Lately: it is a common res that all attorneys evade filing affidavits of facts, being there is no facts amongst fiction in a corporate court of moving vessels😊
And whenever one submit a complaint alleging facts - it is most profitable to attach an Affidavit in support of those facts, if your claim is rooted on facts and not solely based hearsay.
Now, there is a trick n the tree resting above: many times when arresting officers make claims of a [charge], there is an assumed statement of facts, one that supports the officers duty to attorn; when u read any piece of paper that appears in propria persona, too be credible- it must read: stated true, correct, certain, complete, and not misleading under penalty of perjury. Study the things that has yet to be explained.
Why aren’t u teaching one how to properly appear? I do believe it’s more egregious that one lack the Law when the production of law becomes broad by an Attorning officer of the court - such as yourself..
Thanks for uploading!
Lately: it is a common res that all attorneys evade filing affidavits of facts, being there is no facts amongst fiction in a corporate court of moving vessels😊
@53:12 service upon a person or a corporation----- both are PERSON and both are corporate fictions!!!
And whenever one submit a complaint alleging facts - it is most profitable to attach an Affidavit in support of those facts, if your claim is rooted on facts and not solely based hearsay.
Teach one the difference between “Appearing by Special or General Appearance” ; “Appearing in ab Initio”;
Now, there is a trick n the tree resting above: many times when arresting officers make claims of a [charge], there is an assumed statement of facts, one that supports the officers duty to attorn; when u read any piece of paper that appears in propria persona, too be credible- it must read: stated true, correct, certain, complete, and not misleading under penalty of perjury. Study the things that has yet to be explained.
Why aren’t u teaching one how to properly appear? I do believe it’s more egregious that one lack the Law when the production of law becomes broad by an Attorning officer of the court - such as yourself..