Does God Choose to Save Some People and Not Others? | Out Of Neutral

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 283

    @JEREMIAHNJOROGE-f6v День назад

    You are 100% right 👍.

  • @rajivsadasivan4424
    @rajivsadasivan4424 2 года назад +8

    Hello Paul everyone in the scripture has been chosen by God himself. Its true that all r called and only few will be chosen likewise whats said only few will enter and the ones who will enter will be chosen. As far as purpose goes yes I agree that God has a purpose for everyone and it will differ from one to the other. Thanks,

    • @paulsadler4791
      @paulsadler4791 2 года назад +2

      Thanks, Rajiv. I think Scripture is pretty clear that God didn't choose everyone. He didn't choose Esau or Pharaoh. God doesn't choose us because we chose Him. We choose HIm because He first chose us.

    • @rajivsadasivan4424
      @rajivsadasivan4424 2 года назад +1

      Hello Paul by choosing I mean for entering his kingdom again we r called but few r only chosen. In scripture everyone of God's people were chosen as he himself picked them out. Even Saul who later came ro be known as Paul was chosen and changed, this is what I meant by God's choosing. Starting from Abraham to everyone whom jesus chose to be with him everyone was handpicked and chosen by Jesus hence chosen.There were many who chose to follow God but not much is written bout them whether they have been chosen or not. As for pharoah even pharoahs heart was made hard by God that way God worked in him too. Basically God does whatever he wants in us but when it comes to actually being chosen for his kingdom as it is said we may have done everything like driving away demons or healing and trying to be righteous but answer might be that I never knew u. This is what I call not chosen for the kingdom. This in any case does not give us the right to question God though. Thank u,

    • @paulsadler4791
      @paulsadler4791 2 года назад +1

      @@rajivsadasivan4424 I'm sorry Rajiv. I misunderstood what you were saying. Thanks for clarifying!

    • @nicholascarter6543
      @nicholascarter6543 2 года назад

      @@paulsadler4791 yes but in Christ. He chose us “in Christ!” Understand what that means,brother in Christ. He chose a method which would be effectual to those who would freely receive it. If I create a medication that cures cancer but I know many will not take it because they don’t like or trust me,should I not give it to those who are thirsty or hungry for it? Should I only give it to some or OFFER it to the whole world? It’s effectual in that a person must RESPOND to Him. God knew Paul would accept while another person may have just been “freaked out!” God is kind and loving to all and genuinely desires all to be saved and works to that end EVEN THOUGH HE ALREADY KNOWS who will reject it;He STILL implores then to come so that they can see and believe and be saved. They CAN but they won’t AND FROM GOD’S VANTAGE POINT THE OUTCOME CANNOT BE ANY DIFFERENT THAN THAT BUT FROM OUR VANTAGE POINT WE STILL HAVE A CHOICE IN THE MATTER!! Common guys!!?
      I’m sincerely apologize for some of my comments above that probably came off as rude but this “idea” needs to be rebuked because it is simply NOT true that God only offers salvation and effectually saves the “lucky elect!” (Calvinists would say “blessed not lucky.” And I understand...) If you can’t understand how it all works then your philosophical theological standpoint is faulty and not 100% full proof and in stone AND should be wisely re-evaluated within the CONTEXT of the WHOLE SCRIPTURE! His call goes to all but only those who are effected by this good news will believe and be saved while the affected will not believe and WILL reject AND GOD KNOWS THAT! I see it every day! He will never call us to do something we can not or could not possibly do! That is evil! Isaiah 45:19.
      God would never call us to believe if we couldn’t BUT there is a huge difference between couldn’t and wouldn’t. Like I said above (From God’s vantage point some “cannot” because they will not and He ordains it be that way by His decree;while on our limited perspective vantage point it DOES SEEM OBVIOUS that people can choose this day life or death Deuteronomy 30:19. God said that,NOT ME brother. Be humble and think about what you are saying or AT LEAST EXPLAIN IT BETTER AND MORE COMPREHENSIVELY. Thank you

    • @nicholascarter6543
      @nicholascarter6543 2 года назад +1

      @@paulsadler4791 Jacob was chosen for a purpose and a task to accomplish and it involved him being saved but it doesn’t end there. Pharaoh hardened his own heart and God topped it off since he wouldn’t give in or surrender;even in spite of the horrific miracles before his very eyes. He could have repented but God knew He wouldn’t and used it for His grand purpose. God is Sovereign over His creation and the free choices He gave us. He knows the choices “we will” make within the confines of what He has provided each individual and it fits perfectly with His plan. I don’t have it ALL figured out and none of us do;however,we do see undeniable evidence that people really do have a choice to either believe or not but God knows each person’s choice that results from even good things He provides people. It’s a humongous mathematical equation with many variables which ONLY God knows all the answers. I’m a firm believer that His Spirit is truly involved in each person’s life on planet Earth since the beginning of time until the end and that fits with what He says about desiring ALL to come to a saving knowledge of the truth and that He does not will/desire/want anyone to go to Hell but He won’t force or coerce anyone to believe the Good News of Christ. That is why we are “responsible” to “respond” back to God and His call whether general or special revelation. If someone rejects it however many times;God is not obligated to chase that person down

  • @elisabethtrotter4564
    @elisabethtrotter4564 3 года назад +3

    Jesus Christ went to the cross and now lives to set sinful you free from death and hell. Repent and turn your heart to Him before it’s too late. He doesn’t want you to go to hell. If He calls your heart, say yes!

  • @barrygaynor1025
    @barrygaynor1025 2 года назад +9

    "The Lord does not want anyone to perish", wrote Peter, in his second New Testament epistle.

