Ronald Reagan - American Heroes

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Ronald Reagan speaks at his first inaugural of limiting government and letting the dreams of American citizens, the real heroes, drive America's prosperity and success. All video is public domain.

Комментарии • 322

  • @TavgaHawrame
    @TavgaHawrame 8 лет назад +10

    That is impressive speech
    Values of courage and determination make you hero

  • @MrBrian987987
    @MrBrian987987 13 лет назад +1

    Why are so many people hating on Reagan ?

  • @Freesoler01
    @Freesoler01 13 лет назад

    Truely one of the greatest and most inspiring American leaders! President Reagan inspiried Americans to be great. If you want perfection, you'll never find it in a human being. Never! Can't you appreciate the one man who worked harder then anyone to promote peace and prosparity?

  • @flipmasta14
    @flipmasta14 13 лет назад +1

    its too bad we dont have people like this today.

  • @arijen1
    @arijen1 5 лет назад +2

    Always brings tears of pride!

  • @SuperPreyMantis
    @SuperPreyMantis 13 лет назад +1

    This is the stuff that makes a difference in life,Knowledge is everything and the learning should never stop,' I used too hate Reagan and hate Rush and hate the Cops And hate other races I was wrong way wrong it was with in me and my culture that I now despise and I'm in a race to be a defender of all truth.

  • @CigEconomy
    @CigEconomy 13 лет назад +2

    And his legacy shall forever live on.

  • @Grandeblrm
    @Grandeblrm 13 лет назад

    Where is the Ronald Reagan for this Century???? I feel so lucky to have lived during his Presidency!

  • @Valdrag
    @Valdrag 13 лет назад

    The greatest american president, how I wish to have him back at the top seat of our country.

  • @Fallout3Follower
    @Fallout3Follower 13 лет назад

    It is the job of the people to support the government. It is NOT the job of the government to support it's people.

  • @coolbluelights
    @coolbluelights 13 лет назад +1

    We need someone like him in the white house... and I need a time machine to go back to the 80s

  • @Uranium1972
    @Uranium1972 13 лет назад

    i hope he is talking about government during that time, the real government acts on its own, behind people eyes... the real american heros are those who say NO to the government and YES to the american people's needs

  • @KanineKruizer
    @KanineKruizer 13 лет назад

    My favorite Presidents:
    1) Theodore Roosevelt
    2) Ronald Reagan
    3) Abraham Lincoln

  • @VivianJade
    @VivianJade 13 лет назад

    i like ronald reagan. i don't like politics. I'm not republican, nor democrat.

  • @hlg3372
    @hlg3372 7 лет назад +1

    American Hero!! May God bless our Republic!

  • @Sodnal
    @Sodnal 12 лет назад +1

    They don't make em like the Gipper anymore. You'll note no teleprompter, unlike the current President.

  • @jbristow73
    @jbristow73 15 лет назад

    I really miss Ronald Reagan.

  • @Sketch_XR
    @Sketch_XR 13 лет назад

    124 people lived in the USSR during the 1980's. (disclaimer: i am not trying to insult Russia or Russians i love the country).

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @IEatBananas No, standardized testing does not cause fraud. Teachers who engage in fraud should be fired.

  • @GordanCable
    @GordanCable 13 лет назад

    @JohnJ2427 what research is that? Do you have non-biased sources?

  • @jhip87
    @jhip87 13 лет назад

    Reagan raised taxes and increased the federal deficit. Let that one sink in.

  • @aurum2001
    @aurum2001 13 лет назад

    government should stay out of people's lives,wallets and homes
    This man's words should be in the bible
    If his words aren't already there

  • @BTingles1
    @BTingles1 13 лет назад

    vote up if ronald reagans the best president

  • @kerjo471
    @kerjo471 13 лет назад

    Freedom of Speech, its the little things people.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth Of all the things to criticize Reagan for, his economic policy was right on. He couldn't force the legislature to give him what he wanted, but he was on the right side.

  • @thenomadrhodes
    @thenomadrhodes 15 лет назад

    Ronald, help us...

  • @terock22
    @terock22 5 лет назад

    Regan!! We needed you in the 8 years when the horrible president Obama was in office!!!

