Tucker Carlson said This about Christians?

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • #shawnryan #shortclips #edit #shawnryanshow #truth #christianity

Комментарии • 106

  • @Robinsnest219
    @Robinsnest219 Месяц назад +17

    Those with eyes to see and ears to hear...it's discernment. We shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free!

  • @terrelmchenry9524
    @terrelmchenry9524 Месяц назад +62


    • @SuckPuppet-xv1dv
      @SuckPuppet-xv1dv Месяц назад

      Satan works for God. He never rebelled. He's God's quality control guy. His job is to test man. It is man who rebelled. So yeah, he knows who is in charge and he's cool with it. He is not God's enemy. God created him for a purpose. He is man's enemy/adversary (See the book of Job.). At least if you really believe that stuff. To me, it's just a story, but since it was written by my Jewish ancestors it remains sacred to me for that reason.

  • @truthistheKJV
    @truthistheKJV Месяц назад +64

    “Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” (Proverbs 2:3-6, KJV)

    • @aaronh8095
      @aaronh8095 Месяц назад

      Speak English bro

    • @NXTMusicianBassist
      @NXTMusicianBassist Месяц назад

      ​@@aaronh8095 no u

    • @rephill54
      @rephill54 Месяц назад

      Help me understand please. If your God is such a loving God why must you fear him? I guess as long as you seem, and I repeat seem to be following his commandments everything is alright, but if you break one of those ten rules, (that actually came from Moses), you are doomed. Nice things to believe in.

  • @dwh5512
    @dwh5512 Месяц назад +14

    We've read the Bible and know how things end.

  • @Rachel-vx8se
    @Rachel-vx8se Месяц назад +4

    Yes!!! I can’t wait to see the King of Kings. Now we just need to share the good news of Jesus more and more!!!

  • @kerrigrandmaison7844
    @kerrigrandmaison7844 Месяц назад +10

    The fans at the Trump rally were expecting it, no one ran

  • @Chief_Of_Sinners
    @Chief_Of_Sinners Месяц назад +41

    Pray for Tucker.

  • @BooksbyAFoster
    @BooksbyAFoster Месяц назад +32

    Tucker... Praying for you. Praying that Jesus... opens your eyes, and your heart... I pray he touches your soul... and wakes you up... all the way... In HIS mighty name... I pray... AMEN...

    • @normbale2757
      @normbale2757 Месяц назад

      Belief in a literal Hell is more perverse than child fucking.

    • @tj-kv6vr
      @tj-kv6vr Месяц назад +3

      i believe you misunderstood him. listen again. "Christians are not shocked by whats going on" I am not shocked the world is broken " you should be a christian" i don't think he is knocking Christianity, just the opposite. Besides as a Christian I "try" to not judge, you?

    • @calebleach7988
      @calebleach7988 Месяц назад +3

      @@tj-kv6vrthat’s the point. Tucker isn’t quite Christian. He doesn’t actually know if he’s truly with God. He’s said so in several speeches. He’s *almost* there.

    • @derek5499
      @derek5499 Месяц назад +2

      ​@@calebleach7988I don't know because I don't know much about Tucker's beliefs other than political beliefs but he did just say Christianity is TRUE. Maybe he has accepted JESUS. That's for him to deal with not me. I only pray that he has. GOD bless

    • @calebleach7988
      @calebleach7988 Месяц назад +2

      @@derek5499 yeah, he believes in God and believes that Jesus died. But he’s said so multiple times that he doesn’t know Jesus on a personal level. Something is holding him back from dedicating his life to the Lord. Maybe that’s changed, I don’t know. I’ll still keep praying for him.

  • @PhilClark-ld9dc
    @PhilClark-ld9dc Месяц назад +32

    Tucker. In your speech at the RNC convention, you said you were not sure if you were with God. Please read Romans 10: 9-10 and you can be emphatically sure you are. Bless you brother

    • @normbale2757
      @normbale2757 Месяц назад

      Belief in a literal Hell is more perverse than child fucking.

  • @infantryrecon101st
    @infantryrecon101st Месяц назад +2

    It hasn’t even begun yet, these are just the shaking before it’s going to get a trillions of times worse before the end.

