I Grounded My Daughter After She Caused My SIL's Dog to Break Her Ribs and Paws for Some TikTok L...

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 69

  • @sweeety969
    @sweeety969 22 часа назад +154

    OP really said no mercy.
    I dont blame her though. Her daughter had no empathy for that dog so this is fair.

    • @IzzyPR2010
      @IzzyPR2010 20 часов назад +8

      Not just the actions but how she attempted to justify it, the things she said about that poor animal. If she could say things like that she has no business having a pet. Also a new therapist is needed as this one is still saying the daughter should still get a service pet after her actions towards another person's pet and lack of remorse and empathy.

    • @juliearmfield2634
      @juliearmfield2634 18 часов назад

      You know I wonder how many of these kids and young adults are actually have mental and emotional disorders as opposed to they've just been raised with their electronics and disconnected from their parents.
      In the psychiatrist and doctors just slap mental illness on them so they can prescribe them drugs for an easy fix or so they think.
      As well as getting kicked back from the pharmaceutical companies.
      I'm not saying this is definitely what's going on but it's definitely something to think about

    • @ZepplinGirl86
      @ZepplinGirl86 17 часов назад +3

      This is SPARTA!!!

  • @MiraTheWarlock
    @MiraTheWarlock 21 час назад +72

    Story 1
    As someone with severe anxiety, might as well say it
    I have no sympathy in any shape or form for that girl
    She's gonna have to find another way to deal with her problems, do not, AND I MEAN DO NOT, let her anywhere near any living creature. Not animals, hell if they're small and defenseless then not even other humans
    It's sad she's dealing with mental problems, but she's dangerous, with a damning lack of empathy
    The Husband needs to get with the program and not endanger critters for his little princess.
    She'll have to make do with exposure therapy and medication. Dont like it? Tough
    She's not sorry for what she did, she made that very clear, she's sorry there's consequences
    Story 2
    So this is awkward, Autistic person here too, I'll add in what applies to the story above: YOUR DIAGNOSIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE, that dude needs to be locked up
    Kinda reminds me of that incident where a boy went berserk because a teacher confiscated his game during class. His mother also tried to use it as an excuse to spare him from prison. Like....no...
    Honestly OP should move. His mother made her choice, she's on her own

  • @LunaTemari
    @LunaTemari 20 часов назад +28

    OP's kid should not be allowed near any animal ever.. psychopath behavior.
    Also OP needs to find a better therapist for her daughter

  • @cbrock5529
    @cbrock5529 16 часов назад +12

    As someone who has a service dog (yes a real one) and volunteers at a dog training center, this person should not be allowed to own any pet, ESA, or service animal period.

  • @Jargonecius
    @Jargonecius 20 часов назад +14

    I have crippling anxiety and I have to agree that Mom is right. The daughter needs to be pushed to function it in the real world because her parents are not going to be around forever to protect her.

  • @Twist-The-Friendly-Hunter
    @Twist-The-Friendly-Hunter 19 часов назад +18

    Story 1: I have anxiety issues and my family has 4 dogs... 2 of which are adopted.
    They are family and are treated as such.
    I woupd NEVER intentionally hurt or abuse any of them for tiktok of all things.
    A few key notes.
    1. The daughter sounds like a actual psychopath with 0 empathy who should never be left alone with a living animal or child.
    2. The father... what a terrible example of a father brushing aside this behaviour.

  • @erickaennis2738
    @erickaennis2738 21 час назад +39

    Story 2. Autistic people can be AH too. Autistic or not. A lot of them know what they are doing. They are not stupid. Give them credit people. I hope Op gets outta that situation. His mom needs to help herself. Op needs to go full NC with his brother.

    • @Frightmarelordofthenightmares
      @Frightmarelordofthenightmares 19 часов назад +2

      As an autistic person I have Moral Agency but love to do good stuff so I can confirm this.

    • @Tbm998
      @Tbm998 18 часов назад +3

      Agreed, OP should get out and go no contact with the brother... after dumping ketchup over everything precious the brother owns. If he wants to whine about "Passive agression" so much, might as well give him what he's asking for! XD
      (Op should not actually do this, given there might be legal repurcussions... but a good deal of pranking on the way out the door would lilely be justified)

    • @laurelrhodes744
      @laurelrhodes744 17 часов назад

      @@FrightmarelordofthenightmaresI co-sign this as another autistic person

    • @avaphynx
      @avaphynx 14 часов назад

      Yeah, it's terrible. They think Autistic people can't learn right from wrong or whatever people try to excuse.

