Interested in info on the banjo she is playing. The notch on e next near the top string tuning peg is that made to accommodate her small hands, and isn’t just me or are the strings further apart than normally? I know nothing about banjos just curious.
Looks like she is playing a banjo very similar to the one here (see link). Hers is a fretless banjo, strung with nylon (or gut) strings, rather than the steel strings used in most banjos today. A bluegrass musician uses a banjo with a resonator on the back, while most old-time players use an open back banjo. The fretless banjo, while not used by most players, is sometimes used in old-time playing.The strings here might be further apart than on most banjos.
My favorite new find. Incredible, has to be a thousand year old soul in that little girl.
Foot tappin, head bobbin! Brings a tears to my eyes.
Theres hope. Made me cry. Awesome.
I've watched this so many times. Absolutely great playing and singing.
This is as authentic as it gets, bascom lunsford has been reborn
I'm speechless...
Love me some Nora!!!
This is amazing!!!! Thank you, Little Nora Brown !
What a amazing young person.
There’s hope.
Brought here by Caleb Teicher’s Works & Process video - universe, what a talent.
That's what I'm talm bout
Is this a traditional song? Where can I get the lyrics?
This ought to get you started (same song, with more background info. included):видео.html
Love to see her get some lessons from an Oud player to create some arabic microtonal mixed with traditional style
Interested in info on the banjo she is playing. The notch on e next near the top string tuning peg is that made to accommodate her small hands, and isn’t just me or are the strings further apart than normally? I know nothing about banjos just curious.
Looks like she is playing a banjo very similar to the one here (see link). Hers is a fretless banjo, strung with nylon (or gut) strings, rather than the steel strings used in most banjos today. A bluegrass musician uses a banjo with a resonator on the back, while most old-time players use an open back banjo. The fretless banjo, while not used by most players, is sometimes used in old-time playing.The strings here might be further apart than on most banjos.
Sure looks like that one doubt hers is that old tho.
@@rossguillory5556 Here's a very similar-looking banjo. Not old. This one has a gourd body.видео.html
It’s a minstrel banjo. A replica of old style banjos from the minstrel era.
This girl probably has some interesting DNA. Blessed ✝