De-Extinction, Part One: How It Works, Kinda

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 713

  • @peanutbutterjelly281
    @peanutbutterjelly281 10 лет назад +10

    "...a lot of buzz about..."
    *zooms in on bee earrings*
    Was that punintentional?

  • @here2watch08
    @here2watch08 9 лет назад +9

    "There's a lot of buzz"... wearing bee earrings. lol

  • @andrewwinn5829
    @andrewwinn5829 10 лет назад +19

    I want a puppy-sized elephant.

  • @tinglisable
    @tinglisable 11 лет назад

    I'm going to go ahead and announce that I love Audible. I have been a listener of audiobooks for many years, and Audible is one of the most affordable and comprehensive sources around. I am not normally one to promote big business out of the goodness of my heart, but the more people who use the service, the better it will become. Not to mention, they sponsor many of my favorite You Tube channels. Thanks Audible (Amazon).

  • @ozziewithanie
    @ozziewithanie 11 лет назад

    I love that these tend to go up late at night. I'm -always- still awake and it's a nice reminder that I am not the only one on the planet who can't sleep at "normal" times! (obviously I know this, but I also don't go out at 5 in the morning to find others!)

  • @EveInReverse
    @EveInReverse 11 лет назад

    YAY SPONSOR! So glad you all picked up someone to contribute, I hope it eases some of the financial woes Hank was worried about.

  • @ButtChinLive
    @ButtChinLive 11 лет назад

    Thank you soooo much for doing a video on De-Extinction! I was first introduced to the subject when I picked up the book "How to Build a Dinosaur" at a thrift store. And now after the recent National Geographic article, I can't stop obsessing about the possibility of bringing back a Woolly Mammoth

  • @rubzlovespancakes
    @rubzlovespancakes 11 лет назад

    I really like Audible sponsoring these educational shows. It benefits every party involved, I think. There's lots to be desired of Audible (DRM free Audiobooks i.e.), but this kind of advertisement actually adds something to the thing creators aim to achieve, and I think that's awesome.

  • @katiebouch
    @katiebouch 11 лет назад

    Another great episode. I like how you list the donor names at the end. I think it's great to see a list of people who love what your are doing and want to be part of it by funding your efforts. Thanks for all your hard work. This show reminds me of the science shows I watched on PBS and loved so much as a kid.

  • @armargo
    @armargo 11 лет назад

    I love this show. This and Mental Floss are quickly becoming my favorite channels. It'll take a bit before they overcome Wheezy Waiter but they are easily in my top 10 right now.

  • @peacefoodlove
    @peacefoodlove 11 лет назад

    Actually, she's a volunteer from what I remember of her tumblr posts! A big thing to consider is that even if she volunteered to do the show rather than make it her job, the show requires a lot of production and time. Both she and Michael Aranda put a lot of time into this show, but unfortunately the money they received as RUclips partners were not enough to sustain them as workers or the Brain Scoop. So getting sponsorship from Audible keeps the content coming, which is great!

  • @RugbyTiesAndPunk
    @RugbyTiesAndPunk 11 лет назад

    ASAPScience, MinuteEarth, MinutePhysics, Veritasium and now the Brain Scoop..., Thank you so much for helping bring us all these brilliant channels. Without you, we would be truly missing out. Definitely going to help support you too.

  • @SleepyPurpleFox
    @SleepyPurpleFox 11 лет назад

    Gotta love audible! They seem to sponsor a lot of the podcasts I love too. I think it works well with this kind of content.

  • @ViridisArborem
    @ViridisArborem 11 лет назад

    Being a glasses wearing RUclipsr, I think you guys do a great job with the lighting! It is so hard reducing glare if you don't have the budget for it. Keep up the great work Brain Scoop!

  • @jeremiahmendenhall373
    @jeremiahmendenhall373 11 лет назад

    I always enjoy when a new video is posted by your group. I hope you will be around awhile.

