WhatsApp should not be used if you care about privacy. Its owned by Facebook which is using WhatsApp metadata to create relationship profiles. For example, WhatsApp imports your entire personal contact database…which Meta uses to cross reference people with its Facebook database. Group Chats in WhatsApp aren’t end-to-end encrypted.
WhatsApp should not be used if you care about privacy. Its owned by Facebook which is using WhatsApp metadata to create relationship profiles.
For example, WhatsApp imports your entire personal contact database…which Meta uses to cross reference people with its Facebook database.
Group Chats in WhatsApp aren’t end-to-end encrypted.
Great review. Clare and concise 🥰
Can i call someone in viber even they blocked me in WhatsApp?
If "someone" blocked you, maybe it's because she did not want to communicate anymore with you.
@@anbuthgamingzone3123 Are your mom and dad cousins?
@@longdongsilver4719 are your mother father dead 😂
Great viber!!
viber is so good so vibes