Sen. Warren Calls on House to Strike Repeal of Dodd-Frank Provision in Funding Bill

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke on the Senate floor on December 10, 2014 to call on the House of Representatives to remove from the government funding bill a reckless provision that would repeal important financial protections in Dodd-Frank.

Комментарии • 194

  • @rmp2911
    @rmp2911 9 лет назад +19

    Thank you Elizabeth Warren for working hard to keep Wall Street in check!

  • @joeyhathorne
    @joeyhathorne 9 лет назад +8

    This has to stop. WE have to stop this. I hate when they take something like a good bill and tack on something on the end to line their greedy pockets. Strike this bill down!

  • @harleysrocknrollchat
    @harleysrocknrollchat 9 лет назад +85

    This woman is amazing, and Americas best (if not only) hope on the horizon. I hope she can keep her integrity.

    • @s.kayskelly4600
      @s.kayskelly4600 9 лет назад +2

      Amen and hallelujah!!!!

    • @frustratedfarmer1
      @frustratedfarmer1 9 лет назад +6

      Not only is Sen. Warren good, Sen Sanders is even more so.

    • @markw6788
      @markw6788 9 лет назад +1

      She has none, she's a progressive, which equates to a liar imo. They fooled you people into supporting obamacare and thought each and everyone of you as stupid. How do you throw all your support behind people like that, is the koolaid really that strong?

    • @rocketman25208
      @rocketman25208 9 лет назад

      Mark W None what, nincompoop. Take your fascists crap somewhere else.

    • @harleysrocknrollchat
      @harleysrocknrollchat 9 лет назад

      Mark W I love the kool aid all the pubs have, and they use it all the time. I'm always amazed how the kochs and their right wing cronies can screw these people until they can't feel it anymore. Very forgiving lot....short memories however.

  • @charsteen684
    @charsteen684 9 лет назад +6

    Just saw Elizabeth on the Rachel Maddow Show and she explained this so well.Looks like the Repugs can't go for a week without looking out for themselves instead of he American People. Makes me want to SCREAM !!

    • @s.kayskelly4600
      @s.kayskelly4600 9 лет назад

      Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee, too!!!

    • @robob3746
      @robob3746 9 лет назад

      yeah cause the democrats in office have been sooo beneficial to this country...

  • @JennieLarryJohnson
    @JennieLarryJohnson 9 лет назад +2

    Thank you, Senator Warren. Now they can't say that they didn't know. They can't say that they didn't understand.

  • @priasethecow
    @priasethecow 9 лет назад +3

    Please please please run for President

  • @mradaChris
    @mradaChris 9 лет назад +1

    Very empassioned speech.

  • @adedoyinokusaga6024
    @adedoyinokusaga6024 9 лет назад

    Here we go again!! Thank you keep up the good job.

  • @paulezycom
    @paulezycom 9 лет назад

    Thank you Senator Warren!

  • @tessawarschaw6136
    @tessawarschaw6136 9 лет назад +1

    Only hope the Dems support your thoughts and do not sign this bill! Dr Tessa Warschaw

  • @VisLaVie4ever
    @VisLaVie4ever 9 лет назад +2

    Thank you so much for fighting for ALL Americans!!!!
    It is so incredible and amazing, and it gives me hope to realize that there really ARE some good politicians!

  • @leerocha406
    @leerocha406 9 лет назад +1

    Thank you Elizabeth Warren for fighting to stop the repeal of financial protections in Dodd-Frank.
    The way our democracy works is that it does not matter what the majority wants the politicians do what they want. I hope we wake up and pay attention to who we are voting for.

  • @CrisG-OhWOWmommy
    @CrisG-OhWOWmommy 9 лет назад

    Thank you Senator Warren

  • @clixbits
    @clixbits 9 лет назад


  • @cshea
    @cshea 9 лет назад


  • @alfonso1501
    @alfonso1501 9 лет назад

    This woman is America's hope

  • @the_grand_tourer
    @the_grand_tourer 9 лет назад +1

    From the UK I'd like to say thank you to Sen. Warren. Thank you for demonstrating there is some sanity in Washington, All to often it seems the lunatics have taken over and sane voices as yours are drowned out. Your voice and the voice of hopefully more like you needs to rise above a babel. Best of luck and keep fighting.

