I miss your mother. I miss her soft voice. It's been more than four years since I watched her make this cake. Finally I mustard up the nerve to follow your mother's recipe to make this cake. As a black child even into adulthood all i knew was how to cook and to bake like my mother and her mother's mother whom are in heaven. I really love that your mother reminds me of days gone by. As a southern girl, I don't want to call your mother by her first name, I'll call her Mrs. Phyllis, because she has earned that endearment. I truly respect and miss your mother.
I made this coconut cake a year ago for my family members housewarming and they’re love it. But never know or pay attention the top of video that Phyllis passed away. My condolences to her family 🙏
My mom used to make this cake for me because she knew it was my favorite. Same egg white icing that I never could wrap my head around how she made it. She passed in 2008, so I watched every minute of this video. It was food for my heart and soul. How many times I stood in the kitchen and watched her make it and the time spent watching this was like watching her make it all over again.
It is my grandma's coconut cake exactly. Memories of Christmases long ago and though there were a good amount of desserts for our large family gathering, everyone oohed and aahed over grandma's coconut cake. Almost everyone has gone on to glory now, but that cake is a memory of magic.
Thank you Steven for keeping your Mom's videos for us to see. It is still such a blessing. Love her recipes❤, and i love to watch her. God bless you and yours🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@amiedavis5257 hi Amie I guess God wanted them together I just loved them. I knew he had passed away. I don’t remember why do you? And I believe she had cancer maybe he did too but God let them go within four months of each other I believe there and having God bless their son.
@@starrfishhill yes, Mr Bucky died in his recliner there at the house. I believe he was having a nap. Phyllis did have cancer. Sadly, her daughter Renee died in 2009 as well. She and Mr Bucky took their kids on their honeymoon with them, it was a second marriage for both of them. I can't imagine being married to someone for over 30 years and losing them. I've been married for 18 years and it has flown by.
Phyllis and Mr. Bucky are walking those golden roads in heaven. Her son is a very nice person. Hes going to continue her channel. He's adding his own favorite recipes and trying to put new ones up her hadn't added. I think this is fantastic. He talks like she did. A comforting voice. I shed a few buckets of tears as he was speaking of he. I'm not going to spoil what he's said, nor what he's adding. I will say, you will not be disappointed! Thank you for coming on her channel. I personally appreciate it. Have a blessed weekend. 🌿🌷🙏
Dear Phyllis, I am a chef and did not concentrate too much on baking. I do remember a homemade coconut cake from my grandmother which I loved!!! I had a 60th birthday Party to cater for a man who loved coconut. I used your recipe and got SO many praises!! This cake is amazing!!!! Thank you for posting it
Germaine Batiste... Hi there I'm a baker too. I use self-rising flour no butter I use oil.. My cake comes out very well and Moist!! Wish I could send you a picture of my Coconut Cake💛💛
This is the coconut cake recipe that my grandma always made for me when I would come to visit! The tears were streaming as I was remembering the memories!
I have been following this trying to make a friend her favorite cake. I didn't realize the sweet lady showing me how to make it had passed. Thank you for leaving her videos up for us. She is a pleasure to watch.
This is it!!! I have been looking for this cake and recipe for years! When you said the icing got hard, my heart dropped! Thank you soooo much. Cant wait to surprise my sister with this during the holidays! It will take us back to grandmas house! A lifetime of wonderfull memories!
That looks amazing! My great grandmother use to make this cake. I'd give anything to have a slice right now! She passed away 12 years ago and i watched her as kid cook and bake and i learned all her recipes.. So thankful for the 16 years i got to spend with her.
My mother made german chocolate cake, seven layer jam cake, and all kinds of chocolate cakes, red velvet cake, but for my birthday, this is the cake i always asked for!!
Miss you so much Phyllis you were the sweetest lady and an amazing cook. God bless the family of Phyllis and Bucky thank you for stepping in for your precious Mother Steven
@@gaoshengcha9177 I don't quite know. It was my mother that did the baking. I do remember how she had to drain the Crushed Pineapple over night before she could mix it with the icing.
Thank you for restoring my memories of Christmas with my Mother, this was her signature dessert. I can now make this treat for my family in her honor. You are an amazing cook.
My mom use to make a coconut cake with the egg white icing and it was a holiday tradition. The last time I made it was Christmas before she passed and I forgot a step for making the icing. Thank you Phyllis your video was a big help!
