Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human companionship, Flareon is objectively the most huggable Pokémon? While their maximum temperature is likely too much for most, they are capable of controlling it, so they can set themselves to the perfect temperature for you. Along with that, they have a lot of fluff, making them undeniably incredibly soft to touch. But that's not all, they have a very respectable special defense stat of 110, which means that they are likely very calm and resistant to emotional damage. Because of this, if you have a bad day, you can vent to it while hugging it, and it won't mind. It can make itself even more endearing with moves like Charm and Baby Doll Eyes, ensuring that you never have a prolonged bout of depression again.
@@koruptus1924 this why you a 7 year old emo has no friends and family built like big chungus looks like they would roleplay and say they can turn into a wolf
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human physical exercises, jolteon is the best for going to the gym or training in general? it's electricity normally kills you, but Jolteon controls it. The controled electicity can trigger your adrenaline, so you can train and work out for hours without getting tired. They also have significantly high HP, so you can run with one in your arms and even if they fall, they won't give up on you. Jolteon can also use the move "copycat", to explain what part of your training you're doing wrong or how you can be able to improve. They can also learn the move "Helping hand", which is able to double your progress when you work out or run or train any martial art. Whenever you're down, Jolteon can use the "Baby-Doll-Eyes" to always encourage you to keep improving! Jolteon can probably also teach you some moves like "Double Kick" or "Quick Attack". And if you do get tired, even with the ammount of adrenaline in your body, Jolteon can use "Rest", which makes you sleep for a small amount of time and wake up fully healed or ready for exercises. My apologies for my bad english.
_"I'd rather be friends with a blue player than a green player."_ (It was also implied when Noah put no value into Bulbasaur even though Grass beats Water.)
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human and pokemon companionship, Vaporeon is one of the best pokemon you could keep as pets? While they're quite big and heavy, which may not be for most, they don't have fur, causing them not being able to shed. Even through their big size, they love laying in your lap while you work to keep you company, they're also able to use acid armor to make themselves lighter if needed. Vaporeon with their high HP and defense aren't naturally aggressive either and are quite friendly and are more than willing to spend their time with their beloved trainer! But that doesn't mean they wouldn't protect you, if you or anyone else they treasure are in danger, they'll jump into your or their defence, having strong moves like Last Resort, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Blizzard and more. Along with that, if you're a fan of swimming, Vaporeon would be a great addition to your team. Their body is covered in fins and scales, making them amazing swimmers. Not only that, but their bodily structure is similar to the structure of water and they can even blend in with the water they're in, making them fantastic players at hide and seek! They also learn moves like Water Gun, Sunny Day, Surf and Tail Whip, making your time in the water even more fun! But that's not all, they're capable of detecting the upcoming rain with its fins, so they'll always let you know when it's about to rain. And if you're having a bad day, they're always there to make you feel better with moves like Charm and Baby Doll Eyes. In short, Vaporeon isn't compatible for breeding, but is compatible for being your friend!
translated hexcode at 4:57 : I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
I'm glad he told us he didn’t steal the pumpkin: it would definitely have occurred to me otherwise, and I would have naturally assumed that he did in fact steal the pumpkin. I can't quite express exactly how relieved I am.
Imagine you're taking a bath, and Vaporeon jumps into the tub and turns into water. That would mean that Vaporeon is touching your vulnerable naked body....all over...every nook...every crevice. You came here to get clean, but you left feeling even dirtier. Bath time will never be same again.....
@@nillstan5564 Etymology As an idiomatic phrase, apparently from the 1996 fantasy novel A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin, although isolated occurrences go back to the 1800s. In the novel, a young boy is called a "sweet summer child" by an old woman, since seasons last for years in the novel's world and he has yet to experience winter. Later popularized by its use in the episode "Lord Snow" (2011) of the television adaptation Game of Thrones. Noun sweet summer child (plural sweet summer children) (often sarcastic) Someone who is naive, or who has never experienced hardship. quotations ▼ Usage notes Most often used in the vocative, as "oh, sweet summer child" or "oh, my sweet summer child." Synonyms ingenue innocent naif
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of humans’ amusement towards cuteness, Vaporeon is the cutest Pokémon according to humans? Not only do they have feline like features, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re small enough to look helpless towards humans, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can hug one tightly. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that a playful Vaporeon would be incredibly fun to play with, so fun that you could easily swim and play in the water with one for hours without getting bored. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with having rough scales, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to pet. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily save you from drowning in case of an unexpected situation. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of cuteness . Also, fun fact, if you stroke lightly, you can feel the soft skin under Vaporeon’s scales. Vaporeon is literally built for being a pet. Rough scales+most fun to play in the water+adorable eyes means it can take the hearts of humans all day, all kinds and still come for more.
This entire video is dedicated to putting us on edge while remaining completely innocent while talking like he is 7 but also my grandmother calling every pokemon pickachu.