  • @benn1709
    @benn1709 13 лет назад

    @ metalkev00 I agree with most of what you say. For me, a Vietnam Vet who's paid my dues, he ran up the first debt in the trillions. Bush did it too as are the democrats. This is not tit for tat. I just want a president that represents the middleclass. It wasn't Reagan as it isn't Obama.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад +1

    @insightnew You cannot change the Constitution by signing a Treaty. The Constitution supersedes. A Treaty is "the law of the land" the way a federal law is. You can't pass a federal law that violates the Constitution either.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth I have a feeling we would disagree about Reagan's "crimes". Rather than argue that point, there's only been one perfect individual who has ever lived, so we are all guilty of the crime of being less than perfect. A hero is not someone who is perfect. A hero is someone who strives to do the best s/he can.

  • @PRM2643
    @PRM2643 13 лет назад

    "Even the New York Times stated that the current economic crisis can be traced back to Reagan's administration" The New York Times is hardly unbiased. Reagan was the last anti-communist. When he was inaugurated we had high unemployment, high interest rates and high inflation. his fiscal policies, though very unpopular in some circles, brought back the US economy. His foreign policy was instrumental in the removal of the Berlin wall and the demise of the Soviet Socialist Empire.

  • @PRM2643
    @PRM2643 13 лет назад

    Respond to this video...
    Our current economic woes can be traced back to two things, one way before Reagan and one after. First the creation of the Federal Reserve (Which Kennedy wanted to abolish) Which gave us fiat currency, controlled by a small group of private bankers. The second was expansion of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae lending rules to to allow mortgage lending to people without proper qualifying. Republicans tried to stop the latter in 2004 when the housing market was booming

  • @PRM2643
    @PRM2643 13 лет назад

    What a tragic fate for the republic - Reagan's words, which should be mid stream, are viewed as "far right"
    So consumed with "democracy" and "tolerance" we have lost all understanding of Liberty.

  • @journeytrials
    @journeytrials 13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth I agree, when I was younger I was in private school. The education was more valuable than that of a public school. When I finally went to a public school, there was no passion for anything, it was a waste of time. I wish I could tell you more about this but in a rush to leave, I'll explain more later.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth This is partly a problem of blaming presidents for things that they have very little control over. Partisanship has gotten so bad that people throw whatever they can in the hopes that it will stick. Let's stick to blaming politicians for the actions they take. Reagan personally fought for tax cuts. He fought against increased spending. He fought to reduce burdensome regulation. He was on the right side.

  • @KanineKruizer
    @KanineKruizer 13 лет назад

    Ooh, I get all the attention to a more than one year old video now!!! Today is that "celebrating 100 years of Ronald Reagan". Man, look at the comments section lighting up with all these, dare I say, haters.
    Too bad too, I bet this place was pretty peaceful before today.

  • @js4801
    @js4801 13 лет назад

    A great Leader.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth As you said, most Americans are against Americans defending ourselves. There's a deep-rooted self-loathing among Americans who feel that the fact that America is imperfect means that we're an evil nation. Just like with people who say that Reagan being imperfect makes him not a hero. Hero's aren't perfect. They're just people who continually strive to do the best they can to overcome their imperfections and make the world better. That's America at our best.

  • @PRM2643
    @PRM2643 13 лет назад

    I presume you are fairly new to this world, stating that all of our p[roblems can be traced back to Reagan. He was far from perfect, as are we all. He was exactly the leader we needed at the time. the Carter economy had devastated the US. The Carter diplomacy made us so weak that a third world dictator held US cititzens hostage for almost two years. The theocratic despots in Iran released our people the day after Reagan was inaugurated.

  • @LgndryThndr
    @LgndryThndr 13 лет назад


  • @jz3gmm
    @jz3gmm 12 лет назад

    @JohnJ2427 well a majority of the people that voted agreed with him in principle. That doesn't mean everyone agrees with everything he does. Realize that only 20-30% of Americans even vote and it takes only 51% of them to vote for one candidate for them to win. That means that less than 15% of Americans elected him... or any president for that matter.

  • @Freesilver92
    @Freesilver92 13 лет назад

    You shouldn't remove all comments you don't want to hear. If you post the video, please let people decide and verbalize how they feel about it.

  • @MultiMario2011
    @MultiMario2011 13 лет назад

    Happy Birthday Reagan

  • @furiesego
    @furiesego 13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth listen we are middleclass and ever since clinton came in and the dems got control of the congress we (my family) have never gotten a refund from our taxes we have had to pay. Thats the truth of right there.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @Vash1286 No, it's not treason. Investigations concluded that "arms sales were at most a failed and perhaps mistaken policy. There was no cover-up involving the president." People who call it treason are like those who call Obama a traitor for passing legislation they don't like. You can disagree with someone's policies without calling them unAmerican.