      @SLOTHSRIDEUNICORNS 16 минут назад

      He is not autistic. Shame on you all. I would not do this just because I have autism.

  • @laurelrhodes744
    @laurelrhodes744 17 часов назад +10

    Story 1: DO NOT give that girl a dog. If she holds no empathy for another person’s dog, she won’t he a good pet owner at all. Maybe I’m biased as an animal lover, but I also own a service dog for anxiety. You have to take care of them just as much as they take care of you.

  • @cyndirankin
    @cyndirankin 21 час назад +14

    My eldest suffers from SAD. She has empathy and shows love.

  • @misterpisser
    @misterpisser 13 часов назад +5

    I have a 22 year old woman who has SAD. Never have E V E R abused a dog. There is no excuse. Her therapist is an idiot. The husband is an idiot. Make her work that damn job until she pays back that money and DELETE TikTok off of her phone.

  • @Permenantlyexhaustedghost115
    @Permenantlyexhaustedghost115 15 часов назад +7

    Story 1: This child should never be allowed anywhere near animals period. She needs a psychiatrist and better therapist. It sounds like she had no empathy nor remorse for her actions.
    Story 2: Autism isn’t an excuse to behave like an abusive pos. He knows what he’s doing. Sadly the longer he continues to behave this way the worse he’ll get. Op needs to leave.

  • @IzzyPR2010
    @IzzyPR2010 20 часов назад +12

    So when the daughter was taken to a psychologist she was told to "continue homeschooling as it's too late to put her in a school where everyone has already developed their own friendship groups, etc.", wouldn't this also mean that she couldn't attend college? Also people transfer to other schools all the time and then have to get involved in new friend groups. This seems like a pretty good reason not to do home schooling as the child will never develop, also it seems the parents reach out to people, like this psychologist, who will justify the need to keep the child in home schooling. No good comes out of home schooling.

    • @spicyt0fu
      @spicyt0fu 19 часов назад +2

      The therapist seems super weird

    • @justsomedangerbigfootwithweb
      @justsomedangerbigfootwithweb 18 часов назад

      ​@@spicyt0fu Their just lying so they can keep making money fron Anxiety Medication. If the daughter learns to socialize with people she propably won't need them anymore.

    • @Polemistis0416
      @Polemistis0416 11 часов назад

      I knew a family that homeschooled their kids. They still act like normal people. I don't know how they would become as adults if they did attend a school. The oldest is the most well-behaved and graduated at the top of his class in the Air Force. He is a total extrovert who loves making new friends. But two daughters are a bit rebellious as they probably want to be free and live a life that they missed out on in their youth.

  • @CG-yb6zj
    @CG-yb6zj 18 часов назад +7

    Story 1: That girl needs to be on a list and the husband a sub list for enabling her behavior

  • @RepellentJeff
    @RepellentJeff 20 часов назад +15

    Sidebar: I’m guessing the TikTok video is the one with the husky on the roof; “Grey! What the f*** are you doing!? _…HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE!?”_

    • @gothcsm
      @gothcsm 13 часов назад +2

      I don’t know, some dogs are genuinely just that sneaky/stupid 😭

    • @Polemistis0416
      @Polemistis0416 11 часов назад +1

      My white labrador is an example. He knows how to climb up stuff to steal food or escape a fence. But he is too dumb to discern what is safe to eat or not.

  • @devhxh1558
    @devhxh1558 21 час назад +14

    STORY 2:
    Husband threatens about divorce for making a cake.
    Wife gave him a divorce.
    Marriage in nutshell

  • @CheyenneRoy-mk9lp
    @CheyenneRoy-mk9lp 15 часов назад +3

    Good on OP for being an actual parent and not allowing her daughter to be a privileged, anxiety ridden, "could do no wrong" angel and trying to teach her daughter to deal with repercussions for stupidity based on "I saw this on TikTok and wanted to try this because it looked cool." Good on OP for sticking with firm discipline, setting her up to deal with difficult situations in the future, there are consequences for bad behavior and lack of common sense and empathy like almost getting an animal killed JUST for fucking TikTok views. So good job OP. Hopefully the lesson is learned and she'll not do stupid things like that again and think things through next time.

