What are some of the best out-of-context quotes from your campaigns? #9


Комментарии • 181

  • @sea-bassisabottlecapco3767
    @sea-bassisabottlecapco3767 Год назад +27

    “I tie up the near naked gnome to a horse”
    I came in late and that was the first thing I heard

  • @itz_bumble_playz1469
    @itz_bumble_playz1469 Год назад +46

    My best out of context quote in a campaign
    "How are we related! I'm adopted and your a fish!" Said in an insanely confused but like, constantly energetic Scottish accent

  • @Raezialien
    @Raezialien Год назад +18

    A New player on Pathfinder: "Is Open/Close a touch spell?"
    The Barbarian openning and closing the door: I AM A MAGE!

  • @ShrankTheFirst
    @ShrankTheFirst Год назад +19

    *Rolls a perception check*
    "Nat 1. Sh-t"
    *Rolls a dex save*
    "Another nat 1, fml"
    *After taking the damage, a fight breaks out, and I attack twice*
    "Rolled a 2 and a 3. Neither hit... Well since I'm rolling up the Fibonacci sequence tonight I'm bound to hit something eventually"

  • @13thMaiden
    @13thMaiden Год назад +43

    These's are from 4 different campaigns
    1) Paladin: Stop feeding her dead bodies!
    Pirate: But she's good at destroying evidence!!
    2) Bard: You _slept_ with him?! (Referring to BBEG)
    Paladin: I mean I was in an arranged marriage with him...Granted I can't remember it being any good.
    3) Bard: Okay so if I ride my husband into battle, does that count as mounted combat?
    4) DM: Did you really just ask if you could bite the llama's ass?
    Player: I mean, you said it looked like a piñata...
    DM: Wtf, who bites piñatas?!

  • @trueblade39
    @trueblade39 Год назад +32

    "You don't have to worry if you get killed because death isn't real"
    One of my players made a character based around that whole statement and we just never looked back

  • @Thekoodie
    @Thekoodie Год назад +12

    "I can touch myself? I can touch myself!"
    -The Cleric after learning he can use Guidance on himself

    • @Thekoodie
      @Thekoodie Год назад +4

      Thought of another one:
      "Stop f**king around and Looney Tunes this sh*t!"
      -The Paladin, tired of the two sorcerers being incompetent

  • @arcticwolf2742
    @arcticwolf2742 Год назад +19

    "Reckon you could toss the Halfling further than the Wizard did?" Galena the Scottish Lizardfolk Monk to the Tabaxi Barbarian. Proceeds to stand and watch the Halfling Barbarian get yeeted into a tree trunk. "....... Twenty feet."

  • @spartanhawk7637
    @spartanhawk7637 Год назад +40

    Oh god I have an absolute gold nugget.
    “Oh no, he’s discovered the wonders of racism!!!” -My cleric when the barbarian immediately raged after hearing an unknown language
    Context for those interested, the druid was the only one who could speak Jotun in the group and he’d died a session earlier. Some troll ran up on the group shouting madly in Jotun and the barbarian just instantly assumed hostile intent.

  • @Embrace-The-Dork-Side
    @Embrace-The-Dork-Side Год назад +7

    The party thief had the vaguely phallic fertility idol mcguffin pickpocketed from them. I'd been calling it that in my head and blurted it out in a moment or heated role-play. My group still ribs me about it to this day...

  • @Justinius117
    @Justinius117 Год назад +22

    Warlock: "You guys think they sell boogie boards here?"
    Bard: "We're in the f-ing desert, man! That's desert sand, not beach sand!"
    Warlock: "Aww, what!? You guys said we're going to the Dune Sea! Why call it that if there's no ocean! This place sucks!"
    Druid: "Well, you can always try sand boarding?"
    Warlock: "But I like waterboarding!"
    All: "What!?"

