"There is only one way of salvation. There is only one way to heaven. There is only one way to be set free from the throne of this present evil world. There is only one way to be blessed of God. It is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the whole world." ―Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
We are Israelites, by faith in God. I studied some church history, which the preacher mentions the lack of has brought us to so much error (listen how he mentions lack if teaching of churh history in this lecture). I'm taking a class from the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies. I realize I never was taught our roots and it is strengthening my Faith.
"There is only one way of salvation. There is only one way to heaven. There is only one way to be set free from the throne of this present evil world. There is only one way to be blessed of God. It is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the whole world." ―Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Gospel is the timeless truth about the Son of God. Thank you, Abba, Father, for sending Your only begotten Son for our salvation and redemption.
Great message, Jesus's is the only way truth and life and whoever believes in Him has everlasting life as a gift, glory to God almighty
I do street preaching but have been sick and my voice is horse. Please pray that the Lord heal my voice that I might continue preaching.
AW Tozer:
Jesus isn’t the best way; He’s the only way.
We are Israelites, by faith in God. I studied some church history, which the preacher mentions the lack of has brought us to so much error (listen how he mentions lack if teaching of churh history in this lecture). I'm taking a class from the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies. I realize I never was taught our roots and it is strengthening my Faith.