Fun Fact: That assortment of numbers and letters at 4:58 is a hexadecimal string that when decoded, translates to the following: I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is very important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
OMG, Pokemon has like 18 different types that are sorta kinda like colours. That's 3 times more than MTG, which has only 6 colors (not including pink here). Imagine how much development space that would give. Also, MTG has always struggled with the creatures getting stronger (mutate, renown, levelup, kamigawa flip legendaries, transforming creatures). Just give them evolutions and the problem ends. Also also, this would finally give the pokemon franchise a memorable villains, and maybe even some protagonists that can actually achieve something. Too also, that's a great opportunity to introduce a new type of card. Imagine pokeball shaped cards, thatd be awesome three also, you know what would be awesome? Arceus as a genderless mother of the ur-dragon (the mother of older dragons( the mothers of younger dragons) my favourite is yugin). That'd be sick The only bad thing: to play wed need to walk around the town like some sort od you gay oh loosers
@@officersoulknight6321 Don't be so rude. Sure those people can be a little nerdy, but calling them wizards is a huge stretch. I'm sure plenty of them had some actual intercourses.
Water Absorb technically _is_ a counterspell, albeit one that only works on spells with the Water subtype. So is Storm Drain, though, which is why Vaporeon cannot beat Gastrodon.
@@juliamavroidi8601 i dont think someone like noah who doesnt play pokemon would know that gyarados learns flamethrower, especially considering that it isnt in its base or egg moveset and can only be learnt via TMs which would be stupid considering gyarados's water flying typing makes the need for flamethrower redundant as there are better options for type coverage and flamethrower not only does not have the Same Type Attack Bonus but is also a special move and gyarados has horrible special attack, thus the only way one would know gyarados learns flamethrower would be if they were looking extensively into gyarados's moveset for competitive play, and idk about you but the magic the gathering youtuber doesnt strike me as someone who does that
@@upisntdownsillyThey could know if they had gyarados on thier team and were just about to teach flamethrower to (Fire pokémon that's also on the team and forgot it for whatever reason/doesn't get it through level up) But that's ALSO a somewhat specific scenario, so i guess you're right
Flareon looks like it would be a pretty neat pet. Looks fluffy and it can start fires at will meaning u can train it to purposefully light stuff on fire when u want it to
@@axelchannaux7901 It's Hexadecimal... Let me translate it for you... it says 49 27 6d 20 73 6f 72 72 79 ... Which if converted into ascii, reads I'm sorry ...
I like how Charizard and Gyrodos were dismissed cause can't do anything to help in a dessert or fire, despite both having perfect solutions in either situation
4:48 I am greatly dissapointed that I spent 10 minutes translating this as I am having a bad case of double vision right now....... the message is in Hexbit..... "I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down""
I always love how elegant Vaporeon is. I have a lot of reasons why it's my favorite as well. It was one of my first rare cards that I got out of a booster pack during the ruby/sapphire release set, it's card art looked so great with the holo sparkles around the border of the card.
I was watching cautiously for the first bit of this, but once we hit about the halfway mark, I was able to focus on the masterpiece with no worries. You nailed exactly why the cat/fish hybrid is the best Pokémon (I love Vaporeon, but it’s more like #11 or something for me)
Man, what a cool pokemon! I’m so happy the internet has kept it completely pure and innocent as it should be. Yep, absolutely nothing happened with this pokemon.
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more
@@Anty_Praza oh it can get worse... theres an UWU speak version. i have it memorized. Hey guys, did you know that in tewms of mawe human and femawe Pokemon bweeding, Vapoweon is the most compatibwe Pokemon fow humans? Not onwy awe they in the fiewd egg gwoup, which is mostwy compwised of mammaws, Vapoweon awe an avewage of 3"03' taww and 63.9 pounds, this means they'we wawge enough to be abwe to handwe human dicks, and with theiw inpwessive Base Stats fow HP and access to Acid Awmow, you can be wough with one. Due to theiw mostwy watew based biowoge, rain check still not copy pasted just memory, thewe's no doubt in my mind that an awoused Vapoweon wouwd be incwedibwy wet, so wet that you couwd easiwy havef sex with one fow houws withoug getting sowe. They can awso weawn the moves Attwact, Baby-Doww Eyes, Captivate, Chawm, and Taiw Whip, awong with not having fuw to hide nippwes, so it'd be incwedibwy easy fow one to get you in the mood. With theiw abiwities Watew Absowb and hydwation, they can easiwy wecovew fwom fatigue with eough watew. No othew Pokemon comes cwose to this wevew of compatibiwity. Awso, fun fact, if you puww out enough, you can make youw Vapoweon tuwn white. Vapoweon is witewawwy buiwl fow human dick. Ungodwy defense stat+high HP poww+Acid Awmow means it can take cock aww day, aww shaped and sized and stiww come fow mowe.
Who is genuinely surprised that Naoh didn't once in his massive ramble mention the Vaporeon r34 porn that's out there? What a wholesome article on the bestest Eveelution!
When I first doing a run on Pokemon Firered, I got Eevee and thought getting Vaporeon because I really love water type Pokémons and damn was Vaporeon a one hell of a Pokémon. Its literally a battleship packed in small package and I remember Vaporeon tanks every possible damages and can't be one shot killed. And that progress all lost after my device broke
He actually loves gardevoir Here to prove: Vaporeon is blue So is shiny gardevoir Vaporeon shiny is pink So is gardevoir Vaporeon is a pet So can gardevoir be your pet If you remove everything except the second o in vaporeon, you get o And guess what has o? GardevOir
for those wondering, the hex code at 5:00 translates to [I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"]
I subbed to you just because Vaporeon is my ALL TIME FAVORITE POKEMON and I literally have a Vaporeon plush as a favorite toy and he’s sitting with me right now❤❤❤ My Vappy says he loves this video
For those curious about the message. "I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down""
@@samilsung5822 The message was in hexadecimal, a common counting structure for computer science. I just extracted the text, and then converted the hex to ascii characters, a way computers recognize letters and other symbols by assigning them values. Just to break down the first word for you 49 corresponds to the capital letter "I" 27 corresponds to an apostrophe, and 6D corresponds to the letter "m" and every 20 is a space.