  • @dudemansam25
    @dudemansam25 Год назад +16

    This series inspired me to keep quotes, here is a few.
    "Just put a plastic bag on your head to stop the drowning"
    "Vine won't let me tongue her to give her air"
    *rolls dice* "Is that a 9 or a 6?" "that is a d6"
    "Have you ever thought of having an alternative career as a mule?" "Jackass"
    "Alright Sam spray your goo"
    “I control the pickles - I AM THE PICKLE MASTER!”
    "How do I poison a table"

  • @dylanwilkinson1037
    @dylanwilkinson1037 Год назад +7

    “Sometimes a man’s just gotta woogity boogity his way through problems with a jaguar skull on his head and a can do attitude.” Said the shaman as he proceeded to fail to woogity boogity his way through a series of eldritch horrors

  • @nightninji5849
    @nightninji5849 Год назад +21

    "You are not your string."
    "Why did my torch go out?" - "Magic!"
    "The baby has claws or teeth."
    "It's a nice square."
    "When the rock is called..."
    "Everything is more epic with glitter!"
    "Do you even know what a tiger is?" - "No, but it sounds delicious."
    "Is it a Fey, Fiend or Undead?" - "No, it's wood."
    "You and your giant ants!"
    "Do you want to pursue your eagle instincts?"
    "Strange, 10 minutes ago, raw fish was the tastiest thing in the world."

  • @askelephant9819
    @askelephant9819 2 месяца назад +1

    “WE DID IT! We saved the city!”
    *proceeds to walk away from a currently flaming resort*

  • @phobiawitch835
    @phobiawitch835 Год назад +12

    This one just happened yesterday.
    “So. Khovur Atropa Rosznar.” *orcish noise of distress and panic* I GO INVISIBLE!
    Or the week prior. “Khovur, wake up, you still haven’t slept with anyone.” (As they are using Revivify on me)
    (After waking up) “I punch him in the shoulder.”

  • @Atalas5
    @Atalas5 Год назад +8

    "Mind Blank." no, not the spell. This is what I said so often the first time I was playing D&D and it came around to my turn and I couldn't decide what to do, that close to twenty years later, it is still remembered.

  • @MiGG0535
    @MiGG0535 Год назад +1

    "Stop throwing coins at me!" -Jake the Shopkeeper

  • @andrewwilliams8951
    @andrewwilliams8951 Год назад +5

    "I'm gone for THREE YEARS and every Criminal in the city decided to set up shop IN MY HOUSE?" ~Ikor, the Paladin upon returning home.

  • @everyday4play401
    @everyday4play401 Год назад +25

    “Did the reverend just blue ball me?” -Reiner 2023

  • @raedev
    @raedev Год назад +11

    One of my current favourites has to be our bard Nadin asking "Is the dead old lady difficult terrain?" - But my favourite will always be that time in my first campaign when our neutral evil cleric Unali slapped a literal goddess in the face and said "get your shit together, you're supposed to be a goddess!" and IT HELPED.
    1. Our druid accidentally killed an old lady with an aoe attack that missed all the enemies. We were trying to save this old lady's dog.
    2. The goddess was trapped In a temple by mysterious magical vines that were absorbing her godly powers. She was getting depressed and was ready to give up, as our attempts to free her kept failing. The cleric decided it was time to motivate her. Rolled great on the persuasion too, it actually worked and the goddess made us her heroes once we saved her lmao

  • @Kantohammer
    @Kantohammer Год назад +4

    “That’s two weeks in a row you’ve made me roll a constitution check to see if an npc has pooped.”

  • @UltraManager
    @UltraManager 2 месяца назад +1

    "So, you are going to literally blow your cover... Just to fart in his face?"

  • @414Industries
    @414Industries Год назад +2

    "They're possessed! Don't kill them! We need to save them!" Yeets the gnomes to their deaths.

  • @ThePodgen
    @ThePodgen Год назад +2

    "no, bro for the last time. Your hammer does not have a magical lock and you do not have a magical key that awakens the gods above."

