Ben Shapiro On Why Trumpcare Failed

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2017
  • Ben Shapiro On Why Trumpcare Failed
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    Extract of episode 276 of The Ben Shapiro Show
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Комментарии • 6

  • @JustN0tMe
    @JustN0tMe 7 лет назад +1

    Can someone explain to me why no one likes the Obamacare?
    In Portugal we have a similar healthcare program and works...if someone doesnt have a great monthly income this person can go to the doctor for free(well its like the whole country helped you-you included)

    • @LewberryProductions
      @LewberryProductions  7 лет назад +2

      First thing I will tell you is that you can go to the doctor's for free in America as well ( see Medicare and Medicaid).
      Second, Obamacare is nothing like the Portugese and many other European public health care. Obamacare is a completely different thing: Obamacare is designed to force you to buy insurance, even if you don't need it. On top of that, the government can force an insurance to give you insurance even if you are already sick ( in which case it's not insurance anymore, you don't get car insurance when you already crashed your car). Obama passed this bill so he could blame the insurers (private market) for the failure, and then Hillary would have been able and have the excuse to push for Government universal Health Care.
      And I am from a European country and so are you, and you might say it works, but remember how much debt your country is in, and the debt most European countries are in for that matter. Government can't afford to pay for expensive medication and excessive use of services for everyone. No free market= no competition. And now countries like France and Portugal are in massive debt and even if their debt was erased they would be in deficit.
      This is why Obamacare, and Trump-care as they call it are not liked. I hope this answers your question.

    • @JustN0tMe
      @JustN0tMe 7 лет назад

      Oh thank you for explaining it i thought that insurance wasnt forced
      I dont know about France but in Portugal only people that have a monthly income less than 600 euros can get assess to free doctor`s appointments and pay less for medication and you dont need insurance(only for private hospitals)

    • @djdhchjdjdjf9019
      @djdhchjdjdjf9019 7 лет назад

      That's a bit of a biased response. Obama didn't push through Obamacare to blame the free-market for its failure, he had a far more sensible bill proposed which the Republicans pissed blood over, and essentially neutered so that it wasn't half as effective as it could be. Also, America is also in huge debt and very much could afford to provide basic health aid for its citizens if it cut its military spending by a relatively minor amount, but it'll never do that.

    • @Numira
      @Numira 7 лет назад

      First of force to buy insurance even if you dont need it. Everyone needs health insurance. You cant say you dont need health insurance cause you dont need it and when you get sick you want medical treatment. What you say is not true. IN germany and switzerland for example, as a great rolemodel for many countries. You are requiered to have health insurance.
      Germany: If you dont earn 550 euro/m you must insurance yourself, menas montly payment. If you earn more then 550 you pay your insurance over your income, it is simply removed from your brutto income. If you dont work or have less then 550/m and you dont want to get a insurance cause you want to save money. In case you get a accident and you are in immediate dangr, your last insurance you had must pa for that. Otherwise you must pay from your poket whenever you go to visit a doctor. Also if you refused to gt a insurance and then decided you want now one you have to repay all the month or years you were not insured. This is a big problem in germany cause people are ashamed and it adds up and adds up till they must repay so many years that they couldnt nevr afford it. But if you dont have 550/m and you cant pay the requiered esurance either you will be insured over social support by the country. They will get you a basic health ensurance in case you need medical help.
      Switzerland: In switzerland you need to be insuranced by law. The difference is you are not insuranced over your job. You have free choice and pay then monthly. If you cant pay the country will provide you with basic healthcare. Sure the more you pay the better is the service but the basic coverage is more then enough: Free dental care and controll, free choice of house doctors and hospitals and most fo the time even treatment from the head doctor. this also counts for germany.
      Its not like with basic healthcare you are fucked when you get something more grave.
      In both countries they will pay for most of the necessery medicine you need for whatever sickness you have.
      Sure there are in both countries private insurance but they are expensive and like that you get the top of the top but also only if you get the good packages.
      Both countries have sucha good basis that even with the worst possible insurance coverage you still get a good treatment.
      Btw. there are companies that insurace you even after having a accident. It just costs a lot but sometimes still cheapr then pay for the whole crash yourself.
      Also explain me, when you dont need a insurance?
      You cant just chose toinsurance yourself when you need the feeling to and think, im young and healthy i dont need it.....
      I know in germany and switzerland and like in every other countries nothing is perfect and there are always problems that needs to get fixed or are not good as they stand currently but all in all it is rly good. And believe me it is a fucking good feeling to know whenever something happens you know you get treatment and help and you dont have to be scared to dig deep into your pockets and be in dept forever. I was for a certain time not insuranced and over the time it drives you crazy, esecially if you feel sick and need help by a doctor or specialist treatment and you cant go cause you dont have insurance or the money if you would go, to pay for it.

    • @LewberryProductions
      @LewberryProductions  7 лет назад +1

      Numira I don't see the justificatipn for the argument " the government ought to force you to buy shit you don't want/need"