Mrs Phyllis is so dearly loved and missed an absolutely wonderful beautiful sweet soft spoken lady with such a beautiful soul she shall always be remembered with her amazing recipes with cooking and baking . Miss Phyllis 's cakes were absolutely beautiful made from scratch done with so much love and dedication ! ! Forever Loved ❤ and Remembered ! 😇
I reckon she is, Gail Gregg. Just yesterday I was listening to the radio and someone said -- you don't really die, only the body gives out --- the spirit survives ;-) Happy little thought! We miss you Miss Phyllis! We hope you're doing what you like to do up in Heaven! xoxo
Nina Nona I live the lemon filling myself. My mom use to make 3 later lemon cake for me plus she would make the home made ice cream. To have for birthday party. I miss it so much. I didn't take to making cakes but u did for the cream and fruit pies. Hmm yum yum
Beautiful cake. Brought back memories of my childhood when I would go over my grandmother's house and see a big white coconut cake on the table that either she or my cousin made. I would love to lift the cake over and run my finger through the icing. OMG, delicious. You definitely put a smile on my face today. Thank you. I think their recipe was from the fifties too. I was a kid in the seventies when I first tried the cake and loooved it. I even made the cake once for my grandma when I was a teenager and she loved it. She's gone now, but this video made me remember an awesome time in my life. God Bless.
That's the way my Aunt used to make it and she passed away about 15 yrs ago. All her cakes recipes she kept in her head. And when she passed, all the recipes went with her and I thought I would never get her cake recipe with the egg white icing.. Thank you and God bless you for sharing. It brought many memories back!!!!!
My Mom used to make this cake sometimes when we had the preacher for lunch on Sunday. So good. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Praying you are doing well. Hugs sweet lady!
I treasure her vids. She was such a sweet lady. I think it ll be two years since her passing and so i m really happy to watch and hear her voice. May she rest in God s arms. Thank you. Watching from Malta, Europe. X
I made this for Christmas and my family loved this. My mother used to make coconut layer cake at Christmas time so it was nice to have it again. You are a blessing girl!
Oh my goodness! I love coconut cake and I have a feeling that this cake will forever be my annual birthday cake! Thank you so much for sharing your recipes as well as your stories..I truly enjoy them!
My mom use to make a cake and icing like this for my dad. She used black walnuts in the icing-was my dad’s favorite cake! I wish I had a cake like that again.
I have a dear friend from the South who just loves coconut cake. This recipe reminds me of my childhood in the 50's in the midwest. I am going to surprise her, and try to make her a "real one" with your wonderful instructions, for her birthday, next week! I tried your Pineapple Cake and it was divine. I can't wait for her to taste this! Thank you!
Great cake. I was born in 55. I was brouht up with this cake. Family members made it a lot. It was served a lot at church dinners. Great cake. Ive never made it
Was born 8/17/1947 i remember my grandmother making this cake when igot grown i made pineapple coconut icing for my cake in 1964 i started making coconut bread pudding i don,t cook much now had breast cancer 2yrs ago haven,t been the same
Dear Mrs Stokes this was the first recipe I clicked on looking for an old fashioned coconut cake it brought me to southern frugal I was so blessed in following yours and Mr Buckys adventures! Really miss watching you create great food! Hope to see you in the not to distant future cooking and recalling the old days! LOVE AND PRAYERS FOR YOUR RECOVERY!
So sorry to hear that she passed away.🥀Don’t worry her spirit lives on through her RUclips followers along with her recipe.♥️From my kitchen to yours keep on cooking!
Made this cake last month for my mother in law and it was a huge hit! Totally worth making everything from scratch. I will be keeping your recipe in mind for another special occasion.
Miss you dearly sweet lady in heaven looking down on us. Your son is special who continued your legacy.. You must be so proud of him. Will see you again someday.. Forever in our thoughts.
This reminds me of my grandmother's coconut cake. She was well-known in Charlotte and Raleigh, NC for her love of baking and she was very good at it. She loved nothing more than to spend her weekends in the kitchen churning out so many wonderful pastries, pies & cakes. She had an orange twist doughnut that was my favorite, right up there with her melt in your mouth coconut cake. She won hundreds of blue ribbons and a television station in Raleigh did a short piece on her when she took first place in every baking category she entered (cakes, pies, cookies, doughnuts, etc.) I have so many of her recipes tucked away and now I want to go dig them all up and spend some time in the kitchen. I'm going to make your coconut cake this weekend and can't wait to taste it. Thanks for sharing this family recipe, I'm sure it will go in my recipe book as a "must-have dessert".
