@DanielWu Thank you speaking Cantonese. I know it's not your heritage language but you are an inspiration to those who are learning Cantonese. If you can do it, I can do it! 加油!
@@rb4108seems like he already knew a lot of canto when he started learning. So probably he went from very good to fluent, rather than beginner to fluent.
Thanks for the talkshow... just one thing wish to highlights and hope it helps.. appreciate if the guest is talking.. the rest should have allow him to talk as we cant hear what he is trying to say.. is happen so many times this 2 hrs show.. anyway, manage to finish it..
I have the same issue listening to Daniel Wu speak.... also, if they could use less of the foul words would be great because it's really not needed. I don't mind a few here and there but every time is a bit too much and become boring.
Agreed. Too much interruptions when Daniel is talking..as if the hosts are interviewing THEMSELVES. OMG SO ANNOYING. A good interview has good questions but little interruptions.
It's interesting what you said.... and I didn't know that you're THAT Daniel Wu.... and your story about your past history as well... and your families... etc etc. Interesting. No wonder people ran into HK. I still remember somebody from university days... with the surname like yours... first name beginning with K. Literally smashed my face in as well... and that was the turning point... of why I knew that things were complicated in HK. Never did ended up going back in my early 20s to work.. and judging how things are. I am quite glad too. Cos I don't think I would have been alive if I did.
Awesome show as always. Don’t mind me saying this, but would be a lot smoother if JBS don’t interrupt Daniel’s response as much. Sometimes I find it hard to hear what the guest is trying to say.
Hi just wanna take this opportunity to appreciate you for your support , I read your comments here before replying , feel free to add me up on hangouts with this email (danielwuprivate2@gmail.com ) i insist to call you on video after adding me up to be sure you’re not one of those that blackmail . I pray you never stop listening to my music 🎶.🎶🕶🍷🍀🌿🌺🌻🌼 .*.*.
That was a bit painful to watch with all the interruptions and “Yoooo, that sick bro” comments. As a fan of Daniel Wu and 24 Herbs, I was interested in hearing what DW’s story is. I had to take a lot of breaks in order to extract what DW had to say. I saw a more recent episode with Thierry Chow, so I think JBS took the comments to heart and was less vocal. Thank you!
honestly I don't know which person is which except for Daniel Wu, but from the complaints in the comments I guess JBS is the rightmost guy lol. A lot of times I had to go back to focus on what Daniel said because his voice is drowned out, geez let the guy finish his sentence can you?
從Daniel 說話中,睇到佢係個 有性格又努力嘅人,就算佢E+生活喺外國,理應怎少講廣東話,但訪問中睇到佢盡力講廣東話👍🏻
D人成日都話Brian佢反應大,我覺得都係香港人自己睇唔慣,24/7 TALK 原本就係一班朋友傾吓計, 你一句我一句冇咩錯,同埋
我都覺得佢原本個人就係咁enthusiastic^^ 不如好好享受佢地開開心心傾計嘅氣氛好過
im waiting for this comment
kinda noisy but he is showing respect n being enthusiastic abt wht guest speaking
@@johnnyng8527 true
我住Oakland 几個月前同屋企人係Oakland韓國BBQ見到佢,當時佢推住一位坐輪椅的老人家,仲有佢老婆,著得好休閒,大家望到時好平常嘅禮貌微笑😊。⋯⋯
OMG! I'm loving this episode because they mentioned "The Spinal Tap"!
下次期待請MC 靖上黎。
16年前中學時係美孚踩板 搵佢簽名傾計同而家一樣,佢真人超NICE 個時佢己經好紅
I’m a Canadian Born Chinese. I stumble on this page and now I’m hooked. Love y’all interview. Keep up the work. Peace from Toronto
2024的今天才看到這個訪問: 我從吳彥祖出道拍第一部美少年之戀開始就成為他的超級粉絲, 是一個有魅力又有內涵的型男💕💜
@DanielWu Thank you speaking Cantonese. I know it's not your heritage language but you are an inspiration to those who are learning Cantonese. If you can do it, I can do it! 加油!