    • @nicholascarter6543
      @nicholascarter6543 2 года назад


    • @timclark2925
      @timclark2925 2 года назад +1

      I and II Peter are addressed to God's what it is saying is that God desires that none of the ELECT shall perish.....but all the ELECT to be saved......Which is exactly what Jesus says in John 6 and is total nonsense that God wants all men to be 2 Timothy many have falsely believed where it says that God wants all men to be saved;....its the same greek word that you see when it says that money is the root of all kinds of evil; not money is the root of all other words God has chosen the ELECT from all races, countries, ethnic groups, genders etc... ...Salvation works the same in the NT as it did in the the OT God chose Israel only out of all the families of the earth(See Amos 3:2).....He did not choose the Egyptians, the Babylonians, or the Assyrians....God chose the NT God chooses the ELECT; those chosen by God for mercy before the foundation of the other words God had no expectation or desire that Hitler would come to salvation; that is total nonsense....

    • @secretbarret
      @secretbarret 2 года назад +4

      @@timclark2925 if God didnt chose us nobody will be saved
      John 6:37
      But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who
      sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.

    • @timclark2925
      @timclark2925 2 года назад +1

      @@secretbarret that is correct...

    • @nicholascarter6543
      @nicholascarter6543 Год назад +3

      For I (The Lord and not me!) take no delight in the death of the wicked but rather that they turn from their wicked ways and be saved.” You are foolish for saying that God does not desire all men to be saved!!! You are wrong. Period and I don’t care how you feel about that! 😅. You think God smiles when He sends a sinner to Hell dude! How dare you misrepresent my King this way. Oh my gosh!!! 🤦‍♂️😡.

  • @savedbygrace8337
    @savedbygrace8337 5 месяцев назад

    John 15:16
    “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.”

  • @lawrenceseguin1865
    @lawrenceseguin1865 3 года назад +7

    Thanks, Paul, I really appreciated this! Warmest regards to you and your family from Cameroon

    • @paulsadler4791
      @paulsadler4791 3 года назад

      Thanks, Larry. I hope you're keeping well!

  • @erichinson6146
    @erichinson6146 2 года назад

    John 3:16 For who so ever! That says it all! There are people that when the Holy Spirit brings conviction they make the choice to give their hearts to the Lord, and then there are people that experience the same convicting power of the Holy Spirit and they choose to say no, it's the who so ever, that means every man woman has that choice to say yes to Jesus, or say no, I pray you say yes before it's to late!

    • @paulsadler4791
      @paulsadler4791 2 года назад

      I appreciate your spirit, Eric, and I share your passion for those who don't know Christ. And who doesn't love John 3:16? I don't think it answers this question though. Here's my explanation of why: "Verses that refute predestination"видео.html

    • @donaldcoleman514
      @donaldcoleman514 2 года назад

      according to the bible what world is the most high talking about Isaiah 45/17 but Israel shall be saved in an everlasting salvation of the most high ye shall not be ashamed or disgraced world without ends acts 2/21/22 and it shall come to pass that whoever call on the most high shall be saved men of Israel hear these words now can you prove it from the bible the most high is talking to all nations the bible says men of Israel that's the whoever men of Israel according to the bible Roman's 11/26 and so all of Israel shall be saved as it is written as it is written means it was written in old testament before new testament and in old or new testament it never mention no other nation but Israel now how clear is that

  • @Subdood04
    @Subdood04 11 месяцев назад

    All humans born of a man and a woman are destined for hell as their default state at birth. That a righteous, holy and sovereign God would deign ti save ANY is the amazing thing about grace.

  • @harrymurray9702
    @harrymurray9702 Год назад

    Salvation is a supernatural work of God, since we cannot save ourselves, it is obvious, God clearly does. Jesus said quite plainly, John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

  • @friendsforever5012
    @friendsforever5012 Год назад +1

    He picks and chooses whoever he wants to bless or help. Very partial unjust. He dragged us on this planet then after 28 years of asking nothing comes. Sad reality.

  • @nicholascarter6543
    @nicholascarter6543 2 года назад +1

    So,why are the unbelievers judged for not being even able to believe at all from the beginning? Why does God not desire the death of the wicked? Why does God say that He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather that they come to a saving knowledge of the Truth? What about the parable of the wedding banquet where ALL are invited but none come? So,the Bridegroom sends more out to invite the poor ect... then the wedding banquet is full of people properly dressed ect... God calls all but He also chooses some to go out and preach or teach or whatever task to collect His children all over the world who will believe once they hear..perhaps they have already responded positively to the general calling of God and now they are just waiting for a messenger with the Gospel. ❤️💯

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  2 года назад

      Hey, Nicholas. Thanks for taking the time to write and share your opinions. People are judged for their sins not for not being able to believe. I deal with the kinds of verses you refer to here:видео.html

    • @nicholascarter6543
      @nicholascarter6543 2 года назад +1

      @@GracebcCa “People go to Hell for their sins and not for rejecting God.” ?? Ok,so let me put what you falsely believe in a nutshell
      : Scott is born a sinner and cannot understand or believe the truth or respond to God’s Holy Spirit who is currently convicting the world of sin righteousness and judgement!!(had to add that FOR YOU buddy) Since he can’t do anything (like a dead corpse bs) God has to literally give him eyes that see and ears that hear against his will(there can be no other view because Calvinists don’t believe in ACTUAL free will; you know,the kind we REALLY have) If it is “in accordance with the sinner’s will(as that would be the only other alternative logically) then do you still think God doesn’t get the glory simply because the human RESPONDED? Little Scott is commanded to run a marathon as an infant but he cannot even crawl yet or even roll over (which is NOT HIS FAULT BTW anymore than it is our fault that we are born sinners;but IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO RESPOND TO GOD MY FRIEND!!!) You are teaching that God would be just and good for throwing little innocent baby Scott in the fire to burn FOREVER simply because he could not do what God had commanded him to do!! That’s what you are teaching! You are teaching that God is evil. God will give everyone the opportunity to RESPOND to His Holy Spirit and nobody goes to Hell without warning! It’s not that they were simply passed over and ignored by God(I can’t believe Christians actually came to that conclusion;kinda makes me wonder if you really know God) Ya,command the baby to run before he can even understand how to walk AND then burn him alive FOREVER AND EVER because that is how he was born and that is how it is and that’s all there is to it AND GOD IS GOOD AMEN??? Seriously? May the Lord rebuke Calvinists for their false teaching!! Jesus is Savior of ALL MEN especially those who believe!!
      (1 Timothy 4:10) God will not send someone to Hell for what they had no control over dude! Would you do that? No,you wouldn’t! AND YOU’RE A SINNER!! How much more do you think God (who is omnibenevelant;All Good)
      would and could NEVER do such a thing??!! The whole point of His Holy Spirit is to convict and draw ALL MEN TO HIMSELF. People don’t go to Hell at the whim of God! People choose to reject the light God HAS GIVEN them! God provides enough information to each and every person so that they are “RESPONSIBLE.” Think about where the word “responsible” comes from and what that means! Look up the definition of RESPONSIBLE dude! We couldn’t be responsible if we can’t respond to God! God is calling everyone (wedding banquet) AND THE ONLY WAY CALVINISTS CAN BACK UP THEIR FALSE CLAIM IS BY DOING SCRIPTURAL GYMNASTICS AND INCOHERENT INCONSISTENT PROOF TEXTS WHICH THEY READ OUT OF CONTEXT TO BEGIN WITH.
      3. WHY NOT?