  • @anaraug
    @anaraug 11 лет назад

    Oh my gods I was so sad when there might not have been more money for more brain scoop episodes and then you said "" and this is the only time I have been happy to hear the words "" ever. Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

  • @recklessroges
    @recklessroges 11 лет назад

    I think most people are very happy with Emily's face, (I'd say "I am" but comments on the Internet might be taken the wrong way.) Michael, Emily and co. seem to be creating excellent content with limited resources. Thank yous for creating something that I look forward to and enjoy watching.

  • @bsinger182
    @bsinger182 11 лет назад

    Sponsorship from Audible is a great step in the right direction for The Brain Scoop. Sadly, I'm a member already, so I can't take advantage of the free audio book, but I sure hope this will be a successful venture. Fascinating content in this episode, as always, and +8 to Charisma for the uber cool bee earrings.

  • @KoolThing14
    @KoolThing14 11 лет назад

    Oh my god, I love that old time-y rendition of the Brainscoop theme song.

  • @WhereThingsComeBack
    @WhereThingsComeBack 11 лет назад

    "There's a lot of buzz about it right now." With the bee earrings.
    Love you.

  • @Benny4236
    @Benny4236 11 лет назад

    Is it just me or is Audible sponsoring like, EVERYTHING

  • @hazel66
    @hazel66 11 лет назад

    You are an engaging and fun host, with infectious love of your topics. I always look forward to a new Brain Scoop videos!

  • @tehjaiomgz
    @tehjaiomgz 11 лет назад

    She's actually a volunteer at the museum, and (I think) she works in a coffee shop to cover her living expenses. The show would not have the production quality it does if money wasn't being spent on it, and since the show doesn't make any/much money on its own, it needs to be sponsored - either by donations from VIEWERS LIKE YOU, or by sites like Audible. (Hint: If you don't want more audible ads on Brain Scoop, donate more money than they do.)

  • @icarryourheartwithme
    @icarryourheartwithme 11 лет назад


  • @Stoneman66666
    @Stoneman66666 11 лет назад

    I'm glad Audible is jumping on the RUclips education scene, it's gonna make it so much easier for awesome content to be made, and it REALLY doesn't get in the way at all ^_^

  • @NeoLithiumCat
    @NeoLithiumCat 11 лет назад

    I'm so glad you guys are working towards proper funding now! you deserve longevity.

  • @dibti0
    @dibti0 11 лет назад

    I'm gonna buy this sweater. Literally, I'm at the checkout page right now. I'm excited.

  • @AutumnWeeks
    @AutumnWeeks 11 лет назад

    Would you like to tell all the visually impaired people of the world that because they can't see well enough to read standard print they are less educated than those who can?
    As a visually impaired person myself audio books play a huge part in my life. Audible makes things accessible to all sorts of people and I for one am glad they've sponsored The Brain Scoop.
    It all comes down to the fact that people want to learn. Whether it's visual, audible or sensory the fact is people are learning.

  • @CBoy92
    @CBoy92 11 лет назад

    Wow, both the Brain Scoop AND MinutePhysics? Audible is really cool for sponsoring amazing RUclips channels.

  • @MangoMotors
    @MangoMotors 11 лет назад

    I love for sponsoring so many of my favorite youtube programs

  • @micahedelblue
    @micahedelblue 11 лет назад

    That was the most tastefully I have ever been advertised to. Thank you, Audible, for investing in this show I like.

  • @jcmti
    @jcmti 11 лет назад

    yay for audible FINALLY!! SPONSORSHIP !!

  • @LavenderShoe
    @LavenderShoe 11 лет назад

    It seems Audible is sponsoring all my favorite youtubers these days.

  • @BirthdaySandwich1
    @BirthdaySandwich1 11 лет назад

    I'm so glad you found a sponsor! I'll gladly endure hundreds of audible plugs if it means more Brain Scoop.

  • @stuwhit08
    @stuwhit08 11 лет назад

    Glad you have sponsoring now. Yea for the future of Brain Scoop!

  • @TheLoreSeeker
    @TheLoreSeeker 11 лет назад

    Completely understandable. Its a work space, not a professional set.
    You do what you can....and thankfully you two manage to pull it off well.

