There will be NO REVIVAL! We are right at the end! The evil and unnumbered abominations in our day is many Many MANY times more greater than it was when Billy Graham preached this sermon. It's unbelievable what wickedness is going on in our very day in 2024. The day of the Lord is very near! Come Lord Jesus, come!
I found myself last night on the floor in my kitchen crying out to Jesus. God is still using Billy Graham to save more people. I am one of them. Billy Graham has shown me where the narrow road is! It is through Christ! praise Jesus!
@@donaldcoleman514 , The GOD of the Universe / Cosmos , YAHWEH / JEHOVAH ,the GOD & FATHER of the LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST ,the SON of GOD , the SON of the Most HIGH .------ **** thus BELIEVE on the LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST & you shall be SAVED , Acts 16 VS. 27 ----- 31 ----- Trust only on HIM for Forgiveness of your SINS. ---- HIS Sacrifice , the Shedding of HIS BLOOD on the Cross / Tree at Calvary / Golgotha , HIS death ,burial ,Resurrection on the third day According to the Scriptures -- 1 Corinthians 15 VS. 1 ------ 4 ----- why Not seek HIM today ??? ----- thus turn from UNBELIEF to change your Mind , repent ,receive HIM into your Life as your LORD & SAVIOUR ---- as HE stated / states that a Person Must be BORN AGAIN by the HOLY SPIRIT --- John 3 ----- other Ref's. Acts 4 V.12 , John 1 V.12 , 3 V.16 , 14 V ,6 ----- -------- * For those that do respond to HIS Calling & TRULY BELIEVE --- HE is Whom HE stated / states HE is ,the HOLY LAMB of GOD who takes away the SIN of the World. -- HE who knew NO SIN became SIN for us. ----- * are. Our SINS see Romans 3 V.23 , 6 V. 23 ----- Ephesians 2 VS. 8.9. & 10. ----
I am not a Billy Graham convert. I am a Holy Spirit convert. Billy Graham might have been the midwife that glorious night, yes folks, Jesus is Lord. Thank you Lord for this man of fiery passion. Jesus is Lord. Rev Dave xxx
Yes!! Finally someone understands, billy graham didn't save you, he didn't save your soul as said by so many followers of billy graham have proclaimed. God through Christ saves people, by His doing alone are we saved, we repent, we are forgiven,, we are called, we are chosen, we are sanctified, it is by His doing, not ours.
There's no comparison to Billy Graham. Thank goodness Franklin Graham is continuing his father's legacy. I hope Franklin's son is being groomed to take over for Franklin to further continue Billy's legacy. Billy Graham is special to me because I came to Jesus Christ of Nazareth 57 years ago at the age of 12 in front of our television during one of Billy's crusades in 1967. During that sermon, Billy quoted Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our LORD (KJV)." That Scripture pierced through my heart and I accepted Christ Jesus of Nazareth as my Saviour kneeling in front of our television as the choir sang, "Just as I am . . ." Tears still well up as that hymn is sung . . . Precious❣ My prayer is for everyone to diligently read their Bibles every day. I utilize CBN's daily devotion ( that is faithfully sent to my email inbox every day at 5:30 a.m. Every day there's 2 to 3 chapters in the Old Testament and and a chapter or less in the New Testament that walks us through the entire Bible in a year. What a joy I have experienced for the past 8+ years I've faithfully read the Bible every day. Don't miss a day, as it's difficult to catch up. God bless everyone with faithfulness.
I wasn't even born when this message was preached and now after 50 years when I listen to Bill Graham, his messages are still fresh and alive because the Word of God is ALIVE! and it doesn't change. God used this man to reach the masses and I am sure that many people came to Chris back then and continues to be so. Amen PRAISE OUR LORD! HE IS COMING BACK VERY SOON!
@@rickbekkenutte2761 IF God created the universe and ALL of the Hubble "90's Deep Field" photos, allowing us to estimate our universe to contain two trillion galaxies within it, each composed of hundreds of billions of stars, well then who/what created God? Ever seen a bon a fide 'Flying Saucer'? I have, and I mean really close up when it flew over my house less then 50' directly above me in the late 60's. Haven't been the same since and we are NOT alone. Just one of four close up sightings I've witnessed over my 83 years I spent as a lifetime and quite active amateur astronomer but no matter what I do, this image is 'locked' into my brain and simply will NOT go away. Just FYI...I have attended the McMennamins UFO Convention three times within the last five years, even though it is an 800 mile drive one way for us. There we've chatted with many others with similar experiences. Truth is.....Man is NOT a creation of God, but God IS most assuredly a creation of man. Also....just FYI, I once attended a Billy Graham convention at the Cow Palace in San Francisco way back in the late 50's. Soon, my wife and I will be driving over 1000 miles one way to visit the UFO Museum at Roswell, NM. One way or the other, we will also pay a visit to the Devil's Postpile, which is on the east side of the Sierras, and which I visited over 60 years ago, but my wife has never seen. BHE
👍, just like these in this order: Dr. Pastor Charles Stanley, Pastors David Jeremiah, John Hagee Sr., Timothy Jennings (1998) ,Robert Jeffers, Greg Laurie and Dudley Rutherford - in that Truth alignment.
Whoever you are brother , from a fellow wretch… JESUS saves us , NOT because of our goodness, but because of HIS love for us. While we were yet sinners , Jesus Christ died for us , took ALL of our sin in his body on the cross. If you believe that brother, ASK him to count you in, and your name will then be written in the Lamb’s book of life. When you rise on the last day, if Jesus delays his coming, you will rise to eternal life FOREVER , to be with the Lord . I’ll see you there . Jesus saved me from every addiction I ever had, cleaned up my sin , cleaned my mind , and gave me hope of life with him in heaven. Praise the Father, Son, & Holy Ghost .❤✝️
For we all fall short of the Glory of God. Confess with your mouth you have sinned, ask God for forgiveness, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, ask Him to come into your heart. Repent of your sinful nature ( turn away from it, change) The sacred blood of Jesus washes us clean. Then Abide in Christ, die to yourself, pick up your cross daily, follow Him and His commandments, surrender everything to Our Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and your mind. Love your neighbour as yourself. Be the light of Christ in this dark world. Amen 🙏❤
No we don't, we have more than enough preachers falsely preaching scripture. Numerous sermon teachings of Billy's contradicted plainly written scripture, thetefore he falsely taught scripture.
@@georgegunn6034 can you give me a reason why I should? I indeed have a list of numerous contradictions and out right false teachings of Billy's, and I have repeatedly posted them throughout his various sermon videos and few accepted them, few listened to them, in turn they mocked me, condemned me, and continued praising and glorifying billy. Few wanted the truth, few accepted the fact that he, in his own words falsely taught scripture, and they continued to post them and praise him. So why should I continue to warn people, hoping they will accept the fact, that by his own words he falsely taught the plainly written words of God. Even the billy graham association rejected anything I had to say and continue to use his false teachings to line their pockets. Where is the truth of God's words, where is the glory belonging to God, if franklin continues to cover up the false teachings inorder to profit off his fathers name? What a shame.
God bless you, dear child! 🙏 I'm 10 years clean from IV drug addiction. I was living Hell on earth. GOD has taken away the desire completely. My life now is full of fruits of the spirit. GOD can, will and does restore all that come to him and surrender there will...I pray for you in the name of JESUS that God's love, mercy and grace enter into your heart in a brand new way! YESS! I pray for you dear soul, that the Lord shows you new and wonderful things! You are worthy! You are LOVED! ♥️😚
To everyone having any substance issues whatsoever , Jesus Christ will come into your heart and free you of those issues ! Jesus Christ has saved me from many things and I thank him every day ! I have a role to play in this too but Jesus Christ has the power to make things happen . Ask him for help and he will help you . The bible says you have received not because you have asked not . Ask , in Jesus’ name .
