Hakka Kung Fu: Tith Ngaw Pai. 10. Basic Form by Si Kei, 8 years old.

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2021
  • In this video clip we see one of our younger students performing the three step fist form; Saam Bow. Our student Si Kei is 8 years old. She will have a bright future ahead of her in our kung fu ranks.
    Our children's lessons:
    Children learn together with others to overcome difficulties, thereby build a strong mind and a healthy body. All of this in the motivational environment of an authentic kung fu school. And of course, it is a fun thing to do for the kids.
    Please feel free to make an appointment via the following telephone number: 0475 65 80 88. By mail: tithgnaw88@gmail.com, and pay a visit to our school.
    PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: tithngawpai.org
    PLEASE VISIT OUR FB-PAGE: / ironbuffalofiststyle

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