    • @mimiluxe-zv8xc
      @mimiluxe-zv8xc 18 дней назад

      ​@@GracebcCa Stop misleading people, "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." - this should be a wake-up call for you!
      John 3:16 (ESV):
      "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
      Romans 10:9-10 (ESV):
      "Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved."
      Acts 16:31 (ESV):
      "And they said, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.'"
      Mark 16:16 (ESV):
      "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."
      John 5:24 (ESV):
      "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."
      If we're judged by our sins, then Jesus died for nothing. But through His sacrifice, we're cleansed and reconciled to the Father because we believe in Him who came and was crucified for our sins (1 Peter 2:24).
      No one will earn eternal life through their hard work so that they can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9), or because of their own righteousness (Titus 3:5). Instead, we are saved by grace through faith, which is a gift from God.

  • @savedbygrace8337
    @savedbygrace8337 5 месяцев назад

    GOD has HIS own way of doing things it is not up to us to second guess HIM
    you either have faith or you don't!

    • @stephengorman1025
      @stephengorman1025 2 месяца назад

      Then why are we commanded to love him with our mind and to search the scriptures.

  • @emilesturt3377
    @emilesturt3377 2 года назад +2

    The good news is that God DOES NOT predestine anyone to hell. OR "pass over" those who He could have saved but chose not to (for whatever reason)
    How can you be so sure Emile ? Are you God !? . . .
    No, but the classical interpretation of Romans 9, Romans 8, Ephesians 1 etc . . . mixed with the classical general Jewish view of foreknowledge, predestination, election (corporate and individual) and the journey toward glorification . . . mixed with even the most basic use of God given human reason and sence of fairness, love and justice . . . mixed with the rejection of the view that a few guys who lived after 3 quarters of Christian history so far had already elapsed suddenly saw what none of the great leaders, theologians, teachers and wonderworkers of the Church never did . . .
    . . . gives me a very good, solid and overwhelmingly favourable reason to accept the classical, historic and Orthodox (non Augustinian) view, and uterly reject what is (as Calvin himself said) "the terrible doctrine" (the doctrine that he (on the back of St Augustines early 5th century novel take) basically invented ! - Double predestination with the addition of meticulous providence and determinism)
    Calvinism is proof of just how important it is for us to feel "safe" within the consensus of an interpretive tradition... part of something bigger than ourselves.
    Any of us can come under dodgy teaching, and John Calvin's novel system (because he was at such a pivotal and influential moment in history) unfortunately received cult like reverence among certain reformers and has thus influenced many many thousands afterwards.
    The real consensus of the mind of the Church on the matters of foreknowledge, predestination and the place of grace and free will in the entirety of salvation was clearly reached and taught amongst the post apostolic / Ante - Nicene Father's. The whole of the ancient church in both the east and the west, and also the majority of Protestants today, utterly reject Augustine's novel view of predestination in the early 5th century, and the "determinism" of Calvin in the 16th.
    Arguing with a fan of reformed / deformed theology is like arguing with a non Christian cultist (though obvs "Calvinists" are deeply consevative and Christian) ... You can't reason with someone who's brainwashed. They "swallow" the hard pill of "the terrible doctrine" out of reverance for God. They have also received a very warped and lopsided view of Christian history which "seems" to uphold Augustine and Calvin as the heroes and bastions of "true orthodoxy"... (oh the irony) ... a history lesson which is bias and has no actual basis in reality. (the JW's / Arians would have more of a case from history, and their doctrines (though wrong) make far more Scriptural, philisophical and logical sense than those of some of the reformers)
    Divine determinism - to the point that Calvin took it - is unscriptural, irrational and horrific.
    In love !
    Peace to all in Christ X

    • @andrewshaw3703
      @andrewshaw3703 2 года назад

      Here you goвидео.html

    • @emilesturt3377
      @emilesturt3377 2 года назад

      @@andrewshaw3703 oh yeah, some heresy

    • @TheEngineer19
      @TheEngineer19 2 года назад

      @@andrewshaw3703 poor RC Sproul, tormented in hell for eternity... For worshipping a different god from the bible.. Calvigod character is more align to Satan..

  • @nicholascarter6543
    @nicholascarter6543 2 года назад +1

    No one will go to Hell saying “I didn’t know!! I didn’t know!!” If God prevents some from having the ability to realize they are a SINNER from the beginning of their existence then the best excuse that reprobate sinner can give to God on judgement day is this: “God,I’m so sorry but you didn’t choose me for salvation so I was unable to respond because you prevented me from even being able to hear you. I looked but I was rejected because you didn’t choose me.”