´´knowing that he dwells in heaven with God´´ Proof pls?? Not bc the Bible say so. I really mean you know so I would kindly request to present me the actual proof. Thanks in advance.
@@nandinibandhini Because many a time, thousands believed(accepted) in Jesus, the sinless lamb of God who became a ransom for all those thousands who got redeemed! If they got redemption, Billy Graham who spoke to millions about this redemption will surely be in heaven! Kindly share us your reason of unbelief in plJesus Christ.
@@nandinibandhini I don't think he's in heaven yet, but he is resting peacefully until that glorious day of Jesus' return. Scripture to back what im saying. 1 Thessalonian 4:16-17 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
This video made me cry. 2 years ago i was down with cancer and my doctor told me i was going to die. I also lost my job and life looked so miserable to me. i was loosing hope and faith but i kept on looking up to God because i know he never fails. My brother and my sisters in the lord, i am proud and happy to tell you today that i well and i was cured of cancer and i am a proud owner of 3 companies today and i will forever be grateful to God and some few people in my. life. My mom & dad and John Neil Andrew, this lady made me what i am today financially .
Wow! Incredible, you must be strong and determined to overcome that , you never gave up!. Thank God . Look at the people in you employ and how you changed their lives. Wish I had an employer that looked at God and knew he was the big boss. Our company years ago used to have prayer on our Thanksgiving time off with all the employees - now we can't because it's politically incorrect and might offend someone.Been there for 25 years and has gone downhill since that happened.I would love to work for someone like you. God Bless and I will pray for your continued health and success.
Choosing Christ as my saviour 9 years ago, was the best decision of my life.❤ John 3:16- For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son. That whoever believes in him , shall not be parish but have eternal life 🧬✝️💕
I’m only 2 years old when this service happened. I’m 55 now and blessed to watch this. Thank you Billy Graham Ministry for sharing this video. Even though he is already in heaven, Billy’s message is still impacting this generation and I’m sure the next generation will also hear his sermons❤️🙏
La realizada a través Great vibrations within the fabric and design of direct and straightforward features of the scripture and command that entails such waters that are eternal pyramidal 🇪🇬 is the Blessing of the rosary mundo في capacidad en las capítulos acento en cada lugar Praise para la presencia siempre en each season estaría
I have been a sinner all my life. I'm divorced twice. I've cheated, been puffed up with pride, lied and have been disrespectful to my parents. I hope that God can forgive me. Please God forgive me!
Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
I started this video and walked out of the room only to come back and here him say that even atheist have a belief in them. I love Jesus so so much and having a child that now says “I don’t know what I believe.” And it breaks this mommas heart. This caused those words to make my spirit sit up and pay attention. If anyone out there will pray for my son with me that he recognizes you he Lord’s calling in his life, that Jesus move in a mighty way, I would appreciate it so much. I kindly thank you.
Prayers for your son to come to Jesus and be healed by anything that’s not pure to get into his mind and not believe my two daughters, sometimes doubt that there’s a God and that breaks my heart as well. I’m so very sorry prayers for you. ❤
We’re excited to hear about your commitment to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior! We’d like to provide you with Bible-based resources as you begin this journey of faith. Go to and click, “Yes, I prayed the prayer.” -The BGEA Team
If Billy was a man of God, then why did numerous sermon teachings of his contradict plainly written scripture? They falsely taught plainly written scripture!
I was 12 in 1969 when this message was preached. I remember watching Billy Graham on TV many times as a teenager and young adult. Back when our nation was honoring of God, regular television programs would be preempted so that Billy Graham would come on. This is true gospel preaching. We don't hear this kind of preaching anymore.
In my opinion the Reverend Billy Graham is the greatest preacher of the twentyth century. In fact he is still turning souls to Christ through his various media outlets.
When you get to a point that The Holy Spirit enters into your soul, it truly is transformational. I have been a devout Catholic Christian for 5 decades. Thought I was doing what I needed to do in order to get to heaven. I walked in my own ignorance and stupidity. I did not have the wisdom. I acted on what others told me, namely my ma. And she is Godly. But the more you read the Bible, as I just now committed to do in sight of Jesus, the more He will show you the real truth and meaning to this madness we call life. Being a believer is the hardest thing you will ever do...but I promise you, it is the most rewarding, as you WILL receive peace in your heart and eternal life with God and your loved ones.
What happened to our Nation? We're at each other's throats over the most feeble of racial and political nonsense. I miss Rev. Graham because he preached the word of God and warned us so many years ago. Skin color, social class and politics is not important. Making sure I stay with Christ and not going to hell is my number 1 priority. Lord I need you so much. I am nothing without your goodness, grace and forgiveness. Please forgive me of my sins. I accepted you as my Lord and Savior long ago. I get scared because I fall short of the glory and constantly ask you for forgiveness practically every day. I want to improve and be an example to others. I want to walk with you and serve you for eternity. In Jesus name, Thank God, Amen.
You say that you accepted Christ long ago. From that day until now, have you improved in Christ Jesus? I remember reading the Bible and thinking that there is no way that I could do the things Jesus said that His people should do. The standards of righteous are too high. After a few years of following Jesus, I noticed that I was doing some of the things that I thought that I could not do. I have continued to improve in Christ Jesus. The Bible says that this world is not our home; heaven is our home. We are sojourners in this world. Jesus indicated that you are either a disciple of Christ or an enemy of Christ. Most of the world is an enemy of Christ (i.e. followers of Satan), and the world does not even know it. You sound like you have a good heart for Christ. Keep seeking Him and giving more of yourself to Him.
@@mcw3560 The standards of the righteous are way too high. After reading RUclips comments on many channels, not here, I thought to hell with it, we're all ending up in hell. Just stumbled onto this video by accident tonight and remembered how much I always loved listening to Billy Graham and how good he is and how he gives hope and no judgment and how it's not a turn off like all those radical comments I've been reading the last week which just make you want to give up. That's why I love Billy Graham. He makes you love God and believe nothing is impossible and you are forgiven unlike those judgemental people.
@@sammyandoliver7522 Yes, the standards of God are extremely high. So high that no one can attain them, bar one: Jesus Christ. The Bible says "[t]he soul that sins shall die" and "the wages of sin is death." God is perfect and will not compromise on His principles. However, Jesus willingly came to take the death meant for us because of our sins. If we trust in Jesus' death on the cross as payment for our sins and "turn away" (i.e. repent) from our sins (this repentance takes time sometimes and we will not become perfect in this life), the Bible says we are saved, reconciled to God, and friends of God. We only trust in what Jesus did on the cross. There is nothing that God cannot forgive, but we need to take honest inventory of our sins (not so easy to do: it is much easier to see others' sins). Watch Ray Comfort at Living Waters on You Tube. He is great at explaining salvation. PS, If God has forgiven us and wants us to forgive others, you should forgive those who have been judgemental towards you. God loves them as well.
You ask what happened to our nation ? This is what happened in my humble opinion, the internet, cable satellite tv, materialism, kids raised themselves while both parents worked, liberal professors at universities, people got morals from Hollywood instead of local communities, hip hop, rap, gangster rap music. Neighbors no longer look out for one another, people move constantly, lastly people replaced religion with technology ! Sad !
