The Dangers of Rebranding Kundalini Yoga

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @jenfnp
    @jenfnp Год назад +1

    We need to learn from those who are more spiritually advanced than us. But we need to remember who the true guru is...ourselves.

  • @kristinfiniti
    @kristinfiniti 4 года назад +1

    So refreshing to come across such thoughtful and sincere commentary! I agree. Thanks for your perspective!

  • @cmug1220
    @cmug1220 4 года назад +1

    Thank you very much. I had this same experience after intensely practicing KY as taught by YB, then hitting a wall of frustration as I started questioning things. I've been looking at the work of Christopher Tompkins lately which is very good.

    • @trevorchaitanyaeller6436
      @trevorchaitanyaeller6436  Год назад

      Thanks for watching and commenting on the video :) I think many of us have negative experiences after doing YB's body of work but the community does a good job of trying to make us look crazy. I am glad that people are now able to talk about these things publicly without as much kick back.

  • @andreasmu5756
    @andreasmu5756 4 года назад +1

    Thank you. Very clear and very helpful!

  • @melifever
    @melifever 4 года назад +1

    yeah, i knew about the weird Tibetan yoga, as a friend went through the three year kagyupa retreat to become a lama

    • @trevorchaitanyaeller6436
      @trevorchaitanyaeller6436  Год назад +1

      I spent some time with a Lama and he taught Yoga practices that look a lot like the KYATBYB spinal exercises. The spinal exercises are in Hatha Yoga as well they are usually just done slower. Thanks for watching the video and leaving a comment :)

  • @Cnjkerr
    @Cnjkerr 4 года назад +2

    Trevor, curious about your journey into Kriya Yoga.. Kriya Yoga has a lot of the same mystical stories around it as KYATBYB, as well as requiring initiation. I do not desire to be initiated, however. What would you suggest? Thank you

    • @trevorchaitanyaeller6436
      @trevorchaitanyaeller6436  4 года назад

      Thanks for inquiring :-) as you know Initiation is very taboo in the KYATBYB world view. My Kriya teachers explain it in a less mystical way. Initiation, is the beginning. It’s when practice starts. Or they initiation is the first step on the path. It is walking through the entrance. There are mystical undertones for sure. Particularly getting attunement to the master teachers energy field.
      In regards to mysticism this is more prevalent in SRF and Yogananda branch. My teachers come out of the same ashram but they focus more on Self Knowledge aka jnana. Know God in every breath. For me it’s a personal connection to Kriya. I don’t try to convince others they should convert to it or anything like that. It started with Yoganandas books but I didn’t find my teachers untill 15 years later. By that time I had become a little bit cynical about all the mysticism. Especially because I learned about YB and all of the abuse scandals long before Pamela‘s book came out.
      There definitely is a mysticism with my teachers but I feel they are very practical and down to earth. You don’t have to look any certain way, it’s not about clothing, it’s not about being any certain religion. Just a profound nonsectarian meditation practice
      At the same time I am not exclusively doing Kriya practice I also have a heavy background in yoga therapy and body work and study Ayurveda. Kriya Yoga is the best practice for me on a daily basis because of the use of inner Naad. Very good for Vata Pitta mixed dosha. I also have tremendous trust and respect for the teachers in our lineage. Their teachings on yogic scriptures are stellar. What I learned from them lead me to study with the head of a local Hindu Temple. He has really taught me a lot. I was introduced to him from the Swami’s at Motherstrust ashram. They have empowered me to do teaching mission. I do not teach Kriya Yoga as my teachers shared it. I am also involved at Triple Crane monastery where we explore the marriage of Buddhism and classical hatha yoga. A bit of a long ramble to your simple question. Blessings on your path

  • @saraysound
    @saraysound 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your learnings & experience with us! 1) My understanding from Ravi Singh is that kundalini has its origins pre-patanjali and "hatha", with references to "kundalini" being present in the upanishads, which was shared down through "yogis" who were sikh and sufi. At that time, these were practices to connect with the divine, and there was no differentiation between different types of yoga. So Darshan is found in the upanishads, for example. So, goes back at least 2k years. This would make kundalini different from hatha IMO. I'm still learning here, so can you share more to this? 2) Interesting that you chose dance as an example of a practice needing a master. I disagree. Similar to the point of kundalini, which is to allow your innate creative expression (shakti) to flow forth uninhibited through bhakti, I see the real value of dance as a practice for unleashing creative movement from the inside-out WITHOUT a master. Though KY comes with a form and structure to create this experience of freedom, I believe the ultimate point IS creative freedom. I guess the question is, at what point do we let the "master" go to follow our own inner knowing and movement? I bring this up because I feel this whole situation w/YB is a grand opportunity for us all to step into our OWN mastery and knowing. Being the aquarian teachers we are. I am wary of any tendency to make this about finding yet another master, another lineage, another thing to follow. Those of us who are teachers - we are equipped with so much wisdom through what was provided from YB. (Which is irrelevant to his character as a human). I believe it's time for us all to step up and own the practices that speak to us through OUR experience. On that note, can you share more of what practices you found helped balance you between action and stillness?