  • @Chutneyz1
    @Chutneyz1 9 лет назад

    Senator Warren you are what a Senator should be. You are and inspiration and a gift. You carry the banner for Mass. and for us all. You and Rachel Maddow may be the only voices we have in this country. So Keep it Coming I am considering moving to Mass. just to be represented. XOXOXOXO

  • @Mitchelldwyer123
    @Mitchelldwyer123 9 лет назад +2

    I'd love her for president, but I believe that she is doing more good in the Senate, where the real power is.

    • @maryk.mennenga6165
      @maryk.mennenga6165 9 лет назад

      Hitting the Nail on the head. Just ask the President!!

  • @susangrube2400
    @susangrube2400 9 лет назад +1

    Thank you Senator Warren for working for the majority of the American, and not the top 1%. Families can't afford to back up the bank industry, when some are working 2 or 3 jobs just to put food on the table for their families, and they are hoping for a minimum wage to be passed, which of course the Republicans defeated. I'm afraid that the next two years will be very difficult with the majority doing every thing they can for the 1% and forget everyone else The one bright spot is that you and a few others have the courage to do what is right. Thank You again Senator we need you.

  • @robynharland7349
    @robynharland7349 9 лет назад

    Stop this bill I don't want to pay for the big banks mistakes, I am a senior, enough is enough. This is not a budget I would vote for, shut down the damn government this is bull shit. What about us the little people?

  • @cthomasliquidjesus
    @cthomasliquidjesus 9 лет назад

    Thank you for standing up for us, the little guys. Simply, Thank you :'( It brings me to tears to hear you, PASSIONATELY, with conviction, fight for us, for our Founding Fathers' America O:)

  • @patwebb9222
    @patwebb9222 9 лет назад

    Please let congress know that the people are not happy with this provision in the Funding Bill to repeal a part of the Dodd-Frank Provision.

  • @ICYDON2G3
    @ICYDON2G3 9 лет назад

    powerful speech, I salute you for caring about the people over money and power.

  • @ginetterebhan8282
    @ginetterebhan8282 9 лет назад

    Don't pass this bill!

  • @Frost517
    @Frost517 9 лет назад +2

    So personal held stocks are not insurable but risky bank derivatives are if you're a bank? How can Republicans be okay with this? That's not fair to private investors! Either all should be insurable, or none should be! And we all know that none should be!

  • @CalicoJoeJoe
    @CalicoJoeJoe 9 лет назад

    I would vote for this woman.

  • @dentckdental9570
    @dentckdental9570 9 лет назад

    this is suppose to be a REPULIC not a democracy. WAKE UP FOLKS

  • @mmiller3021
    @mmiller3021 9 лет назад

    There will be no change until we are stuck paying for this. Good job Elizabeth.

  • @gretchenbarbatsis7023
    @gretchenbarbatsis7023 9 лет назад

    Alas, only one possible vote for the people in SC delegation... plea for Congressman Clyburn to oppose the budget bill until this provision is stripped out... and we know from Barney Frank that such an action is totally possible without shutting down the government.

  • @teddytriplett6472
    @teddytriplett6472 9 лет назад

    I agree that this is and has not been a government for the people in a long time, it is good to hear that someone seems to have the best interest of the people in mind , but as you can see even the people with the best intentions have fallen victim

  • @olliloco
    @olliloco 9 лет назад +1

    I don't understand why so many people agree with her, but doesn't do anything.. She Is awesome, and together you people could change YOUR country by tomorrow.. Litterrly, by tomorrow..

  • @cros99
    @cros99 9 лет назад +1

    Obviously Sen. Warrens outcries about political mischief falls on deaf ears. Both parties have shown the American people they couldn't care less. Yet, we re=elect these people and believe all the bull they sling during their campaign. It's kinda sad.