Please pray for my family we are broke and deep in debt and my wife and I are both disabled and soon to lose our home. I loved watching Mr. Grahm's sermons in the 60's and 70's and enjoy watching them even now we're praying to God in Jesus's name that He saves us.
For sure, Jesus Christ is the only way to HEAVEN!! You can have money, positions, fame, power etc But, without Christ your soul is lost. Accept him today and start a new beginning. Jesus loves you!
Billy is physically died but spiritually alive he just changed his address even he's in Heaven with God his sermons are blessing millions of people 🙏♥ Lots of Love from India billy sir Thank you
How wonderful the World would be if Billy Graham were here today. I think he could save a lot of people. I wonder how many of these people you see on here really received Jesus and changed their life
Great man of God! I got saved and baptized at age 9,I'm 52 now, proud christian,God is good,we just had tornado in athens,al stuff got destroyed,two things left unharmed,American flag at courthouse and manger scene next to it! GOD is great!!!!!
I was 5 years old when this was filmed. It was a given if Dr Graham was coming on TV my my parents and i watched him. Those were the days when children were dragged to church and taught about Jesus. The world might have seemed in chaos, but look at it now. I thank God for Billy Graham and how led many souls to Christ.
Jewish/Christian Bible Give honor to whom honor is due! You know for many years I’ve heard “preachers” say they thought Billy Graham had the power of God to turn men and women and boys and girls from darkness to light with the HolySpirit but that they didn’t think his preaching was all that great. I never thought a lot about it because I rarely ever heard him, just every once or twice a year maybe or here or there. But now thanks to our modern day technology I can listen to his classic sermons one after another after another day by day and when you put them all together this way… I beg to differ with all those preachers who said his messages themselves weren’t all that great! They really ARE great!!! And I’ll tell you some reasons why… for one, when he is preaching there is no ulterior motive his messages stay directly with the message straight from Gods word. Second and very significant, he takes one topic and he uses scriptures from ALLLLLLL OVER THE BIBLE to teach it and preach from various angels and illustrations from scripture. His preaching is like a topical bible concordance on the subject being delivered. And thirdly, I’ve lived long enough and heard enough sermons to know if the preacher has done his homework and if they have bathed the message in prayer even fasting and prayer. I can tell both by his spirit and body he has and others have truly prayed most likely fasted and prayed before the message was given. And God has given humanity a blank check as it were saying if you pray in secret if you fast in secret if you give alms in secret and if you meditate on His word day and night to DO it, God promises HE HIMSELF WILL HONOR YOU OPENLY EVEN GIVING YOU WHATEVER YOU ASK! Is not the open rewards and honors God gave Billy Graham all his life just for these reasons? No doubt these are the reasons. In heaven I’m fairly certain God said to him upon his arrival the greatest sweetest words any human will ever hear “WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!!! Lord have mercy on me a sinner and remember me for good please when you come in your Kingdom, I do believe, help my unbelief! In Jesus name we pray Amen Amen!!!
I've been listening to Billy Graham since I was a child I can remember as far as being six seven years old I'm 65 years old now and he didn't change of course he has gone and passed and went to heaven but his preachings have always been beautiful as far as I can remember and still are and thankful that I was blessed to hear this wonderful person speak of our God thank you
I am 64 like you I listened to graham since I was a child, I seen him live in one of his crusades, he was one of the greatest preachers in modern history.
The way this man could preach to the masses and to be so on point.... Christians take note of this man: THIS is how to preach the gospel of Christ. Billy Graham used relatable instances that reach not only the world but those who are sanctified in Christ. This man was a prophet. I hope to be able to reach people like this man for God will get so much glory out of this
He wasn’t a prophet he was a common man that was faithful and used his spiritual gift (which all saved believers have). Prophets stopped after Christ died. Please don’t blaspheme
@@Cts_99 Acts 13:1-3 Authorized (King James) Version 13 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. 2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. 3 And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.
@@Cts_99 Show me where it says in the New Testament that there are no prophets, and that it's blasphemy to say otherwise. Acts 13 seems to disagree with you.
If Christ Jesus our Lord returns this year 2025 ( to happen in a four more hours ) then surely it will be a glorious new day never to end for we who love and follow Him who died for our sins, Come Lord Jesus!
@@donaldcoleman514 The living God - the one that created the heavens and the earth. The one that created "Time space and matter", lliterally on the first chapter and the first verse of the Bible. A book that was written thousands of years ago before "science" discovered "Time space matter" and the necessity of it for reality to exist.
@@donaldcoleman514 God bless 🙏 brother believe on the Lord 🙏💖 Jesus Christ our Lord 🙏💖 and Saviour and repent say I am a sinner and turn to God 🙏💖 and you will be save and thy house amen 🙏💖 Shalom
Of course he will eventually quit. This universe is expected to last another 100 billion years or so, and as all of the stars are projected to by then to have used up their last hydrogen, it will slowly grind to a halt as the composit stars, one by one, will have converted thier last hydrogen into helium and will no longer emit any light and so, as a direct consequence, will die out.
I came to Christ in 1987, after Billy Graham crusade in France. It was such a powerful time, intense. If I wasn't Christian today, I would be convinced again just watching this video. He preaches the truth like a lion !
Please pray for my son and all of my generations and loved ones 🙏 💙 ❤️ 😢 ♥️ to be in the Lamb's Book of Life, no exceptions! Myra Batson Families. Mack Murphy Families. Please 🙏 have us active in fulfilling the Great Commission and trusting and obeying...
We are praying for the salvation of your loved ones along with you. We encourage you not to give up, but to continue to pray for their salvation. Jesus said that He came to “seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). This means that you can pray with confidence, knowing that God desires to save your loved ones through faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:16 and 1 Timothy 2:3). As you pray, remember that you are in partnership with the Holy Spirit, and He is able to work in your family member’s hearts in ways unimaginable. Pray along with your church that God will open the blind eyes of all who are lost, believing that God can “do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). To pray with someone at our ministry as you hope for your loved ones to come to Christ and serve Him, call the BGEA 24/7 Prayer Line at 855-255-PRAY or send a private message to our online coaches at -BGEA Team
What in the world??? This man’s preaching blows my mind, Billy graham is such a true man of God, thank you billy for all the true words of peace you’ve brought us… God had such an important part for him, thank you Jesus🙏
@@divinapausanos6261 He's going around every comment, asking the same thing. He's either infested by demons and told to do this OR he's lost and yearn for the truth and God guided him to Billy Graham video
@@donaldcoleman514 John 3:16 For God 🙏💖 so love the world that He gave his only begotten son that who so ever (Donald) believe in Him should not persh but have everlasting life amen 🙏💖 Shalom
I pastor a church in Pearland and I even preach out his sermons. We need to imitate people like Billy Graham, like Paul said: imitate me as I imitate Jesus!!
I have been listening to BILLY GRAHAM since I was a child and I am 60 yes old now and these videos still give me hope and are a true blessing, I have always called him today's Elijah, THANK GOD THAT A DECEASED BROTHER can minister to many today!PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS! AMEN
Im80 yrs. I was in my 20's when I started to listen to Dr.Ghram.He was truly a man of.I have been saved for many years. His teaching about hell and damnation keep me strong. AMEN.
I wish we had Pastors like this today. Preaching with such conviction. So much knowledge of the Word. We need less fancy bands and big screens. Church should be simple with a strong message. Glad we can still watch these sermons online.