  • @theturtlegoat1827
    @theturtlegoat1827 Год назад +2

    Me as the DM: "Roll me a persuasion check to convince the Manticore that Beaver meat tastes better than human flesh"

  • @LucyEvans11
    @LucyEvans11 Год назад +3

    "I can't do insight checks against women. I'm bad at them!" - Bard

  • @shanemorgan1627
    @shanemorgan1627 Год назад +1

    "They have real dungeoness crabs here"
    "Yeah, you look past that door. You can see them skitter by in Their gimp suits."

  • @swimshady96
    @swimshady96 Год назад +2

    1) "How does a fair fight work?" "I DON'T KNOW!"
    2) "The floor was also made out of floor."
    3) "I have authority, I have a cleaver!"

  • @screamingpenguin854
    @screamingpenguin854 7 месяцев назад

    “Yeah, well big lizard wants to know if you have valuables in your room”

  • @some_Russian_dude
    @some_Russian_dude Год назад +3

    "Oh boy my first female pc and I'm already getting offered to be pounded out like a mallard duck for gold by an old nobleman."

  • @activekiwi1221
    @activekiwi1221 Год назад +4

    DM: „There are also 2-3 ropes of hemp in the bag“
    Narim: „How many exactly?“
    DM: „(rolls a die) 4!“

  • @mechagamera2517
    @mechagamera2517 Год назад +1

    "What? They're worshipping me?......I DEMAND SACRIFICE!!"

  • @NotThatVinny
    @NotThatVinny Год назад +3

    "We're gonna need another Wizzy!"
    Our players whenever the wizard's many, many Simulacrums breaks.
    Wizard: So, what have we learned?
    Rogue: When you hit on someone, aim for someone with less than eight eyes.
    (Trying to interrogate the locals (Nat 1) which turned out to be arachnes in disguise)

  • @wolfe1235
    @wolfe1235 Год назад

    "He's pretty hung for a halfling"
    -the drunk centaur seer

  • @CroobieLetter
    @CroobieLetter Год назад

    "Cavaliers, mount your bears; the toddlers have unionized"

  • @instantpurple1282
    @instantpurple1282 Год назад

    “Can I use my body as a weapon?” -Our Monk.

  • @Redtail45044
    @Redtail45044 Год назад

    I needed that after having a minor stroke related to toxic shock recently.
    I incidentally.
    "...You have never before or since seen a sentient animal of any sort go that wall-eyed in your attempts to explain why you need its help."

  • @sovietstarfishproductions5019
    @sovietstarfishproductions5019 Год назад

    “I’m almost surprised I can’t see you because you’re so blatantly transparent” Monk/fighter to evil wizard cannibal

  • @benitoswagolini3410
    @benitoswagolini3410 Год назад

    "Hmmm, you, my fellow goblin, sure are good at solving riddles. Unfortunately, goblins can't solve riddles!"

  • @runikvarze6191
    @runikvarze6191 10 месяцев назад

    My favorite: "does magic missile... penetrate?"

  • @BothanJedi
    @BothanJedi Год назад

    “Sure, let’s add arson to breaking and entering.”

  • @theoverpreparerlamenters3r436
    @theoverpreparerlamenters3r436 Год назад

    "I will do an emergency baptism" - a Wizard

  • @DracheLehre
    @DracheLehre Год назад

    There was that time we got a crowd of people to chant our party’s acronym.
    For reference the party is called Chaotic Relief Adventuring Party.

  • @spiritvdc5109
    @spiritvdc5109 Год назад

    "That didn't hurt too bad! Wait why are you asking me to make a death save...?"
    Famous last words xDDD

  • @Claireb324
    @Claireb324 Год назад

    You sir have the cutest most contagious giggle I've ever heard ❤

  • @sillerbarly4927
    @sillerbarly4927 Год назад

    "I would like to use the stucky bomb on my Dire Wolf" a gunslinger on a post apocalyptic campaign i was in when fighting a large monster. Everyone at the table was shocked at the statement and had to ask for clarification. He wanted his Dire Wolf to carry the sticky bomb over the the monster and drop it, he did not realize that the sticky bombs were throw able until i reminded him about it.