  • @amyyakumb
    @amyyakumb 20 часов назад +15

    S1: The daughter got off pretty easily. Personally, I'm surprised the daughter wasn't completely disowned over this, cut off from any support, and simply treated the same way as the old/service/shelter dogs that apparently don't deserve love.

    • @Arkryal
      @Arkryal 18 часов назад

      There has to be an intellectual deficit as well. Her inability to reason in spite of her anxiety points to something else.
      She seems functional but on the very slow side... like an IQ in the low 80s. Any rational person of her age would have realized how stupid this was. And why would someone with social anxiety give a shit about TikTok views? "I have social anxiety, so I want millions of people to watch me do something stupid, for which I will be foreseeably and justifiably ridiculed". The behavior doesn't add up unless this girl is also dumber than a Pauly Shore movie. I mean, seriously... Does her social media bio list her favorite flavor of crayon?
      "Social Anxiety" is a challenge to be overcome. It is NOT an excuse to not try, and definitely not an excuse to do horrible things for stupid reasons. Anxiety is not a pardon from accountability.
      She doesn't need a dog to alert her to an oncoming anxiety attack. A Fitbit can do that. In fact, most competent therapists resist suggesting an ESA for anxiety disorders. They used to, but that has changed a lot over the last 10 years. If the attention of strangers is a trigger for an episode, walking in public with a dog tends to attract attention, and not always good attention. There have been ZERO clinical studies that show an ESA has any positive effect in such cases. There are antidotal testimonies, but nothing statistically relevant on a population scale. The therapist is a hack. At minimum, they're not keeping up on current research and recommendations. A good therapist can be a huge help, but as anyone who has ever worked along side other people can attest, a job title is not a qualification, there are many people who have the same job title as you or I in our respective vocations, who suck at their jobs. And sadly that does extend to therapists, doctors, police, judges, lawyers, air traffic controllers... Just because they're a therapist doesn't mean they're a good one. That's one of those professions where you need to shop around a bit before retaining someone.
      I would instead look into some of the newer therapeutic behavioral studies. They're actually using an LLM (AI model like ChatGPT) with VR characters to create virtual "friends". These characters have their own virtual lives, they have conversations about real subjects, not some fantasy game world. From what I've seen people can't distinguish the characters played by humans VS AI with more than a 30% success rate. That could provide some social stimulation in a controlled environment without any consequences. This approach is still being studied, so who knows if it actually works. But the theory is sound. Kids interact with familiar characters and get accustomed to that interaction without having to worry about any ramifications, then they can engage in a variety of scenarios, some very easy, some more complicated, and some extremely challenging. I don't know if this is even open to the public at this stage, or if it's a controlled study. I think Meta (Facebook) is running a similar one, as they incidentally have the LLama AI framework and the Oculus VR Headset, and they have a long and shady history of manipulating psychology and running studies on unwitting users of their products, lol.

    • @Afrogirrl
      @Afrogirrl 16 часов назад +1

      Cause that’s not how you discipline teenagers lol? You can’t just “disown” them everytime they go too far 😂. That’s irresponsible parenting.

  • @neshaboo933
    @neshaboo933 13 часов назад +2

    story 2:It really sucks that OP is dealing with this. I know exactly how she feels. I have a bipolar schizophrenic uncle and it freaking sucks. Caretakers to these individuals are not praised enough. They are a freaking godsend(most of the time). They have to take the abuse mentally, emotionally sometimes physically day in and day out and are expected not to react. Then have to wake up and deal with the same shit all over again. It’s a never-ending cycle. It takes so much out of person.😩

  • @alexandersk20
    @alexandersk20 21 час назад +5

    3rd story: The ex is a weirdo

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 9 часов назад +2

    Story 1:
    OP = NTA
    *John Wick Approves THIS !!!*

  • @deathound
    @deathound Час назад +1

    Why is it that almost every time someone winds up as a piece of shit, it’s always “bipolar”? The kid had absolutely no mercy for that animal, and judging from their later reaction, it wasn’t an ‘episode’ it was them feeling entitled to act that way. It’s either poor parenting or the kid has been watching some messed up stuff without them knowing (TikTok, of course) and thought it was a good idea. I don’t think this had anything to do with bipolar.