  • @randyblankenship4000
    @randyblankenship4000 Месяц назад +2

    You are absolutely correct Tucker, except for one thing, we haven’t gotten to the really INTENSE part yet this is the easy part.

  • @timhayes45
    @timhayes45 Месяц назад +18

    There is a passage in Revelations that reads like this "No Man shall no the time, only the faithful will sense the season", this is in reference to Armageddon. One can never be sure but my wife and I agree we are in the beginning of the end times.

    • @retrospectivelyspectacular2331
      @retrospectivelyspectacular2331 Месяц назад +3

      Not long now, Christ will return

    • @timhayes45
      @timhayes45 Месяц назад

      @@retrospectivelyspectacular2331 Certainly seems that way.

    • @fighting_bones
      @fighting_bones Месяц назад +2

      Well we are definitely on the train tracks

    • @jamesbhollingsworth5452
      @jamesbhollingsworth5452 Месяц назад +9

      That’s not in the book of The Revelation.
      And that’s not what it says.
      Jesus’ statement is in Matthew 24:36
      "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

    • @jamesbhollingsworth5452
      @jamesbhollingsworth5452 Месяц назад +5

      But if I may make your same point with another scripture:
      1 Thessalonians 5:1-4
      But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
      For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
      For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
      But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

  • @peruseperusing5027
    @peruseperusing5027 Месяц назад +14

    Keep going Tucker......... 'You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free'. :)

    • @normbale2757
      @normbale2757 Месяц назад

      Tucker has been fired from every reporting job he has had for lying. Most recently at Fox.

  • @Iamdrjohnny
    @Iamdrjohnny Месяц назад +22

    Odd...youtube won't let me speak my opinion using only facts.

    • @Iamdrjohnny
      @Iamdrjohnny Месяц назад +1

      Just another day in censorship land

    • @solidsnake6405
      @solidsnake6405 Месяц назад +13

      Welcome to the club... Nearly every word is censored because the truth reveals their darkness!!

    • @cju5150
      @cju5150 Месяц назад +8

      Nope. Not odd at all, my friend. Time to de-Google ourselves, methinks.

    • @johnchandler1687
      @johnchandler1687 Месяц назад +6

      Get in line, brother. I regularly have comments disappear after a few minutes that are facts straight out of a history or science book. The truth is void if it's not supporting the party line.

    • @2cats24GOD
      @2cats24GOD Месяц назад +2

      I've been shut down so many times that I end up amazed if one of my posts actually stick. The censorship is off the wall. Somehow speaking truth creates fear. I find it interesting and fascinating that truth is perceived as a threat. The calmness of my soul is so very reassuring. God is here. He is aware. And He knows. And that is enough, for now. Be blessed.

  • @MaryVanDuyne-k6q
    @MaryVanDuyne-k6q Месяц назад

    Tucker Dahlin: One does not have to be a Christian
    to be everything you admire about Christian’s.
    I’m everything Christian’s clam to be without all the nonsense that goes with religion. I’m called atheist.
    Love you and your shows

  • @paulleffers8217
    @paulleffers8217 Месяц назад +19

    You people need to stop guessing and start reading the Bible for yourself. It is the most important thing you can spend your time on.

    • @mickthealcoholicbear8311
      @mickthealcoholicbear8311 Месяц назад +5

      read it to your wife and children daily

    • @johnchandler1687
      @johnchandler1687 Месяц назад

      And "Foxes' Book Of Martyr's". That Book and the King James Bible were the two books that the U.S. was founded on.

    • @sandeepk4093
      @sandeepk4093 Месяц назад

      The Bible was written by Emperor Constantine and condones slavery

  • @imontellano
    @imontellano Месяц назад

    As Bible and religion scholar Dr. Dan McClellan explains: "The book of Revelation is not a prophecy about the end times. The book of Revelation is apocalyptic literature meant to exhort late 1st Century Christians to faithfulness in the face of persecution."