  • @wulfila99
    @wulfila99 3 месяца назад

    "Scramble needs to know what a dragon tastes like"

  • @VDotBlank
    @VDotBlank Год назад


  • @masterpiece1817
    @masterpiece1817 Год назад

    “What, were we supposed to announce our presence and fight our way up the tower?”

  • @Grim_death144
    @Grim_death144 Год назад +1

    "I'm a 35 year old orc for gods sake" -Hogar

  • @DHTheAlaskan
    @DHTheAlaskan Год назад


  • @sportsnut1473
    @sportsnut1473 Год назад +1

    Got a couple I like
    Player 1: “Enlarged Stromboli”
    Player 2: *slight gasp* “that would be awesome”
    “Can I stack aids?”
    “It’s a grandma eat dad world”

  • @MephiticMiasma
    @MephiticMiasma 4 месяца назад

    "chicken hydra"
    I can honestly say I never conceived those two words as being together.

  • @Godzillawolf1
    @Godzillawolf1 Год назад +4

    The Cleric: Okay, now that that's over, WHAT THE *bird noises* WAS THAT?!
    The Artificer: Well, I shot him and-
    The Cleric: Yes, and that was awesome, but I meant THAT! *points to corpses*
    The Cleric: Okay, did Theo get...what did he call it? 'Isekaied' again?
    Ghost: How cute, he named i-OH SH*&!
    Completely different TTRPG, but including it as a bonus:
    "I just killed someone with a holographic Optimus Prime"

  • @samzilla1281
    @samzilla1281 Год назад

    This happened last night.
    Rath (Grung fighter): He's within poking range.

  • @HikariHellion
    @HikariHellion Год назад +1

    This one just happened today: "I'm going to yeet the paladin!"
    For context; our Triton warlock used Gust of Wind to YEET our human paladin at a group of enemies in a room that was filling with smoke. The plan succeeded for the most part; our paladin was successfully yeeted, fist-first superman-style at the Big Dumb Brute monster in the middle of the room and punched it in the face at speed. The only thing that would've made it perfect is if she'd landed on her feet afterward; she failed the dex save for sticking the landing and landed flat on her back. We survived the ensuing fight, though!
    ...well, except the warlock. I kinda, accidentally...Burning Hands-ed him. He got crispied, and had to make a death save...but he was okay in the end!

  • @sovereignflux
    @sovereignflux Год назад

    "I may not have healing magic, but I can help them with my fist."

  • @Nathan-gw8uz
    @Nathan-gw8uz Год назад +2

    My character with Flame Tongue great sword :“Check out my lighter”
    NPC:”That’s a sword”
    Me: “Yeah that too”
    Rouge:”I’m sorry Max but were going to have to cast castrate on you”
    *Ranger proceeds to cast sleep on him*

  • @davidcatts7251
    @davidcatts7251 Год назад

    P1: Well, you did die, so...
    P2: And it was incredible.

  • @beegirl8809
    @beegirl8809 9 месяцев назад

    "You have orphaned 3 squirrel children."
    Aspen: *_gay panic_*

  • @RebelliousKorlath
    @RebelliousKorlath Год назад

    "Behold, Grayson Wildamere, the God-King of All Twinks!"

  • @mitchellhasto3003
    @mitchellhasto3003 Год назад

    “Now officers, I know me having the dwarven princess stuffed in a keg on my back look’s really bad but let me explain! She wants to be there!”

  • @imperfect_ten
    @imperfect_ten Год назад

    - Tug Tom the Swamp Guy, 2023

  • @pastablade7029
    @pastablade7029 Год назад +2

    These are separate situations
    Druid“I cast infection in her face and steal the cat body”
    Barbarian: “Wait so then where do we put the square block? I don’t see a circle hole?”
    Rogue: “Noooo, you put the square block in the star hole you dumbass, now come help me pick this up.”

  • @irishspartanstudios
    @irishspartanstudios Год назад +3

    6:13 As a bard and Eilistraean I am greatly upset at that news.

    • @chskcsmith
      @chskcsmith Год назад +1

      No one steals a bard's hat. No. One.