    • @timclark2925
      @timclark2925 Год назад +1

      No; God will simply judge the sinner according to what they have done (they will get justice)......For The Elect; those chosen by God for mercy before the foundation of the world; they will get mercy. Which is exactly what it says in Romans 9:22-24 "What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath-prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory- 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles?" The problem you guys have is you skip all the verses that you dont like and create a false God that you wish existed.....not the REAL GOD who has revealed Himself in the Scriptures......

  • @richardsutton6504
    @richardsutton6504 2 года назад +9

    Predestine before time. God‘s elect chosen regenerated by the Holy Spirit walking in sanctification going toward glorification. Many are called few are chosen. God is only bringing his chosen elect to be with him in heaven.

  • @joey_outdoors
    @joey_outdoors 2 года назад +4

    This was most helpful as I’m struggling with election/pre again.

    • @paulsadler4791
      @paulsadler4791 2 года назад +1

      Good to hear, Joey. I'm glad it was helpful. You may want also want to check out "If you believe in Jesus this is why" (видео.html) and "Verses that refute predestination" (видео.html) which are a part of the same series. Your channel looks great, by the way!

    • @joey_outdoors
      @joey_outdoors 2 года назад +1

      @@paulsadler4791 Thanks again! :)

    • @nicholascarter6543
      @nicholascarter6543 2 года назад +3

      The best way you can avoid struggling at the depth of depression or anxiety or confusion is to seek God for yourself and forget what man-made doctrines teach you or tell you to believe(how this works and how that works) but rather believe what the Bible clearly teaches in general and what it teaches about His character and personality and will. The best way to avoid all this stress is by refusing to believe that God would just pick one person to be saved and say “screw the other guy.” Hence: “Esau,I created you to go to Hell AND I hate you.” Ya,you can get that out of your mind because God did not HATE Esau but rather “rejected” Esau (in some sense based on context;that’s another subject altogether) Esau was rejected for God’s own purposes and reasons(also it’s important to realize what he was rejected of) Esau could have cried out to God if he desired (and there is no reason to think that it was IMPOSSIBLE for him to do so or that maybe he did at some unrecorded time;since God is available to all men who seek Him;yet Calvinists will insist that NO ONE can possibly seek Him EVEN THOUGH HE FIRST REVEALED HIMSELF TO US PERSONALLY AND GAVE HIS SPIRIT TO THE WORLD TO CONVICT AND REPROVE IT AND PERHAPS LEAD TO SALVATION! If rejected,then it’s their choice. We were born in sin and God knows it ain’t fair to not at least extend His hand since we are born this way it ain’t our fault we were born this way (we’re guilty but ABSOLUTELY GUILTY when we reject the Son of God AND HE ISNT STUPID;He knows this more than me!! BUT WE ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE TO RECOGNIZE THAT WE ARE IN NEED OF HELP. THAT HELP IS REVEALED IN CHRIST WHO DRAWS ALL MEN TO HIMSELF AND OFFERS HIMSELF TO ANYONE WHO “WILL BELIEVE!” Jesus even called those who wouldn’t believe (as they were destined to do so as recorded by Peter;NOT PREDESTINED by God Himself to Hell fire eternally for what they COULD NOT DO) He knows who will believe His message in any given situation and who won’t in any given situation but His call goes to ALL and that’s ALL that means! He has chosen them “in Christ!!” (Understand what that means) The weak,the weary and helpless who call out in desperation ect...those who humble themselves will be exalted and those who exalt themselves will be humbled BUT it is still our response to Jesus and His call that saves,NOT US OR OUR WILL!! It’s a giant mathematical equation that Calvinists or Arminians or Provisionists cannot 100% grasp HOWEVER I do believe there is significant and good REASON based on Scripture to confidently walk away from this philosophical concept of Calvinism,whether hyper Calvinist or moderate or whatever. If Calvinism is true (and I do believe they do have some SOLID points) they need to explain it better. They need to step back and re evaluate their thoughts and interpretation and come to a better understanding in explaining it all rather than just simply saying God “PICKS AND CHOOSES SOME TO BE SAVED AND LEAVES THE OTHERS HELPLESS TO BURN IN HELL FOREVER AND EVER! His call CAN be responded to whether rejected or accepted!!
      Isaiah 45:19

    • @heidimaxham1612
      @heidimaxham1612 Год назад

      This is just one persons opinion. Even backed up via the bible, one has to ask if it's divided correctly. Studied thoroughly. If they were given the ability to understand via holy spirit or is it just simply their own carnal understanding of the scripture. Ppl complicate things way too much bc one person saying one thing but yet down the road ppl are saying different. All within so-called Christianity. No AUTHENTIC Christianity isn't the problem here. It's ppl passing their carnal understanding of the scripture off onto the masses as holy spirit led. Which only breeds more confusion. It's a cesspool. The way I see it, is if God can't give ME CLEAR revelation of his word than that's on Him, not me or anyone else. Ppl just make things complicated. Go to God and ask him to show u in his word what is what and who is who.

  • @daisy35310
    @daisy35310 2 года назад

    So God works in the hearts of some, to cause them to believe, repent, and receive Christ - but He does not work in the hearts of others - and they are eternally damned. I don't understand this.

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  2 года назад

      I know this is confusing. It's not saying that people are judged for what God didn't do for them. People are judged for their sins and pardoned through faith in Jesus. But what is it that takes people who are "dead in their sins" and brings them to life? This video clarifies further:видео.html

  • @FrankinSmiththeology
    @FrankinSmiththeology 9 месяцев назад

    You choose to believe and then you know that you are elect

  • @arethamurphy6019
    @arethamurphy6019 Год назад

    I Am black for the universe is dark and it clothed me in blackness saith The Lord and that the truth amen receive me and receive him that sent me and blessed are those who have not seen me and yet believe Nazareth Murphy USA I and the father are one God is true amen

  • @anthonycarbonaro7890
    @anthonycarbonaro7890 2 года назад +2

    Very excellent presentation!!
    Thank You 🙏

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 2 года назад +2

    God is not in debt to any
    It's a marvel he saved any
    However the command is to repent
    Would it have been unfair of god
    Not to have given people freewill
    Many enjoy fame wealth and other
    Gods goodness to all his creatures
    Salvation has a price tag on it
    One must be prepared to forsake all
    To enter the kingdom
    Friends family even ones own life!