  • @ezgrooves
    @ezgrooves 11 лет назад

    no worries! I was surprised, because I'm sure you know a lot more about lighting than I do. Love the show, thanks for you work :)

  • @NickGreyden
    @NickGreyden 11 лет назад

    Not only that, Emily is a volunteer at the museum, a full time student, and has a social life (kinda). All that takes time as well. And judging by the time of the year it is, I'm sure Emily is prepared to vegetate for a few weeks before doing much.

  • @dorinrufer6785
    @dorinrufer6785 11 лет назад

    Can I just say that I love the close up on Emily when she said that there is a lot of BUZZ on De-extinction because she is wearing Bee earrings. Good times!!!

  • @SprocketSong
    @SprocketSong 10 лет назад +3

    You kind of sound like a young twenties version of Temperance Brennan. Which is an amazing thing. I've been watching your videos all day today.

  • @nysmassage
    @nysmassage 11 лет назад

    Yuppie. You are still on! Learning is fun stuff!

  • @self6942
    @self6942 11 лет назад

    Yay! New Brain Scoop! And sponsor which means more new Brain Scoop in the future! Excitement!!!!! Also I swear that if anyone claims the show is selling out or whatever after the direct statements that they weren't getting a strong enough income I am be angry. That's all I really can do. But yeah, I'm glad there can be more episodes in the future and thanks to all the donors and to audible for giving us more Brain Scoop.

  • @Nemo38CZ
    @Nemo38CZ 11 лет назад

    Why does everyone hate Audible for sponsoring educational content? Yes, in Minutephysics's case the advertisement is handled poorly as it's too long compared to the short format of his videos. But otherwise Audible helps finance educational content by targeting their advertisement towards people who are likely to respond and make use of it. If you watch stuff like brainscoop you are likely to enjoy books. I for one am happy that Audible helps these channels exist and continue to better our lives

  • @YouFoundBeth
    @YouFoundBeth 11 лет назад

    I have an audible account but do not use an amazon account. Yeah they have cheesy photos and some self-promotion but they have almost no outside marketing and depend almost 100% on word-of-mouth and source marketing on sites involving education, reading, info sharing, and higher education. They may have annoying aspects but I have used them for years and have had an awesome experience, unlike some other book sites.

  • @robinreads3940
    @robinreads3940 11 лет назад

    I'm really enjoying learning with you, Emily. Keep up the good work, Brain Scoop team! (Also, awesome wearing of the bee earrings when you were talking about 'buzz' - hee.)

  • @ellock1998
    @ellock1998 11 лет назад

    Audible is really stepping up by being apart of so many other channels.

  • @TravisWadeKidd
    @TravisWadeKidd 11 лет назад

    Also, Great work! I am a huge fan, and I have been very impressed with the production value of both the Brain Scoop and SciShow!

  • @TheFerrisBomb
    @TheFerrisBomb 11 лет назад

    Okay, I officially heart brain scoop forever-z!!! Free Audible Knowledge, plus after hearing some of your Q and A's, I've realized Emily Graslie is me... plus awesomeness! I'm also an art grad with a focus in graphic design. I love learning, and one of my favorite side projects to work on my own are info-graph posters. it combines art and knowledge. basically what graphic design should be.
    i have a Q! if you could combine a trait from any animal you've studied to human traits what would it be?

  • @notexactlypaul
    @notexactlypaul 11 лет назад

    FYI, Audible isn't *sponsoring* anything per se. They have an affiliate program (info is available on the Audible website). Brain Scoop, Minutephysics, and other channels only get money when you sign up using their link.

  • @ChibiChibi310
    @ChibiChibi310 11 лет назад

    So glad about the Audible sponsorship!! I'll get a book soon! :)

  • @Nemo38CZ
    @Nemo38CZ 11 лет назад

    They give me easy access to knowledge. I may not be able to apply this knowledge in a real life, but giving me a chance to learn is by default improving my life. Life is better if you can access information about all kinds of stuff, especially if this information is available in fun and exiting form.

  • @wcastle9110
    @wcastle9110 11 лет назад

    As stated by peacefoodlove she is a volunteer. On top of that she is pursuing her graduate degree. I have heard it stated several times by her and Hank that the show is not yet profitable. The only way they keep it up is via shirts/gear they sell and adverts.