In case you were wondering what the code says at 5:00, it says "I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down""
“Umbreon bites into its prey before eating its corpse,” so like, every real world carnivorous dog? That’s not creepy pokemon, that just a funny looking dog
4:58 text reads: I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
4:58 Heres the decoded message: I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
@gorgnigon My message was deleted so sorry for the late response. Its a hexadecimal code. All I did was find a website that can decode it and plugged it in
Hey guys, did you know that when it comes to maximizing your killing potential in uktrakill, there's one weapon that stands above the rest? I'm talking about the Marksman's Revolver, and let me tell you why it's the absolute best. First of all, it's incredibly affordable, priced at a mere 7500P, making it a bargain compared to most other weapons on the market. But what really sets the Marksman's Revolver apart is its unique ability to throw coins, which ricochet and perform devastating shots. This means the gun opens up a world of possibilities for powerful tricks and combinations. When combined with already potent firearms like the Sharpshooter Revolver or the Electric Railcannon, you can dish out an astonishing amount of damage. The coins themselves can even one-shot certain enemies, showcasing the immense power that this weapon possesses. It's no wonder I believe it to be the strongest in the game. You're equipped with four coins that can be rapidly flipped, and each coin takes only four seconds to regenerate. Alternatively, you can wait 16 seconds for all the coins to replenish. This quick regeneration allows you to continuously rain coins upon your enemies, perfectly complementing the Railcannon's firing rate of 16 seconds. When it comes to killing potential, no other weapon even comes close. Oh, and here's a fun fact for you: the coins can be flipped in different directions depending on your movement. For example, if you're running to the right, you can flip the coin to the right, or if you're moving forward, you can flip it forward. It adds a level of versatility and style to your attacks.
See out of the original Eevee’s evolutions, Jolteon is the best But then Umbreon came out and was the new top tier Then we met Glaceon & Leafeon and were wowed. I feel like everyone is skewed towards Vaporeon cause of the Pokemon go days, and the meme (you know the meme)
In terms of human coolness, Vaporeon is as cool as a human cuz it can fall from a 100+ tall building and be in up like a cat, not hurt and get some views on TikTok. But if then if it makes videos on TikTok, it's not good making the fact that as leafeon is leaf and forest have no internet, we can say that leafeon is the cool because it can't use and will never use TikTok. I guess I've got too far for that joke.
didnt you watch the video? jolteon is too spiky, umbreon is too dangerous and both glaceon and leafeon are just genuinely trash designs and also trash usage, anyone who likes them are the kind of people who still dont think gamefreak is running out of ideas, its clear you just cant except vaporeon as the ultimate eeveelution since forever in spite of the evidence provided
terms of Human and Pokemon compatability, Vaporeon & Flareon are by far the best pets for a human, Due to flareon releasing serotonin chemicals just by messing with its fluffy coat, and messing around with vaporeon, such as slapping vaporeon lightly and watching their face wobble
The code found at 4:59 is hex code and when translated it reads “I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"”
For those curious, all the numbers with random letters at 5:00 minutes into the video are hexadecimal, and when entered into a decoder, say the following: I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down" We have been rick rolled.
the amount of fear when i see a magic the noah video with vaporeon in the thumbnail
Did you know that-
In terms of
Male and female breeding
Vaporeon is the
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human companionship, Flareon is objectively the most huggable Pokémon? While their maximum temperature is likely too much for most, they are capable of controlling it, so they can set themselves to the perfect temperature for you. Along with that, they have a lot of fluff, making them undeniably incredibly soft to touch. But that's not all, they have a very respectable special defense stat of 110, which means that they are likely very calm and resistant to emotional damage. Because of this, if you have a bad day, you can vent to it while hugging it, and it won't mind. It can make itself even more endearing with moves like Charm and Baby Doll Eyes, ensuring that you never have a prolonged bout of depression again.
does it beat vaporeon tho
Vaporeon still wins 😂
I wish I could clap her
@@koruptus1924 this why you a 7 year old emo has no friends and family built like big chungus looks like they would roleplay and say they can turn into a wolf
@@Azio666 Dayum, you said everything that I literally am not. That’s amazing with what words you used just not to describe me.
@@sgt391 yes, yes it does
As an espeon fan I was so curious about how he was gonna justify Espeon being bad
I was not ready for just "purple"
I love this video
same, I like sylveon and just "dumb" was not an expected piece of criticism
i rather like jolteon and actually had to pause at "too spiky"
I heard "purple", got upset, then was like "you know what, fair enough".
Umbreon: "Bites the throat of its prey then eats the corpse."
That's just a cat
@@swagmaster699 Well, it's missing the part where it regurgitates the corpse onto your carpet but otherwise, yea, cat.
This felt like walking on a tightrope with every homage being a wobble
Didn’t think I would see a soul knight player here
soul knight pfp love to see it
Yo another soul knight fan
Fellow soul knight players
666 likes, nice
"Vaporean is my favorite." *my concern grows deeply*
All of the internet dirty mind aside, Vaporean is objectively one of the top 3 best eeveelutions.
i don't really like vapeoreon
@@stormflavored8829 im still waiting for my steel type.