    • @hesavedawretchlikeme6902
      @hesavedawretchlikeme6902 2 года назад

      As a dear friend used to say, "Don't worry about the mule, just load the wagon." We men tend to think we can ascertain and understand freewill, predestination, the elect, etc. God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and lives outside of time & space. God is in eternity, not bound by our dimension. Paul told Timothy not to concern himself (especially argue with others) about genealogies, things that only gender strifes, vain babblings, certain things that most people cannot understand...because most men rely on carnal nature, and not spiritual insight that only God can give. A lot of ministries put themselves out there as authoritative, and get people's attention by questions like these. The Lord saves whosoever will hear Him, and not harden their heart. Don't put a stumbling stone before someone who just needs to see their sin, cry out to the Lord to save them.

    • @larrymcfarlandjr2160
      @larrymcfarlandjr2160 2 года назад +1

      @@hesavedawretchlikeme6902 Amen, my friend! The LOVE of God our Father MOVES and DRIVES us to him. I believe ALL souls, those living and those who have passed on (through all ages of time), will hear the gospel, and their salvation or condemnation will be based on their acceptance or rejection to the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ.

    • @nicholascarter6543
      @nicholascarter6543 Год назад +1

      Indeed it is a marvel that God would even bother to create us knowing that He would have to die for our sorry butts in order to save some of us. That’s what I find amazing. I do not believe God would create a world where EVERYONE would just go to Hell with no choice in the matter. God IS LOVE AND ALL HE DOES IS DONE OUT OF LOVE BECAUSE HE IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF LOVE.

  • @barrygaynor1025
    @barrygaynor1025 2 года назад +1

    "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but will have eternal life." --Bible
    [The Gospel According to John, chapter 3]

    • @paulsadler4791
      @paulsadler4791 2 года назад

      Who doesn't love John 3:16? I don't think it answers this question though. Here's my explanation of why: "Verses that refute predestination"видео.html

    • @nicholascarter6543
      @nicholascarter6543 2 года назад

      Exactly. But they make it so complicated

    • @donaldcoleman514
      @donaldcoleman514 2 года назад

      according to the bible let's see what world the bible is talking about Isaiah 45/17 but Israel shall be saved in an everlasting salvation of the most high ye shall not be ashamed or disgraced world without ends Roman's 11/26 and so all of Israel shall be saved as it is written from old or new testament I never heard the bible mention no other nation and why would he die for the world when he said he do not pray for the world john 17/8/9 for I have given them the words which you have given me and they have received them and have known surely that I came forth from you and they have believe that you sent me I pray for the them I pray not for the world out of his mouth he said he pray for them whom received the words he pray not for the world acts 2/21/22 and it shall come to pass that whoever call on the most high shall be saved men of Israel hear these words that's who the whoever are never mention no other nation or no other men Matthew 15 /24 but he answered and said I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel never mention he came for everyone only Israel the bible is all about the Israelites no other nation Joel 2/27 and ye shall know that i'am in the midst of Israel and I'm the lord ur God and none else according to the bible the most high is telling Israel he is their God and none else the bible was written by us for us

    • @patiduran2438
      @patiduran2438 2 года назад

      And those who believed were ORDAINED TO. Acts 13:48

  • @lukewagner8871
    @lukewagner8871 2 года назад

    1 Timothy 4:9-11 KJVS
    [9] This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. [10] For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. [11] These things command and teach.
    God saves in stages.
    1 Timothy 2:5-6 KJVS
    [5] For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; [6] Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

    • @paulsadler4791
      @paulsadler4791 2 года назад

      Those are great verses, Luke, but I don't think they resolve the question. Here, I explain why: "Verses that refute destination"видео.html

  • @jcr65566
    @jcr65566 2 года назад +1

    Interesting the word save. We are all born cursed Born With a dead or rather an Asleep spirit. if God could he would wish to save ever one of us . But the problem is not with God it with us. We are born a sinner. Jesus told Peter all who believe in me the Gates of hell would have no power over them.

  • @lukewagner8871
    @lukewagner8871 2 года назад

    Galatians 4:19-26 KJVS
    [19] My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, [20] I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice; for I stand in doubt of you. [21] Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? [22] For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. [23] But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. [24] Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. [25] For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. [26] But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

  • @twenty-fivethirty-six3946
    @twenty-fivethirty-six3946 2 года назад +2

    Let me help you out with understanding predestination and election. The Father's "elect" are His chosen people, known to Him as "Israel". This isn't the physical nation of Israel which is located in the Middle-East, but the spiritual nation of Israel, those who keep the Commandments of God and remain faithful to Christ (Revelation 14:12). The Scriptures tell us that all Israel is predestined to be saved (Romans 11:26). The Apostle Paul explains how some are grafted into this spiritual nation while others are cut out in his letter to the Romans chapter 11:11-24, the model of which is given to us in Genesis 32:22-32). May you be blessed in your pursuit of truth!

  • @lyndadunn2777
    @lyndadunn2777 Год назад +1

    The Lord gives us free choice of accepting salvation or rejecting life eternal. All are called, but few are chosen. This means few chose to call upon the name of Jesus in total submission.

    • @savedbygrace8337
      @savedbygrace8337 5 месяцев назад

      Your acceptance or rejection means nothing.
      John 15:16
      “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.”

  • @livingwater7580
    @livingwater7580 9 месяцев назад

    Chosen IN HIM not outside of him.
    IN CHRIST we become chosen elect means servants not salvation
    Saved people are predestined to 3 things, 1) to the adoption (which the bible defines as the redemption of the body), 2)to be comformed to the image of christ, 3)inheritances. No one was chosen to be saved.
    I'm a 12 year ex calvinist.
    Christ is the chosen one believers become chosen when the believed and are placed into the body of christ. No one was in christ. before the foundation of the world.

