Thank you for putting up this onto you tube. I have been using different software to this, I am going to download Embrilliance in the morning. I have watched lots of other videos and you have given me inspiration to get into embroidery again. Sarah
Thank you for putting up this onto You Tube. I have been using different software to this, I am going to download Embrilliance in the morning. I have watched lots of other videos and you have given me inspiration to get into embroidery again. Sarah
Thank you for putting up this onto you tube.
I have been using different software to this, I am going to download Embrilliance in the morning.
I have watched lots of other videos and you have given me inspiration to get into embroidery again.
Thank you for putting up this onto You Tube.
I have been using different software to this, I am going to download Embrilliance in the morning.
I have watched lots of other videos and you have given me inspiration to get into embroidery again.