@@stormflavored8829 you can't throw away the dirty mind of the internet,when the internet IS the dirty mind
@@stormflavored8829 coming back to dirty mind, Vaporeon has some good r34
*Insults Espeon for being purple*
Shiny Vaporeon: Am I a joke to you?
Shiny vaporeon is pink and pink is better than purple because it’s more- less blue…wait
i thought the shiny was white, what did the guy do to his vaporeon 😭😭
Purple in denial
Shiny Vaporeon is magenta
@@joseantoniorodrigueslopes6979 actually shiny vaporeon is a violet with a little bit of dark purple ☝️🤓
This gives me the vibes of a toddler trying to explain why they like Vaporeon, and I'm here for it
With his way of explaining, i do agree
well it gives me the vibes of a kid trying to explain why they like this specific dinosaur and why their favourite is the best.
Really drunk people do sound like toddlers when they speak.
Oh you sweet summer child
@@malegria9641 no, I'm very much aware of what this video is referencing
I was constantly on edge for the duration of this video
i was also edging throughout the video
@@damdaley8092 too much information...
When charmandazar used flamethrow I got startled a bit ngl
I already knew he wasn't going to lmao he's to intelligent for that shit
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human physical exercises, jolteon is the best for going to the gym or training in general? it's electricity normally kills you, but Jolteon controls it. The controled electicity can trigger your adrenaline, so you can train and work out for hours without getting tired. They also have significantly high HP, so you can run with one in your arms and even if they fall, they won't give up on you. Jolteon can also use the move "copycat", to explain what part of your training you're doing wrong or how you can be able to improve. They can also learn the move "Helping hand", which is able to double your progress when you work out or run or train any martial art. Whenever you're down, Jolteon can use the "Baby-Doll-Eyes" to always encourage you to keep improving! Jolteon can probably also teach you some moves like "Double Kick" or "Quick Attack". And if you do get tired, even with the ammount of adrenaline in your body, Jolteon can use "Rest", which makes you sleep for a small amount of time and wake up fully healed or ready for exercises.
My apologies for my bad english.
Thank you for sparing us
As a Jolteon fan, I say: Yo, this information fire 🔥 🗣🗣💨🗣❤️🔥🫂
Best person ever
man if is a happy day for all 12.4 jolteon lovers
As a jolteon fan, I say facts 🗣️
The direction this went was unexpected and I'm pleasantly surprised.
The moment he mentioned high base HP and acid armor I almost panicked
Yeah, I really thought he was going the copypasta route
@@bobwilson679 would have been too unoriginal, this was funnier
@@bobwilson679 he did translate the hexadecimal code
@@wow-roblox8370i’m not gonna do that, too much work for my lil pea brain
I love how he hit all the major points in the copy-pasta and hate that I know it well enough to know that.
Yet he missed it by a mile
What about the ‘fun fact’
Wait what
@@mikuenjoyerXDDid you know
Ngl this is probably one of the only wholesome vaporeon videos out there and it truly proves how compatible vaporeon is to be the very best pokemon :)
stop mentioning the word compatible
@@AndreyMT-h5cyes please for the love of God
I knew it. Noah is secretly a blue player. Thats why he never gives it the worst place and instead shits on white
_"I'd rather be friends with a blue player than a green player."_
(It was also implied when Noah put no value into Bulbasaur even though Grass beats Water.)
Or, it's because white is just useless. Don't think you've watched enough.
@@RaceBandit nah bro green is by far the best color it is truly the goat 🐐
@@RaceBandit also who are you quoting
Green players have one brain cell among the thousands of them, they almost worse than artifact ramp.
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human and pokemon companionship, Vaporeon is one of the best pokemon you could keep as pets? While they're quite big and heavy, which may not be for most, they don't have fur, causing them not being able to shed. Even through their big size, they love laying in your lap while you work to keep you company, they're also able to use acid armor to make themselves lighter if needed. Vaporeon with their high HP and defense aren't naturally aggressive either and are quite friendly and are more than willing to spend their time with their beloved trainer! But that doesn't mean they wouldn't protect you, if you or anyone else they treasure are in danger, they'll jump into your or their defence, having strong moves like Last Resort, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Blizzard and more.
Along with that, if you're a fan of swimming, Vaporeon would be a great addition to your team. Their body is covered in fins and scales, making them amazing swimmers. Not only that, but their bodily structure is similar to the structure of water and they can even blend in with the water they're in, making them fantastic players at hide and seek! They also learn moves like Water Gun, Sunny Day, Surf and Tail Whip, making your time in the water even more fun!
But that's not all, they're capable of detecting the upcoming rain with its fins, so they'll always let you know when it's about to rain. And if you're having a bad day, they're always there to make you feel better with moves like Charm and Baby Doll Eyes.
In short, Vaporeon isn't compatible for breeding, but is compatible for being your friend!
Thank you for sparing us
@@Obbels had enough of zoophilia😀😭
That last sentence was the best thing I’ve read in this comment section
They have fur
@@tom_70_ads that's up for debate
translated hexcode at 4:57 : I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
Legit? I thank you for your sacrifice.
You've done the world a service this day.
In the darkest hour of your darkest day, look to the West, where help shall come with the setting sun.
I have checked and real
I was so confused! Thanks.
But Noah, Vaporeon is blue...