What a beauuuuuutiful coconut cake! My beloved Papa, Elmer Randolph, who passed on to be with The Good Lord in 2004 used to make a coconut cake with fresh coconut too! That was his culinary pride! Mrs. Phyllis' legacy will certainly carry on.
The best recipe I have seen for my all time cake(coconut). I’m late to your compassion, kindness, channel and baking artistry, but I feel blessed to have finally found you. May you rest in love!
Looks amazing. Can't wait to try it out! It's hard to believe that I actually watched a whole half hour long recipe video. It's your charm and captivating kind manner of speech.
Thank you Phyllis, can't get no better than this , mama made this cake and I loved it! I was just sick about not getting her recipe and now I do, thanks girl I can't wait to make it🌷🌷
At some point in time in my childhood, I'm 70, someone made this cake with three layers or jam filling and pineapple, orange and raspberry filling in the layers. I never forgot it!
OMG thank you so much for this recipe. My grandmother made this when I was a kid in the 50s. I have searched for this recipe for years. It almost made me cry to finally get this recipe for this glorious cake. Thank you! Thank you!
My husbands favorite cake that his mom made. I was scared to make it but after watching you with your good instructions , I think I just might try it. Thank you kindly for your video.
I was a professional cake decorator for years before I became a Caterer. If my table, the walls, my clothing and hands weren’t covered in various icings by the end of the day, I was doing something wrong! This looks delicious and I will be making it soon. Thank you for sharing!❤️
Oh my dear angel Phyllis, how you bring back memories! Mommy used to make this same cake for us in the 50's too!! And, she always made it at Easter time with the green coconut nests cradling 3 jelly beans too. Since she cooked for big family, there was always a lamb cake with same boiled frosting patted down with coconut. And on our Birthdays, she used the same coconut covered boiled frosting tinted pink on our doll cake's big skirts. Your sweet son is precious for keeping this channel up and able to continue sharing you with all us late comers. Bless you son! Merry Christmas!
Hi Phyllis. I am happy to have found your channel with recipes from the '50s. Thank you for being relaxed when you are baking. It's also nice to know the measurements and possible options for different flavors, such as in the jello and cream cheese dessert.
Girl! Bless your heart for posting this! I've always wanted to make my mom a good old fashioned coconut cake like her mom made. Gonna make it for her birthday. Thanks again!!
Miss you a lot, miss Phyllis. So glad I got to experience your joy so many years ago while you were still here with us. Thank you so much to the family for keeping these videos up and going. My favorite is still that DELICIOUS pineapple upside down cake! Every recipe I ever tried from SouthernFrugal was amazing, and I’ll still be trying more. The gift that keeps on giving. So much love to your family.
This was the childhood birthday cake that my Granny made for me every time I visited (it was called Sheila's birthday cake even though we visited more often than just once a year). Still my favorite
Oh my, now you've done it! I love coconut and pineapple. I might have to modify this one to add some pineapple to the cake and frost it with the coconut icing. Lord have mercy, I'm gonna gain weight with this cake since no one in my family likes coconut. I guess I could freeze some it to have at a later date, but who am I kidding - I'm going to enjoy every piece!
@@Enkaiiiiiii it probably is a can of crushed drained pineapples, add up to a 1/2 stick butter, dash of salt, 2 -3 tablespoons of cornstarch mixed with anywhere from 1/2 cup to 1 cup sugar... boil that on low to med heat to thicken. Don't burn it. Let it cool...add between cake layers. Pinterest has similar recipes
Phyliss, my Mom, may she Rest In Peace, used too making her homemade coconut cake like that, with the homemade Icing! Delicious! God Bless You for sharing 💜☮️🙏🏾🙏🏾💯💯💯💯👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Phyllis, I LOVE coconut cake! I haven't had it since I was a little girl. My grandmother used to make it. She's long gone now. I bet she made hers just like you do. You are very precise in explaining how to do it. I'm thinking of trying it for Christmas. Wish me luck! Thank you. Looks delicious!
HOLLY MOLLY! YES! I am crying my grandma use to make this cake every 1st Sunday! for the church of course the best cake ever. You are amazing putting these old recipes up there and I thank the lord for you may you live forever!
This is the first video I saw in your collection and it took me back to the days of my Aunt Bessie. She made the best coconut cake but she never taught me how to make it. Thanks for this video, I'm going to try it.
Oh Wow!!! May she Rest in Peace..... I just found her channel last night... Watched her fudge video and coconut cream pie video. She had such a soothing voice.... Will make this coconut cake for the holidays....