  • @TheAldawg77
    @TheAldawg77 9 лет назад

    Funny how they ram this bill through just as oil is tanking. Hmm wonder why?

  • @Luv2nolimit
    @Luv2nolimit 9 лет назад

    Sen.Elizabeth is AWESOME !!!!....I Soooo

  • @dannyprincipe4033
    @dannyprincipe4033 9 лет назад

    Is there no way to know who put those nasty provision on the bank risk taking give away and on the big money support on politics? Can we have a name or names on the major proponents (public officials) on these two controversial issues? There ought to be accountability!

  • @MaureenS
    @MaureenS 9 лет назад

    Would love to get my hands on the transcript of this speech.

  • @rmprophet
    @rmprophet 9 лет назад

    Great great critique of this....terrible legislation.......

  • @teddytriplett6472
    @teddytriplett6472 9 лет назад

    to the powerful lobbyist . Voters need to take their voting more seriously and fire all of the folks in office now and start all over . We just can not seem to do that. I say do it until we stop paying for people who are not thinking of us and only of their pockets. it was never suppose to be a job, it was to be in SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE.

  • @mjarvis0904
    @mjarvis0904 9 лет назад

    why is the potus pushing this???

  • @DrJollyRoger75
    @DrJollyRoger75 9 лет назад

    What a welcome voice Sen. Warren has become in Congress. I hope she is able to move other elected officials to understand and move effectively to improve, not dismantle, economic safeguards.

  • @olsoul6308
    @olsoul6308 9 лет назад

    Give them HELL!! Elizabeth, Obama are you listening, I hope so.

  • @patriceeverest961
    @patriceeverest961 9 лет назад

    Thank you Senator Warren for trying to govern with integrity and agency.

  • @lashlarue8
    @lashlarue8 9 лет назад

    Your interview with Rachel Maddow was very informative to me as a Democrat voter. I had no idea of the last minute tactics of the Republicans to slip in language to keep banks losing money so us tax payers are burdened with their bank losses. Please don't let this bill pass without removing the last minute addition. I'm 78 years old and barely have enough money to meet my monthly obligations. May God bless you.

  • @1journeyman
    @1journeyman 9 лет назад

    On tonights's Rachel S Warren asked us to go to her site and show our support for her opposition of the budget if the attempts to gut Dodd-Frank are left in. I don't see how to do that on this site.

    • @ConnieSueDickinson
      @ConnieSueDickinson 9 лет назад

      she has a facebook page

    • @pscifilover
      @pscifilover 9 лет назад

      Like and share, email, let other people see this issue, who will also spread the word. Then, let your own representatives know how you feel about this issue (your senators and congressional rep).

    • @shannonobrien8857
      @shannonobrien8857 9 лет назад

      I'm trying to do it too, and didn't see anyplace onn her FB page either.

    • @pscifilover
      @pscifilover 9 лет назад

      I would access your representatives office and give your opinion there, or call. I do.

  • @chicochrish
    @chicochrish 9 лет назад

    Please run for president!!!!

  • @brogs60
    @brogs60 9 лет назад

    Love Elizabeth Warren.

  • @artpimpn
    @artpimpn 9 лет назад

    Really, after listening to her, there are people who actually clicked the dislike button!

  • @45678bam
    @45678bam 9 лет назад

    strike repeal of dodd;frank provision in the funding bill

  • @LoneKnight6212
    @LoneKnight6212 9 лет назад

    I HOPE this woman runs for president.

    @CAPTAINSSBN 9 лет назад

    Elizabeth run for president. We need a real leader and you are it.... JUST DO IT. The American people will stand behind you and we can finally get this country on the right track again. get rid of subsidies, all lobbyist's in DC, and get congress and the house to do their jobs with absolutely no out side influence PERIOD.