  • @williamnicanordelacruz778
    @williamnicanordelacruz778 2 года назад +2

    What has “in him” in Ephesians has to do with choosing?

    • @paulsadler4791
      @paulsadler4791 2 года назад +1

      Great question, William. I think we have to look at the context for the answer. In verse 3, Paul says that God "has blessed us in Christ." The sense is that the blessings we enjoy come to us through Christ and for His sake. We didn't earn the blessings and we don't get them on our own. Then in verse 4, he says "even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world." So the way that we are blessed in Christ is parallel to the way that we were chosen before the foundation of the world. We were chosen "in him," i.e. through Jesus and for His sake. We weren't chosen because of what we did or because we deserved it.

    • @rajivsadasivan4424
      @rajivsadasivan4424 2 года назад

      Again the chosen and the called are 2 different parameters. Even though as Paul says we r chosen in him thru christ even before we r formed is completely different to chosen to be in the kingdom. The scripture clearly says that only few will enter the kingdom and it will be like a camel passing thru the eye of the needle. We are running this race to be with him to be chosen at the same time there might be someone who is not even running who can be called in and chosen. its entirely God's selection all in his righteousness and for his glory. Thanks,

    • @paulsadler4791
      @paulsadler4791 2 года назад

      @@rajivsadasivan4424 Romans 8:28-30 foreknown > predestined > called > justified > glorified
      And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.

    • @rajivsadasivan4424
      @rajivsadasivan4424 2 года назад

      Calling and being justified is it enough to be with God in his kingdom. Our lord Jesus called judas as well as he was with him and justified as well since our lord knew what he was doing but did he enter the kingdom. Judas did not enter the kingdom for sure. Thanks,

    • @larrymcfarlandjr2160
      @larrymcfarlandjr2160 2 года назад

      @@rajivsadasivan4424 "Few will enter the kingdom..." is in retrospect to the number of the lost. The number of saved souls is beyond count. Rev 7:9. Let not your argument be based on the "few" who are saved (because that number is beyond count), but on God's grace (love, and promise, and salvation) FREELY given (offered) to ALL souls who repent and believe in God's Son.
      Rejoice in the Day of Jesus' return. Pray for this day!

  • @nicholascarter6543
    @nicholascarter6543 2 года назад +7

    This is ridiculous!! God does not govern His creation this way!
    1Timothy 4:10. His Spirit is speaking to all people and giving all people light and different revelations. People respond and people are judged for how they respond. People are not simply just doomed from the womb at the whim of God! God Sovereignly gives us a choice to follow Him or Satan! Don’t listen to these Calvinists guys common. This is not the Jesus that I have come to know! The One who came to save the world and NOT CONDEMN IT! The One who came to save the sick and lost and broken! He gives us a choice and there is no other choice. There is no other possibility because God is Good and loves everybody y’all. How dare you misrepresent Jesus this way! Study more and spend more time with Jesus instead of focusing on Calvinism!!
    1 Timothy 4:10

    • @savedbygrace8337
      @savedbygrace8337 5 месяцев назад

      John 15:16
      “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.”
      Actually you have no say in salvation,don't let your ego cloud your vision!

    • @MateoManolo-sl6xp
      @MateoManolo-sl6xp 4 месяца назад

      You stated....God loves everybody y'all.
      So how do you harmonize your comment with everybody God destroyed in the OT and with everybody God told others to destroy, men,women, children, wipe them out he told Joshua, don't leave a single one alive?

  • @bengagliardo1080
    @bengagliardo1080 2 года назад

    God chose from those he knew from before he created time. those he didn't know beforehand for the fire. God said that he knew us before he created us here on earth. does that mean that we knew him too? if we did he removed or erased that from our memory like he will the memory of us on earth when we're in heaven... to dry our tears from knowing the fate of those we love that are in hell because they didn't believe.. . were getting close. see you'll on the other side. fight a good fight.. see ya ...soon?

  • @orangeandslinky
    @orangeandslinky Год назад

    How do you explain to a denomination what God's sovereign grace has done, without making Baptists mad at you? Grace Divided House Church of Richmond Hill. God saved you, now your stuck. You're not of Cephus or Apollo or John the Baptist anymore.

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  Год назад

      @orangeandslinky Sorry to hear about what you're facing. Teaching Scriptures where there is disagreement and strong opinions requires God's grace and discernment. May He give you both in abundance.

  • @dawnmcknight3890
    @dawnmcknight3890 Год назад

    He does in this world it is all about what God wants not about we want
    Ephesians 1;4-5
    If we are doing what we want that is out flesh we must move through the Holy Spirit wants
    Romans 9:20-21
    Who are you, a simple human being to talk back to Gofd?
    Will what is formed say to Him who formed it
    Why did you make me this way?
    21 or has the Potter no riight to make a given lump of clay this pot for honorable and that for dishonorable?

    • @markshaneh
      @markshaneh 11 месяцев назад

      How many times is scripture does god plead with us to reason with him, to choose life, to humble ourselves
      God wants us to talk back to him
      What Bible you reading from ?

  • @93556108
    @93556108 Год назад

    Are you expressing your perspectives on soteriology as Calvinism did? My contention in God choice of Abraham, Israel and Paul is for the blessings to mankind and thus God's choice of them is not for offering eternal life. Thank you.

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  Год назад

      Hey, Tan Ewelee.
      Thanks for taking the time to write.
      What I'm trying to do is to understand how the Bible speaks of God's choosing without the labels or the systems.
      I agree with you that God chose Abraham, Israel, and Paul in order to bring blessings to the people of the world, but He did so by first saving them, right? Christians are chosen to bring blessings to the world, but not without God first saving us. It's both/and not either/or.
      Does that make sense to you?
      God bless!