It takes a whole lot of Patience and TLC .. is what I'll say! 😍 I love coconut cake but, I'm not into baking. "Won't you be my neighbor?" I'll do the dishes!!! ♥️
*You certainly are a very patient lady. Calming voice, too. That coconut cake looks & sounds fabulous!! I'm also looking for a recipe for amaretto cake. My daughter LOVES amaretto flavor. Thank you.*
This popped up on my homepage feed and I had to click on it! Reminds me so much of the early 60's and me, swinging my legs as I sat at the kitchen table and watched my grandma make coconut layer cakes (from scratch). The only downside, which I laugh at now, was her warning,"Don't touch that cake. It's for the church." The CHURCH?!!! (after I was sooo patient, lol). Great memories.
Your recipe looks delicious but the 50's recipe my Mom used had coconut milk in the batter and cream of coconut in the filling she put between 3 layers. She also used Swans Down cake flour which make a finely textured cake. She did make the meringue frosting or "7 minute" as she called it and topped with Baker's flaked coconut. It is the recipe I always use too.
This is very similar to the recipe my mother used, which was given to her by a woman who was almost 100 years of age in the late 1980s. It was a wonderful cake.
My grandmother from Alabama used to bake 3 layer coconut cakes for every family dinner, with the exception of Thanksgiving, when it was all about pies. I am absolutely delighted to get your treasured recipe! I just love you, Phyllis! God bless!
I miss your mother. I miss her soft voice. It's been more than four years since I watched her make this cake. Finally I mustard up the nerve to follow your mother's recipe to make this cake. As a black child even into adulthood all i knew was how to cook and to bake like my mother and her mother's mother whom are in heaven. I really love that your mother reminds me of days gone by. As a southern girl, I don't want to call your mother by her first name, I'll call her Mrs. Phyllis, because she has earned that endearment. I truly respect and miss your mother.
We miss you Phyllis and I’m grateful your son carries on for you.RIP
She's got the most placid, relaxing, calming and peaceful voice and demeanor.
Steven thanks for keeping your mom RIP recipes and I love her recipes and miss her. God bless you and your family 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😍
I made this coconut cake a year ago for my family members housewarming and they’re love it. But never know or pay attention the top of video that Phyllis passed away. My condolences to her family 🙏
My mom used to make this cake for me because she knew it was my favorite. Same egg white icing that I never could wrap my head around how she made it. She passed in 2008, so I watched every minute of this video. It was food for my heart and soul. How many times I stood in the kitchen and watched her make it and the time spent watching this was like watching her make it all over again.
It is my grandma's coconut cake exactly. Memories of Christmases long ago and though there were a good amount of desserts for our large family gathering, everyone oohed and aahed over grandma's coconut cake. Almost everyone has gone on to glory now, but that cake is a memory of magic.
Thank you Steven for keeping your Mom's videos for us to see. It is still such a blessing. Love her recipes❤, and i love to watch her. God bless you and yours🙏🙏🙏🙏
I love watching her, I'm glad her son keeps her legacy going. 😍
Me too ...
I love her recipes also. Thanks Steven
I miss her😢
I miss her too.
It reminds me of my mom's coconut cakes. She made this kind of frosting. So good. As long as these videos stay, Miss Phyllis is still here ❤
Hi Carolyn how long ago or roughly did Miss Phyllis pass away?
@@starrfishhill....Phyllis passed in January of 2020. Mr Bucky passed July of 2019.
@@amiedavis5257 hi Amie
I guess God wanted them together I just loved them. I knew he had passed away. I don’t remember why do you? And I believe she had cancer maybe he did too but God let them go within four months of each other I believe there and having God bless their son.
@@starrfishhill yes, Mr Bucky died in his recliner there at the house. I believe he was having a nap. Phyllis did have cancer. Sadly, her daughter Renee died in 2009 as well. She and Mr Bucky took their kids on their honeymoon with them, it was a second marriage for both of them. I can't imagine being married to someone for over 30 years and losing them. I've been married for 18 years and it has flown by.
@@amiedavis5257 was Mr. Bucky sick or did he just die suddenly
Phyllis and Mr. Bucky are walking those golden roads in heaven. Her son is a very nice person. Hes going to continue her channel. He's adding his own favorite recipes and trying to put new ones up her hadn't added.
I think this is fantastic. He talks like she did. A comforting voice. I shed a few buckets of tears as he was speaking of he.
I'm not going to spoil what he's said, nor what he's adding.
I will say, you will not be disappointed!
Thank you for coming on her channel. I personally appreciate it.