  • @suetipping4841
    @suetipping4841 Месяц назад +6

    Yes, Tucker. Life is a paradox. "In the End, old men will have dreams and visions." I had a dream three years ago and in that dream I witnessed Jesus on a white horse with thousands of others descending to earth. The wrath on His face still haunts me. Jesus is coming.

  • @Michiganman800
    @Michiganman800 Месяц назад

    It isn't that victory is defeat. It's that Christ makes a way when there isn't one. Christ brings victory when the rules say we are defeated

  • @MichaelEarnedIt-19
    @MichaelEarnedIt-19 Месяц назад +5

    We are either in revelations or are in another cycle. Whatever happens happens. God is in control my brothers and sisters.

  • @mikerilling6515
    @mikerilling6515 Месяц назад +4

    Why are you shocked?
    We’ve been telling you that for years

  • @lornalong6468
    @lornalong6468 Месяц назад +1

    The lesson is that the happenings around the World & in our lives are transient.
    If we are eternal, but beyond physical reality (relinquishing our bodies after death) then there is never anything to fear.
    We are beyond physical matter & what we perceive to be our lives on earth.
    It is not only Christians that understand this.
    Arguably many different religions throughout history understood & today understand this.
    In fact I never understood sorrow over the death of a loved one (pain, sudden death, crippling long term illness aside). Even so, if people believe in a heaven, afterlife, redeeming loving God, why mourn?
    Your loved ones, at death, move into a fantastic adventure. An existence we spend our lives aiming to enjoy.
    Buddhism & the practices of the teachings of the East across several religions teach things like power over the physical body - levitation, astral travelling, being able to reduce the frequency of your body to survive extreme cold/fire or being buried alive for several weeks, being able to raise the frequency of your body to emit light, walk/pass through solid objects. Alchemy - freezing liquids or boiling them on command. Controlling the weather or nature, lightening, cloud formations, rivers & the sea. Necromancy - raising the dead. Healing in the instant. Exorcism.
    If you think this is Eastern mysticism / other beliefs systems and as such heresy/evil, think again.
    All these things have been attributed to Jesus and/or God. But also others both historically & currently practice the same.
    Faith is important.
    It results in a specific outcome, a specific attitude which changes everything you experience to have purpose & assume a positive outcome.

    • @martinscrapp7166
      @martinscrapp7166 Месяц назад

      But Jesus is the only one quoted as saying this:
      John 14: 6 - _"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me"_ - Jesus
      Matthew 10:32-33 - _“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.”_ - Jesus

    • @zJohnnyMac
      @zJohnnyMac Месяц назад +1

      Wrong. Tucker put it plainly, Defeat is Victory in Christianity. All other religions are about victory. Islam dominated and conquered. Buddhism is about conquering thought and being positive. The Bible is the only Book that immediately holds you down and says "NO! You are NOT the solution and you never will be." It's a direction and constant journey.

    • @lornalong6468
      @lornalong6468 Месяц назад

      @@zJohnnyMac If you are Christian, as your comments suggests you may be, then you perhaps should contemplate the qualities of God.
      being 2 concepts that debunk your thinking.
      If God is everywhere (Omnipresent) and with us (Immanuel) this is NOT SPECIFIC to Christianity.
      It also clearly expresses a very real Divine Existence in Human Existence that has nothing to do with pushing you down. It says, "You in human form (anatomically & without Spirit) are insufficient, but by DIVINE PRESENCE IMMANUEL (God with us, in us, Omnipresent - the gift of The Holy Spirit) our reality is raised to be FAR more than insufficient.
      That was Jesus's final gift to the disciples & human kind.
      God is PRESENT IN and EXPRESSED THROUGH all individuals, regardless of their manmade dogmas - Christianity IS a man made dogma.
      The current version of the Bible has been so badly manipulated throughout its collation for political gain & power mongering from the very outset, twisted to suit the proselytising of cultures such as Greek Socratinism, Roman political cohesion, etc. The New Testament is full of omissions & that have very little of The Truth in Jesus's teachings.
      Christians need to seek The Truth directly in relationship - experience with & from God directly - and not rely on human dogma (the Bible and Christianity in it's current form - lacking the real Truth of Jesus's teachings, along with other human conceived dogmas).
      My opinion of course.
      Go with Peace, Love and an Open Mind to ALL God has to say.