Uh oh, been silent since you said this…
Its type does remind me of the blue symbol...
I was going to say this if no one else did.
Remember, his least favorite color is _green._
In terms of Colour philosophy I think Vaporeon is more akin to Green with it's natural strength and healing abilities
This vid could've gone in a very different direction but instead we just got a wholesome guy talking about his favourite Pokemon.
"some people like vaporeon a little too much" - majic the noah
I've never been so frustrated and entertained at the same time
Don't let out your frustration on the vaporeon tho
I got triggered when he said that vaporeon it's half fish and when charizard can't save you if you are stranded in the desert XD
My brother in arceus, he only talked about a fish mammal thingy
@@mcarlinod me too
I'm glad he told us he didn’t steal the pumpkin: it would definitely have occurred to me otherwise, and I would have naturally assumed that he did in fact steal the pumpkin.
I can't quite express exactly how relieved I am.
Your being sarcastic right
@@thewalker124no he’s being deadass
This whole video is a rollercoaster of emotions
The fact that Sylveon chokes you to death seems way more scary than umbreon killing it's pray by biting in the throat like many predators do
He's just having fun 🥰 Look at his sweet face
@@AmalieLinden 💀
Some people like bdsm. Not pokemon's fault.
Who drew ur pfp
Sylveon can choke me to death anyday of the week 😍😍
You didn't even mention that in the Pokedex it says that Vaporeon can actually TURN ITSELF INTO WATER! How cool is that?!?!
But what if it had water absorb, would It absorb itself or would it just stay as water.
@@Real_Clone black hole
And you can drin... actually, don't do that.
Imagine you're taking a bath, and Vaporeon jumps into the tub and turns into water. That would mean that Vaporeon is touching your vulnerable naked body....all over...every nook...every crevice. You came here to get clean, but you left feeling even dirtier. Bath time will never be same again.....
@@HollowedInside Request Denied
Vaporeon: awesome
Every other pokemon: flametrower.
I rest my case.
I was kept in constant suspense and fear the entire time
Why ?
@@idiota959why ?
@@VladIsLove22 Oh you sweet summer child
@@nillstan5564 Etymology
As an idiomatic phrase, apparently from the 1996 fantasy novel A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin, although isolated occurrences go back to the 1800s. In the novel, a young boy is called a "sweet summer child" by an old woman, since seasons last for years in the novel's world and he has yet to experience winter. Later popularized by its use in the episode "Lord Snow" (2011) of the television adaptation Game of Thrones.
sweet summer child (plural sweet summer children)
(often sarcastic) Someone who is naive, or who has never experienced hardship. quotations ▼
Usage notes
Most often used in the vocative, as "oh, sweet summer child" or "oh, my sweet summer child."
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of humans’ amusement towards cuteness, Vaporeon is the cutest Pokémon according to humans? Not only do they have feline like features, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re small enough to look helpless towards humans, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can hug one tightly. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that a playful Vaporeon would be incredibly fun to play with, so fun that you could easily swim and play in the water with one for hours without getting bored. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with having rough scales, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to pet. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily save you from drowning in case of an unexpected situation. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of cuteness . Also, fun fact, if you stroke lightly, you can feel the soft skin under Vaporeon’s scales. Vaporeon is literally built for being a pet. Rough scales+most fun to play in the water+adorable eyes means it can take the hearts of humans all day, all kinds and still come for more.
This looks familiar....
Scientifically proven
Wait, they’re cats? I thought they were dogs!
Thank you for sparing us
As the older sibling I still fully felt all of this.
Perfect explanation to the whole fam during thanksgiving
As a person who's favorite eeveelution is vaporeon, this video makes me happy. No shit, no memes, just a man talkin abt his vaporeon
Yeah, definitely no memes
Hey guys!
vaporeon is my favorite too :] silly water dog
This entire video is dedicated to putting us on edge while remaining completely innocent while talking like he is 7 but also my grandmother calling every pokemon pickachu.
Hes edging us 😔
"What is Charizard gonna do? Nothing." realizes he can fly
Fun Fact:
That assortment of numbers and letters at 4:58 is a hexadecimal string that when decoded, translates to the following:
I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is very important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
Gods work my friend
Wow, what a good message
Thank you, I knew it was hexadecimal that could be decoded to ASCII characters but I didn't know it was a Rick Roll.
Though it was base 64 I'm a dumbass
Maybe Pokemon and MTG could collab, and make somekind of pokemon card game. That could be pretty cool
OMG, Pokemon has like 18 different types that are sorta kinda like colours. That's 3 times more than MTG, which has only 6 colors (not including pink here). Imagine how much development space that would give.
Also, MTG has always struggled with the creatures getting stronger (mutate, renown, levelup, kamigawa flip legendaries, transforming creatures). Just give them evolutions and the problem ends.
Also also, this would finally give the pokemon franchise a memorable villains, and maybe even some protagonists that can actually achieve something.
Too also, that's a great opportunity to introduce a new type of card. Imagine pokeball shaped cards, thatd be awesome
three also, you know what would be awesome? Arceus as a genderless mother of the ur-dragon (the mother of older dragons( the mothers of younger dragons) my favourite is yugin). That'd be sick
The only bad thing: to play wed need to walk around the town like some sort od you gay oh loosers
Just attach your lands to your creatures, bam pokemon
the first few generations of the Pokémon TCG were made by wizards
@@officersoulknight6321 that's the joke
@@officersoulknight6321 Don't be so rude. Sure those people can be a little nerdy, but calling them wizards is a huge stretch. I'm sure plenty of them had some actual intercourses.
