Plantar Fasciitis Is Not A Foot Problem

  • Опубликовано: 20 июл 2024
  • Doctors diagnose you with Plantar Fasciitis. They tell you you have a foot problem. They'll eventually tell you that you need foot surgery when the usual treatments fail to work (rest, splints and braces, corticosteroid injections, dry needling, etc).
    But they never really answer the question of WHY the foot hurts. All their attention is on WHERE the pain is, and put little to no attention on WHY it's hurting.
    We're conditioned to think that wherever we have pain is where the problem is. But that's rarely the case (anywhere, not just with foot pain).
    Plantar Fasciitis is not a foot problem, it is a symptom of a larger dynamic/problem.
    While the foot does have muscle and various other structures, it is 'controlled' by the lower leg. When the lower leg isn't working correctly, the foot can't work correctly, and foot problems like PF develop.
    Then, unfortunately, doctors focus on the foot and ignore all the actual CAUSES of the foot pain.
    For instance, they declare the 'tight plantar fascia' is the problem. But then never ask WHY it's tight, and thus far too many are disappointed in the results they get (because things don't get better, or the treatments they try actually make things worse.
    If you want to fix plantar fasciitis, you need to understand WHY you're having pain in the foot and HOW to effectively get rid of it.
    Find out more at

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