  • @devilmaycryagency
    @devilmaycryagency 13 лет назад

    does anyone have a good reason to hate on this man plus some reliable sources to support their answer?

  • @orcaluv
    @orcaluv 13 лет назад

    what a great message! One I think kids need to hear more about today.

  • @hcubeentertainment
    @hcubeentertainment 13 лет назад

    @thebbeenn Actually there is a difference Reagan is promoting the idea that role of government should decreases as to allow people the freedom to make the country better. Obama thinks that it is the government's role to watch over and take care of people rather than protecting their rights and freedoms. to make that simpler Reagan- we're going to step back and let you guys have at it.
    Obama- Let me do this for you.

  • @UKSportsFan
    @UKSportsFan 13 лет назад

    @AmerMadesko - Clinton was elected in '92. For 2 years, he had a Democrat controlled House and a Democrat controlled Senate. The deficit increased during those 2 years. It wasn't until Republicans took control of both the House and Senate in the '94 mid-term elections that the budget was balanced (thanks to the Contract With America). This isn't about Bush, I wasn't a big fan of Bush. This is about Reagan. And the country prospered economically under Ronald Reagan.

  • @big1beni
    @big1beni 13 лет назад


  • @ImAznnn
    @ImAznnn 13 лет назад

    @JohnJ2427 I definitely agree with you that the school system is too bureaucratic but I still think it should be funded federally so everyone can get an education not just the ones who can afford it. The government definitely needs to cut some slack on the rules (but not too much) and promote some critical thinking within each school so that the admin can make the school run to its maximum efficiency and reach prosperity.

  • @bluewater454
    @bluewater454 12 лет назад

    I am thinking that you were either not old enough to remember this event or were simply not watching the news at the time. How can you say the majority of the population were not aware of what was going on when it was the major topic on the nightly news for weeks? It was all that was talked about. It was the object of congressional hearings which were also aired on tv. So where was the evidence?

  • @Lawlz1210
    @Lawlz1210 13 лет назад

    @Meep200X Um, Excuse me? Ronald Regan actually got something done in American History.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth What did Reagan do that caused the unemployment rate to go up in 1982, and then go back down? I know! He cut taxes and regulation! Win for Reagan!

  • @Meep200X
    @Meep200X 13 лет назад

    @derteqal He's helped us more than modern communists and liberals ever will. And that's pretty damn good.

  • @Zerohero52
    @Zerohero52 13 лет назад

    @sleestackgod Ronald Reagan is the greatest modern president.

  • @Meep200X
    @Meep200X 13 лет назад

    @rockyrigby It's considered progress. It gives regulation, unrest, stripping of freedoms' etc.
    One law was the gun bans in the UK. It lets you not buy a gun for protection, but criminals don't need to listen to that law; they're breaking it.
    Do you?

  • @DanEcho67
    @DanEcho67 13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth: This is not the case according to the "credible" source that I cited. I would like for you to cite your source, please.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth You've got to be kidding me! What happened to the Federal Reserve? What about the Depression? America wouldn't have economic problems if it weren't for Reagan? That's ridiculous!

  • @pozzie05
    @pozzie05 13 лет назад the american history and research more....he is not what he is being adored for. ..after all he was an actor....he started it all making the rich richer and leaving us now in this dilemma ...please do you research and before you conclude before blaming....

  • @00maharum00ma
    @00maharum00ma 13 лет назад

    Reagan's policies make my life significantly more difficult. I don't think he was a good President, no matter how well he read those speeches.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @forty8r Punishing the rich hurts the poor. Abstaining from punishing the rich does not hurt the poor, nor does it make them more poor. Nothing fights poverty as well as capitalism. It's worse to be poor under communism than under capitalism.

  • @LocoGroove
    @LocoGroove 13 лет назад

    Remember Reagan Era? Need I say more...

  • @Meep200X
    @Meep200X 13 лет назад

    @WizardLord69 Explain to me then how he basically brought us out of the recession of the 1970's to the early 80's.
    We Americans have to oppurtunity to get wealthy. There is no guarentee, so there will always be a gap between the poor and wealthy.