48:10 Daniel Wu explains how he learned Cantonese
@@rb4108seems like he already knew a lot of canto when he started learning. So probably he went from very good to fluent, rather than beginner to fluent.
Daniel 話好似比踏春袋咁痛,真係amazing 咁好笑! 247 Talk respect support you !
edc edc edc ,Jun Kung
吳彥祖 speaks Cantonese incredible 👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏
呢哋訪問模式係邊個諗 超得 由一開首問邊度必出嚟 跟著就令到被訪嘉賓一路由兒時回憶成長一一由被訪問者同訪問者大家邊走邊唱 盡情傾訴 有養份 正
勁啊廿四味!如果可以等到Paul Wong上嚟就非常圓滿啦~
Haha love hearing his great transition from ABC english to cantonese😄😆Never forget the oriental roots👏👏
幾時請John Wick上去
哇,吴彦祖,等咗好耐 终于等到,真系超赞👍,正撚到扑街啊!好中意睇247talk,因为可以系度见到最真实嘅嘉宾,可以听到佢地细个嘅故事,仲可以听到佢地讲粗口,好撚正!支持24味,屌你老味!
Daniel Wu 一出場嗰吓打咗個冷震, 太撚震撼喇
預左會請佢ga la ,算係佢地ga老闆離
我係Daniel Wu! Wu! 邊個夠我cool! cool!
so am I bro
so am I
Heson Tang 我都系
Heson Tang 我都系
Same lol
😍吳彥祖好charm 好謙虛
Take care Daniel ,我都急性盲腸炎過,去診所睇斷錯症話胃發炎,後來痛到去醫院檢查照x光,直頭斷咗盲腸穿曬。。醫生都話遲多一個鐘入醫都死得。
OMG!!! Daniel Wu 😍😍😍😍
正到痴線 第一次知咁多daniel嘅野
Thanks for the talkshow... just one thing wish to highlights and hope it helps.. appreciate if the guest is talking.. the rest should have allow him to talk as we cant hear what he is trying to say.. is happen so many times this 2 hrs show.. anyway, manage to finish it..
I have the same issue listening to Daniel Wu speak.... also, if they could use less of the foul words would be great because it's really not needed. I don't mind a few here and there but every time is a bit too much and become boring.
Agreed. Too much interruptions when Daniel is talking..as if the hosts are interviewing THEMSELVES. OMG SO ANNOYING. A good interview has good questions but little interruptions.
It's interesting what you said.... and I didn't know that you're THAT Daniel Wu.... and your story about your past history as well... and your families... etc etc. Interesting. No wonder people ran into HK. I still remember somebody from university days... with the surname like yours... first name beginning with K. Literally smashed my face in as well... and that was the turning point... of why I knew that things were complicated in HK. Never did ended up going back in my early 20s to work.. and judging how things are. I am quite glad too. Cos I don't think I would have been alive if I did.
Jbs 成日同嘉賓叠聲,比個嘉賓講完先,聽到好辛苦
今集特別離譜,重係咁 interesting😩
Funny as hell!
The man is perfect no flaw man!
Awesome show as always. Don’t mind me saying this, but would be a lot smoother if JBS don’t interrupt Daniel’s response as much. Sometimes I find it hard to hear what the guest is trying to say.
he's too vulgar imo, Daniel looked uncomfortable at some points
想聽馮德倫上lmf show嘅故
Thank you so much👏🏻
Hi just wanna take this opportunity to appreciate you for your support , I read your comments here before replying , feel free to add me up on hangouts with this email (danielwuprivate2@gmail.com ) i insist to call you on video after adding me up to be sure you’re not one of those that blackmail . I pray you never stop listening to my music 🎶.🎶🕶🍷🍀🌿🌺🌻🌼 .*.*.
吳彥祖厲害,《歐羅巴報告 The Europa Report》做太空人,《新警察故事》大反派,《門徒》,好cool。 唔知有冇人有興趣聽你地訪問黃貫其,張以式,個人就好有興趣,雖然唔系大明星
我反而比較鍾意Daniel嘅美劇《Info The Badlands》!