Have a blessed weekend. 🌿🌷🙏
I really miss Mrs. Phyllis. This is the first of her videos, I've been able to watch since her passing.
miss this lady
Dear Phyllis, I am a chef and did not concentrate too much on baking. I do remember a homemade coconut cake from my grandmother which I loved!!! I had a 60th birthday Party to cater for a man who loved coconut. I used your recipe and got SO many praises!! This cake is amazing!!!! Thank you for posting it
Germaine Batiste ❤❤❤❤
Germaine Batiste fdi
Germaine Batiste... Hi there I'm a baker too. I use self-rising flour no butter I use oil.. My cake comes out very well and Moist!! Wish I could send you a picture of my Coconut Cake💛💛
Germaine Batiste that is awesome!!! I will try this on my channel. Thank you for the review..that makes me ☺
Germaine Batiste C
Your mother is so missed. This is one of my favorite cakes she made. It's the most delicious cake ever.
This is the coconut cake recipe that my grandma always made for me when I would come to visit! The tears were streaming as I was remembering the memories!
I have been following this trying to make a friend her favorite cake. I didn't realize the sweet lady showing me how to make it had passed. Thank you for leaving her videos up for us. She is a pleasure to watch.
This is it!!! I have been looking for this cake and recipe for years! When you said the icing got hard, my heart dropped! Thank you soooo much. Cant wait to surprise my sister with this during the holidays! It will take us back to grandmas house! A lifetime of wonderfull memories!
Rest In Peace Dear Lady. Thank you for the wealth of knowledge you have left for future homemakers. You will be missed.
I love the generous addition of heavy whipped cream in your cake recipe.
I love the ingredients she uses. Miss her so much.
That looks amazing! My great grandmother use to make this cake. I'd give anything to have a slice right now! She passed away 12 years ago and i watched her as kid cook and bake and i learned all her recipes.. So thankful for the 16 years i got to spend with her.
You are greatly missed, you were a beautiful, amazing woman. May your legacy carry on generations. 🙏🏽❤️
Just keep her recipes for us to enjoy and remember her❤️👌🏽🙏🏾
I miss you so much!!!
My mother made german chocolate cake, seven layer jam cake, and all kinds of chocolate cakes, red velvet cake, but for my birthday, this is the cake i always asked for!!
Miss you so much Phyllis you were the sweetest lady and an amazing cook. God bless the family of Phyllis and Bucky thank you for stepping in for your precious Mother Steven
Thank you so much.
I was born in 1950 and I remember my mother making delicious Pineapple Coconut cake. So moist and so good.
How do you add the pineapple? I love pineapple so I would love to know! Thanks!
@@gaoshengcha9177 I don't quite know. It was my mother that did the baking. I do remember how she had to drain the Crushed Pineapple over night before she could mix it with the icing.
Coconut cake is one of my favorite it was my mother and my Grandma's favorite as well. Got to watch Mrs Phyllis Stokes make this cake
Thank you for restoring my memories of Christmas with my Mother, this was her signature dessert. I can now make this treat for my family in her honor. You are an amazing cook.
All I have to say is yum yum.I know if we eat in heaven you will have to make this cake.
Dear me! This was mesmerizing- what a DELIGHTFUL woman. So sad she is gone. God bless her family.
My mom use to make a coconut cake with the egg white icing and it was a holiday tradition. The last time I made it was Christmas before she passed and I forgot a step for making the icing. Thank you Phyllis your video was a big help!
Mrs Phyllis is so dearly loved and missed an absolutely wonderful beautiful sweet soft spoken lady with such a beautiful soul she shall always be remembered with her amazing recipes with cooking and baking . Miss Phyllis 's cakes were absolutely beautiful made from scratch done with so much love and dedication ! ! Forever Loved ❤ and Remembered ! 😇
Phyllis and mr. Bucky lives on in my heart, thank you very much, readers and commenters💞🥰
I reckon she is, Gail Gregg. Just yesterday I was listening to the radio and someone said -- you don't really die, only the body gives out --- the spirit survives ;-) Happy little thought! We miss you Miss Phyllis! We hope you're doing what you like to do up in Heaven! xoxo
Thanks ....viewing again the many wonderful videos by Phyllis. So happy these are all still here for us to watch.
My Mississippi Mama used to make this cake for my daddy. It had a lemon curd filling between the layers. It was his favorite cake.
Nina Nona I live the lemon filling myself. My mom use to make 3 later lemon cake for me plus she would make the home made ice cream. To have for birthday party. I miss it so much. I didn't take to making cakes but u did for the cream and fruit pies. Hmm yum yum
I'm new to the channel and so happy I am... can't wait to make this cake.