  • @samzilla1281
    @samzilla1281 Год назад

    Player: Can I summon a piano?
    DM: Do you know the spell 'Summon Piano'?

  • @Kualinar
    @Kualinar Год назад

    Elrond the mage when surrounded by an actual army : I'm surrounded. Surrender or DIE ! Army don't immediately surrender. Army attack. Whole army die.

  • @basmbee4325
    @basmbee4325 Год назад +2

    "What in the constipation noises?" -Civip
    "I'm the big eel in real life." -Gray
    "The tooth fairy is one bad day from ripping teeth out of your mouth." - Carter the Cart Titan
    "I can't wait till I can grab another feat and become a master of penetration" -Carter the Cart Titan
    "You cant stand for much you're fucking half sized Olaf!" -Levi as DM
    "Lol Syl is going full catgirl" -Civip
    "I just forgot I had an army of 90 undead lying around" -Syl
    "I don't know why I thought pushing a tornado off the edge would kill them." -Civip
    "I'm a terrible DM, I'm starting a race war." -Civip as DM
    "I'm so honored he took control of my body." -Gray
    "Does it have a wussy?" -Lindris
    "So I started reproducing a lot." -Pabar
    "Hi! I am Pabar! I eat poop!" -Pabar
    "Do you like my exotic juices?" -Civip
    "Olaf shut up." -Olaf
    "Let's go charis-mate somebody." -Boyo Bianco
    "The only exceptions are when I severely exert a thong." -Mercury
    "Throw the cripple." -Grimm
    "It's chipped therefore it's killable." Ylberu
    "Why did you think I'd allow you to breathe?" -Harrison as DM
    "Do you just whip it out?" -Harrison as DM
    "I don't want Idoh to die. He's an asshole, but he's my asshole." -Evan
    "I'm asking you to put your hate boner away for 5 seconds" -Orina
    "I think you might be racist, one to another." -Idoh
    "Gonna find some flying minors down there." -Grimm
    "As you slime into the mountain." -Logan
    "I whipped his ass with a tentacle." -Yudaina
    "I bet those two big shoulders are just there to complement your two big boulders, huh~" -Jerry

  • @Oxygen1004
    @Oxygen1004 Год назад

    "I punch my father in the face"
    He got melded to the boat he was originally the captain of. Instead of trying to save him like my DM probably intended, I put him to rest for the 3rd and final time (other 2 weren't related to this character)

  • @flexchagalaga4477
    @flexchagalaga4477 Год назад

    "I'd rather die than be baby-birded a mushroom."

  • @mitchellhasto3003
    @mitchellhasto3003 Год назад

    “And her name shall be Hector Stinkbertex!”

  • @theverytiredbirb6735
    @theverytiredbirb6735 Год назад

    Less out of context quote more of a out of context situation: "the balls puzzle"

  • @LyrictheFilthyCasual
    @LyrictheFilthyCasual Год назад

    "If I became a vampire and still had to deal with having a period, I'd walk into the sun."

  • @zachmansfield6640
    @zachmansfield6640 Год назад

    "So basically, he's the Drow city's IT guy."

  • @samanbouniady
    @samanbouniady Год назад

    “Behold, the power of the Methnado.”

  • @michaelwight9163
    @michaelwight9163 Год назад

    "Oh wait I can just use sense evil, I didn't need to call you at all... umm... sorry dad... it's... uh... wimdy?"

  • @Pieguy883
    @Pieguy883 2 месяца назад

    "I know it was a good idea, I had it"

  • @mikewinans5091
    @mikewinans5091 Год назад

    The gods have chosen to spare you today, but remember that they are *fickle.*

  • @DiabloTheKingOfHell
    @DiabloTheKingOfHell Год назад

    A couple of noteworthy ones (Context in parenthesis)
    Fighter: I roll to bone the dog! (His wife was polymorphed as part of a wizard's curse, and he wasn't going to bother with the curse at the moment)
    Cleric: Well, this ass isn't going to eat itself. Eat up! (We killed a donkey and ate it as rations)

  • @elmerthiendoesgames9061
    @elmerthiendoesgames9061 Год назад

    "You aren't proficient in wasps".