Noah: vaporeon is my favourite Pokemon
The Pokemon community: So you have chosen death
"Charizard can't do anything in the desert, it can flamethrower and thats it."
The Charizard with 2 massive wings on its back.-
Noah hasn't played Pokemon, okay? He doesn't know that Charizard is only usable as a Fly slave.
@@RaceBandit Charizard doesn't even learn fly in Kanto.
@@Real_Clone This isn't even true. As early as Pokémon Yellow you could teach Charizard the move Fly.
That's the joke
@@jacobcain9008 and what about red and blue?
Vaporean would play counter spells.
Vaporeon would pummel its opponent with surf and water gun, and is therefore a red player
Water Absorb technically _is_ a counterspell, albeit one that only works on spells with the Water subtype.
So is Storm Drain, though, which is why Vaporeon cannot beat Gastrodon.
@@destinationEuropa ehhhhh most vaporeon sets are extremely bulky and rely on stall...
Vaporeon would run Wash Away and counter your commander for a single mana every game.
I'm pretty sure it returns creatures to their owner's hand
can't argue with that, he's got some good facts/reasons
Please make 1007 more of these. This is the best way to learn about Pokémon.
whats funny is that gyarados CAN actually learn flamethrower, waterfall to stop the fire, as well as surf and ice beam
Dats de joke
as well as fire blast :)
@@juliamavroidi8601 i dont think someone like noah who doesnt play pokemon would know that gyarados learns flamethrower, especially considering that it isnt in its base or egg moveset and can only be learnt via TMs which would be stupid considering gyarados's water flying typing makes the need for flamethrower redundant as there are better options for type coverage and flamethrower not only does not have the Same Type Attack Bonus but is also a special move and gyarados has horrible special attack, thus the only way one would know gyarados learns flamethrower would be if they were looking extensively into gyarados's moveset for competitive play, and idk about you but the magic the gathering youtuber doesnt strike me as someone who does that
@@upisntdownsillyThey could know if they had gyarados on thier team and were just about to teach flamethrower to (Fire pokémon that's also on the team and forgot it for whatever reason/doesn't get it through level up)
But that's ALSO a somewhat specific scenario, so i guess you're right
“Gyarados… will use flamethrower” literally snorted💀💀💀💀
Fun fact : it was once possible (and may still be, I don't remember) for gyrados to use flamethrower. :3
at 3:09 the “like a frog, but cooler” really convinced me
there was a braincell on the brink of pressing the panic button this entire video
same lol
Flareon looks like it would be a pretty neat pet. Looks fluffy and it can start fires at will meaning u can train it to purposefully light stuff on fire when u want it to
wow i love this video. surely nobody will post the beginning to a copy-pasta insinuating something overtly NSFW. surely not... surely
Did you know that in terms of Pokemon, Vaporeon is a water type. There are no other interesting facts about Vaporeon
Whenever a situation calls for a copypasta, I like to troll the replies with the Soap Cake.
That, and the dolphin one.
@@RaceBandit oh my god another soap cake appreciator, hell yeah
@@pknepps there is, he is such a cute and cool pokemon, also very good for fighting, he is also blue
I'm glad I translated the message at 5:00
It's really nice to know that Magic The Noah cares about us that much.
how to translate ? and what does it say ?
@@axelchannaux7901, I think that you've got gaslighted
@@axelchannaux7901 It's Hexadecimal...
Let me translate it for you... it says 49 27 6d 20 73 6f 72 72 79 ...
Which if converted into ascii, reads I'm sorry ...
@@axelchannaux7901 The quick brown 🦊 jumps over 13 lazy 🐶. I don't know what it means though
@@taikottai it's called a pangram, it is a sentence that includes all letters of the english alphabet
I like how Charizard and Gyrodos were dismissed cause can't do anything to help in a dessert or fire, despite both having perfect solutions in either situation
4:48 I am greatly dissapointed that I spent 10 minutes translating this as I am having a bad case of double vision right now....... the message is in Hexbit..... "I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down""
my fear when he said "which one is the most conpatible"
This video changed my life. Thanks ^^
That surf animation looked like it was ripped straight out of Gen 2.
I always love how elegant Vaporeon is. I have a lot of reasons why it's my favorite as well. It was one of my first rare cards that I got out of a booster pack during the ruby/sapphire release set, it's card art looked so great with the holo sparkles around the border of the card.
oh sweet summer child.
@@Deeper489 😭😭😭😭😭
Vaporeon is also my favourite pokémon! I love how it's a cute fish-cat/dog that is also blue(my fav colour)! : D
Vaporeon has always been my favorite water type, since way back in gen 1. Even before the whole 'vaporeon meme' started.
I never knew the "vaporeon meme"
What is it all about????
@@lucario7327 Basically, somebody wrote an entire, in depth explanation on why Vaporeon is the most sexually compatible pokemon for humans.
@@Nyrufa more specifically, male human and female pokemon breeding compatibility
@@Aru_im "and thats how an innocent person got corrupted like everyone else"
@@Nyrufa and the thought of that scares me.