  • @BaroquerChick
    @BaroquerChick 11 лет назад

    oh audible, you're so awesome sponsoring my favourite internet people...

  • @Blufacia
    @Blufacia 10 лет назад +2

    I can hear it now "did you hide a velociraptor in your sister's closet to scare her ?" "No, it was meant as a gift!!!"

  • @mcquage
    @mcquage 11 лет назад

    "there's a lot of buzz about it right now" cue close up of bee earrings. Nice pun! Also those earrings are great :)

  • @SuperSuperkartoffel
    @SuperSuperkartoffel 11 лет назад

    Glad you found a sponsor! Really looking forward to part 2 of this! c:

  • @Brewst
    @Brewst 11 лет назад

    I love the brains of our lives. I'm ready for more.

  • @mrboredj
    @mrboredj 11 лет назад

    A modern bird is essentially a dinosaur, but with a lot of extra DNA which tells it to become a bird. Because of the way DNA is always added during evolution, if you can figure out how much DNA to remove, you can turn a chicken into a dinosaur. I saw a really interesting TED Talk on it.

  • @ghafarfoladi8414
    @ghafarfoladi8414 11 лет назад

    Woohoo free audiobook. Serendipity. Exactl what I was looking for but didn't expect one from here. Thanks

  • @russroulette
    @russroulette 11 лет назад

    I'm glad to see you guys got sponsored. I'd be sad if we lost this web show.

  • @Waterflame
    @Waterflame 11 лет назад

    Wearing bee earrings and then saying the phrase "there's a lot of buzz about..." is something only Emily can get away with because she is adorable!

  • @SciJoy
    @SciJoy 10 лет назад

    "there's a lot of buzz about it right now" as Michael zooms in on bee earrings.

  • @biniclavis
    @biniclavis 11 лет назад +1

    Love your ear jewelry!

  • @JoeMedforth
    @JoeMedforth 11 лет назад

    Close up of Emily wearing bumblebee earrings when she says "There's a lot of buzz..."

  • @ItsRadishTime
    @ItsRadishTime 11 лет назад

    "There's a lot of buzz about it" as we close up on Emily in her bee earrings...I see what you did there. Also, awesome bee earrings

  • @jmw1500
    @jmw1500 11 лет назад

    It is a valid criticism. One of the reasons you find more variety of creative things on RUclips is because of low overhead.
    This is great for education. It is so much so the opposite has been dubbed "The History Channel Effect".

  • @VloggerWho
    @VloggerWho 11 лет назад

    Whenever someone tells me that dino DNA isn't viable for de-extinction, it breaks my heart just a little bit more every time.
    Also, my old physical anthro. professor is working on the mammoth stuff, which is totally awesome!

  • @VloggerWho
    @VloggerWho 11 лет назад

    I honestly don't even notice it. And I agree with others, it gives it a more intimate feel anyway, 'which is awesome. Great work guys :D Some of my favourite videos are these and all of them are A+

  • @EliLee
    @EliLee 11 лет назад

    this channel is so fun and educative! I love it

  • @beckm9728
    @beckm9728 11 лет назад

    I'm just now realizing (and laughing over) the fact that someone had to sit there and be filmed as they twirled a brain scoop for the credits. That seems like a fun job.

  • @gromby783
    @gromby783 11 лет назад

    I have been thinking the same thing for awhile. I cannot understand why people would thumb down constructive criticism. But, unfortunately, that seems to be the most common response.

  • @moonyriot
    @moonyriot 11 лет назад

    I kinda like that there's a glare on Emily's glasses. The imperfect aspects are just a reminder that you guys are just normal people, in your normal living spaces, making videos about dead things for the internet.

  • @Punchedtoast
    @Punchedtoast 11 лет назад

    Hurray! So glad you went into this. So many university-bar arguments about bringing back Wooly Mammoths!

  • @georgiarose4002
    @georgiarose4002 11 лет назад

    your earrings are OMFG!! i love them sooo much!!