  • @ibeepdee9620
    @ibeepdee9620 9 лет назад

    Elizabeth Warren Is so smart and explains thing so well,I am glad that she is on ourside. So Every one take it out or VOTE NO

  • @irmaprice-calais8994
    @irmaprice-calais8994 9 лет назад

    Way to go Elizabeth Warren. It just makes me ill to learn about the lengths these greedy people will go to to ensure they make more and more money.

  • @srdado3126
    @srdado3126 9 лет назад

    Thank You Senator Elizabeth Warren for sticking up for the little guy who is not being considered by these tactics of the newly elected majority. Is this their method of governance and an example of what is to come?
    By all means I would ask that you use all that is in you to help stop these actions by the newly elected majority.
    Stephen Martin

  • @sushilpatel100
    @sushilpatel100 9 лет назад

    Elizabeth Warren for President! This country needs gutsy leaders who are passionate about the welfare of the people. She inspires and impresses with her intellect and passion.

  • @radams409
    @radams409 9 лет назад

    When can she run for President? I would vote for her hands down.

  • @gloriasmith6217
    @gloriasmith6217 9 лет назад

    I would like to say that I am shocked by this bill for big money banks, but I am NOT. It is just one more reason why I changed my affiliation from R to D. Elizabeth, as soon as you run for President, I will not only vote for you but actively work for your election.

  • @dannyprincipe4033
    @dannyprincipe4033 9 лет назад

    Is this usaul modus operandi of the US Congress? The legislature of the biggest economy in the world. What kind of preference do our lawmakers have? Is congress really hiostage takers! Thak you Sen. Warren! God bless!

  • @ReliableInsider
    @ReliableInsider 9 лет назад

    Now that she is in the Democratic leadership, she's too busy to be able to run for President in 2016.
    I'm disappointed . . . but she's so valuable in the Senate that I'm happy too.

  • @susangrulkowski2710
    @susangrulkowski2710 9 лет назад

    Dear Senator Warren, I would really like to know what the Republican Congress thinks,what is worse? Greed or Fraud. And why they continue to choose only the two alternatives when drafting any legislation that involves the common good for all people.I"m extremely proud to have you representing the common interest of all god fearing people. Who respects democracy at its best.

  • @waverunnerMN
    @waverunnerMN 8 лет назад

    "Prohibition Against Federal Government Bailouts of Swaps Entities"...nice title !!

  • @angelamosetty695
    @angelamosetty695 9 лет назад

    I love this woman - she's like the head mistress telling off the naughty boys to behave and grow a conscience and discover the meaning of ethics and morals.

  • @ReliableInsider
    @ReliableInsider 9 лет назад

    The taxpayers should not be, metaphorically, insuring wealthy casino gamblers for their losses. It makes no sense.

  • @robreynolds4951
    @robreynolds4951 9 лет назад


  • @spj771
    @spj771 9 лет назад

    Glad they are not all bad, This is the kind of leading we need. Government for the people, if the company is going to go out of business for bad business decisions then let it. A better run company will take its place. You want to gamble? Then gamble on your own dime, most people are living paycheck to paycheck and the absolute rich are crying the most. Pay your taxes and get on with your life, just like the shrinking middle class people do. We don't want to walk over the poor for more money in our pockets! It is like the more money you have the more you cry about "my money" Who needs more than 10 million for the rest of their lives to be happy? I think you missed your turn and need to rethink your life strategy.
    These money grubbing billionaires should not be leading us. They are 100% out of touch with what is best for anyone, including themselves. Government Officials are doing their bidding hoping for scraps from the dinner table. I am happy to see this woman has some backbone and integrity enough to do her job.
    Thank you Senator Warren.

  • @aldraw
    @aldraw 9 лет назад

    Warren for Queen of America! God save our Queen!

  • @hurleyburly623
    @hurleyburly623 9 лет назад

    love her. Stand strong Senator..because you may be the only one to stand up for the taxpayers..who incidentally would be on the hook for another bail out. Where's the tea party now?