    • @trevorchaitanyaeller6436
      @trevorchaitanyaeller6436  4 года назад

      Adriana Cerundolo I love ecstatic dance! My wife facilitates it and I am a bit of a Dead Head who loves shaking my bones :-) The kind of dance I was referring to in the video would be something like classical Indian dance, ballet, belly dancing, things you learn from people. That’s different than self expression or free form dance. There are many theories on how far back yoga goes. I was not attempting to bring that up in this video. My point is that there is authoritative text about Yoga. In America, Yoga can mean whatever people want it to. I generally do not think this is a good thing. Beer yoga, really? ;-) It’s simply a fact that the yoga sutras are the primary text on Raja Yoga and the Hatha Yoga Pradipkia is the primary text on Hatha Yoga which lays out many of the practices YB taught. Hence me bringing it up. For people who are doubting YB they might be able to find a bit of solace in Yogic Shastras authority. In my video I am not attempting to tell people they need to follow some sort of new rules. Or old rules at that. My personal view is that spiritual awakening is inherent and natural for people. Yoga systems do not own it. Seems that we agree on quite a few things :-)

    • @trevorchaitanyaeller6436
      @trevorchaitanyaeller6436  4 года назад

      Adriana Cerundolo i’ve watch this video a few times and I find it very fascinating. I really like how he’s talking about flow states and altered states of consciousness as human universals that relate to our need for community and connection. The problem is when it’s turned into a dysfunctional cult. It takes a little while for him to warm up but about 18 minutes in he starts to really tie it together. I think it’s very useful for anybody who is processing their relationship to 3HO. He touches on the idea of everyone being a teacher particularly in regards to the psychedelic movement and burning man. I think he’s pretty brilliant. Thanks for watching the video I made and sharing your comment on it I really appreciate it. Peaceвидео.html

    • @saraysound
      @saraysound 4 года назад +1

      @@trevorchaitanyaeller6436 Thanks for your clarification! Yes to needing some structure to maintain the integrity of a practice (unlike Beer yoga, lol!)

    • @saraysound
      @saraysound 4 года назад +1

      @@trevorchaitanyaeller6436 Thanks for this rec!! Can I ask, what practices have you landed on at this point for your personal practice? Are you still practicing KY? Or maybe you'll share in a subsequent video? :)

    • @saraysound
      @saraysound 4 года назад +1

      @@trevorchaitanyaeller6436 dude this video is amazing!!!!! SO much good stuff in here. I love his teaching around how 1 speck of dark can take down a person of light, and one of the ways to mitigate that is through embracing our humanity. So good.

  • @christinamorales6887
    @christinamorales6887 4 года назад +1

    I stopped KY and stopped teaching and practice and walked away. I did have Hatha training in 1999.

    • @trevorchaitanyaeller6436
      @trevorchaitanyaeller6436  4 года назад

      Christina, I stopped teaching YB's system of KY awhile back as well. Sometimes I might give suggestions to studetns for certain practices but it is rare and on a one on one bases.

  • @christinamorales6887
    @christinamorales6887 4 года назад +1

    I found an ex-KY teacher on YT Mike Shreve and he has videos leaving KY.

  • @christinamorales6887
    @christinamorales6887 4 года назад +1

    I came to KY from 20 years of Hatha and 4 years of priestess training and shamanic background. I came to KY in 2010 and level one in 2012. I’m also a Clinical Herbalist and I questioned everything about KY. I also was at the ashram in New Mexico and was there for two years. I walked away from the 3ho cult energy. It’s false teaching from YB and he made it up and it’s false doctrines.

    • @trevorchaitanyaeller6436
      @trevorchaitanyaeller6436  Год назад

      Oh yes! I was not in the 3ho circuit by 2012. I lived in New Mexico as well. It's an interesting place. I am glad I lived there as it helped me to see how dysfunctional the community was and how YB's negative teaching style had impacted people.