Brother Billy Graham was prechin this day a time back in the 40s that's not of man if time on earth last his message will be a thousand years from now because god sends his messages through man and god has never changed and he never will same from beginning to end if messengers are always changing the message ai aint of god t
Luv the Country, I’m sorry to say but That Assumption is Completely False. The Bible doesn’t support That idea at all. The Word of God, tells Us That His 2nd Coming was Quickly, Soon and Near in the First Century AD and therefore would be witnessed by His Disciples and others in their Generation. ref The Olivet Discourse and Luke 21:22 All the best. ✝️✨✨🙂
@@frankdevitt1537 The religious have been waiting for over two millenia for Jesus's 2nd return. In the year 175,000 AD, I suppose there will still be a few standing around and awaiting Jesus's 2nd return. Hallelupia!
Thank you God for these Classics from Billy Graham the word of God is still true for today thank you that they are still touching lives today to turn to Jesus
i like to listen to his sermons I was born in 1969 this is a long time ago at the time when I was born I did not know of any preachers evangelist he preaches the whole Bible I confess with my mouth the Jesus Christ is Lord and I belive in my heart the Jesus Christ is Lord that God has raised him Jesus Christ from the dead we shall be saved now I walk in faith Thanking God for gaving me salvation through Jesus Christ my savior For God so Loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whoesoever Believed in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Please join me in prayer.praise God 2 of 17 missionaries that are kidnapped in Haiti are released they desperately need your prayers please pray for them God bless you all
Having a relationship with Jesus is the most fulfilling part of this life on earth. Oh how wonderful it will be to spend eternity with a God who loves beyond our understanding.
Billy Graham profoundly influenced me when I was a kid back in the summer of 1967. 1970 at Shea Stadium..Flushing NY.. I went forward to the altar call.
God's Word says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13). He's ready to welcome you with open arms. If you'd like a step-by-step explanation of how to invite Him into your life-or to chat with our online coaches-go to -BGEA Team
So glad we have the ability to listen to this man. My grandmother listened to him every single day. I missed the sound of his preaching. So glad I found it again!
Rev/Pastor Billy Graham Is alive with JESUS CHRIST I met Billy Graham in Delhi Free Church and in England in 1985 Let His Message About JESUS CHRIST be heard to All Mankind in JESUS CHRIST AMEN
Miss Billy soo much,--was blessed to see him at his last crusade in Tampa-- we need 500 of him today, to Save this Very Lost World!!==Come Lord Jesus,Come !
Please pray for me to keep on fighting the good fight .. I’m breaking free again from everything that is not from jesus.. I’ve been pure and wanna keep serving . I love all u but I am a sinner and need prayer . God bless😊
We have prayed for you! We also have members of our team available 24/7 who would be glad to pray with you. You can call the Billy Graham Prayer Line at 855-255-PRAY or send us a private message at God bless you! -BGEA Team
This world needs a revival like never before. Pray without ceasing!
There will be NO REVIVAL!
We are right at the end!
The evil and unnumbered abominations in our day is many Many MANY times more greater than it was when Billy Graham preached this sermon.
It's unbelievable what wickedness is going on in our very day in 2024.
The day of the Lord is very near!
Come Lord Jesus, come!
Amen 🙏🏼 🙌🏼
Yes! Amen! ❤
I found myself last night on the floor in my kitchen crying out to Jesus. God is still using Billy Graham to save more people. I am one of them. Billy Graham has shown me where the narrow road is! It is through Christ! praise Jesus!
what god are you talking about
Praise Jesus. Amen!
@@donaldcoleman514 , The GOD of the Universe / Cosmos , YAHWEH / JEHOVAH ,the GOD & FATHER of the LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST ,the SON of GOD , the SON of the Most HIGH .------ **** thus BELIEVE on the LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST & you shall be SAVED , Acts 16 VS. 27 ----- 31 ----- Trust only on HIM for Forgiveness of your SINS. ---- HIS Sacrifice , the Shedding of HIS BLOOD on the Cross / Tree at Calvary / Golgotha , HIS death ,burial ,Resurrection on the third day According to the Scriptures -- 1 Corinthians 15 VS. 1 ------ 4 ----- why Not seek HIM today ??? ----- thus turn from UNBELIEF to change your Mind , repent ,receive HIM into your Life as your LORD & SAVIOUR ---- as HE stated / states that a Person Must be BORN AGAIN by the HOLY SPIRIT --- John 3 ----- other Ref's. Acts 4 V.12 , John 1 V.12 , 3 V.16 , 14 V ,6 ----- -------- * For those that do respond to HIS Calling & TRULY BELIEVE --- HE is Whom HE stated / states HE is ,the HOLY LAMB of GOD who takes away the SIN of the World. -- HE who knew NO SIN became SIN for us. ----- * are. Our SINS see Romans 3 V.23 , 6 V. 23 ----- Ephesians 2 VS. 8.9. & 10. ----
@@donaldcoleman514 oh I see here you are in all the comments, God bless your soul that He gave you and the breath He gave you, use it wisely
We thank God for Bill Graham 🙏
I would glorify God instead, why would a christian glorify a man instead of God?
I am not a Billy Graham convert. I am a Holy Spirit convert. Billy Graham might have been the midwife that glorious night, yes folks, Jesus is Lord. Thank you Lord for this man of fiery passion. Jesus is Lord. Rev Dave xxx
Yes!! Finally someone understands, billy graham didn't save you, he didn't save your soul as said by so many followers of billy graham have proclaimed. God through Christ saves people, by His doing alone are we saved, we repent, we are forgiven,, we are called, we are chosen, we are sanctified, it is by His doing, not ours.
Gid simply used Billiy Graham as a vessel. Jesus is the only one we should praise and put all our faith in.
We need more preachers like Billy today 🙏🏾🙌👏
Don't atare at sea and stand without diving..
Truth spoken
Nah....ONE was enough!
There's no comparison to Billy Graham. Thank goodness Franklin Graham is continuing his father's legacy. I hope Franklin's son is being groomed to take over for Franklin to further continue Billy's legacy. Billy Graham is special to me because I came to Jesus Christ of Nazareth 57 years ago at the age of 12 in front of our television during one of Billy's crusades in 1967. During that sermon, Billy quoted Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our LORD (KJV)." That Scripture pierced through my heart and I accepted Christ Jesus of Nazareth as my Saviour kneeling in front of our television as the choir sang, "Just as I am . . ." Tears still well up as that hymn is sung . . . Precious❣ My prayer is for everyone to diligently read their Bibles every day. I utilize CBN's daily devotion ( that is faithfully sent to my email inbox every day at 5:30 a.m. Every day there's 2 to 3 chapters in the Old Testament and and a chapter or less in the New Testament that walks us through the entire Bible in a year. What a joy I have experienced for the past 8+ years I've faithfully read the Bible every day. Don't miss a day, as it's difficult to catch up. God bless everyone with faithfulness.
We have them. Dig. And we can all be taught
I wasn't even born when this message was preached and now after 50 years when I listen to Bill Graham, his messages are still fresh and alive because the Word of God is ALIVE! and it doesn't change. God used this man to reach the masses and I am sure that many people came to Chris back then and continues to be so. Amen PRAISE OUR LORD! HE IS COMING BACK VERY SOON!
You do realize that 100 years from now there will be people still be chanting the same mantra...."Jesus is returning ANY day now!"
I'm a modern crusader.
Ask what you wish, dear.
@@rickbekkenutte2761 IF God created the universe and ALL of the Hubble "90's Deep Field" photos, allowing us to estimate our universe to contain two trillion galaxies within it, each composed of hundreds of billions of stars, well then who/what created God?
Ever seen a bon a fide 'Flying Saucer'? I have, and I mean really close up when it flew over my house less then 50' directly above me in the late 60's. Haven't been the same since and we are NOT alone.
