?
anyone else notice the family portrait in the background😯 how things change
Edit: thanks for the likes, please support our channel ❤️
captain obvious
Title of the video: 'She tried to kill me with this candy'
Future video title: 'She's gone too far'
Deji your the best
Content is getting better. Love the new moving images.
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
He chocc on ticc tacc
50/50 in likes and dislikes? bruh the video was posted 37 seconds ago lmaooo
Its not like that anymore
Way more likes than dislikes now
Dunjah is giving the sheit candy from belgium because you got rlly good candy in belgium 🙂
Ja man weet
Dunja heeft alleen drop meegenomen, maar drop is zoizo niet echt heel erg lekker
Ik vindt drop zelf wel lekker maar niet alle soorten drop
@@user-et5xi5pd1m nederland hebben ook hele lekkere snoepjes en snacks. België hebben de beste friet, waffels en chocolade
@@imranrikovic65 daar heb je zeker gelijk in
congrats deji on 9.8 again keep it up maybe u gonna make it to 9.7 again like u always did
I’m not sure if your congratulating him or insulting him
Atleast he is racing to some where right, that's what everyone should do , don't stop , keep hittin them paths, in this case the opposite path😂
Belgium has so much good food, half of th shit she chose was from Holland. 'klene' is a dutch company and 'albert Heijn also. She does not know her own country.
Joe Hey true, holland has disgusting candy
@@vaamkdjxomg9533 no we don't she just picked the worse one's for deji to prank him
Nobody: ...
Deji: someone tries to kill me everyday!
congratz on 9.8subs! 200k more and you will get the diamond play button that you dont care about.
right right. which im sure 5million is his own created account.
@@damiengoh9232 you forgot to put apostrophe on the dont
@@bilalhassan1306 you forgot to put apostrophe on the dont
Repro Reptile you forgot to put the apostrophe on the dont
@@bilalhassan1306 you forgot to put the apostrophe on the dont
Deji: You're tryna kill me with this candy
*Continues to eat the candy*
Almost at 9.8 congrats
Congrats on 9.8m!
This how many times deli said I’m not trying it
CEG Editz who’s deli
CEG Editz edit it then
This is how many tissues he used
I’m from Belgium and he is lying about the candy like the napoleons are amazing.
@@gladi_06 lol andere ik
Finally one of the old deji vids thank god
Deji, you are so close to 10 million. Keep grinding
why this is a bad video:
he does tho
@@aalecmmcgrory930 he doesnt though
@@arjunchandrasekaran6883 he doesnt though
@@aalecmmcgrory930 he doesn't tho
@@loveskyless he doesn't tho
Deji’s taste is bad
Napoleon is godly
And the rest probably is too
Btw salty licorice and Salmiak is amazing
Tank Gang 🔥👍🏾
old deji is back. this is the content we wanted back
Deji: *banana and chocolate. Who the fuck does that*
Me: *is eating a chocolate banana right now*
Also me: *hello darkness my old friend*
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
That candy is actually ass
Damn Deji already lost 1mil
"if they put salt on a drop, they can easily put shit on a drop as well" 😂😂
Deji: it taste like paper
His gf: how do you know what paper taste like
Deji: have you not eaten paper before
Reece Fry not his gf
James Charles didn’t kiss you
Don’t like.
Aight I wont
Chazuri I won’t then.
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
We keep saying this dead meme, which is wacc
Osman Kolenovic doesn’t really work mate
FINALLY these videos are back! Except I like the one where your dad is recording.
At least he is stuck on 9.9mill
This is how many times deji said, "ur trying to kill me"
10:40 ur welcome
You commented this twice
I’m 420!! 😂
He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
He chocc on his ticc tacc