    • @zJohnnyMac
      @zJohnnyMac Месяц назад

      @@lornalong6468 The moment you believe God is everywhere, you invite EVIL as a base trait of God. Refusal to separate Good and Evil will cost you your identity and direction. It leaves you open to anyone that can manipulate your thoughts and environment to invoke positivity. Not to mention positivity IS the identity of creating that separation of Good and Evil.
      Holy spirit is a possession of influence. You are still OWNED by God. you either HAVE it, or don't. It's not some tool you conjure up in order to ascend.
      It doesn't matter if text is manipulated or not. It's what it SAYS! You test it and try it. If something is off then you need to reflect on that and observe the pros and cons.
      You state that Christians must seek a personal relationship with God, but then tell me he's present in ALL individuals. Do you see the problem here? You are simultaneously telling me that God is ALL but also defined. You can't have your cake and eat it. Balance will only lead you to hypnotism. All I have to do is propel MY truth by oppressing all other individuals by stating they are still in good standing with creator. It's entire based on I'm right but you also.

  • @jondear772
    @jondear772 Месяц назад +1

    Want more signs Tucker? The Bible mentions the following signs: War on a large scale, Revelations 6:4; Famine, Revelations 6: 5,6; Earthquakes, Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11; Disease (COVID?) Luke 21:11; Crime, Matthew 24:12; Ruining of the earth, Revelations 11:18; Deteriorating attitudes, 2 Timothy 3:1-4; Breakdown of the family, 2 Timothy 3:2-3; Increased understanding of Bible prophecies, Daniel 12:4 - and the list goes on and on. We are now 100% in alignment, never before in the history of our world. We also believe in Christ's coming back to take his church away (some call it the rapture, the Bible calls it "the calling up") from the carnage, upcoming world tribulation. Those who deny Christ will face this carnage. John 3:16, read it. The gift from God is simple, the gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Believe !

  • @MikeRobeson-mh6cy
    @MikeRobeson-mh6cy Месяц назад

    "The last shall be first., defeat is victory." He is talking about the Palestinians? Both Christian and Muslim, right? The Bible believing Christians don't get that at all.

  • @bjb7587
    @bjb7587 Месяц назад +2

    Everything is the opposite of what you expect.
    I expect someone on TV to be intelligent. Alas.

  • @wiggelpuppy5474
    @wiggelpuppy5474 Месяц назад +1

    Nice bar
    Jesus would be impressed

  • @simonbelmont1986
    @simonbelmont1986 Месяц назад

    If you wish to be great you must serve,
    "no greater love then this: to lay down your life for your friends. I no longer call you servants but my friends." - Jesus.
    All according to Isaiah 53. Which the Jews continually ignore.

  • @ribread9501
    @ribread9501 Месяц назад +1

    Oh Tucker...it's the HOLY SPIRIT that gives understanding of everything you just said. It's never man's wisdom.
    Without God everything you're saying and thinking is utterly meaningless, and you cannot connect the dots.
    Only God can reveal.
    I truly pray for him, the Bible isn't some philosophy. It's so much more...

  • @bradleydavidgood
    @bradleydavidgood Месяц назад +1


  • @nonyobussiness3440
    @nonyobussiness3440 Месяц назад

    Jesus’s point was to be loving and selfless, give and give until you are poor, weak, powerless like the children of his day.

  • @williammcintyre8570
    @williammcintyre8570 Месяц назад

    It's so simple.

  • @tommyavlastenok7960
    @tommyavlastenok7960 Месяц назад

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster will truly save us all on judgement day!