  • @uttfan
    @uttfan 13 лет назад

    We need him today.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GordanCable Yes, I do. Cato is a great unbiased source. I highly recommend them. But I think everyone should look for a variety of sources. Getting several different points of view is a great way to reduce the effect of bias.

  • @IEatBananas
    @IEatBananas 13 лет назад

    @JohnJ2427 Isn't it pretty well accepted that standardized tests are horrible for education as it causes teachers to teach for the tests not to teach for learning?

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @becanbaur Only if you believe that the quality of education depends on the level of federal funding. That idea has been discredit, though. Test scores stay flat regardless of how much federal money is spent on education. Therefore, cutting the federal education budget doesn't hurt education.

  • @uttfan
    @uttfan 13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth Because without war, how will we educate? how will we have the freedom and oppertunities to attend schools that might not be the best in the world, but compaired to some countries, are a royalty.

  • @HeadbangingGlory
    @HeadbangingGlory 13 лет назад

    he de-regulated wall street, ending up screwing us over to this day

    • @Joe_Okey
      @Joe_Okey 5 лет назад

      No matter what you think of him, his statement about heroes was and still is 100% correct.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth I can understand that. A wise man once said that politics is the world's second-oldest profession, and has a lot in common with the oldest profession. I think the best way to get politicians to support a good idea is to make it popular. That's about all that we little people can do. We just have to promote good ideas as best as we can.

  • @Meep200X
    @Meep200X 13 лет назад

    @Tweekerhead No. :|
    The networks I mentioned said that the riots in Egypt aren't a big deal. I'm sorry, but over 500 dead and thousands injured seems like a big deal. Not the mention Jordan and Yemen's governments stepping down.

  • @insightnew
    @insightnew 13 лет назад

    @JohnJ2427 Oh and one more thing. Your comparison to Obama passing legislation that people don't like is flawed. Reagan didn't get congressional permission. In fact he had to disobey congress in order to make the arms sale to Iran. That's why it was illegal. Financing the Contra rebels was also forbidden by congress. That's why it was illegal. Obama passing legislation is not Illegal. See the difference.

  • @PRM2643
    @PRM2643 13 лет назад

    @iseesquares Re war on drugs: Agreed. Reagan wasn't perfect. Given his experience in Hollywood he likely had first hand knowledge of the damages that drugs , including alcohol can do. He probably allowed his emotion to cloud his judgment on that issue. Reagan understood that a person who wishes to be cared for by a government is a subject. A person who wants the government to leave one to fend for one's self is a citizen. Reagan refused to mollycoddle, home and abroad. For that he was reviled.

  • @snugglybear182
    @snugglybear182 13 лет назад


  • @1dykerbklyn
    @1dykerbklyn 13 лет назад

    find a better place anywhere in the world,,,you wont thats why your still here.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @thebbeenn Yes, they are that different. Reagan advocated individual freedom. Obama advocates government power. Total opposites.

  • @XenonDiosmitide
    @XenonDiosmitide 2 года назад

    So that's where pronoun sensitivity came from... "Now I have used the words 'they' and 'they're'"..."I could say 'you' and 'you're' because I'm addressing..."

  • @wormer104
    @wormer104 13 лет назад

    @xXTREY4LIFEXx Really? FDR created a multitude of entitlement programs and Reagan's at fault?
    No. He's aknowledged by many as an amazing president. If you disagree why are you here on a vid HONORING the man?

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @insightnew Just so that others are not misled by your ignorance, I want to point out that Treaties are not Constitutional amendments. Because the Constitution specifically allocates the power to declare war to congress, the authority to force America to go to war cannot be delegated to a foreign country. Quite frankly, anyone who thinks it could be shouldn't vote.

  • @asimsinthehouse
    @asimsinthehouse 13 лет назад

    im not sure if i like him or dont.

  • @bluewater454
    @bluewater454 12 лет назад

    I seem to remember the US supporting the removal of the Shah as well. For that we were rewarded with the 444 day hostage crisis. Komani was not any more benevolent than his predecessor. It does not seem to matter whether they have secular or religious leaders in those countries, they are all oppressive. I reject the notion that we are to blame for the way Iran or any of those countries are. When they are not killing us they are killing each other. That is who they are.

  • @Karalot74
    @Karalot74 13 лет назад

    I think Obama needs to listen to this video, might be like a cold splash of water to the face on a rigid winter morning.