  • @marclytle644
    @marclytle644 Год назад

    Rabbits are natures toilet paper, they are self cleaning.
    And now I am going to make a deity in my homebrew world named... Gaud.

  • @postapocalypticnewsradio
    @postapocalypticnewsradio Год назад +1

    PANR has tuned in.

  • @leprechaunda7139
    @leprechaunda7139 Год назад

    “I would like to cast Orbital Strike on the child”

  • @XevianLight
    @XevianLight Год назад

    As I walk back into the room, our dwarf saying to our spider (homebrew species): “GOD I wanna ride you…”
    Took a while to stop laughing for him to finally explain that, in universe, dwarves used these spiders as steed, like horses. They ride them for transportation.

  • @themegabigctoo
    @themegabigctoo Год назад

    I got one:
    Dm: "[My] Character is being so creepy and I'm totally digging it"

  • @OnbanadritheMad
    @OnbanadritheMad Год назад

    I have Asmodeus in a snow globe, if that counts had me gasping for air

  • @silkmonkey
    @silkmonkey Год назад

    “Sir, I’m gonna have to insist on reimbursement for expenses. Which are mostly falafel.” -Kalak, bullying an insane xenophobic guy into paying him an extra 16 credits for Falafel.
    It probably should be noted that at this point the party coffers were flush with cash. Didn’t matter, they thought the guy was a jerk and wanted to take more of his money.

  • @majinsole8554
    @majinsole8554 2 месяца назад

    Asmodeus in a snow globe.
    Sounds like a Krampus gift.

  • @randomnobody4293
    @randomnobody4293 Год назад +1

    3 quotes, 2 campaigns
    1: "Whats written on the sword?"
    "Yo mama"
    DM looks at players "You just found a sword named yo mama"
    2 : "You burried her with all her stuff?" starts digging up the corps of their fallen comrad
    3 : "Your a woman, you know how emotions work" (the player is was a woman, playing a man)

  • @CiaranMaxwell
    @CiaranMaxwell Год назад

    "If you _know_ you're so stupid, WHY do you listen to yourself?!"

  • @mitchellhasto3003
    @mitchellhasto3003 Год назад

    “I’m gonna grab owl and dimension door under the table outside the force field so we can escape…oh f*ck no wonder whiskey doesn’t trust me. I just vented like an imposter.”

  • @coecalmosh9659
    @coecalmosh9659 Год назад

    Rouge: "I tech him how to play poker... I rolled a 3."
    Ranger: "I eat one of the cards."
    Rouge: "NOOOO!"

  • @alexisfugatte22
    @alexisfugatte22 Год назад

    Welcome to the layer of lust
    2d6 balls damage
    These are out of context but at the same time they’re right on point.

  • @zachm5485
    @zachm5485 Год назад

    Druid, upon learning that the town he was in was called Redwood: “This wall isn’t redwood, see!” *licks wall* “Not redwood!”

  • @ronniemoyer578
    @ronniemoyer578 Месяц назад

    “How much human meat do i get from the thief”
    “Half the party ran from the plot hook via autodefenstration”
    “You can have the dog, his name is No”-monk named Yes

  • @stanisawankowski8243
    @stanisawankowski8243 Год назад

    "If this was a comedy he'd say:
    Golly, it's good that I have brought my Brown pants!"
    And another one
    "So you come up to the man you just killed and nonshalantly cut a part of flesh from his leg, as if you were cutting bread."
    And last one:
    "I'm not really into making more enemies, as I am currently being pursued by a mutated squirell, so no, thank you very much"

  • @whiteroomentertainmenttv8371
    @whiteroomentertainmenttv8371 Год назад

    "so he used your corpse as a weapon"

  • @tobias2287
    @tobias2287 Год назад

    Best one? "I yeet the gnome."

  • @Space__Wizard
    @Space__Wizard Год назад

    “Taste the rainbow mf”- bbeg