佢係真·男神。 無之一!
未睇先Like , 為星期五happy hour 打開聚慕
Awesome !!!!!!!
這個節目訪問得詳細 雖然時間長 但內容非常豐富👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
btw 呢集嘉賓依然重量級 24味好嘢!
agree...Brain so annoying
節目 越來越勁!!!!!!!!!
邀請 葛民輝 盧巧音 吖😀
Say whattttttttt...?! Thank you so much for the time and effort for inviting Daniel Wu as a guest. Keep it up, 24Herbs and the crew! peaceeeeee
Very very entertaining. Great job 24 herbs.
永遠男神第一位 fucking handsome smart clever hardwork man _ the only one
So nice guy Daniel 😊
That was a bit painful to watch with all the interruptions and “Yoooo, that sick bro” comments. As a fan of Daniel Wu and 24 Herbs, I was interested in hearing what DW’s story is. I had to take a lot of breaks in order to extract what DW had to say. I saw a more recent episode with Thierry Chow, so I think JBS took the comments to heart and was less vocal. Thank you!
Agreed. Too much interruptions... 6 members and each taking turns interrupting. Omg. I love Daniel.
Woooo,24/7talk forever !!
好期待有陳冠希訪問 超期待 總覺得係24先令到Edison講心底話
Daniels grandfather story is so interesting. He should definitely make it into a series one day
2:03 又來 又大叫yes yes yes
Daniel 個人好認真 冇咩講笑
果然係男神 大將之風
无限重复is fucking crazy
同靚模有咩分別? "真係架?" "你好勁呀!" "好大碌呀!" "咦,好衰㗎!" 幾廿歲麻甩佬...
Guys...this is a talk show, not an interview, everyone can speak anything they want.
雖然我知你地同吳彥祖好熟,但做訪問傾計都盡量唔好搶彊 有時完全聽唔到佢講乜 把聲俾你地食哂😢😢好難再有機會邀請到呢啲嘉賓
人家是混血的 當然還是那麼帥
@@angellynn7088 他的父母是從上海移民美國的華人
@@angellynn7088 No, you are wrong. He is not a mix.
張家輝 吳鎮宇 請佢地上黎啦💪
2 HOURS!?! Hack yeah!!!
估唔到你地20年後仲係咁撚有性格, 咁撚有型, 好正!!
Keep it up the Show!!
and.......please invite Jun Kung!! Yeah!!
Y'all look so GANGSTA speaking Cantonese! 🤩
#個人意見 #不喜勿插
Penny Cheung 佢係mc黎 我覺得完全無問題
xayy yy 好多打斷wor CHing,支咪又大聲cum曬Daniel吧聲😂
I think this is not a formal interview, they're all super friends. 😂 take it easy
Penny Cheung 咪係咯,煩撚到~每個+賓都俾佢插
@@DaBusUncle 一个好柒既mc
正呀......其實有冇諗過訪問返自己成員? 我都好有興趣知你地每一個既過去
*Wooiw!thats amazing!
Best episode ever!
Dudes u guys are fucking funny 😆! Awesome ! 👏 😎
U know when the whole crew is here...shit is serious...guess...👍🤔
@@erickinghome 你收先啦
Ardee Lei 佢老哥今獲已經好好 唔係係咁interesting amazing 😂
Which guy is JBS? The rightmost guy? They definitely should learn how to have a good interview from the perspective of the audience.
I think he is fucking funny though
honestly I don't know which person is which except for Daniel Wu, but from the complaints in the comments I guess JBS is the rightmost guy lol. A lot of times I had to go back to focus on what Daniel said because his voice is drowned out, geez let the guy finish his sentence can you?
Great interview but too many interruption. Keep up the good work
Love Daniel but some of the hosts are interrupting and adding sound effects when Daniel is answering. Can’t hear Daniel!
I like 紫雨風暴 by Daniel Wu
廣東話咁難學都講得咁好, 好堅