    • @93556108
      @93556108 Год назад

      @@GracebcCa With due respect, I don't agree when you say "but He did so by first saving them". I believed the Israelites have a choice and they have to believe in the truth and promises of their living God, the most high and they must refused to worship any other gods and have to maintained their obedience. Israel was the elect and have accessed to the truth but they still have to believe in this royalty decision. As in Genesis 15:6 it stated Abraham believed in the Lord and He counted it to him for righteousness. Please also note Abraham was chosen by God in Genesis 12:1 when he was worshiping pagan gods but God didn't so first saving him until later in Genesis 15:6 when only he believed in the Lord. So election is not synonymous to salvation and many evangelical churches fundamentally misunderstood this. . . Likewise too Christians as faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God and when they believe then only they were sealed by the Spirit of promise. Thank you.

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  Год назад

      @Tan Ewelee. Thanks for your explanation. I, too, believe that Abraham had to put his trust in the Lord. As did the Israelites and Paul. I don't think many people believe that election and salvation are synonymous. What they instead believe is that election necessarily results in salvation (even though, as you point out with Abraham, for example, God's choosing precedes our believing). It's hard for me to believe that God's choosing of Abraham, Israel, and Paul was just to bless the nations and not also to cause them to believe and receive salvation, because without their salvation what kind of blessing could they have been? Anyway, if you disagree, I have no desire to argue. I was only hoping to shed light not offend you if you believe differently. Peace, brother!

    • @93556108
      @93556108 Год назад +1

      Thank you for sharing with me your valuable thoughts. Your notion I quote “It's hard for me to believe that God's choosing of Abraham, Israel, and Paul was just to bless the nations and not also to cause them to believe and receive salvation, because without their salvation what kind of blessing could they have been?” is quite aligned to the teaching of Calvinism as they taught due to man’s fallen nature they’re totally incapable to respond to God’s call by grace so God had to cause them to believe which is think is unscriptural.
      Further they certainly taught election and salvation is synonyamous….
      In my opinion, God certainly is the initiator of our salvation by granting us His Son, His Holy Spirit and His Word. Further His gospel comes with the power of God unto salvation to one that believed (Romans1:16) and faith comes from hearing and by hearing the word of God.(Romans1017).
      In conclusion, if you have the notion of God first chose man then later caused him to believe which I suggest you’re doing eisegesis instead of exegesis.
      Anyway, I too respect your views though we believe differently. Thank you and God bless your Ministry.

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  Год назад

      @Tan Ewelee. Thank you again, and God bless.

  • @patiduran2438
    @patiduran2438 2 года назад +1

    Those choosen before the foundation of the World. And those not. The Sovereignty of God

  • @h.eyobnessibu4889
    @h.eyobnessibu4889 2 года назад +1

    Genesis 18:19 not 18:9

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  2 года назад

      You're right. Good catch. Thanks!

  • @mimiluxe-zv8xc
    @mimiluxe-zv8xc 18 дней назад +1

    Saying that God sent His only Son to die for everyone’s sins (John 3:16) but then choosing to save only a handful of people implies that God is a hypocrite. You're addressing different concepts by combining them into one which becomes misleading - God’s sovereignty, human will, and God’s purpose.
    1. God’s Sovereignty
    God is sovereign and shows mercy to whomever He chooses (Romans 9:15). In some cases, this is due to their faith or God’s desire to demonstrate His power and glory. For example, consider Paul, who was a devoted Jew but did not recognize Jesus for who He was until God revealed Himself to him (Acts 9:3-6). Why? read the 3rd point.
    I’m not speaking on behalf of God, but I’ve seen patterns where God shows mercy and reveals Himself supernaturally to those who earnestly seek Him. Many devoted Muslims have reported supernatural encounters with Jesus. Why some Muslims and not others? A dedicated person who seeks the truth will find it, but a religious person who does the ceremonies for the sake of ceremonies won't find the truth because they're not seeking it.
    2. Human Free Choice
    God chooses those who choose Him. Salvation and eternal life have been purchased through Christ for everyone, but not everyone chooses to believe in Jesus; therefore, they aren’t among the chosen (John 1:12). Many misinterpret this concept. God doesn't choose people who are going to choose Him, that is ridiculous and contradicts human free will. For instance, Pharaoh chose to harden his heart against God (Exodus 8:15) even though he saw all the miracles and signs. Prophets, Jesus, and the apostles frequently mention people willingly hardening their hearts, closing their eyes, and shutting their ears (Matthew 13:15). No one comes to know the Father except through the Son who chooses to reveal himself to those. Why does Jesus choose to reveal himself to us? revealing doesn't mean someone rejects Christ and Jesus appears to them, rather they seek, they believe, and through relationship Jesus reveals himself, who He is.
    3. God’s Purpose for Each
    Should the potter ask his maker why he was made a certain way? (Romans 9:20). When God chooses some individuals, it is to fulfill His purpose and bring Him glory. For example, a potter creates a cup to hold liquid and a plate to hold food. Each will be judged based on what they were given.
    Why is one a cup and another a plate? Why was Moses chosen to lead Israel out of Egypt (Exodus 3:10), and why was Mary chosen to bear Jesus (Luke 1:31) and why is another given a "smaller" task (smaller according to human mind, but it's not small for God)? These are not based on our qualities, righteousness, or faith. God is sovereign in these decisions. I cannot provide a comprehensive answer because only God knows everything and He is the one who created a plan for His creation's salvation and He will see it through. However, we do see patterns: God often chooses the least expected-the least powerful, the least righteous-so that His glory can be revealed through their weakness (1 Corinthians 1:27-29). God examines hearts, so even if someone appears overlooked, He sees them. Moses had a speech defect thus he refused God's purpose for Him three times and God was angry at Him because of his unbelief that god would enable him in his purpose. God chose Job to undergo Sata's test even tho he was a righteous person. God chose the apostles who weren't educated and were simple fishermen. Also, God CALLED the rich men and said sell everything and come follow me, but the rich men chose not to because of the richness and misalignment of his heart. All these show us that God has a plan for everyone and only He knows the purpose for them, and He's sovereign to decide that purpose. However, not everyone answers His call which goes back to the 2nd point of human free will.
    So, dear brother, thank you for your video. However, things can become confusing when you try to combine all these concepts into one. Please consider my thoughts and break this complex question into smaller parts. You are addressing different aspects from the same angle, which can lead to misunderstandings.
    To everyone else who read so far, "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance (2 Peter 3:9)." Everyone is called, but only those who choose to answer the call will be saved and will encounter Jesus. Read your Bibles from beginning to end as many times as you can, and the Holy Spirit will reveal the secrets of the kingdom of heaven one by one to you. Do not allow yourself to be misled because of a lack of knowledge of the word. Our God said "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge"