  • @xdinator2090
    @xdinator2090 Месяц назад

    Even as the founding fathers of America whom weren’t even born again believers, still supported the Word of God and the way it taught how humanity should live. Amen. That’s the power of it. Sharper than any two edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12)

  • @christianvance1614
    @christianvance1614 Месяц назад

    Well he is not wrong. If you read your Bible, God will tell you the future its not a joke. Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, Mark 13 and of course Revelation. Many other places in the Bible describe the Rapture which comes from the latin “Rapturo”and greek “Harpazo”. Which means “caught up” or “snatching away” in like a forceful manner as seen in 1 Thessalonians 4:17

  • @user-mk2zh8dx6f
    @user-mk2zh8dx6f Месяц назад

    So if defeat is victory, does that mean Hitler won. Idiotic rhetoric.

  • @justamannn8674
    @justamannn8674 Месяц назад


  • @guitarman394
    @guitarman394 Месяц назад

    Wtf is he talking about?

  • @chrisjohnston3405
    @chrisjohnston3405 Месяц назад +1

    This clip reminds me of EVERY SINGLE CLIP of Charles Manson explaining ANYTHING! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @mrwhite292
    @mrwhite292 Месяц назад

    He she

  • @normbale2757
    @normbale2757 Месяц назад

    Philip Tetlock did research on who can predict the future. The common thread was that they were good at math. Other research shows religious types are more gullible than average . . . go figure.

  • @hellrazor117
    @hellrazor117 Месяц назад +1

    What was Jesus doing with a naked boy in a park at night?
    Mark 14 51

  • @darrennew8211
    @darrennew8211 Месяц назад

    I have no idea what he's going on about or why he thinks Christians are the only ones who know what's going on.

  • @joelparker4318
    @joelparker4318 19 дней назад

    So much misunderstanding. So little real experience. But your goofy statements do explain what happened to you?

  • @denisrichard58
    @denisrichard58 Месяц назад +1

    If you are Christian, or part of ANY religion, then no, you don't know what's really going on.

  • @EdHieronymus-ul8vd
    @EdHieronymus-ul8vd Месяц назад

    Bronze Age Mumbo Jumbo

  • @baxbax8701
    @baxbax8701 Месяц назад

    Well, well .. talking sense for once

  • @KingArthurWs
    @KingArthurWs Месяц назад +1

    As a Christian, this man does not represent me.

    • @Chief_Of_Sinners
      @Chief_Of_Sinners Месяц назад +2

      As a Christian, neither do you nor any leftist which is at odds with Biblical Christianity.

  • @jimhealey9013
    @jimhealey9013 Месяц назад

    When did you start smoking?

    • @73NF14Ret
      @73NF14Ret Месяц назад

      When will you stop?

  • @Apeiron242
    @Apeiron242 Месяц назад +1

    You ended your statement with a question mark. Hire an editor. They can keep you from embarrassing yourself.

    • @bjb7587
      @bjb7587 Месяц назад

      He needs a lot more help then just that.

  • @Gv_paradisecity171
    @Gv_paradisecity171 Месяц назад +2

    😂 Religion and politics… once again

    • @MichaelEarnedIt-19
      @MichaelEarnedIt-19 Месяц назад

      Religion and politics are intertwined. Politics reveal whom we are deep down as people. Selfish or selfless. Most people in politics today don’t care about the other side or aren’t willing to listen to them. Most are selfish and ignorant. Just like you your not willing to hear Christians out but your more than willing to listen to satanists, Muslims and other religions that aren’t Christ based because you claim it’s a “white mans religion.” Christ Died for all of humanity. That’s universal he died for all people. Meaning all kinds, all races gender and peoples rich poor young old. Tell me how that’s racist? Tell me how that’s political? He died for us so that if we believed in him we would not die but be saved. Jesus is Lord. He is the son of God. We always pushed back against communism things alike because communism is against the nature of God. God gives us the freedom to choose. He hates slavery of any type. He doesn’t like his people being put in Chains. Telling a Christian they can’t preach the gospel in a public place is slavery in a sense. Telling a Christian you need to shut up no one supports your opinion is not freedom. People can have the choice to ignore, or listen or reject or mock us. Banning something because you don’t want to hear it is stupid. Banning things because of feelings is stupid. Grow up and get a back bone. Peace out and have a great day. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.

  • @1bamabrad1
    @1bamabrad1 Месяц назад

    I ain’t worried- concerned- but not worried…
    Ya know why?……