Just one of four close up sightings I've witnessed over my 83 years I spent as a lifetime and quite active amateur astronomer but no matter what I do, this image is 'locked' into my brain and simply will NOT go away.
Just FYI...I have attended the McMennamins UFO Convention three times within the last five years, even though it is an 800 mile drive one way for us. There we've chatted with many others with similar experiences.
Truth is.....Man is NOT a creation of God, but God IS most assuredly a creation of man.
Also....just FYI, I once attended a Billy Graham convention at the Cow Palace in San Francisco way back in the late 50's.
Soon, my wife and I will be driving over 1000 miles one way to visit the UFO Museum at Roswell, NM. One way or the other, we will also pay a visit to the Devil's Postpile, which is on the east side of the Sierras, and which I visited over 60 years ago, but my wife has never seen.
@@blackholeentry3489scoffers will come. ...
👍, just like these in this order:
Dr. Pastor Charles Stanley, Pastors David Jeremiah, John Hagee Sr., Timothy Jennings (1998) ,Robert Jeffers, Greg Laurie and Dudley Rutherford - in that Truth alignment.
These sermons are timeless. Much appreciated.
And you cannot predict God. Maybe 2 thousand more years. But that doesn't fill today's coffers
Jesus is the King of the universe period.
@@yellowguy4004 Amen.
He's right. God is the judge. Not self righteous people who believe they are God .
Jesus, remember me... an old wretch of a man in need of forgiveness and mercy.
Whoever you are brother , from a fellow wretch… JESUS saves us , NOT because of our goodness, but because of HIS love for us. While we were yet sinners , Jesus Christ died for us , took ALL of our sin in his body on the cross. If you believe that brother, ASK him to count you in, and your name will then be written in the Lamb’s book of life. When you rise on the last day, if Jesus delays his coming, you will rise to eternal life FOREVER , to be with the Lord . I’ll see you there . Jesus saved me from every addiction I ever had, cleaned up my sin , cleaned my mind , and gave me hope of life with him in heaven. Praise the Father, Son, & Holy Ghost .❤✝️
Count me in, as a fellow wretch in need of forgiveness 🙏🏿
For we all fall short of the Glory of God. Confess with your mouth you have sinned, ask God for forgiveness, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, ask Him to come into your heart. Repent of your sinful nature ( turn away from it, change) The sacred blood of Jesus washes us clean. Then Abide in Christ, die to yourself, pick up your cross daily, follow Him and His commandments, surrender everything to Our Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and your mind. Love your neighbour as yourself. Be the light of Christ in this dark world. Amen 🙏❤
Thank You Jesus even in the year of 2023 this message is so powerful!! I accept You Jesus into my Heart. THANK YOU JESUS THANK YOU!
God bless you always 🙏....Amen
The world needs more preachers like Reverend Graham! 💌 Christ is the only way for Salvation!!!
No we don't, we have more than enough preachers falsely preaching scripture. Numerous sermon teachings of Billy's contradicted plainly written scripture, thetefore he falsely taught scripture.
@@Martin-b7kCan you tell me what some of these false teachings are?
@@georgegunn6034 can you give me a reason why I should? I indeed have a list of numerous contradictions and out right false teachings of Billy's, and I have repeatedly posted them throughout his various sermon videos and few accepted them, few listened to them, in turn they mocked me, condemned me, and continued praising and glorifying billy. Few wanted the truth, few accepted the fact that he, in his own words falsely taught scripture, and they continued to post them and praise him. So why should I continue to warn people, hoping they will accept the fact, that by his own words he falsely taught the plainly written words of God. Even the billy graham association rejected anything I had to say and continue to use his false teachings to line their pockets. Where is the truth of God's words, where is the glory belonging to God, if franklin continues to cover up the false teachings inorder to profit off his fathers name? What a shame.
@@Martin-b7k Yes I can give you a reason why you should. So I can know if you are a man of God or if you are doing the Devil's work.
I was in my local supermarket and found a slip of paper inside a cup with a QR code to this video. I felt compelled to watch.
I am a recovering Crack addict and I am seeing how good it is to repent and find God. Thank you Jesus.
Praise God!
God bless you, dear child! 🙏 I'm 10 years clean from IV drug addiction. I was living Hell on earth. GOD has taken away the desire completely. My life now is full of fruits of the spirit. GOD can, will and does restore all that come to him and surrender there will...I pray for you in the name of JESUS that God's love, mercy and grace enter into your heart in a brand new way! YESS! I pray for you dear soul, that the Lord shows you new and wonderful things! You are worthy! You are LOVED! ♥️😚
Bless you and stay in your Bible
To everyone having any substance issues whatsoever , Jesus Christ will come into your heart and free you of those issues ! Jesus Christ has saved me from many things and I thank him every day ! I have a role to play in this too but Jesus Christ has the power to make things happen . Ask him for help and he will help you . The bible says you have received not because you have asked not . Ask , in Jesus’ name .
He passed away in 2018 😞
But we can all rest easy knowing that he dwells in heaven with God . I am so thankful that he left us these sermons .
´´knowing that he dwells in heaven with God´´ Proof pls?? Not bc the Bible say so. I really mean you know so I would kindly request to present me the actual proof. Thanks in advance.
@@nandinibandhini Because many a time, thousands believed(accepted) in Jesus, the sinless lamb of God who became a ransom for all those thousands who got redeemed! If they got redemption, Billy Graham who spoke to millions about this redemption will surely be in heaven! Kindly share us your reason of unbelief in plJesus Christ.
Makes it so easy to preach to me
@@nandinibandhini Faith in Jesus Christ and the plan of Salvation is the proof. The Word of God does not lie.🙌🏻✝️❤️🕊️
@@nandinibandhini I don't think he's in heaven yet, but he is resting peacefully until that glorious day of Jesus' return. Scripture to back what im saying.
1 Thessalonian 4:16-17
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
This video made me cry. 2 years ago i was down with cancer and my doctor told me i was going to die. I also lost my job and life looked so miserable to me. i was loosing hope and faith but i kept on looking up to God because i know he never fails. My brother and my sisters in the lord, i am proud and happy to tell you today that i well and i was cured of cancer and i am a proud owner of 3 companies today and i will forever be grateful to God and some few people in my. life. My mom & dad and John Neil Andrew, this lady made me what i am today financially .
Wow! Incredible, you must be strong and determined to overcome that , you never gave up!. Thank God . Look at the people in you employ and how you changed their lives. Wish I had an employer that looked at God and knew he was the big boss. Our company years ago used to have prayer on our Thanksgiving time off with all the employees - now we can't because it's politically incorrect and might offend someone.Been there for 25 years and has gone downhill since that happened.I would love to work for someone like you. God Bless and I will pray for your continued health and success.
Glory to God!
Keep my husband in prayer he has skin cancer
Amen !!. Jaff Shalom I am so happy to know that you're heal.
Who's watching this 2024 I am Christmas Eve
Choosing Christ as my saviour 9 years ago, was the best decision of my life.❤ John 3:16- For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son. That whoever believes in him , shall not be parish but have eternal life 🧬✝️💕
Please Lord forgive me for my sins. Thank you for every minute of every hour of every day. Amen 🙏🏼
Put ur faith and trust in the blood of Jesus and in his death , burial and resurrection of and u shall be born again in Christ Jesus.