I will be watching more of this sweet lady's videos. RIP
Beautiful cake. Brought back memories of my childhood when I would go over my grandmother's house and see a big white coconut cake on the table that either she or my cousin made. I would love to lift the cake over and run my finger through the icing. OMG, delicious. You definitely put a smile on my face today. Thank you. I think their recipe was from the fifties too. I was a kid in the seventies when I first tried the cake and loooved it. I even made the cake once for my grandma when I was a teenager and she loved it. She's gone now, but this video made me remember an awesome time in my life. God Bless.
Miss Mrs phylis but i know shes in a better place i used to love watching her and Mr Bucky they seem to be so in love with each other
Wish you were here I made me a coconut pie and cooked chicken and dunplings
That's the way my Aunt used to make it and she passed away about 15 yrs ago. All her cakes recipes she kept in her head. And when she passed, all the recipes went with her and I thought I would never get her cake recipe with the egg white icing.. Thank you and God bless you for sharing. It brought many memories back!!!!!
My Mom used to make this cake sometimes when we had the preacher for lunch on Sunday. So good. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Praying you are doing well. Hugs sweet lady!
I treasure her vids. She was such a sweet lady. I think it ll be two years since her passing and so i m really happy to watch and hear her voice. May she rest in God s arms. Thank you. Watching from Malta, Europe. X
I made this for Christmas and my family loved this. My mother used to make coconut layer cake at Christmas time so it was nice to have it again. You are a blessing girl!
Thank you so much, your comment was very nice.
I missyou so much❤❤❤Phyllis I happy I found you again God bless my sweet Angle in heaven ❤ 😊miss you fron Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico
Oh my goodness! I love coconut cake and I have a feeling that this cake will forever be my annual birthday cake! Thank you so much for sharing your recipes as well as your stories..I truly enjoy them!
I love the simplicity! Back in 50’s everything was simple not many utensils, ingredients, and bake pans 😊
I just watched this video to hear your voice, Miss Phyllis, God Bless You!
My mom use to make a cake and icing like this for my dad. She used black walnuts in the icing-was my dad’s favorite cake! I wish I had a cake like that again.
My mother also make coconut cake like this but used fresh coconut. Took a long to time to make but oh, so delicious!! (Had to grate the coconut).
My mom used to fix this one too. Same frosting and everything, but she'd make a lemon 'filling' for the layers on between. YUM! 🥰
I have a dear friend from the South who just loves coconut cake. This recipe reminds me of my childhood in the 50's in the midwest. I am going to surprise her, and try to make her a "real one" with your wonderful instructions, for her birthday, next week! I tried your Pineapple Cake and it was divine. I can't wait for her to taste this! Thank you!
Great cake. I was born in 55. I was brouht up with this cake. Family members made it a lot. It was served a lot at church dinners. Great cake. Ive never made it
Now THIS is a hard cake to make....and you did it on camera!!! Beautiful, rally beautiful!!!
Was born 8/17/1947 i remember my grandmother making this cake when igot grown i made pineapple coconut icing for my cake in 1964 i started making coconut bread pudding i don,t cook much now had breast cancer 2yrs ago haven,t been the same
She was a natural and so calm and soothing.
Dear Mrs Stokes this was the first recipe I clicked on looking for an old fashioned coconut cake it brought me to southern frugal I was so blessed in following yours and Mr Buckys adventures! Really miss watching you create great food! Hope to see you in the not to distant future cooking and recalling the old days! LOVE AND PRAYERS FOR YOUR RECOVERY!
She has passed away
So sorry to hear that she passed away.🥀Don’t worry her spirit lives on through her RUclips followers along with her recipe.♥️From my kitchen to yours keep on cooking!
Love to watch her old posts. So miss you.
Made this cake last month for my mother in law and it was a huge hit! Totally worth making everything from scratch. I will be keeping your recipe in mind for another special occasion.
Miss you dearly sweet lady in heaven looking down on us. Your son is special who continued your legacy.. You must be so proud of him. Will see you again someday.. Forever in our thoughts.
