Hi! probably you mean Sight Reduction Tables. Weeell, both let you make needed calculations, so you can use either Nautical Almanac or Sight Reduction Tables. Usually on ship we have used almanac.
Hi! Sorry we don't have it. Probably, something possible to find in the internet. Partial, outdated is here drive.google.com/file/d/0B5A92Tih4dVqYTA3MDRjODEtNDRmOS00NWExLWJhYzMtYTgzYTlmNDljNTY5/view?resourcekey=0-AlvWnU3VhgAPczhN7TXJAA
sir What is the differrent nautical almanac and navigation tables
Hi! probably you mean Sight Reduction Tables. Weeell, both let you make needed calculations, so you can use either Nautical Almanac or Sight Reduction Tables. Usually on ship we have used almanac.
Hello good time . PDF nories-nautical-tables How can I get it?
Hi! Sorry we don't have it. Probably, something possible to find in the internet. Partial, outdated is here drive.google.com/file/d/0B5A92Tih4dVqYTA3MDRjODEtNDRmOS00NWExLWJhYzMtYTgzYTlmNDljNTY5/view?resourcekey=0-AlvWnU3VhgAPczhN7TXJAA