I was watching cautiously for the first bit of this, but once we hit about the halfway mark, I was able to focus on the masterpiece with no worries. You nailed exactly why the cat/fish hybrid is the best Pokémon (I love Vaporeon, but it’s more like #11 or something for me)
My favorite part of your vidz are the insanely fast "k bye" endings 😂
I do this for phone calls all the time
Man, what a cool pokemon! I’m so happy the internet has kept it completely pure and innocent as it should be. Yep, absolutely nothing happened with this pokemon.
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more
@@Conez443I'm so proud of you.
@@Anty_Praza oh it can get worse...
theres an UWU speak version. i have it memorized.
Hey guys, did you know that in tewms of mawe human and femawe Pokemon bweeding, Vapoweon is the most compatibwe Pokemon fow humans? Not onwy awe they in the fiewd egg gwoup, which is mostwy compwised of mammaws, Vapoweon awe an avewage of 3"03' taww and 63.9 pounds, this means they'we wawge enough to be abwe to handwe human dicks, and with theiw inpwessive Base Stats fow HP and access to Acid Awmow, you can be wough with one. Due to theiw mostwy watew based biowoge, rain check still not copy pasted just memory, thewe's no doubt in my mind that an awoused Vapoweon wouwd be incwedibwy wet, so wet that you couwd easiwy havef sex with one fow houws withoug getting sowe. They can awso weawn the moves Attwact, Baby-Doww Eyes, Captivate, Chawm, and Taiw Whip, awong with not having fuw to hide nippwes, so it'd be incwedibwy easy fow one to get you in the mood. With theiw abiwities Watew Absowb and hydwation, they can easiwy wecovew fwom fatigue with eough watew. No othew Pokemon comes cwose to this wevew of compatibiwity. Awso, fun fact, if you puww out enough, you can make youw Vapoweon tuwn white. Vapoweon is witewawwy buiwl fow human dick. Ungodwy defense stat+high HP poww+Acid Awmow means it can take cock aww day, aww shaped and sized and stiww come fow mowe.
@@Conez443bruuuuhhh, not that
@@Conez443 "Alright, that's it!" *Finds a way to punch an internet user through the screen* "Take that!"
Who is genuinely surprised that Naoh didn't once in his massive ramble mention the Vaporeon r34 porn that's out there? What a wholesome article on the bestest Eveelution!
Well at 0:23 he did ask what the most compatible pokemon is.
@@Real_Clone most compatible of being the best Pokemon
I do think it's a decent "Eveelution" too!
"And then bulbasaur uses flamethrower."
When I first doing a run on Pokemon Firered, I got Eevee and thought getting Vaporeon because I really love water type Pokémons and damn was Vaporeon a one hell of a Pokémon. Its literally a battleship packed in small package and I remember Vaporeon tanks every possible damages and can't be one shot killed.
And that progress all lost after my device broke
Vaporeon was the best eeveelution in old games
@@dudono1744 Totally 😎💪💪💪
I did the exact same thing but instead on a school computer on a web emulator I found, and I lost my progress after the school blocked the site 💀
@@redactedhoptional damn 😔
He actually loves gardevoir
Here to prove:
Vaporeon is blue
So is shiny gardevoir
Vaporeon shiny is pink
So is gardevoir
Vaporeon is a pet
So can gardevoir be your pet
If you remove everything except the second o in vaporeon, you get o
And guess what has o? GardevOir
but gardevoir only has one o, theref-
@@lookatel3658 shut
gardevoir doesn’t have the water type
beat that
@@squiggleman455 terastallize
@@squiggleman455 what about Squirtle?
“Like a frog but cooler” is a very weird sentence I didn’t think I would ever hear
Half the eeveelution disses can also be applied to like a dog and I just think that's really funny
for those wondering, the hex code at 5:00 translates to [I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"]
can confirm
No way this man just rickrolled me in hexadecimal
5:56 "Some people like Vaporeon too much" 🤣
Yeah... sure...
Just dont look at the fanart and you’ll be good-
the editing on this makes everything a hundred times funnier
I subbed to you just because Vaporeon is my ALL TIME FAVORITE POKEMON and I literally have a Vaporeon plush as a favorite toy and he’s sitting with me right now❤❤❤
My Vappy says he loves this video
For those curious about the message.
"I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down""
how did you decode it?
@@samilsung5822 It's just hex to ascii, each set of number letter pairs is one character and you just type it into a hex -> ascii translator
Oh, I thought that was just the beginning of the vaporeon copypasta
@@samilsung5822 The message was in hexadecimal, a common counting structure for computer science. I just extracted the text, and then converted the hex to ascii characters, a way computers recognize letters and other symbols by assigning them values.
Just to break down the first word for you 49 corresponds to the capital letter "I" 27 corresponds to an apostrophe, and 6D corresponds to the letter "m" and every 20 is a space.
aggh someone beat me too it
This entire video is the definition of "anxiety attack"
"Let's say that's you and you're in a burning building. Well, you got a Gyarados. He's just gonna use flamethrower and make the problem even worse." 💀
Well yeah gyarados can learn flamethrower. And thunderbolt.
@@DarkStriker06 wait are you kidding or can it actually learn flamethrower?
@@iizepic9788 Yes it actually can you can use a tm and see
"Who designed these?"
Idunno, Vladimir Pokemondesigner?
This video was awesome. Vaporeon is awesome. Love the unapologetic love for Vaporeon, such a cool and cute Pokemon.
I’m so glad this didn’t go where I definitely thought it was going.
