A total cock up from start to finish. The tactics and leadership were abysmal. There was a canal a short distance ABOVE the fire. The officers for some unknown reason chose to pump water uphill from approx half a mile away. I am not blaming the hose jockeys, its yer elf an safety innit. THE JOB OF AN OFFICER IS TO RESTORE ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. s f rs for gods sake 🙄 GET A GRIP.
A total cock up from start to finish. The tactics and leadership were abysmal. There was a canal a short distance ABOVE the fire. The officers for some unknown reason chose to pump water uphill from approx half a mile away. I am not blaming the hose jockeys, its yer elf an safety innit. THE JOB OF AN OFFICER IS TO RESTORE ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. s f rs for gods sake 🙄 GET A GRIP.