  • @Oberonjames
    @Oberonjames 11 лет назад

    I know many people with jobs that involve long periods of time spent performing menial, repetitive tasks that love to listen to audiobooks while they work because they make them feel like they are doing something productive.
    Of course, that doesn't answer the question of why they don't just get a job that they feel is actually productive, but that's besides the point.

  • @unrestrainedm
    @unrestrainedm 11 лет назад

    I love this show so much!!!!

  • @raspberrymemories
    @raspberrymemories 11 лет назад

    I love this show c: You are so good at speaking in front of a camera! (Also, your earrings are so cute!)

  • @codeman99-dev
    @codeman99-dev 11 лет назад

    Wow this show has come a long way in a really short time. It wasn't long ago Emily seemed a bit camera shy (just a bit! no jumping on me please!). Now this seems as profressional as science shorts I watched in grade school. Pretty awesome stuff :)

  • @tnlizabee
    @tnlizabee 11 лет назад

    Favorite movie!

  • @Elfsoap
    @Elfsoap 11 лет назад

    Oh Audible. I loved when you supported A history of Rome. I really ought to buy something just for how enjoyable the shows you support are.
    On a side note. I wonder if Hank wrote the "favourite episode of Glee" joke. It felt very much like his kind of humour.

  • @yellowcat25
    @yellowcat25 11 лет назад

    I still can't get over those awesome bee earrings.

  • @wordnerd543
    @wordnerd543 11 лет назад

    I love the brain scoop! How about some videos about "unlikely cousins", animals that are related to eachother.

  • @mangosmothies
    @mangosmothies 11 лет назад

    Love your dress Emily and this episode.

  • @Vijwiki
    @Vijwiki 11 лет назад

    Glad you guys got a sponsor. Was worried this show would vanish.

  • @trishalish13
    @trishalish13 11 лет назад

    "There's a lot of buzz about it..." as the camera zooms in to Emily's bee earrings :)

  • @bmp011
    @bmp011 11 лет назад


  • @MuhammadBalagamwala
    @MuhammadBalagamwala 11 лет назад

    Audible, I love you!

  • @deadeaded
    @deadeaded 11 лет назад

    Sooo... your mad at them for sponsoring so much of your favourite content? That makes sense... Damn you, audible, for helping out my favourite content creators!

  • @lampposteffect
    @lampposteffect 11 лет назад

    I think normally I would be upset at this kind of plug but I'm really happy this show can keep going. Also, free books!

  • @cultureman4lyfe
    @cultureman4lyfe 11 лет назад

    It's good too see some sponsors on the show; hopefully the show can get funded enough to go places :D

  • @paulmoyer1094
    @paulmoyer1094 11 лет назад

    very informative for me &my daughter LOV IT

  • @zierka13
    @zierka13 11 лет назад

    Then you should donate the hell out for this channel, mate. This channel is thriving.

  • @Sabotski
    @Sabotski 11 лет назад

    - there's a alot of buzz about right now *wearing bee-ear rings*

  • @fireonice12492
    @fireonice12492 11 лет назад

    I'm glad that you guys are sponsored by books!

  • @toobphish
    @toobphish 11 лет назад

    I really hope that "De-Extinction" progresses swiftly, so that we can learn as much as possible about it before November when the Sun is going to teach us, "Re-Extinction"! I will be an important lesson; alas, very brief and very, very hot! TNX!

  • @Frankagator
    @Frankagator 11 лет назад

    Im glad you guys found a sponsor!

  • @sarahkrauss34
    @sarahkrauss34 11 лет назад

    love those earings!

  • @PirateDion
    @PirateDion 11 лет назад

    1:21 You had me cracking up Emily. Thanks for the awesome videos.

  • @jarrgon
    @jarrgon 11 лет назад

    I've found tilting the glasses slightly, not so much that you can see the difference but just enough, can stop the glare.

  • @merrickshamblin1182
    @merrickshamblin1182 11 лет назад

    Actually, Hank found her and the Nerdfighter community liked her so much that he offered to help her start a show. She's just a volunteer at the museum, so she wasn't making any money there.