@@alfred7577 if you don’t already know, trust me, you don’t want to
@@claramonti3889 i know
I love how this sounds like he's having 5 strokes all at once
And now I know a lot more about the 134th pokemon of all the 108 created, thanks Noah
u miss a 0 bruv
@@Austinearl7899 The video clearly states a exact number of a hundred and eight pokemon, plus a little bit more
I love this shitpost, it's perfect.
NSFW turned SFW and the point still stands haha
Absolutely right! These facts are true, and your tone of voice proves it! Everything really proved and no one can ever doubt it!
"Bad Pokémon, doesn't help" love it
I showed this video to my kids and they couldn't stop laughing. Please do some more Pokemon videos!
they know something you don’t
@@zenmaster8086 oh no
The title scared tf outta me ngl
This was the longest 6 minutes of my life
What he/she/they said
I can't believe I feel for it twice. I knew it was coming but I had my hopes up for the first half
In case you were wondering what the code says at 5:00, it says
"I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down""
The fact that you managed to go 6 minutes without crying out laughing with that kind of script needs some serious talents.
oh oh ok
It's fine it's fine
He said 134, that's fine...
1 is just a backwards r so…… r34
“Umbreon bites into its prey before eating its corpse,” so like, every real world carnivorous dog? That’s not creepy pokemon, that just a funny looking dog
This video has been one trauma trigger after another
This was the perfect amount of edging for a pokemon video on Vaporeon. Which makes sense because Vaporeon is perfect.
Edging is also very useful when it cumes to a video about vaporeon
1:40 its funny the amount of corrections there are
4:58 text reads:
I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
what type of encryption was that? just curious
4:58 Heres the decoded message:
I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
@gorgnigon The code is in Hexadecimals. All I did was plug it into a translator.
@gorgnigon My message was deleted so sorry for the late response.
Its a hexadecimal code. All I did was find a website that can decode it and plugged it in
"Espeon?no,because he is purple."
*Noah is obviously a fnaf fan*
0:53 Almost every pet owner is shaking in their boots.
Hey guys, did you know that when it comes to maximizing your killing potential in uktrakill, there's one weapon that stands above the rest? I'm talking about the Marksman's Revolver, and let me tell you why it's the absolute best. First of all, it's incredibly affordable, priced at a mere 7500P, making it a bargain compared to most other weapons on the market.
But what really sets the Marksman's Revolver apart is its unique ability to throw coins, which ricochet and perform devastating shots. This means the gun opens up a world of possibilities for powerful tricks and combinations. When combined with already potent firearms like the Sharpshooter Revolver or the Electric Railcannon, you can dish out an astonishing amount of damage.
The coins themselves can even one-shot certain enemies, showcasing the immense power that this weapon possesses. It's no wonder I believe it to be the strongest in the game. You're equipped with four coins that can be rapidly flipped, and each coin takes only four seconds to regenerate. Alternatively, you can wait 16 seconds for all the coins to replenish. This quick regeneration allows you to continuously rain coins upon your enemies, perfectly complementing the Railcannon's firing rate of 16 seconds.
When it comes to killing potential, no other weapon even comes close. Oh, and here's a fun fact for you: the coins can be flipped in different directions depending on your movement. For example, if you're running to the right, you can flip the coin to the right, or if you're moving forward, you can flip it forward. It adds a level of versatility and style to your attacks.
@@Insdoodoldchannel i wrote this and chatgpt made it better
Thank you for sparing us
Thank you for sparing us
Thank you for sparing us
Can’t believe the quick brown fox jumped over 13 lazy dogs!
"I love vaporeon" can have 2 very different meanings depending on if you're a kid or a pervert
Bro is set when someone asks his favorite pokemon
I definitely activated a sleeper agent while watching this
See out of the original Eevee’s evolutions, Jolteon is the best
But then Umbreon came out and was the new top tier
Then we met Glaceon & Leafeon and were wowed.
I feel like everyone is skewed towards Vaporeon cause of the Pokemon go days, and the meme (you know the meme)
Vaporeon has always been the best. Jolteon is too spiky, didn’t you watch the video?
In terms of human coolness, Vaporeon is as cool as a human cuz it can fall from a 100+ tall building and be in up like a cat, not hurt and get some views on TikTok. But if then if it makes videos on TikTok, it's not good making the fact that as leafeon is leaf and forest have no internet, we can say that leafeon is the cool because it can't use and will never use TikTok.
I guess I've got too far for that joke.
What meme?
Search up the “vaporeon copypasta” and read it…….
didnt you watch the video? jolteon is too spiky, umbreon is too dangerous and both glaceon and leafeon are just genuinely trash designs and also trash usage, anyone who likes them are the kind of people who still dont think gamefreak is running out of ideas, its clear you just cant except vaporeon as the ultimate eeveelution since forever in spite of the evidence provided
terms of Human and Pokemon compatability, Vaporeon & Flareon are by far the best pets for a human, Due to flareon releasing serotonin chemicals just by messing with its fluffy coat, and messing around with vaporeon, such as slapping vaporeon lightly and watching their face wobble
Thank you for sparing us
The code found at 4:59 is hex code and when translated it reads “I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"”
For those curious, all the numbers with random letters at 5:00 minutes into the video are hexadecimal, and when entered into a decoder, say the following:
I'm sorry this video should not exist but the next part of this message is really important "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
We have been rick rolled.