This reminds me of my grandmother's coconut cake. She was well-known in Charlotte and Raleigh, NC for her love of baking and she was very good at it. She loved nothing more than to spend her weekends in the kitchen churning out so many wonderful pastries, pies & cakes. She had an orange twist doughnut that was my favorite, right up there with her melt in your mouth coconut cake. She won hundreds of blue ribbons and a television station in Raleigh did a short piece on her when she took first place in every baking category she entered (cakes, pies, cookies, doughnuts, etc.) I have so many of her recipes tucked away and now I want to go dig them all up and spend some time in the kitchen. I'm going to make your coconut cake this weekend and can't wait to taste it. Thanks for sharing this family recipe, I'm sure it will go in my recipe book as a "must-have dessert".
I am so grateful to this lady for sharing these precious recipes.
I made this several times Phyllis and it was AMAZING. Thank you for the recipe.
I miss Phyllis . Didn’t know she passed until today I had her in my other account and loved her cooking . Her calming voice and old fashion cooking ♥️
Queen, that coconut cake is a prize winner.Great job!!!
What a beauuuuuutiful coconut cake! My beloved Papa, Elmer Randolph, who passed on to be with The Good Lord in 2004 used to make a coconut cake with fresh coconut too! That was his culinary pride! Mrs. Phyllis' legacy will certainly carry on.
My grandma used to make that cake in the 50’s as well. Boy do I wish had a piece right now. Phyllis you are a Gem!
The best recipe I have seen for my all time cake(coconut).
I’m late to your compassion, kindness, channel and baking artistry, but I feel blessed to have finally found you.
May you rest in love!
Looks amazing. Can't wait to try it out! It's hard to believe that I actually watched a whole half hour long recipe video. It's your charm and captivating kind manner of speech.
Glad to know of others reactions to Phyllis's style and cooking. God Bless you. Phyllis!
You explain PERFECTLY!! You answer the questions that I would have asked! Thanks!
This reminds me of my mother's beautiful coconut cakes! Thank you!!
Boy does that look delicious. Sure do miss you Phyllis. Praying that you get stronger each day.
Oh my goodness, that looks so good. This show has brought back so many memories. Thanks Phyllis.
loving your backing style. no fuss, no muss. just get it done. bravo
Thank you Phyllis, can't get no better than this , mama made this cake and I loved it! I was just sick about not getting her recipe and now I do, thanks girl I can't wait to make it🌷🌷
This is one of the cakes my mom made me for my birthday cake. I loved it so much. So happy to have these great videos to watch. Miss you lovely lady.
Beautiful and moist looking cake. I wish I had a slice of the cake. The LORD'S Will, I will make a Coconut Cake for one of the Holidays!
Miss this soft spoken lady and her husband, Bucky. Both in peace.
At some point in time in my childhood, I'm 70, someone made this cake with three layers or jam filling and pineapple, orange and raspberry filling in the layers. I never forgot it!
OMG thank you so much for this recipe. My grandmother made this when I was a kid in the 50s. I have searched for this recipe for years. It almost made me cry to finally get this recipe for this glorious cake. Thank you! Thank you!
Me too. I’m so grateful that I stumbled across this video. I love the old fashioned coconut cake. Thanks for sharing 💛
My husbands favorite cake that his mom made. I was scared to make it but after watching you with your good instructions , I think I just might try it. Thank you kindly for your video.
Thanks Phyllis..For Leaving Us Such A Delicious Southern Coconut Cake...Your Recipes Are Awesome...RIP
My Mom used to make a coconut cake from scratch too. R.I.P Ms. Phyliis. I am going to miss you.
I was a professional cake decorator for years before I became a Caterer. If my table, the walls, my clothing and hands weren’t covered in various icings by the end of the day, I was doing something wrong! This looks delicious and I will be making it soon. Thank you for sharing!❤️
Oh my dear angel Phyllis, how you bring back memories! Mommy used to make this same cake for us in the 50's too!! And, she always made it at Easter time with the green coconut nests cradling 3 jelly beans too. Since she cooked for big family, there was always a lamb cake with same boiled frosting patted down with coconut. And on our Birthdays, she used the same coconut covered boiled frosting tinted pink on our doll cake's big skirts.
Your sweet son is precious for keeping this channel up and able to continue sharing you with all us late comers. Bless you son! Merry Christmas!
Hi Phyllis. I am happy to have found your channel with recipes from the '50s. Thank you for being relaxed when you are baking. It's also nice to know the measurements and possible options for different flavors, such as in the jello and cream cheese dessert.
She’s passed away now
Phyllis, you're a soft spoken and gentle soul and it was a pleasure to watch your video.
Girl! Bless your heart for posting this! I've always wanted to make my mom a good old fashioned coconut cake like her mom made. Gonna make it for her birthday. Thanks again!!