  • @GreatLightStudios
    @GreatLightStudios Год назад

    The example of God choosing Abraham is a poor illustration of "unconditional election." Genesis doesn't describe God choosing Abraham "for salvation." He chose him for a special "purpose" - to multiply his descendants and bless all nations through him. Nothing in Genesis says that God selected Abraham for salvation. In fact, Genesis emphasizes the fact that Abraham was credited with righteousness due to his faith. It seems you are attempting to use Abraham as an example of a deterministic view of salvation, and I just don't think that's tenable.

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  Год назад

      Thanks for your comments @Great Light Studios. What I set out to do is to look at some of the other choices God has made to see if they shed light on the topic of unconditional election.
      All Christians believe that Abraham was credited with righteousness due to his faith. The question is whether Abraham's faith comes as a result of God's prior choosing of him.
      I understand that God chose Abraham for a special purpose. But is that special purpose unrelated to his salvation? According to Genesis 18:19, God chose him "that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord." I think the text is saying that if God had not chosen him, he wouldn't have done so. How could Abraham have fulfilled God's special purpose if he hadn't come to faith?
      Even besides that, wouldn't you agree that there was a much, much higher chance that Abraham was going to come to faith with the degree of personal and direct involvement in his life by God than, for example, any number of other people who happened to be living in Ur at the time? Would you not agree that God's choice, in that sense, even if you believe that choice only involves investing a lot of personal time and energy into a person, is not democratic or uniform?
      I realize that this is a topic that Christians struggle to agree on, so if you see things differently, thanks for at least taking the time to consider a different opinion.

    • @GreatLightStudios
      @GreatLightStudios Год назад

      ​@@GracebcCa - Hi, thanks for your response. I definitely see where you are coming from... Genesis documents God taking a particular interest in Abraham and it makes sense why one might conclude then that he perhaps had a better chance or more opportunity to believe than others. However, I see multiple issues with concluding something like unconditional election from this. Just because the author of Genesis chose to record God's involvement in the life of one particular person (Abraham), should we from that conclude then that God wasn't at the same time taking interest and working in the lives of the hundreds of thousands or millions of other individuals who were alive at the time of Abraham. God worked in Abraham's life in a special and unique way, no doubt, but I'm guessing you wouldn't say that this demonstrates that God wasn't at the same time working in the hearts of other people at the same time?
      When I see the story of Abraham, which begins in chapter 12 of Genesis, the blessings God promises to him seem to me to be conditioned on his faith/obedience from the start! God calls Abraham, promising him blessings... and then Genesis makes sure to point out that Abraham obeyed by departing his country and family (Gen 12:4). My point is that I don't personally see anything here that necessitates something like "unconditional election" --- or that God causally determined Abraham to obey and believe. It simply tells us that God gave a command and promised subsequent blessings, and then Abraham believed/obeyed.
      To assume that Abraham's faith and obedience here are a result of God's unconditional election of him would be I think just that... an assumption... a reading or Calvinism into the text rather it being something clearly derived from the text itself.
      I hope that makes sense.

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  Год назад +1

      @Great Light Studios: Thanks again for your response. I don't see your conclusions but you articulate them well and your words are always gracious. It's been a pleasure interacting with you. Peace!

    • @GreatLightStudios
      @GreatLightStudios Год назад

      @@GracebcCa Thanks!

    • @GreatLightStudios
      @GreatLightStudios Год назад

      @@GracebcCa I suppose RUclips comments aren't the best way to communicate these differing ideas :) But I appreciate your gracious responses as well! I'm looking to do some (respectful) dialogues on my channel about this topic with those with differing views than mine. If that's something you'd ever be interested in doing, I'd love to have you on to talk more. Have a great day!

  • @hombrepobre9646
    @hombrepobre9646 29 дней назад

    Yeah he already preordained people's fate, so I don't go to church, I don't share the bible, why do you need to do that right?, if you preach the bible to people you might just wasting your effort,.
    If you go to church and wasted all your life but in the end you are not chosen.
    How do you know if you are elect or not?
    Of course we don't have capacity to know.
    Believing is useless because even if you believe but you are not elected time will come you will turn back.
    Let's do it this way, does really God preordained who will go to hell and heaven irresistibly?
    If that's true, why not stop going to church and see if that election is irresistibly.
    Calvinism taught that salvation was from grace not from faith so you don't need faith, you are save without your knowledge.

  • @andrewshaw3703
    @andrewshaw3703 2 года назад

    Here you goвидео.html

  • @markshaneh
    @markshaneh 11 месяцев назад

    I can confidently believe and quote Romans 10 : 9
    Or when asked how to be saved
    Acts 16: 40-31
    That’s salvation done biblically
    Your offering a scripture that is a proof text for a flawed systematic.

    • @GracebcCa
      @GracebcCa  11 месяцев назад

      @markshaneh, thanks for taking the time to write. I can see your heart for God's Word. I confidently believe and quote Romans 10:9 as well. I wouldn't have travelled half-way around the world to plant a church among non-Christians if I didn't believe the gospel and preach it passionately. But maybe you're misunderstanding what I'm actually trying to communicate. If you have a minute, humour me and give this video a listen:видео.htmlsi=e7VqV8bFvdh42aIh
      and then possibly:видео.htmlsi=4AT0Z10MjHAzqmuq
      The Bible teaches that we are saved by repenting and believing in Jesus but also that the reason why anyone can repent and believe is because of His prior work in their lives.