  • @ThunderFarts420
    @ThunderFarts420 13 лет назад

    We need this logic today!

  • @karensansui
    @karensansui 13 лет назад

    Nobody talks like this anymore.

  • @bakerjr12
    @bakerjr12 13 лет назад

    @ChihuahuaboyDH Third, I do not believe Regan understood "by the people" as I do. He said government was the prpblem. If government is by the people, how can the people turn around and blam the government? We all need to be reponsible for our choices, we are our government! Read up on our history and your reprsentatives. Vote wisely, IT MATTERS!!

  • @jz3gmm
    @jz3gmm 12 лет назад

    Did you seriously just compare Gingrich to Reagan!?

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth Maybe a little less opinion and a little more actual historical facts. I think that'd make a difference.
    I'll start: historical fact - Reagan fought to cut taxes. Low taxes help economic growth. Win for Reagan.
    Historical fact - Reagan fought to curb spending. The legislature overrode him, but he was on the right side. Win for Reagan.
    Historical fact - Reagan fought against burdensome regulation. Stupid regulations are bad for the economy. Win for Reagan!

  • @ImAznnn
    @ImAznnn 13 лет назад

    @JohnJ2427 Oh so that's what you were saying. I thought you were for the privatization of school systems. Then yes definitely. The school systems should be funded by each state so it's much easier to distribute the money. As for rules and regulations I think some of the major rules should be set by the country while some of the more "flexible" rules should be set by local municipalities to increase the quality of the education.

  • @loboisfuzzy
    @loboisfuzzy 13 лет назад

    Reagan does not deserve to be celebrated in any way.

  • @PRM2643
    @PRM2643 13 лет назад

    @iseesquares Re war on drugs: Agreed. Reagan wasn't perfect. Given his experience in hollywood he likely had first hand knowledge of the damages that drugs , including alcohol can do allowed his emotion to cloud his judgment on that issue. What Reagan did understand was that a person who wishes to be cared for by a government is a subject. A person who wants the government to leave one to fend for one's self is a citizen.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @insightnew My comparison was not flawed. Reagan did nothing illegal. I suggest you research the issue since it is so important to you. Also, many people believe that ObamaCare is unconstitutional, and hence illegal. But that does not make Obama a traitor for signing it. I suggest you try to be a little more open-minded to other points of views. Learning a little more will also help you to be less arrogant.

  • @1dykerbklyn
    @1dykerbklyn 13 лет назад

    america have a border that will let you leave if you dont like it here...noone will stop you

  • @omarxxxxx
    @omarxxxxx 13 лет назад

    @MrMegaFredzeppelin just the united states?

  • @chsfrnc
    @chsfrnc 13 лет назад

    I love the general lack of intelligence amongst those that make comments on here. Utilizing incorrect grammar and improper speech practices.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @becanbaur That's only because you think the federal government is the only source of funding for schools. Federal funding is hurting schools, not helping them. Schools that are funded locally respond to the oversight of local administrators, who are better positioned to evaluate if the school is doing its job. Schools funded by the federal government are less responsive because they're too bureaucratic.
    That is, at least, my understanding of the issue. I encourage you to do your own research.

  • @bluewater454
    @bluewater454 12 лет назад

    Ok, what exactly was affected by Iran-contra? You said so much was affected. I guess my biased mind is having a hard time remembering. It did affect the hostages, but other than that I guess I am at a loss as to why it was that big a deal, other than that it gave the media a lot of material to sell news papers and air time with. I am even more at a loss to understand why I am arguing about this 30 years later. Just bored I guess.

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  13 лет назад

    @GrowTheTruth I have a feeling that we would agree on a lot of things going forward, despite probably disagreeing on some of the details of the past. The future is, I think, more important.

  • @ForgorenWolf
    @ForgorenWolf 13 лет назад

    Yah so if you were in the top 5% Reagan was great, if you weren't then not so much

  • @JohnJ2427
    @JohnJ2427  12 лет назад

    FlashProduktions basically says that Iran is not responsible for anything bad it does because it's all America's fault. Iran has no capacity for making its own choices. His perspective is that if there are two boys who get into a fight, you can blame boy A for everything bad he did, while also blaming boy A for everything bad boy B did, because boy B was only acting in response to boy A. No matter what boys A and B actually did, always use this argument when you hate boy A.