I love u
This man is dead but still leading ppl to Jesus!!! Thank you Bill
Yes. Amen
He is a good man, sewing the seeds of the believer. The holy Spirit let the hearts soften and people believe! ❤❤❤
My mother always listened to rev billy
I grew up listening to him my mother was the biggest influence i had to lead me to the Christian faith
I’m only 2 years old when this service happened. I’m 55 now and blessed to watch this. Thank you Billy Graham Ministry for sharing this video. Even though he is already in heaven, Billy’s message is still impacting this generation and I’m sure the next generation will also hear his sermons❤️🙏
La realizada a través
Great vibrations within the fabric and design of direct and straightforward features of the scripture and command that entails such waters that are eternal pyramidal 🇪🇬 is the Blessing of the rosary mundo
في capacidad en las capítulos acento en cada lugar Praise para la presencia siempre en each season estaría
God bless each one of us
I have been a sinner all my life. I'm divorced twice. I've cheated, been puffed up with pride, lied and have been disrespectful to my parents. I hope that God can forgive me. Please God forgive me!
God loves towards you is greater.
He cares so much.
Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
God bless!!
@@angelc4494 maranatha. R 22 7, 20
God Bless You Too 🙏❤🙌
No person can be a christ . Jesus did not have to die so young and horrible for me .
@@kathystyles1211 The gods must be crazy .
Billy's spirit is watching this world from Heaven
👍, his videos on here. Even more so 'heightened here in the internet age'. For their will no excuse for any on the message.
I started this video and walked out of the room only to come back and here him say that even atheist have a belief in them. I love Jesus so so much and having a child that now says “I don’t know what I believe.” And it breaks this mommas heart. This caused those words to make my spirit sit up and pay attention. If anyone out there will pray for my son with me that he recognizes you he Lord’s calling in his life, that Jesus move in a mighty way, I would appreciate it so much. I kindly thank you.
🙏for your son have faith and trust in the power of the divine
Prayers for your healing child.
Prayers for your son to come to Jesus and be healed by anything that’s not pure to get into his mind and not believe my two daughters, sometimes doubt that there’s a God and that breaks my heart as well. I’m so very sorry prayers for you. ❤
I could listen to Billy Grahams preachings all day ❤️ 🙏
Me too!
Which ones,?
@@Timothycpollockall of them
How are you?
I could listen to Billy Graham preach about how to make a peach pie!
I accept you Jesus as my savior 🙏🏻Amen
We’re excited to hear about your commitment to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior! We’d like to provide you with Bible-based resources as you begin this journey of faith. Go to and click, “Yes, I prayed the prayer.”
-The BGEA Team
Tears of joy for you! Blessings
I spent the last 50 years listening to Dr.Billy Graham what an amazing man of God
If Billy was a man of God, then why did numerous sermon teachings of his contradict plainly written scripture? They falsely taught plainly written scripture!
Please pray for me, having to make some tough decisions and I need Gods guidance and direction.
Thank you,
God Bless you all!
Praying for you brother.
Mau the Lord our God lead + guide you. Amem
Check out off the kirb ministries i enjoy his content and he has helped me on my path
Dear Lord please bless Bobbie please guide him and help him in Jesus name Amen
I was 12 in 1969 when this message was preached. I remember watching Billy Graham on TV many times as a teenager and young adult. Back when our nation was honoring of God, regular television programs would be preempted so that Billy Graham would come on. This is true gospel preaching. We don't hear this kind of preaching anymore.
How old was he In this sermon?
@@KC-ft9hp about 50
In my opinion the Reverend Billy Graham is the greatest preacher of the twentyth century.
In fact he is still turning souls to Christ through his various media outlets.
Many preaching of pastor now coming to reality the Word of God is alive and true specially what is happening now in Israel😢
@Sweetmamak I like your snowman icon. 🤗💗⛄
When you get to a point that The Holy Spirit enters into your soul, it truly is transformational. I have been a devout Catholic Christian for 5 decades. Thought I was doing what I needed to do in order to get to heaven. I walked in my own ignorance and stupidity. I did not have the wisdom. I acted on what others told me, namely my ma. And she is Godly. But the more you read the Bible, as I just now committed to do in sight of Jesus, the more He will show you the real truth and meaning to this madness we call life. Being a believer is the hardest thing you will ever do...but I promise you, it is the most rewarding, as you WILL receive peace in your heart and eternal life with God and your loved ones.
Jesus is very real and I am sure He will come again.
What happened to our Nation? We're at each other's throats over the most feeble of racial and political nonsense. I miss Rev. Graham because he preached the word of God and warned us so many years ago. Skin color, social class and politics is not important. Making sure I stay with Christ and not going to hell is my number 1 priority. Lord I need you so much. I am nothing without your goodness, grace and forgiveness. Please forgive me of my sins. I accepted you as my Lord and Savior long ago. I get scared because I fall short of the glory and constantly ask you for forgiveness practically every day. I want to improve and be an example to others. I want to walk with you and serve you for eternity. In Jesus name, Thank God, Amen.
You say that you accepted Christ long ago. From that day until now, have you improved in Christ Jesus? I remember reading the Bible and thinking that there is no way that I could do the things Jesus said that His people should do. The standards of righteous are too high. After a few years of following Jesus, I noticed that I was doing some of the things that I thought that I could not do. I have continued to improve in Christ Jesus. The Bible says that this world is not our home; heaven is our home. We are sojourners in this world. Jesus indicated that you are either a disciple of Christ or an enemy of Christ. Most of the world is an enemy of Christ (i.e. followers of Satan), and the world does not even know it.
You sound like you have a good heart for Christ. Keep seeking Him and giving more of yourself to Him.
@@mcw3560 The standards of the righteous are way too high. After reading RUclips comments on many channels, not here, I thought to hell with it, we're all ending up in hell. Just stumbled onto this video by accident tonight and remembered how much I always loved listening to Billy Graham and how good he is and how he gives hope and no judgment and how it's not a turn off like all those radical comments I've been reading the last week which just make you want to give up. That's why I love Billy Graham. He makes you love God and believe nothing is impossible and you are forgiven unlike those judgemental people.
@@sammyandoliver7522 Yes, the standards of God are extremely high. So high that no one can attain them, bar one: Jesus Christ. The Bible says "[t]he soul that sins shall die" and "the wages of sin is death." God is perfect and will not compromise on His principles. However, Jesus willingly came to take the death meant for us because of our sins. If we trust in Jesus' death on the cross as payment for our sins and "turn away" (i.e. repent) from our sins (this repentance takes time sometimes and we will not become perfect in this life), the Bible says we are saved, reconciled to God, and friends of God. We only trust in what Jesus did on the cross. There is nothing that God cannot forgive, but we need to take honest inventory of our sins (not so easy to do: it is much easier to see others' sins).
Watch Ray Comfort at Living Waters on You Tube. He is great at explaining salvation.
PS, If God has forgiven us and wants us to forgive others, you should forgive those who have been judgemental towards you. God loves them as well.
You ask what happened to our nation ? This is what happened in my humble opinion, the internet, cable satellite tv, materialism, kids raised themselves while both parents worked, liberal professors at universities, people got morals from Hollywood instead of local communities, hip hop, rap, gangster rap music. Neighbors no longer look out for one another, people move constantly, lastly people replaced religion with technology ! Sad !
Please pray for my family we are broke and deep in debt and my wife and I are both disabled and soon to lose our home. I loved watching Mr. Grahm's sermons in the 60's and 70's and enjoy watching them even now we're praying to God in Jesus's name that He saves us.
I pray things are better for you now
Are u near Florida?
My almighty God will provide just believe and say Amen and receive the prophesy
3:19 🙏🙏🙏
For sure, Jesus Christ is the only way to HEAVEN!!
