Chinese knives get hate on by a lot of people but they are doing some quality stuff right now for good prices. Spyderco has a soft spot in ny heart and they will always be my favorite but after that, id probably choose a chinese knife company as my second favorite over another american brand. In my experience their QC and quality has been way better than the last couple shotty benchmades ive got. They had awful grinds and just didnt feel solid at all.
The titanium tenacious calls to me got a couple despite 8cr steel. Wonder if an s35vn blade would swap out?
I've heard that you can do the blade swap!
Chinese knives get hate on by a lot of people but they are doing some quality stuff right now for good prices. Spyderco has a soft spot in ny heart and they will always be my favorite but after that, id probably choose a chinese knife company as my second favorite over another american brand. In my experience their QC and quality has been way better than the last couple shotty benchmades ive got. They had awful grinds and just didnt feel solid at all.
My favorite knife that's made in China on PB washers is the Real Steel Phasma. Not a perfect knife, but really good for the price I think.
Yeah I forgot about real steel, they did have a couple on PB washers!