  • @lindah3803
    @lindah3803 19 часов назад +2

    Last story: My Dad loved German Chocolate cake. From the time I was little, Mom and I would make a German Chocolate cake from scratch for my Dad's birthday. I haven't made one since 1981. I'll never make another one.

  • @Walhor
    @Walhor 7 часов назад

    S1: Glad OP blocked the daughter from getting a service dog if she sees so little value in it if its not 'cute' enough for tiktok.
    S2: Move out immediatly, your brother will never respect you, and it will only get worse.
    S3: Husband seems like a manchild who can't even handle wife having one day to grief her aunt.

  • @nessabell2848
    @nessabell2848 13 часов назад +1

    Story 2: Get the fuck away from him. Find a safe place. You dont have to stay or you can call and have him 51/50

  • @Azoth742
    @Azoth742 21 час назад +1

    The second story is driving me insane I haven’t finished it yet, but holy crap!

  • @Brit626
    @Brit626 17 часов назад +3

    S1: She has no empathy, holy shit. I don't blame SIL for her reaction. She shouldn't be given such a huge responsibility if she can not see the value of even a senior, shelter dog. Had I been SIL, I would have sued.

  • @classicrockkid345
    @classicrockkid345 20 часов назад +3

    Hey OP, does your husband wanna buy the Brooklyn bridge? Cause I got the deed right here.

  • @alise45647
    @alise45647 15 часов назад +1

    Just by the title alone im still screaming wtf.

  • @InTheDemonsWake
    @InTheDemonsWake 9 часов назад

    story 2: am I reading the script to step brothers??

  • @sweeety969
    @sweeety969 21 час назад +4

    Okay, 1st OP should listen to some of those comments encouraging her to get her daughter out more before she turns into...well, me.
    If her husband wants to take over her care so much he can lead this form of exposure therapy. Take her ice skating or to a movie or to the library. Maybe see about reaching out to friends or old classmates who might have kids and see about setting up a playdate.
    Someone mentioned social media and i agree, esoecially with being bipolar and having social anxiety that the worst place for her to be is social media.
    As for the job, there's plenty of manual labour jobs she can do, such as amazin warehouse work or lawn mowing or stocking in a grocery store where she would not need to socialise as much and woukd have an easier time working off her debt. And i believe that while it's a good idea to lay off the SIL and have the daughter pay off her parents, her dad wikl probably try to interfere again and lessen her punishment and excuse her debt so it's better to have an extra party holding her accountable.
    Also it's good to consult ankther therapist once in a while, especially if she's stagnating with the first one and not making any progress. She should probably be in cognitive behavioural therapy and engaging in exposure therapy to help her with her social anxiety, rather than just settling on crutches like service animals. While they may help, CBT, especially while she's still young and her brain is more malleable, is a more long-term solution and a service animal is more of a band-aid.

  • @Afrogirrl
    @Afrogirrl 16 часов назад

    What she filed a police report on her daughter?????

  • @devhxh1558
    @devhxh1558 20 часов назад +2

    STORY 1:
    Like mother like daughter.
    Sending her 15 yr old who hav sever social anxiety issues, to work as a waitress.. where she has been throwing up whole time.
    Even getting a police records against her daughter..
    Thats not how you support your mentally ill children

    • @spicyt0fu
      @spicyt0fu 19 часов назад +11

      She tried to kill a dog because it "had no value dude" she just doesnt want her kid to be a murderer cause that shit starts with animals

    • @Maestrosendgame
      @Maestrosendgame 18 часов назад +4

      So explain how then? As she clearly needs discipline with an iron hand as this along with her justification shows if it’s not checked now then it’ll be prison or worse later.

    • @justsomedangerbigfootwithweb
      @justsomedangerbigfootwithweb 18 часов назад +5

      Anxiety isn't an excuse. If you coddle her too much she won't be able to deal with the real world. YTA.

    • @Brit626
      @Brit626 17 часов назад +1

      Because of her daughter, her aunt's senior dog had broken ribs AND a broken paw! Like..

    • @questions3983
      @questions3983 16 часов назад

      Don't become a parent. You would definately be one of those crap parents who says it's the victums fault that your kid murdered them. And that your kid was always good going to church and all that other BS. Problem is, people like you do not take it seriously when your child attempt to murder anything. Always blaming mental illness, but don't do or give any actual help .