  • @1260joyce
    @1260joyce 9 лет назад

    It will be really hard for most people to respond to their representatives about what side they are on! Too many double negatives in the title of the issue! The issue is really: Should the government bail out banks when their investments are risky and too complicated for most people to understand? Yes or no? Or, Should the government in insure bank investments that risky and hard to understand in the same way as traditional kinds of investments? Making an issue difficult to understand is a way to keep what Congress is doing secret, which is what the 1% apparently wants. Lobbyiests worded the amendment, right?

  • @webstergilley9646
    @webstergilley9646 9 лет назад

    I just can't take her seriously because she is a millionaire. So her speech is rather ironic don't you think?

  • @TrekMas1975
    @TrekMas1975 9 лет назад

    Thank for putting closed caption. I tried to view your video on another website {} but this youtube video work well with closed caption. I subscribed this now.

  • @HotAndy11
    @HotAndy11 9 лет назад

    Warren in 2016

  • @marytaylor4558
    @marytaylor4558 9 лет назад +12

    She is right, and she brings to the forefront, everything that is on most of America's minds, in essence,, she speaks for a lot of us, and she's in the right place to do it.

  • @DieJungherr
    @DieJungherr 9 лет назад +2

    I for one bet that Dems and Reps both are voting for this. Reinstate Glass Steagal Liz if you are serious.

  • @charrobSix
    @charrobSix 9 лет назад +2

    Thank you Elizabeth Warren for standing up for the working people in America.

  • @JerryDLTN
    @JerryDLTN 9 лет назад +2

    "...closed-door budget deal that slips..."? It's there in writing for all of us to read and for you to vote up or down. You don't have to vote for this bill to know what's in it. You should be more upset that it's a $1T+ spending bill.

  • @elsalezama9019
    @elsalezama9019 9 лет назад +1

    Are you ready for another downfall of our financial system? PLEASE ask all people who work hard and live a decent life not to fall again for this. There is NO EXCUSE to even think of re-living again another collapse of our banking and financial systems. We all lived it, we all suffered the consequences, This is the time to say NO. The House and the Senate own this to us who voted for them. At least this time don't fail us.

  • @jimpollock5522
    @jimpollock5522 9 лет назад +1

    I agree with you that we the people of the USA must not provide insurance for big banks gambling with risky investments. We had to bail them out once and we don't want to ever do that again.

  • @fiddlinero
    @fiddlinero 9 лет назад +1

    She has been walking the walk for a long time, I have nothing but respect for this person, and agree with her whole heartedly. They have and will continue to throw everything they have at her, it says a lot that the people of her state sent her back to Washington.

  • @gingerburns7679
    @gingerburns7679 9 лет назад

    I'm with you Elizabeth

  • @victormfrankel5248
    @victormfrankel5248 9 лет назад

    Powerful. Thank you Senator Warren. You rock.

  • @elliotttrumbo5320
    @elliotttrumbo5320 9 лет назад

    She gives me hope for politicians.

  • @SickaMorStyle
    @SickaMorStyle 9 лет назад

    Imagine if there were two E. Warrens

  • @CharlieCine1
    @CharlieCine1 9 лет назад

    I'll sum up my feelings in 3 words. I love you.

  • @chingconn1
    @chingconn1 9 лет назад

    I totally agree with and support the call from this honest Senator

  • @curriemcwilliams4877
    @curriemcwilliams4877 9 лет назад

    She js right don't wote for the bill.

  • @dannyprincipe4033
    @dannyprincipe4033 9 лет назад

    Please continue fighting this "ransom" bill! How could have White House agreed! Where is your priority Mr. President? Sen. Warren, we are with you!

  • @joelgordon2193
    @joelgordon2193 9 лет назад

    To show support & protect at least some of Dodd-Frank go to the petition is there to sign.

  • @overcamehim
    @overcamehim 9 лет назад

    She is a courageous truth teller with personal integrity. You know what happens to truth tellers in Washington. After watching the near collapse of our economy and the world economy brought on by reckless greed, I fear the American sheeple are still asleep. God alone knows what it will take to open their eyes to the judgement that continues to come on our nation.