How interesting this showed up in my feeds! I too make these and I have the TD-130 love it and making the notebooks are fun!!! I see it looks like you printed lined paper? I've searched paper on Amazon/Goggle and can't seem to find the best quality/thickness.. The cardstock link looks to be a dead link :)
Creative fabrica has lined paper of all sizes. But I found this one on Etsy. It was a .99 download. Just type in line paper. I will check my card stock link.
How interesting this showed up in my feeds! I too make these and I have the TD-130 love it and making the notebooks are fun!!! I see it looks like you printed lined paper? I've searched paper on Amazon/Goggle and can't seem to find the best quality/thickness.. The cardstock link looks to be a dead link :)
Creative fabrica has lined paper of all sizes. But I found this one on Etsy. It was a .99 download. Just type in line paper. I will check my card stock link.