You can have money, positions, fame, power etc
But, without Christ your soul is lost.
Accept him today and start a new beginning.
Jesus loves you!
Billy is physically died but spiritually alive he just changed his address even he's in Heaven with God his sermons are blessing millions of people 🙏♥
Lots of Love from India billy sir
Thank you
Amen brother in Australia too
He is not yet in heaven. Heb 9:28-29
Yes and yes!
@@glennvillegas4759 Always a Debbie downer everywhere we go. 😥
Gid bless you to say that Billy only changed address, I get touched
Billy Graham lives on through these sermons to continue to lead people to Christ. Thank you almighty God for the gift of this man.
How wonderful the World would be if Billy Graham were here today. I think he could save a lot of people. I wonder how many of these people you see on here really received Jesus and changed their life
Great man of God! I got saved and baptized at age 9,I'm 52 now, proud christian,God is good,we just had tornado in athens,al stuff got destroyed,two things left unharmed,American flag at courthouse and manger scene next to it! GOD is great!!!!!
I was 5 years old when this was filmed. It was a given if Dr Graham was coming on TV my my parents and i watched him. Those were the days when children were dragged to church and taught about Jesus. The world might have seemed in chaos, but look at it now. I thank God for Billy Graham and how led many souls to Christ.
This message is even MORE relevant TODAY than it was then!! We are so close to the return of Jesus!!✝️❤️
Jesus you are my saviour ❤
Jewish/Christian Bible
Give honor to whom honor is due!
You know for many years I’ve heard “preachers” say they thought Billy Graham had the power of God to turn men and women and boys and girls from darkness to light with the HolySpirit but that they didn’t think his preaching was all that great. I never thought a lot about it because I rarely ever heard him, just every once or twice a year maybe or here or there. But now thanks to our modern day technology I can listen to his classic sermons one after another after another day by day and when you put them all together this way… I beg to differ with all those preachers who said his messages themselves weren’t all that great! They really ARE great!!! And I’ll tell you some reasons why… for one, when he is preaching there is no ulterior motive his messages stay directly with the message straight from Gods word. Second and very significant, he takes one topic and he uses scriptures from ALLLLLLL OVER THE BIBLE to teach it and preach from various angels and illustrations from scripture. His preaching is like a topical bible concordance on the subject being delivered. And thirdly, I’ve lived long enough and heard enough sermons to know if the preacher has done his homework and if they have bathed the message in prayer even fasting and prayer. I can tell both by his spirit and body he has and others have truly prayed most likely fasted and prayed before the message was given. And God has given humanity a blank check as it were saying if you pray in secret if you fast in secret if you give alms in secret and if you meditate on His word day and night to DO it, God promises HE HIMSELF WILL HONOR YOU OPENLY EVEN GIVING YOU WHATEVER YOU ASK! Is not the open rewards and honors God gave Billy Graham all his life just for these reasons? No doubt these are the reasons. In heaven I’m fairly certain God said to him upon his arrival the greatest sweetest words any human will ever hear “WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!!!
Lord have mercy on me a sinner and remember me for good please when you come in your Kingdom, I do believe, help my unbelief! In Jesus name we pray Amen Amen!!!
Jesus Christ is King 👑 we are all sinners and we need Jesus Christ to get to heaven
Thank God, After all these years..the Graham family is still spreading the gospel to the world.
"The gods must be crazy . " , title of a good comedy movie . Check it .
Lord i thank u for Billy graham
Hope too meet u in heaven some day billy
@@walterenglish5098 of 9
@@walterenglish5098 egg
Brilliant speaker - amazing teacher - His messages are strong & powerful & TRUE !
I've been listening to Billy Graham since I was a child I can remember as far as being six seven years old I'm 65 years old now and he didn't change of course he has gone and passed and went to heaven but his preachings have always been beautiful as far as I can remember and still are and thankful that I was blessed to hear this wonderful person speak of our God thank you
I am 64 like you I listened to graham since I was a child, I seen him live in one of his crusades, he was one of the greatest preachers in modern history.
What a glorious day that will be, pure peace and joy, serving the Master that paid the full ransom for a wretch like me.
The way this man could preach to the masses and to be so on point....
Christians take note of this man: THIS is how to preach the gospel of Christ. Billy Graham used relatable instances that reach not only the world but those who are sanctified in Christ.
This man was a prophet. I hope to be able to reach people like this man for God will get so much glory out of this
I love Billy Graham!!! The one and only Pastor I listened to and trusted and still do. Thank God for him.
He wasn’t a prophet he was a common man that was faithful and used his spiritual gift (which all saved believers have). Prophets stopped after Christ died. Please don’t blaspheme
Acts 13:1-3
Authorized (King James) Version
13 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. 2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. 3 And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.
@@Cts_99 Show me where it says in the New Testament that there are no prophets, and that it's blasphemy to say otherwise.
Acts 13 seems to disagree with you.
If Christ Jesus our Lord returns this year 2025 ( to happen in a four more hours ) then surely it will be a glorious new day never to end for we who love and follow Him who died for our sins,
Come Lord Jesus!
Billy Graham Will Never Stop Preaching The Word Of God Thank You
What God are you talking about
@@donaldcoleman514 The living God - the one that created the heavens and the earth.
The one that created "Time space and matter", lliterally on the first chapter and the first verse of the Bible.
A book that was written thousands of years ago before "science" discovered "Time space matter" and the necessity of it for reality to exist.
@@donaldcoleman514 if you have to ask then you don’t know the One and only loving GOD. He has many names but he’s the only redeemer 🙏🌈 Amen 🙏
@@donaldcoleman514 God bless 🙏 brother believe on the Lord 🙏💖 Jesus Christ our Lord 🙏💖 and Saviour and repent say I am a sinner and turn to God 🙏💖 and you will be save and thy house amen 🙏💖 Shalom
Of course he will eventually quit. This universe is expected to last another 100 billion years or so, and as all of the stars are projected to by then to have used up their last hydrogen, it will slowly grind to a halt as the composit stars, one by one, will have converted thier last hydrogen into helium and will no longer emit any light and so, as a direct consequence, will die out.
I came to Christ in 1987, after Billy Graham crusade in France. It was such a powerful time, intense. If I wasn't Christian today, I would be convinced again just watching this video. He preaches the truth like a lion !
Amen! We may not know exactly when Jesus Christ will return, but He makes everything we go through worth it!
The best preacher
I can tell you when he will return. Never. That stuff's not real. Oh, also, Elvis is dead.
@@bobcarp1239 ]L
Amen. Scripture says that only GOD the father knows. Mark 13:32
@@bobcarp1239 are you willing to sacrifice your eternal soul on your personal disbelief?
Please pray for my son and all of my generations and loved ones 🙏 💙 ❤️ 😢 ♥️ to be in the Lamb's Book of Life, no exceptions!
Myra Batson Families.
Mack Murphy Families.
Please 🙏 have us active in fulfilling the Great Commission and trusting and obeying...
We are praying for the salvation of your loved ones along with you. We encourage you not to give up, but to continue to pray for their salvation. Jesus said that He came to “seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). This means that you can pray with confidence, knowing that God desires to save your loved ones through faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:16 and 1 Timothy 2:3). As you pray, remember that you are in partnership with the Holy Spirit, and He is able to work in your family member’s hearts in ways unimaginable. Pray along with your church that God will open the blind eyes of all who are lost, believing that God can “do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). To pray with someone at our ministry as you hope for your loved ones to come to Christ and serve Him, call the BGEA 24/7 Prayer Line at 855-255-PRAY or send a private message to our online coaches at
-BGEA Team
Amen... Still listening the sermon in 17 july 2024
This is what we need today, is a pastor like Billy Graham ,but there is he ,who is preaching like Billy today, like the cross of christ
Billy Graham is physically absent from us, but still he is with us. He teaches all peoples of the world every day the Gospel of Christ.