Miss you a lot, miss Phyllis. So glad I got to experience your joy so many years ago while you were still here with us. Thank you so much to the family for keeping these videos up and going.
My favorite is still that DELICIOUS pineapple upside down cake! Every recipe I ever tried from SouthernFrugal was amazing, and I’ll still be trying more. The gift that keeps on giving. So much love to your family.
This was the childhood birthday cake that my Granny made for me every time I visited (it was called Sheila's birthday cake even though we visited more often than just once a year). Still my favorite
RIP Phyllis. Thank u so much for all you've given us. Rewatching all her vids over time. My heart is just 💔💔💔
My momma made the same cake with pineapple filling and it was my favorite cake! That looks so delicious!
Judy Gould my mom did too!! And she grated the coconut and reserved the liquid for me to drink. Not much taste🤷🏾♀️
Judy Gould pianapple cake
Oh my, now you've done it! I love coconut and pineapple. I might have to modify this one to add some pineapple to the cake and frost it with the coconut icing. Lord have mercy, I'm gonna gain weight with this cake since no one in my family likes coconut. I guess I could freeze some it to have at a later date, but who am I kidding - I'm going to enjoy every piece!
Judy Gould do you have the filling recipe?
@@Enkaiiiiiii it probably is a can of crushed drained pineapples, add up to a 1/2 stick butter, dash of salt, 2 -3 tablespoons of cornstarch mixed with anywhere from 1/2 cup to 1 cup sugar... boil that on low to med heat to thicken. Don't burn it. Let it cool...add between cake layers.
Pinterest has similar recipes
Phyliss, my Mom, may she Rest In Peace, used too making her homemade coconut cake like that, with the homemade Icing! Delicious! God Bless You for sharing 💜☮️🙏🏾🙏🏾💯💯💯💯👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Phyllis, I LOVE coconut cake! I haven't had it since I was a little girl. My grandmother used to make it. She's long gone now. I bet she made hers just like you do. You are very precise in explaining how to do it. I'm
thinking of trying it for Christmas. Wish me luck! Thank you. Looks delicious!
Patricia Small I
HOLLY MOLLY! YES! I am crying my grandma use to make this cake every 1st Sunday! for the church of course the best cake ever. You are amazing putting these old recipes up there and I thank the lord for you may you live forever!
Exactly how my grandmother made it! Excellent Phyllis, Excellent!
Thank the Lord for this dear lady and the wonderful video of this amazing coconut cake. I will miss her.
This is the first video I saw in your collection and it took me back to the days of my Aunt Bessie. She made the best coconut cake but she never taught me how to make it. Thanks for this video, I'm going to try it.
Oh Wow!!! May she Rest in Peace..... I just found her channel last night... Watched her fudge video and coconut cream pie video. She had such a soothing voice.... Will make this coconut cake for the holidays....
It takes a whole lot of Patience and TLC .. is what I'll say! 😍
I love coconut cake but, I'm not into baking. "Won't you be my neighbor?" I'll do the dishes!!! ♥️
When I make the icing, I get it on everything! RIP Ms. Phyllis.
RIP Ms Phyllis
thank you Phyllis...you made that cake with so much love. looks delicious!!!
*You certainly are a very patient lady. Calming voice, too. That coconut cake looks & sounds fabulous!! I'm also looking for a recipe for amaretto cake. My daughter LOVES amaretto flavor. Thank you.*
This popped up on my homepage feed and I had to click on it! Reminds me so much of the early 60's and me, swinging my legs as I sat at the kitchen table and watched my grandma make coconut layer cakes (from scratch). The only downside, which I laugh at now, was her warning,"Don't touch that cake. It's for the church." The CHURCH?!!! (after I was sooo patient, lol). Great memories.
YT4Me57 southerfrugaphylis southern frugal Phyllis stokes
I just found you and now your gone, what a sweetheart, God bless. Will continue to watch. R.I.P.
Your recipe looks delicious but the 50's recipe my Mom used had coconut milk in the batter and cream of coconut in the filling she put between 3 layers. She also used Swans Down cake flour which make a finely textured cake. She did make the meringue frosting or "7 minute" as she called it and topped with Baker's flaked coconut. It is the recipe I always use too.
This is very similar to the recipe my mother used, which was given to her by a woman who was almost 100 years of age in the late 1980s. It was a wonderful cake.
My grandmother from Alabama used to bake 3 layer coconut cakes for every family dinner, with the exception of Thanksgiving, when it was all about pies. I am absolutely delighted to get your treasured recipe! I just love you, Phyllis! God bless!