What in the world??? This man’s preaching blows my mind, Billy graham is such a true man of God, thank you billy for all the true words of peace you’ve brought us… God had such an important part for him, thank you Jesus🙏
What God are you talking about
@@donaldcoleman514 are you unbeliever?
@@divinapausanos6261 He's going around every comment, asking the same thing.
He's either infested by demons and told to do this OR he's lost and yearn for the truth and God guided him to Billy Graham video
@@donaldcoleman514 John 3:16 For God 🙏💖 so love the world that He gave his only begotten son that who so ever (Donald) believe in Him should not persh but have everlasting life amen 🙏💖 Shalom
I Believe in only One God ,n he's alive today. Look Around ,Amen!!!!
I pastor a church in Pearland and I even preach out his sermons. We need to imitate people like Billy Graham, like Paul said: imitate me as I imitate Jesus!!
Bless you and thank the Lord for putting Billy Graham on this earth. 🙏❤️🌎
I have been listening to BILLY GRAHAM since I was a child and I am 60 yes old now and these videos still give me hope and are a true blessing, I have always called him today's Elijah, THANK GOD THAT A DECEASED BROTHER can minister to many today!PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS! AMEN
He remained such a humble man during his life preaching, he said he was just a messanger, his legacy lives on through these sermons.
Im80 yrs. I was in my 20's when I started to listen to Dr.Ghram.He was truly a man of.I have been saved for many years. His teaching about hell and damnation keep me strong. AMEN.
I wish we had Pastors like this today. Preaching with such conviction. So much knowledge of the Word. We need less fancy bands and big screens. Church should be simple with a strong message. Glad we can still watch these sermons online.
I never tire of watching these vintage Crusades: the great Billy Graham. They renew my spirit and strengthen the fight vs sin
The same here hallelujah Glory be to God
Why aren’t every TV Evangelists like Billy Graham?
@@deusx.machinaanime.3072 Not all TV Evangelist are of God.
Because he preaching the cross ✝️, that's the only one way to heaven, no other way to God, only Jesus
One God one church one religions
Many will be called few will be chosen
Brother Billy Graham was prechin this day a time back in the 40s that's not of man if time on earth last his message will be a thousand years from now because god sends his messages through man and god has never changed and he never will same from beginning to end if messengers are always changing the message ai aint of god t
His message till death was the gospel of Jesus Christ something I so so much envy of him God bless you Billy Graham
Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - RIP Rev. Billy Graham 🙏❤ - you are missed, and loved 🙏❤️
God bless me and count me that I belong to you
50 years later, he's the same yesterday, today and forever
What Mr. Graham is preaching about now is all happen in our world today. We are waiting for our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST to come.❤❤❤❤❤❤
5:03 is starting to become true in 2024 but God will help us
He's coming very soon. I pray everyone is ready 🙏💞
Luv the Country,
I’m sorry to say but
That Assumption is
Completely False.
The Bible doesn’t support
That idea at all.
The Word of God,
tells Us
That His 2nd Coming
Quickly, Soon and Near
in the First Century AD
and therefore would
be witnessed by
His Disciples and others in
their Generation.
The Olivet Discourse
Luke 21:22
All the best.
@@frankdevitt1537 It is going to be quickly hope you're ready, I am..
I know exactly what I'm talking about.
God bless 🙏💞
@@frankdevitt1537 The religious have been waiting for over two millenia for Jesus's 2nd return. In the year 175,000 AD, I suppose there will still be a few standing around and awaiting Jesus's 2nd return. Hallelupia!
They have said that for 2000 years. Jesus will not return. The holy spirit is here, constantly. That is what he meant.
Come on Pastor Preach the word of
Thank u God for every day u give us a chance to repent and accept Jesus as our lord and savior
Great man. I pray his in Heaven
Billy always has fire in his eyes when he preaches. I love Jesus.
Thank you God for these Classics from Billy Graham the word of God is still true for today thank you that they are still touching lives today to turn to Jesus
Billy is gone to be with his Lord. But his sermons lives on and on. Amen
Amen so powerful
i like to listen to his sermons I was born in 1969 this is a long time ago at the time when I was born I did not know of any preachers evangelist he preaches the whole Bible I confess with my mouth the Jesus Christ is Lord and I belive in my heart the Jesus Christ is Lord that God has raised him Jesus Christ from the dead we shall be saved now I walk in faith Thanking God for gaving me salvation through Jesus Christ my savior For God so Loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whoesoever Believed in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
God, please give us another preacher like Billy Graham.
AMEN lord!
Please join me in prayer.praise God 2 of 17 missionaries that are kidnapped in Haiti are released they desperately need your prayers please pray for them God bless you all
Hati the country needs our prayers as well. Praise God for the 2 missionaries . I pray for remaining missionaries who are still kidnapped.
For you were once in Darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Ep 5:8
Having a relationship with Jesus is the most fulfilling part of this life on earth. Oh how wonderful it will be to spend eternity with a God who loves beyond our understanding.
Monstrous nonsense.
I thank the Lord God almighty for the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ..... have your way Lord in my life. Amen
I can not wait for Jesus to come but I have to be patient because HE is never late ❤❤❤❤
Billy Graham profoundly influenced me when I was a kid back in the summer of 1967. 1970 at Shea Stadium..Flushing NY.. I went forward to the altar call.
Wow that's really awesome and I know that you remember that day very well. Praise God for Rev. Billy Graham! 👍🤓🙏💕
So precious to hear his voice! In our day and age, deep confusion reigns, Rev Billy Graham's legacy lives on!
Pray for us peace help the light of world god blessed you all…..
Great sermon!
You have done a great job 👏 👍 ❤❤❤❤
Amen 😊 Amen Praise God 🙏🙏💞💞
Thank you so much
Amen come quick my Lord we need You
This world is broken 😢 I love you Jesus Christ 🙏 Thank you Lord
I'm watching this sermon this morning. Iran attacked Israel yesterday.
Help, I love God and want him in my life to help me amen!!!
God's Word says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13). He's ready to welcome you with open arms. If you'd like a step-by-step explanation of how to invite Him into your life-or to chat with our online coaches-go to
-BGEA Team
God Jesus holy Spirit are one. Jesus loves you he knows your heart ❤ Repent ask forgiveness for your sins ask Jesus Christ into your life. Amen 🙏❤
So glad we have the ability to listen to this man. My grandmother listened to him every single day. I missed the sound of his preaching. So glad I found it again!
Rev/Pastor Billy Graham
Is alive with JESUS CHRIST
I met Billy Graham in Delhi
Free Church and in England in 1985
Let His Message About
JESUS CHRIST be heard to
Miss Billy soo much,--was blessed to see him at his last crusade in Tampa-- we need 500 of him today, to Save this Very Lost World!!==Come Lord Jesus,Come !
Yes,he wasn't a Joel osteen.He was 100% real.
Great saying,, I'm blessed all the way from Zambia
Please pray for me to keep on fighting the good fight .. I’m breaking free again from everything that is not from jesus.. I’ve been pure and wanna keep serving . I love all u but I am a sinner and need prayer . God bless😊
We have prayed for you! We also have members of our team available 24/7 who would be glad to pray with you. You can call the Billy Graham Prayer Line at 855-255-PRAY or send us a private message at God bless you! -BGEA Team